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Diplomonads, retortamonads, and "Carpediemonas-like" organisms (CLOs) are a monophyletic group of protists that are microaerophilic/anaerobic and lack typical mitochondria. Most diplomonads and retortamonads are parasites, and the pathogen Giardia intestinalis is known to possess reduced mitochondrion-related organelles (mitosomes) that do not synthesize ATP. By contrast, free-living CLOs have larger organelles that superficially resemble some hydrogenosomes, organelles that in other protists are known to synthesize ATP anaerobically. This group represents an excellent system for studying the evolution of parasitism and anaerobic, mitochondrion-related organelles. Understanding these evolutionary transitions requires a well-resolved phylogeny of diplomonads, retortamonads and CLOs. Unfortunately, until now the deep relationships amongst these taxa were unresolved due to limited data for almost all of the CLO lineages. To address this, we assembled a dataset of up to six protein-coding genes that includes representatives from all six CLO lineages, and complements existing rRNA datasets. Multigene phylogenetic analyses place CLOs as well as the retortamonad Chilomastix as a paraphyletic basal assemblage to the lineage comprising diplomonads and the retortamonad Retortamonas. In particular, the CLO Dysnectes was shown to be the closest relative of the diplomonads + Retortamonas clade, with strong support. This phylogeny is consistent with a drastic degeneration of mitochondrion-related organelles during the evolution from a free-living organism resembling extant CLOs to a probable parasite/commensal common ancestor of diplomonads and Retortamonas.  相似文献   

About 20 new isolates of Carpediemonas-like organisms (CLOs) have been reported since 2006. Small subunit rRNA gene phylogenies divide CLOs into six major clades: four contain described exemplars (i.e. Carpediemonas, Dysnectes, Hicanonectes, and Kipferlia), but two include only undescribed organisms. Here we describe a representative of one of these latter clades as Ergobibamus cyprinoides n. g., n. sp., and catalogue its ultrastructure. Ergobibamus cyprinoides is a bean-shaped biflagellated cell, 7-11.5 μm long, with a conspicuous groove. Instead of classical mitochondria there are cristae-lacking rounded organelles 300-400 nm in diameter. The posterior flagellum has a broad ventral vane and small dorsal vane. There are normally four basal bodies, two non-flagellated. There is one anterior root (AR), containing six microtubules. The posterior flagellar apparatus follows the "typical excavate" pattern of a splitting right root supported by fibres "I,"B," and "A," a "composite" fibre, a singlet root, and a left root (LR) with a "C" fibre. The B fibre originates against the LR--a synapomorphy of the taxon Fornicata--supporting the assignation of Ergobibamus to Fornicata, along with diplomonads, retortamonads, and other CLOs. Distinctive features of E. cyprinoides include the complexity of the AR, which is intermediate between Hicanonectes, and Carpediemonas and Dysnectes, and a dorsal extension of the C fibre.  相似文献   

Among a few potential archezoan groups, only the Metamonada (diplomonads, retortamonads, and oxymonads) still retain the status of amitochondriate protists that diverged before the acquisition or retention of mitochondria. Indeed, finding that diplomonad genomes harbor a gene encoding a mitochondrial type chaperonin 60, the most compelling evidence for their secondarily amitochondriate nature, may be interpreted as an acquisition of this important general chaperone during some transient alpha-proteobacterial endosymbiosis. Recently published data on the cysteine desulfurase IscS demonstrated an alpha-proteobacterial origin of mitochondrial enzymes including a diplomonad Giardia lamblia homolog. An extended phylogenetic analysis of IscS is reported here that revealed a full canonical pattern of mitochondrial ancestry for the giardial enzyme. The above canonical pattern, a sister group relationship of mitochondria and rickettsiae exclusive of free-living alpha-proteobacteria, was robustly confirmed by a comprehensive analysis of Cob and Cox1 subunits of the respiratory chain encoded by resident mitochondrial genes. Given that Fe-S cluster assembly involving IscS represents an essential mitochondrial function, these data strongly suggest that diplomonads once harbored bona fide mitochondria.  相似文献   

We present the first molecular phylogenetic examination of the evolutionary position of retortamonads, a group of mitochondrion-lacking flagellates usually found as commensals of the intestinal tracts of vertebrates. Our phylogenies include small subunit ribosomal gene sequences from six retortamonad isolates-four from mammals and two from amphibians. All six sequences were highly similar (95%-99%), with those from mammals being almost identical to each other. All phylogenetic methods utilized unequivocally placed retortamonads with another amitochondriate group, the diplomonads. Surprisingly, all methods weakly supported a position for retortamonads cladistically within diplomonads, as the sister group to Giardia. This position would conflict with a single origin and uniform retention of the doubled-cell organization displayed by most diplomonads, but not by retortamonads. Diplomonad monophyly was not rejected by Shimodaira-Hasegawa, Kishino-Hasegawa, and expected likelihood weights methods but was marginally rejected by parametric bootstrapping. Analyses with additional phylogenetic markers are needed to test this controversial branching order within the retortamonad + diplomonad clade. Nevertheless, the robust phylogenetic association between diplomonads and retortamonads suggests that they share an amitochondriate ancestor. Because strong evidence indicates that diplomonads have secondarily lost their mitochondria (rather than being ancestrally amitochondriate), our results imply that retortamonads are also secondarily amitochondriate. Of the various groups of eukaryotes originally suggested to be primitively amitochondriate under the archezoa hypothesis, all have now been found to have physical or genetic mitochondrial relics (or both) or form a robust clade with an organism with such a relic.  相似文献   



Fornicata is a relatively recently established group of protists that includes the diplokaryotic diplomonads (which have two similar nuclei per cell), and the monokaryotic enteromonads, retortamonads and Carpediemonas, with the more typical one nucleus per cell. The monophyly of the group was confirmed by molecular phylogenetic studies, but neither the internal phylogeny nor its position on the eukaryotic tree has been clearly resolved.  相似文献   

Diplomonads, such as Giardia, and their close relatives retortamonads have been proposed as early-branching eukaryotes that diverged before the acquisition-retention of mitochondria, and they have become key organisms in attempts to understand the evolution of eukaryotic cells. In this phylogenetic study we focus on a series of eukaryotes suggested to be relatives of diplomonads on morphological grounds, the "excavate taxa". Phylogenies of small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) genes, alpha-tubulin, beta-tubulin, and combined alpha- + beta-tubulin all scatter the various excavate taxa across the diversity of eukaryotes. But all phylogenies place the excavate taxon Carpediemonas as the closest relative of diplomonads (and, where data are available, retortamonads). This novel relationship is recovered across phylogenetic methods and across various taxon-deletion experiments. Statistical support is strongest under maximum-likelihood (ML) (when among-site rate variation is modeled) and when the most divergent diplomonad sequences are excluded, suggesting a true relationship rather than an artifact of long-branch attraction. When all diplomonads are excluded, our ML SSU rRNA tree actually places retortamonads and Carpediemonas away from the base of the eukaryotes. The branches separating excavate taxa are mostly not well supported (especially in analyses of SSU rRNA data). Statistical tests of the SSU rRNA data, including an "expected likelihood weights" approach, do not reject trees where excavate taxa are constrained to be a clade (with or without parabasalids and Euglenozoa). Although diplomonads and retortamonads lack any mitochondria-like organelle, Carpediemonas contains double membrane-bounded structures physically resembling hydrogenosomes. The phylogenetic position of Carpediemonas suggests that it will be valuable in interpreting the evolutionary significance of many molecular and cellular peculiarities of diplomonads.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lateral gene transfer (LGT) is an important evolutionary mechanism among prokaryotes. The situation in eukaryotes is less clear; the human genome sequence failed to give strong support for any recent transfers from prokaryotes to vertebrates, yet a number of LGTs from prokaryotes to protists (unicellular eukaryotes) have been documented. Here, we perform a systematic analysis to investigate the impact of LGT on the evolution of diplomonads, a group of anaerobic protists.RESULTS: Phylogenetic analyses of 15 genes present in the genome of the Atlantic Salmon parasite Spironucleus barkhanus and/or the intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia show that most of these genes originated via LGT. Half of the genes are putatively involved in processes related to an anaerobic lifestyle, and this finding suggests that a common ancestor, which most probably was aerobic, of Spironucleus and Giardia adapted to an anaerobic environment in part by acquiring genes via LGT from prokaryotes. The sources of the transferred diplomonad genes are found among all three domains of life, including other eukaryotes. Many of the phylogenetic reconstructions show eukaryotes emerging in several distinct regions of the tree, strongly suggesting that LGT not only involved diplomonads, but also involved other eukaryotic groups.CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that LGT is a significant evolutionary mechanism among diplomonads in particular and protists in general. These findings provide insights into the evolution of biochemical pathways in early eukaryote evolution and have important implications for studies of eukaryotic genome evolution and organismal relationships. Furthermore, "fusion" hypotheses for the origin of eukaryotes need to be rigorously reexamined in the light of these results.  相似文献   

Taxa of microbial eukaryotes defined on morphological basis display a large degree of genetic diversity, implying the existence of numerous cryptic species. However, it has been postulated that genetic diversity merely mirrors accumulation of neutral mutations. As a case taxon to study cryptic diversity in protists, we used a widely distributed filamentous genus, Klebsormidium, specifically the lineage E (K. flaccidum/K. nitens complex) containing a number of morphologically similar strains. Fourteen clades were recognized in the phylogenetic analysis based on a concatenated ITS rDNA + rbcL data set of more than 70 strains. The results of inferred character evolution indicated the existence of phylogenetic signal in at least two phenotypic characters (production of hydro‐repellent filaments and morphology of zoosporangia). Moreover, the lineages recovered exhibited strong ecological preferences to one of the three habitat types: natural subaerial substrata, artificial subaerial substrata, and aquatic habitats. We interpret these results as evidence of existence of a high number of cryptic species within the single morphospecies. We consider that the permanent existence of genetically and ecologically well‐defined cryptic species is enabled by the mechanism of selective sweep.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the phylogeographic pattern of a volant mammal at the continental scale. The pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus) was chosen because it ranges across a zone of well‐studied biotic assemblages, namely the warm deserts of North America. Location The western half of North America, with sites in Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Methods PCR amplification and sequencing of the mitochondrial control region was performed on 194 pallid bats from 36 localities. Additional sequences at the cytochrome‐b locus were generated for representatives of each control‐region haplotype. modeltest was used to determine the best set of parameters to describe each data set, which were incorporated into analyses using paup *. Statistical parsimony and measurements of population differentiation (amova , FST) were also used to examine patterns of genetic diversity in pallid bats. Results We detected three major lineages in the mitochondrial DNA of pallid bats collected across the species range. These three major clades have completely non‐overlapping geographic ranges. Only 6 of 80 control‐region haplotypes were found at more than a single locality, and sequences at the more conserved cytochrome‐b locus revealed 37 haplotypes. Statistical parsimony generated three unlinked networks that correspond exactly to clades defined by the distance‐based analysis. On average there was c. 2% divergence for the combined mitochondrial sequences within each of the three major clades and c. 7% divergence between each pair of clades. Molecular clocks date divergence between the major clades at more than one million years, on average, using the faster rates, and at more than three million years using more conservative rates of evolution. Main conclusions Divergent haplotypic lineages with allopatric distributions suggest that the pallid bat has responded to evolutionary pressures in a manner consistent with other taxa of the American southwest. These results extend the conclusions of earlier studies that found the genetic structuring of populations of some bat species to show that a widespread volant species may comprise a set of geographically replacing monophyletic lineages. Haplotypes were usually restricted to single localities, and the clade showing geographic affinities to the Sonoran Desert contained greater diversity than did clades to the east and west. While faster molecular clocks would allow for glacial cycles of the Pleistocene as plausible agents of diversification of pallid bats, evidence from co‐distributed taxa suggests support for older events being responsible for the initial divergence among clades.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Complete nucleotide sequences have been established for two genes (gap1 and gap2) coding for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH, EC homologs in the diplomonad Giardia lamblia. In addition, almost complete sequences of the GAPDH open reading frames were obtained from PCR products for two free-living diplomonad species, Trepomonas agilis and Hexamita inflata, and a parasite of Atlantic salmon, an as yet unnamed species with morphological affinities to Spironucleus. Giardia lamblia gap 1 and the genes from the three other diplomonad species show high similarity to each other and to other glycolytic GAPDH genes. All amino-acyl residues known to be highly conserved in this enzyme are also conserved in these sequences. Giardia lamblia gap2 gene is more divergent and its putative translation reveals the presence of a cysteine and serine-rich insertion resembling a metal binding finger. This motif has not yet been noted in other GAPDH molecules. All sequences contain an S-loop signature with characteristics close to those of eukaryotes. In phylogenetic reconstructions based on the derived amino acid sequences with neighborjoining, parsimony and maximum-likelihood methods the four typical GAPDH sequences of diplomonads cluster into a single clade. Within this clade, G. lamblia gap1 shares a common ancestor with the rest of the genes. The latter are more closely related to each other, indicating an early separation of the lineage leading to the genus Giardia from the lineage encompassing the morphologically less differentiated genera, Trepomonas, Hexamita and that of the unnamed species. This result is discordant with the orthogonal evolution of diplomonads suggested on the basis of comparative morphology. In neighbor-joining reconstructions G. lamblia gap2 occupies a variable position, due to its great divergence. In parsimony and maximum likelihood analysis however, it shares a most recent common ancestor with the typical G. lamblia gap1 gene, suggesting that it diverged after the separation of the Giardia lineage. The position of the diplomonad clade in broader phylogenetic reconstructions is firmly within the typical cytosolic glycolytic representatives of GAPDH of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Most recent studies of geographic distribution of microbial eukaryotes have focused on marine rather than freshwater protists. Here, we used the freshwater peritrich ciliate Carchesium polypinum to quantify the degree of genetic diversity of four closely related and previously described lineages and to determine whether patterns of genetic differentiation showed geographic partitioning. Using an expanded dataset of 100 isolates and employing the mitochondrial marker cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (cox-1), we enriched the 6 previously identified clades of Carchesium polypinum. We found a large degree of geographic overlap among the different clades (e.g. to the level of range of sampling), but also a spatially restricted clade (e.g. to the level of one river basin). Furthermore, we present evidence of a clear geographic separation in one of the lineages with Canadian and North Carolinian isolates grouping in two distinct clusters.  相似文献   

We reviewed published phylogenies and selected 111 phylogenetic studies representing mammals, birds, insects, and flowering plants. We then mapped the latitudinal range of all taxa to test the relative importance of the tropical conservatism, out of the tropics, and diversification rate hypotheses in generating latitudinal diversity gradients. Most clades originated in the tropics, with diversity peaking in the zone of origin. Transitions of lineages between latitudinal zones occurred at 16–22% of the tree nodes. The most common type of transition was range expansions of tropical lineages to encompass also temperate latitudes. Thus, adaptation to new climatic conditions may not represent a major obstacle for many clades. These results contradict predictions of the tropical conservatism hypothesis (i.e., few clades colonizing extratropical latitudes), but support the out‐of‐the‐tropics model (i.e., tropical originations and subsequent latitudinal range expansions). Our results suggest no difference in diversification between tropical and temperate sister lineages; thus, diversity of tropical clades was not explained by higher diversification rates in this zone. Moreover, lineages with latitudinal stasis diversified more compared to sister lineages entering a new latitudinal zone. This preserved preexisting diversity differences between latitudinal zones and can be considered a new mechanism for why diversity tends to peak in the zone of origin.  相似文献   

Jakobids are free-living, heterotrophic flagellates that might represent early-diverging mitochondrial protists. They share ultrastructural similarities with eukaryotes that occupy basal positions in molecular phylogenies, and their mitochondrial genome architecture is eubacterial-like, suggesting a close affinity with the ancestral alpha-proteobacterial symbiont that gave rise to mitochondria and hydrogenosomes. To elucidate relationships among jakobids and other early-diverging eukaryotic lineages, we characterized alpha- and beta-tubulin genes from four jakobids: Jakoba libera, Jakoba incarcerata, Reclinomonas americana (the "core jakobids"), and Malawimonas jakobiformis. These are the first reports of nuclear genes from these organisms. Phylogenies based on alpha-, beta-, and combined alpha- plus beta-tubulin protein data sets do not support the monophyly of the jakobids. While beta-tubulin and combined alpha- plus beta-tubulin phylogenies showed a sister group relationship between J. libera and R. americana, the two other jakobids, M. jakobiformis and J. incarcerata, had unclear affinities. In all three analyses, J. libera, R. americana, and M. jakobiformis emerged from within a well-supported large "plant-protist" clade that included plants, green algae, cryptophytes, stramenopiles, alveolates, Euglenozoa, Heterolobosea, and several other protist groups, but not animals, fungi, microsporidia, parabasalids, or diplomonads. A preferred branching order within the plant-protist clade was not identified, but there was a tendency for the J. libera-R. americana lineage to group with a clade made up of the heteroloboseid amoeboflagellates and euglenozoan protists. Jakoba incarcerata branched within the plant-protist clade in the beta- and the combined alpha- plus beta-tubulin phylogenies. In alpha- tubulin trees, J. incarcerata occupied an unresolved position, weakly grouping with the animal/fungal/microsporidian group or with amitochondriate parabasalid and diplomonad lineages, depending on the phylogenetic method employed. Tubulin gene phylogenies were in general agreement with mitochondrial gene phylogenies and ultrastructural data in indicating that the "jakobids" may be polyphyletic. Relationships with the putatively deep-branching amitochondriate diplomonads remain uncertain.  相似文献   

Although environmental DNA surveys improve our understanding of biodiversity, interpretation of unidentified lineages is limited by the absence of associated morphological traits and living cultures. Unidentified lineages of marine stramenopiles are called “MAST clades”. Twenty‐five MAST clades have been recognized: MAST‐1 through MAST‐25; seven of these have been subsequently discarded because the sequences representing those clades were found to either (1) be chimeric or (2) affiliate within previously described taxonomic groups. Eighteen MAST clades remain without a cellular identity. Moreover, the discarded “MAST‐13” has been used in different studies to refer to two different environmental sequence clades. After establishing four cultures representing two different species of heterotrophic stramenopiles and then characterizing their morphology and molecular phylogenetic positions, we determined that the two different species represented the two different MAST‐13 clades: (1) a lorica‐bearing Bicosoeca kenaiensis and (2) a microaerophilic flagellate previously named “Cafeteria marsupialis”. Both species were previously described with only light microscopy; no cultures, ultrastructural data or DNA sequences were available from these species prior to this study. The molecular phylogenetic position of three different “C. marsupialis” isolates was not closely related to the type species of Cafeteria; therefore, we established a new genus for these isolates, Cantina gen. nov.  相似文献   

The eastern Asian (EA)–eastern North American (ENA) floristic disjunction represents a major pattern of phytogeography of the Northern Hemisphere. Despite 20 years of studies dedicated to identification of taxa that display this disjunct pattern, its origin and evolution remain an open question, especially regarding post‐isolation evolution. The blue‐ or white‐fruited dogwoods (BW) are the most species‐rich among the four major clades of Cornus L., consisting of ~35 species divided into three subgenera (subg. Yinquania, subg. Mesomora, and subg. Kraniopsis). The BW group provides an excellent example of the EA–ENA floristic disjunction for biogeographic study due to its diversity distribution centered in eastern Asia and eastern North America, yet its species relationships and delineation have remained poorly understood. In this study, we combined genome‐wide markers from RAD‐seq, morphology, fossils, and climate data to understand species relationships, biogeographic history, and ecological niche and morphological evolution. Our phylogenomic analyses with RAxML and MrBayes recovered a strongly supported and well‐resolved phylogeny of the BW group with three intercontinental disjunct clades in EA and ENA or Eurasia and North America, of which two are newly identified within subg. Kraniopsis. These analyses also recovered a potential new species but failed to resolve relationships within the C. hemsleyiC. schindleri complex. In an effort to develop an approach to reduce computation time, analysis of different nodal age settings in treePL suggests setting a node's minimum age constraint to the lower bound of a fossil's age range to obtain similar ages to that of BEAST. Divergence time analyses with BEAST and treePL dated the BW stem back to the very Late Cretaceous and the divergence of the three subgenera in the Paleogene. By integrating fossil ages and morphology, a total evidence‐based dating approach was used in conjunction with time‐slice probabilities of dispersal under a DEC model to resolve ancestral ranges of each disjunct in the Miocene: Eurasia and ENA (disjunct 1), EA and western North America (disjunct 2), and EA (disjunct 3). The dated biogeographic history supports dispersal via the North Atlantic Land Bridge in the late Paleogene in disjunct 1 and dispersal via the Bering Land Bridge in the Miocene for disjuncts 2 and 3. Character mapping with a stochastic model in phytools and comparison of ecological niche, morphospace, and rate of evolution indicated differential divergence patterns in morphology, ecological niche, and molecules between disjunct sisters. Although morphological stasis was observed in most of the characters, evolutionary changes in growth habit and some features of leaf, flower, and fruit morphology occurred in one or both sister clades. A significant differentiation of ecological habitats in temperature, precipitation, and elevation between disjunct sisters was observed, suggesting a role of niche divergence in morphological evolution post‐isolation. The patterns of evolutionary rate between morphology and molecules varied among disjunct clades and were not always congruent between morphology and molecules, suggesting cases of non‐neutral morphological evolution driven by ecological selection. Our phylogenetic evidence and comparisons of evolutionary rate among disjunct lineages lend new insights into the formation of the diversity anomaly between EA and ENA, with particular support of an early diversification in EA. These findings, in conjunction with previous studies, again suggest that the EA–ENA disjunct floras are an assembly of lineages descended from the Mesophytic Forests that evolved from the early Paleogene “boreotropical flora” through varied evolutionary pathways across lineages.  相似文献   

Intra‐ and interspecific genetic diversity of the lizard species Plica plica (9 localities) and Plica umbra (19 localities) from the Brazilian Amazon was analysed using two mitochondrial (16S rDNA and CO1) and one nuclear (prolactin receptor – PRLR) genes. We generated a maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships, and using the bPTP and ABGD lineage delimiting methods inferred the most likely number of lineages within each species. Both methods delimited five distinct lineages in Plica plica and six lineages within Plica umbra. The nominal subspecies of Plica umbra was comprised of one lineage, while Plica umbra ochrocollaris was comprised of five lineages. In majority of the cases, lineages were restricted to the interfluves of major Amazonian rivers, and different lineages occupied distinct areas of endemism. Phylogenetic relationships of the lineages are largely concordant with the hypothesized formation of the areas of endemism. The geographic structuring of the clades and the delimitation of these clades as distinct lineages suggest the possibility that these lineages represent species. If the observed diversity of lineages within the genus Plica is characteristic of squamate reptiles of the Amazon region, the diversity of squamates is grossly underestimated.  相似文献   

Host‐associated microbes are ubiquitous. Every multicellular eukaryote, and even many unicellular eukaryotes (protists), hosts a diverse community of microbes. High‐throughput sequencing (HTS) tools have illuminated the vast diversity of host‐associated microbes and shown that they have widespread influence on host biology, ecology and evolution (McFall‐Ngai et al. 2013 ). Bacteria receive most of the attention, but protists are also important components of microbial communities associated with humans (Parfrey et al. 2011 ) and other hosts. As HTS tools are increasingly used to study eukaryotes, the presence of numerous and diverse host‐associated eukaryotes is emerging as a common theme across ecosystems. Indeed, HTS studies demonstrate that host‐associated lineages account for between 2 and 12% of overall eukaryotic sequences detected in soil, marine and freshwater data sets, with much higher relative abundances observed in some samples (Ramirez et al. 2014 ; Simon et al. 2015 ; de Vargas et al. 2015 ). Previous studies in soil detected large numbers of predominantly parasitic lineages such as Apicomplexa, but did not delve into their origin [e.g. (Ramirez et al. 2014 )]. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Geisen et al. ( 2015 ) use mock communities to show that many of the eukaryotic organisms detected by environmental sequencing in soils are potentially associated with animal hosts rather than free‐living. By isolating the host‐associated fraction of soil microbial communities, Geisen and colleagues help explain the surprisingly high diversity of parasitic eukaryotic lineages often detected in soil/terrestrial studies using high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) and reinforce the ubiquity of these host‐associated microbes. It is clear that we can no longer assume that organisms detected in bulk environmental sequencing are free‐living, but instead need to design studies that specifically enumerate the diversity and function of host‐associated eukaryotes. Doing so will allow the field to determine the role host‐associated eukaryotes play in soils and other environments and to evaluate hypotheses on assembly of host‐associated communities, disease ecology and more.  相似文献   

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