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Expression of human recombinant plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) in Escherichia coli has led to crystallization of ‘latent’ PAI-1. Cleavage with restriction endonucleases of a cDNA clone encoding PAI-1 yielded an 1127 base pair fragment encoding residues 2–376 of the 379 amino acid serpin. Synthetic DNA linkers were ligated to the 5′ and 3′ ends of the subclone to add an initiation codon and restore the full coding sequence, and the resulting semisynthetic gene was incorporated into an expression plasmid, pPAIST-7, under the control of the E. coli trp promoter. Transformation of E. coli GE81 with pPAIST-7 led to expression of unglycosylated PAI-1. Lysates of expression cultures contained PAI-1 activity and PAI-1 protein with the predicted Mr. Unglycosylated PAI-1 from E. coli exhibited characteristic properties of authentic PAI-1: (1) it was recovered in both active and inactive (latent) forms; (2) its activity declined during incubation at 37°C; (3) latent PAI-1 was activated by treatment with 4 M guanidine hydrochloride; (4) reactivated PAI-1 formed a detergent-stable complex with tissue plasminogen activator. Latent PAI-1 accounted for more than 85% of PAI-1 in cell lysates and was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation, anion-exchange chromatography and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The purified latent PAI-1 was crystallized.  相似文献   

A central feature of the serpin inhibition mechanism is insertion of the reactive center loop into the central beta-sheet (beta-sheet A). This insertion also occurs when the reactive center loop is cleaved without protease inhibition. Using this effect, we have measured the enthalpy (DeltaH) of loop cleavage and insertion for plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) as -38 kcal/mol. Because loop insertion can be blocked by incorporating a peptide into the central beta-sheet, it was possible to assign -7 kcal/mol to loop cleavage and -31 kcal/mol to loop insertion. These values are lower than values reported for the serpins alpha 1 -proteinase inhibitor and antithrombin of -53 to -63 kcal/mol, respectively, for loop insertion with negligible enthalpy for loop cleavage. A free energy difference of -9 kcal/mol has been reported between the active and spontaneously loop inserted "latent forms" of PAI-1, which is significantly smaller in magnitude than the -31 kcal/mol of enthalpy we measured for loop insertion. Because the enthalpy should relate closely to those regions of PAI-1 that have moved to lower potential energy, a difference distance matrix is presented that identifies regions of PAI-1 that move during loop insertion.  相似文献   

Some models of in vitro chromatin assembly suggest a biphasic molecular mechanism. The first phase, nucleosome formation, is comprised of the formation of histone-DNA complexes which mature into a canonical nucleosome structure. The second phase represents the process by which these nucleosomes become properly spaced with a regular periodicity on the DNA. In this report, we examine the role of DNA topoisomerases in the latter phase of chromatin assembly. To study this process, we use a Xenopus laevis cell-free extract, which assembles quantitative amounts of chromatin on circular DNA templates, and the type II topoisomerase-specific antitumor drugs VM-26 and endrofloxicin. Our results suggest that nucleosome formation is unaffected by the presence of VM-26 or endrofloxicin. However, periodic spacing of nucleosomes is inhibited significantly by these drugs. In the absence of proper chromatin assembly, circular DNA molecules are processed into nucleoprotein complexes which are transcribed poorly. Taken together, these results indicate that the antitumor drugs VM-26 and endrofloxicin influence gene expression indirectly by blocking the periodic spacing of nucleosomes.  相似文献   

Mångs H  Sui GC  Wiman B 《FEBS letters》2000,475(3):192-196
The role of the 13 histidine residues in plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) for the stability of the molecule was studied by replacing these residues by threonine, using site-directed mutagenesis. The generated mutants were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and characterized. All variants had a normal activity and formed stable complexes with tissue-type plasminogen activator. Most of these PAI-1 variants displayed a similar pH-dependency in stability as wild-type PAI-1, with increased half-lives at lower pH. However, the variant His364Thr had a half-life of about 50 min at 37 degrees C and had almost completely lost its pH-dependency. Therefore, our data suggest that His(364), in the COOH-terminal end of the molecule might be responsible for the pH-dependent stability of PAI-1.  相似文献   

HIV-1 protease is most active under weakly acidic conditions (pH 3.5-6.5), when the catalytic Asp25 and Asp25' residues share 1 proton. At neutral pH, this proton is lost and the stability of the structure is reduced. Here we present an investigation of the effect of pH on the dynamics of HIV-1 protease using MD simulation techniques. MD simulations of the solvated HIV-1 protease with the Asp25/25' residues monoprotonated and deprotonated have been performed. In addition we investigated the effect of the inclusion of Na(+) and Cl(-) ions to mimic physiological salt conditions. The simulations of the monoprotonated form and deprotonated form including Na(+) show very similar behavior. In both cases the protein remained stable in the compact, "self-blocked" conformation in which the active site is blocked by the tips of the flaps. In the deprotonated system a Na(+) ion binds tightly to the catalytic dyad shielding the repulsion between the COO(-) groups. Ab initio calculations also suggest the geometry of the active site with the Na(+) bound closely resembles that of the monoprotonated case. In the simulations of the deprotonated form (without Na(+) ions), a water molecule bound between the Asp25 Asp25' side-chains. This disrupted the dimerization interface and eventually led to a fully open conformation.  相似文献   

An aromatic amino acid, Tyr or Trp, located in the esterase active site wall, is highly conserved, with hyperthermophilic esterases showing preference for Tyr and lower temperature esterases showing preference for Trp. In this study, we investigated the role of Tyr182 in the active site wall of hyperthermophilic esterase EstE1. Mutation of Tyr to Phe or Ala had a moderate effect on EstE1 thermal stability. However, a small-to-large mutation such as Tyr to His or Trp had a devastating effect on thermal stability. All mutant EstE1 enzymes showed reduced catalytic rates and enhanced substrate affinities as compared with wild-type EstE1. Hydrogen bond formation involving Tyr182 was unimportant for maintaining EstE1 thermal stability, as the EstE1 structure is already adapted to high temperatures via increased intramolecular interactions. However, removal of hydrogen bond from Tyr182 significantly decreased EstE1 catalytic activity, suggesting its role in stabilization of the active site. These results suggest that Tyr is preferred over a similarly sized Phe residue or bulky His or Trp residue in the active site walls of hyperthermophilic esterases for stabilizing the active site and regulating catalytic activity at high temperatures.  相似文献   

A positive correlation between sponge coverage and tannin concentrations in prop roots of Rhizophora mangle L. has previously been reported. However, the ecological role of tannins within the mangrove sponge association remains speculative. This study investigated whether tannins play a role in sponge recruitment and assessed tannin and polyphenol production in R. mangle roots in response to sponge colonization. We demonstrated in a field experiment using artificial substrates with different tannin concentrations that tannins are positively involved in larval recruitment of the sponge Tedania ignis and that roots significantly enhanced tannin and polyphenolic content in response to natural and experimental sponge fouling. Differential recruitment in response to tannins may have been the result of a behavioral response in sponge larvae. It is also possible that tannins affected the structure of the fouling microbial biofilm on the artificial substrate, or tannins affected the post-settlement dynamics of sponge recruits. Elevations in concentrations of tannins and polyphenolic compounds upon coverage with sponges, combined with differential recruitment of T. ignis in response to differences in tannin concentrations, may indicate a positive feedback in recruitment. This may in part explain the typical heterogeneity in sponge coverage and community composition among roots.  相似文献   

The cell adhesive protein vitronectin is a common component of interstitial extracellular matrix and circulates in plasma. It competes effectively with other plasma proteins to adsorb to certain biomaterial surfaces, and is likely to represent an important cell adhesion mediator on the luminal surface of vascular grafts. It is also found associated with certain vascular pathologies. We have shown previously that human endothelial cells grow poorly on a vitronectin surface compared with other extracellular matrix molecules. In this paper we show that endothelial cells seeded on vitronectin and fibronectin produced substantially different profiles of extracellular matrix molecules. The most outstanding difference was in the amount of matrix-localised plasminogen activator-inhibitor-1 which was high on vitronectin and negligible on fibronectin. This was correlated with a small but significant inhibition of cell adhesion to vitronectin compared with fibronectin, and very significant interference with dissociation of cell: extracellular matrix contacts, resulting either from direct inhibition of the proteolytic activity of urokinase, or from interference with urokinase-receptor signaling and consequent focal adhesion turnover. Such interference would inhibit cell proliferation by disabling the cells from loosening their matrix contacts in order to proceed through mitosis. This would seriously compromise endothelial recovery in cases of damage to the vascular wall and placement of stents or grafts, where the presence of surface-adsorbed vitronectin is likely to modulate the tissue response.  相似文献   

The RNase H activity of HIV-RT is coordinated by a catalytic triad (E478, D443, D498) of acidic residues that bind divalent cations. We examined the effect of RNase H deficient E(478)-->Q and D(549)-->N mutations that do not alter polymerase activity on binding of enzyme to various nucleic acid substrates. Binding of the mutant and wild-type enzymes to various nucleic acid substrates was examined by determining dissociation rate constants (k(off)) by titrating both Mg(2+) and salt concentrations. In agreement with the unaltered polymerase activity of the mutant, the k(off) values for the wild-type and mutant enzymes were essentially identical using DNA-DNA templates in the presence of 6 mM Mg(2+). However, with lower concentrations of Mg(2+) and in the absence of Mg(2+), although both enzymes dissociated more rapidly, the mutant enzymes dissociated several-fold more slowly than the wild type. This was also observed on RNA-DNA templates. These results indicate that alterations in residues essential for Mg(2+) binding have a pronounced positive effect on enzyme-template stability and that the negative residues in the RNase H region of the enzyme have a negative influence on binding in the absence of Mg(2+). In this regard RT is similar to other nucleic acid cleaving enzymes that show enhanced binding upon mutation of active site residues.  相似文献   

Cannabinoids and pain responses: a possible role for prostaglandins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The principal metabolite of delta 1-THC, delta 1-THC-7-oic acid exhibits significant analgesic action in the mouse hot plate test. The parent delta 1-THC has a similar effect when measured at later time points; however, 10 min after drug administration, a pronounced hyperalgesia is seen. This hyperalgesia can be inhibited by prior administration of either indomethacin or delta 1-THC-7-oic acid, presumably because of their ability to inhibit eicosanoid synthesis. Administration of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), at doses that were a small fraction of the delta 1-THC given, resulted in a strong hyperalgesic response. Unlike delta 1-THC, the metabolite does not produce a cataleptic state in the mouse, which eliminates this as a basis for the hot plate response. The evidence presented is consistent with a mechanism in which the metabolite inhibits eicosanoid synthesis whereas the parent drug elevates tissue levels of prostaglandins.  相似文献   

A new fluorescence spectroscopic method is presented for determining intramolecular and intermolecular distances in proteins and protein complexes, respectively. The method circumvents the general problem of achieving specific labeling with two different chromophoric molecules, as needed for the conventional donor-acceptor transfer experiments. For this, mutant forms of proteins that contain one or two unique cysteine residues can be constructed for specific labeling with one or two identical fluorescent probes, so-called donors (d). Fluorescence depolarization experiments on double-labeled Cys mutant monitor both reorientational motions of the d molecules, as well as the rate of intramolecular energy migration. In this report a model that accounts for these contributions to the fluorescence anisotropy is presented and experimentally tested. Mutants of a protease inhibitor, plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1), containing one or two cysteine residues, were labeled with sulfhydryl specific derivatives of 4,4-difluoro-4-borata-3a-azonia-4a-aza-s-indacence (BODIPY). From the rate of energy migration, the intramolecular distance between the d groups was calculated by using the Forster mechanism and by accounting for the influence of local anisotropic orientation of the d molecules. The calculated intramolecular distances were compared with those obtained from the crystal structure of PAI-1 in its latent form. To test the stability of parameters extracted from experiments, synthetic data were generated and reanalyzed.  相似文献   

The study of the encystation process of Entamoeba histolytica has been hampered by the lack of experimental means of inducing mature cysts in vitro. Previously we have found that cytoplasmic vesicles similar to the encystation vesicles of Entamoeba invadens are present in E. histolytica trophozoites only in amebas recovered from experimental amebic liver abscesses. Here we report that a monoclonal antibody (B4F2) that recognizes the cyst wall of E. invadens also identifies a 48 kDa protein in vesicles of E. histolytica trophozoites recovered from hepatic lesions. This protein is less expressed in trophozoites continuously cultured in axenical conditions. As previously reported for E. invadens, the B4F2 specific antigen was identified as enolase in liver-recovered E. histolytica, by two-dimensional electrophoresis, Western blot and mass spectrometry. In addition, the E. histolytica enolase mRNA was detected by RT PCR. The antigen was localized by immunoelectron microscopy in cytoplasmic vesicles of liver-recovered amebas. The B4F2 antibody also recognized the wall of mature E. histolytica cysts obtained from human samples. These results suggest that the enolase-containing vesicles are produced by E. histolytica amebas, when placed in the unfavorable liver environment that could be interpreted as an attempt to initiate the encystation process.  相似文献   

The activation of the ATP,Mg-dependent protein phosphatase [Fc.M] has been shown to involve a transient phosphorylation of the modulator subunit (M) and consequent isomerization of the catalytic subunit (Fc) into its active conformation (Jurgensen, S., Shacter, E., Huang, C. Y., Chock, P. B., Yang, S. -D., Vandenheede, J. R., and Merlevede, W. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 5864-5870). The modulator subunit constitutes the inactivating force for the enzyme, but the slow intramolecular inactivation of the phosphatase can be prevented or blocked by the addition of either the phosphorylated inhibitor-1 or Mg2+ ions. Autodephosphorylation of the modulator subunit is not prevented by the phosphoinhibitor-1, suggesting that the ATP,Mg-dependent phosphatase binds the phosphomodulator subunit in a very specific manner, different from the way it binds exogenous phosphoprotein substrates. Alternatively, the autodephosphorylation of the modulator subunit is catalyzed at a separate active site on the enzyme, which is not influenced by the binding of phosphoinhibitor-1. The phosphoinhibitor-1 does not prevent the activation of the enzyme by kinase FA when added at concentrations that totally inhibit the potential phosphorylase phosphatase activity. These results, together with other already published information, suggest separate autonomic controls of the ATP,Mg-dependent phosphatase activity by inhibitor-1 and the modulator protein through the presence of specific regulatory subunits on the enzyme.  相似文献   

Electrostatic interactions are among the key factors determining the structure and function of proteins. Here we report experimental results that illuminate the functional importance of local dipoles to these interactions. The refined 1.7-A X-ray structure of the liganded form of the sulfate-binding protein, a primary sulfate active transport receptor of Salmonella typhimurium, shows that the sulfate dianion is completely buried and bound by hydrogen bonds (mostly main-chain peptide NH groups) and van der Waals forces. The sulfate is also closely linked, via one of these peptide units, to a His residue. It is also adjacent to the N-termini of three alpha-helices, of which the two shortest have their C-termini "capped" by Arg residues. Site-directed mutagenesis of the recombinant Escherichia coli sulfate receptor had no effect on sulfate-binding activity when an Asn residue was substituted for the positively charged His and the two Arg (changed singly and together) residues. These results, combined with other observations, further solidify the idea that stabilization of uncompensated charges in a protein is a highly localized process that involves a collection of local dipoles, including those of peptide units confined to the first turns of helices. The contribution of helix macrodipoles appears insignificant.  相似文献   

The stabilizing role of cannibalism in a predator-prey system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cannibalism can have a stabilizing effect in a predator-prey system. Contrary to the intuitive expectation cannibalism of the predator leads to an increase of the standing stocks of both, prey and predator.  相似文献   

Skoblina MN 《Ontogenez》2002,33(4):292-302
The paper represents the first review of data on the involvement of chloride channels (their inhibitors and media, in which chloride ions are substituted for anions that poorly penetrate in the cell) in the regulation of basal and gonadotropin-stimulated steroidogenesis in the gonads of amphibians, birds, and mammals. Possible causes are considered for different reactions of the gonad steroidogenic cells in representatives of different vertebrate classes to a decreased medium concentration of chloride and the involvement of chloride channels and/or chloride ions in the regulation of steroidogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

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