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Microbialites (stromatolites and thrombolites) are mineralized mat structures formed via the complex interactions of diverse microbial‐mat communities. At Highborne Cay, in the Bahamas, the carbonate component of these features is mostly comprised of ooids. These are small, spherical to ellipsoidal grains characterized by concentric layers of calcium carbonate and organic matter and these sand‐sized particles are incorporated with the aid of extra‐cellular polymeric substances (EPS), into the matrix of laminated stromatolites and clotted thrombolite mats. Here, we present a comparison of the bacterial diversity within oolitic sand samples and bacterial diversity previously reported in thrombolitic and stromatolitic mats of Highborne Cay based on analysis of clone libraries of small subunit ribosomal RNA gene fragments and lipid biomarkers. The 16S‐rRNA data indicate that the overall bacterial diversity within ooids is comparable to that found within thrombolites and stromatolites of Highborne Cay, and this significant overlap in taxonomic groups suggests that ooid sands may be a source for much of the bacterial diversity found in the local microbialites. Cyanobacteria were the most diverse taxonomic group detected, followed by Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Planctomyces, Deltaproteobacteria, and several other groups also found in mat structures. The distributions of intact polar lipids, the fatty acids derived from them, and bacteriohopanepolyols provide broad general support for the bacterial diversity identified through analysis of nucleic acid clone libraries.  相似文献   

Living marine stromatolites at Highborne Cay, Bahamas, are formed by microbial mat communities that facilitate precipitation of calcium carbonate and bind and trap small carbonate sand grains. This process results in a laminated structure similar to the layering observed in ancient stromatolites. In the modern marine system at Highborne Cay, lamination, lithification and stromatolite formation are associated with cycling between three types of microbial communities at the stromatolite surface (Types 1, 2 and 3, which range from a leathery microbial mat to microbially fused sediment). Examination of 923 universal small-subunit rRNA gene sequences from these communities reveals that taxonomic richness increases during transition from Type 1 to Type 3 communities, supporting a previous model that proposed that the three communities represent different stages of mat development. The phylogenetic composition also changes significantly between these community types and these community changes occur in concert with variation in biogeochemical rates. The dominant bacterial groups detected in the stromatolites include Alphaproteobacteria , Planctomycetes , Cyanobacteria and Bacteroidetes . In addition, the stromatolite communities were found to contain novel cyanobacteria that may be uniquely associated with modern marine stromatolites. The implications of these findings are discussed in the context of current models for stromatolite formation.  相似文献   

Microbialites are organosedimentary structures that are formed through the interaction of benthic microbial communities and sediments and include mineral precipitation. These lithifying microbial mat structures include stromatolites and thrombolites. Exuma Sound in the Bahamas, and Hamelin Pool in Shark Bay, Western Australia, are two locations where significant stands of modern microbialites exist. Although prokaryotic diversity in these structures is reasonably well documented, little is known about the eukaryotic component of these communities and their potential to influence sedimentary fabrics through grazing, binding and burrowing activities. Accordingly, comparisons of eukaryotic communities in modern stromatolitic and thrombolitic mats can potentially provide insight into the coexistence of both laminated and clotted mat structures in close proximity to one another. Here we examine this possibility by comparing eukaryotic diversity based on Sanger and high-throughput pyrosequencing of small subunit ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) genes. Analyses were based on total RNA extracts as template to minimize input from inactive or deceased organisms. Results identified diverse eukaryotic communities particularly stramenopiles, Alveolata, Metazoa, Amoebozoa and Rhizaria within different mat types at both locations, as well as abundant and diverse signatures of eukaryotes with <80% sequence similarity to sequences in GenBank. This suggests the presence of significant novel eukaryotic diversity, particularly in hypersaline Hamelin Pool. There was evidence of vertical structuring of protist populations and foraminiferal diversity was highest in bioturbated/clotted thrombolite mats of Highborne Cay.  相似文献   

Modern microbialites are often located within groundwater discharge zones, yet the role of groundwater in microbialite accretion has yet to be resolved. To understand relationships between groundwater, microbialites, and associated microbial communities, we quantified and characterized groundwater flow and chemistry in active thrombolitic microbialites in Lake Clifton, Western Australia, and compared these observations to inactive thrombolites and lakebed sediments. Groundwater flows upward through an interconnected network of pores within the microstructure of active thrombolites, discharging directly from thrombolite heads into the lake. This upwelling groundwater is fresher than lake water and is hypothesized to support microbial mat growth by reducing salinity and providing limiting nutrients in an osmotically stressful and oligotrophic habitat. This is in contrast to inactive thrombolites that show no evidence of microbial mat colonization and are infiltrated by hypersaline lake water. Groundwater discharge through active thrombolites contrasts with the surrounding lakebed, where hypersaline lake water flows downward through sandy sediments at very low rates. Based on an appreciation for the role of microorganisms in thrombolite accretion, our findings suggest conditions favorable to thrombolite formation still exist in certain locations of Lake Clifton despite increasing lake water salinity. This study is the first to characterize groundwater flow rates, paths, and chemistry within a microbialite‐forming environment and provides new insight into how groundwater can support microbial mats believed to contribute to microbialite formation in modern and ancient environments.  相似文献   

Ooids are sedimentary grains that are distributed widely in the geologic record. Their formation is still actively debated, which limits our understanding of the significance and meaning of these grains in Earth's history. Central questions include the role played by microbes in the formation of ooids and the sources of ubiquitous organic matter within ooid cortices. To address these issues, we investigated the microbial community composition and associated lipids in modern oolitic sands at Pigeon Cay on Cat Island, The Bahamas. Surface samples were taken along a transect from the shallow, turbulent surf zone to calmer, deeper water. Grains transitioned from shiny and abraded ooids in the surf zone, to biofilm‐coated ooids at about 3 m water depth. Further offshore, grapestones (cemented aggregates of ooids) dominated. Benthic diatoms and Proteobacteria dominated biofilms. Taxa that may promote carbonate precipitation were abundant, particularly those associated with sulfur cycling. Compared to the lipids associated with surface biofilms, relict lipids bound within carbonate exhibited remarkably similar profiles in all grain types. The enhanced abundance of methyl‐branched fatty acids and β‐hydroxy fatty acids, 1‐O‐monoalkyl glycerol ethers and hopanoids bound within ooid and grapestone carbonate confirms a clear association of benthic sedimentary bacteria with these grains. Lipids bound within ooid cortices also contain molecular indicators of microbial heterotrophic degradation of organic matter, possibly in locally reducing conditions. These included the loss of labile unsaturated fatty acids, enhanced long‐chain fatty acids/short‐chain fatty acids, enriched stable carbon isotopes ratios of fatty acids, and very high stanol/stenol ratios. To what extent some of these molecular signals are derived from later heterotrophic endolithic activity remains to be fully resolved. We speculate that some ooid carbonate forms in microbial biofilms and that early diagenetic degradation of biofilms may also play a role in early stage carbonate precipitation around ooids.  相似文献   

Thrombolites are unlaminated carbonate structures that form as a result of the metabolic interactions of complex microbial mat communities. Thrombolites have a long geological history; however, little is known regarding the microbes associated with modern structures. In this study, we use a barcoded 16S rRNA gene-pyrosequencing approach coupled with morphological analysis to assess the bacterial, cyanobacterial and archaeal diversity associated with actively forming thrombolites found in Highborne Cay, Bahamas. Analyses revealed four distinct microbial mat communities referred to as black, beige, pink and button mats on the surfaces of the thrombolites. At a coarse phylogenetic resolution, the domain bacterial sequence libraries from the four mats were similar, with Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria being the most abundant. At the finer resolution of the rRNA gene sequences, significant differences in community structure were observed, with dramatically different cyanobacterial communities. Of the four mat types, the button mats contained the highest diversity of Cyanobacteria, and were dominated by two sequence clusters with high similarity to the genus Dichothrix, an organism associated with the deposition of carbonate. Archaeal diversity was low, but varied in all mat types, and the archaeal community was predominately composed of members of the Thaumarchaeota and Euryarchaeota. The morphological and genetic data support the hypothesis that the four mat types are distinctive thrombolitic mat communities.  相似文献   

The ultimate fate of hydrothermal sulphides on the seafloor depends on the nature and rate of abiotic and microbially catalysed reactions where sulphide minerals are exposed to oxic seawater. This study combines organic and inorganic geochemical with microbiological measurements across a suboxic transition zone of highly altered sulphidic sediments from the Trans‐Atlantic Geotransverse hydrothermal field to characterize the reaction products and microbial communities present. There is distinct biogeochemical zonation apparent within the sediment sequence from oxic surface layers through a suboxic transition zone into the sulphide material. The microbial communities in the sediment differ significantly between the biogeochemical horizons sampled, with the identified microbes inferred to be associated with Fe and S redox cycling. In particular, Marinobacter species, organisms associated with circumneutral Fe oxidation, are dominant in a sulphide lens present in the lower core. The dominance of Marinobacter‐related sequences within the relict sulphide lens implies that these organisms play an important role in the alteration of sulphides at the seafloor once active venting has ceased.  相似文献   

Loss in microbial diversity affects nitrogen cycling in soil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Microbial communities have a central role in ecosystem processes by driving the Earth''s biogeochemical cycles. However, the importance of microbial diversity for ecosystem functioning is still debated. Here, we experimentally manipulated the soil microbial community using a dilution approach to analyze the functional consequences of diversity loss. A trait-centered approach was embraced using the denitrifiers as model guild due to their role in nitrogen cycling, a major ecosystem service. How various diversity metrics related to richness, eveness and phylogenetic diversity of the soil denitrifier community were affected by the removal experiment was assessed by 454 sequencing. As expected, the diversity metrics indicated a decrease in diversity in the 1/103 and 1/105 dilution treatments compared with the undiluted one. However, the extent of dilution and the corresponding reduction in diversity were not commensurate, as a dilution of five orders of magnitude resulted in a 75% decrease in estimated richness. This reduction in denitrifier diversity resulted in a significantly lower potential denitrification activity in soil of up to 4–5 folds. Addition of wheat residues significantly increased differences in potential denitrification between diversity levels, indicating that the resource level can influence the shape of the microbial diversity–functioning relationship. This study shows that microbial diversity loss can alter terrestrial ecosystem processes, which suggests that the importance of functional redundancy in soil microbial communities has been overstated.  相似文献   

Human activities affect both tree species composition and diversity in forested ecosystems. This in turn alters the species diversity of plant litter and litter quality, which may have cascading effects on soil microbial communities and their functions for decomposition and nutrient cycling. We tested microbial responses to litter species diversity in a leaf litter decomposition experiment including monocultures, 2-, and 4-species mixtures in the subtropical climate zone of southeastern China. Soil microbial community composition was assessed by lipid analysis, and microbial functions were measured using extracellular enzyme activity and gross rates of nitrogen mineralization. We observed a positive relationship between litter species diversity and abundances of mycorrhizal fungi and actinomycetes. Alternatively, enzyme activities involved in carbon and phosphorus acquisition, and enzyme indices of relative carbon limitation, were higher only in the 4-species mixtures. This suggests that the minimum basal substrate level for enzyme production was reached, or that limitation was higher, at the highest diversity level only. Responses to litter diversity also changed over time, where phosphatase responses to litter diversity were strongest early in decomposition and the indices of carbon limitation relative to other nutrients showed stronger responses later in decomposition. Enzyme activities were related to lipid biomarker data and the mass of litter remaining at the third time point, but relationships between enzyme activity and the mass of litter remaining were not consistent across other time points. We conclude that litter species richness will likely only reduce microbial functions at key intervals of diversity loss while microbial growth is more sensitive to incremental diversity loss, with no clear relationships between them or to ecosystem functions. The observed litter diversity effects on soil microbial biomass and enzyme activity indicate interactions of aboveground and belowground communities, and together with environmental conditions they are important for maintaining ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

Modern conical microbialites are similar to some ancient conical stromatolites, but growth, behavior and diversity of cyanobacteria in modern conical microbialites remain poorly characterized. Here, we analyze the diversity of cyanobacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences in conical microbialites from 14 ponds fed by four thermal sources in Yellowstone National Park and compare cyanobacterial activity in the tips of cones and in the surrounding topographic lows (mats), respectively, by high‐resolution mapping of labeled carbon. Cones and adjacent mats contain similar 16S rRNA gene sequences from genetically distinct clusters of filamentous, non‐heterocystous cyanobacteria from Subsection III and unicellular cyanobacteria from Subsection I. These sequences vary among different ponds and between two sampling years, suggesting that coniform mats through time and space contain a number of cyanobacteria capable of vertical aggregation, filamentous cyanobacteria incapable of initiating cone formation and unicellular cyanobacteria. Unicellular cyanobacteria are more diverse in topographic lows, where some of these organisms respond to nutrient pulses more rapidly than thin filamentous cyanobacteria. The densest active cyanobacteria are found below the upper 50 μm of the cone tip, whereas cyanobacterial cells in mats are less dense, and are more commonly degraded or encrusted by silica. These spatial differences in cellular activity and density within macroscopic coniform mats imply a strong role for diffusion limitation in the development and the persistence of the conical shape. Similar mechanisms may have controlled the growth, morphology and persistence of small coniform stromatolites in shallow, quiet environments throughout geologic history.  相似文献   

环境中硒的生物地球化学循环和营养调控及分异成因   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
赵少华  宇万太  张璐  沈善敏  马强 《生态学杂志》2005,24(10):1197-1203
硒是环境中重要的生命元素,它在环境中含量水平的高低直接影响着人及动植物的健康安全。结合国内外资料及最新的研究进展,阐述了环境中硒的生物地球球化学循环,包括环境中硒的生物地球化学循环特征,土壤中硒的含量分布、形态及有效性,大气和水环境中硒的形态分布,植物体中的硒及其对硒的吸收关系;讨论了低硒高硒环境中硒营养水平的调节及环境分异的成因,诸如母质类型、气候特征、风化淋失、气体挥发、土壤质地和地力耗竭等方面;并提出了环境中硒研究的前沿及今后关注的热点问题,以促进今后环境中硒的研究。  相似文献   

Biogeochemical cycling of iron and sulphur in leaching environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: Bacterial dissimilatory reduction of iron and sulphur in extremely acidic environments is described. Evidence for reduction at two disused mine sites is presented, within stratified 'acid streamers' growths and in sediments from an acid mine drainage stream. A high proportion (approx. 40%) of mesophilic heterotrophic acidophiles were found to be capable of reducing ferric iron (soluble and insoluble forms) under microaerophilic and anoxic conditions. Mixed cultures of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidiphilium -like isolate SJH displayed cycling of iron in shake flask and fermenter cultures. Oxido-reduction of iron in mixed cultures was determined by oxygen concentration and availability of organic substrates. Some moderately thermophilic iron-oxidis- ing bacteria were also shown to be capable of reducing ferric iron under conditions of limiting oxygen when grown in glycerol/yeast extract or elemental sulphur media. Cycling of iron was observed in pure cultures of these acidophiles. Sulphate-reducing bacteria isolated from acid streamers could be grown in acidified glycerol/yeast extract media (as low as pH 2.9), but not in media used conventionally for their laboratory culture. An endospore-forming, non-motile rod resembling Desulfotomaculum has been isolated. This bacterium has a wide pH spectrum, and appears to be acid-tolerant rather than acidophilic.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the presence of sedimentary microbial ecosystems in wetlands of the Salar de Atacama. These laminated systems, which bind, trap and precipitate mineral include: microbial mats at Laguna Tebenquiche and Laguna La Brava, gypsum domes at Tebenquiche and carbonate microbialites at La Brava. Microbial diversity and key biogeochemical characteristics of both lakes (La Brava and Tebenquiche) and their various microbial ecosystems (non-lithifying mats, flat and domal microbialites) were determined. The composition and abundance of minerals ranged from trapped and bound halite in organic-rich non-lithifying mats to aragonite-dominated lithified flat microbialites and gypsum in lithified domal structures. Pyrosequencing of the V4 region of the 16s rDNA gene showed that Proteobacteria comprised a major phylum in all of the microbial ecosystems studied, with a marked lower abundance in the non-lithifying mats. A higher proportion of Bacteroidetes was present in Tebenquiche sediments compared to La Brava samples. The concentration of pigments, particularly that of Chlorophyll a, was higher in the Tebenquiche than in La Brava. Pigments typically associated with anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria were present in lower amounts. Organic-rich, non-lithifying microbial mats frequently formed snake-like, bulbous structures due to gas accumulation underneath the mat. We hypothesize that the lithified microbialites might have developed from these snake-like microbial mats following mineral precipitation in the surface layer, producing domes with endoevaporitic communities in Tebenquiche and carbonate platforms in La Brava. Whereas the potential role of microbes in carbonate platforms is well established, the contribution of endoevaporitic microbes to formation of gypsum domes needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Lake Van harbors the largest known microbialites on Earth. The surface of these huge carbonate pinnacles is covered by coccoid cyanobacteria whereas their central axis is occupied by a channel through which neutral, relatively Ca-enriched, groundwater flows into highly alkaline (pH ~9.7) Ca-poor lake water. Previous microscopy observations showed the presence of aragonite globules composed by rounded nanostructures of uncertain origin that resemble similar bodies found in some meteorites. Here, we have carried out fine-scale mineralogical and microbial diversity analyses from surface and internal microbialite samples. Electron transmission microscopy revealed that the nanostructures correspond to rounded aragonite nanoprecipitates. A progressive mineralization of cells by the deposition of nanoprecipitates on their surface was observed from external towards internal microbialite areas. Molecular diversity studies based on 16S rDNA amplification revealed the presence of bacterial lineages affiliated to the Alpha-, Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria, the Cyanobacteria, the Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides (CFB) group, the Actinobacteria and the Firmicutes. Cyanobacteria and CFB members were only detected in surface layers. The most abundant and diverse lineages were the Firmicutes (low GC Gram positives). To the exclusion of cyanobacteria, the closest cultivated members to the Lake Van phylotypes were most frequently alkaliphilic and/or heterotrophic bacteria able to degrade complex organics. These heterotrophic bacteria may play a crucial role in the formation of Lake Van microbialites by locally promoting carbonate precipitation.  相似文献   

Intertidal stromatolites, covered by cyanobacterial mats, were recently discovered at Stocking Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Ecophysiological responses (CO2 fixation, N2 fixation, and photoacclimation) of these cyanobacterial mats to experimental manipulations were examined to identify potential environmental variables controlling community structure and function. The mats exhibit horizontal zonation that shifts from soft to crusty to hard in a seaward direction. Cluster analysis of chemotaxonomic photopigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids) revealed that visually distinct mat types are composed of distinct phototrophic assemblages. Under reduced irradiance, diatoms within the mats photoacclimated by increasing accessory photopigments (diadinoxanthin, fucoxanthin, and chlorophyll c 1 c 2) and cyanobacteria reduced the photoprotective carotenoid echinenone. In a 4-day nutrient addition bioassay experiment, nitrate, phosphate, dissolved organic carbon, and trace metal enrichments did not enhance CO2 fixation, but phosphate enrichments tripled N2 fixation rates. The addition of DCMU increased N2 fixation rates relative to nonamended light and dark rates, indicating light (photosystem I) enhanced nitrogenase activity. Soft mats appear to represent the early stages of colonization and stabilization of mat communities. Active growth following stabilization results in the formation of partially-lithified crusty mats, which eventually become highly-lithified and form hard mats. Collectively, our results suggest that Stocking Island stromatolitic mats have low growth rates and consequently exhibit slow responses to increased nutrient availability and changes in ambient irradiance. In general, intertidal stromatolitic mats at Stocking Island appear to exhibit low rates of CO2 and N2 fixation relative to nonlithifying temperate cyanobacteral mats. Although production is low, respiration is likewise low, leading to the suggestion that high production to respiration ratios (P:R) may be necessary for lithification of intertidal stromatolitic mats.  相似文献   

施秀珍  王建青  黄志群  贺纪正 《生态学报》2022,42(15):6092-6102
森林是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,其巨大的生产力和生态服务功能对人类的生存和发展至关重要。森林树种多样性增加能够显著提高森林生产力,关于树种多样性如何影响地下生物多样性及生态功能逐渐受到国内外学者的广泛关注。从土壤微生物及其介导的元素生物地球化学循环这一视角出发,综述了树种多样性对土壤细菌和真菌多样性、群落结构及功能的影响,提出需要进一步深入研究的方向。总体来说,树种多样性有利于增加土壤细菌生物量和多样性,是预测病原性真菌和菌根真菌多样性及群落结构的重要生物因子。树种多样性能增加土壤有机碳储量,增强森林土壤的甲烷氧化能力,并提高土壤磷周转速率及有效磷含量。关于树种多样性对森林土壤氮循环的影响需考虑多样性假说和质量比假说的相对贡献。今后应加强树种多样性对多个营养级之间相互作用的研究;关注树种多样性对生态系统多功能的影响;加强学科交叉,引入微生物种群动态模型和气候模型等模型预测方法,研究树种多样性对全球气候变化的应对机制,以期促进地上植物多样性与地下生态系统功能关系的研究,增强森林生态系统应对未来全球环境变化的能力。  相似文献   

Laguna Bacalar is a sulfate‐rich freshwater lake on the Yucatan Peninsula that hosts large microbialites. High sulfate concentrations distinguish Laguna Bacalar from other freshwater microbialite sites such as Pavilion Lake and Alchichica, Mexico, as well as from other aqueous features on the Yucatan Peninsula. While cyanobacterial populations have been described here previously, this study offers a more complete characterization of the microbial populations and corresponding biogeochemical cycling using a three‐pronged geobiological approach of microscopy, high‐throughput DNA sequencing, and lipid biomarker analyses. We identify and compare diverse microbial communities of Alphaproteobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria that vary with location along a bank‐to‐bank transect across the lake, within microbialites, and within a neighboring mangrove root agglomeration. In particular, sulfate‐reducing bacteria are extremely common and diverse, constituting 7%–19% of phylogenetic diversity within the microbialites, and are hypothesized to significantly influence carbonate precipitation. In contrast, Cyanobacteria account for less than 1% of phylogenetic diversity. The distribution of lipid biomarkers reflects these changes in microbial ecology, providing meaningful biosignatures for the microbes in this system. Polysaturated short‐chain fatty acids characteristic of cyanobacteria account for <3% of total abundance in Laguna Bacalar microbialites. By contrast, even short‐chain and monounsaturated short‐chain fatty acids attributable to both Cyanobacteria and many other organisms including types of Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria constitute 43%–69% and 17%–25%, respectively, of total abundance in microbialites. While cyanobacteria are the largest and most visible microbes within these microbialites and dominate the mangrove root agglomeration, it is clear that their smaller, metabolically diverse associates are responsible for significant biogeochemical cycling in this microbialite system.  相似文献   

Monomethylmercury (MMHg) is toxic, and is the primary form of Hg thatbioaccumulates in the food web. An understanding of its distribution,production, and transport is needed. Prior investigations indicate thatmethylation is mediated by sulfate-reducing bacteria, yet limited in highsulfate environments. High rates of microbial respiration and strong oxygengradients are found in salt marshes. It is hypothesized that significant in situ methylation takes place in the redox transition zone of sulfate rich( 28 mM) salt marsh sediment. Results from a water column surveyof Barn Island Salt Marsh in October 1996 showed that ca. 61pmol m-2 d-1 of dissolved MMHg were discharged toadjacent coastal waters, while 16 pmol m-2 d-1 ofparticulate MMHg were entrained in the marsh, implying an in situsource. In-sediment MMHg production rates were determined by203Hg radiotracer studies. At the surface, methylation rates variedover both long (i.e., 100's m; 11–1120 pmol m-2 d-1) andshort (i.e., 10 cm; 11–108 pmol m-2 d-1) spatial scales. Methylation rate profiles from both low and high MMHg production sitesexhibited an exponential decrease below the redox transition zone. Porewater was collected with multi-chambered in situ dialysis (30 kDa)samplers [Peepers] and analyzed for MMHg. Temporal differences in porewater MMHg accumulation (i.e., May > September > November)were found. Results from May showed a significant gradient at thesediment water interface. The transport out of the sediments estimated byFick's Law (ca. 390 pmol MMHg m-2 d-1) suggeststhat MMHg entered the marsh water by diffusion. This workdemonstrates the potential for elevated in situ Hg methylation in highsulfate environments.  相似文献   

Arsenic is responsible for the contamination of water supplies in various parts of the world and poses a major risk to human health. Its toxicity and bioavailability depend on its speciation, which in turn, depends on microbial transformations, including reduction, oxidation and methylation. This review describes the development of bioprocesses for the treatment of arsenic-contaminated waters based on bacterial metabolism and biogeochemical cycling of arsenic.  相似文献   

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