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Unidentified hyperbenthic gobiid juveniles were collected while SCUBA diving at Oštro, in the Kvarner area, northern Adriatic Sea from 1996 to 2000. An additional 23 specimens of this form were collected at Oštro on 13 May 2002. They were kept alive and reared in the aquarium. Groups of specimens were sacrified periodically to study changes in morphology and growth. From the data acquired the hyperbenthic juveniles were identified as those of the red‐mouthed goby Gobius cruentatus . The present findings provide data on the unusual morphology and ecology of G. cruentatus juveniles.  相似文献   

Roule's goby Gobius roulei in the Kvarner area of the northern Adriatic Sea attained ≥ 87.5 mm L T and an age of 7 years. In both sexes gonad development began in their second year. All males were mature by 3 years, and females by 4 years. Fecundity was related to L T and varied between 1200 and 8000 eggs. The breeding season lasted from April to August. Nests were built under empty shells of Pitaria chione or stones. Roule's goby was a predator and picker, feeding mostly on mobile benthic fauna, including bivalves, gastropods, polychaets, pagurids, mysids, gammarids and fishes. Larger specimens ate mainly macrofauna, while smaller specimens ate both meiofauna and macrofauna.  相似文献   

The testicular gland (t.g.) is a glandular tissue situated adjacent to the testis of blenniid and several gobiid species. In the present study the t.g. of Blennius pavo Risso and Gobius niger L. were compared by histological and histochemical methods. In B. pavo the spermatozoa have to cross the t.g. to reach the vas deferens and thus they come into contact with the gland cells, whereas in G. niger the vas deferens is situated between the testis and the t.g. The fine structure and histo-chemistry of the t.g. cells reveal that in B.pavo the cells of the t.g. have exocrine as well as endocrine functions. The t.g. cells of B. pavo contain large amounts of lipids, form a secretion containing acid mucopolysaccharides, show positive reaction for acid phosphatase, and some cells stain for 3β-HSD and G6PD. The function of the t.g. of G. niger is exclusively endocrine. Characteristics of the gland cells of this species are well developed smooth ER and tubulovesicular or paracristal-line mitochondria. The stainings for 3β-HSD, G6PD and UDPGD give strong positive results in the whole t.g., indicating the presence of steroids and steroid glucuronides.  相似文献   


Gobies (family Gobiidae) were in the past and now important components of marine ecosystems as an essential part of the food chain. However, the early fossil record of this group is relatively meager, with only scarce skeletal remains. The oldest known representative of the genus Gobius has been recently described from the Early Miocene of Czech Republic as Gobius jarosi P?ikryl & Reichenbacher, 2018. Here we present a detailed study of a well-preserved goby skeleton of the same age from the Harta locality (Poland). This specimen is assumed as belonging to Gobius jarosi based on its almost complete morphological and meristic identity with the type material from the Vá?any nad Litavou locality. Some aspects of the paleogeography and paleoecology of the Early Miocene fish assemblage from Harta with special reference to the Carpathian Basin are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The intertidal teleosts Gobius paganellus and Lipophrys pholis show endogenous circatidal activity rhythms when recorded in constant conditions. Under these conditions, the rhythm of L. pholis is the more precise which may indicate stronger coupling between underlying circalunadian oscillators in this species. In G. pagunellus the inter-oscillator coupling may be weaker and this could enable a more subtle interpretation of tidal fluctuations than in L. pholis . The oscillators may, however, be fundamentally different in the two species; circalunadian in G. paganellus and circatidal in L. pholis .
When exposed to hydrostatic pressure cycles of tidal frequency both species responded pre- dominantly to increasing pressure, which suggests that in the wild they are likely to be most active on the rising tide. Hydrostatic pressure cycles are confirmed as a zeitgeber for both species by the successful entrainment of some individuals. The lack of entrainment of others impIies that additional zeitgebers are required for complete entrainment.  相似文献   

Records of occuerence of Gobius cobitis on the British coast are listed from the literature and from extensive collecting in interfidal areas. In Britain the number of suitable habitats is reduced and the density of population is lower than in the Channel Islands and Brittany.  相似文献   

A new species of the gobiid genus Gobius (Gobiidae, Perciformes), Gobius incognitus sp. nov. is described from the Mediterranean Sea, and its most morphologically similar species Gobius bucchichi is redescribed. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by: scales in lateral series 51–59; predorsal scales 25–35; opercle scaled in adults with 10–16 scales present; pectoral fin with ray count 18–20 and free tips on upper rays well developed and on the first ray longer than two thirds of the entire ray length; pelvic disc complete and with well‐developed anterior membrane without lateral lobes; anterior oculoscapular canal with pore α at rear of orbit; oculoscapular row x1 not extending forwards to pore β; suborbital row d discontinuous with large gap below suborbital rows 3 and 4; eye diameter 1·08–1·32 in snout length; by pigment rows on cheek and pigmentation on pectoral‐fin base.  相似文献   

Belly colouration, gonad carotenoid concentration and skin transparency were quantified in gravid Gobiusculus flavescens, as well as in females of five sympatric gobies where belly ornamentation has not been described. Although G. flavescens females did, indeed, have far more colourful bellies than the other species, this could only in part be explained by a high concentration of total gonad carotenoids. Comparable, or occasionally higher, carotenoid levels were found in the gonads of other species. Instead, the unusual ornamentation of G. flavescens arises from a unique combination of carotenoid‐rich gonads and a highly transparent abdominal skin.  相似文献   

Summary Testes of Lesuerigobius friesii and Gobius bucchichi were studied in adult reproductive fish. During the onset of spermatid development, a peculiar system of alternating rough (RER) and smooth (SER) endoplasmic reticular tubules form rings distally to the cell nucleus. The RER tubules are seen to possess up to 12 ribosomes in cross-section, whereas the SER are strongly electron-dense. Nanotubules connect these stacks of tubules to the developing head and tail of the sperm. With ripening of the sperm these tubules disintegrate within the excessive cytoplasm. It seems likely that these are special forms of Macro-Golgi System that possibly provide protamines for the developing sperm.  相似文献   

The Italian goby Gobius nigricans is a running-water-dwelling species inhabiting the Tuscano-Latium district and threatened by several human activities. Many aspects of its biology are currently unknown, such as the dynamic potentialities. Since age determination and dynamic assessment are considered an important tool for a correct management strategy, we aimed to investigate some aspects of the Italian goby life history by applying the fish stock assessment principles, collecting data on fertility, population structure (age-class number), growth (i.e., curvature parameter and asymptotic length), mortality (natural and due to the fishing), and longevity of a central Italian goby population to know the status and dynamic properties of the Italian goby in Mediterranean river systems and to provide a baseline for comparison with other populations. Females are subject to a strong selective pressure to quickly reach a small size to optimize reproductive output, while acquisition of a large size favored males for a more easy access to breeder females (the asymptotic length was higher in males than in females). Moreover, appreciable between-sex differences were found in both growth pattern (the growth rate was lower in females than in males) and dynamic potentialities. In particular, the mortality rate was lower in females, whereas the longevity was slightly lower in males, although the two sexes showed similar values for the two latter properties. There is considerable scope for further work on the G. nigricans growth and other freshwater gobies because information on population and dynamic properties, and assessment of factors affecting growth are still very insufficient. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   

Gobius paganellus, Lipophrys pholis and Coryphoblennius galerita are wide‐spread intertidal fish that spend their earlier life stages in rock pools, and yet very little is known about their site fidelity behaviour. For these species, fidelity to rockpools may result in increased fitness costs in a predicted scenario of warmer sea water, due to the low thermal inertia of these water bodies. In this context, it is relevant to investigate these species' site fidelity. We made a mark‐recapture study to assess the mentioned species' movements within and between rockpools. We tagged a total of 530 individuals of the aforementioned species with the Visible Implant Elastomer and tracked their movement for a 7‐month period. We found that site fidelity and specific rockpools conditions are important factors in distribution of intertidal blennies and gobies. We also examined the relations between rockpool volume, depth and site fidelity. We found that G. paganellus tends to remain in its original marking pool, with an average recapture rate of 20.5%, but showed no evidence of inter‐pool movement. Rockpool depth, however, proved to be important in the blennies' movements. Our findings are among the first to prove that a mark‐recapture method can be successfully used to track intertidal fish movements. In particular, we showed that G. paganellus presents site fidelity in intertidal rockpools during its early ontogeny for a period of two to three months.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带雨林蚁科昆虫区系分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
徐正会 《动物学研究》1999,20(5):379-384
在西双版纳热带雨林已鉴定蚊科昆虫9亚科76属267种。西双版纳地区的蚂蚁区系以热带至亚热带分布的东洋界成分最为丰富。在属级水平上,与马来西亚界关系最为密切。与澳洲界关系较密切;与非洲界和马拉加西界的关系知中。与新北界,新热带界和古北界的关系最为疏远。可见西双版纳的蚂蚁区系具有典型的热带亚洲起源特征,同时与澳洲和非洲的热带区系有一定的渊源关系。  相似文献   

Computational methods based on continuum electrostatics are widely used in theoretical biochemistry to analyze the function of proteins. Continuum electrostatic methods in combination with quantum chemical and molecular mechanical methods can help to analyze even very complex biochemical systems. In this article, applications of these methods to proteins involved in photosynthesis are reviewed. After giving a short introduction to the basic concepts of the continuum electrostatic model based on the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, we describe the application of this approach to the docking of electron transfer proteins, to the comparison of isofunctional proteins, to the tuning of absorption spectra, to the analysis of the coupling of electron and proton transfer, to the analysis of the effect of membrane potentials on the energetics of membrane proteins, and to the kinetics of charge transfer reactions. Simulations as those reviewed in this article help to analyze molecular mechanisms on the basis of the structure of the protein, guide new experiments, and provide a better and deeper understanding of protein functions.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effectiveness of operant conditioning in training three species of captive callitrichid primates (Leontopithecus rosalia, Callithrix geoffroyi, and Saguinus imperator) to urinate on demand. There were three goals to the study: 1) to develop a system for quantitatively assessing positive reinforcement training; 2) to ascertain whether or not positive reinforcement techniques can be used to train callitrichid monkeys to urinate on demand, and if so, how many training sessions are required; and 3) to determine the effect on urination behavior of the trainer entering the cage to collect a urine sample. Positive reinforcement with a continuous reinforcement schedule was used to capture a natural behavior: urination. Training sessions (30 min each) were conducted at dawn thrice weekly during five consecutive phases: habituation, control, training (animals were rewarded for urinating), maintenance (animals had reached a defined training criteria and continued to be rewarded for urinating), and collection (animals were rewarded for urinating, and the trainer entered the cage to collect the sample). The numbers of 30-min training sessions required to train the three monkey species (L. rosalia, C. geoffroyi, and S. imperator) were five, six, and eight, respectively. For the three species, the mean number of urinations per animal was significantly greater during the training, maintenance, and collection phases compared to the control phase. However, the three species differed significantly in the manner in which the rates of urination changed across the five phases. A higher proportion of subjects urinated during the training, maintenance, and collection phases compared to the control phase. Latency to first urination varied significantly across the five phases, with significantly reduced latencies to urinate during the training, maintenance, and collection phases compared to the control phase. The entry of the trainer into the cage to collect the urine sample did not appear to alter urination behavior. We demonstrate that operant conditioning techniques, which typically incur minimal cost, time investment, and disturbance, can be used to increase the quantity of urine samples collected for physiological analysis, the proportion of animals that urinate, and the speed of sample collection.  相似文献   

The physiologically active lateral rootlets of all main trees in temperate forests are colonised by ectomycorrhizal fungi, forming so-called ectomycorrhizas. These symbiotic organs are the sites of exchange of nutrients, mainly P and N, provided from the fungal partner, and C from the host. Emerging from the ectomycorrhizas, fungal hyphae exploit the soil for the mobilisation and absorption of water and nutrient elements. By doing so, they connect the tree roots intimately with the soil and provide anchorage. The deposition of acidifying pollutants into forest ecosystems is a potential threat to the health and vitality of forest trees because it leads to the acidification and eutrophication of forest soils. Pollutants are also a threat to the functioning of ectomycorrhizas. Increased N concentrations in the soil lead to enhanced fungal N uptake and storage, and to enhanced N transfer to the host plants, and therefore to higher plant biomass of above ground parts. In consequence, there is a decrease of C allocation to the plant roots. This in turn leads to reduced ectomycorrhization, and to reduced production of external mycelia and fruiting bodies. Soil acidification leads to enhanced availability of Al, heavy metals, and radionuclides in the soil, all of which can be toxic to plants and fungi. Reduced growth of roots and hyphae are amongst the first symptoms. In ectomycorrhizas, the hyphae of the fungal tissues contain vacuolar polyphosphates which have the ability to bind Al, heavy metals, radionuclides and N. These electronegative polymers of phosphates represent an effective storage and detoxifying mechanism which otherwise is lacking in roots. Therefore, ectomycorrhizas have the potential to increase the tolerance of trees to acidifying pollutants and to the increased availability in the soil of toxic elements.  相似文献   

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