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The floral biology and breeding system of Alpinia blepharocalyx were studied in Yunnan province, southwest China. Our results indicate that populations of A. blepharocalyx have two floral morphs, which differ in flowering behaviour: the cataflexistylous morph in which the stigma is held erect above the dehiscent anther when anthesis begins in the morning and becomes curved under the anther at afternoon, and the anaflexistylous morph in which the receptive stigma is curved under the indehiscent anther first and moves into a reflexed superior position above the anther as it begins to shed pollen in the afternoon; the flowering period of both floral morphs is 12 hours; the stylar movements in the two floral morphs are synchronous, and they have similar traits to those found in other Alpinia species previously reported. Also, on average, cataflexistylous flowers are larger than anaflexistylous flowers, especially the labellum and corolla tube length; moreover, the P/O ratio of the two floral morphs is significantly different: the cataflexistylous morph has more pollen grains and fewer ovules than the anaflexistylous morph; the evolutionary significance of this comparison is discussed. Cataflexistylous flowers were observed to produce a lower concentration of nectar than that of anaflexistylous flowers before 11:00 a.m., but they then have higher nectar concentration; cataflexistylous flowers always have more nectar than anaflexistylous flowers. Flowers of A. blepharocalyx were visited by fewer insects at a lower frequency, including honey bees (Apis cerana cerana) and two species of carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp.). No significant differences were found in the fruit set among the hand-pollination treatments regardless of selfing (geitonogamy and autogamy) or crossing (intermorph and intramorph); but all hand-pollination treatments exhibited much higher fruit set than the controls; meanwhile, no fruit set occurred in the unpollinated bagged plants. Pollen tube growth was examined using fluorescence microscopy following self, intramorph, and intermorph hand pollinations at different times of the day; the pollen tubes of both floral morphs have the same growth rate and the capability to reach the ovary. Both the results of pollen tube growth and fruit sets under different pollination conditions show that A. blepharocalyx is self-compatible and dependent upon insects for pollination. The distinctive flexistyly mechanism of A. blepharocalyx is likely a floral mechanism that promotes effective intermorph pollen transfer.  相似文献   

草豆蔻传粉生物学的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
比较研究了花柱卷曲性植物草豆蔻 Alpinia hainanensis两种表型(上举型和下垂型)的传粉生物学特性。结果表明:草豆蔻的花柱卷曲运动节律与其他已报道的山姜属Alpinia植物基本一致,而下垂型花的花柱卷曲运动明显滞后于上举型花约2 h。草豆蔻的花柱卷曲运动中存在一些不同步的现象,甚至在同一花序上的两朵花的花柱运动节律亦会表现出不一致的现象,但上举型花的花药开裂时间却严格同步,都发生在同类型个体的柱头全部位于花药上方之后进行。草豆蔻上举型花的花蜜分泌量、单花花粉量、花粉/胚珠比率(P/O)均明显比下垂型花多,而两种表型的胚珠数、花蜜糖含量、氨基酸含量无显著差异。在草豆蔻的单花期内不同时间段进行人工授粉,上举型花在其柱头位于花药下方时进行人工授粉,其结实率明显比柱头位于花药上方时人工授粉的处理高,下垂型花则没有显著差异。在自然居群中,草豆蔻的主要传粉者是无垫蜂Ameglla sp.和两种木蜂Xylocopa sp.,但存在传粉者不足而影响结实率的现象。完全套袋、去雄和去雌(去柱头)处理的均不结实,表明草豆蔻中不存在无融合生殖、主动自花授粉和滞后自交的生殖保障现象。而人工自交和异交均具有较高的结实率,表明草豆蔻为自交亲和植物。草豆蔻的繁育系统是具花柱卷曲性运动的异花授粉的交配系统。  相似文献   

益智传粉生物学的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 益智(Alpinia oxyphylla)的花期从2月底至4月下旬;单株花期(花序)约为16~26 d,通常为23~26 d;单花花期一般为1 d。正常情况下,益智和其它山姜属植物一样,具有花柱卷曲性促进异花授粉的机制,表现出两种类型:花柱上举型和花柱下垂型,其花柱卷曲运动的节律与其它已报道的山姜属植物基本一致。但观察发现,当遭遇低温天气时(日最高气温<18℃),单花花期延长为2 d,无论是上举型个体还是下垂型个体,均只表现出一种花型——下垂型:上午开花时花柱弯向上,柱头位于已开裂散发出花粉的花药上方,直到第二天上午6∶30~11∶00间,花柱才陆续地慢慢向下运动,柱头下降至与花药等高或位于花药下方。益智的主要传粉昆虫是蜜蜂(Apidae sp.)、木蜂(Xylocopa sp.),绝大多数的访花者的访花目的是吸蜜。益智的花蜜分泌量(8.37~15.79 μl)和花蜜含糖量(30.12%~32.83%)较高,花蜜是益智作为传粉者访花的最主要的报酬。实验结果还表明,益智花部中唇瓣对昆虫访花有显著的招引作用;益智的花蜜对蜜蜂的访花频率有显著的影响,对木蜂有一定的招引作用,但并不显著。而花粉(花药)则对昆虫的访花频率影响不大。人工授粉实验结果表明益智存在自交亲和性,无论是上举型或下垂型个体自交和异交均有较高的结实率;人工自交和异交的结实率在上举型植株中存在较大的差异,而在下垂型个体中则差异不明显;去雄套袋、去柱头套袋和完全套袋不授粉等处理均不结实,表明益智不存在无融合生殖现象和自动自花授粉现象。益智的繁育系统是异花授粉交配系统。  相似文献   

刘敏  孙杉  李庆军 《生物多样性》2007,15(6):639-644
花柱卷曲性是一种见于姜科山姜属(Alpinia)和砂仁属(Amomum)植物中的独特的性二态现象, 具有这一性系统的植物, 其居群包括上举型和下垂型两种表型, 所有个体的雌雄性别功能在时间和空间上分离。本研究通过操控授粉和花粉管生长两项实验, 探讨花柱卷曲性植物个体两性功能的隔离方式及其适应意义。云南草蔻(Alpinia blepharocalyx)操控授粉实验表明, 自花花粉对其异交率影响不显著(P > 0.05), 但可能由于自花花粉沉降导致胚珠贴现进而引起近交衰退, 操控条件下每果结籽数显著减少(P < 0.01)。云南草蔻和红豆蔻(Alpinia galanga)花粉管生长实验都显示无论对两种表型进行怎样的授粉处理, 花粉粒萌发和花粉管生长的速率仅在柱头处于可授位置时表现出最大值, 与自交和异交授粉方式无关; 上举型植株上午花粉囊虽未裂但其内花粉已成熟。研究结果表明即使不考虑花柱运动, 山姜属植物也具有异型雌雄异熟的特性。这一结果证实了花柱卷曲运动机制是通过互补式雌雄异位和异型雌雄异熟相结合形成的花部二态性, 异型雌雄异熟促进了异交, 而花柱运动的功能可能在于避免雌雄干扰。  相似文献   

花柱多态型的型比通过选型交配形成的负频率依赖的选择来维持。种群空间格局对于频率依赖选择所维持的花柱多态型是至关重要的。该研究使用摆放实验构建不同型比的马来良姜(Alpinia mutica)人工种群, 以评价花柱卷曲性促进选型交配的功能。使用邻域模型调查了云南草蔻(Alpinia blepharaocalyx)种群中的目标植株的坐果数、结籽数及其邻域中花序的数量和型偏以探讨在局域尺度上目标植株的雌性适合度是否受负频率依赖的选择。通过比较云南草蔻上举型和下垂型各繁殖性状的差异以及两型的功能性别的计算以评估两型功能性别可能存在的特化趋势。摆放实验结果说明花柱卷曲性形成的二型种群可以促进型间花粉传递。在局域尺度上, 云南草蔻两型倾向于同型聚集分布, 这一分布特点反映出其克隆生长特性。统计结果说明: 邻域中异型花粉供体相对丰富度对两型目标植株都无影响; 目标植株雌性适合度在邻域中不受负频率依赖选择的影响。这一结果并不支持负频率依赖的选择在该研究尺度上是影响种群型比结构的主要机制。云南草蔻两型个体在花期和果期的繁殖指标上不存在显著差异; 功能性别计算结果显示选型交配是种群内唯一的交配模式时, 下垂型功能性别偏雌性而上举型功能性别偏雄性。这一功能性别特化的趋势可能是通过对上举型的雄性功能的选择而造成的, 并可能与种群型结构相关。当功能性别计算只考虑自交而忽略近交衰退时, 种群功能性别偏向雌性。  相似文献   

Autonomous self pollination is considered to be a reproductive assurance mechanism for plants when facing extreme environments that scarce in pollinators, and it also has disadvantages like inbreeding depression and pollen/ovule discounting. In several genera of Zingiberaceae like Alpinia and Amomum, a specialized mechanism named flexistyly exists, precedent studies consider its significance as preventing unnecessary self pollination and sexual interference. However according to our field observation, if pollen grains on cataflexistylous (CATA) flowers remain on the anther when the style curves downwardly, potential exists that the stigma contacts the pollen, thus autonomous self pollination occurs. Here, we studied the breeding system of Alpinia galanga, the results show that (1) Alpinia galanga is self compatible in which inbreeding depression occurs to some degree; (2) The anaflexistylous (ANA) morph of Alpinia galanga allocates more resource into outcrossing than the CATA morph; (3) The P/O ratio of the ANA morph is significantly lower than that of the CATA morph, as Alpinia galanga has constant six ovules in each ovary, the significant difference in P/O value reflects the contrast in pollen production. This phenomenon may be interpreted as the ANA morph provides pollen exclusively for the CATA morph. But the CATA morph, despite delivers pollen to the ANA morph, also need its own pollen for potential autonomous self pollination. In summary, autonomous self pollination exists in Alpinia galanga, and while flexistyly functions to avoid unnecessary self pollination and sexual interference, it also provides advantages for delayed autonomous self pollination as a necessary reproductive assurance and preventing conflict among these three major features by controlling the time of autonomous self pollination. This peculiar mechanism in Alpinia galanga thoroughly demonstrates its adaptation to unfavorable surrounding during the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

异型花柱植物的适应意义在于提高亲和花粉的传递, 从而促进异交, 但是有不少研究发现柱头上落置了大量不亲和花粉。目前, 很少有人研究柱头是否有利于亲和花粉的萌发和花粉管伸长, 以及通过去雄处理排除花内和植株内不亲和花粉干扰从而验证二型花柱植物是否可以促进异交。本研究以亚麻科青篱柴属(Tirpitzia)的二型花柱植物青篱柴(T. sinensis)为研究对象, 分居群调查了青篱柴长、短柱型的植株数量, 测量不同柱型的花粉与柱头大小以及观察其表面纹饰, 测定不同开花时间长、短柱型的柱头活性与花粉活力, 统计自然状态下柱头上落置的不同表型花粉比例, 进一步统计花内、株内去雄和自然对照下柱头上落置的不同表型花粉比例, 计算型间、型内和混合授粉花粉管长度和花粉萌发率, 人工授粉检测其是否型内异交不亲和与自交不亲和。结果表明, 自然居群中长、短柱型青篱柴植株数量没有显著性差异; 短柱型青篱柴花粉体积显著大于长柱型, 且二者花粉表面纹饰不同, 但不同柱型的柱头表面积与表面纹饰无差异; 青篱柴开花第一天的花粉活力显著高于开花第二天, 而柱头活性在开花前两天无显著性差异; 自然状态下柱头上落置的不亲和花粉比例显著高于亲和花粉; 在长柱型青篱柴中, 花内和株内去雄显著提高了柱头上亲和花粉的落置比例; 柱头上授型内花粉, 其花粉萌发率和花粉管的长度都显著低于授型间花粉; 授粉结果表明青篱柴为型内异交不亲和与自交不亲和。二型花柱植物通过促进亲和花粉的萌发和花粉管的伸长而有利于型间授粉, 从而显著提高其传粉精确性。  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of self-pollination on fruit- and seed-set in Asclepias exaltata, a self-incompatible milkweed. A total of 1,380 hand-pollinations were performed on 138 flowers in each of five treatments. In each treatment, two pollinia were placed in adjacent stigmatic chambers, which transmitted pollen tubes to the same ovary. Treatments 1 and 2 involved simultaneous placement of two self-pollinia (treatment 1) or two cross-pollinia (treatment 2) into adjacent stigmatic chambers. No fruits were produced after self-pollinations, but 23% of the cross-pollinated flowers matured fruits. The three remaining experimental pollination treatments were self-pollination preceding cross-pollination by 24 hr (treatment 3), simultaneous self- and cross-pollination (treatment 4), and cross-pollination preceding self-pollination by 24 hr (treatment 5). Compared with that in flowers receiving only cross-pollen, fruit-set in treatments 3–5 was reduced 81%, 49%, and 29%, respectively. Seed-set was also significantly reduced in flowers receiving self-pollen 24 hr in advance of the cross-pollen. Using genetic markers, we observed that only 0.6% of seeds resulted from self-pollination. Our data strongly suggest that self-pollination in milkweeds not only wastes pollen but also greatly reduces the number of ovules and ovaries that might otherwise mature fruits and seeds after cross-pollination.  相似文献   

Flexistyly in Plagiostachys was first reported by Takano et al., while they provided no detailed study on pollination biology and breeding system. In this study, we tested this suspicion in one species of Plagiostachys (Plagiostachys austrosinensis). Field observations suggested that flexistyly was present in this species, and stigmatic behavior was similar to that reported for Alpinia and Amomum species. Two phenotypes (anaflexistylous and cataflexistylous) occurred in a ratio of 1:1 in natural populations. Anthesis began around 1530–1600 h and lasted for about 24 h. Pollen viability and stigma receptivity remained high throughout the flowering process. Mean nectar volume (4.15–11.30 μL) and mean sugar concentration (>32%) also remained at a high level during the flowering process. No fruit set occurred in unpollinated bagged plants. Two pollinators (Bombus pyrosoma and Vespidae spp.) and one pollen robber (Mutillidae spp.) were found as flower visitors. Fruit set following self‐pollination and cross‐pollination did not differ significantly in the cataflexistylous morph. Partial self‐incompatibility was apparent in the anaflexistylous morph. These results provide the concrete evidence of flexistyly in Plagiostachys and a more thorough understanding of its evolutionary origin in gingers.  相似文献   

花柱卷曲性异交机制及其进化生态学意义   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 有花植物具有纷繁复杂的繁育系统,以避免或促进自交或异交。花柱卷曲性异交机制(Flexistyly)是最近在热带山姜属(Alpinia)植物中发现的一种促进异交的行为机制。具有这一机制的种类其自然种群中的个体根据开花行为的不同分为两种表型:一种上午散发花粉而其柱头向上反卷,远离昆虫拜访的通道;另一种其柱头上午垂向唇瓣,能够接受拜访昆虫的传粉,但自身的花药却不打开。到中午时分,两种表型花通过互为相反的柱头卷曲运动转换性别——前者柱头向下卷曲,后者柱头向上卷曲且花药打开。每朵花的花期为12 h,两种表型在自然种  相似文献   

Pollen limitation occurs when plants produce less fruits and/or seeds than they would with adequate pollen receipt. If the addition of cross-pollen to stigmas increases fruit/seed production, it is interpreted as an evidence of pollen limitation. Much of the limitation may be associated with the quality rather than quantity of pollen; however, most studies do not discriminate between the two, which may lead to misinterpretation of the results. We studied the effects of quality and quantity of pollen on the reproduction of a northern Spanish population of Crataegus monogyna. The treatments included self- and cross-pollination, and supplementation to open and bagged flowers. The response variables considered were number of pollen grains per stigma, pollen tubes per style, and initial and final fruit set. In the Cantabrian range, C. monogyna requires insect pollinators to set fruit and is partially self-incompatible. We found that the number of pollen tubes did not differ between cross- and self-pollination treatments; however, self-pollinated flowers set less fruits than flowers that received pure cross-pollen or were supplemented with both cross- and self-pollen. The experimental design allowed us to infer qualitative rather than quantitative pollen limitation. Comparison of the number of pollen grains and tubes, and initial and final fruit set among pollination treatments suggested post-zygotic embryo selection against selfed progeny.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Distyly has been hypothesized to promote cross-pollination by reducing intrafloral and geitonogamous self-pollination, and enhancing intermorph pollination. Distylous plants typically display both reciprocal herkogamy and a heteromorphic incompatibility system, which allows mating only between morphs. Distyly and its pollination consequences were examined in two Pentanisia species with long-tubed flowers which are pollinated almost exclusively by butterflies. METHODS: Anther and stigma heights were measured to quantify reciprocal herkogamy. The type of incompatibility system was determined by observing pollen tubes and seed production following controlled hand pollination. Pollen loads on pollinators and stigmas were also examined to assess the efficiency of intermorph pollen flow. KEY RESULTS: Pentanisia prunelloides and P. angustifolia exhibit reciprocal herkogamy and a host of ancillary dimorphisms, including pollen colour, exine sculpturing, stigmatic papilla shape and floral-tube pubescence. Controlled hand-pollinations revealed the presence of a strong heteromorphic incompatibility system in both species. The site of incompatibility differed between the morphs; intramorph pollen tubes were blocked in the style of the short-styled morph and on the stigmatic surface of the long-styled morph. Butterflies carried pollen from the short- and long-styled morphs primarily on their head and proboscis, respectively. Natural pollination resulted in a higher proportion of pollen transfer from long- to short-styled plants than vice versa. Nevertheless, fruit set did not differ between morphs. CONCLUSIONS: Both Pentanisia species are fully distylous. Reciprocal herkogamy results in pollen from the two morphs being carried on different locations on pollinators' bodies, which in turn promotes intermorph pollination. Intramorph pollination does not result in fertilization, because of an effective heteromorphic incompatibility system.  相似文献   

The style curvature (flexistyly) of Alpinia species in ginger family is a unique plant organ movement because the style of each flower curves twice during its 1-day anthesis and styles of two phenotypes of each Alpinia species in the same population synchronously curve in opposite directions at the same time. In this study, we investigated the effects of low temperature and light conditions on these reciprocal style movements. Our results indicate that low temperature cannot change the direction of each curvature movement, but can slow down these movements and decrease the curve degrees. Light did not affect the upward curvature of the cataflexistylous morph, but the degrees of downward curvature decreased in darkness. For the anaflexistylous morph, the downward curvature only occurred in darkness, but curved directly upward in light condition; after the first (downward) curvature, the second (upward) movement only occurred in light, but did not occur if styles maintained in darkness. These results suggest that low temperature does not stimulate style curvature; light is the necessary condition for the upward movement of the anaflexistylous morph. The stimuli that induced curvature movements in the two morphs were different. Both two curvatures of the cataflexistylous style and downward movement of the anaflexistylous style were controlled via an endogenous program, while the upward movement of the anaflexistylous style was controlled by light.  相似文献   

草果(Amomum tsaoko)是具有柱头卷曲机制的姜科植物,该研究通过观察和分析传粉者的访花行为、草果的花蜜分泌和最终的结实率,探索其花蜜分泌模式与传粉行为的相互关系,以及对其两型植株繁殖的影响。结果表明:草果两型植株的花蜜分泌在1 d花期的16:40—19:00期间达到高峰;上举型花比下垂型花能够提供更多的花蜜,下垂型花的花蜜分泌受环境温度、光照、湿度的显著影响,其结实率也显著低于上举型花。中华蜜蜂(Apis cerean cerana)是观察点频率最高的有效传粉者,在1 d花期里访花频率呈现双峰模式,访花行为受到温度和湿度的显著影响,78%或18℃较适宜访花。1 d花期中温度、湿度的变化,以及花蜜的动态分泌模式共同促进这一双峰访花模式的形成。草果花蜜分泌模式和双峰访花模式均与草果的柱头卷曲运动匹配,对吸引昆虫精确传粉、维持柱头卷曲机制有重要意义。草果两型植株之间,环境因素对它们花蜜分泌的影响显著不同,导致传粉者不同的访花行为反应和繁殖结果。适当增加居群中上举型植株数量,可能是提高产量的一个有效方法。  相似文献   

Heterostyly is a floral polymorphism that increases pollination efficiency by promoting cross-pollination and reducing pollen wastage. Efficiency in pollination has been related to plant investment in gamete production and to the pollen to ovule ratio (P/O), which has been proposed as an indication of the likelihood of enough pollen grains reaching the stigmas to result in maximum reproductive success. In heterostylous species, cross-pollination is promoted by the reciprocal position of sexual organs between morphs and a heteromorphic incompatibility system, which precludes selfing and fertilizations among plants of the same morph. Morphological features like reciprocity (between morphs) and herkogamy (within morph) together with the breeding system are thought to influence pollination quality. Therefore, a close relationship between the pollination efficiency, morphological characteristics, and incompatibility would be expected. Pollination treatments and morphological measurements were carried out to describe the breeding system, herkogamy, and reciprocity of six Melochia species. Afterward, the relation between the P/O (as a surrogate of the efficiency in pollination), and reciprocity, herkogamy and incompatibility was evaluated. Monomorphic M. nodiflora and distylous M. pyramidata are self-compatible species, whereas the rest of the species are self- and morph-incompatible. There was a positive relationship between the P/O value and the degree of herkogamy and incompatibility. However, P/O values appear to increase when higher reciprocity is found in the populations. As expected, the lower values of P/O are associated with lower levels of herkogamy and compatibility in the Melochia species studied. The relationship between the factors is discussed under different scenarios of the pollinators’ predictability.  相似文献   

异型花柱是受遗传控制的花柱多态现象, 被达尔文认为是植物通过在传粉者体表不同部位滞落花粉以促进型间花粉准确传递的一种适应。该现象虽已受到广泛关注, 但在一些花型变异较大且不稳定的传粉系统中, 不同传粉者对各花型繁殖所产生的影响仍知之甚少。该研究以分布于新疆天山南坡的一个有同长花柱共存的异型花柱植物喀什补血草(Limonium kaschgaricum)种群为研究对象, 对其花型构成及频率、传粉者及花粉转移效率等进行了调查分析。结果表明: 1)种群中除了存在雌/雄蕊长度交互对应的长(L)/短(S)花柱型花外, 还有雌/雄蕊同长的花(H型), 且各花型花的花冠口直径、花冠筒长及花粉量等参数间无差异, 但花粉纹饰和柱头乳突细胞形态具二型性。其中, H型花的花粉和柱头形态与L型花(或S型花)的一致。2)花型内和自花授粉均不亲和; 型间授粉时, 花粉和柱头形态不同的花型间亲和, 反之不亲和。3)种群内存在长/短吻两类传粉昆虫。在以短吻传粉者为主的盛花初、中期, L和H型花柱头上的异型花粉数均显著高于S型花的, 且L和S型花高位性器官间的异型花粉传递效率高于低位性器官间的; 而在以长吻传粉者为主的盛花后期, L和S型花的柱头间异型花粉数无显著差异, 且高/低位性器官间具有相同的异型花粉转移效率; 与传粉者出现时期相对应的、在花期不同阶段开放花的结实率也明显不同。4)长/短吻昆虫具明显不同的传粉功能, 短吻昆虫只能对L和H型花进行有效传粉, 且访花频率和型间花粉转移效率较低, 为低效传粉者; 而长吻昆虫对各花型均能有效传粉, 具高的访花频率和型间花粉转移效率, 为高效传粉者。因为长吻昆虫的阶段性出现所形成的不稳定传粉系统, 使低效的短吻昆虫可能会成为种群中花型变异的驱动力, 并使S型花受到更大的选择压力。H型花克服了柱头缩入的弊端, 可能会成为不稳定传粉系统下的一个替代花型而持续存在。  相似文献   

Heterodichogamy is defined as the presence of two flower morphs that exhibit male and female functions at different times among individuals within a population, and is regarded as an adaptation to promote outbreeding through enhanced intermorph pollination. In highly fragmented populations in which the morph frequency is biased, heterodichogamy may hamper population growth by reducing seed sets of the more numerous morph, and enhancing seed sets of the less numerous morph. In such situations, we hypothesize that individual plants experience greater seed sets if the opposite sexual morphs are nearby, and that individuals of a less numerous sexual morph have greater seed sets. After confirming heterodichogamy by observing flowering behavior and phenology, we tested these two hypotheses in a highly fragmented population of Machilus thunbergii, a putative heterodichogamous evergreen laurel tree. Our observations confirmed that M. thunbergii is heterodichogamous, consisting of two types of protogynous and bisexual flowers: a morning female (MF)–afternoon male morph and a morning male (MM)–afternoon female morph at the individual level. Sexual expression of the two morphs was highly synchronized and reciprocal. Investigation of seed‐set rates revealed greater rates of both morphs if the opposite morph was nearby. The less numerous sexual morph (MF) showed a greater seed‐set rate than the more numerous sexual morph (MM).  相似文献   

依靠动物传粉的植物, 其繁殖成功 (胚珠受精与花粉散布 ) 很大程度上取决于访花动物的种类和拜访行为, 而访花动物的种类和行为又受植物提供给传粉者的回报, 主要是花蜜分泌格局的影响。通过对姜科山姜属植物云南草蔻 (Alpiniablepharocalyx) 花蜜分泌量及糖分含量的测定, 拜访动物种类、传粉昆虫拜访频率及停留时间的调查, 主要盗蜜者花松鼠 (Tamiopsswinhoei) 的盗蜜行为观察, 植物的结实率以及结籽量的分析等, 探讨花蜜分泌与传粉昆虫的关系以及盗蜜对果实及种子生产的影响。研究表明 :云南草蔻的两种花型花蜜的分泌量在一天的单花开花过程中呈现相反的格局, 花柱上举型花下午的花蜜分泌量高于上午, 而花柱下垂型花则上午略高于下午 ;两种花型花蜜的糖分浓度都随着开花时间而下降 ;共有 17种访花动物拜访云南草蔻的花, 其中 8种具有传粉作用 ;传粉昆虫的停留时间随拜访频率的不断增加而缩短 ;被盗蜜植株与未被盗蜜植株的结实率差异不显著而结籽量差异显著。  相似文献   

Flowers of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) are hermaphrodite and self-incompatible; their cross-pollination depends entirely on insect visitors, mainly bees (Apoidea). Because self-pollination of white clover occurs before flower anthesis, we determined whether selfing affected the pollination efficiency of a honeybee visit. We compared pollen deposition in emasculated and intact flowers following (1) a single honeybee visit, (2) open-pollination for a day and (3) enclosure in a cloth bag to prevent insect visits. In emasculated flowers, open-pollination resulted in more pollen deposited than after one visit (+30%) which is consistent with flowers being visited more than once by pollinators during the course of a day. On intact flowers, saturation of the stigma was achieved after the first visit of a honeybee (near 280 grains) because of self-pollination. Additional visits did not increase pollen deposits, but they improved pollen efficiency in terms of numbers of pollen tubes reaching the ovules. In such a context of easily saturated stigmas, self-pollen does not inhibit cross-pollen activity, but represents a constraint for pollination which demands multiple bee visits to each flower to achieve maximum fertilization. Received: 20 May 1997 / Accepted: 25 October 1997  相似文献   

Reduction in seed set following self- vs. cross-pollination in flowering plants can result from abortion of selfed offspring owing to inbreeding depression and/or partial self-incompatibility. Previous studies on tristylous Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae) indicate that reduced seed set following self-pollination generally occurs in the short- (S), but not the long-(L) or mid-styled (M) morphs. To determine whether this pattern results from morph-specific differences in inbreeding depression owing to the sheltering of deleterious alleles at the S locus and/or partial self-incompatibility, we conducted controlled hand-pollinations of the floral morphs and measured seed set and levels of seed abortion. There were no significant differences in fertilization success and seed set following self-, illegitimate, and legitimate pollinations in the L and M morphs. In contrast, in the S morph self-, intramorph and intermorph illegitimate pollinations resulted in significant reduction in seed set in comparison with legitimate pollination. This indicates that the reduced seed set observed in self-pollination is the result of partial incompatibility rather than inbreeding depression. Significantly reduced fertilization success and low levels of ovule abortion in illegitimate pollinations of S plants also supported this conclusion. Reduced fertility in the S morph may have implications for the observed loss of this morph from natural populations and the evolutionary breakdown of tristyly.  相似文献   

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