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Three glucanase-extractable cell wall proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae were purified, and their N-terminal amino acid sequences were determined. With this information, we were able to assign gene products to three known open reading frames (ORFs). The N-terminal sequence of a 55-kDa mannoprotein corresponded with the product of ORF YKL096w, which we named CWP1 (cell wall protein 1). A 80-kDa mannoprotein was identified as the product of the TIP1 gene, and a 180-kDa mannoprotein corresponded to the product of the ORF YKL444, which we named CWP2. CWP1, TIP1, and CWP2 encode proteins of 239, 210, and 92 amino acids, respectively. The C-terminal regions of these proteins all consist for more than 40% of serine/threonine and contain putative glycosylphosphatidylinositol attachment signals. Furthermore, Cwp1p and Tip1p were shown to carry a beta 1,6-glucose-containing side chain. The cwp2 deletion mutant displayed an increased sensitivity to Congo red, calcofluor white, and Zymolyase. Electron microscopic analysis of the cwp2 deletion mutant showed a strongly reduced electron-dense layer on the outside of the cell wall. These results indicate that Cwp2p is a major constituent of the cell wall and plays an important role in stabilizing the cell wall. Depletion of Cwp1p or Tip1p also caused increased sensitivities to Congo red and calcofluor white, but the effects were less pronounced than for cwp2 delta. All three cell wall proteins show a substantial homology with Srp1p, which also appears to be localized in the cell wall. We conclude that these four proteins are small structurally related cell wall proteins.  相似文献   

Mannoproteins from cell walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae synthesized at successive stages of the population growth cycle have been solubilized with Zymolyase and subsequently analyzed. The major change along the population cycle concerned a large size mannoprotein material; the size of the newly-synthesized molecules varied from 120,000–500,000 (mean of about 200,000) at early exponential phase to 250,000–350,000 (mean of about 300,000) at late exponential phase. These differences are due to modifications in the amount of N-glycosidically linked mannose residues, since the size of the peptide moiety was 90,000–100,000 at all growth stages and the level of O-glycosylation changed only slightly. After, incubation of the purified walls with concanavalin A-ferritin and subsequent analysis by electron microscopy, labelling was localized at the external and internal faces of the walls. The middle space of these was labelled after digestion of the glucan network with Zymolyase, which demonstrate the presence of mannoproteins in close contact with the structural glucan molecules throughout the wall.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - Con A concanavalin A - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

By pulse and chase labeling experiments, two independent mannoprotein pools have been found associated with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae envelope. One of them probably corresponds to mannoproteins localized in the periplasmic space. These molecules showed a high turnover rate at 28° C. The second pool is formed by intrinsic wall mannoproteins which are apparently stable for long periods of time, after a small initial turnover. These results suggest that at least part of the mannoproteins initially found in the periplasmic space may move into the wall.The time lag between the addition of the radioactive precursors and their incorporation in the cell envelope (20–30 min for amino acids and about 10 min for carbohydrate) indicates that protein formation and carbohydrate incorporation take place in succession. Moreover, bulk glycosylation of mannoproteins seems to occur close in time to the moment of secretion into the periplasmic space.  相似文献   

The cellular site of initial glycosylation of proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been studied. Short pulses of [U-14C]mannose label the ribosomal fraction of the yeast. Most of the label was associated with polysomes; monosomes contained only a small amount of radioactivity. All of the radioactivity present in the polysomal fraction was accounted by mannose and smaller amounts of glucose and glucosamine. Puromycin treatment detached more than 50% of the radioactivity from the polysomes; treatment of polysomes at pH 10.0 also caused the release of radioactivity. These results indicate that initial sugar binding occurs while the nascent polypeptide chains are still growing on the ribosomes. When the cells were preincubated with 2-deoxy-D-glucose, incorporation of [U-14C]mannose into the polysomes and the cell wall was inhibited, whereas its incorporation into membrane fractions was unimpaired. It was concluded that 2-deoxy-D-glucose inhibited the synthesis of glycoproteins by interference with the initial glycosylation steps at the ribosomal level.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae structural cell wall mannoprotein   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
J Frevert  C E Ballou 《Biochemistry》1985,24(3):753-759
A novel mannoprotein fraction with an average molecular weight of 180 000 has been isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae mnn9 mutant cell wall that was solubilized by beta-glucanase digestion. The same material could be extracted from purified wall fragments with 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate. The protein component, 12% by weight, is rich in proline, whereas the carbohydrate, mainly mannose, is about evenly distributed between asparagine and hydroxyamino acids. Endoglucosaminidase H digestion of the isolated mannoprotein reduced its average molecular weight to 150 000, but the mannoprotein, while still embedded in the cell wall, was inaccessible to the enzyme. Biosynthesis and translocation of the mannoprotein were investigated by following incorporation of [3H]proline into this fraction. In the presence of tunicamycin, both mnn9 and wild-type X2180 cells made a mannoprotein fraction with an average molecular weight of 140 000, whereas in the absence of the glycosylation inhibitor, the mnn9 mutant made material with a molecular weight of 180 000 and the mannoprotein made by wild-type cells was too large to penetrate the polyacrylamide gel. Although the cell wall mannoprotein was resistant to heat and proteolytic enzymes, attempts to isolate the carbohydrate-free component failed to yield any characteristic peptide material.  相似文献   

The fungal cell wall is a highly dynamic structure that is essential to maintain cell shape and stability. Hence in yeasts and fungi cell wall integrity is tightly controlled. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae plasma membrane protein Mid2p is a putative mechanosensor that responds to cell wall stresses and morphological changes during pheromone induction. The extracellular domain of Mid2p, which is crucial to sensing, is highly O- and N-glycosylated. We showed that O-mannosylation is determining stability of Mid2p. If and how N-glycosylation is linked to Mid2p function was unknown. Here we demonstrate that Mid2p contains a single high mannose N-linked glycan at position Asn-35. The N -glycan is located close to the N-terminus and is exposed from the plasma membrane towards the cell wall through a highly O-mannosylated domain that is predicted to adopt a rod-like conformation. In contrast to O-mannosylation, lack of the N-linked glycan affects neither, stability of Mid2p nor distribution at the plasma membrane during vegetative and sexual growth. However, non-N-glycosylated Mid2p fails to perceive cell wall challenges. Our data further demonstrate that both the extent of the N-linked glycan and its distance from the plasma membrane affect Mid2p function, suggesting the N -glycan to be directly involved in Mid2p sensing.  相似文献   

In yeast, glucanase extractable cell wall proteins are anchored to the plasma membrane at an intermediate stage in their biogenesis via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) moiety before they become anchored to the wall glucan via a 1,6-glucan linkage. The mechanism of the membrane processing step of cell wall proteins is not known. Here, we report that Ascomycete filamentous fungi involved in food spoilage such as Aspergillus, Paecilomyces and Penicillium, also contain GPI membrane-anchored proteins some of which are processed by an endogenous phospholipase C activity. Furthermore, similar to the situation in yeast, their cell walls contain mannoproteins which are linked to the glucan backbone through a 1,6-glucan linkage. Interestingly, one mould which contains a significant amount of non covalently linked 1,6-glucosylated cell wall proteins, is much more sensitive towards 1,3-glucanases and membrane perturbing peptides than the others.  相似文献   

Cleavage of the O-glycosyl bonds of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall mannoproteins by β-elimination resulted in the release of about 8% of the carbohydrate in the form of mannose and other low molecular weight oligomannosaccharides (mannose to mannopentaose), leaving 92% mannose still covalently linked to the peptide, and suggesting that this alkali-resistant fraction was N-glycosidically linked. At the non-permissive temperature, S. cerevisiae sec mutants accumulated in the cytoplasm mannoproteins with different degrees of O- and N-glycosylation. The glycoproteins of mutant sec 20-1 contained 60% of the carbohydrate linked by N-bonds, the remainder being O-glycosidically linked. Strains sec 19-1 and sec 1-1 contained 80 and 87%, respectively, of the mannose as N-linked carbohydrates. In addition, when the non-permissive conditions were prolonged over 2 h, strain sec 20-1 completed the formation of the O-linked oligosaccharides, suggesting that it is the kinetics of the process that determines the final composition of the mannoproteins. Our results suggest that the glycosylation of yeast cell wall mannoproteins is probably initiated in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum where the O-linked oligosaccharides may be completed. Maturation of the N-linked oligosaccharides, on the other hand, probably occurs during transport of the nascent mannoproteins to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Cell wall extracts from the double-mutant mnn1 mnn9 strain were used as the immunogen to obtain a monoclonal antibody (MAb), SAC A6, that recognizes a specific mannoprotein--which we have named Icwp--in the walls of cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Icwp runs as a polydisperse band of over 180 kDa in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of Zymolyase extracts of cell walls, although an analysis of the secretory pattern of the mannoprotein shows that at the level of secretory vesicles, it behaves like a discrete band of 140 kDa. Immunofluorescence analysis with the MAb showed that Icwp lies at the inner layer of the cell wall, being accessible to the antibody only after the outer layer of mannoproteins is disturbed by treatment with tunicamycin. The screening of a lambda gt11 expression library enabled us to identify the open reading frame (ORF) coding for Icwp. ICWP (EMBL accession number YLR391w, frame +3) codes for 238 amino acids, of which over 40% are serine or threonine, and contains a putative N-glycosylation site and a putative glycosylphosphatidylinositol attachment signal. Both disruption and overexpression of the ORF caused increased sensitivities to calcofluor white and Congo red, while the disruption caused an increased sensitivity to Zymolyase digestion, suggesting for Icwp a structural role in association with glucan.  相似文献   

The yeast cell wall contains beta1,3-glucanase-extractable and beta1,3-glucanase-resistant mannoproteins. The beta1,3-glucanase-extractable proteins are retained in the cell wall by attachment to a beta1,6-glucan moiety, which in its turn is linked to beta1,3-glucan (J. C. Kapteyn, R. C. Montijn, E. Vink, J. De La Cruz, A. Llobell, J. E. Douwes, H. Shimoi, P. N. Lipke, and F. M. Klis, Glycobiology 6:337-345, 1996). The beta1,3-glucanase-resistant protein fraction could be largely released by exochitinase treatment and contained the same set of beta1,6-glucosylated proteins, including Cwp1p, as the B1,3-glucanase-extractable fraction. Chitin was linked to the proteins in the beta1,3-glucanase-resistant fraction through a beta1,6-glucan moiety. In wild-type cell walls, the beta1,3-glucanase-resistant protein fraction represented only 1 to 2% of the covalently linked cell wall proteins, whereas in cell walls of fks1 and gas1 deletion strains, which contain much less beta1,3-glucan but more chitin, beta1,3-glucanase-resistant proteins represented about 40% of the total. We propose that the increased cross-linking of cell wall proteins via beta1,6-glucan to chitin represents a cell wall repair mechanism in yeast, which is activated in response to cell wall weakening.  相似文献   

Dynamics of cell wall structure in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an elastic structure that provides osmotic and physical protection and determines the shape of the cell. The inner layer of the wall is largely responsible for the mechanical strength of the wall and also provides the attachment sites for the proteins that form the outer layer of the wall. Here we find among others the sexual agglutinins and the flocculins. The outer protein layer also limits the permeability of the cell wall, thus shielding the plasma membrane from attack by foreign enzymes and membrane-perturbing compounds. The main features of the molecular organization of the yeast cell wall are now known. Importantly, the molecular composition and organization of the cell wall may vary considerably. For example, the incorporation of many cell wall proteins is temporally and spatially controlled and depends strongly on environmental conditions. Similarly, the formation of specific cell wall protein-polysaccharide complexes is strongly affected by external conditions. This points to a tight regulation of cell wall construction. Indeed, all five mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in bakers' yeast affect the cell wall, and additional cell wall-related signaling routes have been identified. Finally, some potential targets for new antifungal compounds related to cell wall construction are discussed.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae alpha-agglutinin is a cell wall-anchored adhesion glycoprotein. The previously identified 140-kDa form, which contains a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor (D. Wojciechowicz, C.-F. Lu, J. Kurjan, and P. N. Lipke, Mol. Cell. Biol. 13:2554-2563, 1993), and additional forms of 80, 150, 250 to 300, and > 300 kDa had the properties of intermediates in a transport and cell wall anchorage pathway. N glycosylation and additional modifications resulted in successive increases in size during transport. The 150- and 250- to 300-kDa forms were membrane associated and are likely to be intermediates between the 140-kDa form and a cell surface GPI-anchored form of > 300 kDa. A soluble form of > 300 kDa that lacked the GPI anchor had properties of a periplasmic intermediate between the plasma membrane form and the > 300-kDa cell wall-anchored form. These results constitute experimental support for the hypothesis that GPI anchors act to localize alpha-agglutinin to the plasma membrane and that cell wall anchorage involves release from the GPI anchor to produce a periplasmic intermediate followed by linkage to the cell wall.  相似文献   

Cell wall mannoproteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae are completely or partially incorporated into their final location when N-glycosylation is inhibited by tunicamycin. These include a 90-100 kDa species still containing O-linked oligomannose chains, derived from a N-glycosylated material larger than 120 kDa; and a 30.5 kDa peptide lacking mannose residues, derived from a 33 kDa species. For both species, the growth temperature influences the level of incorporation of the non N-glycosylated molecules. Secretion of the peptides lacking N-linked saccharide chains follows the route defined by sec mutants.  相似文献   

An extracellular matrix composed of a layered meshwork of beta-glucans, chitin, and mannoproteins encapsulates cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This organelle determines cellular morphology and plays a critical role in maintaining cell integrity during cell growth and division, under stress conditions, upon cell fusion in mating, and in the durable ascospore cell wall. Here we assess recent progress in understanding the molecular biology and biochemistry of cell wall synthesis and its remodeling in S. cerevisiae. We then review the regulatory dynamics of cell wall assembly, an area where functional genomics offers new insights into the integration of cell wall growth and morphogenesis with a polarized secretory system that is under cell cycle and cell type program controls.  相似文献   

The Mcd4 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is probably involved in addition of the phosphoethanolamine moiety to the first mannose residue of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol precursor(s). However, significance of this modification is unclear. Besides, functions of the MCD4 gene also is not completely clear, since mutations in this gene may have pleiotropic manifestations, which are not obviously related to the glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis. To clarify the functions of Mcd4p we have performed a search for genes whose mutations are lethal or semilethal in combination with the ssu21 mutation in MCD4. In total, we have isolated six mutations some of which cause sensitivity to SDS and/or calcofluor white. Genes which are able to complement two of these mutations were cloned. They were MNN9 which encodes protein involved in formation of outer chains of the N-linked glycans of secretory proteins and GWT1, encoding the protein of the endoplasmic reticulum involved in the glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis. The results obtained indicate that in both cases growth inhibition was caused by defect of cell wall biogenesis and alteration of folding of secretory proteins. Search for mutations that lethal in combination with the ssu21 is an effective approach to reveal genes involved in the control of cell wall biogenesis.  相似文献   

啤酒酵母自溶与细胞壁关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
啤酒酿造过程中正常情况下的酵母不会发生自溶,但如果细胞衰老死亡或操作不当则会出现酵母自溶现象.虽然自溶的细胞在生产中占的比例较小,但自溶后的酵母将胞内物质释放到酒液中,产生酵母味,严重影响了啤酒的口感和外观质量.早期研究认为酵母细胞壁在酵母自溶过程中不发生水解,即自溶后的细胞仅剩下空的细胞外壳.现在研究发现酵母在自溶时其细胞壁也会发生水解作用,葡聚糖酶将构成细胞壁成分的葡聚糖进行分解,分解产物最终释放到酒液里和细胞质内物质共同影响啤酒的质量.  相似文献   

We have obtained evidence for two structurally and antigenically different Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall mannans. One, which occurs widely and is found in S. cerevisiae strain 238C, is already known to be a neutral mannan which yields mannose, mannobiose, mannotriose, and mannotetraose on acetolysis of the (1 --> 6)-linked backbone. The other, which was found in S. cerevisiae brewer's strains, is a phosphomannan with a structure very similar to that of Kloeckera brevis mannan. S. cerevisiae (brewer's yeast strain) was agglutinated by antiserum prepared against Kloeckera brevis cells. The mannan, isolated from a proteolytic digest of the cell wall of the former, did not react with S. cerevisiae 238C antiserum, whereas it cross-reacted strongly with K. brevis antiserum. Controlled acetolysis cleaved the (1 --> 6)-linkages in the polysaccharide backbone and released mannose, mannobiose, mannotriose, and mannotriose phosphate. Mild acid treatment of the phosphomannan hydrolyzed the phosphodiester linkage, yielding phosphomonoester mannan and mannose. The resulting phosphomonoester mannan reacted with antiserum prepared against K. brevis possessing monoester phosphate groups on the cell surface. alpha-d-Mannose-1-phosphate completely inhibited the precipitin reaction between brewer's yeast mannan and the homologous antiserum. Flocculent and nonflocculent strains of this yeast were shown to have similar structural and immunological properties.  相似文献   

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