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Summary In Fig. 1 we have reproduced the action spectrum of photomorphogenesis in fern gametophytes (Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott). The morphogenetic index L/W is shown as a function of wavelength (L=length, W=maximal width of the protonema). In experiments in which simultaneous irradiation with red and far-red was applied it has been shown (Fig. 2) that the effect of red light (lowering of the L/W-index) can be nullified by a simultaneous application of a suitable quantum flux density of far-red light. This fact means that the effects of red and far-red light on morphogenesis as measured by the L/W-index (Fig. 1) can be attributed exclusively to phytochrome.The strong morphogenetic effect of short wavelenth visible (=blue) light (strong lowering of the L/W-index) cannot be influenced by simultaneously applied far-red light (Fig. 4), whereas red light cancels the effect of blue light to a certain extent as measured by the L/W-index (Fig. 5). It has been concluded that the effect of blue light is due to a photoreceptor other than phytochrome, probably a flavoprotein. The antagonism between blue and red can be understood if we assume that the phytochrome-mediated growth at the tip of the apical cell of the protonema (e.g. Etzold, 1965) is fully promoted by P730 only at a high relative concentration of P730. The low relative concentration of P730 under far-red light is too low to counteract significantly the blue light dependent response. Blue light initiates isodiametric growth of the apical cell instead of tip growth (Mohr, 1965). Under far-red light (a low level of P730) growth of the apical cell seems to be restricted to the extreme tip of the apical cell. Slender protonemas with a high L/W-index are the result. Under red light (a high level of P730) the growing zone of the apical cell is somewhat broader. As a consequence the protonemas are broader and the L/W-index is lowered.  相似文献   

V. Tschesnokov  K. Bazyrina 《Planta》1930,11(3):457-462
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

Manfred Weidner 《Planta》1967,75(1):94-98
Zusammenfassung Der DNS-Gehalt und somit auch die Zellzahl von Kotyledonen und Hypokotyl des Senfkeimlings sind zwischen 36 und 60 Std nach Aussaat sowohl im Dunkel als auch im Dunkelrot weitgehend konstant. Die durch Phytochrom bewirkte Zunahme des RNS-und Proteingehaltes (Weidner u. Mitarb., 1965) muß deshalb als eine RNS-bzw. ProteinZunahme pro Zelle aufgefaßt werden. Dieser Befund stützt die Vorstellung einer differentiellen Genaktivierung durch P730 (z.B. Mohr, 1966).—Die weitgehend konstante Zellzahl von Hypokotyl und Kotyledonen während des von uns verwendeten Experimentierzeitraumes ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Vergleichbarkeit biochemischer Daten, z.B. bei kinetischen Studien (vgl. Mohr, 1966).
The DNA contents of cotyledons and hypocotyl of the mustard seedling (Sinapis alba L.) during phytochrome-mediated photomorphogenesis
Summary DNA contents and accordingly cell numbers of cotyledons and hypocotyl of the mustard seedling were virtually constant during the experimental period (between 36–60 hours after sowing) in the dark as well as under the influence of P730, the active phytochrome (Table).—Therefore the phytochromemediated increase of the RNA and protein contents (Weidner et al., 1965) must be understood as an increase of RNA and protein per cell. This fact is in agreement with the conception of differential gene activation mediated by P730 (Mohr, 1966). The virtually constant DNA contents during the period of time which is regularly used for experimentation on photomorphogenesis in our laboratory (36–60 hours after sowing; Mohr, 1966) is an important prerequisite for comparing biochemical data under the point of view of differential gene activation, e.g. in kinetical studies in the dark and under continuous far-red light.

Edgar Wagner  Hans Mohr 《Planta》1966,70(1):34-41
Zusammenfassung In einer früheren Arbeit (Bertsch und Mohr, 1965) haben wir bei der lichtinduzierten Anthocyansynthese des Senfkeimlings gefunden, daß eine Vorbestrahlung mit Dunkelrot die Wirkung einer nachfolgenden Bestrahlung mit Hellrot steigert. Eine Vorbestrahlung mit Hellrot hingegen reduziert die Wirksamkeit einer nachfolgenden Bestrahlung mit Dunkelrot (Tabelle 1). Die 48 St nach Beginn des Bestrahlungsprogramms vorhandene Menge an Anthocyan wurde als ein Maß für die Wirksamkeit der Sukzedanbestrahlungen angesehen. — In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mit Hilfe kinetischer Studien gezeigt, daß ein spezifischer Effekt der Dunkelrot-Vorbestrahlung nicht existiert. Der apparente Effekt ist darauf zurückzuführen, daß das zuerst gegebene Dunkelrot die lag-Phase für das nachfolgende Hellrot eliminiert. — Der Effekt, daß eine Hellrot-Vorbestrahlung die Wirkung von nachfolgendem Dunkelrot stark reduziert, ist hingegen real. Dieser Effekt muß auf einen Verlust an Phytochrom zurückgeführt werden.
Kinetical studies to interpret the effects of succedaneous irradiations with red and far-red on photomorphogenesis (anthocyanin synthesis in mustard seedlings, Sinapis alba L.)
Summary In a previous paper (Bertsch and Mohr, 1965) we reported that in light-induced anthocyanin synthesis of the mustard seedling (Sinapis alba L.) a preirradiation with far-red light increases the effectiveness of a following irradiation with red light, whereas a preirradiation with red reduces the effectiveness of a following irradiation with far-red (Table 1). The amount of anthocyanin present 48 hours after the onset of the irradiation programme was taken as a gauge for the effectiveness of the irradiation with succedaneous red and far-red (and vice versa).In the present paper it is shown—using detailed kinetical studies (Fig. 1 and 2) —that a specific potentiating effect of the preceding far-red is not involved. The apparent effect is due to the fact that the preceding far-red eliminates the lag-phase for the following red (Fig. 1). — On the other hand, the depressing effect of red light preceding far-red is very real. This latter effect must be attributed to a loss of phytochrome.We demonstrate in the present paper that the effects of succedaneous red and far-red irradiations can be attributed altogether to phytochrome if several assumptions concerning the stability of phytochrome 730 (Hartmann, 1966; Wagner and Mohr, 1966) are made. These assumptions seem to be well justified. — In any case our kinetical studies have revealed no data which indicate that in red or far-red light we have to deal with anything else except phytochrome.

Vitamin K1 wird nach der quantitativen Methode von EGGER (1965) bei Arabidopsis thaliana, Phaseolus vulgaris und Triticum aestivum innerhalb charakteristischer Entwicklungsstadien bestimmt und der Vitamingehalt mit der gleichzeitig analysierten Chlorophyllkonzentration sowie der Photosyntheseintensität verglichen. Alle drei Versuchsobjekte besitzen innerhalb der jüngsten Stadien den niedrigsten Vitamingehalt, der im Laufe der Entwicklung bis zum letzten Stadium ansteigt, die Photosyntheseintensität zeigt ein gegensinniges Verhalten. Die an den drei Versuchsobjekten übereinstimmend erhaltenen Ergebnisse erlauben den Schluß, daß Vitamin K1 in der Pflanze im überschuß synthetisiert wird und so-mit keinen begrenzenden Faktor für die Photosyntheseintensität darstellt. Herrn Doz. Dr. K. EGGER (Heidelberg) danken wir für die freundliche überlassung von Testsubstanzen.  相似文献   

M. Weidner  H. Mohr 《Planta》1967,75(2):99-108
Summary P730, the active phytochrome, increases the rate of RNA synthesis (Table) and the RNA contents in the cotyledons of the mustard seedling (Sinapis alba L.) (Fig. 1) whereas the RNA contents in the hypocotyl is decreased under the influence of P730 (Fig. 2).—It takes about 6 hours until changes in the RNA contents-which must be attributed to the formation of P730—can be measured after the onset of light (continuous far-red). Since the lag-phases of positive photoresponses in the cotyledons and negative photoresponses in the hypocotyl (Mohr, 1966) are in general much shorter than 6 hours, the changes of the RNA contents of the organs cannot be regarded as being directly connected with the formation of characteristic positive photoresponses such as anthocyanin synthesis, induced enzyme synthesis, ascorbic acid synthesis, etc., or negative photoresponses such as inhibition of hypocotyl lengthening.We have rather to conclude that the changes of RNA contents are secondary adaptations of the organs which lead to an increase (cotyledons) or decrease (hypocotyl) of protein synthesizing capacity of the cells and tissues. The P730-dependent increase of bulk RNA in the cotyledons is probably due to a differential gene activation and the P730-dependent decrease of bulk RNA in the hypocotyl is due to a differential gene repression. The causalities of these processes are possibly complex.The hypothesis of differential gene activation or repression by P730 (Mohr, 1966; Schopfer, 1967a, b) is not disproved by these results. We have rather to reach a conclusion which has already been suggested by other data (e.g. Karow and Mohr, 1966), namely, that positive as well as negative photoresponses are due to changes in the activity of a limited (possibly small) number of enzymes. Correspondingly changes in only a minute amount of the total RNA are directly involved in the formation of photoresponses. These changes cannot be detected by following RNA contents.—It seems to be of great interest, however, that P730 eventually brings about strong tissue specific changes in the RNA contents per cell as described in the present paper.  相似文献   

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