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通过对中国产丝瓜藓属Pohlia(缺齿藓科Mielichhoferiaceae)植物系统地分类学研究,对本属一具有假根生念珠状排列的芽胞的种——念珠丝瓜藓的形态解剖学特征和地理分布进行了修订,并讨论了念珠丝瓜藓的生境,以及与其相近种泛生丝瓜藓、明齿丝瓜藓和黄丝瓜藓等进行了比较分析。根据标本信息,确定念珠丝瓜藓在中国的分布由原来的5省区扩大到10省区,并绘制了该种在中国的分布图。  相似文献   

采用经典分类学研究方法,对河北师范大学植物标本馆(HBNU)等国内多个标本馆保存的中国丝瓜藓属直蒴组(Pohlia Hedw.section Cacodon Lindb.ex Broth.)及其近缘类群植物标本共计130余号进行了分类学分析鉴定,并对所确定的中国产直蒴组物种的芽胞大小、形状及叶原基数量和长度等形态学特征进行比较分析,以期为中国丝瓜藓属直蒴组的分类学研究提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)经鉴定中国丝瓜藓属直蒴组植物共有8种——夭命丝瓜藓[Pohlia annotina(Hedw.)Lindb.]、糙枝丝瓜藓[P.camptotrachela(Ren.Card.)Broth.]、林地丝瓜藓[P.drummondii(Müll.Hal.)Andr.]、疣齿丝瓜藓[P.flexuosa Harv.]、纤毛丝瓜藓[P.hisae T.J.Kop.et J.X.Luo]、异芽丝瓜藓[P.leucostoma(BoschSande Lac.)M.Fleisch.]、念珠丝瓜藓[P.lutescens(Limpr.)H.Lindb.]和卵蒴丝瓜藓[P.proligera(Kindb.ex Breidl.)Lindb.ex Arnell]。(2)中国丝瓜藓属直蒴组植物的重要鉴别特征是在假根或叶腋处生有芽胞,而且芽胞形状以及叶原基形状和数量在直蒴组中存在差异,如念珠丝瓜藓具有假根生芽胞,而疣齿丝瓜藓具有两型芽胞。(3)对所鉴定的中国丝瓜藓属直蒴组8种植物的识别特征、生境及其与相近种的关系进行了详细描述,并绘制了形态特征墨线图。  相似文献   

丝瓜藓属(Pohlia Hedw.)的系统位置及属内种间关系探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
汪琛颖  赵建成 《植物研究》2010,30(5):517-526
丝瓜藓属的系统地位及属内种间关系存在争议。本研究首次利用核糖体DNA内转录间区(ITS)序列数据对丝瓜藓属及相关科属植物进行系统发育分析。最大简约法,最大似然法及贝叶斯推论法构建的系统树均表明,ITS序列数据不支持将丝瓜藓属划归提灯藓科。丝瓜藓属植物与缺齿藓属植物构成一个单系分支。Brotherus(1903),Ochi(1959),Shaw(1984)及Hill等(2006)等学者提出的丝瓜藓属属下分类均不是单系类群。  相似文献   

为探讨缺齿藓类与真藓科、提灯藓科的系统关系,理清缺齿藓科的系统位置和中国缺齿藓科分类问题,该研究以中国分布的缺齿藓科植物和相关类群4 000余份标本为材料,进行详细的形态学研究,并选用其中35种、40份样品的4个DNA片段(rps4、trnG、trnL-trnF、atpB-rbcL)联合数据用于分子系统分析,采用邻接法(NJ)和最大似然法(ML)构建分子树。结果表明:(1)在分子树中,缺齿藓类与真藓科植物分别聚在具有高支持率的不同分支上,叶形、叶细胞等形态学特征也有较大差异,缺齿藓类应从广义的真藓科分出。(2)在分子树中,虽然缺齿藓类与提灯藓科植物聚在同一分支中,但无形态学的共源性状,二者不应视为一个单系类群。(3)缺齿藓科是一个自然类群,缺齿藓科内属间存在着密切的系统关系,缺齿藓科的主要识别特征为:植物体小型,茎常分枝;叶形和叶细胞为丝瓜藓型(Pohlia-like),披针形至长椭圆形,中上部细胞狭长,线状菱形或蠕虫形;生殖苞多生于新生枝顶;蒴齿为互生双齿层,常有不同程度的退化或一层蒴齿缺失,稀双层蒴齿缺失。(4)中国缺齿藓科包含有5属,即缺齿藓属(Mielichhoferia)、丝瓜藓属(Pohlia)、拟丝瓜藓属(Pseudopohlia)、合齿藓属(Synthetodontium)和小叶藓属(Epipterygium),目前为止共计34种(含种下分类单位)。  相似文献   

报道了产自西藏墨脱的中国悬藓属新记录种——多齿悬藓(Barbella horridula Broth.)。多齿悬藓曾报道产于印度尼西亚(苏门答腊岛)和菲律宾(吕宋岛),经与模式标本比较,该标本仅在叶中部细胞和角细胞的分化程度上与模式标本略有不同。该种的茎叶为狭卵状披针形,叶中部细胞较长及边缘具明显的齿,可与同属国内其它种相区别。该文对多齿悬藓的形态特征进行了详细描述并提供了显微形态照片,编制了中国悬藓属植物分种检索表。  相似文献   

通过对内蒙古自治区与宁夏回族自治区交界处——贺兰山苔藓植物的调查采集和室内鉴定,发现了缺齿藓(Mielichhoferia mielichhoferiana)的一个新的地理分布记录。该文讨论了缺齿藓的形态特征和地理分布,将其与喜马拉雅缺齿藓、日本缺齿藓和中华缺齿藓进行了比较分析,并提供了该种的图版和中国缺齿藓属的分种检索表。该种的发现不仅丰富了中国缺齿藓属的研究资料,同时也说明了贺兰山的植物区系成分与喜马拉雅成分具有一定的关联。  相似文献   

报道真藓科直齿藓属一新种,具边直齿藓O.bilimbatumX.J.Li etD.C.Zhang。本种主要特征(1)蒴齿双层,内齿长,狭线形,无基膜。(2)叶边缘明显分化,具2 ̄3列狭长细胞,除近尖部和基部边缘外,明显两层。(3)叶细胞明显宽于本属各种(宽达18 ̄24μm)。(4)蒴盖短圆锥形,无长喙状尖;本种介于Orthodontium与Orthodontopsis两属之间,根据蒴齿双层之重要特  相似文献   

报道了原产于东南亚的嵌边拟平藓[Neckeropsis moutieri(Broth.& Par.in Par.)Fleisch.]为中国新纪录种。本种与云南拟平藓(Neckeropsis takahashii Higuchi et al.)最为相似,但因具丝状的假鳞毛和较弱的分化嵌边而有别。同时,还提供了嵌边拟平藓详细的描述和形态图,以及中国产拟平藓属11种的分种检索表。  相似文献   

该文报道了采自新疆的木灵藓属中国2个新记录种——帕米尔木灵藓(Orthotrichum pamiricum)和细齿木灵藓(O.scanicum)。帕米尔木灵藓的识别特征为:叶尖钝,气孔隐型,多着生于孢蒴下部,外齿层齿片8对,干燥时蒴齿背曲,内齿层蒴条16,上部内曲;细齿木灵藓的识别特征为:叶尖部具细齿,气孔半隐型,蒴帽具分散的透明毛,内齿层和外齿层均16片,具8条黄色细沟,干燥时中部以上具沟。对这2种藓类的形态特征、生境和地理分布及与其相似种的形态学进行了比较分析,并绘制了每种的形态结构墨线图。木灵藓属植物在中国的新分布记录进一步表明,新疆地区富含生物多样性,并与中亚植物区系存在密切关系。  相似文献   

报道了内蒙古清水河黄土丘陵地区发现的紫萼藓科1新变种——缨齿藓菱形变种[Jaffueliobryum wrightii(Sull.)Thér.var.rhombicumX.L.BaiSarula],该变种与干旱山地岩面生境中的原变种缨齿藓[Jaffueliobryum wrightii(Sull.)Thér.]相似,生境的变化导致其形态发生变化,主要表现在上部细胞菱形和细胞壁背部强烈加厚,未分化的叶上部边缘细胞、中肋横切面细胞不分化,叶片长0.7~0.8mm,毛尖长0.8~1.3mm。文中对缨齿藓及其新变种的形态学特征,分布和生境进行了描述,并提供了显微照片,另外,列出了缨齿藓属5个种的检索表。  相似文献   

Aster ageratoides var. pendulus W. P. Li & G. X. Chen, a new variety of Aster (Asteraceae) from Shimen County, northwestern Hunan, China, is described. The variety is similar to A. ageratoides var. laticorymbus (Vant.) Hand.-Mazz., from which it differs by having pendent stem, basal leaves and lower stem leaves purple beneath, stem leaves linear, hispid above, and broader phyllaries. The new variety is also possibly similar to A. ageratoides var. micranthus Ling in the linear leaves and white ligules, but differs by having the phyllaries green at apex, 1.25–1.75 mm wide, and the obvious creeping underground rhizomes.  相似文献   

报道了发现于浙江苍南县的紫金牛属一新变型--黄果朱砂根(Ardisia crenata Sims f.xanthocarpa F.Y.Zhang et G.Y.Li),该新变型果实为黄色,而原变型为鲜红色.  相似文献   

Three new species in Polygonum section Polygonum (Polygonaceae) from Xinjiang, China, are described and illustrated. Polygonum urumqiense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou & F. J. Lu is similar to P. aviculare L. in habit, but differs by having flowers densely clustered and spicate in the upper part of branches, stamens 5–6, and two types of achenes (the longer one densely and irregularly granulate on surface). Polygonum tachengense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou & F. J. Lu is similar to P. aviculare in the flowers not forming a raceme in the upper part of branches, the stamens 8, and the achenes striate-granulate on surface, but differs by the leaf blades linear-lanceolate, the midvein and lateral veins conspicuously raising abaxially, the ochreae longer, up to 1.1 cm, 15–20-veined, the flowers 3–6 clustered together in the upper axils of branches. This species is also similar to P. patulum M. Bieb. in the erect stem, and the flowers 3–6 clustered together in the axils of the upper part of branches, but differs by the midvein and lateral veins of leaves conspicuously raising abaxially, the ochreae longer, up to 1.1 cm, 15–20-veined, the leaves in the upper part of branches not becoming smaller gradually, and the flowers clustered in the upper axils of branches not forming a raceme, and the achenes striate-granulate on surface. Polygonum shiheziense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou & F. J. Lu is similar to P. argyrocoleon Steud. ex Kunze in the erect stem, the 3–6 flowers clustered in the upper axils of branches, the stamens 8, and the slightly smooth achenes, but differs by the midvein and lateral veins of leaves conspicuously raising abaxially, the ochreae longer, up to 1.1 cm, 15–20-veined, and the flowers clustered in the upper axils of branches not forming a raceme. This species is also similar to P. tachengense in habit, but differs in the leaves borne in the upper part of branches becoming smaller gradually and the smooth, slightly shiny achenes. The pollen morphology, leaf epidermal characters and achene micromorphology of the three new species and their relatives were comparatively observed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM).  相似文献   

云南报春花属(报春花科)一新变种--长萼铁梗报春   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了云南报春花属一新变种,即长萼铁梗报春Primula sinolisteri Balf.f.var.longicalyx D.W.Xue&C.Q.Zhang。新变种与原变种的不同之处在于:花冠喉部具环状附属物,外面无毛,花萼与冠筒近等长,长7—10mm。  相似文献   

记载了我国云南和四川禾本科香茅属植物2新种:金沙香茅和西昌香茅。  相似文献   

报道了在云南发现的玉叶金花属Mussaenda一新种——狭瓣玉叶金花M. lancipetala X. F. Deng & D. X. Zhang。狭瓣玉叶金花的性系统为柱头缩入式雌雄异位; 花冠裂片卵状披针形且具有细长的长尖头, 花冠管外被有粉末状的毛被, 可以很容易与玉叶金花属其他种类相区别。  相似文献   

Mussaenda lancipetala X. F. Deng & D. X. Zhang, a new species of Rubiaceae from Yunnan Province, Southwestern China, is described and illustrated. The new species is characterized by its reverse herkogamous sexual system, its ovate-lanceolate corolla lobes with caudate apex, and corolla tube covered with sparse farinose pubescence, by which it is clearly distinguished from other species of Mussaenda.  相似文献   

Stachyurus himalaicus ssp. purpureus Y. P. Zhu&Z. Y. Zhang,a new subspecies of Stachyuraceae from eastern Himalaya,is described. It differs from the typical subspecies,S. hi-malaicus ssp. himalaicus,by having purplish pink to dark purple flowers. The new subspecies oc-curs in Xizang(Tibet)of China,E Nepal,Sikkim,Bhutan,and NE India,usually growing in dense forests at an altitude between2200and3300m.  相似文献   

中国珍珠菜属(报春花科)一新种——右旋过路黄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新种右旋过路黄Lysimachia dextrorsiflora X. P. Zhang, X. H. Guo &; J. W. Shao进行了描述和绘图。该新种产于中国安徽和福建, 因茎匍匐, 叶对生, 花黄色, 单生叶腋与过路黄L. christinae Hance近缘, 但其花冠裂片在蕾期右旋(顺时针)旋转排列(俯视), 花梗通常长于叶片与叶柄长之和, 花期4月初至5月初而不同。  相似文献   

A new species of Gesneriaceae, Hemiboea rubribracteata Z. Y. Li & Yan Liu, is described from Guangxi, China. The new species is similar to H. cavaleriei Lévl. in its leaf form, but differs by its robust and rigid stem, red involucre, longer calyx lobes, corolla white and glabrous outside, lower lip of corolla 3-lobed to middle. Key words Hemiboea, Hemiboea rubribracteata Z. Y. Li & Yan Liu, Gesneriaceae, new species, Guangxi, China.  相似文献   

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