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Mitochondria are attractive targets in photodynamic therapy. Two conjugates: TPP–Rh (a porphyrin–rhodamine B conjugate) and TPP–AO (a porphyrin–acridine orange conjugate), each possessing a single delocalized lipophilic cation, were designed and synthesized as photosensitizers. Their ability to target the mitochondria for photodynamic therapy was evaluated. The conjugates were synthesized by conjugating a monohydroxy porphyrin (TPP-OH) to rhodamine B (Rh B) and acridine orange base (AO), respectively, via a saturated hydrocarbon linker. To evaluate the efficiency of the conjugates as photosensitizers, their photophysical properties and in vitro photodynamic activities were studied in comparison to those of TPP-OH. Although fluorescence energy transfer (FRET) was observed in the conjugates, they were capable of generating singlet oxygen at rates comparable to TPP-OH. Biologically, exciting results were observed with TPP–Rh, which showed a much higher phototoxicity [IC50, 3.95 μM: irradiation of 400–850 nm light (3 mW cm−2) for 1 h] than either TPP-OH or Rh B (both, IC50, >20 μM) without significant dark toxicity at 20 μM. This improved photodynamic activity might be due to a greater cellular uptake and preferential localization in mitochondria. The cellular uptake of TPP–Rh was 8 and 14 times greater than TPP-OH and Rh B, respectively. In addition, fluorescence imaging studies suggest that TPP–Rh localized more in mitochondria than TPP-OH. On the other hand, TPP–AO showed some dark toxicity at 10 μM and stained both mitochondria and nucleus. Our study suggests that conjugation of photosensitizers to Rh might provide two benefits, higher cellular uptake and mitochondrial localization, which are two important subjects in photodynamic therapy.  相似文献   

Potassium efflux in yeast induced by several cationic compounds showed different characteristics. All of the observed efflux required glucose as substrate at the concentrations used. For most of them, the phenomenon required binding of the cationic compound to the cell surface and increased with the negative cell surface charge, and for all the compounds tested, it depended on a metabolizable substrate. Efflux induced with terbium chloride appeared more likely due to the function of a K+/H+ antiporter. With DEAE-dextran and dihydrostreptomycin, potassium efflux was dependent on the cell potassium content and was also sensitive to osmotic changes of the medium. DEAE-dextran-provoked efflux was not due to cell disruption. Dihydrostreptomycin seemed to activate a potassium efflux system which could not be studied in isolation, but its inhibition of potassium uptake may also be involved. Except for cells treated with ethidium bromide, no appreciable cell disruption was observed. The potassium efflux observed appears to be a membrane phenomenon reversible after washing with magnesium chloride.  相似文献   

The construction of an efficient carrier for genetic material is a major research objective that needs to be achieved before gene therapy can become a viable pharmacological approach. Artificial aggregates containing nucleic acids are one of the options for the systemic delivery of genetic information. The diversity of functions the aggregate is expected to fulfill necessitates its complex architecture. In order to obtain a complex supramolecular aggregate, formed from elements that are themselves complex molecules, appropriate procedures based on the detailed understanding of processes at the molecular level are required. In this study, we investigated how the various properties of cationic compounds affect nucleic acid condensation. The combination of two condensing agents, differing in their affinity towards water, when mixed with plasmids, resulted in aggregates which are resistant to enzymatic digestion and which form particles with well-defined size distributions. Such uniform and well-defined complexes may subsequently be further modified in order to obtain a fully functional genetic material carrier.  相似文献   

Lipophilic monocations can pass through phospholipid bilayers and accumulate in negatively-charged compartments such as the mitochondrial matrix, driven by the membrane potential. This property is used to visualize mitochondria, to deliver therapeutic molecules to mitochondria and to measure the membrane potential. In theory, lipophilic dications have a number of advantages over monocations for these tasks, as the double charge should lead to a far greater and more selective uptake by mitochondria, increasing their therapeutic potential. However, the double charge might also limit the movement of lipophilic dications through phospholipid bilayers and little is known about their interaction with mitochondria. To see whether lipophilic dications could be taken up by mitochondria and cells, we made a series of bistriphenylphosphonium cations comprising two triphenylphosphonium moieties linked by a 2-, 4-, 5-, 6- or 10-carbon methylene bridge. The 5-, 6- and 10-carbon dications were taken up by energized mitochondria, whereas the 2- and 4-carbon dications were not. The accumulation of the dication was greater than that of the monocation methyltriphenylphosphonium. However, the uptake of dications was only described by the Nernst equation at low levels of accumulation, and beyond a threshold membrane potential of 90-100 mV there was negligible increase in dication uptake. Interestingly, the 5- and 6-carbon dications were not accumulated by cells, due to lack of permeation through the plasma membrane. These findings indicate that conjugating compounds to dications offers only a minor increase over monocations in delivery to mitochondria. Instead, this suggests that it may be possible to form dications within mitochondria that then remain within the cell.  相似文献   

Targeting lipophilic cations to mitochondria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mitochondrial function and dysfunction contributes to a range of important aspects of biomedical research. Consequently there is considerable interest in developing approaches to modify and report on mitochondria in cells and in vivo. One approach has been to target bioactive molecules to mitochondria by conjugating them to lipophilic cations. Due to the large mitochondrial membrane potential, the cations are accumulated within mitochondria inside cells. This approach had been used to develop mitochondria-targeted antioxidants that selectively block mitochondrial oxidative damage and prevent some types of cell death and also to develop probes of mitochondrial function. Here we outline some of the background to the development of these compounds.  相似文献   

In search of new oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) delivery agents, we evaluated novel peptides derived from core peptide H-GLRILLLKV-OH (CP). CP is a fragment designed from the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) alpha-chain transmembrane sequence. CP was able to enter cells including T-cells and inhibited interleukin-2 (IL-2) production. To examine the effect of increased lipophilicity on cellular uptake and activity of CP, a lipoamino acid (2-aminododecanoic acid) was incorporated into peptide CP resulting in 2-aminodecanoyl-CP (LP). The toxicity of CP and LP was assessed by measuring the haemolytic activity. Neither compound caused any haemolysis of red blood cells. We have also compared the biological activities of the CP and LP. Using a T-cell antigen presentation assay, the more lipophilic LP caused greater inhibition of IL-2 production than the parent CP in the antigen stimulated T-cells. The LP also showed increased permeability than CP in the Caco-2 cell assay. We utilised the enhanced cell permeability property of LP in oligodeoxynucleotide ODN1 delivery. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) suggested that CP and LP complex with ODN1 in a 12:1 (CP:ODN1) and 15:1 (LP:ODN1) ratio. These complexes were then transfected into human retinal pigment epithelial cells. The level of transfection was measured by the decreased production of the protein human vascular endothelial growth factor (hVEGF). The results revealed greater transfection efficiency for both CP and LP (47%, 55% more inhibition) compared to commercially available transfection agent cytofectin GSV. These results suggested that the CP and particularly its lipophilic analogue LP have the potential to be used as oligodeoxynucleotide delivery systems.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q distribution, as well as respiratory chain features, in rat brain mitochondria depend on mitochondrial subpopulation, brain region and age. Heavy mitochondria (HM) usually display the lowest content of respiratory components and the lowest enzymatic activities and it has been suggested that they represent the oldest mitochondrial population. In this study, we confirmed that HM are considerably compromised in their structure. In fact, HM showed to have the highest hydroperoxide content and the most consistent modifications in their fatty acid pattern with wide loss of fatty acids (or part of them) in the phospholipid moiety. Such situation could explain the typical impairment of HM and could support the hypothesis that they represent an old mitochondrial population.  相似文献   

The proton motive force-driven efflux pump LmrP confers multidrug resistance on Lactococcus lactis cells by extruding a wide variety of lipophilic cationic compounds from the inner leaflet of the cytoplasmic membrane to the exterior of the cell. LmrP contains one cysteine (Cys(270)), which was replaced by alanine. This cysteine-less variant was used in a cysteine scanning accessibility approach. All 19 acidic residues in LmrP were replaced one by one by cysteine and subsequently challenged with the large thiol reagent fluorescein maleimide. The labeling pattern strongly indicates that only three acidic residues (Asp(142), Glu(327), and Glu(388)) are membrane-embedded. The roles of these residues in drug recognition were evaluated based on transport experiments with two cationic substrates, ethidium and Hoechst 33342, after replacing each of these residues with cysteine, alanine, lysine, glutamate, or aspartate. The obtained results suggest that the negative charges at positions 142 and 327 are not critical for the transport function but are important for drug recognition by LmrP. Surprisingly, the residues Cys(142) and Cys(327) become accessible for fluorescein maleimide upon binding of substrates, indicating a movement of these residues from a nonpolar to a polar environment. Substrate binding apparently results in a conformational change in this region of the protein and a reorientation of a lipid-embedded, hydrophobic substrate-binding site to an aqueous substrate translocation pathway.  相似文献   

Cationic compounds containing benzene ring substituted with the bis-quaternary salt of diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane (DABCO) bearing a polymethylene fragment at the bridge positions display ribonuclease activity. Efficacy of the catalysis is affected by geometry of the cationic structures and the size of the attached aliphatic fragment. The cleavage occurs primarily within CA sequences. The compounds do not possess tradition groups participating in the transesterification step of RNA cleavage reaction, therefore a speculative mechanism of cleavage could be inducing a conformational stress on the RNA sugar phosphate backbone providing fragility to phosphodiester bonds.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied effects of phosphonium dications P2C5 and P2C10 on bilayer planar phospholipid membrane (BLM) and rat liver mitochondria. In line with our previous observations [M.F. Ross, T. Da Ros, F.H. Blaikie, T.A. Prime, C.M. Porteous, I.I. Severina, V.P. Skulachev, H.G. Kjaergaard, R.A. Smith, M.P. Murphy, Accumulation of lipophilic dications by mitochondria and cells, Biochem. J. 400 (2006) 199-208], we showed both P2C5 and P2C10 are cationic penetrants for BLM. They generated transmembrane diffusion potential (Delta Psi), the compartment with a lower dication concentration positive. However, the Delta Psi values measured proved to be lower that the Nernstian. This fact could be explained by rather low BLM conductance for the cations at their small concentrations and by induction of some BLM damage at their large concentrations. The damage in question consisted in appearance of non-Ohmic current/voltage relationships which increased in time. Such a non-Ohmicity was especially strong at Delta Psi >100 mV. Addition of penetrating lipophilic anion TPB, which increases the BLM conductance for lipophilic cations, yielded the Nernstian Delta Psi, i.e. 30 mV per ten-fold dication gradient. In the State 4 mitochondria, dications stimulated respiration and lowered Delta Psi. Moreover, they inhibited the State 3 respiration with succinate or glutamate and malate (but not with TMPD and ascorbate) in an uncoupler-sensitive fashion. Effect on the in State 4 mitochondria, similarly to that on BLM, was accounted for by a time-dependent membrane damage. On the other hand, the State 3 effect was most probably due to inhibition of the respiratory chain Complex I and/or Complex III. The damaging and inhibitory activities of lipophilic dications should be taken into account when one considers a possibility to use them as a vehicle to target antioxidants or other compounds to mitochondria.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied effects of phosphonium dications P2C5 and P2C10 on bilayer planar phospholipid membrane (BLM) and rat liver mitochondria. In line with our previous observations [M.F. Ross, T. Da Ros, F.H. Blaikie, T.A. Prime, C.M. Porteous, I.I. Severina, V.P. Skulachev, H.G. Kjaergaard, R.A. Smith, M.P. Murphy, Accumulation of lipophilic dications by mitochondria and cells, Biochem. J. 400 (2006) 199-208], we showed both P2C5 and P2C10 are cationic penetrants for BLM. They generated transmembrane diffusion potential (ΔΨ), the compartment with a lower dication concentration positive. However, the ΔΨ values measured proved to be lower that the Nernstian. This fact could be explained by rather low BLM conductance for the cations at their small concentrations and by induction of some BLM damage at their large concentrations. The damage in question consisted in appearance of non-Ohmic current/voltage relationships which increased in time. Such a non-Ohmicity was especially strong at ΔΨ > 100 mV. Addition of penetrating lipophilic anion TPB, which increases the BLM conductance for lipophilic cations, yielded the Nernstian ΔΨ, i.e. 30 mV per ten-fold dication gradient. In the State 4 mitochondria, dications stimulated respiration and lowered ΔΨ. Moreover, they inhibited the State 3 respiration with succinate or glutamate and malate (but not with TMPD and ascorbate) in an uncoupler-sensitive fashion. Effect on the in State 4 mitochondria, similarly to that on BLM, was accounted for by a time-dependent membrane damage. On the other hand, the State 3 effect was most probably due to inhibition of the respiratory chain Complex I and/or Complex III. The damaging and inhibitory activities of lipophilic dications should be taken into account when one considers a possibility to use them as a vehicle to target antioxidants or other compounds to mitochondria.  相似文献   

Nuclear apoptosis induced by isolated mitochondria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jiang ZF  Zhao Y  Hong X  Zhai ZH 《Cell research》2000,10(3):221-232
We isolated and purified mitochondria from mouse livers and spinach leaves.When added into egg extracts of Xenopus laevis,they caused nuclei of mouse liver to undergo apoptotic changes.Chromatin condensation,margination and DNA ladder were observed.After incubating isolated mitochondria in some hypotonic solutions,and centrifuging these mixtures at mgh speed,we got mitochondrial supernatants.It was found that in the absence of cytosolic factor,the supernatant alone was able to induce apoptotic changes in nuclei.The effective components were partly of protein.DNA fragmentation was partly inhibited by caspase inhibitors AC-DEVD-CHO and AC-YVAD-CHO.Meanwhile,caspase inhibitors fully blocked chromatin condensation.Primary characterization of the nuclear endonuclease(s) induced by mitochondrial supernatants was also conducted.It was found that this endonuclease is different from endonuclease G,cytochrome c-induced nuclease,or Ca^2 -activated endonuclease.  相似文献   

Microbial cells were gel-entrapped with photo-crosslinkable resin prepolymers or urethane prepolymers, respectively. The resulting gels have different tailor-made hydrophobic or hydrophilic character. They were used for successful bioconversion of hydrophobic steroids and terpenoids in watersaturated mixtures of organic solvents. The experiments show the influence of the hydrophobicity of the gels and the polarity of the solvent mixtures, respectively. Use of hydrophobic gels and less polar solvents is preferable for bioconversion of hydrophobic compounds. The selective formation of a desired product among diverse products from a single substrate by appropriate use of hydrophobic or hydrophilic gels is possible. In each case, tests should be made to select the appropriate gel and solvent mixture. Bioconversions tested are: dehydroepiandrosterone to 4-androstene-3,17-dione; cholesterol to cholestenone; β-sitosterol to β-sitostenone; stigmasterol to stigmastenone; pregnenolone to progesterone; testosterone to Δ1-dehydrotestosterone or 4-androstene-3,17-dione, respectively; all with immobilized cells of Nocardia rhodocrous; and stereoselective hydrolysis of dl-menthyl-succinate to yield l-menthol with immobilized cells of Rhodotorula minuta var. texensis.  相似文献   

Nucleotide conformational change induced by cationic bilayers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) micelles and dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) bilayers on molecular conformation of 2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-monophosphate (dAMP) were evaluated from circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD) and molecular modeling of dAMP conformations of minimal energy upon varying torsion angles for the glycosidic bond (t(1)) for four different conditions of dielectric constant of the medium (E) and negative charge on the phosphate moiety (C), namely, E80_C2, E80_C0, E1_C2, and E1_C0. Upon decreasing medium polarity, a decreased intensity of the negative band over the 190-210 nm region for the dAMP CD spectrum was observed. Upon increasing relative proportion dAMP: DODAB, an increased intensity of the positive band over the 210-230 nm region plus a red shift were obtained that could be attributed to an increased nitrogenous base stacking, similar to A stacking in poly(A). Concomitant base stacking and insertion in the cationic aggregates were observed for DODAB bilayers but not for CTAB micelles. Thereby, the nucleotide extended, anti conformation in pure water typical for nucleotides in DNA was forced by the cationic bilayer to become syn. dAMP conformational modeling upon simultaneous changes in the nucleotide environment (from water to a hydrocarbon phase) and in the charge on phosphate moiety (-2 to zero) allowed to simulate dAMP conformation in the cationic bilayer/dAMP complex. Modeling confirmed the dAMP anti-to-syn conformational change experimentally characterized from CD spectroscopy. This nucleotide conformational change would possibly be at the root of DNA denaturation upon complexation with cationic lipids.  相似文献   

A variety of chemically different prooxidants causes Ca2+ release from mitochondria. The prooxidant-induced Ca2+ release occurs from intact mitochondria via a route which is physiologically relevant and may be regulated by protein ADP-ribosylation. When the released Ca2+ is excessively cycled by mitochondria they are damaged. This leads to uncoupling, a decreased ATP supply, and a decreased ability of mitochondria to retain Ca2+. Excessive Ca2+ cycling by mitochondria will deprive cells of ATP. As a result, Ca2+ ATPases of the endoplasmic (sarcoplasmic) reticulum and the plasma membrane are stopped. The rising cytosolic Ca2+ level cannot be counterbalanced due to damage of mitochondria which, under normoxic conditions, act as safety device against increased cytosolic Ca2+. It is proposed that prooxidants are toxic because they impair the ability of mitochondria to retain Ca2+.  相似文献   

Plant cuticles sorb lipophilic compounds during enzymatic isolation   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13  
Abstract Plant cuticles sorb large amounts of hexadecanoic acid, octadecanoic acid and other lipophilic compounds (not identified) when incubated in cell slurries obtained by enzymatically digesting leaves or fruits. These extraneous substances cannot be removed completely and selectively after cuticle isolation, nor is it possible to prevent sorption by optimizing isolation procedures. It is, therefore, impossible to estimate amounts and composition of intracuticular soluble lipids using enzymatically isolated cuticles, as has been done in the past. Extraneous substances sorbed during isolation do not affect water permeability of the cuticles.  相似文献   

Activation of the ADP/ATP carrier from mitochondria by cationic effectors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The ADP/ATP carrier from the mitochondrial inner membrane was found to be influenced by cationic substances from the hydrophilic surroundings. Under low-ionic-strength conditions, addition of these cationic effectors fully activated the reconstituted adenine nucleotide translocator. The list of activators included divalent cations, polyamines, peptides and cationic proteins. The minimum requirement for an activator to be effective was the presence of at least two positive net charges, regardless of the size of the molecule. Cationic molecules were not activating when an intramolecular charge compensation was possible or when the two charges were too far apart from one another. The affinity of these activators varied from several hundred microM (diaminoalkanes, divalent cations) to 1 microM (cytochrome c, spermine) and even down to a few nM (polylysine). The activation by cations was fully reversible and was not due to fusion processes. It was not mediated by an interaction with the anionic substrates ADP and ATP, nor by interaction with the liposomes. The stimulation could directly and functionally be correlated to the reconstituted carrier protein. Activation was not observed in intact mitochondria, but could be demonstrated when the outer mitochondrial membrane had been removed by treatment with digitonin. These mitoplasts were stimulated by polycations similar to the ADP/ATP carrier in the reconstituted system.  相似文献   

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