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Sexual selection is a major force driving the evolution of diverse reproductive traits. This evolutionary process is based on individual reproductive advantages that arise either through intrasexual competition or through intersexual choice and conflict. While classical studies of sexual selection focused mainly on differences in male mating success, more recent work has focused on the differences in paternity share that may arise through sperm competition or cryptic female choice whenever females mate with multiple males. Thus, an integrative view of sexual selection needs to encompass processes that occur not only before copulation (pre-mating), but also during copulation (peri-mating), as well as after copulation (post-mating), all of which can generate differences in reproductive success. By encompassing mechanisms of sexual selection across all of these sequential reproductive stages this review takes an integrative approach to sexual selection in Tribolium flour beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), a particularly well-studied and economically important model organism. Tribolium flour beetles colonize patchily distributed grain stores, and juvenile and adult stages share the same food resources. Adults are highly promiscuous and female reproduction is distributed across an adult lifespan lasting approximately 1 year. While Tribolium males produce an aggregation pheromone that attracts both sexes, there appears to be little pre-mating discrimination among potential mates by either sex. However, recent work has revealed several peri-mating and post-mating mechanisms that determine how offspring paternity is apportioned among a female's mates. During mating, Tribolium females reject spermatophore transfer and limit sperm numbers transferred by males with low phenotypic quality. Although there is some conflicting evidence, male copulatory leg-rubbing appears to be associated with overcoming female resistance to insemination and does not influence a male's subsequent paternity share. Evidence suggests that Tribolium beetles have several possible post-mating mechanisms that they may use to bias paternity. Male sperm precedence has been extensively studied in Tribolium spp. and the related Tenebrio molitor, and several factors influencing male paternity share among a female's progeny have been identified. These include oviposition time, inter-mating interval, male strain/genotype, the mating regimen of a male's mother, male starvation, and tapeworm infection. Females exert muscular control over sperm storage, although there is no evidence to date that females use this to differentiate among mates. Females could also influence offspring paternity by re-mating with additional males, and T. castaneum females more readily accept spermatophores when they are re-mating with more attractive males. Additional work is needed to examine the possible roles played by both male and female accessory gland products in determining male paternity share. Sexual selection during pre-mating episodes may be reinforced or counteracted by peri- and post-copulatory selection, and antagonistic coevolution between the sexes may be played out across reproductive stages. In Tribolium, males' olfactory attractiveness is positively correlated with both insemination success and paternity share, suggesting consistent selection across different reproductive stages. Similar studies across sequential reproductive stages are needed in other taxa to provide a more integrative view of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Pitcher TE  Mays HL 《Genetica》2008,134(1):1-4
This special issue of Genetica brings together empirical researchers and theoreticians to present the latest on the evolutionary ecology of genetic quality in the context of sexual selection. The work comes from different fields of study including behavioral ecology, quantitative genetics and molecular genetics on a diversity of organisms using different approaches from comparative studies, mathematical modeling, field studies and laboratory experiments. The papers presented in this special issue primarily focus on genetic quality in relation to (1) sources of genetic variation, (2) polyandry, (3) new theoretical developments and (4) comprehensive reviews.  相似文献   

Frequency-dependent sexual selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexual selection by female choice is expected to give rise to a frequency-dependent sexual advantage in favour of preferred male phenotypes: the rarer the preferred phenotypes, the more often they are chosen as mates. This 'rare-male advantage' can maintain a polymorphism when two or more phenotypes are mated preferentially: each phenotype gains an advantage when it is rarer than the others; no preferred phenotype can then be lost from the population. Expression of preference may be complete or partial. In models of complete preference, females with a preference always mate preferentially. Models of partial preference are more realistic: in these models, the probability that a female mates preferentially depends on the frequency with which she encounters the males she prefers. Two different 'encounter models' of partial preference have been derived: the O'Donald model and the Charlesworth model. The encounter models contain the complete preference model as a limiting case. In this paper, the Charlesworth model is generalized to allow for female preference of more than one male phenotype. Levels of frequency dependence can then be compared in the O'Donald and Charlesworth models. The complete preference model and both encounter models are formulated in the same genetical terms of preferences for dominant and recessive male phenotypes. Polymorphic equilibria and conditions for stability are derived for each of the three models. The models are then fitted to data of frequencies of matings observed in experiments with the two-spot ladybird. The complete preference model gives as good a fit as the encounter models to the data of these and other experiments. The O'Donald and Charlesworth encounter models are shown to produce a very similar frequency-dependent relation. Generally, as females become less choosy, they express their preference with more dependence on male frequency, whereas the resulting selection of the males becomes less frequency dependent. More choosy females are more constant in expressing their preference, producing greater frequency dependence in the selection of the males.  相似文献   

The female reproductive tract is where competition between the sperm of different males takes place, aided and abetted by the female herself. Intense postcopulatory sexual selection fosters inter-sexual conflict and drives rapid evolutionary change to generate a startling diversity of morphological, behavioural and physiological adaptations. We identify three main issues that should be resolved to advance our understanding of postcopulatory sexual selection. We need to determine the genetic basis of different male fertility traits and female traits that mediate sperm selection; identify the genes or genomic regions that control these traits; and establish the coevolutionary trajectory of sexes.  相似文献   

Patterns of selection are widely believed to differ geographically, causing adaptation to local environmental conditions. However, few studies have investigated patterns of phenotypic selection across large spatial scales. We quantified the intensity of selection on morphology in a monogamous passerine bird, the barn swallow Hirundo rustica, using 6495 adults from 22 populations distributed across Europe and North Africa. According to the classical Darwin-Fisher mechanism of sexual selection in monogamous species, two important components of fitness due to sexual selection are the advantages that the most attractive males acquire by starting to breed early and their high annual fecundity. We estimated directional selection differentials on tail length (a secondary sexual character) and directional selection gradients after controlling for correlated selection on wing length and tarsus length with respect to these two fitness components. Phenotype and fitness components differed significantly among populations for which estimates were available for more than a single year. Likewise, selection differentials and selection gradients differed significantly among populations for tail length, but not for the other two characters. Sexual selection differentials differed significantly from zero across populations for tail length, particularly in males. Controlling statistically for the effects of age reduced the intensity of selection by 60 to 81%, although corrected and uncorrected estimates were strongly positively correlated. Selection differentials and gradients for tail length were positively correlated between the sexes among populations for selection acting on breeding date, but not for fecundity selection. The intensity of selection with respect to breeding date and fecundity were significantly correlated for tail length across populations. Sexual size dimorphism in tail length was significantly correlated with selection differentials with respect to breeding date for tail length in male barn swallows across populations. These findings suggest that patterns of sexual selection are consistent across large geographical scales, but also that they vary among populations. In addition, geographical patterns of phenotypic selection predict current patterns of phenotypic variation among populations, suggesting that consistent patterns of selection have been present for considerable amounts of time.  相似文献   

Recent research on sexual selection in animals has begun to indicate that 'handicaps' and 'honest signalling' may play more important roles than hitherto thought. This review reappraises theories of sexual selection in the light of these new developments.  相似文献   

Sexual and asexual lines of the unicellular chlorophyte Chlamydomonas reinhardtii were propagated for about 100 sexual cycles and 1000 vegetative cycles in contrasted environments, liquid and solid growth media, in order to generate divergent natural and sexual selection. Sexual lines were transferred by many zygotes or by a single zygote in each sexual generation. By the end of the experiment zygote production was in the order sexual mass-transfer>sexual single-zygote>asexual>ancestor. The direct response to sexual selection was large, with zygote production increasing by about two orders of magnitude, mainly because mating had become spontaneous instead of being invoked by nitrogen starvation. Asexual lines became sexually sterilized by the fixation of a single mating type. Sexual selection caused a radical shift in the gender system, with homothallism spreading to high frequency in all sexual lines of this normally heterothallic species. This may have been caused by the transposition of a mating-type gene to an autosome. No substantial degree of environment-specific mating evolved, however, and thus no sexual isolation indicative of incipient speciation. It is possible that selection experiments of this kind are unlikely to induce sexual isolation because mating-type genes evolve in a saltatory fashion.  相似文献   

The magnitude of the effect of good genes as a viability benefit accruing to choosy females remains a controversial theoretical and empirical issue. We collected all available data from the literature to estimate the magnitude of good-genes viability effects, while adjusting for sample size. The average correlation coefficient between male traits and offspring survival in 22 studies was 0.122, which differed highly significantly from zero. This implies that male characters chosen by females reveal on average 1.5% of the variance in viability. The studies demonstrated considerable heterogeneity in effect size; some of this heterogeneity could be accounted for by differences among taxa (birds demonstrating stronger effects), and by differences in the degree of mating skew in the species (high skew reflecting stronger effects). Although these results suggest that viability-based sexual selection is widespread across taxa, they indicate that the effect is relatively minor. Finally, there was also an effect of publication year in that the more recent studies reported reduced effects. This may reflect publication biases during paradigm shifts of this debated issue, but it should also be recalled that the studies have only partly estimated the full fitness consequences of mate choice for offspring.  相似文献   

The life history attributes which maximize fitness can be established analytically through Fisher's equation for reproductive value. Maximizing the reproductive value at age zero is equivalent to maximizing the ultimate rate of increase. As an example of the usefulness of this equality it is shown that when survivorship is uniformly reduced, the corresponding optimal maternal frequency is unaltered, even though the ultimate rate of increase is lowered by a known amount. A general life history model is proposed which links these demographic determinants of rate of increase with the energy utilization alternatives (as among maintenance, growth, and reproduction) characterizing an individual organism's development. Since the energy partitioning alternatives at any age may depend on previous allocations, an organism state variable is introduced to describe the domain over which the maximization of reproductive value may take place. Further, if the reproductive value is to be a maximum at age zero, it must be maximized at every age. An optimal life history, then, is characterized by the energy allocations which maximize sequential reproductive values. Further examples of the utility of the model focus on growth vs reproduction decisions under biomass specific life history attributes. It is shown that if births per unit energy is a linear or convex function, then an organism will not simultaneously grow and reproduce. Determinant growth, biomass at first reproduction, and explicit calculation of the maximum ultimate rate of increase are also illustrated.  相似文献   

The sexual selection continuum   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The evolution of mate choice for genetic benefits has become the tale of two hypotheses: Fisher's 'run-away' and 'good genes', or viability indicators. These hypotheses are often pitted against each other as alternatives, with evidence that attractive males sire more viable offspring interpreted as support for good genes and with a negative or null relationship between mating success of sons and other components of fitness interpreted as favouring the Fisher process. Here, we build a general model of female choice for indirect benefits that captures the essence of both the 'Fisherian' and 'good-genes' models. All versions of our model point to a single process that favours female preference for males siring offspring of high reproductive value. Enhanced mating success and survival are therefore equally valid genetic benefits of mate choice, but their relative importance varies depending on female choice costs. The relationship between male attractiveness and survival may be positive or negative, depending on life-history trade-offs and mating skew. This relationship can change sign in response to increased costliness of choice or environmental change. Any form of female preference is subject to self-reinforcing evolution, and any relationship (or lack thereof) between male display and offspring survival is inevitably an indicator of offspring reproductive values. Costly female choice can be maintained with or without higher offspring survival.  相似文献   

Social selection offers an alternative to sexual selection by reversing its logic. Social selection starts with offspring production and works back to mating, and starts with behavioural dynamics and works up to gene pool dynamics. In social selection, courtship can potentially be deduced as a negotiation, leading to an optimal allocation of tasks during offspring rearing. Ornaments facilitate this negotiation and also comprise 'admission tickets' to cliques. Mating pairs may form 'teams' based on the reciprocal sharing of pleasure. The parent-offspring relation can be managed by the parent considered as the owner of a 'family firm' whose product is offspring. The cooperation in reproductive social behaviour evolves as a mutual direct benefit through individual selection rather than as some form of altruism requiring kin or multi-level selection.  相似文献   

Recently Geoffrey Miller has suggested that humor evolved through sexual selection as a signal of "creativity," which in turn implies youthfulness, intelligence, and adaptive unpredictability. Drawing upon available empirical studies, I argue that the evidence for a link between humor and creativity is weak and ambiguous. I also find only tenuous support for Miller’s assumption that the attractiveness of the "sense of humor" is to be found in the wittiness of its possessor, since those who use the phrase often seem to associate it with the affects of relatively mirthless "bonding" laughter. Humor, I conclude, may have evolved as an instrument for achieving broad social adhesiveness and for facilitating the individual’s maneuverability within the group, but that it evolved through sexual selection has yet to be convincingly demonstrated. Robert Storey teaches drama and modern fiction at Temple University. In addition to his recent work on literary representation and humor, he has published two books on the French Pierrot figure and articles on such writers as James Joyce, Alain Robbe-Grillet, and David Mamet.  相似文献   

Recent studies of a variety of polygynously mating animals indicate that females do not always choose mates independently, but instead may copy the choices of others. Copying could serve either to increase the accuracy of mate assessment or to reduce its costs. It is also likely to affect the intensity of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Sexual selection can explain major micro‐ and macro‐evolutionary patterns. Much of current theory predicts that the strength of sexual selection (i) is driven by the relative abundance of males and females prepared to mate (i.e. the operational sex ratio, OSR) and (ii) can be generally estimated by calculating intra‐sexual variation in mating success (e.g. the opportunity for sexual selection, Is). Here, we demonstrate the problematic nature of these predictions. The OSR and Is only accurately predict sexual selection under a limited set of circumstances, and more specifically, only when mate monopolization is extremely strong. If mate monopolization is not strong, using OSR or Is as proxies or measures of sexual selection is expected to produce spurious results that lead to the false conclusion that sexual selection is strong when it is actually weak. These findings call into question the validity of empirical conclusions based on these measures of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Hematoxylin is a naturally occurring chemical used as the basis of a dye in laboratories throughout the world to stain nuclei in microscope slide preparations. This chemical is extracted from the logwood tree Hematoxylon campechianum and was discovered by Spanish explorers to the Yucatan in 1502. A vigorous trade soon developed related to growing and preparing hematoxylin for use in dyeing fabrics in Europe. In the mid 1800s, amateur microscopists first used hematoxylin to stain cellular components. Later scientists developed a wide range of techniques to demonstrate different cellular components. Hematoxylin remains the most popular nuclear stain in histology. This paper briefly describes the history of hematoxylin production and use in histology.  相似文献   

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