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A novel gene glaikit (gkt) has been identified which is expressed in the delaminating neuroblasts of the D. melanogaster embryonic central nervous system. At the earliest stages of embryonic development the expression of glaikit was ubiquitous, but by the time the neuroblasts are delaminating gkt expression became restricted to neuroblasts and a few ganglion mother cells. The gkt gene has no characterized homologues and encodes no previously described protein motifs. There are, however, evolutionary conserved predicted genes present in S. pombe, S. cerevisiae and C. elegans. Ectopic neuroblasts induced in either Notch or Delta mutant backgrounds also showed expression of glaikit.  相似文献   

The first step in generating cellular diversity in the Drosophila central nervous system is the formation of a segmentally reiterated array of neural precursor cells, called neuroblasts. Subsequently, each neuroblast goes through an invariant cell lineage to generate neurons and/or glia. Using molecular lineage markers, I show that (1) each neuroblast forms at a stereotyped time and position; (2) the neuroblast pattern is indistinguishable between thoracic and abdominal segments; (3) the development of individual neuroblasts can be followed throughout early neurogenesis; (4) gene expression in a neuroblast can be reproducibly modulated during its cell lineage; (5) identified ganglion mother cells form at stereotyped times and positions; and (6) the cell lineage of four well-characterized neurons can be traced back to two identified neuroblasts. These results set the stage for investigating neuroblast specification and the mechanisms controlling neuroblast cell lineages.  相似文献   

The MAGE (melanoma antigen) family is characterized by a large conserved domain termed MAGE homology domain. Originally identified MAGE genes encoding tumor rejection antigens are expressed only in cancers and male germ cells. Necdin, which contains the MAGE homology domain, is highly expressed in postmitotic cells such as neurons and skeletal muscle cells. The human necdin gene NDN is transcribed only from the paternal allele through genomic imprinting, and its deficiency is implicated in the pathogenesis of the neurodevelopmental disorder Prader-Willi syndrome. Although over 30 MAGE genes have been identified in humans, fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) has only a single MAGE gene that encodes a protein similar to necdin homologous MAGE proteins. In this study, we analyzed the spatiotemporal expression patterns of MAGE mRNA and the encoded protein during fly development. Whole-mount embryo in situ hybridization analysis revealed that MAGE mRNA was highly expressed at the syncytial blastoderm stage and in the ventral and procephalic neurogenic regions of the ectoderm during gastrulation. In contrast, MAGE expression was nearly undetectable in postmitotic neurons of the central nervous system at late embryonic stages. During postembryonic neurogenesis, MAGE was highly expressed in neural stem cells (neuroblasts) and their progeny (ganglion mother cells and postmitotic neurons) at larval and pupal stages. MAGE was also expressed in postmitotic neurons including mushroom body neurons and retinal photoreceptors in adulthood. These results indicate that MAGE expression lasts throughout the postembryonic neurogenesis in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The fruitless gene of Drosophila produces multiple protein isoforms, which are classified into two major classes, sex-specific Fru proteins (FruM) and non-sex specific proteins (FruCOM). Whereas FruM proteins are expressed in ∼2000 neurons to masculinize their structure and function, little is known about FruCOM's roles. As an attempt to obtain clues to the roles of FruCOM, we compared expression patterns of FruCOM and FruM in the central nervous system at the late larval stage. We found that nearly all neuroblasts express FruCOM but not FruM, whereas a subset of ganglion mother cells and differentiated neurons express FruM but not FruCOM. It is inferred that FruCOM proteins support fundamental stem cell functions, contrasting to FruM proteins, which play major roles in sex-specific differentiation of neurons.  相似文献   

We have previously described the generation of a monoclonal antibody (DSS-3) that binds to all neurons in cockroach embryos at 50% development and to only a small subset of interneurons in the adult nervous system. This developmental stage-specific antigen was observed to reappear in all axotomized adult neurons that were undergoing axonal regeneration. In the present study the time course of the appearance of this growth-associated antigen during embryonic development was determined. Unexpectedly, the antigen was observed to be present in embryonic neurons long before axon growth. In addition, all cells in the CNS neuronal lineage (neuroblasts, ganglion mother cells, and neurons) bind the antibody as soon as they can be morphologically identified. However, the antigen is also transiently present in all neuroepithelial cells at a stage prior to the morphological differentiation of some of them to neuroblasts. Analogous patterns of DSS-3 binding to cells involved in the development of sensory neurons and leg pioneer neurons are observed. The DSS-3 antigen is therefore a very early marker for the capacity of ectodermal epithelial cells to develop along a neuronal lineage.  相似文献   

During development of the Drosophila central nervous system, neuroblast 6-4 in the thoracic segment (NB6-4T) divides asymmetrically into a medially located glial precursor cell and a laterally located neuronal precursor cell. In this study, to understand the molecular basis for this glia-neuron cell-fate decision, we examined the effects of some known mutations on the NB6-4T lineage. First, we found that prospero (pros) mutations led to a loss of expression of Glial cells missing, which is essential to trigger glial differentiation, in the NB6-4T lineage. In wild-type embryos, Pros protein was localized at the medial cell cortex of dividing NB6-4T and segregated to the nucleus of the glial precursor cell. miranda and inscuteable mutations altered the behavior of Pros, resulting in failure to correctly switch the glial and neuronal fates. Our results suggested that NB6-4T used the same molecular machinery in the asymmetric cell division as other neuroblasts in cell divisions producing ganglion mother cells. Furthermore, we showed that outside the NB6-4T lineage most glial cells appeared independently of Pros.  相似文献   

In the development of the Drosophila central nervous system, some of the neuroblasts designated as neuroglioblasts generate both glia and neurons. Little is known about how neuroglioblasts produce these different cell types. NB6-4 in the thoracic segment (NB6-4T) is a neuroglioblast, although the corresponding cell in the abdominal segment (NB6-4A) produces only glia. Here, we describe the cell divisions in the NB6-4T lineage, following changes in cell number and cell arrangement. We also examined successive changes in the expression of glial cells missing (gcm) mRNA and protein, activity of which is known to direct glial fate from the neuronal default state. The first cell division of NB6-4T occurred in the medial-lateral orientation, and was found to bifurcate the glial and neuronal lineage. After division, the medial daughter cell expressed GCM protein to produce three glial cells, while the lateral daughter cell with no GCM expression produced ganglion mother cells, secondary precursors of neurons. Although gcm mRNA was present evenly in the cytoplasm of NB6-4T before the first cell division, it became detected asymmetrically in the cell during mitosis and eventually only in the medial daughter cell. In contrast, NB6-4A showed a symmetrical distribution of gcm mRNA and GCM protein through division. Our observations suggest that mechanisms regulating gcm mRNA expression and its translation play an important role in glial and neuronal lineage bifurcation that results from asymmetric cell division.  相似文献   

This review sets out to summarize our current knowledge on the structural layout of the embryonic ventral nerve cord in decapod crustaceans and its development from stem cell to the mature structure. In Decapoda, neuronal stem cells, the neuroblasts, mostly originate from ectodermal stem cells, the ectoteloblast, via a defined lineage. The neuroblasts undergo repeated asymmetric division and generate ganglion mother cells. The ganglion mother cells later divide again to give birth to ganglion cells (neurons) and there is increasing evidence now that ganglion mother cells divide again not only once but repeatedly. Various other aspects of neuroblast proliferation such as their temporal patterns of mitotic activity and spatial arrangement as well as the relation of neurogenesis to the development of the segmental appendages and maturation of motor behaviors are described. The link between cell lineage and cell differentiation in Decapoda so far has only been established for the midline neuroblast. However, there are several other identified early differentiating neurons, the outgrowing neurites of which pioneer the axonal scaffold within the neuromeres of the ventral nerve cord. The maturation of identified neurons as examined by immunohistochemistry against their neurotransmitters or engrailed, is briefly described. These processes are compared to other Arthropoda (including Onychophora, Chelicerata, Diplopoda and Hexapoda) in order to shed light on variations and conserved motifs of the theme 'neurogenesis'. The question of a 'common plan for neuronal development' in the ventral nerve cords of Hexapoda and Crustacea is critically evaluated and the possibility of homologous neurons arising through divergent developmental pathways is discussed.  相似文献   

We have examined the roles of cell lineage and interactions in the determination of individual identified neurons in the grasshopper embryo by selective ablations of individual cells and/or their neighbors at successive stages following their birth. The neurons in the grasshopper central nervous system (CNS) are produced by two types of identifiable neuronal precursor cells: neuroblasts (NBs), which generate most of the neurons, and midline precursors (MPs), which generate only a few. NBs divide asymmetrically in a stem cell fashion to generate a chain of ganglion mother cells (GMCs) which then divide once more symmetrically to produce pairs of sibling neurons: MPs cleave once to generate a single pair of sibling neurons. We analyzed the determination of (1) the pair of sibling progeny produced by midline precursor 3 (MP3) and the determination of (2) the pair of sibling progeny produced by the first GMC from neuroblast 1-1 (NB 1-1); in each case the siblings normally differentiate into morphologically distinct neurons. Our results indicate that both pairs of neuronal progeny (1) are born equivalent, (2) become determined by cell interactions early in their development before axonogenesis, and (3) demonstrate a hierarchy of fates with one fate dominant over the other. These results suggest a common pattern of neuronal determination in the grasshopper and possibly all insect embryos.  相似文献   

In the leech embryo, neurogenesis takes place within the context of a stereotyped cell lineage. The prospective germ layers are formed during the early cleavage divisions by the reorganization and segregation of circumscribed domains within the cytoplasm of the fertilized egg. The majority of central neurons arise from the ectoderm, and central neuroblasts are distributed throughout both the length and width of each ectodermal hemisegment. Much of the segmental ganglion arises from medial neuroblasts, but there are also lateral ectodermal neuroblasts and mesodermal neuroblasts that migrate into the nascent ganglion from peripheral sites of origin. Some of these migratory cells are committed to neurogenesis prior to reaching their central destination. In addition, the leech embryo exhibits a secondary phase of neurogenesis that is restricted to the two sex segment ganglia. Secondary neurogenesis requires that a mitogenic or trophic signal be conveyed from the peripherally located male sex organ to a particular set of centrally located neuroblasts, apparently via already differentiated central neurons that innervate the sex organ. The differential specification of neuronal phenotypes within the leech central nervous system occurs in multiple steps. Some aspects of a neuron's identity are already specified at the time of its terminal cell division and would seem to involve the lineal inheritance of developmental commitments made by one of the neuron's progenitors. This lineage-based identity can then be modified by interactions between the postmitotic neuron and other neurons or non-neuronal target cells encountered during its terminal differentiation. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The mature enteric nervous system (ENS) is characterized by a degree of neuronal phenotypic diversity and independence of central nervous system control unequaled by any other region of the peripheral nervous system. Studies that have utilized the immunocytochemical demonstration of neurofilament protein and explanation of primordial gut with subsequent growth in culture have indicated that the neural crest precursors of enteric neurons are already committed to the neuronal lineage when they colonize the bowel; however, neuronal phenotypic expression occurs within the gut itself. It is likely that precursors able to give rise to each type of neuron found in the mature ENS are present among the earliest neural crest émigrés to reach the bowel. In mice a proximodistal wave of neuronal phenotypic expression occurs that does not appear to reflect the descent of neuronal precursors. This observation, the known plasticity of developing neural crest-derived neurons, and the demonstration of a persistent population of proliferating neuroblasts in the gut raise the possibility that enteric neuronal phenotypic expression is influenced by the enteric microenvironment.  相似文献   

The grasshopper central nervous system is composed of a brain and a chain of segmental ganglia. Each hemiganglion contains about 1000 neurons, most of which can be individually identified by their unique morphology and synaptic connectivity. Shortly after gastrulation the ventral ectoderm becomes a neurogenic region. In each hemisegment, ca. 150 neurogenic ectodermal cells (nECs) give rise to a stereotyped pattern of 30 identified neuroblasts (NBs, neuronal stem cells); the remaining nECs become various non-neuronal cells or die. The 30 NBs then give rise to about 1000 neurons as each NB initiates an invariant lineage, generating a stereotyped chain of ganglion mother cells (GMCs), each of which in turn divides once to generate two identified neurons. We have used a laser microbeam or microelectrode to ablate individual cells in ovo and in vitro at various stages of embryogenesis to study how neuronal diversity and specificity are generated during development. Our results suggest that cell interactions between ca. 150 equivalent nECs allow 30 cells to enlarge into NBs, the dominant fate in a hierarchy; the NBs inhibit adjacent nECs and thus cause them to differentiate into various non-neuronal cells; each NB is assigned its unique identity according to its position of enlargement within the neurogenic epithelium; each NB then generates its characteristic chain of GMCs by an invariant cell lineage; and each GMC generates a pair of equivalent progeny, the fate of each individual neuron being determined by both its GMC of origin and interactions with its sibling.  相似文献   

The Dsrc28C gene encodes two major proteins, p66 and p55, each of which contains a tyrosine kinase domain. Using monoclonal antibodies we have completed a detailed investigation of the spatial expression of Dsrc28C proteins during embryonic and larval development. Differentiation of a number of embryonic tissues is accompanied by the induction of Dsrc28C expression. With the exception of the developing salivary glands which express high levels of p66, developing tissues express the p55 form of Dsrc28C. Notable examples are cells of the and peripheral nervous systems which express p55 from the early stages of neurogenesis through the remainder of embryogenesis and pole cells which transiently express p55 during portions of embryonic stages 10 and 11. Nervous system expression includes the cell bodies and neuronal fibers of the central nervous system, the anterior sensory organs, and the peripheral sensory neurons. During larval development, p55 levels within the central nervous system remain high but substantial changes in the pattern of expression take place. p55 gradually disappears from the neuronal fibers of the central nervous system and from embryonic cell bodies. During the third larval instar, the birth of immature neuroblasts within the ventral and midbrain ganglia, but not within the optic ganglia, is marked by a transient high level of p55 expression. All imaginal cells that have been observed within the larva express the p66 protein. The patterns of expression that we have noted suggest that expression of the p55 form of Dsrc28C protein is an early event in the differentiation of neuronal cells, while expression of the p66 form is characteristic of cells committed to ectodermal cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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