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The Atlantic forests of southern Bahia in Brazil present great species richness and a high degree of endemism. A large part of these native forests were transformed into cacao plantations in an agroforestry system known locally as cabrucas, where native trees were culled and cacao was planted under the shade of remaining trees. The present study analyzed the influence of time of implantation (age) and time of abandonment of management practices on tree species diversity of cabruca plantations to evaluate the capacity for conservation and recovery of species richness of native Atlantic Forest trees in cabrucas. Phytosociological surveys were conducted in five cabrucas with different conditions of age and state of abandonment. All trees, including hemiepiphytes and excluding the cacao plants, with a minimum stem diameter of 10 cm at breast height, were surveyed within a 3-ha sampling area in each plantation. A total of 2514 individual trees belonging to 293 species and 52 families were recorded in the five cabrucas. The Shannon diversity index varied from 3.31 to 4.22 among the cabrucas and was positively correlated with the time of abandonment (r = 0.97). The new cabrucas showed the highest values of estimated total richness (Chao) and the highest proportion of late successional species than the old ones. All areas preserved a very high proportion of native forest species while the three old cabrucas showed a higher proportion of exotic species than the two new ones. Thus the exotic species seem to replace more of the native species in the long run because of management practices and local preferences. The cabrucas presented also a high capacity for the regeneration of tree species richness after abandonment. Simple alterations in management practices could improve the recruitment of late successional species in these areas. Economic incentives may be necessary for the farmers to adopt management practices to retain native species which bring no economic returns.  相似文献   

Deforestation is a global process that has strongly affected the Atlantic Forest in South America, which has been recognised as a threatened biodiversity hotspot. An important proportion of deforested areas were converted to forest plantations. Araucaria angustifolia is a native tree to the Atlantic Forest, which has been largely exploited for wood production and is currently cultivated in commercial plantations. An important question is to what extent such native tree plantations can be managed to reduce biodiversity loss in a highly diverse and vulnerable forest region . We evaluated the effect of stand age, stand basal area, as a measure of stand density, and time since last logging on the density and richness of native tree regeneration in planted araucaria stands that were successively logged over 60 years, as well as the differences between successional groups in the response of plant density to stand variables. We also compared native tree species richness in planted araucaria stands to neighbouring native forest. Species richness was 71 in the planted stands (27 ha sampled) and 82 in native forest (18 ha sampled) which approximate the range of variation in species richness found in the native forests of the study area. The total abundance and species richness of native trees increased with stand age and time since last logging, but ecological groups differed in their response to such variables. Early secondary trees increased in abundance with stand age 3–8 times faster than climax or late secondary trees. Thus, the change in species composition is expected to continue for a long term. The difference in species richness between native forest and planted stands might be mainly explained by the difference in plant density. Therefore, species richness in plantations can contribute to local native tree diversity if practices that increase native tree density are implemented.  相似文献   

We compared the vegetation structure between old (>70 year) stands of planted diversified native forests and stands of Eucalyptus tereticornis embedded in a mosaic of Eucalyptus stands. We then tested for differences in the abundance, species richness, species composition, and ecological traits (forest dependence, sensitivity to forest fragmentation, and diet) of the understory bird assemblages inhabiting both kinds of stands. We expected differences in the structure of the bird assemblages because of the different origins and management strategies (contrary to native stands, Eucalyptus stands were selectively logged in the past). Three stands of each habitat (native and Eucalyptus) were sampled with mist nets during 11 months. Eucalyptus stands had a denser understory, whereas native plantations had a more developed vertical structure and a greater density of native trees. The abundance distribution of bird species was more homogeneous in Eucalyptus than in native stands. Eucalyptus had slightly higher species richness (36 species) than native stands (32 species). The composition of species and the occurrence of the diet, forest dependence, and sensitivity to forest fragmentation categories were similar between habitats. Some bird species (e.g. Turdus leucomelas), however, were more abundant in one habitat over the other. Old stands of Eucalyptus and planted native forest can harbor a diverse bird community similar in structure but not exactly equivalent for individual bird species. Planting native diversified forests and keeping set‐aside stands of the exotic tree should be viewed as complementary rather than alternative strategies for maintaining bird diversity within plantations.  相似文献   



Ecological restoration is critical for recovering biodiversity and ecosystem services, yet designing interventions to achieve particular outcomes remains fraught with challenges. In the extensive regions where non‐native species are firmly established, it is unlikely that historical conditions can be fully reinstated. To what degree, and how rapidly, can human‐dominated areas be shifted via restoration into regimes that benefit target species, communities or processes?


We explore this question in a >20‐year‐old reforestation effort underway at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge in montane Hawaii. This large‐scale planting of Acacia koa trees is designed to secure populations of globally threatened bird species by transitioning the site rapidly from pasture to native forest.


We surveyed all forest birds in multiple corridors of young planted trees, remnant corridors of mature trees along gulches and at sites within mature forest. Using a Bayesian hierarchical approach, we identified which factors (distance from forest, habitat type and surrounding tree cover) had the most important influence on native and exotic bird abundance in the reforestation area.


We found that 90% of native and exotic bird species responded quickly, occupying corridors of native trees approximately a decade after planting. However, native and exotic forest birds responded to markedly different characteristics of the reforested area. Native bird abundance was strongly predicted by proximity to mature forest and remnant corridors; conversely, exotic bird abundance was best predicted by overall tree cover throughout the area reforested.

Main conclusions

Our results demonstrate that large‐scale tree planting in corridors adjacent to mature forest can catalyse rapid recovery (both increased abundance and expanded distribution) of forest birds and that it is possible to design reforestation to benefit native species in novel ecosystems.

Nitrogen mineralization, nitrification potentials, pH, total N, C, extractable P and cations were measured in soils under 4-year-old, mono-specific stands of six fast-growing, native tree species, an abandoned pasture, and a 20-year-old secondary forest, as part of a study on the use of indigenous tree species for rehabilitation of soil fertility on degraded pastures at the La Selva Biological Station in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica. Soil net nitrification potential rates were higher under two N-fixing, leguminous species,Stryphnodendron microstachyum Poepp. et Endl. (1.1–1.9 mg kg–1 day–1) andDalbergia tucurensis Donn. Smith (0.7–1.5 mg kg–1 day–1), than under the non-N-fixing trees in the plantation,Vochysia guatemalesis Don. Sm.,Vochysia ferruginea Mart,Dipteryx panamensis (Pittier) Record and Mell andHyeronima alchorneoides Fr. Allemao (0.2–0.8 mg kg–1 day–1). Values under the N-fixing trees were comparable to those found in secondary forest. There were no statistically significant differences in soil total N or in other nurtients between the species. Results of pH measurements done before and after incubation did not show any clear evidence of a pH drop attributable to nitrification.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation and degradation leads to formation of modified habitats whose ability to support existing avifaunal diversity is still largely unknown. Bird diversity in indigenous forest, disturbed forest, plantation forest and farmlands adjacent to North Nandi Forest reserve was studied between January 2015 and June 2015. The distribution of bird feeding guilds in these habitat patches was also evaluated. Birds were surveyed using point counts, timed species counts and line transects and classified into six feeding guilds. A total of 3,232 individual birds of 151 species were recorded in the four habitats. Significant difference on bird abundance across the four habitats (F = 15.141, P ≤ 0.05, df = 3, 1121) was noted. Shannon–Weiner diversity index H′ for bird community ranged from 3.06 for plantation forest to 4.05 for disturbed forest showing a relatively diverse bird community. Insectivores (F = 3.090, P ≤ 0.05, df = 3, 297) dominated the foraging species assemblage in all the habitats significantly. Linear regression analysis revealed a strong linear relationship on bird species richness and abundance with vegetation variables (P < 0.01 in all cases). The results indicate that disturbed forest and indigenous forest support high bird species richness than plantation forest and farmlands. However, high bird abundance was observed in farmlands and plantation forest as opposed to indigenous forest and disturbed forest as they provide dispersal routes over a short distance and are important for creating corridors between primary forests.  相似文献   


Maximizing biodiversity persistence in heterogeneous human-modified landscapes is hindered by the complex interactions between habitat quality and configuration of native and non-native habitats. Here we examined these complex interactions considering avian diversity across 26 sampling sites, each of which comprised of three sampling points located across a gradient of disturbance: core native habitat fragment, fragment edge, and non-native adjacent matrix. The 78 sampling points were further nested within three neotropical biomes—Amazonia, Cerrado and Pantanal—in central-western Brazil. Matrix type consisted of cattle pastures in the Amazon and teak plantations in the Pantanal and Cerrado. We considered the interactive effects of (1) disturbance-context: fragment core, edge and adjacent matrix, (2) matrix type: tree plantation or cattle pastures, both subject to varying land-use intensity, and (3) native habitat configuration (fragment size, shape and isolation) on bird species richness, abundance and composition. Based on point-count surveys, we recorded 210 bird species. Bird species richness and abundance declined across the disturbance gradient, while genus composition only differed within the adjacent matrix, particularly cattle-pastures. The effect of native habitat area was positive but only detected at fragment edges. Overall bird diversity increased at sites characterized by higher availability of either relict trees within pasture landscapes or old-growth trees within teak plantation landscapes. The core of native fragments played a primary role in ensuring the persistence of bird diversity, regardless of fragment size. In contrast to pastures, tree plantations likely harbour a higher proportion of forest-dependent species while bird diversity can be further enhanced by reduced management intensity in both matrix types. Strategies to maximize avian persistence should not only include retaining native habitats, but also maximizing the size of core native habitats. Likewise, more structurally complex matrix types should be encouraged while maintaining low levels of land-use intensity.


Isolated trees have distinctive economic, social and cultural value for the Betsileo people living on the edge of the protected forest corridor between Ranomafana and Andringitra national parks, in South-East Madagascar. Many of these trees are Ficus spp., traditionally protected and respected. At the landscape level, they are isolated features in a heterogeneous mosaic, providing fruit, shade and aesthetic services in open cultivated areas. Within the current management system, isolated trees may also contribute significantly to the provision of ecological services by enhancing bird diversity in open areas outside the forest. We identified practices and values linked to isolated tree uses and management through ethnographic data collection. Bird presence and abundance were sampled by 338 point counts in isolated trees and open areas of the agricultural mosaic. Isolated trees were occupied by 18 out of 32 (56%) bird species in the agricultural mosaic, including 8 (25%) endemic forest species. Endemic forest birds were significantly more numerous in isolated trees than in open habitats, both in species richness and abundance (mean P value < 0.001). Overall bird species richness was significantly higher in open areas containing isolated trees, than in areas without isolated trees. Bird species richness in Ficus spp. was significantly higher than in other isolated tree species, although no differences were detected in abundance or within guilds. Community-based management of isolated trees may thus represent an opportunity for convergence between bird conservation goals outside protected areas and local management values and practices.  相似文献   

Tree plantations for commercial use have been replacing native ecosystems all over the world. We investigated how forest conversion to plantations of exotic and native tree species may influence lichen diversity and composition in a southern Brazilian landscape. The lichen community from the National Forest of São Francisco de Paula was studied using three stands of each of the four vegetation types: native Araucaria forest and plantations of Araucaria, Pine and Eucalyptus trees. All plantation stands were surrounded by native Araucaria forest, were of smaller size and were allowed to endure longer than commercially managed plantations. Lichen species and their cover abundance were recorded on tree trunks from 30 to 150 cm above soil level in ten host-trees that were randomly selected in each replication. Seventy-eight lichen species, from 18 genera and 9 families, were registered. Conversion of native forest to plantations of exotic tree species altered species composition by reducing the occurrence of shade tolerant lichens. Plantations of Araucaria angustifolia sustained the highest lichen diversity measured, because this is an excellent host species. These results suggest that a greater diversity of lichens can be preserved in the landscape, if plantations of the exotic Pinus and Eucalyptus genera are replaced by plantations of this native species.  相似文献   

Much of the remaining “forest” vegetation in eastern Chiapas, Mexico is managed for coffee production. In this region coffee is grown under either the canopy of natural forest or under a planted canopy dominated by Inga spp. Despite the large differences in diversity of dominant plant species, both planted and rustic shade coffee plantations support a high overall diversity of bird species; we recorded approximately 105 species in each plantation type on fixed radius point counts. We accumulated a combined species list of 180 species on repeatedly surveyed transects through both coffee plantation types. These values are exceeded regionally only by moist tropical forest. Of the habitats surveyed, shade coffee was second only to acacia groves in the abundance and diversity of Nearctic migrants. The two plantation types have similar bird species lists and both are similar in composition to the dominant woodland—mixed pine-oak. Both types of shade coffee plantation habitats differ from other local habitats in supporting highly seasonal bird populations. Survey numbers almost double during the dry season—an increase that is found in omnivorous migrants and omnivorous, frugivorous, and nectarivorous resident species. Particularly large influxes were found for Tennessee warblers (Vermivora peregrina) and northern orioles (Icterus galbula) in Inga dominated plantations.  相似文献   

Facilitation is an important ecological mechanism with potential applications to forest restoration. We hypothesized that different facilitation treatments, distance from the forest edge and time since initiation of the experiment would affect forest restoration on abandoned pastures. Seed and seedling abundance, species richness and composition were recorded monthly during two years under isolated trees, bird perches and in open pasture. Seed arrival and seedling establishment were measured at 10 m and 300 m from the forest edge. We sampled a total of 131,826 seeds from 115 species and 487 seedlings from 46 species. Isolated trees and bird perches increased re-establishment of forest species; however, species richness was higher under isolated trees. Overall, abundance and richness of seeds and seedlings differed between sampling years, but was unaffected by distance from the forest edge. On the other hand, species composition of seeds and seedlings differed among facilitation treatments, distance from the forest edge and between years. Seedling establishment success rate was larger in large-seeded species than medium- and small-seeded species. Our results suggest that isolated trees enhance forest re-establishment, while bird perches provide a complementary effort to restore tree abundance in abandoned pastures. However, the importance of seed arrival facilitation shifts toward establishment facilitation over time. Arriving species may vary depending on the distance from the forest edge and disperser attractors. Efforts to restore tropical forests on abandoned pastures should take into account a combination of both restoration strategies, effects of time and proximity to forest edge to maximize regeneration.  相似文献   

We studied the pattern of bird species richness in native and exotic forest patches in Hungary. We hypothesized that species-area relationship will depend on forest naturalness, and on the habitat specialization of bird species. Therefore, we expected strong species-area relationship in native forest patches and forest bird species, and weaker relationship in exotic forest patches containing generalist species. We censused breeding passerine bird communities three times in 13 forest patches with only native tree species, and 14 with only exotic trees in Eastern Hungary in 2003. Although most bird species (92%) of the total of 41 species occurred in both exotic and native forests, the species-area relationship was significant for forest specialist, but not for generalist species in the native forests. No relationship between bird species and area was found for either species group in the forest with exotic tree species. The comparison of native versus exotic forest patches of similar sizes revealed that only large (>100 ha) native forests harbor higher bird species richness than exotic forests for the forest specialist bird species. There is no difference between small and medium forest patches and in richness of generalist species. Thus, the species-area relationship may diminish in archipelago of exotic habitat patches and/or for habitat generalist species; this result supports the warning that the extension of exotic habitats have been significantly contributing to the decline of natural community patterns.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that bottom–up and top–down forces interactively control food web dynamics. While top–down effects would increase with resource availability to plants, bottom–up effects would be stronger under low predator abundance. These predictions, however, have rarely been tested at contrasting sites while keeping the dominant plant species unchanged. Furthermore, few studies have factorially manipulated both types of forces in forest communities. For two years, we evaluated the effects of fertiliser (NPK) addition and bird exclusion on tree growth, leaf traits, insect abundance, and folivory rates in a dry/warm and a wet/cold Nothofagus pumilio forest in Patagonia, Argentina. Overall, we found no interaction between nutrient supply and bird predation, although the strength of bottom–up and top–down forces differed markedly between forest sites. Treatment effects were generally weak in the wet forest, where tree growth rates and insect herbivory were low relative to the dry forest. In the dry forest, fertilisation increased sapling growth, insect abundance and folivory, whereas bird exclusion increased leaf damage and reduced tree growth. In the wet forest, fertilisation enhanced leaf nutrient contents and folivore abundance but not sapling growth, while bird exclusion had little impact on insects or trees. These results imply that factors other than nutrients and birds were important in controlling tree growth and folivore activity in the wet forest. While treatment effect sizes varied widely among feeding guilds, in general, nutrient effects on folivores were stronger than predator effects. We conclude that, within the time‐frame of this study, tree growth and herbivory were additively affected by soil nutrients and predator presence, as bird exclusion effects did not change with elevated folivore activity on fertilised trees. We also show that both top–down and bottom–up cascades were weaker in a forest site characterised by slow‐growing juvenile trees subjected to low folivore pressure.  相似文献   

Many studies on avian diversity and forest structure have focused onfiner scale forest variables such as foliage height diversity, foliagediversity, foliage density, vertical distribution of vegetation and horizontalvegetation density. From a conservation and forestry operational point of viewit would be of great interest if tree variables influenced directly by forestrymanagement decisions also had significant influence on avian richness andabundance. The species, age and size of a tree are examples of such treevariables. A great number of studies also have focused on avian diversityindices to reveal relationships with vegetation variables. However, it may bemore appropriate for foresters and conservation officers to operate withrichness and abundance measures directly, because indices complicateinterpretations on the relative importance of the two variables (richness andabundance) constituting the index. Fourteen managed temperate forests in Denmarkwere investigated for avian species richness and abundance and related tomeasures on different tree variables influenced directly by forestry managementdecisions. A rapid assessment method of avian richness and abundance wasemployed. It consisted of point-counts of bird richness and abundance within 1km2 of forest. General linear models were tested byanalyses of variance statistics to reveal the tree variables most important toavian richness and abundance. It was found that more old trees, more treespecies and more tree size-classes correlated with more bird species andindividuals. However, some variation in bird richness and abundance was alsorelated to site quality and/or chance colonization. Moreover, it was shown thatthe guild of cavity-nesting birds correlated positively to age of tree stand.The potential number of bird species in Danish forest is similar to that innearly pristine forest in Poland, and much larger than that recorded in any ofthe forests investigated. Together with the results above, this indicates a highpotential for squeezing in more avian species in a higher quality forest from abiodiversity point of view. Modern Danish forestry affects tree variablesinfluenced directly by forestry management decisions. Such tree variables havegreat influence on avian richness and abundance, but simple measures in forestrypractices can be taken to enhance the conservation of bird richness andabundance.  相似文献   

Oil palm (Elaies guineensis) plantations are among the fastest growing agroecosystems in the Neotropics, but little is known about how Neotropical birds use oil palm habitats. To better understand the potential value of oil palm as an overwintering habitat for migratory birds, we surveyed birds in oil palm and native forest remnants in Tabasco, Mexico, from 19 December 2017 to 27 March 2018. We collected data on bird abundance and vegetative structure and used generalized linear models and multivariate analysis to assess how oil palm development influenced migrant bird diversity, community assemblages, and abundance. We found that species richness of migratory birds tended to be higher in forest patches than in oil palm, that community assemblages of migratory birds differed between native forest and oil palm plantations, and that differences in migratory bird abundance, and subsequent changes in community assemblages were driven by differences between native forest and oil palm plantations in vegetative structure. The bird community of native forest was characterized by migrant species sensitive to forest loss that forage low in the understory and in the leaf litter, whereas the bird community of oil palm plantations was represented by generalist species that occupy a wider range of foraging niches. Our results suggest that most species of migrant birds responded positively to several forest structural features and that integrating more native trees and increasing the amount of understory vegetation in oil palm plantations may increase the value of working landscapes for migratory birds.  相似文献   

The major focus of ecological restorations has been on understanding local factors. However, landscape factors such as dispersal limitation of individuals or propagules across the surrounding matrix can also constrain the restoration progress. We investigated to what extent native woody species colonize and thrive in plantations, focusing on both the role of local factors such as grazing and canopy cover as well as on landscape factors. We recorded all native tree and shrub species in 60 small Eucalyptus plantations embedded in an open agricultural landscape at 0.1–12 km from a remnant continuous forest in central Ethiopia. We found a total of 1,571 individuals of native woody plants belonging to 55 species. Number of such species in a plantation increased significantly with the height of the grass sword indicating their sensitivity to grazing. Moreover, the number of woody species in the patches decreased significantly with distance to the forest. Our results illustrate the need for regulating the grazing pressure for a successful regeneration of native species in Eucalyptus plantations. In addition, sowing or planting native trees will be necessary in most plantations, as only few remnant natural forests that could act as seed sources occur across the Ethiopian highlands. Another main obstacle might be the prohibition of selling timber of native trees, which indirectly discourage farmers from letting native trees regenerate. Thus, the increasing cover of Eucalyptus seen across the country will not automatically foster a recovery of native woody plant biodiversity, even if managed to optimize local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

HUW LLOYD 《Ibis》2008,150(4):735-745
Habitat restoration strategies for fragmented high Andean forest landscapes must consider the influence of within‐patch habitat quality on bird abundance. I examined vegetation and bird abundance at three locations within a highly fragmented Polylepis forest landscape in the Cordillera Vilcanota, southern Peru. Across the landscape, there was significant variation in the vegetation structure of Polylepis forest patches of different size categories, especially in terms of tree girth, tree height, tree density, and canopy vegetation structure. Principal Component Analysis extracted five factors of habitat quality, which together accounted for 74.2% of the variability within 15 habitat variables. Polylepis bird species differed in their responses to habitat quality but, overall, variation in Polylepis bird abundance was not fully captured by the range of habitat quality variables. Tall, dense vegetation cover was clearly important for 11 conservation‐important species, a high density of large trees was important for 10 species and primary forest ground cover was important for eight species. Habitat quality exhibited no significant influence on the abundance of only one species –Asthenes urubambensis. The abundance of seven species was associated with lower elevation forest, but only one species was associated with higher elevation forest. Management of habitat quality in large and medium remnant forest patches throughout the Cordillera Vilcanota, particularly in the 3800–4200 m elevation range, will be a cornerstone in ensuring the persistence of the majority of conservation‐important bird species populations.  相似文献   

By maintaining a forest-like structure, shaded cocoa plantations contribute to the conservation of ants that usually live in the soil, leaf litter or canopy of tropical forests. Here we synthesize the available information on the diversity and community structure of ants in shaded cocoa plantations in the Atlantic forest region of Brazil, compare ant assemblages in cocoa agroforests with forests and other forms of agriculture, and discuss how these shaded plantations contribute to the conservation of the ants in the Atlantic Forest region. We also discuss ants of economical importance and of special interest, including Camponotus, Dolichoderus, Gnamptogenys, Pachycondyla, Pseudomyrmex and other litter dwelling genera. We discuss the situation of the tramp ant Wasmannia auropunctata in the Bahian cocoa-producing region where it is considered as native, and that of the two cryptobiotic genera Thaumatomyrmex and Typhlomyrmex, as well as that of proven and possible endangered army ant and Ponerini species. A total of 192 ant species from four strata were found in extensive sampling of a cocoa plantation with a relatively simple shade canopy (comprised primarily of Erythrina). Species richness in the cocoa plantations corresponded roughly to that of low diversity native forests, and species composition of cocoa plantations was most similar to native habitats (forest and mangroves) while ant composition in other agricultural habitats was most similar to that of urban areas. Although occurrences of Wasmannia auropunctata were similar in cocoa plantations and forests, abundance of Thaumatomyrmex and Typhlomyrmex, generally thought to be rare ants, was relatively high in cocoa plantations. These results, from cocoa plantations with relatively simple shade, demonstrate the importance of cocoa for ant conservation in the Atlantic forest region of Brazil. It is likely that cocoa plantations with a greater number of vegetation strata and higher tree species richness (such as traditional cabruca plantations) provide even more important habitat for ants generally and for ant species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Theobroma cacao plantings, when managed under the shade of rainforest trees, provide habitat for many resident and migratory bird species. We compared the bird diversity and community structure in organic cacao farms and nearby forest fragments throughout mainland Bocas del Toro, Panama. We used this dataset to ask the following questions: (1) How do bird communities using cacao habitat compare to communities of nearby forest fragments? (2) To what extent do Northern migratory birds use shaded cacao farms, and do communities of resident birds shift their abundances in cacao farms seasonally? (3) Do small scale changes in shade management of cacao farms affect bird diversity? Using fixed radius point counts and additional observations, we recorded 234 landbird species, with 102 species that were observed in both cacao and forest fragments, 86 species that were only observed in cacao farms, and 46 species that were restricted to forest fragments. Cacao farms were rich in canopy and edge species such as tanagers, flycatchers and migratory warblers, but understory insectivores were nearly absent from cacao farms. We observed 27 migratory species, with 18 species in cacao farms only, two species in forest only, and seven species that occurred in both habitats. In cacao farms, the diversity of birds was significantly greater where there was less intensive management of the canopy shade trees. Shade tree species richness was most important for explaining variance in bird diversity. Our study shows that shaded cacao farms in western Panama provide habitat for a wide variety of resident and migratory bird species. Considering current land use trends in the region, we suggest that action must be taken to prevent conversion away from shaded cacao farms to land uses with lower biodiversity conservation value.  相似文献   

Several woodpecker species feed on phloem-sap flowing from pecked trees. We report sap consumption by the magellanic woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) inhabiting beech (Nothofagus) forests of Tierra del Fuego island (Chile). Magellanic woodpeckers drilled sap wells in N. betuloides trees close to their nests and also when they were moving in family groups. Three other bird species were observed foraging and competing for sap: the austral parakeet (Enicognathus ferrugineus) and two small passerines, the patagonian sierra-finch (Phrygilus patagonicus) and the white-crested elaenia (Elaenia albiceps). The abundance of these three bird species was greater in sites around sap wells than in other forest sites, suggesting that magellanic woodpecker is an important species in maintaining the Nothofagus forest bird assemblage.  相似文献   

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