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Lipids represent 20% of the total weight of the dried pool of medicinal leech salivary gland secretion (SGS) obtained from about 50 individual animals. SGS lacks phospholipids, but contains steroids. Immunochemiluminescent analysis of SGS revealed the presence of free steroid hormones: cortisol, progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, and dehydroepiandrosterone. Micro-chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of SGS and its low molecular weight fraction (LMW) (molecular masses ranged from 220 to 850 Da) has shown the multicomponent nature of the LMW fraction. Using standard preparations as the reference steroid hormones (cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, and testosterone) and histamine and serotonine have been identified in SGS.  相似文献   

The relative location of proteins and lipids in particles of medicinal leech salivary gland secretion (SGS) is revealed for the first time. Their sizes and morphology are described. Using scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, it was determined that SGS consists of particles of different sizes and form. This picture is supported by confocal laser scanning microscopy of SGS preparations treated with fluorescein isothiocyanate. After incubation with nonionic detergents (Brij 35 and Tween 20), transmission electron microscopy revealed the dissociation of fragments composing protein-lipid particles (PLP), and in this case an increase in free protein concentration determined by a modification of the Lowry method was observed. Perylene probing of lipids in SGS preparations showed that they are concentrated mainly inside PLP and are almost absent on the surface. Cholesterol was detected during SGS probing using the cholesteryl-Bodipy (hydrophobic fluorescent analog of cholesterol) on surface sections during confocal analysis of electron microphotographs of SGS. This analysis detected PLP structures in SGS resembling caveoles full of cholesterol. SGS, preliminary frozen at −70°C, transformed into a multitude of similar small particles visualized by transmission electron microscopy, whose fixed distribution resembled water crystal structure.  相似文献   

The mechanism of inhibition of the vascular-platelet stage of hemostasis by medicinal leech salivary gland secretion was studied. It was shown that the secretion blocks platelet adhesion on the surface of collagens belonging to different genetic classes, inhibits the primary attachment of platelets and completely suppresses their spreading on collagen surface. Whatever its antithrombin activity, the leech secretion inhibits platelet aggregation stimulated by various inductors, e. g., ADP, prostaglandin endoperoxide analog U-46619, Ca2+ ionophore A23187, arachidonic acid. The secretion possessing the antithrombin activity causes a greater inhibition of the thrombin-stimulated aggregation than that devoid of this activity. Leech secretion stimulates adenylate cyclase of platelet membranes in a receptor-mediated fashion and increases the level of cAMP. The active substance is a low molecular weight, thermostable trypsin-resistant fraction of the secretion. Stimulation of adenylate cyclase is not mediated by adenosine receptors. It is supposed that the mechanism of this activating effect involves platelet prostaglandin receptors.  相似文献   

The salivary gland secretion of the leech Hirudo medicinalis contains an enzyme termed by us as destabilase, which hydrolyzes the epsilon-(gamma-glutamyl)-lysine bonds as a result of fibrin stabilization by factor XIIIa in the presence of Ca2+. This hydrolysis, apart from the original lysine and glutamine, is characterized by an appearance of lysine and glutamic acid residues. The accumulation of glutamic acid residues leads to spontaneous depolymerization of the destabilized fibrin. As a result, fluid "spots" of destabilized fibrin depolymerization (DFD) begin to appear at the sites of leech secretion application on the surface of stabilized fibrin plates. The DFD activity of the leech salivary gland secretion manifests itself only in case of stabilized fibrin and increases with an increase in the stabilization degree. Treatment of leech secretion with diisopropylfluorophosphate does not affect the enzyme activity, which is completely blocked by monoiodoacetate. The mechanism of action of leech salivary gland secretion and the enzyme isolated from it, i. e., destabilase, was studied, using a synthetic chromogenic substrate - p-nitroanilide-gamma-glutamic acid. The amidolytic activity of leech salivary gland secretion is 2.2 +/- 0.18 nkat/ml, Km(app) for destabilase is 0.6 X 10(-5) M, V = 5.4 X 10(-3) mol/min.  相似文献   

It has been shown for the first time that the salivary gland secretion of the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) contains a human blood plasma kallikrein inhibitor which is capable of blocking the amidolytic activity of the enzyme in an irreversible manner (with D-Pro-Phe-Arg-pNA as substrate) and which also suppresses the kininogenase activity of kallikrein. The inhibition of the amidolytic activity of highly purified kallikrein preparations from human blood plasma obeys the pseudo-first order kinetics. The experimental results suggest that in the salivary-gland secretion of H. medicinalis the inhibitor concentration exceeds by one order of magnitude that in whole leech homogenate extracts, which indicates that the inhibitor biosynthesis may be localized in leech salivary glands.  相似文献   

The salivary gland secretion of the medicinal leech catalyzes the conversion into monomeric form of the fragment D dimer, the product of limited proteolysis of stabilized fibrin. Analysis of N-terminal sequences revealed identical fragments for the D-dimer gamma-gamma-chains and the D-monomer gamma-chains formed via this reaction and established the presence of only one N-terminal amino acid (Ser). These results provide evidence for the preservation of integrity of the polypeptide chains during monomerization of the D-dimer.  相似文献   

Salivary gland secretion (SGS) of the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis in summer and winter was studied by proteomic analysis methods, and season-associated difference was found in the distribution of fractionated proteins with the same pattern of their positions. Differences were detected for proteins with molecular weights from 15 to 250 kD fractionated by two-dimensional SDS-PAGE and for 2-10- and 10-60-kD proteins analyzed by SELDI-MS. Thirty-two and 20 proteins were detected by MALDI-TOF-MS in the high-molecular-weight fraction of the summer and winter SGS, respectively, isolated from the corresponding two-dimensional electrophoregrams, and this was less than 20% of the total SGS protein. The N-terminal amino acid sequences were determined for 12 proteins. The peptide maps and N-terminal amino acid sequences of the proteins studied were identified, and no known proteins were revealed. These findings suggest a high content of newly revealed proteins in SGS of medicinal leech, and this correlates with multiple positive clinical effects of hirudotherapy realized through SGS, but the mechanisms of these effects remain unclear.  相似文献   

In the mast cell, a well-developed array of microtubules is centered around the centrioles. Complete loss of microtubules is observed when mast cells are treated with 10(-5) M colchicine for 4 h at 37 degrees C. The loss of ultrastructurally evident microtubules is associated with a marked change in the shape of mast cells from spheroids to highly irregular, frequently elongated forms with eccentric nuclei. In colchicine-treated cells the association of nucleus, Golgi apparatus, and centrioles is also lost. Mast cells exposed to 10(-5) M colchicine for 4 h at 37 degrees C retain 80% of their capacity to release histamine when stimulated by polymyxin B. Exocytosis is evident in stimulated cells pretreated with colchicine and lacking identifiable microtubules. When the conditions of exposure of mast cells to colchicine are varied with respect to the concentration of colchicine, the length of exposure, and the temperature of exposure, dissociation between deformation of cell shape and inhibition of histamine secretion is observed. These observations indicate that microtubules are not essential for mast cell histamine release and bring into question the assumption that the inhibitory effect of colchicine on mast cell secretion depends on interference with microtubule integrity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the significance of the presence of mast cells in Warthin's tumor by evaluating the occurrence of these cells in cellular and immunohistochemical preparations. STUDY DESIGN: Specimens derived from five cases of FNAC were examined. A total of four slides from five cases were prepared from each: two air-dried smears were stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) stain and two with Hansel's stain. The other two were alcohol fixed and stained using the Papanicolaou method. The smears were evaluated for the presence of mast cells, especially associated with oxyphilic cells. In order to investigate the location of mast cells, we also counted those cells by means of immunohistochemistry using anti-mast cell monoclonal antibody AA1. RESULTS: The Hanselstained cellular sample from Warthin's tumor contained numerous mast cells, associated mainly with large, oxyphilic cell sheets. The number of AA1-positive cells (mast cells) stained with immunohistochemistry was greater in epithelial component than in lymphoid stroma. CONCLUSION: Mast cells in a salivary gland aspirate might be indicative of Warthin's tumor; therefore, MGG-stained slides offer the advantage of ease of preparation, particularly when the typical cytologic features are not present.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter stimulation of plasma membrane receptors stimulates salivary gland fluid secretion via a complex process that is determined by coordinated temporal and spatial regulation of several Ca2+ signaling processes as well as ion flux systems. Studies over the past four decades have demonstrated that Ca2+ is a critical factor in the control of salivary gland function. Importantly, critical components of this process have now been identified, including plasma membrane receptors, calcium channels, and regulatory proteins. The key event in activation of fluid secretion is an increase in intracellular [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]i) triggered by IP3-induced release of Ca2+ from ER via the IP3R. This increase regulates the ion fluxes required to drive vectorial fluid secretion. IP3Rs determine the site of initiation and the pattern of [Ca2+]i signal in the cell. However, Ca2+ entry into the cell is required to sustain the elevation of [Ca2+]i and fluid secretion. This Ca2+ influx pathway, store-operated calcium influx pathway (SOCE), has been studied in great detail and the regulatory mechanisms as well as key molecular components have now been identified. Orai1, TRPC1, and STIM1 are critical components of SOCE and among these, Ca2+ entry via TRPC1 is a major determinant of fluid secretion. The receptor-evoked Ca2+ signal in salivary gland acinar cells is unique in that it starts at the apical pole and then rapidly increases across the cell. The basis for the polarized Ca2+ signal can be ascribed to the polarized arrangement of the Ca2+ channels, transporters, and signaling proteins. Distinct localization of these proteins in the cell suggests compartmentalization of Ca2+ signals during regulation of fluid secretion. This chapter will discuss new concepts and findings regarding the polarization and control of Ca2+ signals in the regulation of fluid secretion.  相似文献   

The giant anterior salivary gland cells from the large mammalian blood-sucking, glossiphoniid leech, Haementeria ghilianii, can be subdivided into three morphologically and functionally distinct regions: 1) a soma, responsible for the synthesis and storage of secretory products; 2) a long cell process, responsible for the storage and intracellular transport of the secretory vesicles; and 3) the site of exocytosis at the process terminal. The giant somata are densely packed with secretory vesicles. Deep plasmalemmal invaginations invade the soma and form an extensive system of extracellular lacunae. The rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus are organized in the cell periphery, near the highly branched nucleus, and along the lacunae. The somata taper into long processes extending over several centimeters to the proboscis tip. These contain secretory vesicles through their whole length. In the process periphery, the vesicles are completely ensheathed by a concentric subplasmalemmal smooth ER cisterna. This originates deeply within the soma and extends through the whole cell process to its terminal. The ER provides support for up to several hundred longitudinally oriented microtubules. Secretion occurs at the very tip of the cell processes, each of which terminates at the proboscis tip at the base of a cuticular pore. We found synapses close to the sites of exocytosis, providing morphological evidence for neuronal control of secretion.  相似文献   

Protamine sulfate, known for a long time as a histamine releaser, was labeled with a fluorescent dye (FITC). This conjugate was shown to stain selectively the mast cell fraction of rat peritoneal cells. Within a few seconds, the protamine was found inside the cells. Although the cells had lost their histamine completely, no granules were found outside the cells. In the electron microscope, the protamine treated mast cells showed a loss of the electron density of their granules, a vacuolization, and other signs of histamine release. Evidence for a direct connection between the vacuoles and the extracellular fluid was gained by incubating mast cells in FITC-labeled human serum albumin followed by the addition of unlabeled protamine. After washing, the fluorescence was found to be located inside the cells, demonstrating an influx of the FITC-HSA under the influence of protamine. The protamine-induced release reaction is increased after addition of Ca2+, reduced by lowering the temperature, addition of 2-deoxyglucose, or cytochalasin B. Disodium cromoglycate also diminished the histamine release in a dose dependent manner. Protamine did not induce a loss of lactate dehydrogenase from the mast cells. The release reaction is mediated by the cell membrane, as shown by the releasing activity of insolubilized protamine. We conclude that the protamine-induced release is a non-cytotoxic reaction, fulfilling some criteria of the anaphylactic histamine release.  相似文献   

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