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ABSTRACT. In the Drosophila auraria complex (D. auraria Peng, D. biauraria Bock & Wheeler, D. triauraria Bock & Wheeler, D. quadraria Bock & Wheeler and D. subauraria Kimura), D. triauraria from the island of Yaku (30.3N in latitude) and D. quadraria from Taiwan (24.1N) had no or weak diapause, while strains of all the four species from the main islands of Japan had a firm reproductive diapause. These strains entered diapause at short daylengths and the critical daylength was longer and the incidence of diapause higher at a low rather than high temperature. In each species, the critical daylength was longer in strains from higher latitudes. Among sympatric populations of different species, D. subauraria always had the longest critical daylength, while D. auraria had the shortest one. The populations of D. biauraria and D. triauraria had longer critical daylengths than the sympatric populations of D. auraria , but this difference became smaller northwards. Since a longer critical daylength induces diapause earlier in autumn, D. subauraria would enter diapause earliest among these species, and D. auraria would do so latest. The late start of diapause in D. auraria may be related to its adaptation to domestic environments. On the other hand, the adaptive significance of the late start of diapause in northern populations of D. biauraria and D. triauraria is not clear.  相似文献   

Reproductive diapause is a primary mechanism used by arthropods to synchronize their life cycle with seasonal changes in temperate regions. Our study species, Drosophila montana, represents the northern insect species where flies enter reproductive diapause under short day conditions and where the precise timing of diapause is crucial for both survival and offspring production. We have studied clinal variation in the critical day length for female diapause induction (CDL) and their overall susceptibility to enter diapause (diapause incidence), as well as the temperature sensitivity of these traits. The study was performed using multiple strains from four latitudinal clines of the species – short clines in Finland and Alaska and long clines in the Rocky Mountains and the western coast of North America – and from one population in Kamchatka, Russia. CDL showed strong latitudinal clines on both continents, decreasing by one hour per five degrees decline in latitude, on average. CDL also decreased in all populations along with an increase in fly rearing temperature postponing the diapause to later calendar time, the effects of temperature being stronger in southern than in northern population. Female diapause incidence was close to 100% under short day/low temperature conditions in all populations, but decreased below 50% even under short days in 19°C in the southern North American western coast populations and in 22°C in most populations. Comparing a diversity of climatic data for the studied populations showed that while CDL is under a tight photoperiodic regulation linked with latitude, its length depends also on climatic factors determining the growing season length. Overall, the study deepens our understanding of how spatial and environmental parameters affect the seasonal timing of an important biological event, reproductive diapause and helps to estimate the evolutionary potential of insect populations to survive in changing climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Recombinant inbred lines were produced from hybrids between diapausing and non-diapausing strains of Drosophila triauraria Bock & Wheeler by twenty generations of full-sib mating. The analysis of these inbred lines suggests that the difference in the photoperiodic response between the original diapausing and non-diapausing strains is due to genes at three or four loci and at least one of these loci is located on the X chromosome. The original diapausing strain and two inbred lines exhibited circadian peaks when subjected to the Nanda-Hamner protocol, although they had different critical daylengths. This suggests that critical daylength is modified independently of the circadian oscillation system in this species. On the other hand, diapause duration was correlated with critical daylength among the inbred lines and the original diapausing strain, suggesting that these two traits are under the control of the same genetic system.  相似文献   

Living in seasonally changing environments requires adaptation to seasonal cycles. Many insects use the change in day length as a reliable cue for upcoming winter and respond to shortened photoperiod through diapause. In this study, we report the clinal variation in photoperiodic diapause induction in populations of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis collected along a latitudinal gradient in Europe. In this species, diapause occurs in the larval stage and is maternally induced. Adult Nasonia females were exposed to different photoperiodic cycles and lifetime production of diapausing offspring was scored. Females switched to the production of diapausing offspring after exposure to a threshold number of photoperiodic cycles. A latitudinal cline was found in the proportion of diapausing offspring, the switch point for diapause induction measured as the maternal age at which the female starts to produce diapausing larvae, and the critical photoperiod for diapause induction. Populations at northern latitudes show an earlier switch point, higher proportions of diapausing individuals and longer critical photoperiods. Since the photoperiodic response was measured under the same laboratory conditions, the observed differences between populations most likely reflect genetic differences in sensitivity to photoperiodic cues, resulting from local adaptation to environmental cycles. The observed variability in diapause response combined with the availability of genomic tools for N. vitripennis represent a good opportunity to further investigate the genetic basis of this adaptive trait.  相似文献   

Abstract Due to the risk of extinction and ornamental value of the swallowtail butterfly, Sericinus montelus Gray (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in China, knowledge about local adaptations is important for the conservation and economical utilization of the species. In the present study, photoperiodic diapause induction and diapause intensity of S. montelus populations from Jiamusi (46°37′N), Beijing (40°15′N), Zibo (36°48′N), Fangxian (32°36′N), Wuhan (30°33′N) and Huaihua (27°33′N) were characterized at 25°C. Logistic regression analysis revealed a significant population × hours of light interaction, confirming that photoperiodic responses varied among populations. The critical photoperiod was positively correlated with latitude and increased toward the north at a rate of about 1 h for each 6.67 degrees of latitude. Survival analyses indicated that survival time of diapausing pupae before adult eclosion differed significantly among populations at 25°C and 16 : 8 L : D h. The mean duration of pupal diapause was also positively correlated with latitude. Our study reveals geographic variation in the critical photoperiod for diapause induction and in diapause intensity of S. montelus. These results provide useful information for our general understanding about seasonal adaptation in insects and may also be used to predict how geographic populations respond to climate warming.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Imagines of Drosophila auraria Peng, a reproductive diapause species, developed cold-hardiness at low temperatures to a greater extent when exposed to a diapause-inducing photoperiod (LD10:14 h) than when exposed to a diapause-preventing photoperiod (LD 16:8h). Imagines kept at 18°C, which was the temperature at which they were reared to eclosion, did not survive a test exposure to -5°C for 8 days regardless of age or photoperiod. When transferred to 10 or 5°C, either from eclosion or from 8 days after eclosion, the survival rate, on testing, rose with time since transfer and rose faster and higher with a photoperiod of LD 10:14h than with LD16:8h. Flies transferred to 15°C only showed improved ability to survive the test if they were kept in LD 10:14h. When cultured at 18°C to the age of 8 days after eclosion, diapause was terminated in about 30% of females even at LD 10:14h. In these post-diapause females the ability to develop cold-hardiness at lower temperatures was somewhat less than in the diapausing females, but apparently greater than in the non-diapause females. These results suggest that the physiological mechanism which promotes cold-hardiness under a diapause-inducing photoperiod is not directly linked to the process causing reproductive diapause.
In Sapporo, flies from a natural population became tolerant to cold in October when they entered diapause and daily mean temperature fell below 15°C and the light/dark cycle fell below LD 12:12h.  相似文献   

大猿叶虫夏滞育的诱导:基于定量的光周期反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi Baly夏滞育诱导的光周期时间测量特性, 我们通过室内实验系统比较了该虫在25℃、 不同长光照条件下,夏滞育的发生以及诱导50%个体进入夏滞育所需求的光 暗循环数。结果表明:不同长光照诱导的夏滞育比率有显著差异, 其中15 h或16 h光照诱导的滞育比率最高, 短于或长于这两个光照其滞育率均明显下降。在不同光 暗循环实验中, 14 h诱导的滞育比率均低于50%, 诱导50%个体进入夏滞育所需求的光 暗循环数在L15∶D9, L16∶D8, L17∶ D7和L18∶D6分别为2.61, 3.72, 4.64和5.92 d, 处理间存在显著差异。这些结果提示该虫夏滞育的诱导是基于定量的光周期反应。  相似文献   

Female cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella L., overwinter in ovarian diapause. A scoring system for ovarian development has proved valuable in following the progress of diapause and has revealed a marked difference between the effects of stationary short-day treatment and one involving a transfer from long-day to short-day photoperiods. The former results in a weak inhibition of ovarian development, whilst the latter completely inhibits pre-emergence oögenesis and greatly retards post-emergence development. Therefore, A. proletella may be regarded as a long-day-short-day species. Peak photoperiodic sensitivity is located in the third instar, although some degree of sensitivity is present for most of larval development. The inductive effect of 10 short-day cycles, at the time of peak sensitivity, is not abolished by subsequent long-day treatment.  相似文献   

Drosophila moriwakii Okada & Kurokawa (Diptera; Drosophilidae) generally has only one generation per year and enters aestivo-hibernal reproductive diapause in Sapporo, northern Japan, but a small fraction of the population produced a second generation in summer at a place where breeding resources were abundant. In this species, diapause seems to be controlled by flight activity. When flies were cultured in cages in which they were able to fly freely, they entered diapause irrespective of photoperiod, but they did not do so at long daylengths when cultured in small vials in which they were prevented from flying. Furthermore, flies with wings removed did not enter diapause at long daylengths even if they were cultured in the cages.  相似文献   

Latitudinal clines are widespread in Drosophila melanogaster, and many have been interpreted as adaptive responses to climatic variation. However, the selective mechanisms generating many such patterns remain unresolved, and there is relatively little information regarding how basic life-history components such as fecundity, life span and mortality rates vary across environmental gradients. Here, it is shown that four life-history traits vary predictably with geographic origin of populations sampled along the latitudinal gradient in the eastern United States. Although such patterns are indicative of selection, they cannot distinguish between the direct action of selection on the traits in question or indirect selection by means of underlying genetic correlations. When independent suites of traits covary with geography, it is therefore critical to separate the widespread effects of population source from variation specifically for the traits under investigation. One trait that is associated with variation in life histories and also varies with latitude is the propensity to express reproductive diapause; diapause expression has been hypothesized as a mechanism by which D. melanogaster adults overwinter, and as such may be subject to strong selection in temperate habitats. In this study, recently derived isofemale lines were used to assess the relative contributions of population source and diapause genotype in generating the observed variance for life histories. It is shown that although life span, fecundity and mortality rates varied predictably with geography, diapause genotype explained the majority of the variance for these traits in the sampled populations. Both heat and cold shock resistance were also observed to vary predictably with latitude for the sampled populations. Cold shock tolerance varied between diapause genotypes and the magnitude of this difference varied with geography, whereas heat shock tolerance was affected solely by geographic origin of the populations. These data suggest that a subset of life-history parameters is significantly influenced by the genetic variance for diapause expression in natural populations, and that the observed variance for longevity and fecundity profiles may reflect indirect action of selection on diapause and other correlated traits.  相似文献   

Abstract The bruchid beetle Bruchidius dorsalis Fahraeus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) has been known to undergo larval diapause during the final instar under short photoperiods ( Kurota & Shimada, 2001 ). This species has a multivoltine life cycle and the overwintering stages show a geographical variation across Japan ( Kurota & Shimada, 2002 ). In cooler areas, overwintering occurs during the final instar, whereas in warmer climates overwintering can occur during several developmental stages: non‐diapausing young instars, diapausing instars, and adults. In this study, we investigated the adult reproductive diapause in three populations from different geographical regions to clarify the role of geographical variation on overwintering strategies. We found that: (1) B. dorsalis entered reproductive diapause in addition to larval diapause under short photoperiods, (2) diapause propensity was higher and the critical photoperiod was longer in populations from cooler regions, and (3) the sensitive photoperiod range was the first 5 days after emergence. Predictions of the overwintering stage, derived from critical photoperiods, were consistent with actual overwintering stages observed in each population. The geographical variation in diapause induction is likely to reflect the adaptive overwintering strategy in each local environment.  相似文献   

Abstract. Prior studies revealed that the photoperiodic clock in Drosophila triauraria operates during the scotophase and the processes measuring scotophase are composed of two phases: the A phase which lasts 6–7 h from the onset of the scotophase and the B phase which follows the A phase. In this study the photoperiodic clock in this species was analysed by low-temperature pulses. Low temperature (5C) or a low-temperature (2C) pulse of 3 or 4 h decreased the induction of diapause when applied during the scotophase, but not when applied within the photophase. The low-temperature pulse showed two maxima of the effect, 0–4 h and 8–10 h after the onset of the scotophase, approximately corresponding to the A and B phases, respectively. It is considered that low temperature retards the time measurement processes operating during these phases. In the period which was rather insensitive to the diapause-preventing action of low temperature, i.e. 5-7h after the onset of the scotophase, substances or stimuli accumulated during the A phase may be converted to information required for operation of the machinery in the B phase. Experiments using a combination of low-temperature and light pulses suggested that low-temperature decreases the sensitivity to light, especially in the B phase.  相似文献   

任何地方一年中的每一天都有一个特定的光照长度,日期和光周期变化存在固定的对应关系。昆虫在一定的日子滞育,自然也就是在特定的光照长度下滞育,但是并不意味着光周期必然就是滞育的主要诱因。分析光周期的几个重要特点,笔者认为光周期不一定是所有昆虫滞育开始及结束的最主要的或实质性的诱因。  相似文献   

Reproductive diapause enables long‐lived insects to time mating with environmental conditions suitable for offspring development. Plasticity in the perception of pheromones used in sexual communication may enable mate‐finding at the appropriate time of year. The moth Caloptilia fraxinella (Ely) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) undergoes a 9‐month reproductive diapause, during which the male response to pheromone is plastic and is highest during the period of reproductive activity. The mechanisms controlling this pheromone response plasticity are not well‐understood, and the aim of the present study is to determine the main factors involved. In the present study, the impact of temperature, photoperiod, juvenile hormone analogue (JHA) and adult nutrition on diapause termination are tested using electroantennogram (EAG) and behavioural response to pheromone in male C. fraxinella. Eclosion in a state of reproductive diapause occurs in most males; diapause is maintained under short‐day or cool conditions indoors, or under natural conditions outdoors. Exposure to long‐day, warm conditions over a period of 4 weeks causes a small number of males to become behaviourally responsive to pheromone; a larger number of males become behaviourally responsive over a period of 3 months of post‐eclosion. Treatment with a JHA impacts male EAG and the behavioural response to pheromone during the period of reproductive diapause. A carbohydrate food source is not required by reproductively active adult male C. fraxinella to respond to pheromone and express mate location behaviours. The main factors involved in controlling male pheromone response plasticity and the implications of these factors for the C. fraxinella population in its expanded range are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract To investigate the seasonal adaptation strategies of Ophraella communa to new habitats, the effects and regulation mechanisms of photoperiod and temperature on the reproductive diapause in a population collected from Changsha, Hunan were examined. Adults showed obvious reproductive diapause, which was regulated by photoperiod and temperature. At 30°C, there was no adult diapause occurring under either long‐day or short‐day conditions; at 25°C the pre‐oviposition period was short and fecundity was high in adult females under L : D 16 : 8 h, whereas under L : D 12 : 12 h, a few females entered reproductive diapause; at 20°C under short‐day conditions, all female adults entered diapause. The pre‐oviposition period was significantly prolonged when the pupae and adults were transferred from long‐days to short‐days, but the day length influence was not obvious when they were transferred only in the adult stage. However, the fecundity dropped greatly no matter whether the photoperiod shifted to short‐days only in the adult stage or whether the shift occurred in both the pupal and adult stage. The fecundity was extremely low when photoperiod shifted from long‐days to short‐days in both pupal and adult stages. This was an indication that the pupal and adult stages were the photoperiod‐sensitive stage for adult reproductive diapause. This was especially true for the photoperiod in the pupal stage, which has a distinctly significant regulative effect on reproductive diapause. Additionally, this article also addresses the reason for different photoperiodic response patterns in reproductive diapause induction between the Changsha strain and the Tsukuba strain (Japan) of O. communa.  相似文献   

Chlorops oryzae Matsumura (Diptera: Chloropidae) is bivoltine in northern Japan but trivoltine in the southern part of the country. Larvae of the bivoltine strain (Akita, 39° N) develop without delay under L14:D10 but enter summer diapause in the mature larval stage under L15:D9. In contrast, larvae of the trivoltine strain (Aichi, 35° N) develop quickly under L15:D9 but enter summer diapause under L14:D10. The genetic basis of their different summer-diapause behavior was analyzed by reciprocal crossing between the two ecotypes and backcrossing to the hybrids. Although a polygenic system seems to be involved, there is a single gene on the X-chromosome exerting a major effect on summer diapause. The northern bivoltine ecotype has a longer critical photoperiod for the induction of winter diapause in the first larval stage and remains in diapause longer than the southern trivoltine ecotype. The differences in the critical photoperiod and the winter diapause duration between the two ecotypes seem to be controlled by a polygenic system but again a sex-linked or closely linked gene (or genes) plays a major role. The two geographic ecotypes differ significantly in summer- and winter-diapause traits, both of which are characterized by sex-linked inheritance. Despite this, no apparent sterility or inviability in hybrids between the ecotypes occurs.  相似文献   

It is known that the prepupal diapause in Trichogramma is dependent on temperature conditions of embryonic and larval development and on the photoperiodic conditions of preimaginal development of maternal females. However, the relative photosensitivity of different preimaginal stages has been never investigated. We studied the position of the photosensitive period over the preimaginal development of maternal females in T. embryophagum Htg. and T. principium Sug. et Sor. by transferring preimaginal stages between diapause‐averting ‘long’ day (L : D = 20 : 4) and diapause‐inducing ‘short’ day (L : D = 12 : 12). Results showed that the influence of maternal photoperiod on progeny diapause was determined during the late pupal stage (last days of preimaginal development at 20°C). During this time, the critical duration of the photoperiodic induction was extremely small: one short or long day caused almost the same effect as the permanent development under these conditions. As a whole, photoperiodic response in Trichogramma was found to be unusually rapid, labile and easily reversible which is probably explained by extremely small size and fast development of these egg parasitoids. The results of this study could be used for elaboration of optimal methods for Trichogramma mass rearing and storage and for prediction of its seasonal cycles under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Adaptation to seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere includes an ability to predict the forthcoming cold season from gradual changes in environmental cues early enough to prepare for the harsh winter conditions. The magnitude and speed of changes in these cues vary between the latitudes, which induces strong selection pressures for local adaptation.We studied adaptation to seasonal changes in Drosophila montana, a northern maltfly, by defining the photoperiodic conditions leading to adult reproductive diapause along a latitudinal cline in Finland and by measuring genetic differentiation and the amount of gene flow between the sampling sites with microsatellites. Our data revealed a clear correlation between the latitude and the critical day length (CDL), in which half of the females of different cline populations enter photoperiodic reproductive diapause. There was no sign of limited gene flow between the cline populations, even though these populations showed isolation by distance. Our results show that local adaptation may occur even in the presence of high gene flow, when selection for locally adaptive life-history traits is strong. A wide range of variation in the CDLs of the fly strains within and between the cline populations may be partly due to gene flow and partly due to the opposing selection pressures for fly reproduction and overwinter survival. This variation in the timing of diapause will enhance populations' survival over the years that differ in the severity of the winter and in the length of the warm period and may also help them respond to long-term changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

二斑叶螨滞育特性的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
诱导滞育实验表明 :短日照和低温是诱导二斑叶螨发生滞育的主要因子。测定我国天水种群 ,在 15℃条件下 ,诱导其滞育的临界日照长度为 9小时 4 2分 ,在每日 8小时光照条件下 ,诱导其滞育的临界温度为 15.5℃。解除滞育实验表明 :在每日 13小时的光照条件下 ,温度越高 ,解除越冬雌成螨滞育的速度越快 ;低温处理滞育雌成螨的时间越长 ,解除其滞育的速度也越快。  相似文献   

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