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Swine-origin H3N2v, a variant of H3N2 influenza virus, is a concern for novel reassortment with circulating pandemic H1N1 influenza virus (H1N1pdm09) in swine because this can lead to the emergence of a novel pandemic virus. In this study, the reassortment prevalence of H3N2v with H1N1pdm09 was determined in swine cells. Reassortants evaluated showed that the H1N1pdm09 polymerase (PA) segment occurred within swine H3N2 with ∼80% frequency. The swine H3N2-human H1N1pdm09 PA reassortant (swH3N2-huPA) showed enhanced replication in swine cells, and was the dominant gene constellation. Ferrets infected with swH3N2-huPA had increased lung pathogenicity compared to parent viruses; however, swH3N2-huPA replication in normal human bronchoepithelial cells was attenuated - a feature linked to expression of IFN-β and IFN-λ genes in human but not swine cells. These findings indicate that emergence of novel H3N2v influenza constellations require more than changes in the viral polymerase complex to overcome barriers to cross-species transmission. Additionally, these findings reveal that while the ferret model is highly informative for influenza studies, slight differences in pathogenicity may not necessarily be indicative of human outcomes after infection.  相似文献   

Nonrandom chromosomal breaks in chromosomes 1 and 17 were provoked in human embryonic kidney cells 24 hr after infection with adenovirus type 12. These chromosomal changes disappeared in persistently infected cultures. Neutralization of the virus with type-specific antiviral serum prior to infection prevented the occurrence of chromosomal aberrations. No viral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis, as determined by autoradiography, was seen in metaphases containing adenovirus type 12-induced chromosomal aberrations. Ultraviolet irradiation of the virus reduced chromosomal aberrations linearly. This reduction in aberrations was fourfold slower than the inactivation of viral infectivity. At 24 hr after infection of cells with purified (3)H-labeled adenovirus type 12, the isotope was found to be associated with the nuclei. The uptake of isotope was reduced ninefold when the labeled virus was neutralized with type-specific antiviral serum. This difference is considered to account for neutralization of labeled virions. In metaphases infected with labeled viruses, most of the clustered grains were seen only on one arm of the chromatid, even after 72 hr. Isochromatid labeling was found, however, in a small percentage of chromosomes, and increased with time after infection. This increase was threefold between 24 and 72 hr after infection, whereas the mean grain counts decreased twofold during the same period. This has been tentatively interpreted to mean that most of the viral DNA molecules or parts thereof are merely attached to cellular chromatin, but a small fraction of them becomes gradually integrated as time proceeds. Certain chromosomal sites appeared to be preferentially labeled when chromosome 2 was used as a model for evaluation.  相似文献   

Monkey kidney cells (CV-C) infected with adenovirus type 2 displayed an aberrant distribution of 100K, 100K-hexon complex, hexon monomers, hexon trimers, penton base, and fiber proteins, relative to the patterns observed in adenovirus type 2-infected human cells. Human cell patterns were observed in CV-C cells when mutants selected for growth on monkey cells were used.  相似文献   

Induction of T antigen by adenovirus type 12 was studied in growing and growth-inhibited cultures of the Nil-2 line of Syrian hamster cells. At a viral input multiplicity of 10, neoantigen was present in 100% of the cells by 24 hr. T antigen gradually disappeared in descendants of these cells so that 2 weeks after infection only 1% gave specific immunofluorescence. When cellular replication was prevented by addition of fluorodeoxyuridine, T antigen persisted in all cells for the 2-week period. Upon infection of growing cultures with purified (3)H-labeled adenovirus type 12 and autoradiographic analysis of the cells at various times thereafter, a gradual reduction in labeled nuclear loci was noted which paralleled the decrease in T antigen-containing cells. In nongrowing cultures, no change in labeled loci was noted. Correlation of T antigen and labeled loci revealed that fluorescent cells contained, on the average, about 10 times more silver grains than nonfluorescent cells. All of 92 preselected fluorescent cells showed labeled loci, whereas, of 100 nonfluorescent cells, 18 were free of silver grains. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Nuclei were isolated from rat embryo cells transformed by adenovirus type 2. Nuclear and cytoplasmic virus-specific ribonucleic acids (RNA) were characterized and quantitated by deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-RNA hybrid formation with adenovirus DNA. The results indicate that most, if not all, virus-specific RNA molecules are synthesized in the cell nucleus and subsequently transported into cytoplasm where they degrade with a half-life of 1 to 2 hr. No difference in base sequences between nuclear and cytoplasmic virus-specific RNA species can be detected by hybridization competition experiment with viral DNA.  相似文献   

New World bats have recently been discovered to harbor influenza A virus (FLUAV)-related viruses, termed bat-associated influenza A-like viruses (batFLUAV). The internal proteins of batFLUAV are functional in mammalian cells. In contrast, no biological functionality could be demonstrated for the surface proteins, hemagglutinin (HA)-like (HAL) and neuraminidase (NA)-like (NAL), and these proteins need to be replaced by their human counterparts to allow spread of batFLUAV in human cells. Here, we employed rhabdoviral vectors to study the role of HAL and NAL in viral entry. Vectors pseudotyped with batFLUAV-HAL and -NAL were able to enter bat cells but not cells from other mammalian species. Host cell entry was mediated by HAL and was dependent on prior proteolytic activation of HAL and endosomal low pH. In contrast, sialic acids were dispensable for HAL-driven entry. Finally, the type II transmembrane serine protease TMPRSS2 was able to activate HAL for cell entry indicating that batFLUAV can utilize human proteases for HAL activation. Collectively, these results identify viral and cellular factors governing host cell entry driven by batFLUAV surface proteins. They suggest that the absence of a functional receptor precludes entry of batFLUAV into human cells while other prerequisites for entry, HAL activation and protonation, are met in target cells of human origin.  相似文献   

基于人5型腺病毒(Human adenovirus type 5,HAdV-5)的腺病毒载体对造血细胞的基因转导效率低,将病毒fiber基因替换为HAdV-11p的同源基因F11p后,载体对造血细胞的感染效率增强.本研究拟在F11p纤维顶球(knob)结构域添加RGD4C多肽或HIV包膜糖蛋白(gp120)的V3结构域,观察重组HAdV-5对造血细胞感染效率的变化.在前期构建的pKAd5f11p153R-EPG腺病毒质粒基础上,结合限制性酶切和DNA组装技术,在F11p 153 aa后(knob AB loop,153位)、228位(FG loop)以及300位(IJ loop)插入 RGD4C 肽或者 gp120的 V3肽,构建了共6种重组腺病毒载体(F153RGD-EG、F228RGD-EG、F300RGD-EG、F153CV-EG、F228CV-EG和 F300CV-EG),以fiber未改造的HAdV5-EG和改造为F11p的F11p-EG病毒作对照,观察了其对4种造血细胞系U937、K562、Jurkat和HL60以及人原代T细胞的感染效率.结果显示,对于U937细胞,当感染复数(MOI,vp/cell)为100时,HAdV5-EG感染效率最低,为2%;其次为F228CV-EG,感染率为45%;F300RGD-EG、F153CV-EG和F300CV-EG感染率为85%~90%;F153RGD-EG、F228RGD-EG高于阳性对照病毒F11p-EG,三者分别为99%、99%、95%.各病毒对于Jurkat细胞的感染率均较高,但HAdV5-EG明显低于F11p-EG、F153RGD-EG和F228RGD-EG,当MOI为100时分别为75%、93%、93%和96%.感染K562细胞的情况与U937细胞类似.各病毒对于HL60细胞感染效率最低,MOI为500时,F300RGD-EG和F300CV-EG的转导效率为28%和33%,是F11p-EG的10倍.对于人原代T细胞,F153RGD-EG和F228RGD-EG优于F11p-EG,当MOI为1000时,感染率分别为87%、90%和84%.研究结果表明,F11p knob插入RGD4C比单独F11p替换的HAdV-5对造血细胞的感染效率高,同时,本研究还发现HAdV-11p fiber knob的AB、FG或IJ loop可插入外源多肽,为腺病毒嗜向性改造增加了新靶点.  相似文献   

Rat models of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-related diseases such as adult T-cell leukemia and HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis have been reported. However, these models do not completely reproduce human diseases partly because HTLV-1 replicates poorly in rats. We investigated here the possible reason for this. We found that the activity of Rex in rat cells is quite low compared to that in human cells. As Rex function depends largely on the CRM1 protein, whose human type (human CRM1 [hCRM1]) directly binds to Rex and exports it from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, we assessed whether rat CRM1 (rCRM1) could act as well as hCRM1 as a cofactor for Rex activity. We first cloned a cDNA encoding rCRM1 and found that both rCRM1 and hCRM1 could bind to and export Rex protein to the cytoplasm with similar efficiencies. However, unlike hCRM1, rCRM1 could hardly support Rex function because of its poor ability in inducing the Rex-Rex interaction required for RNA export into the cytoplasm. These observations suggest that the poor ability of rCRM1 to act as a cofactor for Rex function may be responsible for the poor replication of HTLV-1 in rats.  相似文献   

In vitro models using human primary epithelial cells are essential in understanding key functions of the respiratory epithelium in the context of microbial infections or inhaled agents. Direct comparisons of cells obtained from diseased populations allow us to characterize different phenotypes and dissect the underlying mechanisms mediating changes in epithelial cell function. Culturing epithelial cells from the human tracheobronchial region has been well documented, but is limited by the availability of human lung tissue or invasiveness associated with obtaining the bronchial brushes biopsies. Nasal epithelial cells are obtained through much less invasive superficial nasal scrape biopsies and subjects can be biopsied multiple times with no significant side effects. Additionally, the nose is the entry point to the respiratory system and therefore one of the first sites to be exposed to any kind of air-borne stressor, such as microbial agents, pollutants, or allergens. Briefly, nasal epithelial cells obtained from human volunteers are expanded on coated tissue culture plates, and then transferred onto cell culture inserts. Upon reaching confluency, cells continue to be cultured at the air-liquid interface (ALI), for several weeks, which creates more physiologically relevant conditions. The ALI culture condition uses defined media leading to a differentiated epithelium that exhibits morphological and functional characteristics similar to the human nasal epithelium, with both ciliated and mucus producing cells. Tissue culture inserts with differentiated nasal epithelial cells can be manipulated in a variety of ways depending on the research questions (treatment with pharmacological agents, transduction with lentiviral vectors, exposure to gases, or infection with microbial agents) and analyzed for numerous different endpoints ranging from cellular and molecular pathways, functional changes, morphology, etc. In vitro models of differentiated human nasal epithelial cells will enable investigators to address novel and important research questions by using organotypic experimental models that largely mimic the nasal epithelium in vivo.  相似文献   

Amplification of thec-erbB2gene and overexpression of p185erbB2is found in approximately one-third of primary breast and ovarian cancers and also in some colon carcinomas. Moreover, a single point mutation inerbB2(V 664 E)confers transforming potential to erbB2 in NIH3T3 cells, even when expressed at low levels. To examine the transformation potential oferbB2orerbB2(V-E)in colon epithelial cells, we have transfected a nontumorigenic clone of SW 613-S cells with either wild-type p185erbB2or mutated p185erbB2(V-E). In contrast to p185erbB2, p185erbB2(V-E)associated constitutively with members of the Shc protein family, leading to phosphorylation of Shc and to stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase). However, constitutive activation of MAP kinase activation in p185erbB2(V-E)expressing cells did not result in a tumorigenic phenotype. In addition, p185erbB2(V-E)expressing cells displayed a reduced ability to grow in soft agar compared to the parental cell line. In contrast these transfected cells were able to grow in three-dimensional collagen gels, whereas parental cells were not. Thus, expression oferbB2(V-E)in SW 613-S cells induced multiple changes in intracellular signaling and in growth requirement phenotype, particularly in response to the extracellular environment.  相似文献   

Coronaviruses are assembled by budding into a pre-Golgi compartment from which they are transported along the secretory pathway to leave the cell. In cultured epithelial cells, they are released in a polarized fashion; depending on the virus and cell type, they are sorted preferentially either to the apical domain or to the basolateral plasma membrane domain. In this study, we investigated the role of the coronavirus spike protein, because of its prominent position in the virion the prime sorting candidate, in the directionality of virus release. Three independent approaches were taken. (i) The inhibition of N glycosylation by tunicamycin resulted in the synthesis of spikeless virions. The absence of spikes, however, did not influence the polarity in the release of virions. Thus, murine hepatitis virus strain A59 (MHV-A59) was still secreted from the basolateral membranes of mTAL and LMR cells and from the apical sides of MDCKMHVR cells, whereas transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) was still released from the apical surfaces of LMR cells. (ii) Spikeless virions were also studied by using the MHV-A59 temperature-sensitive mutant Albany 18. When these virions were produced in infected LMR and MDCKMHVR cells at the nonpermissive temperature, they were again preferentially released from basolateral and apical membranes, respectively. (iii) We recently demonstrated that coronavirus-like particles resembling normal virions were assembled and released when the envelope proteins M and E were coexpressed in cells (H. Vennema, G.-J. Godeke, J. W. A. Rossen, W. F. Voorhout, M. C. Horzinek, D.-J. E. Opstelten, and P. J. M. Rottier, EMBO J. 15:2020–2028, 1996). The spikeless particles produced in mTAL cells by using recombinant Semliki Forest viruses to express these two genes of MHV-A59 were specifically released from basolateral membranes, i.e., with the same polarity as that of wild-type MHV-A59. Our results thus consistently demonstrate that the spike protein is not involved in the directional sorting of coronaviruses in epithelial cells. In addition, our observations with tunicamycin show that contrary to the results with some secretory proteins, the N-linked oligosaccharides present on the viral M proteins of coronaviruses such as TGEV also play no role in viral sorting. The implications of these conclusions are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:检验b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗在体外能否刺激人气道上皮细胞hBD-2表达,并探讨人工诱导防御素表达的方法.方法:体外分离、培养原代人气道上皮细胞.b型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗刺激原代人气道上皮细胞后,用RT-PCR和ELISA法检测培养上清液中hBD-2蛋白的表达.收集刺激后的细胞培养上清液进行抑菌实验.结果:浓度>1 μg/ml的b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗刺激原代人气道上皮细胞12h后,可诱导hBD-2 mRNA的表达,与对照组相比较有显著差异(P<0.01),无剂量依赖性,同时细胞培养上清液中hBD-2蛋白的表达上调.1μg/mlb型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗浓缩后的细胞培养上清液具有抑菌作用.结论:一定浓度(1μg/mL)以上的b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗作用于人原代气道上皮细胞可诱导hBD-2的表达,为人工方法刺激机体产生人β防御素-2,对抗病原菌感染提供新的策略.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial thymidine kinase 2 (TK2) and deoxyguanosine kinase (dGK) catalyze the initial phosphorylation of pyrimidine and purine deoxyribonucleosides, and are essential for maintaining mitochondrial dNTP pools for mitochondrial DNA replication. Here the expression of mitochondrial TK2 and dGK in relation to cell growth phases in cultured cells was investigated. TK2 and dGK protein levels in isolated mitochondria and TK2 activity in total cell extracts from U2OS and TK1 deficient L929 cells were determined. We found that TK2 levels were negatively correlated with cell growth rates and there was an exponential increase in TK2 levels in cells entering stationary phase. The expression of dGK did not change and appeared to be constitutive.  相似文献   

Zhang  Jing  Ma  Kui  Wang  Xiangyu  Jiang  Yinbo  Zhao  Shan  Ou  Junxian  Lan  Wendong  Guan  Wenyi  Wu  Xiaowei  Zheng  Heping  Yang  Bin  Wan  Chengsong  Zhao  Wei  Wu  Jianguo  Zhang  Qiwei 《中国病毒学》2021,36(6):1400-1410
Virologica Sinica - Human adenovirus type 55 (HAdV-B55) is a re-emergent acute respiratory disease pathogen that causes adult community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Previous studies have shown that...  相似文献   

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