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The community structure of putative aerobic ammonia‐oxidizing archaea (AOA) was explored in two oxygen‐deficient ecosystems of the eastern South Pacific: the oxygen minimum zone off Peru and northern Chile (11°S–20°S), where permanent suboxic and low‐ammonium conditions are found at intermediate depths, and the continental shelf off central Chile (36°S), where seasonal oxygen‐deficient and relatively high‐ammonium conditions develop in the water column, particularly during the upwelling season. The AOA community composition based on the ammonia monooxygenase subunit A (amoA) genes changed according to the oxygen concentration in the water column and the ecosystem studied, showing a higher diversity in the seasonal low‐oxygen waters. The majority of the archaeal amoA genotypes was affiliated to the uncultured clusters A (64%) and B (35%), with Cluster A AOA being mainly associated with higher oxygen and ammonium concentrations and Cluster B AOA with permanent oxygen‐ and ammonium‐poor waters. Q‐PCR assays revealed that AOA are an abundant community (up to 105amoA copies ml?1), while bacterial amoA genes from β proteobacteria were undetected. Our results thus suggest that a diverse uncultured AOA community, for which, therefore, we do not have any physiological information, to date, is an important component of the nitrifying community in oxygen‐deficient marine ecosystems, and particularly in rich coastal upwelling ones.  相似文献   

The ammonia‐oxidizing archaeon Nitrosopumilus maritimus strain SCM1 (strain SCM1), a representative of the Thaumarchaeota archaeal phylum, can sustain high specific rates of ammonia oxidation at ammonia concentrations too low to sustain metabolism by ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria (AOB). One structural and biochemical difference between N. maritimus and AOB that might be related to the oligotrophic adaptation of strain SCM1 is the cell surface. A proteinaceous surface layer (S‐layer) comprises the outermost boundary of the strain SCM1 cell envelope, as opposed to the lipopolysaccharide coat of Gram‐negative AOB. In this work, we compared the surface reactivities of two archaea having an S‐layer (strain SCM1 and Sulfolobus acidocaldarius) with those of four representative AOB (Nitrosospira briensis, Nitrosomonas europaea, Nitrosolobus multiformis, and Nitrosococcus oceani) using potentiometric and calorimetric titrations to evaluate differences in proton‐ionizable surface sites. Strain SCM1 and Sacidocaldarius have a wider range of proton buffering (approximately pH 10–3.5) than the AOB (approximately pH 10–4), under the conditions investigated. Thermodynamic parameters describing proton‐ionizable sites (acidity constants, enthalpies, and entropies of protonation) are consistent with these archaea having proton‐ionizable amino acid side chains containing carboxyl, imidazole, thiol, hydroxyl, and amine functional groups. Phosphorous‐bearing acidic functional groups, which might also be present, could be masked by imidazole and thiol functional groups. Parameters for the AOB are consistent with surface structures containing anionic oxygen ligands (carboxyl‐ and phosphorous‐bearing acidic functional groups), thiols, and amines. In addition, our results showed that strain SCM1 has more reactive surface sites than the AOB and a high concentration of sites consistent with aspartic and/or glutamic acid. Because these alternative boundary layers mediate interaction with the local external environment, these data provide the basis for further comparisons of the thermodynamic behavior of surface reactivity toward essential nutrients.  相似文献   

Nitrification is a critical process for the balance of reduced and oxidized nitrogen pools in nature, linking mineralization to the nitrogen loss processes of denitrification and anammox. Recent studies indicate a significant contribution of ammonia‐oxidizing archaea (AOA) to nitrification. However, quantification of the relative contributions of AOA and ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria (AOB) to in situ ammonia oxidation remains challenging. We show here the production of nitric oxide (NO) by Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCM1. Activity of SCM1 was always associated with the release of NO with quasi‐steady state concentrations between 0.05 and 0.08 μM. NO production and metabolic activity were inhibited by the nitrogen free radical scavenger 2‐phenyl‐4,4,5,5,‐tetramethylimidazoline‐1‐oxyl‐3‐oxide (PTIO). Comparison of marine and terrestrial AOB strains with SCM1 and the recently isolated marine AOA strain HCA1 demonstrated a differential sensitivity of AOB and AOA to PTIO and allylthiourea (ATU). Similar to the investigated AOA strains, bulk water column nitrification at coastal and open ocean sites with sub‐micromolar ammonia/ammonium concentrations was inhibited by PTIO and insensitive to ATU. These experiments support predictions from kinetic, molecular and biogeochemical studies, indicating that marine nitrification at low ammonia/ammonium concentrations is largely driven by archaea and suggest an important role of NO in the archaeal metabolism.  相似文献   



To investigate community shifts of amoA‐encoding archaea (AEA) and ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in biofilter under nitrogen accumulation process.

Methods and Results

A laboratory‐scale rockwool biofilter with an irrigated water circulation system was operated for 436 days with ammonia loading rates of 49–63 NH3 g m?3 day?1. The AEA and AOB communities were investigated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, sequencing and real‐time PCR analysis based on amoA genes. The results indicated that changes in abundance and community compositions occurred in a different manner between archaeal and bacterial amoA during the operation. However, both microbial community structures mainly varied when free ammonia (FA) concentrations in circulation water were increasing, which caused a temporal decline in reactor performance. Dominant amoA sequences after this transition were related to Thaumarchaeotal Group I.1b, Nitrosomonas europaea lineages and one subcluster within Nitrosospira sp. cluster 3, for archaea and bacteria, respectively.


The specific FA in circulation water seems to be the important factor, which relates to the AOB and AEA community shifts in the biofilter besides ammonium and pH.

Significance and Impact of the Study

One of the key factors for regulating AEA and AOB communities was proposed that is useful for optimizing biofiltration technology.  相似文献   

1. Community structures of planktonic ammonia‐oxidising archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) were investigated for five high‐altitude Tibetan lakes, which could be classified as freshwater, oligosaline or mesosaline, to develop a general view of the AOA and AOB in lakes on the Tibetan Plateau. 2. Based on PCR screening of the ammonia monooxygenase α‐subunit (amoA) gene, AOA were present in 14 out of 17 samples, whereas AOB were detected in only four samples. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the AOB communities were dominated by a unique monophylogenetic lineage within Nitrosomonas, which may represent a novel cluster of AOB. AOA, on the other hand, were distinct among lakes with different salinities. 3. Multivariate statistical analyses indicated a heterogeneous distribution of the AOA communities among lakes largely caused by lake salinity, whereas the uniform chemical properties within lakes and their geographical isolation may favour relatively homogeneous AOA communities within lakes. 4. Our results suggest a wide occurrence of AOA in Tibetan lakes and provide the first evidence of salinity‐related differentiation of AOA community composition as well as potential geographical isolation of AOA in inland aquatic environments.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence showing that ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria (AOB) are major contributors to N2O emissions from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Although the fundamental metabolic pathways for N2O production by AOB are now coming to light, the mechanisms responsible for N2O production by AOB in WWTP are not fully understood. Mathematical modeling provides a means for testing hypotheses related to mechanisms and triggers for N2O emissions in WWTP, and can then also become a tool to support the development of mitigation strategies. This study examined the ability of four mathematical model structures to describe two distinct mechanisms of N2O production by AOB. The production mechanisms evaluated are (1) N2O as the final product of nitrifier denitrification with NO as the terminal electron acceptor and (2) N2O as a byproduct of incomplete oxidation of hydroxylamine (NH2OH) to NO. The four models were compared based on their ability to predict N2O dynamics observed in three mixed culture studies. Short‐term batch experimental data were employed to examine model assumptions related to the effects of (1) NH concentration variations, (2) dissolved oxygen (DO) variations, (3) NO accumulations and (4) NH2OH as an externally provided substrate. The modeling results demonstrate that all these models can generally describe the NH, NO, and NO data. However, none of these models were able to reproduce all measured N2O data. The results suggest that both the denitrification and NH2OH pathways may be involved in N2O production and could be kinetically linked by a competition for intracellular reducing equivalents. A unified model capturing both mechanisms and their potential interactions needs to be developed with consideration of physiological complexity. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 153–163. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The cohort of the ammonia‐oxidizing archaea (AOA) of the phylum Thaumarchaeota is a diverse, widespread and functionally important group of microorganisms in many ecosystems. However, our understanding of their biology is still very rudimentary in part because all available genome sequences of this phylum are from members of the Nitrosopumilus cluster. Here we report on the complete genome sequence of Candidatus Nitrososphaera gargensis obtained from an enrichment culture, representing a different evolutionary lineage of AOA frequently found in high numbers in many terrestrial environments. With its 2.83 Mb the genome is much larger than that of other AOA. The presence of a high number of (active) IS elements/transposases, genomic islands, gene duplications and a complete CRISPR/Cas defence system testifies to its dynamic evolution consistent with low degree of synteny with other thaumarchaeal genomes. As expected, the repertoire of conserved enzymes proposed to be required for archaeal ammonia oxidation is encoded by N. gargensis, but it can also use urea and possibly cyanate as alternative ammonia sources. Furthermore, its carbon metabolism is more flexible at the central pyruvate switch point, encompasses the ability to take up small organic compounds and might even include an oxidative pentose phosphate pathway. Furthermore, we show that thaumarchaeota produce cofactor F420 as well as polyhydroxyalkanoates. Lateral gene transfer from bacteria and euryarchaeota has contributed to the metabolic versatility of N. gargensis. This organisms is well adapted to its niche in a heavy metal‐containing thermal spring by encoding a multitude of heavy metal resistance genes, chaperones and mannosylglycerate as compatible solute and has the genetic ability to respond to environmental changes by signal transduction via a large number of two‐component systems, by chemotaxis and flagella‐mediated motility and possibly even by gas vacuole formation. These findings extend our understanding of thaumarchaeal evolution and physiology and offer many testable hypotheses for future experimental research on these nitrifiers.  相似文献   

Functional domains of assimilatory nitrate reductases and nitrite reductases   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Biochemical investigation of nitrate assimilation enzymes spans the past four decades. With the molecular cloning of genes for nitrate reductases and nitrite reductases, exciting new prospects are developing for the study of these enzymes. As large, complex enzymes with multiple redox centers, these two types of reductases should help us gain understanding of structural, functional and evolutionary relationships among the diverse group of multicenter redox enzymes.  相似文献   

Octaheme oxidoreductases are widespread among various bacterial taxa involved in the biogeochemical nitrogen cycle. The evolution of octaheme oxidoreductases of the nitrogen cycle from the evolutionarily more ancient pentaheme nitrite reductases was accompanied by changes in function from reduction of nitrogen oxides to their oxidation under changing environmental conditions. Octaheme nitrite reductases, which are the subject of the present review, are of a transitional form that combines structural and functional characteristics of pentaheme reductases and octaheme oxidases and possesses a number of unique features typical of only this family of enzymes. The review summarizes data on structure-function investigations of the family of octaheme nitrite reductases. Emphasis is given to comparison of the structures and functions of octaheme nitrite reductases and other multiheme oxidoreductases of the nitrogen cycle.  相似文献   

Archaeal ANaerobic MEthanotrophs (ANME) facilitate the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), a process that is believed to proceed via the reversal of the methanogenesis pathway. Carbon isotopic composition studies indicate that ANME are metabolically diverse and able to assimilate metabolites including methane, methanol, acetate, and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). Our data support the interpretation that ANME in marine sediments at methane seeps assimilate both methane and DIC, and the carbon isotopic compositions of the tetrapyrrole coenzyme F430 and the membrane lipids archaeol and hydroxy‐archaeol reflect their relative proportions of carbon from these substrates. Methane is assimilated via the methyl group of CH3‐tetrahydromethanopterin (H4MPT) and DIC from carboxylation reactions that incorporate free intracellular DIC. F430 was enriched in 13C (mean δ13C = ?27‰ for Hydrate Ridge and ?80‰ for the Santa Monica Basin) compared to the archaeal lipids (mean δ13C = ?97‰ for Hydrate Ridge and ?122‰ for the Santa Monica Basin). We propose that depending on the side of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle used to synthesize F430, its carbon was derived from 76% DIC and 24% methane via the reductive side or 57% DIC and 43% methane via the oxidative side. ANME lipids are predicted to contain 42% DIC and 58% methane, reflecting the amount of each assimilated into acetyl‐CoA. With isotope models that include variable fractionation during biosynthesis for different carbon substrates, we show the estimated amounts of DIC and methane can result in carbon isotopic compositions of ? 73‰ to ? 77‰ for F430 and ? 105‰ for archaeal lipids, values close to those for Santa Monica Basin. The F430 δ13C value for Hydrate Ridge was 13C‐enriched compared with the modeled value, suggesting there is divergence from the predicted two carbon source models.  相似文献   

Objectives: This review summarizes the spectroscopic results, which will provide useful suggestions for future research. In addition, the fields that urgently need more information are also advised.

Background: Nitrite-NO-cGMP has been considered as an important signaling pathway of NO in human cells. To date, all the four known human molybdenum-containing enzymes, xanthine oxidase, aldehyde oxidase, sulfite oxidase, and mitochondrial amidoxime-reducing component, have been shown to function as nitrite reductases under hypoxia by biochemical, cellular, or animal studies. Various spectroscopic techniques have been applied to investigate the structure and catalytic mechanism of these enzymes for more than 20 years.

Methods: We summarize the published data on the applications of UV-vis and EPR spectroscopies, and X-ray crystallography in studying nitrite reductase activity of the four human molybdenum-containing enzymes.

Results: UV-vis has provided useful information on the redox active centers of these enzymes. The utilization of EPR spectroscopy has been critical in determining the coordination and redox status of the Mo center during catalysis. Despite the lack of substrate-bound crystal structures of these nitrite reductases, valuable structural information has been obtained by X-ray crystallography.

Conclusions: To fully understand the catalytic mechanisms of these physiologically/pathologically important nitrite reductases, structural studies on substrate-redox center interaction are needed.  相似文献   

The annual dynamics of three different ammonia‐oxidizing archaea (AOA) ecotypes (amoA gene) and of the SAGMGC‐1 (Nitrosotalea‐like aquatic Thaumarchaeota) group (16S rRNA gene) were studied by newly designed specific primers and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis in a deep oligotrophic high mountain lake (Lake Redon, Limnological Observatory of the Pyrenees, Spain). We observed segregated distributions of the main AOA populations, peaking separately in time and space, and under different ammonia concentrations and irradiance conditions. Strong positive correlation in gene abundances was found along the annual survey between 16S rRNA SAGMAGC‐1 and one of the amoA ecotypes suggesting the potential for ammonia oxidation in the freshwater SAGMAGC‐1 clade. We also observed dominance of Nitrosotalea‐like ecotypes over Nitrosopumilus‐like (Marine Group 1.1a) and not the same annual dynamics for the two thaumarchaeotal clades. The fine scale segregation in space and time of the different AOA ecotypes indicated the presence of phylogenetically close but ecologically segregated AOA species specifically adapted to specific environmental conditions. It remains to be elucidated what would be such environmental drivers.  相似文献   

Induction of nitrate and nitrite reductases in Anabaena cylindrica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Induction of nitrate and nitrite reductases in Anabaena cylindrica(FOGG strain) was investigated. At various stages of algal growthin the presence of nitrate or nitrite, the levels of these enzymeswere determined using cell-free preparations. Nitrate and nitritereductases were induced by the respective substrates. Nitratedid not act either as an inducer or as a repressor of nitritereductase. 1This work was supported by grant No. 8814 from the Ministryof Education 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Tokyo MetropolitanUniversitySetagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan (Received June 18, 1970; )  相似文献   

Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is an important methane sink in the ocean but the microbes responsible for AOM are as yet resilient to cultivation. Here we describe the microbial analysis of an enrichment obtained in a novel submerged‐membrane bioreactor system and capable of high‐rate AOM (286 μmol gdry weight?1 day?1) coupled to sulfate reduction. By constructing a clone library with subsequent sequencing and fluorescent in situ hybridization, we showed that the responsible methanotrophs belong to the ANME‐2a subgroup of anaerobic methanotrophic archaea, and that sulfate reduction is most likely performed by sulfate‐reducing bacteria commonly found in association with other ANME‐related archaea in marine sediments. Another relevant portion of the bacterial sequences can be clustered within the order of Flavobacteriales but their role remains to be elucidated. Fluorescent in situ hybridization analyses showed that the ANME‐2a cells occur as single cells without close contact to the bacterial syntrophic partner. Incubation with 13C‐labelled methane showed substantial incorporation of 13C label in the bacterial C16 fatty acids (bacterial; 20%, 44% and 49%) and in archaeal lipids, archaeol and hydroxyl‐archaeol (21% and 20% respectively). The obtained data confirm that both archaea and bacteria are responsible for the anaerobic methane oxidation in a bioreactor enrichment inoculated with Eckernförde bay sediment.  相似文献   

An important challenge for conservation science is to detect declines in intraspecific diversity so that management action can be guided towards populations or species at risk. The lifespan of Australian lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri) exceeds 80 years, and human impacts on breeding habitat over the last half century may have impeded recruitment, leaving populations dominated by old postreproductive individuals, potentially resulting in a small and declining breeding population. Here, we conduct a “single‐sample” evaluation of genetic erosion within contemporary populations of the Australian lungfish. Genetic erosion is a temporal decline in intraspecific diversity due to factors such as reduced population size and inbreeding. We examined whether young individuals showed signs of reduced genetic diversity and/or inbreeding using a novel bomb radiocarbon dating method to age lungfish nonlethally, based on 14C ratios of scales. A total of 15,201 single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) loci were genotyped in 92 individuals ranging in age from 2 to 77 years old. Standardized individual heterozygosity and individual inbreeding coefficients varied widely within and between riverine populations, but neither was associated with age, so perceived problems with recruitment have not translated into genetic erosion that could be considered a proximate threat to lungfish populations. Conservation concern has surrounded Australian lungfish for over a century. However, our results suggest that long‐lived threatened species can maintain stable levels of intraspecific variability when sufficient reproductive opportunities exist over the course of a long lifespan.  相似文献   

Environmental diversity of bacteria and archaea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The microbial way of life spans at least 3.8 billion years of evolution. Microbial organisms are pervasive, ubiquitous, and essential components of all ecosystems. The geochemical composition of Earth's biosphere has been molded largely by microbial activities. Yet, despite the predominance of microbes during the course of life's history, general principles and theory of microbial evolution and ecology are not well developed. Until recently, investigators had no idea how accurately cultivated microorganisms represented overall microbial diversity. The development of molecular phylogenetics has recently enabled characterization of naturally occurring microbial biota without cultivation. Free from the biases of culture-based studies, molecular phylogenetic surveys have revealed a vast array of new microbial groups. Many of these new microbes are widespread and abundant among contemporary microbiota and fall within novel divisions that branch deep within the tree of life. The breadth and extent of extant microbial diversity has become much clearer. A remaining challenge for microbial biologists is to better characterize the biological properties of these newly described microbial taxa. This more comprehensive picture will provide much better perspective on the natural history, ecology, and evolution of extant microbial life.  相似文献   

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