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A hypothesis is presented which suggests that hepatitis B DNA in the Dane particles is only a partial viral genome which becomes integrated into the hepatocyte cellular DNA. The Dane particle DNA must enter a liver cell containing an active e gene, in order to become functional. It is suggested that the partial genome of hepatitis B virus is released from the cellular DNA by the mechanism of “escaping genes”.  相似文献   

The genes of E. coli are located on a circular chromosome of 4.6 million basepairs. This 1.6 mm long molecule is compressed into a nucleoid to fit inside the 1-2 m cell in a functional format. To examine the role of DNA supercoiling as nucleoid compaction force we modulated the activity of DNA gyrase by electronic, genetic, and chemical means. A model based on physical properties of DNA and other cell components predicts that relaxation of supercoiling expands the nucleoid. Nucleoid size did not increase after reduction of DNA gyrase activity by genetic or chemical means, but nucleoids did expand upon chemical inhibition of gyrase in chloramphenicol-treated cells, indicating that supercoiling may help to compress the genome.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrase is the only topoisomerase that can introduce positive supercoils into DNA in an ATP-dependent process. It has a modular structure and harnesses a helicase-like domain to support a topoisomerase activity, thereby creating the unique function of positive DNA supercoiling. The isolated topoisomerase domain can relax negatively supercoiled DNA, an activity that is suppressed in reverse gyrase. The isolated helicase-like domain is a nucleotide-dependent switch that is attenuated by the topoisomerase domain. Inter-domain communication thus appears central for the functional cooperation of the two domains. The latch, an insertion into the helicase-like domain, has been suggested as an important element in coordinating their activities. Here, we have dissected the influence of the latch on nucleotide and DNA binding to the helicase-like domain, and on DNA supercoiling by reverse gyrase. We find that the latch is required for positive DNA supercoiling. It is crucial for the cooperativity of DNA and nucleotide binding to the helicase-like domain. The latch contributes to DNA binding, and affects the preference of reverse gyrase for ssDNA. Thus, the latch coordinates the individual domain activities by modulating the helicase-like domain, and by communicating changes in the nucleotide state to the topoisomerase domain.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase negatively supercoils DNA in a reaction coupled to the binding and hydrolysis of ATP. Limited supercoiling can be achieved in the presence of the non-hydrolysable ATP analogue, 5'-adenylyl beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate (ADPNP). In order to negatively supercoil DNA, gyrase must wrap a length of DNA around itself in a positive sense. In previous work, the effect of ADPNP on the gyrase-DNA interaction has been assessed but has produced conflicting results; the aim of this work was to resolve this conflict. We have probed the wrapping of DNA around gyrase in the presence and in the absence of ADPNP using direct observation by atomic force microscopy (AFM). We confirm that gyrase indeed generates a significant curvature in DNA in the absence of nucleotide and we show that the addition of ADPNP leads to a complete loss of wrap. These results have been corroborated using a DNA relaxation assay involving topoisomerase I. We have re-analysed previous hydroxyl-radical footprinting and crystallography data, and highlight the fact that the gyrase-DNA complex is surprisingly asymmetric in the absence of nucleotide but is symmetric in the presence of ADPNP. We suggest a revised model for the conformation of DNA bound to the enzyme that is fully consistent with these AFM data, in which a closed loop of DNA is stabilised by the enzyme in the absence of ADPNP and is lost in the presence of nucleotide.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase catalyses the adenosine triphosphate-dependent introduction of negative supercoils into DNA. The enzyme binds a DNA-segment at the so-called DNA-gate and cleaves both DNA strands. DNA extending from the DNA-gate is bound at the perimeter of the cylindrical C-terminal domains (CTDs) of the GyrA subunit. The CTDs are believed to contribute to the wrapping of DNA around gyrase in a positive node as a prerequisite for strand passage towards negative supercoiling. A conserved seven amino acid sequence motif in the CTD, the so-called GyrA-box, has been identified as a hallmark feature of gyrases. Mutations of the GyrA-box abolish supercoiling. We show here that the GyrA-box marginally stabilizes the CTDs. Although it does not contribute to DNA binding, it is required for DNA bending and wrapping, and it determines the geometry of the bound DNA. Mutations of the GyrA-box abrogate a DNA-induced conformational change of the gyrase N-gate and uncouple DNA binding and adenosine triphosphate hydrolysis. Our results implicate the GyrA-box in coordinating DNA binding and the nucleotide cycle.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is an essential type II topoisomerase found in bacteria. We have previously characterized DNA gyrase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis. In this study, several monoclonal antibodies were generated against the gyrase A subunit (GyrA) of M. smegmatis. Three, MsGyrA:C3, MsGyrA:H11 and MsGyrA:E9, were further analyzed for their interaction with the enzyme. The monoclonal antibodies showed high degree of cross-reactivity with both fast-growing and slow-growing mycobacteria. In contrast, none recognized Escherichia coli GyrA. All the three monoclonal antibodies were of IgG1 isotype falling into two distinct types with respect to epitope recognition and interaction with the enzyme. MsGyrA:C3 and MsGyrA:H11 IgG, and their respective Fab fragments, inhibited the DNA supercoiling activity catalyzed by mycobacterial DNA gyrase. The epitope for the neutralizing monoclonal antibodies appeared to involve the region towards the N-terminus (residues 351-415) of the enzyme in a conformation-dependent manner. These monoclonal antibodies would serve as valuable tools for structure-function analysis and immunocytological studies of mycobacterial DNA gyrase. In addition, they would be useful for designing peptide inhibitors against DNA gyrase.  相似文献   

We show that DNA gyrase is required for transposition of Tn5. Coumermycin, a potent inhibitor of DNA gyrase subunit B, inhibits transposition in a wild-type strain, but has no effect on strains carry ing a coumermycin-resistant allele in gyrB. In addition, strains containing a thermolabile subunit A of gyrase (gyrA43) are defective for transposition at a nonpermissive temperature. The requirement for gyrase is due to a requirement for supercoiled DNA. We showed this by introducing into the gyrA43 strain a deletion of the gene encoding topoisomerase I. The introduction of the second mutation caused an increase in the superhelical density of DNA as well as an increase in the transposition frequency. This also implies that if the DNA is supercoiled there is no further requirement for gyrase. Experiments with coumermycin support this, because the drug does not inhibit transposition if the recipient DNA remains supercoiled. This indicates that if the DNA acting as recipient of the transposon is deficient in supercoils, it will be a poor substrate for transposition. We also describe a system in which a gene on a multicopy plasmid can be efficiently introduced into the Escherichia coli chromosome.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is a type II topoisomerase that is responsible for maintaining the topological state of bacterial and some archaeal genomes. It uses an ATP-dependent two-gate strand-passage mechanism that is shared among all type II topoisomerases. During this process, DNA gyrase creates a transient break in the DNA, the G-segment, to form a cleavage complex. This allows a second DNA duplex, known as the T-segment, to pass through the broken G-segment. After the broken strand is religated, the T-segment is able to exit out of the enzyme through a gate called the C-gate. Although many steps of the type II topoisomerase mechanism have been studied extensively, many questions remain about how the T-segment ultimately exits out of the C-gate. A recent cryo-EM structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae GyrA shows a putative T-segment in close proximity to the C-gate, suggesting that residues in this region may be important for coordinating DNA exit from the enzyme. Here, we show through site-directed mutagenesis and biochemical characterization that three conserved basic residues in the C-gate of DNA gyrase are important for DNA supercoiling activity, but not for ATPase or cleavage activity. Together with the structural information previously published, our data suggest a model in which these residues cluster to form a positively charged region that facilitates T-segment passage into the cavity formed between the DNA gate and C-gate.  相似文献   

P M Cullis  A Maxwell  D P Weiner 《Biochemistry》1992,31(40):9642-9646
ATP alpha S (Rp) has been shown to support the supercoiling of plasmid pBR322 catalyzed by Escherichia coli DNA gyrase at comparable rates to the natural substrate ATP and is able to promote the introduction of one more superhelical turn than ATP. The difference in free energy change between consecutive rounds of supercoiling in gyrase-mediated reactions is calculated to be 2.6 kJ mol-1. The difference in free energy of hydrolysis of ATP and ATP alpha S (Rp) has been determined from the difference in the equilibrium constants for the phosphorylation of arginine established by arginine kinase. This equilibrium constant has been found to be displaced by a factor of about 1.5, corresponding to a greater free energy of hydrolysis of ATP alpha S (Rp) compared to ATP of approximately 1 kJ mol-1. This difference in free energy can be tentatively ascribed to a relative destabilization of the MgATP alpha S (Rp) complex with respect to MgATP. Assuming that the stoichiometry of the coupled reactions requires two ATPs hydrolyzed per round of supercoiling, ATP alpha S (Rp) should be capable of providing an additional ca. 2 kJ mol-1 of free energy for DNA supercoiling, which is in good agreement with estimates for the additional free energy required to achieve a further round of supercoiling. These results provide direct evidence to support the proposal that the extent of DNA supercoiling by DNA gyrase is limited by the free energy of hydrolysis of the nucleotide.  相似文献   

Hyperthermophilic organisms must protect their constituent macromolecules from heat-induced degradation. A general mechanism for thermoprotection of DNA in active cells is unknown. We show that reverse gyrase, the only protein that is both specific and common to all hyperthermophiles, reduces the rate of double-stranded DNA breakage ~8-fold at 90°C. This activity does not require ATP hydrolysis and is independent of the positive supercoiling activity of the enzyme. Reverse gyrase has a minor nonspecific effect on the rate of depurination, and a major specific effect on the rate of double-strand breakage. Using electron microscopy, we show that reverse gyrase recognizes nicked DNA and recruits a protein coat to the site of damage through cooperative binding. Analogously to molecular chaperones that assist unfolded proteins, we found that reverse gyrase prevents inappropriate aggregation of denatured DNA regions and promotes correct annealing. We propose a model for a targeted protection mechanism in vivo in which reverse gyrase detects damaged DNA and acts as a molecular splint to prevent DNA breakage in the vicinity of the lesion, thus maintaining damaged DNA in a conformation that is amenable to repair.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously shown that DNA gyrase of Escherichia coli can promote recombination between heterologous DNAs in a cell-free system (Ikeda et al. 1982). In the present paper, we have studied the nucleotide sequences of several recombination junctions of -pBR322 recombinants and found that there were not more than three-basepair homologies between the parental DNAs in six combinations of the and pBR322 recombination sites. Based on this and previous results, we concluded that homology was not required for the DNA gyrase-mediated recombination. Furthermore, the structures of the recombinant DNAs we have analyzed suggest the occurrence of multiple crossovers in our in vitro system.  相似文献   

Rolf Menzel  Martin Gellert 《Cell》1983,34(1):105-113
DNA gyrase is the bacterial enzyme responsible for converting circular DNA to a negatively supercoiled form. We show that the synthesis of DNA gyrase is itself controlled by DNA supercoiling; synthesis is highest when the DNA template is relaxed. The rates of synthesis in vivo of both the A and B subunits of DNA gyase are increased up to 10-fold by treatments that block DNA gyrase activity and decrease the supercoiling of intracellular DNA. Similarly, efficient synthesis of both gyrase subunits in a cell-free S-30 extract depends on keeping the closed circular DNA template in a relaxed conformation. The results suggest that DNA supercoiling in E. coli is controlled by a homeostatic mechanism. Synthesis of the RecA protein and several other proteins is also increased by treatments that relax intracellular DNA.  相似文献   

DNA in intracellular Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium relaxes during growth in the acidified (pH 4–5) macrophage vacuole and DNA relaxation correlates with the upregulation of Salmonella genes involved in adaptation to the macrophage environment. Bacterial ATP levels did not increase during adaptation to acid pH unless the bacterium was deficient in MgtC, a cytoplasmic‐membrane‐located inhibitor of proton‐driven F1F0 ATP synthase activity. Inhibiting ATP binding by DNA gyrase and topo IV with novobiocin enhanced the effect of low pH on DNA relaxation. Bacteria expressing novobiocin‐resistant (NovR) derivatives of gyrase or topo IV also exhibited DNA relaxation at acid pH, although further relaxation with novobiocin was not seen in the strain with NovR gyrase. Thus, inhibition of the negative supercoiling activity of gyrase was the primary cause of enhanced DNA relaxation in drug‐treated bacteria. The Salmonella cytosol reaches pH 5–6 in response to an external pH of 4–5: the ATP‐dependent DNA supercoiling activity of purified gyrase was progressively inhibited by lowering the pH in this range, as was the ATP‐dependent DNA relaxation activity of topo IV. We propose that DNA relaxation in Salmonella within macrophage is due to acid‐mediated impairment of the negative supercoiling activity of gyrase.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide is more toxic to mammalian cells at 37 degrees C than 0 degree C at all concentrations studied. Histone-free nuclei (nucleoids) extracted from treated cells have a reduced ability to maintain positive DNA supercoiling, with the maximum effect at the higher temperature. Prior exposure of cells to sodium ascorbate at 0 degree C increased both toxicity and the inhibition of nuclear supercoil rewinding. After exposure at 0 degrees C, normal levels of supercoiling returned with both a fast and a slow component, kinetics characteristic of DNA single-strand break repair; the fast component was eliminated when cells were exposed at 37 degrees C due to in situ rejoining. At least a portion of the lethal lesions induced by hydrogen peroxide are DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) because the dsb repair-deficient mutant, xrs-5, is approximately two to three times more sensitive than wild-type cells over the initial portion of the survival curve. However, the increased toxicity found after exposure at 37 degrees C is observed equally in both cell lines, indicating that temperature-dependent cell killing is not directly linked to DNA dsb. It is suggested that cell killing at 37 degrees C is mediated through two linked processes. First, hydrogen peroxide may disrupt cation-stabilized nuclear supercoiling by direct ion oxidation. Second, as a part of the oxidation process, hydrogen peroxide will produce potentially cytotoxic free radicals close to the DNA-linked metal site, limited in extent only by the presence of chemicals capable of reducing metal ions prior to reoxidation.  相似文献   

Bacterial chromosomes and plasmid (pBR322) DNA from topoisomerase I-defective Escherichia coli strains have been characterized with respect to superhelical density. The topoisomerase I defect results in increased negative superhelical density of both the bacterial chromosome and pBR322. Thus topoisomerase I is involved in determining the level of supercoiling in bacteria. Three of the topoisomerase I-defective strains we studied carry secondary mutations that decrease superhelical density; these additional mutations are closely linked to the gyrB locus in two of the strains and to the gyrA locus in the third strain.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrase is the only topoisomerase known to positively supercoil DNA. The protein appears to be unique to hyperthermophiles, where its activity is believed to protect the genome from denaturation. The 120 kDa enzyme is the only member of the type I topoisomerase family that requires ATP, which is bound and hydrolysed by a helicase-like domain. We have determined the crystal structure of reverse gyrase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus in the presence and absence of nucleotide cofactor. The structure provides the first view of an intact supercoiling enzyme, explains mechanistic differences from other type I topoisomerases and suggests a model for how the two domains of the protein cooperate to positively supercoil DNA. Coordinates have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession codes 1GKU and 1GL9.  相似文献   

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