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Plants are under constant attack from a variety of disease‐causing organisms. Lacking an adaptive immune system, plants repel pathogen attack via an array of pathogen recognition machinery. Receptor‐like kinases (RLKs) are involved in the recognition of pathogen‐associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and activate resistance pathways against broad classes of pathogens. We have identified powdery mildew‐resistant kinase 1, an Arabidopsis gene encoding an RLK that is highly induced by chitin at early time points and localizes to the plasma membrane. Knockout mutants in pmrk1 are more susceptible to both Golovinomyces cichoracearum and Plectosphaerella cucumerina. Our data show that PMRK1 is essential in early stages of defence against fungi and provide evidence that PMRK1 may be unique to chitin‐induced signalling pathways. The results of this study indicate that PMRK1 is a critical component of plant innate immunity against fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of plants (and other primarily sessile organisms) depends on the interplay between their ecological requirements and the spatial template set before, during, and after the dispersal process. In the case of animal‐dispersed plants, the spatial characteristics of animal behaviour during the seed dispersal process are likely to leave a lasting imprint on plant distribution. Here, we hypothesize that the activity patterns of the frugivorous lizard Podarcis lilfordi directly influence the spatial distribution of the fleshy‐fruited shrub Daphne rodriguezii. To evaluate this hypothesis, we first analysed lizard activity, following radio‐tracked lizards during the plant's fruiting period, and identified its main determinants at several spatial scales of habitat aggregation (from 12.5 to 150 m). We hypothesised that lizard activity depends on differential habitat features explaining its territory use plus habitat preferences associated with each movement bout. In a second step, the most important determinants of lizard activity plus the variables describing habitat structure were used to predict the presence of adult and juvenile plants. Predictability of lizard activity (based on AUC and Pearson regression coefficients) was higher at broad spatial‐scales of habitat aggregation (75 m). The two best predictors of lizard activity were the habitat features of and the distance to the core area (defined as the area enclosing the 0.50 cumulative probability of lizard locations). Plant presence was best predicted by models based on a combination of lizard activity and habitat features at local spatial scales (1.5 m). Best models included habitat features and lizard activity for adult plants, and local‐scale habitat features, the proximity of adult plants and lizard activity for juveniles. In both cases, most plants (50–60%) were located at ‘optimal sites’ (both favourable for lizards and with adequate habitat features), whereas a small fraction of them (3–10%) were located at dispersal‐limited sites (i.e. with adequate habitat features but suboptimal for lizards). Our results thus suggest that the interplay between lizard activity and local habitat features determines the spatial patterns of juvenile‐plant presence and leaves a lasting signature on adult‐plant distribution.  相似文献   

Over the past 25 years, the plant‐soil feedback (PSF) framework has catalyzed our understanding of how belowground microbiota impact plant fitness and species coexistence. Here, we apply a novel extension of this framework to microbiota associated with aboveground tissues, termed ‘plant‐phyllosphere feedback (PPFs)’. In parallel greenhouse experiments, rhizosphere and phyllosphere microbiota of con‐ and heterospecific hosts from four species were independently manipulated. In a third experiment, we tested the combined effects of soil and phyllosphere feedback under field conditions. We found that three of four species experienced weak negative PSF whereas, in contrast, all four species experienced strong negative PPFs. Field‐based feedback estimates were highly negative for all four species, though variable in magnitude. Our results suggest that phyllosphere microbiota, like rhizosphere microbiota, can potentially mediate plant species coexistence via negative feedbacks. Extension of the PSF framework to the phyllosphere is needed to more fully elucidate plant‐microbiota interactions.  相似文献   

Vigorous discussion of the degree of specialization in pollination interactions, combined with advances in the analysis of complex networks, has revitalized the study of entire plant–pollinator communities. Noticeably rare, however, are attempts to quantify temporal variation in the structure of plant–pollinator networks, and to determine whether the status of species as specialists or generalists is stable. Here we show that network structure varied through time in a montane meadow community from southern California, USA, in that pollinator species did not form the same links with plant species across years. Furthermore, composition of the generalized core group of species in the network varied among summers, as did the identity of those species involved in relationships that appeared to be reciprocally specialized within any one summer. These differences appear to be related to severe drought conditions experienced in the second summer of the 3 year study. In contrast to this variation, the pollinator community remained similarly highly nested in all three summers, even though species were packed into the nested matrix differently from year to year. These results suggest that plant–pollinator networks vary in detail through time, while retaining some basic topological properties. This dynamic aspect of community‐scale interactions has implications for both ecological and evolutionary inferences about pollination mutualisms.  相似文献   

Community genetics research has demonstrated ‘bottom‐up’ effects of genetic variation within a plant species in shaping the larger community with which it interacts, such as compositions of arthropod faunas. We demonstrate that such cross‐trophic interactions also influence sexually selected traits. We used a member of the Enchenopa binotata species complex of treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae) to ask whether male mating signals are influenced by host plant genetic variation. We reared a random sample of the treehoppers on potted replicates of a sample of host plant clone lines. We found that treehopper male signals varied according to the clone line on which they developed, showing that genetic variation in host plants affects male treehoppers' behavioural phenotypes. This is the first demonstration of cross‐trophic indirect genetic effects on a sexually selected trait. We discuss how such effects may play an important role in the maintenance of variation and within‐population phenotypic differentiation, thereby promoting evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

The heparin‐protein interaction plays a vital role in numerous physiological and pathological processes. Not only is the binding mechanism of these interactions poorly understood, studies concerning their therapeutic targeting are also limited. Here, we have studied the interaction of the heparin interacting peptide (HIP) from Tat (which plays important role in HIV infections) with heparin. Isothermal titration calorimetry binding exhibits distinct biphasic isotherm with two different affinities in the HIP‐heparin complex formation. Overall, the binding was mainly driven by the nonionic interactions with a small contribution from ionic interactions. The stoichiometric analysis suggested that the minimal site for a single HIP molecule is a chain of 4 to 5 saccharide molecules, also supported by docking studies. The investigation was also focused on exploiting the possibility of using a small molecule as an inhibitor of the HIP‐heparin complex. Quinacrine, because of its ability to mimic the HIP interactions with heparin, was shown to successfully modulate the HIP‐heparin interactions. This result demonstrates the feasibility of inhibiting the disease relevant heparin‐protein interactions by a small molecule, which could be an effective strategy for the development of future therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

African horse sickness (AHS) is a debilitating and often fatal viral disease affecting horses in much of Africa, caused by the dsRNA orbivirus African horse sickness virus (AHSV). Vaccination remains the single most effective weapon in combatting AHS, as there is no treatment for the disease apart from good animal husbandry. However, the only commercially available vaccine is a live‐attenuated version of the virus (LAV). The threat of outbreaks of the disease outside its endemic region and the fact that the LAV is not licensed for use elsewhere in the world, have spurred attempts to develop an alternative safer, yet cost‐effective recombinant vaccine. Here, we report the plant‐based production of a virus‐like particle (VLP) AHSV serotype five candidate vaccine by Agrobacterium tumefaciens‐mediated transient expression of all four capsid proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana using the cowpea mosaic virus‐based HyperTrans (CPMV‐HT) and associated pEAQ plant expression vector system. The production process is fast and simple, scalable, economically viable, and most importantly, guinea pig antiserum raised against the vaccine was shown to neutralize live virus in cell‐based assays. To our knowledge, this is the first report of AHSV VLPs produced in plants, which has important implications for the containment of, and fight against the spread of, this deadly disease.  相似文献   

Upon inoculation with pathogenic microbes, plants induce an array of metabolic changes that potentially contribute to induced resistance or even enhance susceptibility. When analysing leaf lipid composition during the Arabidopsis thaliana–Pseudomonas syringae interaction, we found that accumulation of the phytosterol stigmasterol is a significant plant metabolic process that occurs upon bacterial leaf infection. Stigmasterol is synthesized from β‐sitosterol by the cytochrome P450 CYP710A1 via C22 desaturation. Arabidopsis cyp710A1 mutant lines impaired in pathogen‐inducible expression of the C22 desaturase and concomitant stigmasterol accumulation are more resistant to both avirulent and virulent P. syringae strains than wild‐type plants, and exogenous application of stigmasterol attenuates this resistance phenotype. These data indicate that induced sterol desaturation in wild‐type plants favours pathogen multiplication and plant susceptibility. Stigmasterol formation is triggered through perception of pathogen‐associated molecular patterns such as flagellin and lipopolysaccharides, and through production of reactive oxygen species, but does not depend on the salicylic acid, jasmonic acid or ethylene defence pathways. Isolated microsomal and plasma membrane preparations exhibited a similar increase in the stigmasterol/β‐sitosterol ratio as whole‐leaf extracts after leaf inoculation with P. syringae, indicating that the stigmasterol produced is incorporated into plant membranes. The increased contents of stigmasterol in leaves after pathogen attack do not influence salicylic acid‐mediated defence signalling but attenuate pathogen‐induced expression of the defence regulator flavin‐dependent monooxygenase 1. P. syringae thus promotes plant disease susceptibility through stimulation of sterol C22 desaturation in leaves, which increases the stigmasterol to β‐sitosterol ratio in plant membranes.  相似文献   

Fungi play many essential roles in ecosystems. They facilitate plant access to nutrients and water, serve as decay agents that cycle carbon and nutrients through the soil, water and atmosphere, and are major regulators of macro‐organismal populations. Although technological advances are improving the detection and identification of fungi, there still exist key gaps in our ecological knowledge of this kingdom, especially related to function . Trait‐based approaches have been instrumental in strengthening our understanding of plant functional ecology and, as such, provide excellent models for deepening our understanding of fungal functional ecology in ways that complement insights gained from traditional and ‐omics‐based techniques. In this review, we synthesize current knowledge of fungal functional ecology, taxonomy and systematics and introduce a novel database of fungal functional traits (FunFun). FunFun is built to interface with other databases to explore and predict how fungal functional diversity varies by taxonomy, guild, and other evolutionary or ecological grouping variables. To highlight how a quantitative trait‐based approach can provide new insights, we describe multiple targeted examples and end by suggesting next steps in the rapidly growing field of fungal functional ecology.  相似文献   

The discovery of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) has been a major step towards better prophylactic and therapeutic agents against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV‐1). However, effective therapy will likely require a combination of anti‐HIV agents to avoid viral evasion. One possible solution to this problem is the creation of bispecific molecules that can concurrently target two vulnerable sites providing synergistic inhibitory effects. Here, we describe the production in plants and anti‐HIV activity of a novel bispecific fusion protein consisting of the antigen‐binding fragment (Fab) of the CD4 binding site‐specific bNAb VRC01 and the antiviral lectin Avaren, which targets the glycan shield of the HIV‐1 envelope (VRC01Fab‐Avaren). This combination was justified by a preliminary experiment demonstrating the synergistic HIV‐1 neutralization activity of VRC01 and Fc‐fused Avaren dimer (Avaren‐Fc). Using the GENEWARE® tobacco mosaic virus vector, VRC01Fab‐Avaren was expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana and purified using a three‐step chromatography procedure. Surface plasmon resonance and ELISA demonstrated that both the Avaren and VRC01Fab moieties retain their individual binding specificities. VRC01Fab‐Avaren demonstrated enhanced neutralizing activity against representative HIV‐1 strains from A, B and C clades, compared to equimolar combinations of VRC01Fab and Avaren. Notably, VRC01Fab‐Avaren showed significantly stronger neutralizing effects than the bivalent parent molecules VRC01 IgG and Avaren‐Fc, with IC50 values ranging from 48 to 310 pm . These results support the continued development of bispecific anti‐HIV proteins based on Avaren and bNAbs, to which plant‐based transient overexpression systems will provide an efficient protein engineering and production platform.  相似文献   

Aboveground fungal pathogens can substantially reduce biomass production in grasslands. However, we lack a mechanistic understanding of the drivers of fungal pathogen infection and impact. Using a grassland global change and biodiversity experiment we show that the trade‐off between plant growth and defense is the main determinant of infection incidence. In contrast, nitrogen addition only indirectly increased incidence via shifting plant communities towards faster growing species. Plant diversity did not decrease incidence, likely because spillover of generalist pathogens or dominance of susceptible plants counteracted negative diversity effects. A fungicide treatment increased plant biomass production and high levels of infection incidence were associated with reduced biomass. However, pathogen impact was context dependent and infection incidence reduced biomass more strongly in diverse communities. Our results show that a growth‐defense trade‐off is the key driver of pathogen incidence, but pathogen impact is determined by several mechanisms and may depend on pathogen community composition.  相似文献   

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