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Steady-state fluxes of 86Rb+ (as a tracer for K+) were measured in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1) and a mutant (CR1) defective in the regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis; the membrane cholesterol content of this mutant was varied by growing it on a range of cholesterol supplements to lipid-free medium (Sinensky, M. (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 75, 1247–1249).Analogous to previous findings in ascites tumor cells, 86Rb+ influx in the parent strain was differentiated into a ouabain-inhibitable ‘pump’ flux, furosemide-sensitive, chloride-dependent exchange diffusion, and a residual ‘leak’ flux.On the basis of this flux characterization, 86Rb+ pump and leak fluxes were measured in the mutant as a function of membrane cholesterol content. Pump and leak fluxes, when expressed per ml cell water, were independent of the cholesterol content of the mutant. Moreover, 86Rb+ fluxes in the mutant were equal to those in the parent strain. Our data imply that the flux behavior of K+ in the steady state is independent of the ordering of membrane lipid acyl chains.  相似文献   

Steady-state fluxes of 86Rb+ (as a tracer for K+) were measured in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1) and a mutant (CR1) defective in the regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis; the membrane cholesterol content of this mutant was varied by growing it on a range of cholesterol supplements to lipid-free medium (Sinensky, M. (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 75, 1247–1249).Analogous to previous findings in ascites tumor cells, 86Rb+ influx in the parent strain was differentiated into a ouabain-inhibitable ‘pump’ flux, furosemide-sensitive, chloride-dependent exchange diffusion, and a residual ‘leak’ flux.On the basis of this flux characterization, 86Rb+ pump and leak fluxes were measured in the mutant as a function of membrane cholesterol content. Pump and leak fluxes, when expressed per ml cell water, were independent of the cholesterol content of the mutant. Moreover, 86Rb+ fluxes in the mutant were equal to those in the parent strain. Our data imply that the flux behavior of K+ in the steady state is independent of the ordering of membrane lipid acyl chains.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia at either 41.5 or 45 degrees C with variable heating times to reduce cell survival up to three orders of magnitude did not decrease significantly cellular ATP content when measured either immediately or up to 7 hr after a heat treatment. Similarly, cellular ATP content was not significantly reduced with step-down heating, precooling prior to hyperthermia, or thermotolerance induction. The data suggest that heat-induced depletion of intracellular ATP content is not a critical factor in the thermal death of cells heated under normal culture conditions.  相似文献   

The kinetics of colchicine uptake into Chinese hamster ovary cells have been investigated and found to be consistent with an unmediated diffusion mode. A variety of compounds such as local anesthetics and non-ionic detergents as well as drugs such as vinblastine, vincristine, daunomycin and actinomycin D potentiate the rate of colchicine uptake into these cells and into colchicine resistant mutants. In all cases, higher concentrations of these compounds were required to stimulate colchicine uptake in the colchicine resistant mutants than in the cells of the parental line. This stimulation was observed also in the uptake of puromycin, a structurally and functionally different drug. These stimulatory agents did not, however, cause the cells to become nonspecifically leaky since the uptake of 2-deoxy-d-glucose was unaffected. In addition, the activation energy of colchicine uptake was unaltered in the presence of stimulating agents, implying that they were not causing colchicine to enter the cells via a different mechanism. The results are compatible with the view that these compounds are membrane-active, and are able to stimulate an increased rate of unmediated diffusion of colchicine into the cells. It appears that a mechanism for the regulation of passive permeability is modified in the resistant mutants.  相似文献   

The fluxes of 22Na+ and 86Rb+ in Arbacia sperm and oocytes were studied in order to determine how these cells carry out cation exchange with the sea environment. The uptake of these ions by serum followed a pattern of early rapid influx (initial 0.5 min) and subsequent efflux (1–3 min) followed by a gradual uptake (after 3 min). Neither the uptake nor the efflux of these cations by Arbacia sperm were affected by ouabain, suggesting that influx and efflux of 22Na+ and 86Rb+ in Arbacia sperm occur predominantly by passive transport. The 22Na+ uptake by Arbacia oocytes showed a steady increase after an initial rapid uptake. A slight but significant inhibition of 22Na+ uptake was observed with ouabain. However, 86Rb+ uptake by the oocytes reached an early equilibrium and was not affected by ouabain. The uptake of Rb+ by Arbacia oocyte is by passive transport while that of Na+ is both by passive and active transport.  相似文献   

The availability of isotype-specific antisera for beta-tubulin, coupled with genetic and biochemical analysis, has allowed the determination of beta-tubulin isotype expression and distribution in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Using genetic manipulations involving selection for colcemid resistance followed by reversion and reselection for drug resistance, we have succeeded in isolating cell lines that exhibit three major and one minor beta-tubulin spots by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In concert with isotype-specific antibodies, analysis of these mutants demonstrates that CHO cells express two copies of isotype I, at least one copy of isotype IV, and very small amounts of isotype V. All three isotypes assemble into both cytoplasmic and spindle microtubules and are similar in their responses to cold, colcemid, and calcium-induced depolymerization. They have comparable turnover rates and are equally sensitive to depression of synthesis upon colchicine treatment. These results suggest that beta-tubulin isotypes are used interchangeably to assemble microtubule structures in CHO cells. However, of 18 colcemid-resistant mutants with a demonstrable alteration in beta-tubulin, all were found to have the alteration in isotype I, thus leaving open the possibility that subtle differences in isotype properties may exist.  相似文献   

The use of microRNAs (miRNAs) for improving the efficiency of recombinant protein production by CHO cells is gaining considerable interest for their ability to regulate entire molecular networks. Differential miRNA expression profiling and large-scale transient screening have been the prerequisite for the selection of miRNA candidates for stable manipulation, reported in CHO cells expressing a range of recombinant products. We selected a potent and well characterised tumour suppressor miRNA, miR-34a, as a high priority candidate for CHO cell engineering based on the conservation of both its sequence and function across species and cell type. Ectopic expression of miR-34a retained its functional conservation in CHO-SEAP cells by inhibiting growth by 90 % in addition to decreasing the viable cell population by 30 % when compared to controls. When the miR-34 family was stably depleted using a miRNA sponge decoy vector, the overall product yield was enhanced by ~2-fold in both fed-batch and small scale clonal batch cultures, despite having a negative impact on cell growth. These findings further strengthen the utility of miRNAs as engineering tools to modify and improve CHO cell performance.  相似文献   

ATP binding cassette protein A1 (ABCA1) plays a major role in cholesterol homeostasis and high density lipoprotein (HDL) metabolism. It is proposed that ABCA1 reorganizes the plasma membrane and generates more loosely packed domains that facilitate apoA-I-dependent cholesterol efflux. In this study, we examined the effects of the cellular sphingomyelin level on HDL formation by ABCA1 by using a Chinese hamster ovary-K1 mutant cell line, LY-A, which has a missense mutation in the ceramide transfer protein CERT. When LY-A cells were cultured in Nutridoma-BO medium and sphingomyelin content was reduced, apoA-I-dependent cholesterol efflux by ABCA1 from LY-A cells increased 1.65-fold compared with that from LY-A/CERT cells stably transfected with human CERT cDNA. Exogenously added sphingomyelin significantly reduced the apoA-I-dependent efflux of cholesterol from LY-A cells, confirming that the decrease in sphingomyelin content in the plasma membrane stimulates cholesterol efflux by ABCA1. The amount of cholesterol available to cold methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD) extraction from LY-A cells was increased by 40% by the expression of ABCA1 and was 1.6-fold higher than that from LY-A/CERT cells. This step in ABCA1 function, making cholesterol available to cold MbetaCD, was independent of apoA-I. These results suggest that the function of ABCA1 could be divided into two steps: (i) a flopping step to move phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol from the inner to outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, where cholesterol becomes available to cold MbetaCD extraction, and (ii) a loading step to load phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol onto apoA-I to generate HDL.  相似文献   

Ca2+ triggers massive exocytosis in Chinese hamster ovary cells.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
J R Coorssen  H Schmitt    W Almers 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(15):3787-3791
We have tracked the cell surface area of CHO cells by measuring the membrane capacitance, Cm. An increase in cytosolic [Ca2+], [Ca2+]i, increased the cell surface area by 20-30%. At micromolar [Ca2+]i the increase occurred in minutes, while at 20 microM or higher [Ca2+]i it occurred in seconds and was transient. GTPgammaS caused a 3% increase even at 0.1 microM [Ca2+]i. We conclude that CHO cells, previously thought capable only of constitutive exocytosis, can perform Ca2+-triggered exocytosis that is both massive and rapid. Ca2+-triggered exocytosis was also observed in 3T3 fibroblasts. Our findings add evidence to the view that Ca induces exocytosis in cells other than known secretory cells.  相似文献   

Pesticide clastogenicity in Chinese hamster ovary cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M F Lin  C L Wu  T C Wang 《Mutation research》1987,188(3):241-250
Paraquat, alachlor, butachlor, phorate and monocrotophos, several of the most extensively used pesticides in Taiwan, were investigated for their clastogenicity using chromosome aberration (CAb) induction in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Significance levels of the binomial trend analysis and binomial mutagenicity data test were two criteria for the summary judgement of the pesticide clastogenicity. Except for phorate, all pesticides tested were clastogenic to CHO cells in the absence of in vitro metabolic activation by S9. 5 microliters/ml rat-liver extract, S9, were used as the source of in vitro metabolic activation. 3 different outcomes were found after the addition of S9. Paraquat: significant decrease in induced CAbs. Monocrotophos: concomitant occurrence of decreased cytotoxicity and increased clastogenicity. Alachlor, butachlor and phorate: increased cytotoxicities with no sign of enhancement in clastogenicity.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells, cultured in the presence of serum lipoproteins, acquire cholesterol necessary for growth from the uptake and lysosomal hydrolysis of low-density lipoproteins (LDL). The mechanism(s) of intracellular transport of LDL-derived cholesterol from lysosomes to other cellular sites is unknown. In this study, various pharmacological agents were assessed for their ability to inhibit the movement of LDL-cholesterol from lysosomes to the plasma membrane. The only pharmacological agent tested in these experiments that specifically inhibited LDL-cholesterol movement was U18666A. Ketoconazole impaired the intracellular transport of LDL-cholesterol; however, ketoconazole also had a general effect on cholesterol movement, since it impeded the desorption of endogenously synthesized cholesterol into the medium. Other drugs that affected cholesterol movement appeared to be nonspecific. Cholesterol transport from lysosomes to plasma membranes was not significantly altered by agents that affect lysosomal function or cytoskeletal organization, as well as energy poisons and cycloheximide.  相似文献   

Summary 86Rb+ fluxes have been measured in suspensions of vesicles prepared from the epithelium of toad urinary bladder. A readily measurable barium-sensitive, ouabain-insensitive component has been identified; the concentration of external Ba2+ required for half-maximal inhibition was 0.6mm. The effects of externally added cations on86Rb+ influx and efflux have established that this pathway is conductive, with a selectivity for K+, Rb+ and Cs+ over Na+ and Li+. the Rb+ uptake is inversely dependent on external pH, but not significantly affected by internal Ca2+ or external amiloride, quinine, quinidine or lidocaine. It is likely, albeit not yet certain, that the conductive Rb+ pathway is incorporated in basolateral vesicles oriented right-side-out. It is also not yet clear whether this pathway comprises the principle basolateral K+ channel in vivo, and that its properties have been unchanged during the preparative procedures. Subject to these caveats, the data suggest that the inhibition by quinidine of Na+ transport across toad bladder does not arise primarily from membrane depolarization produced by a direct blockage of the basolateral channels. It now seems more likely that the quinidine-induced elevation of intracellular Ca2+ activity directly blocks apical Na+ entry.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) grown in monolayers were permeabilized to molecules with molecular weight up to 1000 by high intensity 100 mus square wave electric field pulses. This permeability was transient and the cell viability was not affected. It was not possible for molecules with molecular weight larger than 1500 to penetrate inside the cytoplasm if lytic pulsing conditions were not used. In order to investigate the ultrastructural changes associated with this transient and limited permeabilization, cells were chemically fixed a few seconds after their pulsation and observed by electron microscopy. By scanning electron microscopy, numerous microvilli and blebs were observed almost immediately after application of the field. No other membrane changes were observed. Permeabilization of the membrane was visualized at the electron microscopic level by penetration of Ruthenium red. The appearance of osmotic pressure-dependent 'blebs' was indicative of local weakening of the plasma membrane. Most of these effects were fully reversible and disappeared within 30 min at 37 degrees C with the formation of huge polykaryons when cells were in contact before pulsing.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of highly purified plasma membrane preparations from a series of malignant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines were undertaken to ascertain if neutral lipid, including cholesteryl ester and triacylglycerol, were present. Triacylglycerols (33-41 nmol/mg total lipid) and cholesteryl ester (226-271 nmol/mg) were measured in the plasma membranes and differences in the chemical composition of these membranes recorded. The most significant difference was a gradual decrease in the level of free cholesterol from wild type (312 +/- 7 nmol/mg total plasma membrane lipid), Pod RII-6 (268 +/- 64 nmol/mg total plasma membrane lipid), Col R-22 (243 +/- 39 nmol/mg total plasma membrane lipid) to EOT (204 +/- 20 nmol/mg total plasma membrane lipid), with a concomitant increase in the degree of saturation of the cholesteryl ester fatty acids, particularly palmitic acid. No statistically significant differences were apparent in the chemical composition of the whole cells in this series. The one-dimensional (1D) 1H-NMR spectra of the four malignant cell lines showed a gradation in intensity of lipid resonances, in the order of wild type, Pod RII-6, Col R-22 and EOT, with EOT having the strongest lipid spectrum. Interestingly, the increase in acyl-chain signal intensities in the 1H-NMR spectra of this series of CHO cells and emergence of signals from cholesterol and/or cholesteryl ester, coincide with alterations in the amount of free cholesterol and the degree of saturation of the fatty-acyl chain of the esterified cholesterol in the plasma membranes. It is our hypothesis that, together, cholesteryl ester and triacylglycerol form domains in the plasma membrane and that when the cholesteryl ester has a largely saturated fatty acid content, the lipids are in isotropic liquid phase and hence visible by NMR.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the permeability of the cell membrane in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells at different stages of the cell cycle were investigated. These were followed by measuring the intracellular retention of fluorescein molecules produced by the enzymatic hydrolysis of fluoresceindiacetate in the cytoplasm of CHO cells. Rate constants for the permeation of fluorescein have been calculated.  相似文献   

The interaction between Ba2+, furosemide and D-glucose on 86Rb+ fluxes in ob/ob mouse islets was investigated. Ba2+ (2 mM) significantly reduced the ouabain-resistant 86Rb+ influx, without affecting the ouabain-sensitive influx. D-Glucose (20 mM) reduced the 86Rb+ influx in the absence of Ba2+ (2 mM) but not in the presence of the cation. Furosemide, an inhibitor of Na+, K+, Cl- co-transport, reduced the 86Rb+ influx and the effect was partly additive to the effect of 2 mM Ba2+. When the islets were preincubated with Ba2+ (2 mM) the specific effect of 1 mM furosemide on the 86Rb+ influx was reduced, whereas, in acute experiments, Ba2+ (2 mM) did not affect the specific effect of furosemide on 86Rb+ influx. 86Rb+ efflux from preloaded islets was significantly reduced by 2 mM Ba2+ and during the first 5 min of ion efflux the effect of the combination of 2 mM Ba2+ and 1 mM furosemide was stronger than the effect of Ba2+ alone. The data show that Ba2+ reduces 86Rb+ fluxes in the beta-cells and suggest that this is mainly mediated by inhibition of K+ channels in the beta-cell plasma membrane. Long-term exposure to Ba2+ may also reduce the activity of the Na+, K+, Cl- co-transport system. The effect of Ba2+ on K+ channels may help to explain the stimulatory effect on insulin release in the absence of nutrient secretagogues.  相似文献   

Depletion of intracellular K+ has been reported to result in an arrest of the formation of coated pits in human fibroblasts (Larkin, J.M., M.S. Brown, J.L. Goldstein, and R.G.W. Anderson, 1983, Cell, 33:273-285). We have studied the effects of K+ depletion on the cytotoxicities of ricin, Pseudomonas exotoxin A, and diphtheria toxin in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The cytotoxicities of ricin and Pseudomonas toxin were enhanced in K+-depleted CHO cells whereas the cytotoxicity of diphtheria toxin was reduced by K+ depletion. The effects of NH4Cl on the cytotoxicities of ricin, Pseudomonas toxin, and diphtheria toxin were found to be similar to those of K+ depletion, and there were no additive or synergistic effects on ricin cytotoxicity by NH4Cl in K+-depleted medium. The enhancement of ricin cytotoxicity by K+ depletion could be completely reversed by the addition of K+, Rb+, and partially by the addition of Cs+, before the ricin treatment, whereas Li+ was ineffective. These protective effects of K+ or Rb+ requires a functional Na+/K+ ATPase. CHO cells grown in K+-depleted media were found to contain 6.3-fold increase in intracellular Na+ level, concomitant with a 10-fold reduction in intracellular K+ level. The enhanced cytotoxicity of ricin in K+-free medium and the increased uptake of Na+ could be abolished by amiloride or amiloride analogues, which are known to be potent inhibitors of the Na+/H+ antiport system. Our results suggest that a depletion of intracellular K+ results in an influx of Na+, which is accompanied by the extrusion of H+. Consequently, there is an alkalinization of the cytosol and the ricin-containing endosomes. As a result, ricin is more efficiently released from the endosomes in-K+-depleted cells. Results from the studies of the binding, internalization, and degradation of 125I-ricin, and the kinetics of inhibition of protein synthesis by ricin in K+-depleted cells are consistent with this working hypothesis.  相似文献   

Membrane composition and fluidity, and survival of Chinese hamster ovary fibroblasts have been examined following various thermal exposures. It has been found that enhanced thermal resistance following brief exposure to 43°C is not accompanied by detectable membrane lipid alterations. This is in contrast to membrane alterations that occur following adaptation to elevated temperatures compatible with growth (39°C and 41°C).  相似文献   

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