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To promote an understanding of autoimmunity in BD, we surveyed autoAgs in patients with BD and investigated the prevalence and clinical significance of the identified autoAbs. Specifically, proteins, extracted from peripheral blood mononuclear cells and separated by 2DE, were subjected to WB, using five serum samples from patients with BD. The detected candidate autoAgs were identified by mass spectrometry. As a result, 17 autoantigenic spots were detected by the 2DE‐WB, out of which eight spots were identified. They are enolase‐1, cofilin‐1, vimentin, Rho‐GDI β protein, tubulin‐like protein, and actin‐like proteins. The autoAbs to one of the identified proteins, cofilin‐1, were investigated by WB using a recombinant protein in 30 patients with BD, 35 patients with RA, 32 patients with SLE, and 16 patients with PM/DM. The autoAbs to cofilin‐1 were detected by WB in four (13.3%) of the 30 patients with BD, five (14.3%) of the 35 patients with RA, two (6.3%) of the 32 patients with SLE, and eight (24.2%) of the 33 patients with PM/DM. Our data indicate that the generation of autoAbs to cofilin‐1 may reflect common immunological disorders in BD, RA, and PM/DM. Our data would help understanding of the immunopathology of BD. In addition, the proteomic approach would be a useful way to investigate autoAgs.  相似文献   

Koh E  Kim T 《Proteins》2005,61(3):559-569
The purpose of this article is to present arguments based on experimental data that the beta-sheet structures in proteins are the result of the tendency to minimize surface areas. Thus, we propose the model that all beta-sheet structures are almost minimal surfaces, namely, their mean curvatures are nearly zero. To support this model, we chose 1740 disjoint beta-sheets with less than 10 strands from the all beta-protein class in a nonredundant 40% Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database and applied the least-squares method to fit the minimal surface catenoid (and in some rare cases, the plane) to the beta-sheet structures. The fitting errors were extremely small: The error of 1729 beta-sheets with catenoid minimal surface is 0.90 +/- 0.55 A and the error of the remaining 11 flat sheets with the plane is 0.64 +/- 0.46 A. The fact that the commonly used models for some beta-sheet surfaces (i.e., the hyperboloid and strophoid) have very small mean curvatures (< 0.05) supports our model. Moreover, we showed that this model also includes the isotropically stressed configuration model proposed by Salemme, in which the intrastrand tendency of the individual chains to twist or coil is in equilibrium with the tendency of the interstrand hydrogen bonding to resist twisting of the sheet as a whole. As an application we used our model to quantify the two principal independent modes in the flexibility of beta-sheets, that is, the bending parameter of beta-sheets and the inclined angle of beta-strands in a sheet.  相似文献   

Xu J  Huang L  Shakhnovich EI 《Proteins》2011,79(6):1704-1714
In this work, we apply a detailed all‐atom model with a transferable knowledge‐based potential to study the folding kinetics of Formin‐Binding protein, FBP28, which is a canonical three‐stranded β‐sheet WW domain. Replica exchange Monte Carlo simulations starting from random coils find native‐like (Cα RMSD of 2.68 Å) lowest energy structure. We also study the folding kinetics of FBP28 WW domain by performing a large number of ab initio Monte Carlo folding simulations. Using these trajectories, we examine the order of formation of two β‐hairpins, the folding mechanism of each individual β‐hairpin, and transition state ensemble (TSE) of FBP28 WW domain and compare our results with experimental data and previous computational studies. To obtain detailed structural information on the folding dynamics viewed as an ensemble process, we perform a clustering analysis procedure based on graph theory. Further, a rigorous Pfold analysis is used to obtain representative samples of the TSEs showing good quantitative agreement between experimental and simulated Φ values. Our analysis shows that the turn structure between first and second β strands is a partially stable structural motif that gets formed before entering the TSE in FBP28 WW domain and there exist two major pathways for the folding of FBP28 WW domain, which differ in the order and mechanism of hairpin formation. Proteins 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The isolated rabbit sperm plasma membrane autoantigen RSA-1 has been identified as a receptor for the lectin, Ricinus communis I (RCA). Using purified RSA-1 labeled with125 I, the autoantigen was shown to bind to RCA affinity columns and the eluted fraction bound to specific anti-RSA-1 alloantiserum immunoadsorbent columns.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that gamma-tubulin, the third member of the tubulin family that functions in microtubule nucleation, when overexpressed, accumulates throughout the cytoplasm and forms numerous ectopic microtubule nucleation sites in mammalian cells (Shu and Joshi [1995] J. Cell. Biol. 130:1137-1147). We now show that overexpression of gamma-tubulin differentially upregulates the synthesis of alpha- and beta-tubulins in mammalian cells. Surprisingly, despite a dramatic increase in the level of gamma-tubulin protein in transfected cells, there is no obvious alteration in the level of endogenous gamma-tubulin mRNA, suggesting that synthesis of gamma-tubulin might employ a regulatory mechanism other than the autoregulatory pathway shared by alpha- and beta-tubulins. Interestingly, a significant number of mammalian cells transfected with gamma-tubulin fail to form normal bipolar mitotic spindle during mitosis; instead, numerous microtubules occur in the cytoplasm intermingled with the condensed chromosomes. In addition, they reduplicate their DNA after an abnormal mitotic exit. These results thus suggest that the number of microtubule nucleation sites, or even gamma-tubulin itself, might play an important role in the regulation of tubulin synthesis as well as cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of asthma is closely related to histone acetylation modification, but the specific acetylation sites related to this process remain indistinct. Herein, our study sought to identify differentially modified acetylation sites and their expression distribution in cells involved in asthma in lung tissues. The airway hyper-responsiveness, inflammation, and remodeling were assessed by non-invasive whole-body plethysmography, ELISA, and hematoxylin-eosin staining to confirm the successful establishment of the allergic asthma model. Afterward, the differentially modified acetylation sites in asthmatic lung tissues were identified and validated by using proteomics and western blotting, respectively. The immunohistochemistry analysis was applied to reveal the distribution of identified acetylation sites in asthmatic lung tissues. A total of 15 differentially modified acetylation sites, including 13 upregulated (H3K9ac, H3K14ac, H3K18ac, H3K23ac,H3K27ac, H3K36ac, H2B1KK120ac, H2B2BK20ac, H2BK16ac, H2BK20ac, H2BK108ac, H2BK116ac, and H2BK120ac) and 2 downregulated (H2BK5ac and H2BK11ac) sites were identified and validated. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining of lung tissues showed that nine of the identified histone acetylation sites (H2BK5, H2BK11, H3K18, H2BK116, H2BK20, H2BK120, H3K9, H3K36, and H3K27) were differentially expressed in airway epithelial cells, and the acetylation of identified H3 histones were observed in both eosinophil and perivascular inflammatory cells. Additionally, differential expression of histone acetylation sites was also observed in nucleus of airway epithelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, perivascular inflammatory cells, and airway smooth muscle cells. In conclusion, we identified potential acetylation sites associated with asthma pathogenesis. These findings may contribute greatly in the search for therapeutic approaches for allergic asthma.  相似文献   

Arthropod antigens are main causative agents which induce allergic responses in humans. However, little information is known about the prevalence of specific arthropod allergens in Koreans with allergic diseases. The current study was designed to determine the positive rates of arthropod antibodies by the Korean inhalant panel of MAST-CLA. One hundred sixty patients, who were diagnosed with allergic rhinitis from an out-patient center at the Soonchunhyang University Chunan Hospital, were studied between August 1998 to July 2000. The overall positive rate, at least more than one specific antibody of arthropods such as Dermatophagoides farinae (Df), Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp), and cockroach mix (Cm), was 46.9%. Each positive rate of Df, Dp, and Cm was 45.0%, 43.1%, and 8.8%, respectively. A significant agreement among arthropod allergens was observed (Df and Dp: 95.6%, Kappa = 0.911, P < 0.001). Our data supported the fact that arthropods were the most common allergens in Korean patients with allergic rhinitis; however, the MAST-CLA should be modified to increase specificity of arthropod allergens.  相似文献   



S100A7 is an antimicrobial peptide involved in several inflammatory diseases. The aim of the present study was to explore the expression and regulation of S100A7 in seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR).


Nasal lavage (NAL) fluid was obtained from healthy controls before and after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) provocation, from SAR patients before and after allergen challenge, and from SAR patients having completed allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT). Nasal biopsies, nasal epithelial cells and blood were acquired from healthy donors. The airway epithelial cell line FaDu was used for in vitro experiments. Real-time RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry were used to determine S100A7 expression in nasal tissue and cells. Release of S100A7 in NAL and culture supernatants was measured by ELISA. The function of recombinant S100A7 was explored in epithelial cells, neutrophils and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC).


Nasal administration of LPS induced S100A7 release in healthy non-allergic subjects. The level of S100A7 was lower in NAL from SAR patients than from healthy controls, and it was further reduced in the SAR group 6 h post allergen provocation. In contrast, ASIT patients displayed higher levels after completed treatment. S100A7 was expressed in the nasal epithelium and in glands, and it was secreted by cultured epithelial cells. Stimulation with IL-4 and histamine repressed the epithelial S100A7 release. Further, recombinant S100A7 induced activation of neutrophils and PBMC.


The present study shows an epithelial expression and excretion of S100A7 in the nose after microbial stimulation. The levels are diminished in rhinitis patients and in the presence of an allergic cytokine milieu, suggesting that the antimicrobial defense is compromised in patients with SAR.  相似文献   

The tubulin molecule consists of an - and a β-subunit, each of which exists in several isotypic forms. It has been previously shown that one of the isotypes of neuroblastoma β-tubulin is phosphorylated at a serine residue in vivo [(1985) J. Cell Biol. 100, 764–774]. Here we identify the phosphorylated isotype as β2 (type III). Moreover, the large size of the phosphorylated tryptic peptide and sequence comparisons of vertebrate β-tubulins suggest that one of the two serines in positions 444 and 446 is the phosphorylated residue. Our results raise the possibility that β2-tubulin differs functionally from the other β-tubulin isotypes.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to identify the differentially expressed proteins in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants after treatment with the glycoprotein elicitor CSB I, purified from ZC13, a race of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. The interactions of two near isogenic lines of rice, C101A51 and CO39, with ZC13 resulted in completely incompatible and compatible types, respectively. Proteins were extracted from rice leaves at 12 and 24 h after treatment with CSB I. Temporal changes in total proteins were examined using 2‐DE. Among more than 900 protein spots reproducibly detected on each gel, 11 were up‐regulated, three were down‐regulated and seven were newly induced during, at a minimum, one time point. Twenty‐one differentially expressed proteins were identified by linear ion trap quadrupole (LTQ)‐MS/MS. The identified proteins were classified into six categories based on their putative function reported: (i) defense proteins (PR‐10a, PR‐5 and putative salt‐induced protein), (ii) signal transduction (nucleoside diphosphate kinase and putative profilin), (iii) ROS (Mn‐SOD, Cu/Zn‐SOD, GST and CAT), (iv) programmed cell death (translationally controlled tumor protein), (v) molecule biosynthesis (putative ribosomal protein S5, putative ribosomal protein L12, putative translational elongation factor Tu and putative chaperonin 21 precursor) and (vi) metabolism (putative fructose‐bisphosphate aldolase class‐I, putative malate dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase, putative acid phosphatase, putative transketolase1 and gamma hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase‐like protein). All of these proteins (except Cu/Zn‐SOD, putative acid phosphatase and translationally controlled tumor protein) were induced faster and to a higher degree in C101A51 than in CO39. These data suggest that the incompatible rice line may possess a more sensitive recognition system that can identify and react to specific chemical, biological or physical triggers in a more efficient manner, thus eliciting an early and fast defense response.  相似文献   

Abstract Oxidative stress imparted by reactive oxygen species (ROS) is implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Given that amyloid beta (Abeta) itself generates ROS that can directly damage proteins, elucidating the functional consequences of protein oxidation can enhance our understanding of the process of Abeta-mediated neurodegeneration. In this study, we employed a biocytin hydrazide/streptavidin affinity purification methodology followed by two-dimensional liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry coupled with SEQUEST bioinformatics technology, to identify the targets of Abeta-induced oxidative stress in cultured primary cortical mouse neurons. The Golgi-resident enzyme glucuronyltransferase (GlcAT-P) was a carbonylated target that we investigated further owing to its involvement in the biosynthesis of HNK-1, a carbohydrate epitope expressed on cell adhesion molecules and implicated in modulating the effectiveness of synaptic transmission in the brain. We found that increasing amounts of Abeta, added exogenously to the culture media of primary cortical neurons, significantly decreased HNK-1 expression. Moreover, in vivo, HNK-1 immunoreactivity was decreased in brain tissue of a transgenic mouse model of AD. We conclude that a potential consequence of Abeta-mediated oxidation of GlcAT-P is impairment of its enzymatic function, thereby disrupting HNK-1 biosynthesis and possibly adversely affecting synaptic plasticity. Considering that AD is partly characterized by progressive memory impairment and disordered cognitive function, the data from our in vitro studies can be reconciled with results from in vivo studies that have demonstrated that HNK-1 modulates synaptic plasticity and is critically involved in memory consolidation.  相似文献   



The clinical manifestations of severe asthma are heterogeneous. Some individuals with severe asthma develop irreversible fixed airway obstruction, which is associated with poor outcomes. We therefore investigated the factors associated with fixed airway obstruction in Korean patients with severe asthma.


Severe asthma patients from a Korean adult asthma cohort were divided into two groups according to the results of serial pulmonary function tests. One group had fixed airway obstruction (FAO) [forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio < 0.7, n = 119] and the other had reversible airway obstruction (RAO) [FEV1/FVC ratio ≥ 0.7, n = 116]. Clinical and demographic parameters were compared between the two groups.


Multivariate analysis showed that longer duration of disease, greater amount of cigarette smoking and absence of rhinosinusitis were significantly related to the development of FAO in severe asthmatics. Other parameters, including atopic status, pattern of airway inflammatory cells in induced sputum, and frequency of asthma exacerbations did not differ between the FAO and RAO groups.


Severe asthma patients with longer disease duration and the absence of rhinosinusitis are more likely to develop FAO. This study also demonstrates the importance of quitting smoking in order to prevent irreversible airway obstruction. Further investigation is required to determine the mechanism by which these factors can modify the disease course in Korean patients with severe asthma.  相似文献   

Aim: To assess whether an e-nose could discriminate between subjects affected by allergic rhinitis with and without concomitant extrinsic asthma, as well as from healthy controls, in terms of exhaled VOC-profile.

Methods: Fourteen patients with Extrinsic Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis (AAR), 14 patients with Allergic Rhinitis without asthma (AR) and 14 healthy controls (HC) participated in a cross-sectional study. Exhaled breath was collected by a standardized method and sampled by an e-nose (Cyranose 320). Raw data were reduced by Principal component analysis and analyzed by canonical discriminant analysis. Cross-validation accuracy (CVA) and Receiver Operating Characteristic(ROC)-curves were calculated. External validation in newly recruited patients (7 AAR, 7?AR and 7 HC) was tested using the previous training model.

Results: Breathprints of patients with AR clustered from those with AAR (CVA?=?85.7%), as well as HC (CVA?=?82.1%). Breathprints from AAR were also separated from those of HC (CVA?=?75.0%). External validation confirmed the above findings.

Conclusions: An e-nose can discriminate exhaled breath from subjects with allergic rhinitis with and without extrinsic asthma, which represent two different diseases with partly overlapping features. This supports the view of using breath profiling to diagnose asthma also in patients with allergic rhinitis.  相似文献   

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