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Residual deposits of fluvalinate caused two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch, dispersal by running off (run-off) and spinning down (spin-down) from treated leaves. Run-off occured at concentrations from 0.0005 g a.i. 1−1 and reached a peak at 0.01 g a.i. 1−1. Spin-down was more predominant at concentrations above 0.01 g a.i. 1−1. Spin-down and run-off proportions varied with fluvalinate formulation. Oviposition was temporarily suppressed on fluvalinate-treated leaves, presumably because of an irritant effect which reduced feeding. An emulsifiable concentrate formulation caused the largest reductions in oviposition. Oviposition returned to the level exhibited by untreated mites two days after removal from treated surfaces. Oviposition and feeding were positively correlated and both declined reciprocally with increasing fluvalinate concentration.  相似文献   

Mite age, population density, and host leaf quality affect various life history traits in spider mites. We investigated the effects of these factors on the aerial dispersal behavior of adult female twospotted spider mites,Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae). The proportion of adult females exhibiting the dispersal behavior dropped significantly with age following adult emergence, particularly in the first 3 days. Sixty to eighty percent of female mites 2-days old or younger displayed the behavior under test conditions, whereas less than 20% of female mites older than 3-days-old showed the behavior. Younger adult females also exhibited shorter latency for the behavior, although this trend was not as clear. Leaf quality experienced during deutonymph development had no effect on the behavior adults subsequently displayed. On the other hand, adult females that fed on poor quality leaves after emergence were twice as likely to display the behavior (90% vs. 45%), and with shorter latency (37 vs. 77 min), than those that fed on high quality leaves. When newly emerged adult females encountered high mite density and dry leaves, the incidence of the behavior increased (69% vs. 47%) and latency decreased (69 vs. 93 min) compared to mites that encountered low density on well watered leaves. Our results suggest that both starvation and desiccation of adult females may enhance their dispersal behavior.  相似文献   

A study of an invertebrate mitochondrial genome, that of the blowflyPhormia regina, has been initiated to compare its structural and functional relatedness to other metazoan mitochondrial genomes. A restriction map of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) isolated from sucrose gradient-purified mitochondria has been established using a combination of single and double restriction endonuclease digestions and hybridizations with isolated mtDNA fragments, revealing a genome size of 17.5 kilobases (kb). A number of mitochondrial genes including those encoding the 12 S and 16 S ribosomal RNA, the cytochromec oxidase I subunit (COI) and an unidentified open reading frame (URF2) have been located on thePhormia mtDNA by Southern blot analysis using as probes both isolated mtDNA fragments and oligonucleotides derived from the sequences of previously characterized genes from rat andDrosophila yakuba mtDNAs. These data indicate that for those regions examined, the mitochondrial genome organization of blowfly mtDNA is the same as that ofDrosophila yakuba, the order being COI-URF2-12 S-16 S. These data also report the presence of an A + T-rich region, located as a 2.5-kb region between the URF2 and the 12 S rRNA genes, and its amplification by the polymerase chain reaction is described.  相似文献   

Bifenthrin (Talstar®) was registered at the beginning of the 1993/94 season for control of Helicoverpa spp. and Tetranychus urticae in Australian cotton. Resistance was monitored in T. urticae following registration but despite the implementation of resistance management, resistance evolved in the 1996/97 cotton-growing season after only four seasons use. During the following three seasons resistance increased progressively both in level (from 1.2- to 109-fold at LC50) and abundance (from 20 to 90% strains) and was linked to field control failures. The evolution of resistance has now reduced the reliability of bifenthrin for T. urticae control in Australian cotton. The impact of bifenthrin resistance in T. urticae and its continued management in Australian cotton is discussed.  相似文献   

A rope wick technique was used to establish different levels of water stress in potted, greenhouse-grown soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, plants. Water stress reduced, within a single generation, the overall abundance (number of mites/cm2 leaf) of the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) and particularly influenced female mites and eggs. Mites were most numerous in the upper strata of soybean plants on youger and possibly more nutritious leaves.
Influence de l'arrosage sur l'abondance de Tetranychus urticae sur soja, Glycine max en serre
Résumé Un arrosage par capillarité contrôlé a été utilisé pour maintenir différentes teneurs en eau dans des pieds empotés de G. max. Le stress hydrique a réduit, en une génération, la densité de T. urticae (nombre d'acariens/cm2 de feuille), et particulièrement celle des femelles et des oeufs. Les acariens étaient plus nombreux sur les feuilles les plus jeunes et peut-être les plus nutritives des strates supérieures des pieds de soja.

Molecular genetic research on the Mediterranean fruit fly,Ceratitis capitata, will provide tools to permit determination of source populations for new pest infestations. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of mitochondrial DNA provides some interpopulation discrimination. A restriction map, including the informative variableEcoRV andXbaI restriction sites, is constructed for the Mediterranean fruit fly, and several restriction sites are associated with specific gene regions based on polymerase chain reaction-RFLP and sequence analyses. A partial sequence of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene is reported.  相似文献   

Temperature affects many life history parameters in poikilotherms. Temperature clearly affects development time and fecundity, which affect the intrinsic rate of increase. In haplodiploid mites, ambient temperature may also affect offspring sex ratio which, in turn, affects intrinsic rate of increase. The combined effect of all these processes determines the fitness of individual females. However, sex ratio also affects mating structure and, potentially, rate of local adaption. We investigated the direct effect of temperature variation on sex ratio, development time, and fecundity in the twospotted spider mite (Tetyranychus urticae), and calculated the effect of their interaction on mite intrinsic rate of increase. We conducted experiments at 2 temperatures and designed the experiment to separate pre-adult and adult sensitivity to temperature variation. Mites were reared from eggs to adult ecdysis at either 22°C or 32°C. Upon emergence as adults, these 2 groups were each split between 22°C and 32°C and allowed to oviposit. Not surprisingly, development from egg to adult was accelerated when mites were exposed to the higher temperature during offspring development, regardless of the temperature experienced by the mother during her development. Fecundity and the proportion of female offspring were affected by temperature only when mothers were exposed during both development and oviposition. About 12 offspring were gained and female bias was increased by 26% when the mother's development occurred at 22°C, whereas oviposition at 22°C added only 6 more offspring and increased female bias by only 7%. There was no correlation between sex ratio and fecundity; both were related to temperature but not to each other. Furthermore, development time, not fecundity or sex ratio, appeared to the main factor affecting the intrinsic rate of increase. Our results support other evidence that sex ratio varies independently of development time and fecundity.  相似文献   

Behavioral analysis of near-isogenic dicofol-resistant and dicofol-susceptible spider mites did not uncover behavior patterns, present in resistant individuals yet absent in susceptible individuals, that would have reduced exposure to dicofol. On the contrary, homozygous resistant individuals were more likely than homozygous susceptible individuals to remain in contact with treated leaf areas. In the case of dicofol resistance in twospotted spider mites, resistance appears to have resulted in the loss, rather than the acquisition, of behavioral traits that lessen exposure to pesticide. Therefore, we conclude that behavioral resistance does not play a major role in twospotted spider mite resistance to dicofol.Deux génotypes de T. urticae Koch (un sensible et un résistant) ont servi à étudier les aspects comportementaux de la résistance aux pesticides: la durée et la fréquence des comportements de nutrition, de marche et d'attente ont été mesurés chez cet acarien. Dans toutes les expériences, des femelles de mêmes âges avaient été placées sur des feuilles jeunes de haricot (Phaseolus vulgaris) portant des résidus de dicofol.3 séries d'expériences ont été réalisées pour examiner:
1)  Comment l'âge du résidu affecte le comportement? 24 ou 48 heures après avoir enduit uniformément les feuilles de résidus de dicofol par trempage dans une solution à 100 ppm, un acarien était placé sur un disque de feuille et observé pendant une heure; les disques témoins sans résidu avaient été trempés dans l'eau;
2)  Comment se comportent les acariens sur des disques de feuilles de 35 mm de diamètre recouverts d'une couche discontinue (formée par des carrés de 0,7 cm de côté disposés en damier) de résidu? Les carrés traités ont reçu 2 ml d'une solution à 100 ppm de dicofol sous pression exercée par un vaporisateur Potter. Chaque acarien a été observé pendant une heure;
3)  Quel est l'effet à long terme des résidus? La position des acariens a été examinée 48 heures après qu'ils aient été placés sur des feuilles avec résidus discontinus de 24 heures.

The relative toxicity of someacaricides to the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis and the twospottedspider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Phytoseiidae, Tetranychidae) wasevaluated in laboratory. Five of theacaricides tested, including bifenazate,acequinocyl, chlorfenapyr, flufenoxuron andfenbutatin oxide, were much less toxic to adultfemales and immatures of P. persimilisthan to those of T. urticae, and adultfemale predators treated with these fiveacaricides produced 84±96% as many eggs as didcontrol females. Etoxazole did not seriouslyaffect the survival and reproduction of adultfemale predators but caused high mortalityrates in eggs and larvae of P.persimilis. Milbemectin and fenazaquin werevery toxic to adult females and immatures ofP. persimilis. Adult female predatorssurvived on a diet of spider mites treated withbifenazate, acequinocyl, chlorfenapyr,flufenoxuron and fenbutatin oxide, and theirfecundity, prey consumption and the sex ratioof the progeny were not substantially affected. Based on the results, bifenazate, acequinocyl,chlorfenapyr, flufenoxuron and fenbutatin oxideappeared to be the promising candidates for usein integrated mite management programs whereP. persimilis is the major naturalenemy.  相似文献   

[目的]丁氟螨酯是一种新型酰基乙腈类非内吸性杀螨剂,对害螨的各个螨态都有很高活性,具有较高的应用价值.本文评价了丁氟螨酯对二斑叶螨生长发育的影响,以期为合理用药和二斑叶螨的综合防治提供理论依据.[方法]采用浸叶法测定丁氟螨酯对二斑叶螨成螨与卵的致死中浓度、雌成螨产卵量、各螨态存活率以及各发育历期的影响.[结果]经丁氟螨...  相似文献   

In northeastern North Carolina, outbreaks ofTetranychus urticae Koch on commercial corn and peanut plantings were observed to coincide with flowering and fruiting of the crop host. In greenhouse studies, when equal mite numbers were started on plants in either vegetative or reproductive growth stages, populations increased significantly more after 3–4 weeks on reproductive plants of both corn and peanut. This direct response of mite populations to differences in plant phenology appears to be an important component in the population dynamics ofT. urticae. The importance of this effect in understanding mite outbreaks on corn and peanut is discussed, especially in reference to the corn-peanut agroecosystem in North Carolina.
Réponse de populations deTetranychus urticae Koch., aux phénologies du maïs et de l'arachide
Résumé Les populations de tétraniques sont souvent associées à la floraison et à la fructification des plantes attaquées. Dans les agrosystèmes maïsarachide du N.E. de la Caroline du Nord, l'augmentation rapide de populations deT. urticae a été observée lors de la maturation des épis mâles du maïs et du maximum de floraison de l'arachide. Bien que ces observations suggèrent une relation causale avec la phénologie des plantes hôtes, il est difficile de déterminer dans les conditions de la nature si l'augmentation des populations d'acariens sur les stades reproducteurs des plantes est due à une réponse à la phénologie des cultures ou à une autre cause, comme le passé de la population ou une immigration. Des expériences ont été réalisées dans une serre pour mettre en évidence l'action de la phénologie du maïs et de l'arachide sur les populations d'acariens en maîtrisant ces autres hypothétiques facteurs. Des effectifs identiques d'acariens femelles ont été libérés sur des plantes à des stades tant végétatifs que reproductifs, et ensuite laissés sans interventions pendant plusieurs semaines, au bout desquelles les effectifs sur chaque plante ont été dénombrés. Sur les deux hôtes, les populations sur plante à un stade reproducteur avaient augmenté significativement plus que sur les plantes de même espèce à un stade végétatif. Ces résultats montrent queT. urticae répond directement à des différences entre plantes à un stade végétatif et à un stade reproductif. Cette réponse semble jouer un rôle important dans la dynamique des populations deT. urticae.

A 3 year study of spider mites in a corn-peanut agroecosystem indicated that the persistance and pest status of mite populations depended on dispersal among a succession of temporarily suitable cultivated and non-cultivated hosts. In the spring, mites crawled from overwintering sites in vegetation along field margins into both peanut and corn fields, but became established only in corn. Initiation of aerial dispersal from corn was coincident with and appeared dependent upon mites moving to the top of the corn canopy, where they were exposed to the wind. Mites were first observed in peanut immediately following the onset of aerial dispersal from corn, and these aerial dispersers were the primary source of subsequent mite infestations in peanut. As populations grew in peanut, mites dispersed into vegetation along peanut field margins and became the nucleus of populations which persisted over the winter. This pattern of host utilization was reinitiated in the spring if corn was planted adjacent to infested field borders. This pattern commonly occurs since corn is planted following peanut in the predominant crop rotation sequence in this area.
Résumé Des populations d'acariens ont été étudiées pendant 3 ans sur maïs, arachide et végétation spontanée, dans 7 fermes commerciales de Chowan Co., Caroline du Nord. Les déplacements d'acariens parmi ces plantes ont été notés en fonction de la croissance de la population et de la phénologie des hôtes. Un schéma cohérent de croissance de la population d'acariens et de leurs mouvements en découle, dont seule la taille change suivant les fermes et les années. Les acariens provenant de populations hivernantes sur la végétation spontanée bordant les champs migrèrent dans les champs cultivés adjacents quelle qu'en soit la nature de la culture. Cependant, à cette époque, les populations d'acariens ne s'établissaient que dans le maïs. Dans le maïs, les acariens se répandirent à travers le champ et se multiplièrent sur des pieds particuliers jusqu'à ce qu'ils eussent atteint le sommet de la canopée du maïs. Les premiers acariens transportés par le vent ont été capturés la semaine suivant la première apparition d'acariens au sommet de la canopée du maïs et aussitôt après la découverte des premiers acariens dans les arachides voisines. Ceci suggère que les acariens dispersés par le vent sont à l'origine des contaminations ultérieures des arachides voisines. Plus tard dans la saison, les acariens se dispersèrent à partir de l'arachide vers les sites d'hibernation dans la végétation spontanée poussant autour du champ d'arachide. Puisque des champs semés en arachides sont généralement semés en maïs l'année suivante, les acariens se dispersant au printemps depuis les sites d'hibernation rencontrèrent souvent du maïs qu'ils colonisèrent. Ce cycle répétitif d'utilisation de l'hôte et de dispersion est considéré comme fortement responsable de la pérennité des acariens et de leur danger potentiel dans les agroécosystèmes à maïs-arachide, caractéristiques du canton de Chowan (N.C.).Les problèmes potentiels posés par les acariens sur arachide ont paru être liés à l'intensité de l'attaque d'acariens sur le maïs voisin, qui sert de réservoir pour les populations d'acariens. Ceci suggère que le contrôle des populations d'acariens sur maïs peut être une stratégie viable pour limiter les infestations ultérieures sur arachide et, en dernier lieu, les populations hivernantes.

The responses of Tetranychus urticae Koch from Australian cotton to chlorfenapyr has been monitored since the 1997–1998 growing season. Resistance was first detected in the 2001–2002 season and then increased quickly in both level and proportion of resistant strains detected. In response, the resistance management strategy for chlorfenapyr use in cotton was altered and now recommends a further restriction of use from two to one spray per season. There was no evidence of negative cross-resistance to the pyrethroid bifenthrin, but chlorfenapyr was associated with an undefined negative cross-resistance.  相似文献   

It has been shown that many natural enemies of herbivorous arthropods use herbivore induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) to locate their prey. Herbivores can also exploit cues emitted by plants infested with heterospecifics or conspecifics. A study was conducted to test whether green bean HIPVs as well as odours emitted directly by spider mites influenced the orientation behaviour of the predatory mirid bug, Macrolophus caliginosus and its prey, Tetranychus urticae in a Y-tube olfactometer. Our results show that both spider mites and M. caliginosus preferred spider mite infested green bean plants to uninfested plants. For M. caliginosus this response was mediated by HIPVs whereas for T. urticae it was mediated through a composite response to both HIPVs and odours emitted directly by the conspecifics (and their associated products). The results may be of use in practical biocontrol situations, through e.g., plant breeding for improved HIPV production, conditioning of mass-reared predators to appropriate cues, and employment of “push–pull-strategies” by using HIPVs.  相似文献   

Hankins  S. D.  Hockey  H. P. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):555-559
This paper presents evidence from an initial trial in favor of claims that the liquid seaweed extract of Ascophyllum nodosum, marketed in the UK as Maxicrop, can reduce numbers of the two-spotted red spider mite Tetranychus urticae on crop plants. Seven applications of Maxicrop Triple over 20 days significantly suppressed the population build-up of two-spotted red spider mites on treated strawberry plants (Fragaria sp. var. Redgauntlet) raised under high polythene tunnels as compared to untreated controls.  相似文献   

Predation by naturally occurring predatory arthropods was investigated to explain variations in population numbers of twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) between first and second season strawberry crops. Araneomorph spiders. European harvestman [Phalangium opilio (L.)], Tasmanian lacewing [Micromus tasmaniae (Walker)] and Pacific damsel bug [Nabis kinbergii Reuter] were the only predators found in high numbers. However, spiders and harvestment were more prevalent than lacewings and nabids. Laboratory feedings trials indicated spiders build horizontal webs in the plants and prey predominantly on small flying insects that shelter in the crops. Similar feeding trials cofirmed the palatability of TSSM to spiders and harvestmen. Immunological testing for proteins of TSSM, aphids, Collembola and leafrollers in the intestines of field collected European harvestman, spiders, Tasmanian lacewing and Pacific damsel bug confirmed European harvestman includes TSSM in its diet, but not in large enough quantities to exert a significant regulating pressure on TSSM populations. Lacewings and nabids include TSSM in their diets but only in very small quantities (2% and 1% respectively). Spiders do not take TSSM unless they drop or spin down onto the spider webbing. The immunological testing also showed European harvestman to be a polyphagous and opportunistic feeder. Prey residues were detected more frequently in harvestmen intestines at times of prey abundance which indicated a seasonality to harvestmen diet.   相似文献   

Primary sex ratio of arrhenotokous tetranychid mites depends on the age-specific schedule of ratios of progeny produced by individual females. Since primary sex ratio is conditional upon female age and since the proportion of females of a given age in a population is influenced by the rate of increase, both the agespecific ratio of males to females and the overall ratio of males to females depends on the rate of increase. We given an expression for this dependence and compare it to experimental results for the two-spotted spiter mite. These results imply that there is no standard sex ratio of spider mites because of interpopulation variation in rates of increase.
Résumé Le taux sexuel des acariens tétranychidés arrhénotoques est défini comme le rapport de la somme des nombres de mâles sur la somme des nombres de femelles pour chaque âge de la distribution en âges. Comme le taux sexuel primaire dépend de l'âge de la femelle et comme la proportion de femelles d'un âge donné dans la population est influencée par le taux d'accroissement, alors le rapport mâle/femelle spécifique d'un âge déterminé et le rapport global mâle/femelle dépendent du taux d'accroissement. Nous avons cherché à exprimer cette dépendance et à la comparer aux résultats expérimentaux pour Tetranychus urticae. Ces résultats signifient qu'il n'y a pas de taux sexuel caractéristique de Tétranyques par suite des variations du taux d'accroissement suivant les populations.

A simple nongenetic mathematical model analyzed the processes responsible for the variations in the diapause percentage among populations of the two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch. This model incorporates the following assumptions. 1) Mites have diapause (DD), non-diapause (NN), and “plastic” (DN) populations (plasticity exists in the phenotypic expression of diapause in response to habitat conditions at the time of diapause induction). 2) A heterogeneous mite habitat consists of microhabitat L, in which all the non-diapausing mites die during the winter due to the lack of winter host plants, and microhabitat O with winter hosts capable of supporting some of the non-diapausing mites overwinter. 3) Temporal fluctuation of winter conditions which affect the survival and reproduction of non-diapausing mites. Using these assumptions, we compared the fitness functions of the three populations and analyzed the conditions under which each population is favoured over the other two, thereby elucidating the processes involved in the maintenance of variability in diapause. Our analysis revealed: 1) frequent mild winters are of primary importance for the non-diapause trait to be maintained, 2) the existence of winter hosts is also important for the nondiapause trait to be favoured, and this importance depends greatly on the degree of the adaptive diapause expression in the DN mites in response to habitat conditions, i.e., the better the phenotypeenvironment matching in DN, the higher the probability that DN will be favoured, 3) The combined effect of the temporal and spatial variation enhances the maintenance of variablity in the diapause trait of the mites.  相似文献   

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