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Nectar-feeding bats regulate their food ingestion in response to changes in sugar concentration as a way to achieve a constant energy intake. However, their digestive capability to assimilate sugars can limit their total energy intake, particularly when sugar concentration in nectar is low. Our experimental study evaluated the effect that changes in sugar concentration of nectar have on the foraging behavior of the nectar-feeding bats Glossophaga soricina and Leptonycteris yerbabuenae in captivity. We measured foraging behavior and food intake when bats fed at different concentrations of sucrose (5, 15, 25 and 35%wt/vol.). To compensate for low-energy intake, both bat species reduced their flight time, and increased feeding time when sugar concentration decreased. Our results suggest that nectar-feeding bats in nature confront two scenarios with complementary ecological effects: 1) bats feeding on dilute nectars (i.e. ≤15%wt/vol.) should increase the number of flowers visited per night enhancing pollination, and 2) bats feeding on concentrated nectars could spend more time flying, including long- and short-distance-flights increasing food patch exploration for use during subsequent nights, and thus enhancing plant gene flow. Further studies on foraging behavior of nectarivorous bats under natural conditions are necessary to corroborate these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Nectarivory has evolved repeatedly in a number of unrelated bird taxa throughout the world and nectar feeding birds, regardless of their taxonomic affiliation, display convergent foraging and food processing adaptations that allow them to subsist on weak sugar solutions. However, phylogeny influences sugar type preferences of nectarivores. We investigated sugar preferences, assimilation efficiency and water flux in a Neotropical honeycreeper, the Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola; Coerebidae), a member of a radiation of tanagers and finches. Bananaquits showed no preference for nearly equicaloric (25% w/v) sucrose, glucose, fructose or glucose-fructose mixtures in pair-wise choice tests. In agreement with this lack of preference, they were equally efficient at absorbing sucrose and both hexoses. Apparent assimilation efficiency of these sugars was around 97.5%. In pair-wise tests, Bananaquits displayed a strong preference for the most concentrated sucrose solution when the lowest concentration ranged from 276 to 522 mM. Between 522 and 1120 mM sucrose solution concentrations, Bananaquits were able to adjust their volumetric food intake in order to maintain a constant energy intake. At solution concentration of 276 mM, birds could not maintain their rate of energy intake by increasing food consumption enough. We consider that at low sugar concentrations, Bananaquits faced a physiological constraint; they were unable to process food at a fast enough rate to meet their energy needs. We also explored the possibility that dilute nectars might be essential to sustain high water needs of Bananaquits by allowing them to control osmolarity of the food. Between 276 and 1120 mM sucrose solution concentrations, average amount of free water drunk by Bananaquits was independent of food concentration. They drank very little supplementary water and did not effectively dilute concentrated nectars. The evidence suggests that water bulk of dilute nectars is a burden to Bananaquits.  相似文献   

Amino acids are the most abundant class of compounds in nectar after sugars. Like its sugar concentration, the amino acid concentration of nectar has been linked to pollinator type, and it has been suggested that amino acid concentrations are high in the floral nectars of plant species pollinated by passerine birds compared to those pollinated by hummingbirds. We investigated the feeding response of whitebellied sunbirds (Nectarinia talatala) to the inclusion of amino acids in artificial nectar (0.63 M sucrose solution). The response to asparagine, glutamine, phenylalanine, proline, serine and valine, amino acids commonly found in floral nectars, was tested individually and using a mixture of all six amino acids, at two different concentrations (2 and 15 mM). Sunbirds showed no significant preference for amino acids in nectar, or avoided them, especially at the higher concentration. We discuss these findings in the light of the nitrogen requirements of nectarivorous birds and data on amino acids in floral nectars.  相似文献   

Bird-pollinated flowers are known to secrete relatively dilute nectars (with concentrations averaging 20–25% w/w). Many southern African plants that are pollinated by passerine birds produce nectars with little or no sucrose. Moreover, these hexose nectars are extremely dilute (10–15%). This suggests a link between sugar composition and nectar concentration. Nectar originates from sucrose-rich phloem sap, and the proportion of monosaccharides depends on the presence and activity of invertase in the nectary. Hydrolysis of sucrose increases nectar osmolality and the resulting water influx can potentially convert a 30% sucrose nectar into a 20% hexose nectar, with a 1.56 times increase in volume. Hydrolysis may also increase the gradient for sucrose transport and thus the rate of sugar secretion. When sucrose content and refractometer data were compared, some significant correlations were seen, but the occurrence of sucrose-rich or hexose-rich nectars can also be explained on phylogenetic grounds (e.g. Erythrina and Protea). Hexose nectars may be abundant enough to drip from open flowers, but evaporation leads to much variability in nectar concentration and increases the choices available to pollinators.  相似文献   

It has recently been recognized that flowers pollinated by generalist opportunistic nectarivores tend to have different nectar properties to those pollinated by specialist nectarivores (including both hummingbirds and specialist passerines). While renewed interest in specialist avian nectarivore sugar preferences and digestive physiology has helped explain the concentrated sucrose-dominated nectar of plants they feed on, there has been little progress in understanding why generalist or occasional nectar-feeding birds tend to be associated with flowers that have dilute hexose-dominated nectar. We examined sugar preferences and assimilation efficiencies over a range of concentrations, and concentration preferences, in Dark-capped Bulbuls Pycnonotus tricolor, one of the more common occasional avian nectarivores in southern Africa. Dark-capped Bulbuls showed significant preference for hexose sugar solutions, irrespective of concentration, when given a choice between hexose and sucrose solutions in equicaloric pair-wise choice tests conducted at five different concentrations (5–25%). This contrasts with results from specialist nectarivore groups which generally show a significant concentration-dependant switch in preference from hexose at low concentrations to sucrose at high concentrations for equicaloric solutions. In addition, Dark-capped Bulbuls showed an unusual lack of preference for solutions of higher sugar concentration when simultaneously offered four solutions varying in concentration from 10 to 25%. Dark-capped bulbuls also showed a unique effect of concentration on sugar assimilation efficiency, assimilating relatively more energy on 5% diets than on 25% diets. Although able to assimilate sucrose effectively, assimilation rates of hexose sugars were marginally higher. These results shed new light on pollination systems involving occasional nectarivores and, in particular, help to explain the prevalence of low concentration hexose-dominated nectars in flowers pollinated by these birds.  相似文献   

Although the function of nectar is to attract and reward pollinators, secondary metabolites produced by plants as anti‐herbivore defences are frequently present in floral nectars. Greater understanding is needed of the effects of secondary metabolites in nectar on the foraging behaviour and performance of pollinators, and on plant–pollinator interactions. We investigated how nectar‐feeding birds, both specialist (white‐bellied sunbirds Cinnyris talatala) and generalist (dark‐capped bulbuls Pycnonotus tricolor and Cape white‐eyes Zosterops virens), respond to artificial nectar containing the alkaloid nicotine, present in nectar of Nicotiana species. Preference tests were carried out with a range of nicotine concentrations (0.1–300 μM) in two sucrose concentrations (0.25 and 1 M), and for bulbuls also in two sugars (sucrose and hexose). In addition, we measured short‐term feeding patterns in white‐bellied sunbirds that were offered nicotine (0–50 μM) in 0.63 M sucrose. Both nicotine and sugar concentrations influenced the response of bird pollinators to nicotine. The birds showed dose‐dependent responses to nicotine; and their tolerance of high nicotine concentrations was reduced on the dilute 0.25 M sucrose diet, on which they increased consumption to maintain energy intake. White‐bellied sunbirds decreased both feeding frequency and feeding duration as the nicotine concentration in artificial nectar increased. Of the three species, bulbuls showed the highest tolerance for nicotine, and sugar type (sucrose or hexose) had no effect. The indifference of bulbuls to nicotine may be related to their primarily frugivorous diet. However, the response of white‐eyes to nicotine in the dilute sucrose solution was very similar to that of sunbirds, even though white‐eyes are generalist nectar‐feeders. Additional testing of other avian nectarivores and different secondary metabolites is required to further elucidate whether generalist bird pollinators, which utilise dilute nectars in which secondary metabolites have stronger deterrent effects, are more tolerant of ‘toxic’ nectar.  相似文献   

Plant nectar is a simple food consumed by many different animals. Preferences regarding its components, especially sugars, have been studied for many species, but the preferences of nectar-feeding birds for different sugar concentrations are less well known than their sugar type preferences. The concentration preferences of white-bellied sunbirds, Cinnyris talatala, were examined using paired solutions of either sucrose or equicaloric 1:1 mixtures of glucose and fructose. Preferences were tested over a broad concentration range of 0.25–2.5 M sucrose equivalents (using 0.25 or 0.5 M differences between pairs). On both sucrose and hexose diets, the higher concentration was preferred up to 1 M, but there were no significant preferences above this concentration, except that birds preferred 1.5 to 2 M sucrose. As with other nectar-feeding vertebrates, the laboratory preferences of sunbirds do not explain the low concentration of their natural nectars. We recorded apparent excess sugar consumption during 6 h preference tests involving concentrated hexose diets; this could be due to digestive constraints or viscosity differences between sucrose and hexose solutions.  相似文献   

Most birds are uricotelic. An exception to this rule may be nectar-feeding birds, which excrete significant amounts of ammonia under certain conditions. Although ammonia is toxic, because it is highly water soluble its excretion may be facilitated in animals that ingest and excrete large amounts of water. Bird-pollinated plants secrete carbohydrate- and water-rich floral nectars that contain exceedingly little protein. Thus, nectar-feeding birds are faced with the dual challenge of meeting nitrogen requirements while disposing of large amounts of water. The peculiar diet of nectar-feeding birds suggests two hypotheses: (1) these birds must have low protein requirements, and (2) when they ingest large quantities of water their primary nitrogen excretion product may be ammonia. To test these hypotheses, we measured maintenance nitrogen requirements (MNR) and total endogenous nitrogen losses (TENL) in three hummingbird species (Archilochus alexandri, Eugenes fulgens, and Lampornis clemenciae) fed on diets with varying sugar, protein, and water content. We also quantified the form in which the by-products of nitrogen metabolism were excreted. The MNR and TENL of the hummingbirds examined were exceptionally low. However, no birds excreted more than 50% of nitrogen as ammonia or more nitrogen as ammonia than urates. Furthermore, ammonia excretion was not influenced by either water or protein intake. The smallest species (A. alexandri) excreted a significantly greater proportion (>25%) of their nitrogenous wastes as ammonia than the larger hummingbirds ( approximately 4%). Our results support the hypothesis that nectar-feeding birds have low protein requirements but cast doubt on the notion that they are facultatively ammonotelic. Our data also hint at a possible size-dependent dichotomy in hummingbirds, with higher ammonia excretion in smaller species. Differences in proportionate water loads and/or postrenal modification of urine may explain this dichotomy.  相似文献   

The bills and tongues of nectar-feeding birds differ from continent to continent. The major differences are that: (i) the tongues of A Australian honeyeaters are broader any more fimbricated at the tip than the bifurcated tongues of sunbirds and hummingbirds; (ii) the bills of hummingbirds are more uniformly narrow and taper less markedly towards their tips than those of sun-birds and honeyeaters; and (iii) bill curvatures are generally greater for sunbirds and honey-creepers than for hummingbirds. A variety of hummingbirds has straight or even slightly upturned bills, while bills for all sunbirds, honeycreepers and honeyeaters are decurved to some extent. Despite differences in tongue morphology, hummingbirds, sunbirds and honeyeaters extract nectar at a similar range of rates, averaging approximately 40 γL s?1 from ad libitum feeders, and 1–15 γL?1 from flowers. All tongues collect nectar by capillarity, with licking rates of 6–17 s?1. Licking behaviour has been little studied, although speeds of licking respond to changes in sugar concentration and corolla length. The tongues of honeyeaters are broad, and may need to be brush-tipped in order to allow capillary collection of nectar. Brush-tipped tongues can cover large surface areas on each lick, and may allow honeyeaters to exploit nectar and honeydew that is thinly spread over large surface areas. Bill lengths of nectarivorous birds are similar in all regions, though species of hummingbird have the shortest and longest bills. Bill lengths largely determine the range of floral lengths that can be legitimately probed. Maximum floral lengths exceed bill lengths, since hummingbirds, sunbirds and honeyeaters protrude their tongues beyond the tips of their bills. Rates of nectar extraction, however, decline rapidly once the floral length exceeds bill length. Decurved bills may have evolved in honeyeaters and sunbirds to enable perching birds to reach flowers at the ends of branches more easily. Consistent differences in bill length between the sexes suggest that males and females may exploit different floral resources or different proportions of the same resources. For honeyeaters and sunbirds, males have longer bills than females, but the reverse is true for many hummingbirds.  相似文献   

Nectar-feeding animals increase their food intake when nectar sugar concentration decreases. However, some species present physiological constraints that limit their energy intake when nectar is diluted. We hypothesized that gut capacities of bats affect the ability of these animals to acquire and store energy, modifying how they use food resources in the field. We measured the food intake and changes in body mass of the members of an assemblage of nectar-feeding bats (Choeronycteris mexicana, Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, and Glossophaga soricina) feeding on sucrose solutions of different concentrations (146, 292, 438, 584, 730, 876, and 1,022 mmol L(-1)). The three bat species presented differences in their food intake and their capacity to store energy. While C. mexicana was able to maintain a constant energy intake at all concentrations tested, G. soricina and L. yerbabuenae decreased their sugar/energy intake at the lowest sugar concentrations. Choeronycteris mexicana also increased body mass independent of sugar concentration, while G. soricina and L. yerbabuenae did not. On the basis of our results, we generated a model relating gut capacities and the use of food resources in the field. Our model's predictions and field data support the idea that digestive traits affect the way these animals use the food resources present in their environment.  相似文献   

A nectar diet is simple in nutritional composition and easily digested, but may vary greatly in its proportions of sugar and water. Here, we apply the geometric framework, a modelling approach for investigating how animals balance nutrient needs in multidimensional and dynamic nutritional environments, to captive whitebellied sunbirds (Cinnyris talatala). We address the question of how these small birds (~8?g) prioritise sugar and water intake, and how dietary salt content interacts with sugar and water intake. Sunbirds kept at 20°C and provided with moderate to high sucrose concentrations (≥1?M), together with supplementary water, converge on an intake target of 2.79?g?day(-1) of sucrose and 7.72?g?day(-1) of water: equivalent to 0.85?M sucrose. When the birds are given more dilute sucrose concentrations, they defend their sugar intake by over-ingesting water, up to a ceiling of 47?g?day(-1). Sugar intake thus gets priority over water intake, but the birds have a finite capacity to over-ingest water to gain the target level of sugar. Regulation appears to be less precise when birds are given a choice between two sucrose solutions than when they choose between a sugar solution and supplementary water. Intake targets vary in response to internal and external factors, and sunbirds increase their sugar intake in response to increased activity and cold, irrespective of nectar concentration. They also compensate for interruptions in foraging activity, whether overnight or during the day. Interactive effects become evident when sodium is included as a third nutrient: on very dilute nectar (≤0.1?M), where sunbirds lose body mass, the addition of sodium to the diet helps to achieve the carbohydrate intake target, while raising the ceiling on water intake. This analysis provides a new perspective on nectarivory, while adding to the comparative database on nutrient regulation and emphasising water as a nutrient.  相似文献   

Most terrestrial animals face the challenge of having to conserve water in a desiccating environment. Not surprisingly, the ability to produce concentrated urine has been relatively well studied in birds. Nectar-feeding birds are unusual among terrestrial animals in that they often ingest and excrete prodigious water volumes to obtain adequate energy. Thus, they confront the unusual challenge of having to conserve electrolytes. The diluting abilities of birds and the renal mechanisms that may correlate with them have been relatively neglected. To elucidate diluting and concentrating abilities in nectar-feeding birds, we fed rufous hummingbirds Selasphorus rufus an electrolyte-free nectar and a nectar containing a range of NaCl concentrations. Hummingbirds had a spectacular (and possibly unique) diluting ability: when fed on electrolyte-free food they produced excreta containing less than 0.5 mM l−1 each of sodium and potassium. Hummingbirds also had a poor concentrating ability, retaining sodium and chloride when their food (0.632 M l−1 sucrose) contained more than 35 mM l−1 of NaCl. The kidneys of hummingbirds do not appear to be suited for concentrating urine, and possibly contain structural features that give them a unique diluting ability compared with those of birds that do not feed on nectar.  相似文献   

Because of their small size and expensive mode of flight, hummingbirds display some of the highest known mass-specific rates of aerobic metabolism among vertebrates. High enzymatic flux capacities through pathways of carbohydrate and long-chain fatty acid oxidation indicate that either substrate can fuel flight. Although hummingbirds are known to rely on fat to fuel migratory flight, short foraging bouts are fueled by the oxidation of carbohydrate, not fat. This allows birds refueling at meadows during migration to deposit fat at higher rates and avoids the energetic inefficiency that results from synthesizing fat from dietary sugar, and then breaking down the fat to fuel foraging flight. On cold mornings in subalpine meadows, refueling hummingbirds achieve net energy gain despite the high energetic costs of thermoregulation and flight. In doing so, they sustain the highest known time-averaged metabolic rates among vertebrates. However, low sucrose concentrations, provided in volumes large enough to allow the maintenance of energy balance at low temperature, result in energy deficit and mass loss. The problem of disposing of dietary water at low ambient temperature when intake rates are elevated suggests that the kidneys may be involved in establishing the upper limit to intake rates and, therefore, maximum sustained metabolic rates. It is suggested that hummingbird behaviour and metabolism have coevolved to maximize net energy gain. Further, the energetics of hummingbird thermoregulation and flight may have influenced the evolution of sucrose content in floral nectar.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. This paper describes field observations on diel changes in the nectars of Crataegus, Tilia and Echium in relation to microclimate and insect visits.
2. Nectar concentration is highly correlated with ambient relative humidity, but the concentrative properties of the nectars differ from those of pure sugar solutions in ways that could be accounted for by microclimate or chemical effects.
3. The microclimate inside flowers may influence the rate of equilibration of nectar with the relative humidity of the air, or the equilibrium concentration itself.
4. The vapour pressure relationships of nectars may be influenced by the presence of components with low r/P values (that is, solutes in which solution show a relatively large lowering of vapour pressure, P , for a small change in refraction, r ). Such components might be released by micro-organisms in the nectar.
5. The quantity of sugar per flower depends on the relative rates of secretion and reabsorption, among other things. The flowers we studied showed evidence for morning and evening peaks of secretion, and in Crataegus substantial quantities of sugar were 'sequestered' around midday.
6. The pattern of visits by bumblebees to the flowers of Tilia and Echium can be related to the changing concentration of sugar in the nectar; caloric reward was probably not limiting for bumblebees visiting Tilia.  相似文献   

Nectar-feeding birds have remarkably low nitrogen requirements. These may be due either to adaptation to a low-protein diet or simply to feeding on a fluid diet that minimizes metabolic fecal nitrogen losses. We measured minimal nitrogen requirements (MNR) and total endogenous nitrogen loss (TENL) in the omnivorous European starling Sturnus vulgaris, fed on an artificial nectar-like fluid diet of varying concentrations of sugar and protein. The MNR and TENL of the birds were similar and even slightly higher than allometrically expected values for birds of the starlings' mass (140% and 103%, respectively). This suggests that the low measured nitrogen requirements of nectar-feeding birds are not simply the result of their sugary and watery diets but a physiological adaptation to the low nitrogen input. We also measured the effect of water and protein intake on the nitrogenous waste form in the excreta and ureteral urine in European starlings. Neither high water intake nor low protein intake increased the fraction of nitrogen excreted as ammonia. Ammonia was excreted at consistently low levels by the starlings, and its concentration was significantly higher in ureteral urine than in excreta. We hypothesize that ureteral ammonia was reabsorbed in the lower intestine, indicating a postrenal modification of the urine.  相似文献   

Sucrose, glucose, and fructose are the three sugars that commonly occur in floral nectar and fruit pulp. The relative proportions of these three sugars in nectar and fruit in relation to the sugar preferences of pollinators and seed dispersers have received considerable attention. Based on the research of Herbert and Irene Baker and their collaborators, a dichotomy between sucrose‐dominant hummingbird‐pollinated flowers and hexose‐dominant passerine flowers and fruits was proposed. Data on sugar preferences of several hummingbird species (which prefer sucrose) vs. a smaller sample of passerines (which prefer hexoses) neatly fitted this apparent dichotomy. This hummingbird–passerine dichotomy was strongly emphasized until the discovery of South African plants with sucrose‐dominant nectars, which are pollinated by passerines that are able to digest, and prefer sucrose. Now we know that, with the exception of two clades, most passerines are able to assimilate sucrose. Most sugar preference studies have been conducted using a single, relatively high, sugar concentration in the nectar (ca 20%). Thus, we lack information about the role that sugar concentration might play in sugar selection. Because many digestive traits are strongly affected not only by sugar composition, but also by sugar concentration, we suggest that preferences for different sugar compositions are concentration‐dependent. Indeed, recent studies on several unrelated nectar‐feeding birds have found a distinct switch from hexose preference at low concentrations to sucrose preference at higher concentrations. Finally, we present some hypotheses about the role that birds could have played in molding the sugar composition of plant rewards.  相似文献   

The floral nectar sugar compositions of 20 New World species from 10 genera and of five interspecific hybrids in tribe Antirrhineae have been analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography. Species are pollinated by short-tongued bees, long-tongued bees, and hummingbirds. Ornithophily represents the derived condition in the tribe and has arisen independently in subtribes Maurandyinae and Gambeliinae. All nectars analyzed are sucrose-dominant or -rich, except for the hexose-rich nectar of Mohavea breviflora. Despite the predominance of sucrose, floral nectar sugars from species pollinated by different pollen vectors have characteristic constituents. Nectar sugars from flowers visited by hummingbirds average 76.2% sucrose and have compositions remarkably similar to hummingbird nectars analyzed in previous studies of unrelated species. Long-tongued bee nectars average 87% sucrose and differ from shorttongued bee nectars which have the lowest mean sucrose percentage (40.2%). The association of sugar constituent types and principal pollinators is concordant with previous data and supports hypotheses concerning pollinator preferences and the adaptive significance of certain nectar sugar compositions. Within this adaptive framework, phylogenetic constraint is also operative and may explain the predominance of sucrose in nectar sugars, similarities in sugar composition among hummingbird nectars in subtribes Maurandyinae and Gambeliinae, and the similarity of nectar from Galvezia leucantha (long-tongued bee-pollinated) to hummingbird-pollinated species also in subtribe Gambeliinae.  相似文献   

High blood glucose levels caused by excessive sugar consumption are detrimental to mammalian health and life expectancy. Despite consuming vast quantities of sugar-rich floral nectar, nectar-feeding bats are long-lived, provoking the question of how they regulate blood glucose. We investigated blood glucose levels in nectar-feeding bats (Glossophaga soricina) in experiments in which we varied the amount of dietary sugar or flight time. Blood glucose levels increased with the quantity of glucose ingested and exceeded 25 mmol l(-1) blood in resting bats, which is among the highest values ever recorded in mammals fed sugar quantities similar to their natural diet. During normal feeding, blood glucose values decreased with increasing flight time, but only fell to expected values when bats spent 75 per cent of their time airborne. Either nectar-feeding bats have evolved mechanisms to avoid negative health effects of hyperglycaemia, or high activity is key to balancing blood glucose levels during foraging. We suggest that the coevolutionary specialization of bats towards a nectar diet was supported by the high activity and elevated metabolic rates of these bats. High activity may have conferred benefits to the bats in terms of behavioural interactions and foraging success, and is simultaneously likely to have increased their efficiency as plant pollinators.  相似文献   

The floral nectar chemical composition and nectary structureof some Argentinean Bromeliaceae were studied, including fieldobservations on pollinators. Twenty species belonging to eightgenera from the three subfamilies were analysed. The nectarcomponents report is mostly new since no comprehensive studyhas been carried out on the family previously. Sugars were alwayspresent, while alkaloids, lipids, phenols, and proteins werenot detected in any sample. Reducing acids were found in threespecies. Amino acids were detected in a very low concentrationin only about half the samples. Pitcairnioideae species showa mean balanced disaccharide/monosaccharide nectar sugar composition,Bromelioideae had hexose-rich nectars and Tillandsioideae saccharose-dominantones. Nectar concentration ranged from 16 to 48 %. All taxabear septal nectaries with many common features. Pitcairnioideaeand Tillandsioideae members have half-inferior ovaries, a featuremostly overlooked in previous studies. Three types of nectaryarchitecture were recognized in both subfamilies. Bromelioideaehave inferior ovaries and possess comparable nectaries. Hummingbirdsconstitute the main flower pollinators of many species but butterfliesand bees were occasionally seen in two species, cropping nectarand pollen, respectively. Argentinean Bromeliaceae,, floral nectar, nectary structure, pollinators, alkalinity, abromeitiella, Aechmea, Bromelia, Deuterocohnia, Dyckia, puya, Tillandsia, vriesea  相似文献   

We observed nectar use by native and exotic ant species in nature, garden, and urban situations, and found ants utilizing floral and extrafloral nectar of a variety of flowering plant species. We collected 31 plant nectars (29 floral, 2 extrafloral) and used them in feeding preference tests against standard solutions of sugars (20 percent fructose, glucose, and sucrose, and their mixture), 10 trials for each nectar-ant comparison. We compared time-to-discovery and total ant visits to each droplet using ANOVA, and found that both trial and solution contributed significantly to the variation in most experiments. Seven of the floral nectars tested were significantly more attractive to certain ant species than the sugar solutions. Not only do ants use floral nectar, but it appears that some floral nectars contain compounds that are especially attractive to ants.  相似文献   

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