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Mitochondrial DNA (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA) sequences were analysed within Tarentola mauritanica and other selected species of Tarentola. Several highly genetically distinct lineages occur in North Africa, revealing phylogroups in southern and central Morocco, northern Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. A single haplotype characterizes populations across Spain, Portugal, Italy, Menorca, Crete, and Tunisia raising the possibility of an anthropogenic introduction followed by rapid population expansion throughout southern Europe. T. mauritanica is paraphyletic with respect to T. angustimentalis, a Canary islands endemic. The high genetic diversity observed across North Africa suggests T. mauritanica may represent a species complex.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction sites on the chloroplast genome of Pinus monticola have been mapped, and the gene for the large subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, the genes for the photosystem II polypeptides psbA, psbD and psbC, and the 16S and 23S ribosomal RNA genes have been located. The genome lacks the large inverted repeat characteristic of most angiosperms. The gene order is similar to that found in P. radiata. The presence of dispersed repeated sequences is likely. Two structural features, lack of a large inverted repeat and the presence of dispersed repeats, may confer a degree of variability on the genome which will prove useful in studies of population structure.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of chloroplast (cp) DNA was examined in F1 hybrid progenies of two Populus deltoides intraspecific controlled crosses and three P. deltoides × P. nigra and two P. deltoides × P. maximowiczii interspecific controlled crosses by restriction fragment analysis. Southern blots of restriction digests of parental and progeny DNAs were hybridized to cloned cpDNA fragments of Petunia hybrida. Sixteen enzymes and five heterologous cpDNA probes were used to screen restriction fragment polymorphisms among the parents. The mode of cpDNA inheritance was demonstrated in progenies of P. deltoides × P. nigra crosses with 26 restriction fragment polymorphisms of cpDNA differentiating P. deltoides from P. nigra, as revealed by 12 enzyme-probe combinations, and in progenies of P. deltoides × P. maximowiczii crosses with 12 restriction fragment polymorphisms separating P. deltoides from P. maximowiczii, as revealed by 7 restriction enzyme-probe combinations. In all cases, F1 offspring of P. deltoides × P. nigra and P. deltoides × P. maximowiczii crosses had cpDNA restriction fragments of only their maternal P. deltoides parent. The results clearly demonstrated uniparental-maternal inheritance of the chloroplast genome in interspecific hybrids of P. deltoides with P. nigra and P. maximowiczii. Intraspecific P. deltoides hybrids also had the same cpDNA restriction fragments as their maternal parent. Maternal inheritance of the chloroplast genome in Populus is in agreement with what has been observed for most other angiosperms.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, and cytochrome b) sequences and nuclear sequences (C-mos and alpha-Enolase) were analyzed within all known Hemidactylus species from all three volcanic islands in the Gulf of Guinea that have never been connected to the continent. These comprise both endemic and widespread species. Our aim was to determine if the widespread species was introduced anthropogenically, to determine the number of distinct genetic lineages within the islands, and to determine if the endemic forms constituted a monophyletic group. Our results suggest that a previously undescribed species on S?o Tomé is the sister taxon to Hemidactylus newtoni, endemic to Annobon. Genetic variation between populations of Hemidactylus greefii from S?o Tomé and Principe is very high based on mtDNA sequences, but the forms cannot be distinguished using the nuclear DNA sequences. Hemidactylus mabouia appears to have been anthropogenically introduced to all three islands. The island endemics do not form a monophyletic group, suggesting multiple independent colonizations of the islands.  相似文献   

Summary Within-species variability of a restriction site in the chloroplast (cp) DNA in Pinus monticola has been surveyed. Frequencies of two variants of the cp genome are significantly different in interior versus coastal populations. Paternal inheritance of the cp genome predominates, though some individuals have both variants of the genome. The presence of heteroplasmic individuals indicates occasional biparental inheritance.  相似文献   

Summary Nicotiana chloroplast genomes exhibit a high degree of diversity and a general similarity as revealed by restriction enzyme analysis. This property can be measured accurately by restriction enzymes which generate over 20 fragments. However, the restriction enzymes which generate a small number (about 10) of fragments are extremely useful not only in constructing the restriction maps but also in establishing the sequence of ct-DNA evolution. By using a single enzyme, Sma I, a elimination and sequential gain of its recognition sites during the course of ct-DNA evolution is clearly demonstrated. Thus, a sequence of ct-DNA evolution for many Nicotiana species is formulated. The observed changes are all clustered in one region to form a hot spot in the circular molecule of ct-DNA. The mechanisms involved for such alterations are mostly point mutations but inversion and deficiency are also indicated. Since there is a close correlation between the ct-DNA evolution and speciation in Nicotiana a high degree of cooperation and coordination betwen organellar and nuclear genomes is evident.  相似文献   

A. Lüttke  S. Bonotto 《Planta》1981,153(6):536-542
Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) distribution in the giant unicellular, uninucleate alga Acetabularia mediterranea was analyzed with the DNA-specific fluorochrome 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) at various stages of the cell cycle. The number of chloroplasts exhibiting DNA/DAPI fluorescence changes during the cell's developmental cycle: (1) all chloroplasts in germlings contain DNA; (2) the number of plastids with DNA declines during polar growth of the vegetative cell; (3) it increases again prior to the transition from the vegetative to the generative phase; (4) several nucleoids of low fluorescence intensity are present in the chloroplasts of the gametes. The temporal distribution of the number of chloroplasts with DNA appears to be linked to the different mode of chloroplast division and growth during the various stages of development. The chloroplast cycle in relation to the cell cycle is discussed.Abbreviations cpDNA chloroplast DNA - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole  相似文献   

Restriction site mapping of chloroplast DNA from 31 species representing 26 genera of theRanunculaceae was performed using eleven restriction endonucleases. The chloroplast genome varies in length from approximately 152 to 160 kb. Length variants are frequent in theRanunculaceae and range from usually less than 300 bp to rarely 1.5 kb. The inverted repeat is extended into the large single copy (LSC) region by 4–4.5 kb inAnemone, Clematis, Clematopsis, Hepatica, Knowltonia, andPulsatilla. Several inversions are present in the LSC-region of the cpDNA in all these genera and inAdonis. The frequency of restriction site mutations varies within the chloroplast genome in theRanunculaceae between 4 and 32 mutations per kilobase, and is lowest in the inverted repeat and the regions containing the ATPase-genes and the genespsaA, psaB, psbA, rpoB, andrbcL. A total of 547 phylogenetically informative restriction sites was utilized in cladistic analyses of the family using Wagner, Dollo, and weighted parsimony. These three parsimony analyses result in different tree topologies. Four, six, and one equally most parsimonious trees were obtained with Wagner, Dollo, and weighted parsimony, respectively. The amount of support for the monophyletic groups was evaluated using bootstrapping and decay analysis. All three parsimony methods suggest thatHydrastis is the sister group to the remainder of theRanunculaceae, and that theAnemone-Clematis group, which shares several derived cpDNA rearrangements, is monophyletic. Only a few of the traditional groups in theRanunculaceae are supported by cpDNA restriction side data. Only Dollo parsimony provides support for the hypothesis thatThalictroideae andRanunculoideae are monophyletic.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA (ncDNA) synthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was measured by both 32P[or-thophosphoric acid] (32P) and [14C]adenine incorporation and found to be highly synchronous. Ca. 85% of incorporation was confined to the first 6 h of the dark period of a synchronized regime consisting of an alternating light-dark period of 12 h each. In contrast, no such synchronous incorporation pattern was found for chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNAs in the same cell population. These two organellar DNAs also exhibited different 32P-incorporation patterns in the cell cycle. Considerable amounts of 32P were incorporated into cpDNA throughout the light-dark synchronous cycle under both mixo- and phototrophic growth conditions, although the second 6-h light period under phototrophy showed an increase not apparent under mixotrophy. This change in growth conditions did not affect 32P incorporation into mtDNA, which was found throughout the cell cycle, with a modest peak in the first 6-h of the dark period. The pattern of [3H]thymidine incorporation into cpDNA was also determined. Under synchronous phototrophic conditions, this pattern was quite different from that obtained with 32P. Most [3H]thymidine incorporation occurred during the light period of the synchronous cycle; this period had been shown previously by density transfer experiments to be the time of cpDNA duplication. Such preferential [3H]thymidine incorporation into cpDNA in the light period was not observed under mixotrophic synchronous growth conditions; in these, [3H]thymidine incorporation was detected throughout the cell cycle. This lack of coincidence between the patterns of 32P- and of [3H]thymidine incorporation into cpDNA during the synchronous cell cycle indicates that in addition to replication, the considerably reiterated organelle-DNA molecules may also regularly undergo an extensive repair process during each cell cycle.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA of seven species belonging toAnemone (sectt.Omalocarpus, Anemonidium, andAnemonanthea),Hepatica, andPulsatilla have been analyzed by restriction enzymes. According to the dendrogram constructed, the sections ofAnemone and the generaHepatica andPulsatilla seem to be evolutionary approximately equidistant to each others. This supports the concept that these groups should be treated on a similar taxonomic level, either as genera or subgenera.  相似文献   

Summary A partially purified algal protein mixture which supports in vitro DNA replication consists of soluble proteins and proteins extracted from thylakoid membrane. The membrane extract is essential for the specific initiation of replication at a displacement loop (D-loop) site previously mapped by electron microscopy. D-loop site and its flanking sequences have been cloned and sequenced. In this study, fragment-retention assays using various subclones of the sequenced region indicate that some proteins in the membrane extract bind strongly and specifically with a 494 bp restriction fragment which partially overlaps the D-loop site. Protein gel analyses of the protein-DNA complex identify three DNA-binding polypeptides with apparent molecular weights of 18, 24 and 26 kDa, respectively. Treatment with chloramphenicol, an inhibitor of chloroplast protein synthesis, for 1 h has no obvious effect on the contents of the 24 or 26 kDa polypeptides but significantly reduces the content of the 18 kDa polypeptide in the membrane extract.  相似文献   

The variability of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) cytoplasmic genomes has been investigated. A total of 177 cocoa clones was surveyed for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in chloroplast DNA and in mitochondrial DNA using two restriction endonucleases and various heterologous cytoplasmic probes. A high level of polymorphism was found for the mitochondrial genome. This study points up a structuring of the species that fits with the distinction between the Criollo and Forastero populations. In contrast to all previous analyses, a higher level of polymorphism is found among the Criollo clones while the Forastero clones form quite a homogeneous group.  相似文献   

During studies on the bacteriology of appendicitis in children, we often isolated from inflamed and non-inflamed tissue samples, an unusual bile-resistant pigment-producing strictly anaerobic gram-negative rod. Phenotypically this organism resembles members of Bacteroides fragilis group of species, as it is resistant to bile and exhibits a special-potency-disk pattern (resistance to vancomycin, kanamycin and colistin) typical for the B. fragilis group. However, the production of brown pigment on media containing haemolysed blood and a cellular fatty acid composition dominated by iso-C15:0, suggests that the organism most closely resembles species of the genus Porphyromonas. However, the unidentified organism differs from porphyromonads by being bile-resistant and by not producing butyrate as a metabolic end-product. Comparative 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing studies show the unidentified organism represents a distinct sub-line, associated with but distinct from, the miss-classified species Bacteroides putredinis. The clustering of the unidentified bacterium with Bacteroides putredinis was statistically significant, but they displayed > 4% sequence divergence with each other. Chromosomal DNA-DNA pairing studies further confirmed the separateness of the unidentified bacterium and Bacteroides putredinis. Based on phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations, it is proposed that Bacteroides putredinis and the unidentified bacterium from human sources be classified in a new genus Alistipes, as Alistipes putredinis comb. nov. and Alistipes finegoldii sp. nov., respectively. The type strain of Alistipes finegoldii is CCUG 46020(T) (= AHN243(T)).  相似文献   

A chloroplast DNA restriction site map forRanunculus sceleratus (Ranunculaceae) was constructed using 14 restriction endonucleases. The total size of the chloroplast genome is 152.4kb. No inversions were detected relative to the tobacco chloroplast DNA. Cladistic analyses of chloroplast DNA restriction site polymorphism were employed in order to elucidate the phylogeny among 76 species of the genusRanunculus in a wide sense and one species ofTrautvetteria. A total of 341 informative restriction site changes were detected. Parsimony jackknifing, bootstrapping and decay analysis were undertaken in order to evaluate the amount of support for the monophyletic groups. The results suggest that the analysed species ofRanunculus are divisible into two main clades. Only few of the traditional sections and subgenera ofRanunculus are monophyletic. The genusTrautvetteria is nested within a clade comprising, e.g.Ranunculus cymbalaria, R. andersonii, R. lapponicus andR. ficaria. SubgenusBatrachium lies within a larger clade containing, e.g.R. sceleratus andR. hyperboreus. Contractions of the inverted repeat due to parallel deletions of 200–300 bp close to the JSB have occurred in many clades and the phylogenetic distribution of this size reduction was mapped among the species.  相似文献   

The relationship ofAmbrosia (ragweed) andFranseria has long been debated. Their treatment as separate genera has been repeatedly challenged. In this study, chloroplast DNA restriction site variation was examined for species from bothAmbrosia andFranseria as well as taxa from the closely related genusHymenoclea. The chloroplast genomes of members of these three genera were examined using 21 restriction endonucleases and the restriction mutations were used to construct phylogenetic trees. Wagner and Dollo parsimony as well as weighted parsimony were employed to compare the different phylogenies. The results support a close relationship betweenAmbrosia andFranseria, but indicate that the two groups are well separated. Compared toFranseria, Ambrosia is a much more strongly supported group, and the results indicate thatHymenoclea is closer toFranseria than toAmbrosia. The cpDNA phylogeny was used as a framework to examine evolutionary trends in morphology and secondary chemistry.  相似文献   

Eremias, or racerunners, is a widespread lacertid genus occurring in China, Mongolia, Korea, Central Asia, Southwest Asia and Southeast Europe. It has been through a series of taxonomic revisions, but the phylogenetic relationships among the species and subgenera remain unclear. In this study, a frequently studied region of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA was used to (i) reassess the phylogenetic relationships of some Eremias species, (ii) test if the viviparous species form a monophyletic group, and (iii) estimate divergence time among lineages using a Bayesian relaxed molecular-clock approach. The resulting phylogeny supports monophyly of Eremias sensu Szczerbak and a clade comprising Eremias, Acanthodactylus and Latastia. An earlier finding demonstrating monophyly of the subgenus Pareremias is corroborated, with Eremias argus being the sister taxon to Eremias brenchleyi. We present the first evidence that viviparous species form a monophyletic group. In addition, Eremias przewalskii is nested within Eremias multiocellata, suggesting that the latter is likely a paraphyletic species or a species complex. Eremias acutirostris and Eremias persica form a clade that is closely related to the subgenus Pareremias. However, the subgenera Aspidorhinus, Scapteira, and Rhabderemias seem not to be monophyletic, respectively. The Bayesian divergence-time estimation suggests that Eremias originated at about 9.9 million years ago (with the 95% confidence interval ranging from 7.6 to 12 Ma), and diversified from Late Miocene to Pleistocene. Specifically, the divergence time of the subgenus Pareremias was dated to about 6.3 million years ago (with the 95% confidence interval ranging from 5.3 to 8.5 Ma), which suggests that the diversification of this subgenus might be correlated with the evolution of an East Asian monsoon climate triggered by the rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau approximately 8 Ma.  相似文献   

Most examples of intercontinental dispersal events after the Miocene contact between Africa and Asia involve mammal lineages. Among amphibians, a number of probably related groups are known from both continents, but their phylogenies are so far largely unresolved. To test the hypothesis of Miocene dispersal against a Mesozoic vicariance scenario in the context of Gondwana fragmentation, we analyzed fragments of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene (572 bp) in 40 specimens of 34 species of the anuran family Ranidae. Results corroborated the monophyly of tiger frogs (genus Hoplobatrachus), a genus with representatives in Africa and Asia. The African H. occipitalis was the sister group of the Asian H. crassus, H. chinensis, and H. tigerinus. Hoplobatrachus was placed in a clade also containing the Asian genera Euphlyctis and Nannophrys. Combined analysis of sequences of 16S and 12S rRNA genes (total 903 bp) in a reduced set of taxa corroborated the monophyly of the lineage containing these three genera and identified the Asian genus Fejervarya as its possible sister group. The fact that the African H. occipitalis is nested within an otherwise exclusively Asian clade indicates its probable Oriental origin. Rough molecular clock estimates did not contradict the assumption that the dispersal event took place in the Miocene. Our data further identified a similar molecular divergence between closely related Asian and African species of Rana (belonging to the section Hylarana), indicating that Neogene intercontinental dispersal also may have taken place in this group and possibly in rhacophorid treefrogs.  相似文献   

It is widely approved that comparing restriction profiles and maps of chloroplast DMA provides valuable information concerning inter-and/or intra-specific relationships among plant species. Such chloroplast DNA analysis was applied to species and strains inSesamum which is a genus of approximately 38 species and contains a large number of strains of the cultivated sesame,S. Indlcum. Our chloroplast DNA investigations of 22 species and strains showed that; (i) among four species (S. capense, S. radiatum, S. schinzianum andS. indicum), the chloroplast genome ofS. capense was most distantly related to that of the cultivated species,S. indicum, (ii) chloroplast DNA polymorphism was also recognized among eight cultivated stralns collected from various regions in the tropical zone, but not among eight different varieties grown in the temperate zone, and (iii) the chloroplast DNA alterations observed could be attributed to the site gains or losses with the exception of the alterartion detected within the inverted repeat sequences inS. capense chloroplast DNA. These results demonstrate the presence of chloroplast genome diversity amongSesamum species and strains, suggesting the usefulness of chloroplast DNA analysis for elucidating the species relationships in the genusSesamum and the origin and evolutionary process of the cultivated sesame species. The present paper is based on the contribution which was read in a symposium entitled “Organellar DNA Variations in Higher Plants and Their Taxonomic Significance”, at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan in Shizuoka on October 2, 1990, under the auspices of the Japan Society of Plant Taxonomists.  相似文献   

The utility of chloroplast DNA variation for checking a recently proposed infrageneric classification of the genusAllium was tested. cpDNA restriction patterns of 49 species representing the main subgenera, sections, and subsections of the existing classification were compared. 363 different fragments generated by 4 restriction enzymes were identified and analysed by UPGMA clustering. The resulting phenogram largely confirms the subgeneric classification based on an integration of morphological and other methods.  相似文献   

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