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We monitored the invertebrate fauna in Whetstone Brook for 3 years before and after limestone treatment to mitigate low pH conditions caused by acid precipitation. Sampling was conducted during the spring, summer, and fall by both qualitative and quantitative methods. The fauna in Whetstone Brook in the control and treatment sections was dominated by chironomids (Diptera), simuliids (Diptera), Leuctra (Plecop-tera) and Hydropsyche (Trichoptera) in both pretreatment and treatment periods. The acid-sensitive mayfly genera Epeorus increased during liming in the treated section of the stream but also declined during the same period in the control section. Annelida increased during the treatment period in both sections of the stream. The chironomid and black fly populations were not affected by liming. The lack of impact to the black fly population was surprising because larvae are obligate filter-feeders and feed on suspended seston in the same size range as the limestone slurry that was used to treat Whetstone Brook. Treatment did not change species diversity and taxa richness in the treated section of Whetsone Brook, but both indices declined during the treatment period in the control section of Whetstone Brook. This decline was attributed to the poorer water quality of the untreated section of Whetstone Brook during the treatment period, which was due to higher-than-average precipitation. Percent community similarity analysis indicated that the community composition changed more in the treated section of Whetstone Brook than in the control section as a result of treatment. We conclude that the invertebrate fauna in the treated section of Whetstone Brook was not negatively affected by liming, but that population density and diversity did not increase.  相似文献   

Whetstone Brook is a trout stream located in north-central Massachusetts that is degraded by acid precipitation. The stream was treated with 56 tonnes of powdered limestone by a prototype, water-powered doser as part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Acid Precipitation Mitigation Program. The goal of liming Whetstone Brook was to raise the pH to 6.5 and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) to at least 50 μeq/1 in a 3.2-km reach. This goal was achieved despite the fact that during the 31 months of treatment stream flow was 37% higher than during the pretreatment period. During the treatment period, pH averaged 6.54 and ANC averaged 69.75. During the pretreatment period average pH was 5.97 and average ANC was 20.26. In the control section of Whetstone Brook, both pH and ANC were lower during the treatment period than during the pretreatment period. During treatment, monomeric aluminum, a form toxic to fish, declined in the treated section and increased in the control section. Total calcium, sediment calcium, and pore-water calcium increased in the treated section during treatment but declined in the control section. The other base anions and cations, nutrients, and physical parameters were not significantly affected by liming.  相似文献   

为了获得同时具有杂交及三倍体优势的鲑鳟鱼苗种,开展了利用6-二甲基氨基嘌呤(6-DMAP)诱导硬头鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)、溪红点鲑(Salvelinus fontinalis)正反杂交受精卵的实验。杂交结果,溪红点鲑(♀)×硬头鳟(♂)实验组卵子在受精10 min后全部死亡,而硬头鳟(♀)×溪红点鲑(♂)组的受精卵正常,可以进行6-DMAP三倍体诱导实验。6-DMAP诱导受精卵结果,起始诱导时间在12~15 min,受精卵的发眼率最高,为75.87%~76.64%,在5个起始诱导时间梯度内,受精卵的孵化率在86.44%~90.31%之间,苗种三倍体率在92.45%~95.55%之间,差异不显著(P0.05)。诱导持续时间为10~15 min时,受精卵发眼率达到最高,为74.28%~76.81%,在5个诱导持续时间梯度内,受精卵孵化率在87.28%~90.24%之间,苗种三倍体率在93.67%~96.25%之间,变化不显著(P0.05)。药物诱导浓度为120~150 mg/L时,受精卵的发眼率达到最高,为73.57%~76.27%,在5个不同的药物浓度梯度内,受精卵孵化率在88.57%~90.03%之间,苗种三倍体率在92.56%~96.38%之间,变化不显著(P0.05)。结果表明,利用6-DMAP诱导受精卵制备杂交三倍体苗种的方法是可行的,实验最佳方法为硬头鳟(♀)×溪红点鲑(♂)卵子受精后12~15 min内,利用浓度为120~150 mg/L的6-DMAP溶液诱导,持续时间为10~15 min,然后放入孵化桶内正常孵化,获得苗种的三倍体率可达92.56%~96.38%,可满足正常生产的需要。  相似文献   

Although Brook Trout are distributed across most of eastern North America, population numbers have declined in many regions due to habitat loss, climate change, and competition with non‐native species. In New York State, Brook Trout habitat has been substantially reduced, with many areas showing complete extirpation of Brook Trout populations, predominantly in the western portion of the state. Small, fragmented populations are at risk of genetic diversity loss, inbreeding depression, and reduced fitness, leading to a greater potential for local extirpation. Genetic monitoring is a practical tool that can facilitate further conservation‐decision making regarding small populations. In this study, we used 12 microsatellite loci to examine 3,436 sampled Brook Trout, representing 75 sites from the Allegheny, Erie/Niagara, Genesee, Oswego, Lake Ontario, and Susquehanna drainage basins throughout western New York State. Three Brook Trout hatchery strains were also genetically characterized to evaluate the degree of hatchery introgression between wild populations and hatchery strains stocked in the region. Overall, estimates of genetic diversity varied widely: Allelic richness ranged from 2.23 to 7.485, and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.402 to 0.766. As observed for Brook Trout in other regions, we found a high degree of genetic differentiation among populations, with all comparisons except one showing significant FST values. Hatchery introgression was found to be minimal, with estimates ranging from 1.96% to 3.10% of wild individuals exhibiting membership proportions to a hatchery strain cluster exceeding 10% (q ≥ 0.10). Results from this investigation can be used to prioritize management efforts for Brook Trout in western New York State and act as a baseline to monitor future population trends.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine bacterial isolates representing eight genera from the gastrointestinal tracts of feral brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchell) demonstrated multiple maximal antibiotic resistances and concomitant broad-spectrum mercury (Hg) resistance. Equivalent viable plate counts on tryptic soy agar supplemented with either 0 or 25?μM HgCl2 verified the ubiquity of mercury resistance in this microbial environment. Mercury levels in lake water samples measured 1.5?ng?L?1; mercury concentrations in fish filets ranged from 81.8 to 1,080?ng?g?1 and correlated with fish length. The presence of similar antibiotic and Hg resistance patterns in multiple genera of gastrointestinal microflora supports a growing body of research that multiple selective genes can be transferred horizontally in the presence of an unrelated individual selective pressure. We present data that bioaccumulation of non-point source Hg pollution could be a selective pressure to accumulate both antibiotic and Hg resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

Metapopulation dynamics over the course of an invasion are usually difficult to grasp because they require large and reliable data collection, often unavailable. The invasion of the fish-free freshwater ecosystems of the remote sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands following man-made introductions of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in the 1950''s is an exception to this rule. Benefiting from a full long term environmental research monitoring of the invasion, we built a Bayesian dynamic metapopulation model to analyze the invasion dynamics of 85 river systems over 51 years. The model accounted for patch size (river length and connections to lakes), alternative dispersal pathways between rivers, temporal trends in dynamics, and uncertainty in colonization date. The results show that the model correctly represents the observed pattern of invasion, especially if we assume a coastal dispersal pathway between patches. Landscape attributes such as patch size influenced the colonization function, but had no effect on propagule pressure. Independently from patch size and distance between patches, propagule pressure and colonization function were not constant through time. Propagule pressure increased over the course of colonization, whereas the colonization function decreased, conditional on propagule pressure. The resulting pattern of this antagonistic interplay is an initial rapid invasion phase followed by a strong decrease in the invasion rate. These temporal trends may be due to either adaptive processes or environmental gradients encountered along the colonization front. It was not possible to distinguish these two hypotheses. Because invasibility of Kerguelen Is. freshwater ecosystems is very high due to the lack of a pre-existing fish fauna and minimal human interference, our estimates of invasion dynamics represent a blueprint for the potential of brown trout invasiveness in pristine environments. Our conclusions shed light on the future of polar regions where, because of climate change, fish-free ecosystems become increasingly accessible to invasion by fish species.  相似文献   

Establishment of four fish-farms during the period 1971 to 1994 in the oligotrophic lake Skogseidvatnet affected Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, but not brown trout, Salmo trutta. From 1971 to 1987, an increase in mean individual size of Arctic charr was recorded, while the mean individual size of brown trout remained stable. Arctic charr were found to use deeper benthic areas than brown trout. Approximately 8% of the Arctic charr population (>26cm), were found to switch to waste food from fish-farms, resulting in a novel feeding habitat for the species. They were, however, found in gillnets distant from the fish farm cages, indicating high mobility. The habitat segregation between the two species can most likely be explained by selective differences and asymmetric competition with brown trout as the dominant species. Based on the present results, changes in the Arctic charr population may be due to increased food availability and due to a new habitat use as a waste food feeder. The reason for the brown trout population to have remained stable with respect to mean size, growth pattern and habitat use, may be due to a different diet choice than Arctic charr in this lake. Brown trout were found to feed mainly on terrestrial insects, while Arctic charr fed mainly on zooplankton and on waste food.  相似文献   

The karyotype of an intergeneric hybrid, Salmo trutta × Salvelinus fontinalis, was studied on metaphase plates from somatic cells. Detailed information was given on the karyotype morphology in the hybrid and both parental species. Findings were discussed in the light of an evaluation of the interrelationships between the two genera. Special attention was directed to Salmo trutta, a possible chromosome polymorphism being hypothesized to occur also in this species.  相似文献   

Fitness related traits often show spatial variation across populations of widely distributed species. Comparisons of genetic variation among populations in putatively neutral DNA markers and in phenotypic traits susceptible to selection (QST FST analysis) can be used to determine to what degree differentiation among populations can be attributed to selection or genetic drift. Traditionally, QST FST analyses require a large number of populations to achieve sufficient statistical power; however, new methods have been developed that allow QST FST comparisons to be conducted on as few as two populations if their pedigrees are informative. This study compared genetic and morphological divergence in three strains of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis that were historically or currently used for stocking in the Lake Superior Basin. Herein we examined if morphological divergence among populations showed temporal variation, and if divergence could be attributed to selection or was indistinguishable from genetic drift. Multivariate QST FST analysis showed evidence for divergent selection between populations. Univariate analyses suggests that the pattern observed in the multivariate analyses was largely driven by divergent selection for length and weight, and moreover by divergence between the Assinica strain and each of the Iron River and Siskiwit strains rather than divergent selection between each population pair. While it could not be determined if divergence was due to natural selection or inadvertent artificial selection in hatcheries, selected differences were consistent with patterns of domestication commonly found in salmonids.  相似文献   

The success of invasive species is frequently attributed to phenotypic plasticity, which facilitates persistence in novel environments. Here we report on experimental tests to determine whether the intensity of cryptic coloration patterns in a global invader (brown trout, Salmo trutta) was primarily the result of plasticity or heritable variation. Juvenile F1 offspring were created through experimental crosses of wild-caught parents and reared for 30 days in the laboratory in a split-brood design on either light or dark-colored gravel substrate. Skin and fin coloration quantified with digital photography and image analysis indicated strong plastic effects in response to substrate color; individuals reared on dark substrate had both darker melanin-based skin color and carotenoid-based fin colors than other members of their population reared on light substrate. Slopes of skin and fin color reaction norms were parallel between environments, which is not consistent with heritable population-level plasticity to substrate color. Similarly, we observed weak differences in population-level color within an environment, again suggesting little genetic control on the intensity of skin and fin colors. Taken as whole, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that phenotypic plasticity may have facilitated the success of brown trout invasions and suggests that plasticity is the most likely explanation for the variation in color intensity observed among these populations in nature.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare the physico‐chemical parameters of milt from sea trout (Salmo trutta m. trutta), brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Milt was collected by stripping and spermatozoa concentrations, were determined and compared with sperm motility and spermatocrit values along with seminal plasma indices (pH, osmolality, sodium, potassium, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, glucose and protein concentrations). The highest spermatozoa concentration of 22.3 ± 6.7 × 109 ml?1 was found in the sea trout milt, and was significantly different of those observed in brook trout (11.9 ± 3.3 × 109 ml?1) and rainbow trout (10.7 ± 4.4 × 109 ml?1). The values for pH and K+ did not differ significantly among species. The mean pH was 8.0 in the milt of each species and the K+ concentrations ranged from 24.8 ± 7.2 to 30.5 ± 7.6 mm L?1. Considerable differences were determined for the Ca2+ ions concentrations. The highest value was found in sea trout (1.7 ± 0.3 mm L?1), while in the rainbow trout it was 0.7 ± 0.5 and in the brook trout 0.4 ± 0.1 mm L?1. The most pronounced differences were found in the glucose concentration cause of its unnaturally low concentration in rainbow trout of the mean value of 6.0 ± 15.2 mg L?1. The mean value in sea trout and brook trout was 185.0 ± 172.4 and 231.2 ± 148.4 mg L?1 respectively. For all species, protein mean values were below 1.3 g L?1. The mean osmolality was between 230.6 ± 98.6 and 272.0 ± 26.4 mOsm kg?1 in the species studied. No correlation was found between any components determined in milt and the spermatozoa motility (P > 0.05). The sperm concentration was positively correlated with the protein content in the milt of the three species studied, other less exhibited correlation was found.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic screening of the androgenetic brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis, Mitchill 1814) offspring hatched from eggs exposed to 420 Gy of X-radiation before insemination exhibited residues of the irradiated maternal nuclear genome in the form of small chromosome fragments. Remnants of the irradiated chromosomes had different sizes, and their number varied intraindividually from 1 to 15. To efficiently pass through the series of the cell divisions, such chromosome fragments must have had functional kinetochores. Distribution patterns of the telomeric hybridization signals on the chromosome fragments enabled us to distinguish their 3 groups: (i) telomere-less ring chromosomes with fused broken chromosome arms, (ii) rings formed in the course of fusion of the radiation-broken chromosome arm with the opposite telomeric region and exhibiting interstitial telomeric signals at the fusion point, and (iii) chromosome fragments with fused unprotected sister chromatids of 1 broken arm and intact telomeres from the other arm. Disturbances during segregation of such fragments, mainly breakages during anaphase, may partially explain intraindividual variation in the number and size of the chromosome fragments observed in the androgenetic brook trout.  相似文献   

Arslan S  Bardakci F 《Biochemical genetics》2010,48(11-12):995-1014
This present study investigated micro- and macro-geographic microsatellite DNA variations using five polymorphic microsatellite loci from 27 brown trout populations in Turkey. Average number of alleles and average observed heterozygosity were 7.4 and 0.254, respectively. Even populations from the same sea basin and river system (the so called micro-geographic regions) had unique alleles. Genetic variation among the populations from macro-geographic regions (different sea basins and river systems) was 45.78%. The mtDNA lineages of brown trout that have previously been identified by mtDNA analyses were supported by the analysis of the microsatellite DNA data in general. The Çatak population, which belongs to the Tigris lineage, was clustered together with the Euphrates populations within the Adriatic mtDNA lineage, based on microsatellite data. Both mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA analyses have made it possible to determine a secondary contact between Adriatic and Tigris lineages.  相似文献   

We caught smolts of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in a trap situated at the mouth of the river Halselva (70° N 23° E), northern Norway during a 5-year period. Salmon and charr were the first to leave freshwater at the end of May, while most trout left freshwater about 14 days later. Whereas the midnight sun shines continuously during the downstream migration period, the light intensity has a diel intensity pattern. The majority of the descending migrants were recorded during the night. The number of descending fish was relatively low at water temperatures below 3°C. The increase in water level was largely caused by snowmelt and thus correlated with lower water temperatures. The number of migrants of all three species increased with increasing water level and decreased with increasing water temperature, with the exception of trout, which increased with water temperature. Notably, the increase in number of migrants was also correlated with the increase in water level the following day, indicating that fish movements represent an early response to a later spate. There was no significant relationship between the number of migrants and the daily change in water level or temperature. The three species were highly synchronised in their daily number of migrants. The strongest synchronisation was found between Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon, followed by Arctic charr and brown trout.  相似文献   

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