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Induction of conductance heterogeneity in gramicidin channels   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In previous work from our laboratory, 5-10% of the channels formed by [Val1]gramicidin A have conductances that fall outside the narrow range that conventionally has defined the standard gramicidin channel [e.g., see Russell et al. (1986) Biophys. J. 49, 673]. Reports from other laboratories, however, show that up to 50% of [Val1]gramicidin channels have conductances that fall outside the range for standard channels [e.g., see Prasad et al. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 456]. This laboratory-to-laboratory variation in the distribution of gramicidin single-channel conductances suggests that the conductance variants are induced by some environmental factor(s) [Busath et al. (1987) Biophys. J. 51, 79]. In order to test whether extrinsic agents can induce such conductance heterogeneity, we examined the effects of nonionic or zwitterionic detergents upon gramicidin channel behavior. In phospholipid bilayers, detergent addition induces many changes in gramicidin channel behavior: all detergents tested increase the channel appearance rate and average duration; most detergents decrease the conductance of the standard channel; and all but one of the detergents increase the conductance heterogeneity. These results show that the conductance heterogeneity can result from environmental perturbations, thus providing a possible explanation for the laboratory-to-laboratory variation in the heterogeneity of gramicidin channels. In addition, the differential detergent effects suggest possible mechanisms by which detergents can induce the conformational perturbations that result in gramicidin single-channel conductance variations.  相似文献   

Using the linear gramicidins as an example, we have previously shown how the statistical properties of heterodimeric (hybrid) channels (formed between the parent [Val1]gramicidin A (gA) and a sequence-altered analogue) can be used to assess whether the analogue forms channels that are structurally equivalent to the parent channels (Durkin, J. T., R. E. Koeppe II, and O. S. Andersen. 1990. J. Mol. Biol. 211:221-234). Generally, the gramicidins are tolerant of amino acid sequence alterations. We report here an exception. The optically reversed analogue, gramicidin M- (gM-) (Heitz, F., G. Spach, and Y. Trudelle. 1982. Biophys. J. 40:87-89), forms channels that are the mirror-image of [Val1]gA channels; gM- should thus form no hybrid channels with analogues having the same helix sense as [Val1]gA. Surprisingly, however, gM- forms hybrid channels with the shortened analogues des-Val1-[Ala2]gA and des-Val1-gC, but these channels differ fundamentally from the parent channels: (a) the appearance rate of these heterodimers is only approximately 1/10 of that predicted from the random assortment of monomers into conducting dimers, indicating the existence of an energy barrier to their formation (e.g., monomer refolding into a new channel-forming conformation); and (b), once formed, the hybrid channels are stabilized approximately 1,000-fold relative to the parent channels. The increased stability suggests a structure that is joined by many hydrogen bonds, such as one of the double-stranded helical dimers shown to be adopted by gramicidins in organic solvents (Veatch, W. R., E. T. Fossel, and E. R. Blout. 1974. Biochemistry. 13:5249-5256).  相似文献   

The relative frequency of low-conductance variants of gramicidin A channels in lipid bilayers was determined in parallel experiments in two different laboratories. A common gramicidin stock solution was tested in both labs and, initially, gave rise to significantly different proportions (9% v. 23%) of "mini" channels in the two labs. The lipid and gramicidin solutions were exchanged to identify the source of the difference: When using solutions prepared in lab A (Andersen), lab B (Busath) observed 9% minis, consistent with the original findings in lab A; when using the gramicidin solution prepared in lab B, lab A observed 18% minis, consistent with the original findings in lab B. The experimental apparatus and analysis techniques are therefore not the source of the discrepancy; rather, the difference appears to stem from some factor(s) related to the gramicidin, lipid, and electrolyte solutions. It appears that the mini frequency cannot reflect intrinsic characteristics of the channel-forming peptide, but rather must, at least in part, reflect environmental modulations of channel properties. This has implications for the interpretation of multi-channel experiments on gramicidin A.  相似文献   

Weakly conductive, atypical channels were observed to form from highly purified Val1-gramicidin A in planar lipid bilayer membranes. The structure of these low-conductance channels (minis) was investigated by a detailed study of their channel forming characteristics. The possibility that minis originate from primary structural analogs or degradation products of gramicidin was considered and ruled out. In particular, spontaneous conductance changes in single channels demonstrated that minis can derive directly and reversibly from "standard" channels having the most common conductance level. The fraction of channels which are minis does not vary with changes in membrane gramicidin concentration, indicating that mini and standard channels have the same molecularity, that is, both are dimers. The mean lifetime of mini channels is only slightly shorter than that of standard channels, indicating that the six hydrogen bonds that stabilize the head-to-head dimer are minimally affected in minis. The fraction of channels which are minis is unaffected by the ionic strength, ionic composition, or pH of the bathing solution; it is also unaffected by the lipid composition of the bilayer. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that minis arise from minor changes in the conformation of the Val1-gramicidin A molecule near the channel entrance or exit.  相似文献   

Proton transport on water wires, of interest for many problems in membrane biology, is analyzed in side-chain analogs of gramicidin A channels. In symmetrical 0.1 N HCl solutions, fluorination of channel Trp(11), Trp-(13), or Trp(15) side chains is found to inhibit proton transport, and replacement of one or more Trps with Phe enhances proton transport, the opposite of the effects on K(+) transport in lecithin bilayers. The current-voltage relations are superlinear, indicating that some membrane field-dependent process is rate limiting. The interfacial dipole effects are usually assumed to affect the rate of cation translocation across the channel. For proton conductance, however, water reorientation after proton translocation is anticipated to be rate limiting. We propose that the findings reported here are most readily interpreted as the result of dipole-dipole interactions between channel waters and polar side chains or lipid headgroups. In particular, if reorientation of the water column begins with the water nearest the channel exit, this hypothesis explains the negative impact of fluorination and the positive impact of headgroup dipole on proton conductance.  相似文献   

To explore the possible role of Trp side chains in gramicidin channel conductance dispersity, we studied the dispersity of gramicidin M (gM), a gramicidin variant in which all four tryptophan residues are replaced with phenylalanine residues, and its enantiomer, gramicidin M(-) (gM(-)), and compared them to that of gramicidin A (gA). The conductances of highly purified gM and gM(-) were studied in alkali metal solutions at a variety of concentrations and voltages, in seven different types of lipid, and in the presence of detergent. Like gA channels, the most common gM channel conductance forms a narrow band. However, unlike gA channels, where the remaining 5-30% of channel conductances are broadly distributed below (and slightly above) the main band, in gM there is a narrow secondary band with <50% of the main peak conductance. This secondary peak was prominent in NaCl and KCl, but significantly diminished in CsCl and RbCl. Under some conditions, minor components can be observed with conductances yet lower than the secondary peak. Interconversions between the primary conductance state and these yet lower conductance states were observed. The current-voltage relations for both primary and secondary gM channel types have about the same curvature. The mean lifetime of the secondary channel type is below one third that of the primary type. The variants represent state deviations in the peptide or adjacent lipid structure.  相似文献   

The mean lifetime of gramicidin A channels in bilayers formed from monoolein and squalane was sharply reduced by the absorption of a range of n-alkanols and cholesterol. Results are shown for n-hexanol, n-octanol, n-decanol, n-dodecanol, n-tetradecanol, n-hexadecanol, n-octadecanol and cholesterol. The longer chain n-alkanols were apparently more effective than the shorter members and cholesterol was the most effective of the substances examined. The single channel conductance was also affected, though to a much lesser extent than the mean channel lifetime, the n-alkanols producing increases and cholesterol a decrease. It is suggested that membrane fluidity changes are not likely to be primarily responsible for the reductions in channel lifetimes but that the bilayer tension, which is known to be increased by n-octanol, could be significant.  相似文献   

The lifetimes of channels formed by natural gramicidin and its dimeric analog in monoglyceride lipid bilayers of various compositions were investigated. The bilayer surface tension was altered by changing the length of the monoglycerides' fatty acid chain or the chain length of hydrocarbon solvent by isomerization or saturation of the lipid, by varying the amount of solvent in the bilayer, and by changing the salt composition of the aqueous solutions. The logarithms of mean channel lifetimes were found to be proportional to the surface tension of the membrane irrespective of how the surface tension was changed. In contrast, no simple relationship between channel conductance and surface tension or bilayer thickness was found.  相似文献   

The effects of heating, on an aqueous gramicidin A lysolecithin system, were examined by carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C-NMR), circular dichroism (CD), and sodium-23 nuclear magnetic resonance (23Na-NMR), and the results are collectively interpreted to indicate micellar-packaging of gramicidin channels and cation occupancy in the channel. 13C-NMR of the gramicidin-lysolecithin system demonstrates a decrease in mobility of the micellar lipid on heating which is indicative of incorporation of gramicidin into the hydrophobic core of the micelle. A unique and reproducible CD spectrum is obtained for the heat incorporated state. Sodium-23 spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) demonstrated sodium interaction to be dependent on heat incorporation. The T1 identified interaction is blocked by silver ion which is known to block sodium transport through the channel in lipid bilayer studies. The temperature dependence of the sodium-23 line width defines an exchange process with an activation energy of 6.8 kcal/mole which is essentially the same as the activation energy reported for transport through the channel in lecithin bilayer studies, and the sodium exchange process is blocked by thallium ion which is also known to block sodium transport through the channel.  相似文献   

The formation kinetics of gramicidin A channels in lipid bilayer membranes has been characterized as a function of voltage for different solution conditions and membrane composition. The frequency of channel events was measured during the application of voltage ramps and counted in given intervals, a procedure that eliminated the effects of drift in gramicidin concentration. The formation rate was found to increase strongly with voltages up to approximately 50 mV and then to level off slightly. The shape of the voltage dependence was independent of lipid solvent and ramp speed but differed for different ions and different solution concentrations. This suggested an ion occupancy effect on the formation rate that was further supported by the fact that the minimum of the formation rate was shifted toward the equilibrium potential in asymmetric solution concentrations. The effects are explained in terms of a model that contains two contributions to the voltage dependence, a voltage-dependent ion binding to the monomers and a polarization of monomers by the applied electric field and by the occupied ions. The theory is found to give a good fit to experimental data.  相似文献   

In order to resolve whether gramicidin A channels are formed by right- or left-handed beta-helices, we synthesized an optically reversed (or mirror image) analogue of gramicidin A, called gramicidin A-, to test whether it forms channels that have the same handedness as channels formed by gramicidin M- (F. Heitz et al., Biophys. J. 40:87-89, 1982). In gramicidin M- the four tryptophan residues have been replaced with phenylalanine, and the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum therefore reflects almost exclusively contributions from the polypeptide backbone. The CD spectrum of gramicidin M- in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles is consistent with a left-handed helical backbone folding motif (F. Heitz et al., Biophys. Chem. 24:149-160, 1986), and the CD spectra of gramicidins A and A- are essentially mirror images of each other. Based on hybrid channel experiments, gramicidin A- and M- channels are structurally equivalent, while gramicidin A and A- channels are nonequivalent, being of opposite helix sense. Gramicidin A- channels are therefore left-handed, and natural gramicidin A channels in phospholipid bilayers are right-handed beta 6.3-helical dimers.  相似文献   

Gramicidin A single-channel current-voltage characteristics were studied at low permeant ion concentrations and very high applied potentials. The purpose of these experiments was to elucidate the basis for the small, but definite, voltage dependence observed under these circumstances. It was found that this residual voltage dependence is a reflection of interfacial polarization effects, similar to those proposed by Walz et al. (Biophys. J. 9:1150-1159). It will be concluded that there exists an effectively voltage-independent step in the association reaction between a gramicidin A channel and the permeating ion. Some consequences of interfacial polarization effects for the analysis of conductance vs. activity relations will be discussed.  相似文献   

We reinvestigate the dipolar chain model for an ion channel. Our goal is to account for the influence that ion-induced electrostriction of channel water has on the translocational energy barriers experienced by different ions in the channel. For this purpose, we refine our former model by relaxing the positional constraint on the ion and the water dipoles and by including Lennard-Jones contributions in addition to the electrostatic interactions. The positions of the ion and the waters are established by minimization of the free energy. As before, interaction with the external medium is described via the image forces. Application to alkali cations show that the short range interactions modulate the free energy profiles leading to a selectivity sequence for translocation. We study the influence of some structural parameters on this sequence and compare our theoretical predictions with observed results for gramicidin.  相似文献   

Linear gramicidins with one, two, or three Trp----Phe substitutions in the gramicidin A sequence form beta 6.3-helical channels that have widely varying conductances and average durations. The variations in single-channel conductance and average duration are uncoupled. The single-channel conductance decreases as a monotonic function of the number of Trp----Phe substitutions, and the relative conductance decrease induced by a given Trp----Phe substitution is only weakly affected by substitutions at other positions. These results suggest that each Trp influences the conductance independently, most likely through electrostatic interactions between the Trp dipole(s) and the permeant ion (as was deduced previously for aromatic side-chain substitutions at position one [Koeppe, R. E., Mazet, J.-L., & Andersen, O. S. (1990) Biochemistry 29 (2), 512-520]). Trp----Phe substitutions exert a complex, nonadditive influence on average duration as well as the energetics of heterodimer formation. These changes are presumably due to sequence-specific differences in the channel's surface chemistry--which may be related to ability of the Trp indole NH moieties to form hydrogen bonds with the lipid backbone oxygens and/or interfacial H2O.  相似文献   

The effect of the antiviral preparation rimantadine on lipid bilayer membranes (BLM) was studied by measuring the modulus of elasticity in the direction normal to the surface (E perpendicular) and by estimating the conductance lambda, the lifetime tau of single gramicidin D channels (GRD), and the coefficient of nonlinearity beta of current voltage characteristics (IVC) of GRD-modified BLM. Rimantadine induced a nonmonotonic change in E perpendicular of BLM prepared from a mixture of egg lecithin with cholesterol: at relatively low rimantadine concentrations (0-40 micrograms/ml) E perpendicular first increased, reached a maximum and started to decrease. The effectivity of rimantadine was dependent on the cholesterol concentration in the BLM. Changes in E perpendicular suggest an increased ordering of the lipid bilayer at low rimantadine concentrations and formation of clusters of the preparation at concentrations exceeding those necessary to obtain maximal values of E perpendicular for the given BLM lipid composition. Rimantadine concentrations lifetime by approximately 20 percent, affected the degree of IVC nonlinearity and superlinearity of GRD-modified membranes, which suggests some effect on the height of the barrier at the ionic channel mouth and in its centre.  相似文献   

A model for the gramicidin A channel is proposed which extends existing models by adding a specific cationic binding site at each entrance to the channel. The binding of ions to these outer channel sites is assumed to shift the energy levels of the inner sites and barriers and thereby alter the channel conductance. The resulting properties are analyzed theoretically for the simplest case of two inner sites and a single energy barrier. This for-site model (two outer and two inner) predicts that the membrane potential at zero current (Uo) should be a Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation with concentration-dependent permeability ratios. The coefficients of the concentration-dependent terms are shown to be related to the peak energy shifts of the barrier and to the binding constants of the outer sites. The thory also predicts the channel conductance in symmetrical solutions to exhibit three limiting behaviors, from which the properties of the outer and inner sites can be characterized. In two-cation symmetrical mixtures the conductance as a function of mole fraction is shown to have a minimum, and the related phenomenon of inhibition and block exerted by one ion on the other is explained explicitly by the theory. These various phenomena, having ion interactions in a multiply occupied channel as a common physical basis, are all related (by the theory) through a set of measurable parameters describing the properties of the system.  相似文献   

The effects of static and low-frequency magnetic fields on gramicidin A channels have been investigated using bilayer patch clamp recording and a bridge technique capable of detecting 0.3% changes in the conductance of glyceryl monooleate membranes containing many channels. In the bridge technique the conductance was assessed using 10-ms voltage pulses applied at 10 Hz. Measurements were made for LiCl, KCl, and CsCl using magnetic fields of 50, 100, 500, and 5000 microT with the frequency scanned from 10-200 Hz. The combinations of static and low-frequency fields employed include the "cyclotron resonance" conditions at which effects had been predicted to occur. In no case was there any detectable change in conductance when the magnetic fields were applied or changed. Potassium currents through single gramicidin channels have been recorded for patches in which several channels may be open at once. Fields were applied for 2 min periods interleaved with 2 min controls. Methods have been developed to analyze the multichannel records to reveal the amplitude and duration of the channels together with the frequency, depth, and apparent period of flickers. No significant differences were observed between the control and field-exposed recording periods. The peak of the distribution of opening and closing transitions always coincided for fields on and off within the resolution, 0.4%, of the recordings. There are at least two types of flicker, one with typical period less than 0.1 ms, the other with typical period from 0.3-0.8 ms. Most of the latter were not complete closures with the conductance during a flicker 15-20% above the level for a full closure.  相似文献   

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