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Barriuso J  Marín S  Mellado RP 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27558


Glyphosate is a herbicide that is liable to be used in the extensive cultivation of glyphosate-tolerant cultivars. The potential accumulation of the relative effect of glyphosate on the rhizobacterial communities of glyphosate-tolerant maize has been monitored over a period of three years.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The composition of rhizobacterial communities is known to vary with soil texture, hence, the analyses have been performed in two agricultural fields with a different soil texture. The accumulative effects of glyphosate have been monitored by means of high throughput DNA pyrosequencing of the bacterial DNA coding for the 16S rRNA hypervariable V6 region from rhizobacterial communities. The relative composition of the rhizobacterial communities does vary in each field over the three-year period. The overall distribution of the bacterial phyla seems to change from one year to the next similarly in the untreated and glyphosate-treated soils in both fields. The two methods used to estimate bacterial diversity offered consistent results and are equally suitable for diversity assessment.


The glyphosate treatment during the three-year period of seasonal cultivation in two different fields did not seem to significantly change the maize rhizobacterial communities when compared to those of the untreated soil. This may be particularly relevant with respect to a potential authorisation to cultivate glyphosate-tolerant maize in the European Union.  相似文献   



This work addresses the relevant effects that one single compound, used as model herbicide, provokes on the activity/survival of a suitable herbicide degrading model bacterium and on a plant that hosts this bacterium and its bacterial rhizospheric community.


The effects of the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), on Acacia caven hosting the 2,4-D degrading bacterium Cupriavidus pinatubonensis JMP134, and its rhizospheric microbiota, were simultaneously addressed in plant soil microcosms, and followed by culture dependent and independent procedures, herbicide removal tests, bioprotection assays and use of encapsulated bacterial cells.


The herbicide provokes deleterious effects on the plant, which are significantly diminished by the presence of the plant associated C. pinatubonensis, especially with encapsulated cells. This improvement correlated with increased 2,4-D degradation rates. The herbicide significantly changes the structure of the A. caven bacterial rhizospheric community; and it also diminishes the preference of C. pinatubonensis for the A. caven rhizosphere compared with the surrounding bulk soil.


The addition of an herbicide to soil triggers a complex, although more or less predictable, suite of effects on rhizobacterial communities, herbicide degrading bacteria and their plant hosts that should be taken into account in fundamental studies and design of bio(phyto)remediation procedures.  相似文献   

During recent work examining the effects of Bitou Bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. rotundata) invasion on native reptile assemblages in coastal heathland vegetation in Eastern Australia, unplanned spot‐spraying of glyphosate occurred at some of our experimental sites invaded by Bitou Bush. We used this unexpected herbicide application as an opportunity to provide a preliminary assessment of the short‐term impacts on reptiles of glyphosate spot‐spraying of Bitou Bush. Using an M‐BARCI design, we compared reptile assemblages among uninvaded (reference) sites, invaded (control) sites and invaded and sprayed (impact) sites before and after spraying. We found no significant short‐term (7 – 10 months) differences in reptile abundance, species richness or assemblage composition among invaded, uninvaded and sprayed sites before and after glyphosate application. We cautiously interpret our results to generate a preliminary finding that spot‐spraying of Bitou Bush with glyphosate appears not to have a deleterious effect on reptile assemblages at seven and ten months following herbicide application. While we would not recommend basing management decisions on the outcomes of our study alone, we suggest that our findings can be used to assist in the development of strategic analyses of glyphosate impacts on native flora and fauna.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization on composition of rhizobacterial communities of volcanic soils (Andisols) from southern Chile at molecular level is poorly understood. This paper investigates the composition of rhizobacterial communities of two Andisols under pasture after 1- and 6-year applications of N (urea) and P (triple superphosphate). Soil samples were collected from two previously established sites and the composition of rhizobacterial communities was determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR–DGGE). The difference in the composition and diversity between rhizobacterial communities was assessed by nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis and the Shannon–Wiener index. In Site 1 (fertilized for 1 year), PCR–DGGE targeting 16S rRNA genes and MDS analysis showed that moderate N application (270 kg N ha?1 year?1) without P significantly changed the composition of rhizobacterial communities. However, no significant community changes were observed with P (240 kg P ha?1 year?1) and N–P application (270 kg N ha?1 year?1 plus 240 kg P ha?1 year?1). In Site 2 (fertilized for 6 years with P; 400 kg P ha?1 year?1), PCR–DGGE targeting rpoB, nifH, amoA and alkaline phosphatase genes and MDS analysis showed changes in rhizobacterial communities only at the highest rate of N application (600 kg N ha?1 year?1). Quantitative PCR targeting 16S rRNA genes also showed higher abundance of bacteria at higher N application. In samples from both sites, the Shannon–Wiener index did not show significant difference in the diversity of rhizobacterial communities. The changes observed in rhizobacterial communities coincide in N fertilized pastures with lower soil pH and higher pasture yields. This study indicates that N–P application affects the soil bacterial populations at molecular level and needs to be considered when developing fertilizer practices for Chilean pastoral Andisols.  相似文献   

Strong selection from herbicides has led to the rapid evolution of herbicide‐resistant weeds, greatly complicating weed management efforts worldwide. In particular, overreliance on glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp®, has spurred the evolution of resistance to this herbicide in ≥40 species. Previously, we reported that Conyza canadensis (horseweed) has evolved extreme resistance to glyphosate, surviving at 40× the original 1× effective dosage. Here, we tested for underlying fitness effects of glyphosate resistance to better understand whether resistance could persist indefinitely in this self‐pollinating, annual weed. We sampled seeds from a single maternal plant (“biotype”) at each of 26 horseweed populations in Iowa, representing nine susceptible biotypes (S), eight with low‐level resistance (LR), and nine with extreme resistance (ER). In 2016 and 2017, we compared early growth rates and bolting dates of these biotypes in common garden experiments at two sites near Ames, Iowa. Nested ANOVAs showed that, as a group, ER biotypes attained similar or larger rosette size after 6 weeks compared to S or LR biotypes, which were similar to each other in size. Also, ER biotypes bolted 1–2 weeks earlier than S or LR biotypes. These fitness‐related traits also varied among biotypes within the same resistance category, and time to bolting was inversely correlated with rosette size across all biotypes. Disease symptoms affected 40% of all plants in 2016 and 78% in 2017, so we did not attempt to measure lifetime fecundity. In both years, the frequency of disease symptoms was greatest in S biotypes and similar in LR versus ER biotypes. Overall, our findings indicate there are no early growth penalty and possibly no lifetime fitness penalty associated with glyphosate resistance, including extremely strong resistance. We conclude that glyphosate resistance is likely to persist in horseweed populations, with or without continued selection pressure from exposure to glyphosate.  相似文献   

Effect of low (5 mmol·dm−3) and high (10 or 20 mmol·dm−3) doses of 1.10-phenanthroline (Phe), a photodynamic herbicide, on the development of chloroplasts in etiolated and subsequently illuminated maize seedlings and on the structure of already developed chloroplasts of green maize seedlings was examined. Etiolated and then irradiated plants were resistant to 5 mmol·dm−3 of Phe with respect to morphology, however Phe caused inhibition of greening and of grana formation. Higher Phe concentrations followed by exposure to light caused not only total inhibition of greening but also dilation of thylakoids, swelling of chloroplasts, and finally total destruction of chloroplast structure. Application of Phe in the same concentrations to green plants revealed that they were resistant to low dose of Phe with respect to morphology and structure of chloroplasts, however 10 and 20 mmol·dm−3 Phe and illumination caused the loss of turgor of treated plants and other photooxidative damages seen at the ultrastructural level. We concluded that maize, as representant of monocotyledonous plants, is resistant to low (5 mmol·dm−3) Phe concentration. Higher (10 or 20 mmol·dm−3) concentrations, used to determine the site of damage and mode of action of Phe on the level of cell revealed that action of photodynamic herbicides is based on standard photoinhibition mechanism and also probably on their chelating properties.  相似文献   

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by poor attention, impulse control and hyperactivity. A significant proportion of ADHD patients are also co‐morbid for other psychiatric problems including mood disorders and these patients may be managed with a combination of psychostimulants and anti‐depressants. While it is generally accepted that enhanced catecholamine signalling via the action of psychostimulants is likely responsible for the cognitive improvement in ADHD, other neurotransmitters including acetylcholine and histamine may be involved. In the present study, we have examined the effect of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (LDX), an amphetamine pro‐drug that is approved for the treatment of ADHD on acetylcholine and histamine efflux in pre‐frontal cortex and hippocampus alone and in combination with the anti‐depressant s‐citalopram. LDX increased cortical acetylcholine efflux, an effect that was not significantly altered by co‐administration of s‐citalopram. Cortical and hippocampal histamine were markedly increased by LDX, an effect that was attenuated in the hippocampus but not in pre‐frontal cortex when co‐administered with s‐citalopram. Taken together, these results suggest that efflux of acetylcholine and histamine may be involved in the therapeutic effects of LDX and are differentially influenced by the co‐administration of s‐citalopram.


Salt‐tolerant plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (ST‐PGPR) significantly influence the growth and yield of wheat crops in saline soil. Wheat growth improved in pots with inoculation of all nine ST‐PGPR (ECe = 4.3 dS·m?1; greenhouse experiment), while maximum growth and dry biomass was observed in isolate SU18 Arthrobacter sp.; simultaneously, all ST‐PGPR improved soil health in treated pot soil over controls. In the field experiment, maximum wheat root dry weight and shoot biomass was observed after inoculation with SU44 B. aquimaris, and SU8 B. aquimaris, respectively, after 60 and 90 days. Isolate SU8 B. aquimaris, induced significantly higher proline and total soluble sugar accumulation in wheat, while isolate SU44 B. aquimaris, resulted in higher accumulation of reducing sugars after 60 days. Percentage nitrogen (N), potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) in leaves of wheat increased significantly after inoculation with ST‐PGPR, as compared to un‐inoculated plants. Isolate SU47 B. subtilis showed maximum reduction of sodium (Na) content in wheat leaves of about 23% at both 60 and 90 days after sowing, and produced the best yield of around 17.8% more than the control.  相似文献   

Background: Lymphangioma of the pancreas is an extremely rare benign tumour of lymphatic origin, with only four cases diagnosed by EUS‐FNA reported to date. Methods and materials: Five cases of either cytologically or histologically diagnosed pancreatic lymphangioma with pre‐operative cytological analysis by EUS‐FNAC were reviewed. Results: All patients were female, with a mean age of 56.4 years. By imaging, the cystic lesions ranged in size from 2 to 7 cm (mean 4.5 cm) and were mainly located in the head of the pancreas. All cysts had thin walls and no cyst demonstrated a mural nodule. Diagnosis based on imaging features was benign in all cases due to the absence of high‐risk features. Four samples were sent for biochemical analysis, which showed low CEA levels (range, <0.5–19.4 ng/ml; mean, 5.45 ng/ml) and CA 19.9 and CA 72.4 levels within normal range. All cyst fluids showed numerous small lymphocytes with no atypia; no epithelial cells were present, including no gastrointestinal contamination. Flow cytometry in two cases showed T lymphocytes with a mature phenotype. Surgical resection in two patients confirmed the cytological diagnosis. Benign clinical follow‐up was available in three patients at 2, 3 and 3.5 years. Conclusion: A multimodal approach to cytological diagnosis (combining clinical, radiological and cyst fluid gross, biochemical and cytological characteristics) can lead to the diagnosis of this cystic neoplasm and distinguish it from other more common cysts in the pancreas, potentially avoiding the need for unnecessary surgery.  相似文献   

The effects of paraquat were studied at 4.7 kg a. i./ha and of glyphosate at 9.4 kg a. i./ha on the weight loss and rate of oxygen uptake by stems of barley straw, incubated on the soil surface for various periods of time, and stems and leaves of wheat straw on the soil surface or covered with a shallow layer of soil. In general, paraquat reduced weight loss and frequently oxygen uptake. Glyphosate normally had no effect but occasionally it was stimulatory. However, in isolated instances, paraquat was inactive and glyphosate slightly inhibitory. Leaves decayed faster than stems. Burial, as well as the addition to straw of leaf protein, Nitrochalk, urea and clover plants increased decomposition in all treatments, but nitrogen amendments were less effective in those with paraquat. For example, urea enhanced weight loss after 21 wk from 19 to 34% of the initial weight in unsprayed wheat straw, from 12 to 24% in paraquat-treated and from 20 to 37% in glyphosate-treated straw, indicating that conditions stimulating decomposition may attenuate but not entirely eliminate the inhibitory effects of paraquat. A repeated addition of nitrogen to straw in various stages of decay increased oxygen uptake in all treatments but least in the paraquat-treated straw, implying that a complete recovery from the initial curtailment of microbial activity, brought about by this herbicide, did not occur. Although the concentration of paraquat used was nine times greater than the minimum recommended for field application, the degree of inhibition observed in these laboratory experiments was probably not sufficiently great to be of marked economic importance.  相似文献   

Among woody plants, grapevines are often described as highly vulnerable to water‐stress induced cavitation with emboli forming at slight tensions. However, we found native embolism never exceeded 30% despite low xylem water potentials (Ψx) for stems of field grown vines. The discrepancy between native embolism measurements and those of previous reports led us to assess vulnerability curve generation using four separate methods and alterations (i.e. segment length and with/without flushing to remove embolism prior to measurement) of each. Centrifuge, dehydration and air‐injection methods, which rely on measurement of percentage loss of hydraulic conductivity (PLC) in detached stems, were compared against non‐invasive monitoring of xylem cavitation with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging. Short segment air‐injection and flushed centrifuge stems reached >90 PLC at Ψx of‐0.5 and ?1.5 MPa, respectively, whereas dehydration and long‐segment air‐injection measurements indicated no significant embolism at Ψx > ?2.0 MPa. Observations from NMR agreed with the dehydration and long segment air‐injection methods, showing the majority of vessels were still water‐filled at Ψx > ?1.5 MPa. Our findings show V. vinifera stems are far less vulnerable to water stress‐induced cavitation than previously reported, and dehydration and long segment air‐injection techniques are more appropriate for long‐vesseled species and organs.  相似文献   

Members of the super‐class of zinc finger proteins are key regulators in early embryogenesis. Utilizing in silico mining of EST Databases for pre‐implantation Embryo‐Specific Zinc Finger Protein Genes, we characterized a novel zygotic mouse gene—tripartite motif family‐like 1 (TRIML1), which expresses in embryo before implantation. Knocking down of TRIML1 resulted in the fewer cell number of blastocysts and failture to give rise to neonates after embryo transfer. The binding partner of TRIML1, Ubiquitin‐specific protease 5 (USP5), was identified by yeast two‐hybrid screening assay. The interaction was confirmed by GST pull‐down and coimmunoprecipitation analysis. The role of TRIML1 in ubiquitin pathway during the development stage of mouse blastocyst was further discussed. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 76: 656–664, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Conflicts of interests between males and females over reproduction is a universal feature of sexually reproducing organisms and has driven the evolution of intersexual mimicry, mating behaviours and reproductive polymorphisms. Here, we show how temperature drives pre‐reproductive selection in a female colour polymorphic insect that is subject to strong sexual conflict. These species have three female colour morphs, one of which is a male mimic. This polymorphism is maintained by frequency‐dependent sexual conflict caused by male mating harassment. The frequency of female morphs varies geographically, with higher frequency of the male mimic at higher latitudes. We show that differential temperature sensitivity of the female morphs and faster sexual maturation of the male mimic increases the frequency of this morph in the north. These results suggest that sexual conflict during the adult stage is shaped by abiotic factors and frequency‐independent pre‐reproductive selection that operate earlier during ontogeny of these female morphs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of uranium on the indigenous bacterial community structure in natural soils with high uranium content. Radioactive soil samples exhibiting 0.26% - 25.5% U in mass were analyzed and compared with nearby control soils containing trace uranium. EXAFS and XRD analyses of soils revealed the presence of U(VI) and uranium-phosphate mineral phases, identified as sabugalite and meta-autunite. A comparative analysis of bacterial community fingerprints using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed the presence of a complex population in both control and uranium-rich samples. However, bacterial communities inhabiting uraniferous soils exhibited specific fingerprints that were remarkably stable over time, in contrast to populations from nearby control samples. Representatives of Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria, and seven others phyla were detected in DGGE bands specific to uraniferous samples. In particular, sequences related to iron-reducing bacteria such as Geobacter and Geothrix were identified concomitantly with iron-oxidizing species such as Gallionella and Sideroxydans. All together, our results demonstrate that uranium exerts a permanent high pressure on soil bacterial communities and suggest the existence of a uranium redox cycle mediated by bacteria in the soil.  相似文献   

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