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Dynacortin is a novel protein that was discovered in a genetic suppressor screen of a Dictyostelium discoideum cytokinesis-deficient mutant cell line devoid of the cleavage furrow actin bundling protein, cortexillin I. While dynacortin is highly enriched in the cortex, particularly in cell-surface protrusions, it is excluded from the cleavage furrow cortex during cytokinesis. Here, we describe the biochemical characterization of this new protein. Purified dynacortin is an 80-kDa dimer with a large 5.7-nm Stokes radius. Dynacortin cross-links actin filaments into parallel arrays with a mole ratio of one dimer to 1.3 actin monomers and a 3.1 microm K(d). Using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, GFP-dynacortin and the actin bundling protein coronin-GFP are seen to concentrate in highly dynamic cortical structures with assembly and disassembly half-lives of about 15 s. These results indicate that cells have evolved different actin-filament cross-linking proteins with complementary cellular distributions that collaborate to orchestrate complex cell shape changes.  相似文献   

By screening a yeast two-hybrid library with COOH-terminal fragments of vinculin/metavinculin as the bait, we identified a new protein termed raver1. Raver1 is an 80-kD multidomain protein and widely expressed but to varying amounts in different cell lines. In situ and in vitro, raver1 forms complexes with the microfilament-associated proteins vinculin, metavinculin, and alpha-actinin and colocalizes with vinculin/metavinculin and alpha-actinin at microfilament attachment sites, such as cell-cell and cell matrix contacts of epithelial cells and fibroblasts, respectively, and in costameres of skeletal muscle. The NH2-terminal part of raver1 contains three RNA recognition motifs with homology to members of the heterogeneous nuclear RNP (hnRNP) family. Raver1 colocalizes with polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB)/hnRNPI, a protein involved in RNA splicing of microfilament proteins, in the perinucleolar compartment and forms complexes with PTB/hnRNPI. Hence, raver1 is a dual compartment protein, which is consistent with the presence of nuclear location signal and nuclear export sequence motifs in its sequence. During muscle differentiation, raver1 migrates from the nucleus to the costamere. We propose that raver1 may coordinate RNA processing and targeting as required for microfilament anchoring in specific adhesion sites.  相似文献   

Here, we report that activation of different types of tissue macrophages, including microglia, by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or GM-CSF stimulation correlates with the quantitative redistribution of NADPH oxidase (cyt b(558)) from the plasma membrane to an intracellular stimulus-responsive storage compartment. Cryo-immunogold labeling of gp91(phox) and CeCl(3) cytochemistry showed the presence of gp91(phox) and oxidant production in numerous small (<100 nm) vesicles. Cell homogenization and sucrose gradient centrifugation in combination with transferrin-HRP/DAB ablation showed that more than half of cyt b(558) is present in fractions devoid of endosomal markers, which is supported by morphological evidence to show that the cyt b(558)-containing compartment is distinct from endosomes or biosynthetic organelles. Streptolysin-O-mediated guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate loading of Ra2 microglia caused exocytosis of a major complement of cyt b(558) under conditions where lysosomes or endosomes were not mobilized. We establish phagocytic particles and soluble mediators ATP, TNFα, and CD40L as physiological inducers of cyt b(558) exocytosis to the cell surface, and by shRNA knockdown, we identify Rab27A/B as positive or negative regulators of vesicular mobilization to the phagosome or the cell surface, respectively. Exocytosis was followed by clathrin-dependent internalization of cyt b(558), which could be blocked by a dominant negative mutant of the clathrin-coated pit-associated protein Eps15. Re-internalized cyt b(558) did not reach lysosomes but associated with recycling endosomes and undefined vesicular elements. In conclusion, cyt b(558) depends on clathrin for internalization, and in activated macrophages NADPH oxidase occupies a Rab27A/B-regulated secretory compartment, which allows rapid agonist-induced redistribution of superoxide production in the cell.  相似文献   

In our database searches, we have identified mammalian homologues of yeast actin-binding protein, twinfilin. Previous studies suggested that these mammalian proteins were tyrosine kinases, and therefore they were named A6 protein tyrosine kinase. In contrast to these earlier studies, we did not find any tyrosine kinase activity in our recombinant protein. However, biochemical analysis showed that mouse A6/twinfilin forms a complex with actin monomer and prevents actin filament assembly in vitro. A6/twinfilin mRNA is expressed in most adult tissues but not in skeletal muscle and spleen. In mouse cells, A6/twinfilin protein is concentrated to the areas at the cell cortex which overlap with G-actin-rich actin structures. A6/twinfilin also colocalizes with the activated forms of small GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42 to membrane ruffles and to cell-cell contacts, respectively. Furthermore, expression of the activated Rac1(V12) in NIH 3T3 cells leads to an increased A6/twinfilin localization to nucleus and cell cortex, whereas a dominant negative form of Rac1(V12,N17) induces A6/twinfilin localization to cytoplasm. Taken together, these studies show that mouse A6/twinfilin is an actin monomer-binding protein whose localization to cortical G-actin-rich structures may be regulated by the small GTPase Rac1.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor class B type I localizes to a late endosomal compartment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) has an established role in mediating the selective uptake of cholesterol from HDL in hepatocytes, steroidogenic cells, and other tissues. SR-BI is present on the plasma membrane but also localizes to stable intracellular compartments of unknown function. Using indirect immunofluorescence and subcellular fractionation, we have investigated the subcellular distribution of SR-BI. We report that red fluorescent protein-tagged mouse SR-BI (RFP-mSR-BI) colocalizes with the late endosomal and lysosomal markers, Rab7, LBPA, and Rab9. In addition, endogenous SR-BI is also found on lysosomes and colocalizes with LAMP-2 in primary hepatocytes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the trafficking of SR-BI through these compartments is Rab7 dependent. Interestingly, filipin staining indicates accumulation of lysosomal cholesterol in SR-BI-deficient ((-/-)) as compared with wild-type hepatocytes. In addition to its role as a plasma membrane receptor, SR-BI may function in cholesterol trafficking from late endosomes/lysosomes.  相似文献   

Chicken anemia virus VP2 is a novel dual specificity protein phosphatase   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The function of viral protein 2 (VP2) of the immunosuppressive circovirus chicken anemia virus (CAV) has not yet been established. We show that the CAV VP2 amino acid sequence has some similarity to a number of eukaryotic, receptor, protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) alpha proteins as well as to a cluster of human TT viruses within the Sanban group. To investigate if CAV VP2 functions as a PTPase, purified glutathione S-transferase (GST)-VP2 fusion protein was assayed for PTPase activity using the generalized peptide substrates ENDpYINASL and DADEpYLIPQQG (where pY represents phosphotyrosine), with free phosphate detected using the malachite green colorimetric assay. CAV GST-VP2 was shown to catalyze dephosphorylation of both substrates. CAV GST-VP2 PTPase activity for the ENDpYINASL substrate had a V(max) of 14,925 units/mg.min and a K(m) of 18.88 microm. Optimal activity was observed between pH 6 and 7, and activity was specifically inhibited by 0.01 mm orthovanadate. We also show that the ORF2 sequence of the CAV-related human virus TT-like minivirus (TLMV) possessed PTPase activity and steady state kinetics equivalent to CAV GST-VP2 when expressed as a GST fusion protein. To establish whether these viral proteins were dual specificity protein phosphatases, the CAV GST-VP2 and TLMV GST-ORF2 fusion proteins were also assayed for serine/threonine phosphatase (S/T PPase) activity using the generalized peptide substrate RRApTVA, with free phosphate detected using the malachite green colorimetric assay. Both CAV GST-VP2 and TLMV GST-ORF2 fusion proteins possessed S/T PPase activity, which was specifically inhibited by 50 mm sodium fluoride. CAV GST-VP2 exhibited S/T PPase activity with a V(max) of 28,600 units/mg.min and a K(m) of 76 microm. Mutagenesis of residue Cys(95) to serine in CAV GST-VP2 abrogated both PTPase and S/T PPase activity, identifying it as the catalytic cysteine within the proposed signature motif. These studies thus show that the circoviruses CAV and TLMV encode dual specificity protein phosphatases (DSP) with an unusual signature motif that may play a role in intracellular signaling during viral replication. This is the first DSP gene to be identified in a small viral genome.  相似文献   

The actin-filament associated protein (AFAP) family of adaptor proteins consists of three members: AFAP1, AFAP1L1, and AFAP1L2/XB130 with AFAP1 being the best described as a cSrc binding partner and actin cross-linking protein. A homology search of AFAP1 recently identified AFAP1L1 which has a similar sequence, domain structure and cellular localization; however, based upon sequence variations, AFAP1L1 is hypothesized to have unique functions that are distinct from AFAP1. While AFAP1 has the ability to bind to the SH3 domain of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase cSrc via an N-terminal SH3 binding motif, it was unable to bind cortactin. However, the SH3 binding motif of AFAP1L1 was more efficient at interacting with the SH3 domain of cortactin and not cSrc. AFAP1L1 was shown by fluorescence microscopy to decorate actin filaments and move to punctate actin structures and colocalize with cortactin, consistent with localization to invadosomes. Upon overexpression in A7r5 cells, AFAP1L1 had the ability to induce podosome formation and move to podosomes without stimulation. Immunohistochemical analysis of AFAP1L1 in human tissues shows differential expression when contrasted with AFAP1 with localization of AFAP1L1 to unique sites in muscle and the dentate nucleus of the brain where AFAP1 was not detectable. We hypothesize AFAP1L1 may play a similar role to AFAP1 in affecting changes in actin filaments and bridging interactions with binding partners, but we hypothesize that AFAP1L1 may forge unique protein interactions in which AFAP1 is less efficient, and these interactions may allow AFAP1L1 to affect invadosome formation.  相似文献   

The v-sis transforming gene encodes the woolly monkey homologue of human platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) polypeptide 2. After its synthesis on membrane bound polyribosomes, the glycosylated precursor dimerizes in the endoplasmic reticulum and travels through the Golgi apparatus. At the cell periphery, the precursor is processed to yield a dimer structurally analogous to biologically active PDGF. Small amounts of two incompletely processed forms are detectable in tissue culture fluids of simian sarcoma virus (SSV) transformants. However, the vast majority remains cell associated. Thus, this growth factor-related transforming gene product is not a classical secretory protein. These findings define possible cellular locations where the transforming activity of the sis-PDGF-2 protein may be exerted.  相似文献   

All coronaviruses possess small open reading frames (ORFs) between structural genes that have been hypothesized to play important roles in pathogenesis. Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) ORF 3a is one such gene. It is highly conserved among group 3 coronaviruses, suggesting that it has an important function in infection. IBV 3a protein is expressed in infected cells but is not detected in virions. Sequence analysis predicted that IBV 3a was a membrane protein; however, only a fraction behaved like an integral membrane protein. Microscopy and immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated that IBV 3a localized to the cytoplasm in a diffuse pattern as well as in sharp puncta in both infected and transfected cells. These puncta did not overlap cellular organelles or other punctate structures. Confocal microscopy demonstrated that IBV 3a puncta lined up along smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) tubules and, in a significant number of instances, were partially surrounded by these tubules. Our results suggest that IBV 3a is partially targeted to a novel domain of the smooth ER.  相似文献   

Currently, there is no standardized panel for immunophenotyping myeloid cells in mouse spleen using flow cytometry. Markers such as CD11b, CD11c, F4/80, Gr-1, Ly6C, and Ly6G have long been used to identify various splenic cell myeloid populations. Flow cytometry and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis demonstrated that Ly6G/Ly6C markers are superior to Gr-1 for identifying splenic neutrophils, eosinophils, and subsets of monocytes/macrophages. Moreover, these experiments showed that F4/80 is not required for identifying these myeloid subsets and that many of the commercially available preparations of anti-F4/80 antibodies stain poorly for this antigen in spleen. Taken together, we have now developed an informative flow cytometry panel that can be combined with other cell markers to further delineate subpopulations of mouse splenic myeloid cells. This panel will be highly useful to investigators in the flow cytometry field, as there is a critical need to standardize the analysis of myeloid cell subsets.  相似文献   

The parasitic protozoan Entamoeba histolytica relies on a very dynamic cytoskeleton in order to invade and survive in host tissues. Identification of cytoskeletal elements is key to understanding these processes. Here we present the characterization of EhLimA, the first LIM protein of E. histolytica. EhLimA consists of a single LIM domain at its N terminus and exhibits the highest degree of homology with DdLimE from Dictyostelium discoideum. Immunofluorescence localization of EhLimA using anti-EhLimA antibodies revealed that EhLimA is highly concentrated at the plasma membrane of cells. Silencing or overexpression of the EhLimA gene did not have a significant effect on the growth or morphology of the parasite. EhLimA associates with the cytoskeleton as demonstrated by the enrichment of the protein in cytoskeleton fractions as well as in pull-down assays that revealed that cytoskeleton association involves interaction with actin. EhLimA binding to actin was shown to be dependent on the N-terminal LIM domain of EhLimA, as removal of even half of the LIM domain resulted in almost complete inhibition of the binding to actin. We also found that a portion of EhLimA floats to the lower-density regions of a sucrose gradient together with portions of the Gal-lectin light subunit and actin. Treatment of cells with the cholesterol-sequestering agent digitonin resulted in increased solubility of EhLimA. These results indicate that in addition to cytoskeletal association, EhLimA may also associate with lipid rafts in the parasite plasma membrane and suggest that EhLimA may be part of the molecular system connecting the actin cytoskeleton to membrane rafts.  相似文献   

Although the assembly of herpesviruses has remained an active area of investigation, considerable controversy continues to surround the cellular location of tegument and envelope acquisition. This controversy is particularly evident when the proposed pathways for alpha- and beta-herpesvirus assembly are compared. We have approached this aspect of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) assembly, specifically, envelopment, by investigating the intracellular trafficking of viral tegument proteins which localize in the cytoplasms of infected cells. In this study we have demonstrated that the virion tegument protein pp28 (UL99), a true late protein, was membrane associated as a result of myristoylation. A mutation in this protein which prevented incorporation of [(3)H]myristic acid also altered the detergent solubility and intracellular distribution of the protein when it was expressed in transfected cells. Using a panel of markers for intracellular compartments, we could localize the expression of wild-type pp28 to an intracellular compartment which colocalized with the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi-intermediate compartment (ERGIC), a dynamic compartment of the secretory pathway which interfaces with both the ER and Golgi apparatus. The localization of this viral tegument protein within an early secretory compartment of the cell provided further evidence that the assembly of the HCMV tegument likely includes a cytoplasmic phase. Because pp28 has been shown to be localized to a cytoplasmic assembly compartment in HCMV-infected cells, our findings also suggested that viral tegument protein interactions within the secretory pathway may have an important role in the assembly of the virion.  相似文献   

Cell polarity is critical for cell migration and requires localized signal transduction in subcellular domains. Recent evidence demonstrates that activation of ERK1/2 (extracellular‐signal‐regulated kinase 1/2) in focal adhesions is essential for cell migration. GIT1 (G‐protein‐coupled receptor kinase‐interacting protein 1) has been shown to bind paxillin and regulate focal‐adhesion disassembly. We have previously reported that GIT1 binds to MEK1 [MAPK (mitogen‐activated protein kinase)/ERK kinase 1] and acts as a scaffold to enhance ERK1/2 activation in response to EGF (epidermal growth factor). In the present study we show that GIT1 associates with ERK1/2 in focal adhesions and this association increases after EGF stimulation. The CC (coiled‐coil) domain of ERK1/2 is required for association with GIT1, translocation to focal adhesions, and cell spreading and migration. Immunofluorescent staining showed that, after EGF stimulation, GIT1 co‐localized with pERK1/2 (phosphorylated ERK1/2) in focal adhesions. The binding of GIT1 and ERK1/2 was functionally important, since transfecting an ERK2 mutant lacking the CC domain [ERK2(del CC)] significantly decreased pERK1/2 translocation to focal adhesions, cell spreading and migration induced by EGF. In summary, the CC domain of ERK1/2 is necessary for binding to GIT1, for ERK1/2 activation in focal adhesions, and for cell spreading and migration.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis divIC gene is involved in the initiation of cell division. It encodes a 14.7 kDa protein, with a potential transmembrane region near the N-terminus. In this paper, we show that DivIC is associated with the cell membrane and, in conjunction with previously published sequence data, conclude that it is oriented such that its small N-terminus is within the cytoplasm and its larger C-terminus is external to the cytoplasm. DivIC is shown to be a highly abundant division protein, present at approximately 50 000 molecules per cell. Using immunofluorescence microscopy, DivIC was seen to localize at the division site of rapidly dividing cells between well-segregated nucleoids. Various DivIC immunostaining patterns were observed, and these correlated with different cell lengths, suggesting that the DivIC localization takes on various forms during the cell cycle. The DivIC immunolocalization patterns are very similar to those of another membrane-bound B . subtilis division protein, DivIB.  相似文献   

Mpv17-like protein (M-LP) has been identified as a new protein that shows high sequence homology with Mpv17 protein, a peroxisomal membrane protein involved in the development of early onset glomerulosclerosis. We previously showed that the originally identified M-LP isoform, designated M-LPL, is, like Mpv17, localized in peroxisomes, and that transfection with M-LPL up-regulates expression of the manganese superoxide dismutase (SOD2) gene [R. Iida, T. Yasuda, E. Tsubota, H. Takatsuka, M. Masuyama, T. Matsuki, K. Kishi, M-LP, Mpv17-like protein, has a peroxisomal membrane targeting signal comprising a transmembrane domain and a positively charged loop and up-regulates expression of the manganese superoxide dismutase gene. J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 6301-6306.]. We report here the identification of a novel alternative splicing product of the M-LP gene, designated M-LPS. A comparison of the genomic sequence with the cDNA sequences and an analysis of 5'-flanking regions revealed that the two isoforms are generated by alternative usage of two promoters. M-LPS consists of the C-terminal half of M-LPL (90 amino acids) and therefore lacks the peroxisome targeting signal of membrane protein that exists near the N-terminus of M-LPL. Expression of green fluorescent protein-tagged M-LPS in COS-7 cells demonstrated that M-LPS localizes in the cytosol. In mice, M-LPS is expressed exclusively in kidneys after the age of 6 weeks. Moreover, quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed that transfection with M-LPS up-regulates expression of the SOD2 gene and down-regulates expression of the cellular glutathione peroxidase (Gpx1) and plasma glutathione peroxidase (Gpx3) genes. Taken together, these results suggest different functional attributes of the two M-LP isoforms during aging and development.  相似文献   

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