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Abstract:  This paper describes a new genus and species of dyrosaurid, Chenanisuchus lateroculi gen. et sp. nov. (Crocodyliformes, Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Thanetien (Late Palaeocene) of the Oulad Abdoun Basin, Morocco. This new taxon has a particularly short snout, as well as widely separated and laterally facing orbits. In the holotype, the mandible exhibits a retroarticular process that is strongly depressed posterior to the glenoid fossa, bringing the ventral margin of the medial wing of the articular to the same level as the ventral margin of the retroarticular process. This feature is shared with Congosaurus bequaerti , Dyrosaurus and isolated dyrosaurid material from Mali and Niger, but is absent in the putative closely related crocodyliforms, such as pholidosaurids and Terminonaris , and could be a dyrosaurid character.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new terebratulid brachiopod species, Rhenorensselaeria jansenii , has been identified in the Merzâ-Akhsaï Formation of the Dra Valley, Morocco, and the Grauwacke de Montguyon of the Amorican Massif, France. It is compared with the other known species of Rhenorensselaeria from Europe, Rh. strigiceps and Rh. demerathia , as well as with Rh. macgerriglei from North America, from which it differs in being larger and having coarser costae. Its possible life habit in clusters and its fossil community are compared with those of Rh. strigiceps from the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge ('Rhenish Slate Mountains'), Germany, which it most resembles. A new phylogeny of the subfamily Rhenorensselaerinae is constructed. The close phylogenetic relationship between Rh. jansenii and Rh. strigiceps confirms close palaeobiogeographical relationships between North Africa, France and the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge as well as a wider relationship between Central Europe and Gaspé, eastern Canada, during the Early Devonian. Taxa of Rhenorensselaeria are mainly restricted to the Middle and Upper Siegenian, although rare individuals have been found in the Lower Emsian of Central Europe and North America. Because of their abundance in the Dra Valley and Rheinisches Schiefergebirge and their short life span, rhenorensselaerid taxa can be regarded as important stratigraphical markers of Middle–Late Siegenian and Early Emsian sediments in North Africa and Central Europe.  相似文献   

Abstract:  New petrosal bones, assigned to Pucadelphys and Andinodelphys , from the Lower Paleocene of Tiupampa, Bolivia, are described. These remains provide new information on the anatomy of the ear region of these taxa. The re-examination of characters from the petrosal and basicranium shed light on the phylogenetic relationships of the three Tiupampan genera known from complete cranial remains (i.e. Mayulestes , Pucadelphys and Andinodelphys ). The combination of dental, general cranial and basicranial characters led to two alternative hypotheses. The first is that borhyaenoids (including Mayulestes ) are nested within Notometatheria. Pucadelphyds (i.e. Pucadelphys and Andinodelphys ) are the sister group of a clade comprising MHNC 8369 (one isolated petrosal from Tiupampa) and Marsupialia. The second favours the paraphyly of 'borhyaenoids' (i.e. the exclusion of Mayulestes from borhyaenoids) and the polyphyly of 'Notometatheria'. In this case, Mayulestes and borhyaenids represent the stem group of a clade including Asiatic, American and Australian metatherians. This analysis of combined datasets (dental, general cranial and basicranial) highlighted contradictory information in the dental and cranial characters, serving to emphasize that in a large anatomical complex like an entire skull mosaic evolution of the characters is likely.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The ammonite genus Alocolytoceras Hyatt, 1900 is an uncommon lytoceratid with distinctive shell ornament. A set of 58 specimens, recently collected at Amellago in the central High Atlas (Morocco), has enabled us to trace a succession of three species over eight biozones from the Toarcian to the Aalenian. Two specimens from the Lusitanian Basin are added for comparison. Following a review of the genus, based on original specimens and data from the literature, seven species are considered valid. A palaeobiogeographical synthesis of 13 regions demonstrates irregular distribution patterns over time, with a constant presence in the south-west Tethys and an instance of rapid diversification of an endemic fauna in north-west Europe. Our data challenge the conventional view that lytoceratid ammonite evolution was 'conservative'.  相似文献   

古新世晚期裂齿类———丁氏豫裂兽 (新属、新种 ) (Yuesthonyxtingaegen .etsp .nov.)的发现表明了裂齿目在亚洲古新世已相当分化 ,在臼齿形态上有与北美始新世Esthonyx相近的小尖兽 (Meiostylogon)和中间兽 (Interogale) ,也有与北美Megalesthonyx接近的豫裂兽等。根据豫裂兽、Megalesthonyx、和亚洲的Adapidium的上臼齿都具有明显的中附尖等特征可与其他裂齿类相区别 ,新建了豫裂兽科 (YuesthoncidaeFam .nov.)。  相似文献   

安徽潜山新发现的钝脚类头骨化石   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文记述了发现于安徽潜山盆地中古新统望虎墩组上段的一件较为完整的钝脚类头骨化石,将其归入 Altilanbda 属中,并建立—新种——余井高脊兽(A. yujingensis sp. nov.).  相似文献   

记述了安徽潜山盆地古新世裂齿目一新属种 ,命名为潜水本爱兽 (Benaiusqianshuiensisgen .etsp .nov .)。标本产于望虎墩组下段底部 ,为一带犬齿和完整颊齿列的左下颌骨。新种的主要特点是 :个体较小 ,下齿列齿式 2 + ?·1·4·3,i2略有增大 ,p1存在但退化成单根且侧扁 ,p3无下后尖 ,p4次臼齿化且无下内尖 ,下三角座前后压缩且下前尖退化 ,m3三叶。中国曾经记述的和被认为是裂齿类的古新世哺乳动物共有 9个属种 :Lofochaiusbrachyo dus、Meiostylodonzaoshiensis、Anchilestesimpolitus、Dysnoetodonminuta、Interogaledatangensis、Pletho rodonchienshanensis、Huananiusyoungi、Yuesthonyxtingae和Simplodonqianshanensis。经过仔细比较研究它们的齿列 ,作者认为 ,Lofochaius、Meiostylodon、Interogale、Plethorodon和Simplodon可能属于裂齿类 ,而Anchilestes、Dysnoetodon、Huananius和Yuesthonyx则可能与裂齿类没有很近的亲缘关系。广东南雄盆地上湖组Lofochaiusbrachyodus的P1和P2退化、P4有一定程度的臼齿化、外架窄、主尖锥状、前尖棱和后尖棱的颊侧端内收 ,显示了裂齿类的特点。湖南茶陵盆地枣市组Meiostylodonzaoshiensis的i2增大、上臼齿主尖锥状、柱尖和后附尖发育、前尖棱和后尖棱的颊侧?  相似文献   

印度、尼泊尔晚中新世-上新世SIWALIK-CHURIA群轮藻化石组合与中国塔里木盆地及哈萨克斯坦东南部伊犁盆地轮藻组合极为接近。据此讨论了它们的古生物地理和古生态学特征。中新世-上新世轮藻植物繁盛的原因与当时季风活动引起的季节性洪水泛滥,在广大河漫滩地上形成有利于轮藻植物生长发育的局部湖泊环境有关。  相似文献   

记述了在广东南雄盆地中古新世地层中发现的岭南(犭亚)兽一新种——进步岭南(犭亚)兽(Linnania progressus sp.nov.)。新种比属型种罗佛(犭亚)兽(L.lofoensis)下臼齿下前尖退化、跟座增长。  相似文献   

记述了在安徽省潜山盆地晚古新世地层中发现的晌髓类的一个新属新种──李氏皖掠兽(Wanolestes lii gen.et sp.nov.)。新属以p4臼齿化程度低,下颊齿跟座脊状,仅具两个下臼齿为其特点。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The two plesiosauroid species from the Posidonia shale of Holzmaden, ' Plesiosaurus ' guilelmiimperatoris and ' Plesiosaurus ' brachypterygius , do not belong to Plesiosaurus but form new monotypic genera. The new genus Hydrorion is erected for ' P .' brachypterygius , and the genus Seeleyosaurus is re-established for ' P .' guilelmiimperatoris . The recently described species Plesiopterys wildii is regarded as a junior synonym of S. guilelmiimperatoris . A short phylogenetic analysis shows that S. guilelmiimperatoris and Muraenosaurus are basal elasmosaurs. H. brachypterygius , Occitanosaurus tournemirensis from France and Microcleidus homalospondylus from England form a monophyletic clade, which is the sister taxon to the Cretaceous elasmosaurs. A palaeobiogeographical comparison of plesiosaur localities in the Lower Jurassic shows distinct palaeobiogeographical zones for the Toarcian, with different plesiosaur taxa in England, Germany and France.  相似文献   

安徽嘉山晚古新世哺乳动物群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了在安徽省嘉山县土金山晚中新世地层中发现的 7种哺乳动物化石 ,其中包括两个新种———翟氏肉齿兽 ?(Sarcodon ?zhaiisp .nov.)和原始皖柱兽 (Wanostylopspromissussp .nov.)。这是目前为止有关嘉山土金山动物群最为全面的一次报道。动物群的性质表明含化石的土金山组的时代为晚古新世 ,很可能相当于格沙头期或稍早。  相似文献   

本文记述了在安徽潜山盆地中古新世望虎墩组下部发现的一块具完整颊齿的头骨化石,并据此建立了—新科——丰齿兽科 (Plethorodontidae fam. nov.).包括—新属新种—潜山丰齿兽 (Plethorodon chienshanensis gen. et sp. nov.).根据上颊齿特点,笔者认为它与翼齿兽比较接近,因而暂被放入钝脚目.文中还对这两类动物的有关分类阶元提出了初步意见.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The first fossil records of Holarctic representatives of the genus Comptosia Macquart, 1840 from the middle Eocene Messel Pit, Germany, and the upper Eocene of Florissant, USA, are reported. The fossil from Messel, Comptosia pria sp. nov., is represented by a well-preserved wing, displaying characteristic wing venation, remains of the second wing and elements of the thorax. The Florissant fossil, C. miranda comb. nov., is preserved almost completely with both wings and most parts of the body visible. Extant members of the genus Comptosia are currently found only in Australia, and close relatives are known from southern South America. Previously this group of genera has been thought to be of Gondwanan origin, but these Eocene fossil representatives of Comptosia from the Holarctic region argue against this interpretation, and suggest that Comptosia and its relatives were more widespread in both Northern and Southern hemispheres during the Palaeogene. The fossil record of bee flies suggests a major radiation of bombyliids in the late Cretaceous or early Cenozoic. This assumption is supported by the comparatively young geological age of many bombyliid host taxa. A key factor driving the specialization of many bombyliid larvae on ground-dwelling hosts may have been avoidance of competition with tachinid flies and parasitic hymenopterans.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In the 1970s the Upper Triassic strata of the Argana Basin yielded archosaurian remains that were tentatively attributed to the rauisuchian Ticinosuchus . Restudy of this material together with new remains reveal new anatomical data and show that it in fact belongs to a new taxon, Arganasuchus dutuiti gen. et sp. nov. The systematics of the Rauisuchia are still unresolved; nevertheless, a monophyletic suprageneric group can be defined within the probable non-monophyletic rauisuchians. Arganasuchus dutuiti differs from all adequately known rauisuchians in three autapomorphies: acetabular rim on pubis runs anteroventrally parallel to pubic shift rather than being terminal and perpendicular to it; large contribution of pubis to acetabular depression; palatal process of maxillary low and confluent with interdental crest, rather than separated from it by a large area. The maxilla of Arganasuchus resembles those of Batrachotomus and Fasolasuchus in having a Y-shaped rather than a U-shaped form. As in rauisuchids, Arganasuchus dutuiti has short cervical vertebrae and a dorsal border of the proximal extremity of the pubis that is convex in lateral view. It shares one derived character state with Batrachotomus and Postosuchus (a tear-shaped and anteriorly orientated rugosity on the lateral side of the pubis, lying on a deep, longitudinal depression) and one more derived character state with Batrachotomus (narrow ante-acetabular part of the pubis; hence, the anterior border of the proximal extremity of the pubis is almost contiguous with the actabular rim).  相似文献   

依据在云南富源中三叠世法郎组竹杆坡段发现的新材料,对关岭贵州空棘鱼(Guizhoucoelacanthus guanlingensis)进行了补充描述,并修订了鼻骨、顶骨、后顶骨、额外肩胛骨、眶后骨、偶鳍、鳞片等特征。系统发育分析表明,贵州空棘鱼属与Whiteia+Piveteauia构成姐妹群,其共有离征包括:两对顶骨的大小相近,第一背鳍鳍条数小于8。建议将贵州空棘鱼属归入怀特鱼科(Whiteiidae)。  相似文献   

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