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Along the French coast of the eastern English Channel there is a strong separation in the hydrology, zooplankton community and ichthyoplankton assemblages, between a coastal ecosystem of continental influence and an offshore ecosystem of Atlantic influence. During April and May 1995, two surveys (60 stations) were conducted to describe the early life history of fishes in this area, and especially the influence of hydrodynamics on Pleuronectes flesus larval transfer from the spawning grounds to the nurseries. Ontogenic changes in larval distributions were described by variograms and path analysis. P. flesus eggs and young larvae were found in the southern offshore area. Their distributions were mainly influenced by sediment and cold temperature found in the central part of the Channel. Older larvae were found at more northern stations, showing a clumped distribution near estuaries, in areas of low salinity. Apparently, young stages of this species were transported from the south central spawning area to coastal waters by residual currents. Behavioural changes in older larvae facilitate the move to nurseries along the French coast.  相似文献   

Abstract. It is well known that the competent larvae of many marine invertebrate species can be stimulated to metamorphose by exposing them to elevated concentrations of certain ions, neuroactive substances, and pharmacological agents. In this study we report that larvae of the euryhaline polychaete Capitella sp. I are induced to metamorphose within 24–48 h by reducing salinity from 30%‰ to 12–15%‰. At 10%‰, however, fewer larvae metamorphosed and the normal metamorphic response to sediment was inhibited; competence was restored within 3 h of transferring the larvae back to full strength seawater (30%‰). Larvae also metamorphosed within 24 h in response to increased external cadmium concentrations of 1000–2000 μg 1–1. Further understanding of how reduced salinity and elevated cadmium stimulate (or inhibit) metamorphosis may lead to a better understanding of signal perception and transduction in this and other species.  相似文献   

Variation of scales on the blind side of Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in relation to sex, maturity and body size was examined. Immature males often have cycloid scales, while mature males have mostly ctenoid scales. Large females also often have ctenoid scales (but with fewer spines compared with males), and small females have mostly cycloid scales. The number of spines (ctenii) on the blind‐side scale increases with body size in both sexes, indicating an ontogenetic change in scale morphology. As P. yokohamae spawn demersal eggs with males positioning themselves above the females on the ocular side, it is hypothesized that ctenoid scales on the blind side in mature males function for maintaining contact with females during spawning.  相似文献   

The effect of high dietary levels of arachidonic acid (ARA) on the eye migration and cranial bone remodelling processes in Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis early juveniles (age: 50 days post hatch) was evaluated by means of geometric morphometric analysis and alizarin red staining of cranial skeletal elements. The incidence of normally pigmented fish fed the control diet was 99·1 ± 0·3% (mean ± s.e .), whereas it was only 18·7 ± 7·5% for those fed high levels of ARA (ARA‐H). The frequency of cranial deformities was significantly higher in fish fed ARA‐H (95·1 ± 1·5%) than in those fed the control diet (1·9 ± 1·9%). Cranial deformities were significantly and negatively correlated with the incidence of normally pigmented animals (r2 = ?0·88, P < 0·001, n = 16). Thus, fish displaying pigmentary disorders differed in the position of their eyes with regard to the vertebral column and mouth axes, and by the interocular distance and head height, which were shorter than in fish not displaying pigmentary disorders. In addition to changes in the positioning of both eyes, pseudoalbino fish showed some ARA‐induced osteological differences for some of the skeletal elements from the splanchnocranium (e.g. right premaxillary, dentary, angular, lacrimal, ceratohyal and branchiostegal rays) and neurocranium (e.g. sphenotic, left lateral ethmoid and left frontal) by comparison to normally pigmented specimens. Pseudoalbino fish also had teeth in both lower and upper jaws. This is the first study in Pleuronectiformes that describes impaired metamorphic relocation of the ocular side eye, the right eye in the case of S. senegalensis, whereas the left eye migrated into the ocular side almost normally.  相似文献   

The effect of diet on the frequency of malpigmentation was investigated in laboratory-reared plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa ) fed on either enriched or unenriched Artemia salina nauplii . The juveniles fed continuously on unenriched Artemia during their larval period showed 29.0% normal pigmentation whereas those fed solely on enriched Artemia , showed 63% normal pigmentation. The possibility of a critical period for pigment development was tested by changing the diet of larvae at different ages. Results suggested that a critical period is less important than the duration of time fed on a nutritionally complete diet.  相似文献   

The relationship between rate of larval development and the potential to prolong larval life was examined for larvae of the marine prosobranch gastropod Crepidula plana Say. Larvae were maintained in clean glass dishes at constant temperatures ranging from 12–29°C and fed either Isochrysis galbana Parke (ISO) or a Tahitian strain of Isochrysis species (T-ISO). Under all conditions, larvae grew at constant rates, as determined by measurements of shell length and tissue biomass. Most larvae eventually underwent spontaneous metamorphosis. Regardless of temperature, faster growth was associated with a shorter planktonic stage prior to spontaneous metamorphosis. Within an experiment, higher temperatures generally accelerated growth rates and reduced the number of days from hatching to spontaneous metamorphosis. However, growth rates were independent of temperature for larvae fed ISO at 25 and 29°C and for larvae fed T-ISO at 20 and 25°C. Where growth rates were unaffected by temperature, time to spontaneous metamorphosis was similarly unaffected. Maximum durations of larval life at a given temperature were shorter for larvae of Crepidula plana than for those of the congener C. fornicata (L.), although both species grew at comparable rates. Interpretations of the ecological significance of these interspecific differences in delay capabilities will require additional data on adult distributions and larval dispersal patterns in the field.  相似文献   

Abstract. Certain stresses experienced by marine larvae from many groups can dramatically reduce aspects of juvenile performance. This study reports the effects of delayed metamorphosis and nutritional stress on survival and growth of the deposit-feeding sipunculan Apionsoma (= Golfingia ) misakianum . Approximately 600 larvae collected from the Florida Current plankton were distributed among 3 treatment groups. Ninety larvae (controls) were offered sediment and adult-conditioned seawater 4 d after collection, to induce metamorphosis; larvae of this species could not be induced to metamorphose by increasing the K+ concentration of seawater. The remaining 500 larvae were kept swimming for either 2 or 4 weeks, with or without phyto-plankton (clone T-ISO). At the end of the periods of prolonged larval swimming, subsampled larvae (360) were induced to metamorphose as in the controls. Surviving individuals were retrieved 6 weeks after the addition of excess sediment in all treatments, and weighed to document growth. Neither delayed metamorphosis nor starvation influenced juvenile survival. However, starving larvae for 2 weeks significantly reduced mean juvenile growth rates relative to the mean growth rate of control individuals (p<0.0001), while prolonging larval life by 4 weeks significantly reduced mean juvenile growth rates (p<0.05) whether or not larvae were fed. Reduced juvenile growth rates may have been caused by nutritional stress experienced by larvae in both the starved and fed treatments. The rapid response of freshly collected larvae to sediment indicates that competent larvae of this species routinely delay metamorphosis in the field. The extent to which they also experience food limitation is not yet clear. If competent larvae are food limited while delaying metamorphosis in the field, our results suggest that juveniles will grow more slowly and may thus exhibit reduced fitness.  相似文献   

The methods used in the breeding and rearing of Peltophryne lemur along with comments on reintroduction efforts are described. Breeding was induced by injections of leutinizing releasing hormone, and fertile eggs were produced. Eggs hatched in approximately 24 h. Newly hatched tadpoles were small (5.0 mm) and delicate. Metamorphosis occurred in 20–30 days, and newly metamorphosed toads grew evenly and quickly to maturity in about 1 yr. Seventy-five 20-mm young were returned to Puerto Rico in May 1983. These toads were released at a pond where adult and young P lemur were seen. The successful maintenance and breeding of this species indicate it can survive in captivity. Future work on P lemur should concentrate on its status and survival in the wild.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to investigate the diet and feeding strategies of age 0 year juvenile flounder Platichthys flesus in two different micro‐tidal habitats in the nutrient enriched Mariager Fjord on the Danish east coast. Juvenile flounder and benthic macrofauna were sampled monthly from June to October 1999 in a bare sand habitat and a habitat covered by filamentous and mat forming macroalgae. The presence of the 'opportunistic' macroalgae created a shift in the dominance of surface dwelling prey such as epifaunal amphipods to more infaunal groups such as oligochaetes and polychaetes. The diet of the flounder varied considerably between the two habitats mainly reflecting prey availability relative to their abundance, prey spatial distribution, habitat structure and ontogenetic prey shifts as a function of total length. Flounder in the vegetated site fed on a diverse diet of copepods, polychaetes and oligochaetes, whereas those caught in the bare sand site fed primarily on the amphipod Corophium volutator which was numerically dominant at this site. During the growth season, two diet shifts were observed: from copepods early in the season to macrofauna organisms and, later in the season, the inclusion of more hyperbenthic prey such as Mysidea spp; Idotea spp. and the common goby Pomatoschistus microps .  相似文献   

The life history of two Soleidae, the common sole, Solea solea, and the thickback sole, Microchirus variegatus, were compared in the Bay of Biscay in an attempt to set out factors which could explain settlement styles known to be different between juveniles of each species. Common sole juveniles had been shown to depend on coastal and estuarine nurseries, and the thickback sole to develop in open-sea nurseries, although the spawning grounds and spawning season of both species overlapped (offshore and at springtime, respectively). For this study, data on adult, juvenile and larva distributions were obtained from cruises carried out in the Bay of Biscay during the last decade. In addition, growth rate of larvae and planktonic interval duration, estimated by means of otolith increment analysis, were compared, as well as literature-derived information on behaviour of larvae. By comparing larval features, it appeared that thickback sole did not obtain the advantage of a slightly longer pelagic life span for an increased dispersal, due to an early shift to benthic behaviour. Other evidence was given by more specifically stated distributions that the further and deeper offshore spawning of M. variegatus, compared to S. solea, was a likely key-factor of the juvenile settlement process. This could explain why the thickback sole, contrary to the common sole, never reach coastal areas and thus settle offshore, in waters deeper than 30 m.  相似文献   

Evolutionary change does not proceed in every direction with equal probability. Evolutionary biases or constraints are limitations on the mode, direction and tempo of evolution. Early tetrapods provide interesting examples, especially Paleozoic and Mesozoic amphibians. (1) Body size had a strong impact on morphology and development in early amphibians, resulting in manifold convergences imposed by design limitations. Miniaturisation had similar effects in a wide range of Paleozoic tetrapods, which are consistent with observations on extant salamanders. Gigantism was a common feature of Triassic temnospondyls, correlating with slow developmental rates similar to those of gigantic salamanders and the convergent evolution of bone density. (2) Ontogeny imposes constraints on evolution by canalised (buffered) developmental sequences. In Paleozoic temnospondyls, ontogenetic trajectories evolved by several different modes (truncation of the trajectory, shifting of events or condensation of events). Metamorphosis is an extreme example of a condensed developmental sequence, which first evolved in Paleozoic temnospondyls, increased in salamanders and culminated in anurans. It imposes strong biases that may be broken by three conceivable modes: (1) loss of the adult period (neoteny), (2) loss of the larval period (direct development) and (3) ‘unpacking’ of metamorphosis by re-evolving the plesiomorphic trajectory.  相似文献   

A laboratory stream experiment was performed to test the influence of young‐of‐ the‐year Atlantic salmon Salmo Salar density on habitat selection ( i.e . pools and riffles) and the combined effect of habitat and density on territoriality. Pools were preferred at low and medium fish density. At higher density, the saturation of the riffles led to an equal fish repartition in both habitats. Aggressive interactions increased according to fish density, and the level of aggression was significantly higher in the pools than in the riffles.  相似文献   

Comparison of the results of ichthyoplankton surveys conducted at 97 stations in the eastern part of the Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan, in June–July 2007 with the similar research data of the 1950s shows that at present, as was the case 50 years ago, flatfish eggs belonging mainly to the yellowfin sole Limanda aspera and brown sole Pleuronectes herzensteini prevail in the local ichthyoplankton (up to 86%). The highest concentrations of these species’ eggs were recorded in the Vostok Bay and Strelok Bay. The spawning activity of flatfish in 2007 is found to be lower than in the mid 1900s, but the significance of the eastern part of the Peter the Great Bay for flatfish reproduction remains large. The importance of long-term monitoring in this area, which is being subjected to steadily growing anthropogenic impacts, is also proven.  相似文献   

Rearing experiments were carried out to clarify the effects of sandy substrate and light irradiation on hypermelanosis of the blind side (the staining type of ambicoloration) in cultured Japanese flounder. Fish were reared in three experimental conditions: (1) no sandy substrate into which fish could bury themselves and with upward light irradiating their blind sides, (2) no sandy substrate and no upward light, and (3) sandy substrate (transparent glass sand) with upward light irradiation. Pigmented areas on the blind side were measured by an image analyzing system. Flounder from the third condition (sandy substrate with light irradiation) showed the lowest pigmentation on the blind side. In contrast, fish from the second condition (no sandy substrate and no light irradiation), showed the highest pigmentation coverage. These results indicate that sandy substrate on the bottom in culture tanks is more important than light irradiation as a factor affecting hypermelanosis of the blind side in cultured Japanese flounder.  相似文献   

1. In the absence of fish predation, Daphnia exploiting a deep‐water algal maximum are faced with a trade‐off. They can either dwell in the epilimnion where development in the warm water is fast, but food shortage causes low egg production, or in the hypolimnion, where food availability is high but development is slow because of low temperatures. 2. We tested the hypotheses that (i) depth distributions of various ontogenetic stages (size classes and egg‐bearing females) differ because daphnids react to light with size‐specific diel vertical migration (DVM) even in the absence of fish (residual predator avoidance hypothesis) and (ii) differently sized daphnids select different depths because the relative importance of temperature and food varies for ontogenetic stages (physiological hypothesis). We used large indoor mesocosms (Plankton Towers) to test these hypotheses experimentally. 3. Temperature was the strongest factor governing the distribution, with larger proportions of the population dwelling in the food‐rich hypolimnion if the temperature gradient was shallow. There were small but significant differences between ontogenetic stages during the day, but not at night. This suggested the existence of a ‘residual’ effect of light on depth distribution in the absence of a fish cue. 4. Although large individuals exhibited greater amplitude of DVM, the physiological hypothesis had to be rejected. A stage‐specific physiological effect is unlikely to be directly triggered by light, hence vertical movement of the individuals should not be synchronised. Rather, being forced into deeper layers by the residual light response during the day, large and egg‐bearing females experience a lower average temperature during day than juveniles. They probably compensate for this by spending longer time periods in warm waters at night.  相似文献   

Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus larvae and early juveniles were assigned to one of three developmental stages based on the degree of guanine deposition. The development in terms of the guanine deposition was a function of body size and age and was more strongly associated with the former. The degree of guanine deposition is found to be valid as a criterion to distinguish Japanese anchovies at the end of the metamorphosing stage.  相似文献   

Otoliths from 640 flounders from the River Frome, a chalk river in southern England, were used for age and growth studies together with length-frequency data. Mean lengths at ages I–V were 89, 151, 225, 304 and 323 mm respectively; these are higher than have been reported for marine populations. All flounders caught were immature and, on reaching the sea, both sexes probably became sexually mature a year older than did the marine populations. Flounder diets in freshwater comprised largely aquatic insects, Mollusca and Crustacea but there were differences between large and small fish; seasonal changes in diet largely reflected prey availability. It is suggested that competition for food and space in estuaries between 0 group flounders have given rise to the migration into fresh water.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Although mangroves have been extensively studied, little is known about their ecological wood anatomy. This investigation examined the potential use of vessel density as a proxy for soil water salinity in the mangrove species Rhizophora mucronata (Rhizophoraceae) from Kenya. METHODS: In a time-standardized approach, 50 wood discs from trees growing in six salinity categories were investigated. Vessel densities, and tangential and radial diameters of rainy and dry season wood of one distinct year, at three positions on the stem discs, were measured. A repeated-measures ANOVA with the prevailing salinity was performed. KEY RESULTS: Vessel density showed a significant increase with salinity, supporting its use as a prospective measure of salinity. Interestingly, the negative salinity response of the radial diameter of vessels was less striking, and tangential diameter was constant under the varying environmental conditions. An effect of age or growth rate or the presence of vessel dimorphism could be excluded as the cause of the absence of any ecological trend. CONCLUSIONS: The clear trend in vessel density with salinity, together with the absence of a growth rate and age effect, validates the potential of vessel density as an environmental proxy. However, it can only be used as a relative measure of salinity given that other environmental variables such as inundation frequency have an additional influence on vessel density. With view to a reliable, absolute proxy, future research should focus on finding wood anatomical features correlated exclusively with soil water salinity or inundation frequency. The plasticity in vessel density with differing salinity suggests a role in the establishment of a safe water transport system. To confirm this hypothesis, the role of inter-vessel pits, their relationship to the rather constant vessel diameter and the underlying physiology and cell biology needs to be examined.  相似文献   

The code Gobiosoma robustum and clown Microgobius gulosus gobies were grown in the laboratory over 27 days at two salinities (5 and 35), two food levels [low (a fixed proportion of initial mass) and high (saturation)] and both with and without the presence of the other species. Both species exhibited greatest growth at the high food level and the low (5) salinity. Neither species was affected by the presence of the other species, and there were no overall differences in growth between the two species. Thus, the observed competitive superiority of G. robustum over M. gulosus does not seem to confer an advantage relative to feeding success. Furthermore, as growth of G. robustum was greater at the lower salinity, it is clear that some factor other than salinity is restricting this species from north‐eastern Florida Bay. Additional work on the importance of predation and food resources in various regions of Florida Bay is needed to further evaluate the underlying mechanisms responsible for the bay‐wide distribution of these species.  相似文献   

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