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To identify optimal habitat for the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola, a flagship species of fen mires, we related numbers of singing males to habitat variables in all core breeding sites in eastern Poland. The density of male Aquatic Warblers increased with increasing ground cover by water and mosses and litter layer height, and was highest where vegetation was 60–90 cm tall. Male densities also increased with the biomass of arthropods > 10 mm length, estimated by sweep netting, and with the abundance of spiders, estimated by pan trapping. We suggest that habitat management should take into account species‐specific morphological adaptations, nest safety and arthropod productivity. Prevention of vegetation succession is a conservation priority for open fen mires. However, modern management practices to achieve this, especially mowing using tracked vehicles, should be evaluated and optimized to ensure that such practices do not adversely affect the long‐term development of moss cover and litter structure.  相似文献   

The Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) is a song bird breeding in fen mires and similarly structured other wetlands with a water depth of 1–10 cm. Widespread in central-European wetlands at the beginning of the 20th century, the species is now globally threatened. The westernmost and genetically distinct Pomeranian population is even on the verge of extinction. The major challenge in the conservation of remaining habitat is the cost-efficient removal of biomass. About 50% of the Pomeranian population survives in a valley fen near Rozwarowo in Northwest Poland, where between 1993 and 2007 a conspicuous change in breeding habitat has taken place from summer grazed sedge meadows to commercial winter cut reed beds. We compared vegetation structure, site conditions, and potential prey abundance with the distribution and abundance of Aquatic Warblers in Rozwarowo Marshes and studied temporal changes and the compatibility of conservation and reed cutting interests. Aquatic Warblers now occur almost exclusively in sparsely growing, low reed with abundant Thelypteris palustris, Carex elata, and Lysimachia vulgaris. This vegetation type provides more potential prey for Aquatic Warblers than the higher productive tall reed, whereas the patches of sedge vegetation have become too small following succession after abandonment. Currently, commercial reed cutting maintains suitable Aquatic Warbler breeding habitat. Considering the impending changes in the reed market, there is a need for flexible agri-environmental schemes (AES) to ensure that stripes are left uncut and to prevent eutrophication by high and long flooding of the site.  相似文献   

In the last German breeding area of the rapidly declining “Pomeranian” population of the Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola), the Lower Oder Valley National Park, we investigated changes in habitat suitability between 1993 and 2006 by combining monitoring results with repeated assessments of vegetation structure and composition, site conditions, and land use. Sites with recent Aquatic Warbler records showed shorter and sparser vegetation, a thinner litter layer, and a higher total plant species richness and cover of small and least competitive (CSR) species than abandoned or unoccupied sites. On a long-term study plot, during a period of late mowing and subsequent cessation of land use, vegetation height increased, the cover of CSR species decreased, and the site became abandoned by Aquatic Warblers. The probability of Aquatic Warbler occurrence was dependent on elevation and increased with the proportion of early mown or grazed area in the preceding year, with early use being most important on slightly higher elevated sites. This rapid deterioration of eutrophic habitats by delayed or discontinued land use is atypical for the majority of Aquatic Warbler breeding habitats. We conclude that both late or no land use and land use during the breeding season negatively affect the Pomeranian breeding sites and that a more sophisticated and flexible land management is urgently needed.  相似文献   

We modelled the potential habitat of a threatened species D. fissum subsp. sordidum, an endemic hemicryptophyte with a disjunct distribution in the Iberian Peninsula. Maxent was used to predict the subspecies habitat suitability by relating field sample-based distributional information with environmental and topographic variables. Our results suggest that the model performed well, predicting with high accuracy the current distribution of the species. The variables that most contributed to the model were Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter (MTWtQ), Precipitation of Warmest Quarter (PWmQ), Temperature Annual Range (TAR) and Slope (Slo). These variables are biological significant for the taxon, as they have decisive influence in the critical stages of germination and fruiting. The current and potential distributional areas identified by the model fall mainly in regions with some degree of environmental protection, with some exceptions. A recovery plan for the species should be considered. Species Distribution Modelling cannot substitute long-term monitoring programmes, yet it is a useful tool for identifying appropriate areas of taxon occurrence, and thus allow for efficient use of the economic and human resources.  相似文献   

Habitat selection can be envisaged as a hierarchical spatial process, from choice of home range to choice of dietary item. The green woodpecker (Picus viridis) is described as being closely bound to cultivated land and deciduous forests, mainly due to its summer diet composed of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) found on meadows and pastures. To explore possible responses of this woodpecker to recent changes in land use practice, we studied home ranges, feeding habitats and food selection of a marginal population (four radio-marked males and five females) in a 30,000-ha conifer-dominated landscape at the northern edge of its distribution range in south-central Scandinavia. We asked: (1) Is the green woodpecker confined to areas with cultivated land and deciduous forest? (2) If so, are important food items (ants) particularly abundant or exclusively found there? (3) Can clearcuts and young plantations substitute for cultivated land as feeding habitat? Home ranges (mean=100 ha) were invariably confined to the parts of the landscape that contained cultivated land (<1% of the total area). In summer, birds preferred to feed in cultivated land, presumably due to a higher overall biomass of ants compared to forest habitats. They avoided clearcuts, but preyed extensively upon soil-dwelling ants in young conifer stands (16–30 years old). We failed to find preferences for particular ant groups (Lasius niger and L. flavus) associated with cultivated land. The principal summer food was Serviformica, an ant group that was equally abundant in cultivated land and forest habitat. A positive correlation between ant body mass and a preference index suggests that the birds selected the larger ant species independent of habitat type. In winter, birds fed exclusively on mound-building Formica rufa-ants in closed-canopy, older forest stands. Our results indicate that the green woodpecker successfully utilizes young conifer plantations as feeding habitat. At a larger scale, we hypothesize that green woodpecker populations fail to establish in managed forest tracts, not because of food shortage, but because the landscapes lack cultivated land serving as a key stimulus encouraging individuals to settle.  相似文献   

Aim Understanding what constituted species’ ranges prior to large‐scale human influence, and how past climate and land use change have affected range dynamics, provides conservation planners with important insights into how species may respond to future environmental change. Our aim here was to reconstruct the Holocene range of European bison (Bison bonasus) by combining a time‐calibrated species distribution models (SDM) with a dynamic vegetation model. Location Europe. Method We used European bison occurrences from the Holocene in a maximum entropy model to assess bison range dynamics during the last 8000 years. As predictors, we used bioclimatic variables and vegetation reconstructions from the generalized dynamic vegetation model LPJ‐GUESS. We compared our range maps with maps of farmland and human population expansion to identify the main species range constraints. Results The Holocene distribution of European bison was mainly determined by vegetation patterns, with bison thriving in both broadleaved and coniferous forests, as well as by mean winter temperature. The heartland of European bison was in Central and Eastern Europe, whereas suitable habitat in Western Europe was scarce. While environmentally suitable regions were overall stable, the expansion of settlements and farming severely diminished available habitat. Main conclusions European bison habitat preferences may be wider than previously assumed, and our results suggest that the species had a more eastern and northern distribution than previously reported. Vegetation and climate transformation during the Holocene did not affect the bison’s range substantially. Conversely, human population growth and the spread of farming resulted in drastic bison habitat loss and fragmentation, likely reaching a tipping point during the last 1000 years. Combining SDM and dynamic vegetation models can improve range reconstructions and projections, and thus help to identify resilient conservation strategies for endangered species.  相似文献   

Quantifying the relative influence of multiple mechanisms driving recent range expansion of non‐native species is essential for predicting future changes and for informing adaptation and management plans to protect native species. White‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) have been expanding their range into the North American boreal forest over the last half of the 20th century. This has already altered predator–prey dynamics in Alberta, Canada, where the distribution likely reaches the northern extent of its continuous range. Although current white‐tailed deer distribution is explained by both climate and human land use, the influence each factor had on the observed range expansion would depend on the spatial and temporal pattern of these changes. Our objective was to quantify the relative importance of land use and climate change as drivers of white‐tailed deer range expansion and to predict decadal changes in white‐tailed deer distribution in northern Alberta for the first half of the 21st century. An existing species distribution model was used to predict past decadal distributions of white‐tailed deer which were validated using independent data. The effects of climate and land use change were isolated by comparing predictions under theoretical “no‐change between decades” scenarios, for each factor, to predictions under observed climate and land use change. Climate changes led to more than 88%, by area, of the increases in probability of white‐tailed deer presence across all decades. The distribution is predicted to extend 100 km further north across the northeastern Alberta boreal forest as climate continues to change over the first half of the 21st century.  相似文献   

The Grey-necked Picathartes Picathartes oreas is a globally threatened bird species in Africa with a wild population of less than 10,000 individuals. The Nigerian population, which has been poorly studied, is restricted to the forest of Cross River. This study re-assessed the distribution, breeding population, habitat use and current threats of the Grey-necked Picathartes by revisiting the 91 breeding sites identified during the first and only survey of the species in 1987. We estimated a breeding population of 164 individuals across 82 breeding sites. Only 72 breeding sites were found in the localities where 91 had been registered in 1987. Thirteen (18%) of these 72 sites were no longer active and showed evidence of human disturbance. The occurrence of Grey-necked Picathartes’ nest sites was positively predicted by higher number of emergent trees, larger rocks and negatively related to disturbance matrices. Similarly, larger colony sizes were associated with high canopy cover and rock height. Also, the probability of finding an active nest within a breeding colony was significantly predicted by increased canopy, tree density and ground cover. Human threats included farming, wire snares, egg and juvenile removal, bush burning, and hunter’s camps. These threats, though specific to the Grey-necked Picathartes, threaten the integrity of the Cross River forest habitats.  相似文献   

大型食肉动物对维持生态系统的结构和功能具有重要作用, 但大部分大型食肉动物处在持续的种群数量和分布面积下降之中, 面临着急迫的研究与保护需求。华北豹(Panthera pardus japonensis)是我国特有的豹亚种, 也是部分区域森林生态系统中仅存的大型食肉动物, 面临着生境破碎化等威胁。本研究使用红外相机调查了宁夏六盘山国家级自然保护区华北豹的分布, 通过构建占域模型分析了华北豹的栖息地利用, 预测了华北豹的适宜栖息地, 并评估了其生境破碎化格局。研究发现, 华北豹在六盘山的平均占域率约为0.135。华北豹偏好植被发育成熟、地势崎岖、温度较低、远离农田和公路的栖息地, 对于农田边缘和居民点等人类活动区域未显示出显著回避。研究识别的六盘山华北豹适宜栖息地主要沿六盘山东西两侧山脉分布, 55%的适宜栖息地斑块位于六盘山国家级自然保护区内。栖息地斑块面积平均为16 km2, 最大达214 km2, 约77%的栖息地斑块面积在10 km2以下。研究表明六盘山国家级自然保护区有效地保护了华北豹现有的适宜栖息地, 但仍存在栖息地破碎化和人类活动干扰等关键限制因素。建议通过栖息地改造、人类活动管理等方式增强六盘山华北豹适宜栖息地斑块连通性; 并通过推动华北豹跨省保护工作等举措促进华北豹种群扩散恢复。  相似文献   

Assessing variation in breeding performance in relation to habitat characteristics may provide insights into predicting the consequences of land‐use change on species ecology and population dynamics. We compared four Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus populations subject to similar environmental conditions, but which differed in habitat composition, ranging from natural habitats to intensively cultivated areas. Using a 6‐year dataset, we characterized breeding habitat and diet in these four study sites, and analysed breeding performance in relation to this gradient of land‐use intensification. There was minimal variation in breeding performance between study years but consistent variation between study sites. Unexpectedly, Marsh Harriers breeding in intensively cultivated habitats had higher reproductive success than those breeding in more natural habitats, which, however, hosted higher breeding densities, so overall net population productivity (fledglings per unit area) was similar across sites. This resulted from combined effects of density‐dependence and different predation rates between study sites. The colonization of intensive farmland habitats may not necessarily impact negatively on population sustainability when breeding success and population density are traded against each other. However, our findings should not mask longer‐term conservation issues for populations breeding in these intensively managed areas, and further studies should assess potential long‐term negative effects of occupancy of human‐altered habitat.  相似文献   

Species distribution models have come under criticism for being too simplistic for making robust future forecasts, partly because they assume that climate is the main determinant of geographical range at large spatial extents and coarse resolutions, with non‐climate predictors being important only at finer scales. We suggest that this paradigm might be obscured by species movement patterns. To explore this we used contrasting kangaroo (family Macropodidae) case studies: two species with relatively small, stable home ranges (Macropus giganteus and M. robustus) and three species with more extensive, adaptive ranging behaviour (M. antilopinus, M. fuliginosus and M. rufus). We predicted that non‐climate predictors will be most influential to model fit and predictive performance at local spatial resolution for the former species and at landscape resolution for the latter species. We compared residuals autocovariate – boosted regression tree (RAC‐BRT) model statistics with and without species‐specific non‐climate predictors (habitat, soil, fire, water and topography), at local‐ and landscape‐level spatial resolutions (5 and 50 km). As predicted, the influence of non‐climate predictors on model fit and predictive performance (compared with climate‐only models) was greater at 50 compared with 5 km resolution for M. rufus and M. fuliginosus and the opposite trend was observed for M. giganteus. The results for M. robustus and M. antilopinus were inconclusive. Also notable was the difference in inter‐scale importance of climate predictors in the presence of non‐climate predictors. In conclusion, differences in autecology, particularly relating to space use, may contribute to the importance of non‐climate predictors at a given scale, not model scale per se. Further exploration of this concept across a range of species is encouraged and findings may contribute to more effective conservation and management of species at ecologically meaningful scales.  相似文献   


Gymnospermium is a small genus of 7–12 taxa subject to diverging taxonomic treatments and distributed from east China to the Balkans. The recent discovery of Gymnospermium in the S-Apennines posed questions about origin and identity. Accordingly, we performed a systematic investigation by means of morphological, karyological and molecular tools. All populations were diploid with 2n = 14 as for the Balkan G. scipetarum (incl. G. maloi), and also morphology suggested a close affinity to the latter. However, the Italian populations differed from typical G. scipetarum by the lower stamen:petal length and style:carpel length. By including all European and most Asian taxa in a phylogenetic analysis, we shed new light into the species-level relationships in this genus. In the combined ITS-trnL-F phylogeny, two major clades were retrieved. One included the central Asian and eastern European taxa plus the Greek endemic G. peloponnesiacum sister to G. odessanum, and one the Balkan and Apennine populations. Such findings further corroborated that the Apennine plant belong to G. scipetarum. The native status of the Italian population is supported by exclusive SNPs in both ITS1 and trnL-F sequences. Along with morphological evidence, this allows to refer it to the new subspecies G. scipetarum subsp. eddae.  相似文献   

Invasive plant survey methods that are practical and economical are needed to describe established colonies and detect nascent invaders. We compared results from random and roadside surveys of Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara & Grande across a 5730-ha subwatershed. The random survey included 150 1-ha plots; the roadside survey examined 0.1-mile increments (10-m deep) along paved roads (totaling 1104 0.16-ha plots). In the random survey, agriculture was the dominant land use (49% of sampled area), and most A. petiolata patches were in wooded, shaded riparian, and waste areas (34%, 34%, and 29% of patches, respectively). In the roadside survey, right-of-way land use was dominant (38% of sampled area), and most A. petiolata patches were in right-of-way, wooded, and shaded riparian areas (53%, 22%, and 19% of patches, respectively). According to generalized linear model analysis, survey methods did not differ in the overall probability of finding A. petiolata (P=0.17 and 0.11 for random and roadside surveys, respectively). Shaded riparian, wooded, and mixed-species right-of-way land uses were the dominant habitat for A. petiolata in both surveys, but only the random survey indicated waste areas as significant habitat. Alliaria petiolata occurred mostly as small patches in roadsides, but as large patches in random plots, suggesting faster spread in the roadside. Results indicated that disturbed lands along roadsides were important for invasion and spread of A. petiolata; therefore, the roadside survey was a useful, practical method for detecting nascent invasions and management planning. The random sampling lacked a land use bias, and provided data that could be generalized across the subwatershed; however, this method required at least four times more person hours to complete than the roadside survey for a similar amount of area. Although roadside sampling did not provide a completely reliable assessment of target plant populations within the landscape, it may provide an adequate approximation, depending on the specific goals of the survey. Concurrent surveys would provide the most complete information.  相似文献   

A survey undertaken in 2001 and 2002 along the river Moselle in France allowed to find the location of 25 places with the protected species Senecio sarracenicus L. Most of these places were located directly on natural riverbanks, but some also occurred, with lower populations, on riverbanks artificialized with rocks and on road embankments. Maintenance of this species, despite canalisation of a large part of the river in the 1970s, is due to its ruderal and competitive strategy, giving it resistance against habitat disturbances and against competition from most other species, except maybe highly invasive species and shrubs. Conservation of its populations will therefore require the protection of its natural habitats on riverbanks and the control of invasive species and shrub colonisation, but without grazing or cutting management.  相似文献   

Climate change may drastically alter patterns of species distributions and richness, but predicting future species patterns in occurrence is challenging. Significant shifts in distributions have already been observed, and understanding these recent changes can improve our understanding of potential future changes. We assessed how past climate change affected potential breeding distributions for landbird species in the conterminous United States. We quantified the bioclimatic velocity of potential breeding distributions, that is, the pace and direction of change for each species’ suitable climate space over the past 60 years. We found that potential breeding distributions for landbirds have shifted substantially with an average velocity of 1.27 km yr?1, about double the pace of prior distribution shift estimates across terrestrial systems globally (0.61 km yr?1). The direction of shifts was not uniform. The majority of species’ distributions shifted west, northwest, and north. Multidirectional shifts suggest that changes in climate conditions beyond mean temperature were influencing distributional changes. Indeed, precipitation variables that were proxies for extreme conditions were important variables across all models. There were winners and losers in terms of the area of distributions; many species experienced contractions along west and east distribution edges, and expansions along northern distribution edges. Changes were also reflected in the potential species richness, with some regions potentially gaining species (Midwest, East) and other areas potentially losing species (Southwest). However, the degree to which changes in potential breeding distributions are manifested in actual species richness depends on landcover. Areas that have become increasingly suitable for breeding birds due to changing climate are often those attractive to humans for agriculture and development. This suggests that many areas might have supported more breeding bird species had the landscape not been altered. Our study illustrates that climate change is not only a future threat, but something birds are already experiencing.  相似文献   

Climate and land‐use change jointly affect the future of biodiversity. Yet, biodiversity scenarios have so far concentrated on climatic effects because forecasts of land use are rarely available at appropriate spatial and thematic scales. Agent‐based models (ABMs) represent a potentially powerful but little explored tool for establishing thematically and spatially fine‐grained land‐use scenarios. Here, we use an ABM parameterized for 1,329 agents, mostly farmers, in a Central European model region, and simulate the changes to land‐use patterns resulting from their response to three scenarios of changing socio‐economic conditions and three scenarios of climate change until the mid of the century. Subsequently, we use species distribution models to, first, analyse relationships between the realized niches of 832 plant species and climatic gradients or land‐use types, respectively, and, second, to project consequent changes in potential regional ranges of these species as triggered by changes in both the altered land‐use patterns and the changing climate. We find that both drivers determine the realized niches of the studied plants, with land use having a stronger effect than any single climatic variable in the model. Nevertheless, the plants' future distributions appear much more responsive to climate than to land‐use changes because alternative future socio‐economic backgrounds have only modest impact on land‐use decisions in the model region. However, relative effects of climate and land‐use changes on biodiversity may differ drastically in other regions, especially where landscapes are still dominated by natural or semi‐natural habitat. We conclude that agent‐based modelling of land use is able to provide scenarios at scales relevant to individual species distribution and suggest that coupling ABMs with models of species' range change should be intensified to provide more realistic biodiversity forecasts.  相似文献   

Moringa peregrina (Moringaceae), an economically important tree that occurs in arid desert mountains, is currently threatened in large part of its distribution range in the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula. We assessed the impact of topographic factors on population structure and performance of the species at its northwest range edge on the Hafit Mountain, UAE, where it faces harsh climatic conditions and human disturbances. Size structure, fruit production, and vitality were assessed on all 165 individual plants encountered in 12 gorges. The size distribution indicates that the population of M. peregrina is young; the proportion of small and medium-size individuals is high, but with few recorded juveniles. The frequency of plant occurrence and their performance were highest at middle altitudes. Large trees produced significantly more fruits than small and medium plants, with the larger trees of the population at middle altitude producing most fruits. M. peregrina facilitated the growth of grasses and small shrubs, but limited the presence of other big shrubs and trees beneath their canopies, compared to areas beyond. The study indicates that gorges play an important role in maintaining the M. peregrina population at its hyper-arid northwest range edge.  相似文献   

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