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《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(3):192-202
Many studies have revealed the significant influence of the social nature and ecological niche of a species on the design and complexity of their communication sounds. The knowledge of communication sounds and particularly of the flexibility in their use among mammals, however, remains patchy. Being highly vocal and social, bats are well suited for investigating vocal plasticity as well as vocal diversity. Thus, the overall aim of this study was to test the presence of structural overlap between calls used in social communication and echolocation pulses emitted during foraging in greater tube-nosed bats (Murina leucogaster). Acoustic analysis and spectrotemporal decomposition of calls revealed a rich communication repertoire comprising 12 simple syllables and 5 composites with harmonics in the ultrasonic range. Simultaneous recording of vocal and social behavior in the same species yielded a strong correspondence between distinct behaviors and specific call types in support of Morton's motivation-structure hypothesis. Spectrographic analysis of call types also revealed the presence of modified components of echolocation pulses embedded within social calls. Altogether, the data suggest that bats can parse complex sounds into structurally simpler components that are recombined within behaviorally meaningful and multifunctional contexts.  相似文献   

Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) agonistic screams are graded vocal signals that are produced in a context-specific manner. Screams given by aggressors and victims can be discriminated based on their acoustic structure but the mechanisms of listener comprehension of these calls are currently unknown. In this study, we show that chimpanzees extract social information from these vocal signals that, combined with their more general social knowledge, enables them to understand the nature of out-of-sight social interactions. In playback experiments, we broadcast congruent and incongruent sequences of agonistic calls and monitored the response of bystanders. Congruent sequences were in accordance with existing social dominance relations; incongruent ones violated them. Subjects looked significantly longer at incongruent sequences, despite them being acoustically less salient (fewer call types from fewer individuals) than congruent ones. We concluded that chimpanzees categorised an apparently simple acoustic signal into victim and aggressor screams and used pragmatics to form inferences about third-party interactions they could not see.  相似文献   


The vocal repertoire of Amazona amazonica during its breeding season has been recorded from wild individuals in Santa Bárbara do Pará, Pará State, Brazil. At individual nests, we continuously recorded vocalizations and behaviour for four hours in the early morning and three hours in the late afternoon, three times a week throughout the breeding season. We identified nine vocalizations that we classified in three behavioural categories: (1) Flight call—emitted when parrots arrive in the nest area; (2) Perched contact calls—two different vocalizations, one of them related to feeding, were emitted when the pair was perched in the nest area and interacted socially between themselves or with other individuals; (3) Aggressive calls—emitted when birds were in a dangerous situation, i.e. alarm (three types of calls), agonistic contact and distress calls (two types of call). The Orange-winged Parrot is a highly social species and the complexity of its social interactions is reflected in the diversity of its vocal repertoire.  相似文献   

As ravens have pronounced learning capabilities, especially in the vocal domain, cultural transmission might be a relevant factor affecting the composition of their vocal repertoires. We investigated how important cultural transmission is in establishing a raven's vocal repertoire and whether there are different pathways of transmission. We studied individually known free-ranging breeding pairs whose vocalizations were recorded during interactions with a caged pair. The mean repertoire size of these vocalizations was 12 call types per individual (from 79 types recorded from 74 individuals), with no difference between the sexes. In 81% of individuals the repertoire was composed entirely of calls also used by other individuals. Analysis of the distribution of call types among individuals regarding sex, partnership and neighbourhood and aspects of the geographical distribution of calls showed that the main pathway of cultural transmission was within the sexes. In addition, transmission occurred between pair partners, as well as between neighbouring and more distant pairs. About 40% of the calls in a raven's repertoire were transmitted within a sex and 10% between pair partners. Any two given birds in the population shared on average 20% (0-77%) of their calls. Cultural transmission within the sexes led to a pronounced sexual dimorphism in vocal behaviour. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Species-specific behaviours gradually emerge, via incomplete patterns, to the final complete adult form. A classical example is birdsong, a learned behaviour ideally suited for studying the neural and molecular substrates of vocal learning. Young songbirds gradually transform primitive unstructured vocalizations (subsong, akin to human babbling) into complex, stereotyped sequences of syllables that constitute adult song. In comparison with birdsong, territorial and mating calls of vocal non-learner species are thought to exhibit little change during development. We revisited this issue using the crowing behaviour of domestic Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Crowing activity was continuously recorded in young males maintained in social isolation from the age of three weeks to four months. We observed developmental changes in crow structure, both the temporal and the spectral levels. Speed and trajectories of these developmental changes exhibited an unexpected high inter-individual variability. Mechanisms used by quails to transform sounds during ontogeny resemble those described in oscines during the sensorimotor phase of song learning. Studies on vocal non-learners could shed light on the specificity and evolution of vocal learning.  相似文献   

Four short‐finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus, were tagged with digital acoustic recording tags (DTAGs) for a total of 30 h in the Bahamas during 2007. Spectrograms were made of all audible sounds, which were independently categorized by three observers. Of 4,098 calls, 1,737 (42%) were placed into 173 call types, which were defined as calls that occurred more than once. Of the 173 call types, 51 contained at least 10 calls (= 24), and were termed predominant call types (PCTs), which comprised 1,219 (70%) of categorized calls. PCTs tended to occur in sequences of the same call, which appeared to be produced by a single animal. However, matching interactions consisting of adjacent or overlapping calls of the same type were also observed, and some call types were recorded on more than one tag, suggesting that at least some calls are shared by members of a group or subgroup. These results emphasize the importance of categorizing calls before attempting to draw conclusions about call usage and possible effects of noise on vocal behavior.  相似文献   

Vocalizations play a major role in communication of mammals with subterranean lifestyles since other senses are dramatically restricted in the environment of below ground burrows. In our study, we recorded vocalizations of 10 adult males and 10 adult females of a social bathyergid, the Mashona mole-rat (Fukomys darlingi) in different behavioural contexts. Vocalizations were divided into four categories according to behavioural contexts. Similar to other subterranean mammals, the range of Mashona mole-rat calls is shifted towards lower frequencies. We described 10 types of true vocal signals and 2 mechanical sounds. The vocal repertoire of the Mashona mole-rat is less rich compared to other social mole-rats, corresponding with its low mean family size. Interestingly, this species has a higher diversity in contact and distress calls, while using a relatively low number of aggressive signals.  相似文献   

Animal communication follows many coding schemes. Less is known about the coding strategy for signal length and rates of use in animal vocal communication. A generalized brevity (negative relation between signal length and frequency of use) is innovatively explored but remains controversial in animal vocal communication. We tested brevity for short-range social and distress sounds from four echolocating bats: adult black-bearded tomb bat Taphozous melanopogon, Mexican free-tailed bat Tadarida brasiliensis, adult greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, and adult least horseshoe bat Rhinolophus pusillus. There was a negative association between duration and number of social but not distress calls emitted. The most frequently emitted social calls were brief, while most distress calls were long. Brevity or lengthiness was consistently selected in vocal communications for each species. Echolocating bats seem to have convergent coding strategy for communication calls. The results provide the evidence of efficient coding in bat social vocalizations, and lay the basis of future researches on the convergence for neural control on bats’ communication calls.  相似文献   

Mice produce ultrasonic vocalizations featuring a variety of syllables. Vocalizations are observed during social interactions. In particular, males produce numerous syllables during courtship. Previous studies have shown that vocalizations change according to sexual behavior, suggesting that males vary their vocalizations depending on the phase of the courtship sequence. To examine this process, we recorded large sets of mouse vocalizations during male–female interactions and acoustically categorized these sounds into 12 vocal types. We found that males emitted predominantly short syllables during the first minute of interaction, more long syllables in the later phases, and mainly harmonic sounds during mounting. These context- and time-dependent changes in vocalization indicate that vocal communication during courtship in mice consists of at least three stages and imply that each vocalization type has a specific role in a phase of the courtship sequence. Our findings suggest that recording for a sufficiently long time and taking the phase of courtship into consideration could provide more insights into the role of vocalization in mouse courtship behavior in future study.  相似文献   

Although vocal production is strongly genetically determined in nonhuman primates, vocal usage is more likely to be influenced by experience. Nonetheless, sex differences in both production and usage can be found in the vocal repertoire of adults, but little attention has been paid to their ontogeny. Here, we provide the first comprehensive analysis of the vocal repertoire of De Brazza's monkeys (Cercopithecus neglectus), with particular attention to age- and sex-specific patterns. This species has special interest because it is the only monogamous species of guenons, but it nevertheless shares the strong sexual morphological and behavioral dimorphism seen in other guenons. A structurally based classification of calls recorded in 23 captive individuals has been cross-validated by an analysis of the associated contexts of emission. We identified sound units that could be uttered alone or concatenated to form 10 call types, including only three types shared by all age-sex-classes. Both age- and sex-discrepancy in terms of phonation could be explained by maturational changes and morphological dimorphism. In general, call production and usage parallel those seen in other guenons, suggesting that phylogeny and sexual dimorphism play important roles in vocal communication in this species. However, the boundary between adult male and female vocal repertoires appeared to be less strict than previously reported, suggesting that both sexes have the capacity to produce calls of the other sex but that social roles may constrain this expression. Similarly, age-specific vocal patterns would reflect respective social roles, and experience to some extent. Finally, calling rates would reflect age-/sex-specific degree of involvement in intragroup social networks. These findings highlight the relative importance of phylogeny, morphology, and social system on the shaping of individual repertoires in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Calls are functionally diverse signals that mediate behavior in a wide variety of contexts in both passerines and non‐passerines. However, the call‐based acoustic communication systems of non‐passerines have received less attention from investigators than those of passerines. We examined the vocal repertoire of Smooth‐billed Anis (Crotophaga ani), cooperatively breeding cuckoos that live in groups with multiple breeding pairs. We recorded calls from 22 groups over two breeding seasons at the Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge in Puerto Rico. We identified 11 call types and one group vocalization, and used an automated sound measurement program to quantify their acoustic features. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) correctly classified 74.2% of calls based on these features. The vocal repertoire of Smooth‐billed Anis is larger than that reported for the three other species in the subfamily Crotophaginae. Smooth‐billed Anis have at least two alarm calls, two nest‐specific calls, and one nest defense call. We also identified one possible signal of aggressive intent, one possible appeasement signal, and two calls that may communicate identity. The relatively large vocal repertoire of Smooth‐billed Anis and association of distinct call types with different functions and contexts supports the main prediction of the social complexity hypothesis, i.e., species with more complex social systems will have more complex communication systems.  相似文献   

Rodents are known to emit ultrasounds during social interactions. Despite the evidence that ultrasonic vocalizations are emitted during sexual encounters and may play a certain role in sexual selection, only a few studies have investigated this phenomenon, mainly in laboratory rodents. We analysed the ultrasonic calls of bank vole (Myodes glareolus) males from an outbred colony in the presence of females differing in hormonal activity. Sexually experienced males were tested during interactions with naive, ovariectomized, pregnant and post‐partum oestrous females. We found that the males’ ultrasound vocalizations depend on the phase of the bank vole females’ reproductive cycle. During encounters with post‐partum oestrous females the males emitted significantly more ultrasounds, and the total duration of ultrasound vocalization was longer. The presence of post‐partum oestrous females also influenced the type of ultrasounds: the most typical constant‐frequency sounds were significantly shorter, and two additional types of ultrasounds were presented during interactions with females ready to mate: U‐shaped frequency‐modulated sounds and frequency‐modulated upsweep sounds. To our knowledge this is the first evidence that male voles of the subfamily Arvicolinae emit different types of ultrasounds in the presence of females depending on their reproductive stage. We suggest that these ultrasounds may be employed as an attractant during reproductive behaviour and that they are potentially an element of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Isolation calls produced by dependent young are a fundamental form of communication. For species in which vocal signals remain important to adult communication, the function and social context of vocal behavior changes dramatically with the onset of sexual maturity. The ontogenetic relationship between these distinct forms of acoustic communication is surprisingly under-studied. We conducted a detailed analysis of vocal development in sister species of Neotropical singing mice, Scotinomys teguina and S. xerampelinus. Adult singing mice are remarkable for their advertisement songs, rapidly articulated trills used in long-distance communication; the vocal behavior of pups was previously undescribed. We recorded 30 S. teguina and 15 S. xerampelinus pups daily, from birth to weaning; 23 S. teguina and 11 S. xerampelinus were recorded until sexual maturity. Like other rodent species with poikilothermic young, singing mice were highly vocal during the first weeks of life and stopped vocalizing before weaning. Production of first advertisement songs coincided with the onset of sexual maturity after a silent period of ≧2 weeks. Species differences in vocal behavior emerged early in ontogeny and notes that comprise adult song were produced from birth. However, the organization and relative abundance of distinct note types was very different between pups and adults. Notably, the structure, note repetition rate, and intra-individual repeatability of pup vocalizations did not become more adult-like with age; the highly stereotyped structure of adult song appeared de novo in the first songs of young adults. We conclude that, while the basic elements of adult song are available from birth, distinct selection pressures during maternal dependency, dispersal, and territorial establishment favor major shifts in the structure and prevalence of acoustic signals. This study provides insight into how an evolutionarily conserved form of acoustic signaling provides the raw material for adult vocalizations that are highly species specific.  相似文献   

To advance knowledge of the vocal communication associated with close proximity social interactions in Garnett's greater bush baby (Otolemur garnettii), we measured acoustic and temporal properties of vocalizations from videotaped recordings of captives in two main social contexts: mother-infant interactions and adult male-female pair introductions and reintroductions. We used a real-time sonagraph or software program to display, edit, and analyze vocal waveforms, and to provide wideband and narrowband spectrograms. Vocalization characteristics measured include fundamental frequency (via inspection of harmonics) and spectral features such as formant frequency, intensity, and duration. The vocal repertoire contained 4 major types of vocalizations: 1) barks and complex multiple bark sequences, 2) low frequency flutter/hums and growls, 3) high frequency clicks and spits, and 4) noisy shrieks. We describe several vocalizations for the first time and provide a clear classification of some of them on the basis of call durations (long/short growls). Complex bark sequences, previously described as distant communication calls, were invariant and were not often emitted by individuals when in close proximity. When classified spectrographically, the remaining 3 call types, which occurred when individuals were in close proximity, were less stereotypical, and gradations within call types were apparent. Our results show that although nocturnal and non-gregarious, complex communicatory signals of bush babies constitute a vocal repertoire formerly thought to be characteristic only of diurnal, gregarious primates.  相似文献   

In this paper the classification of the discrete calls of killer whales recorded in the Northwest Pacific is presented. It was shown that most of the calls can be divided into 20 discrete types easily distinguished by ear. The frequency parameters of the sounds made the maximum contribution into discrimination between call types, while their temporal parameters turned out to be less significant. The repertoires of stereotyped calls of killer whales from Chukot, Kamchatka, and the Commander and Kurile Islands were similar, due to the presence of shared types of calls. The greater the distance between the above-mentioned regions the fewer calls were shared by the resident killer whales. High vocal activity and the phenotypic features of the surveyed killer whales implied their attribution to the resident ecological type.  相似文献   

Vocal communication appears to play an important role in maintaining group cohesion in broods of Peking ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos). In order to describe the development of the vocal repertoire of the young, the present study examined the vocalizations of six ducklings from several hours before hatching through 48 h posthatching. Vocalizations were recorded in standardized situations in the laboratory, including the presence of conspecific peers, exposure to maternal calls, and social isolation. A major methodological aim of the present study was to determine whether the vocal repertoire of the ducklings would sort itself on objectively measured acoustic features without the necessity of experimenter preclassification (as has been relied upon in the past). This objective procedure produced two acoustically distinct (and conventional) types: (a) contentment calls, which have short note durations, fast repetition rates, and low pitch, and are elicited by the presence of peers and/or the maternal call; (b) distress calls, with longer note durations, slower repetition rates, and higher pitch, which are uttered in social isolation and emerge in mature form only after hatching. A simple physiological model based on respiratory activity is proposed to account for the acoustic variation between the two vocalization types.  相似文献   


A sonagraphic analysis of the vocalizations of bullfinches Pyrrhula pyrrhula is presented and their behavioural contexts and functions noted. The vocal repertoire of the bullfinch is compared to that of other finches with particular attention to repertoire size and sexual specificity; the repertoire of 14–17 vocal categories is comparatively greater than that of most carduelines and the majority of vocalizations were given by both sexes. The development of nestling, fledgling and some adult calls is described. Early vocal ontogeny in the bullfinch was similar to that previously described for the chaffinch. The earliest recorded calls of nestling bullfinches showed a single fundamental. The independent use of two sound sources became apparent on the second day after hatching and the major elements of the three best studied call types were all derived from the lower fundamental of the nestling begging call.  相似文献   

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