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The breeding biology of magpies in an adjacent urban and rural area in the same year was compared. Breeding commenced earlier in the urban habitat. This was attributed to the earlier availability of invertebrate food in the urban habitat as a result of higher urban ambient temperature. Hatching success and the amount of nest predation were lower in the urban area than in the rural area. Low levels of nest predation in urban areas were due to reduced human predation and probably to the relatively low numbers of many natural predators. Differences in the nest tree species utilized also influenced the probability of human predation. Despite these differences in the causes of egg and chick mortality, the number of young reared to 14 days of age per nest was similar in both habitats.  相似文献   

Black-billed magpies (Pica pica) are considered as a nest predator of game and non-game birds in Europe. In rural areas of Spain magpie control is commonly used as a management tool in small game hunting estates. Cage-traps with a magpie as a decoy are the legal method most commonly used for controlling magpies in Spain although its performance has not yet been experimentally tested. We evaluated the selectivity, efficiency, and the effect of different factors on capture rate of these traps for magpie control and determine the effect of magpie removal on magpie density. Only four out of 197 captures corresponded to non-target species, which were released unharmed. Since the release of non-target captures depends on the daily checking of the trap and the trapper commitment, in order to guarantee the efficiency and selectivity of this method traps should be revised daily by full time, qualified trappers. The efficiency of this method is high during the breeding season, reducing magpie density in the area where the control is performed. Highest capture rates were obtained in the first days after cage-traps setting. Neither the gender nor the origin (local or foreign) of the decoy significantly affected the capture rate. Among male decoys, experimentally increased testosterone levels did not increase capture rates. According to our results, the tested cage-traps with a living decoy could be employed as an efficient and selective method for magpie population management in Spain, when used by full time, qualified trappers.  相似文献   

Food availability is an important factor affecting breeding success in birds. Food supplementation experiments in birds have in general focused on the effects on reproductive success in terms of female investment (laying date, clutch size, egg size), however, it is also known that the estimation of mate quality based on sexually selected signals influences female reproductive investment. In the particular case of magpies, females use nest size, a post-mating sexually selected signal, to assess male's likelihood to invest in reproduction, and accordingly adjust reproductive investment (clutch size). Then, the possible effects of food supplementation on female reproductive investment could be mediated by other variables related to parental quality, such as nest size in magpies. In the present study, we explore if higher food availability in a magpie territory affected both male sexually selected traits (i.e. nest size) and female reproductive investment (laying date, egg size, clutch size). We performed a food supplementation experiment in which we experimentally increased food availability in several magpie territories, keeping others as controls. In food-supplemented territories, males built significantly larger nests and females significantly increased egg size by 4.1% compared to control females. Results suggest that the continuous provisioning of protein rich food allowed magpie females to increase egg size. However, laying date and clutch size did not differ between control and food-supplemented magpie pairs. Food availability also affected the relationship between female reproductive investment and nest size. In control territories, females decreased their egg size in response to a larger nest, whereas a tendency for the opposite relationship was revealed in food-supplemented territories. We discuss the possibility that magpie females adopt different strategies for reproductive investment according to food availability.  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is an extremely infectious, systemic viral disease of birds that produces high mortality and morbidity. HPAI was diagnosed in the three dead magpies (Pica pica sericea) submitted to the National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service. At necropsy, the prominent lesions were multifocal or coalescing necrosis of the pancreas with enlargement of the livers and spleens. Microscopically, there were severely necrotizing pancreatitis and lymphocytic meningoencephalitis. Influenza viral antigen was also detected in areas closely associated with histologic lesions. Avian influenza virus was isolated from cecal tonsils and feces of the magpies. The isolated virus was identified as a highly pathogenic H5N1, with hemagglutinin proteolytic cleavage site deduced amino acid sequence of QREKRKKR/GLFGAIAG. To determine the pathogenicity of the isolate, eight 6-wk-old specific-pathogen-free chickens were inoculated intravenously with the virus, and all birds died within 24 hr after inoculation. This is the first report of HPAI in magpies.  相似文献   

Nest size or nest-building activity has recently been hypothesized to be a postmating sexually selected signal in monogamous birds: females may assess a male's parental quality and willingness to invest in reproduction by his participation in nest building. Females may thus adjust their reproductive effort (i.e. clutch size) not only to their own abilities but also to those of their mates. We investigated whether female magpies, Pica pica, use nest-building activity rather than nest size to adjust their reproductive effort during replacement breeding attempts. After we removed their first clutch, high-quality pairs that built a large nest for the first clutch were more capable of building a replacement nest and females adjusted their clutch size in relation to the time it took to build the nest rather than nest size. We also found support for the hypothesized trade-off between clutch size and egg size in magpies. In replacement clutches females decreased clutch size and increased egg volume, thereby probably improving the survival probability of their offspring in less favourable conditions.Copyright 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

Morphometric and genetic analyses were performed to investigate the relationships between populations of the azure‐winged magpie (Cyanopica cyanus). In the morphometric analysis 193 specimens were included representing seven of the nine currently accepted subspecies. Among eight characters analysed, four showed significant differences between samples from Spain and Asia. In contrast, the Asian populations/subspecies are not differentiated morphologically except Cyanopica cyanus japonica. The genetic analysis was based on two mitochondrial sequences (control region, cytochromeb gene). The results are in accordance with the morphometric analysis, showing a clear distinction between birds from the western and eastern distribution ranges. The differentiation of C. c. japonica is not found at the sequence level. Both genetic and morphological data support species status of C. cyanus and Cyanopica cooki. The magpie (Pica pica) was included in the phylogenetic study for comparing intraspecific variation. As in C. cyanus, two clearly separated groups are found, one of them containing the far‐eastern populations (Pica pica jankowskii and Pica pica sericea) and the other the remaining subspecies studied. For both the azure‐winged magpie and the magpie the sequence data imply an east–west differentiation, probably caused by long lasting isolation that may have even started in the Pliocene or repeated expansions/restrictions of distribution ranges during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

A trade-off between immunity and growth has repeatedly been suggested, mainly based on laboratory and poultry science, but also from experiments where parasitism intensity was manipulated in field bird populations. However, as resource allocation to different activities (or organs) during growth is difficult to manipulate, this trade-off has only been experimentally tested by studying the effects of non-pathogenic antigens. By providing some nestling magpies (Pica pica) with methionine, a sulphur amino acid that specifically enhances T-cell immune response in chickens, we investigated this trade-off by directly affecting allocation of limited resources during growth. Results were in accordance with the hypothetical trade-off because nestlings fed with methionine showed a lower growth rate during the four days of methionine administration, but a larger response when fledglings were challenged with phytohaemagglutinin (a measure of the intensity of T-lymphocyte-mediated immune responsiveness) than control nestlings. Surprisingly, we found that control and experimental nestlings fledged with similar body mass, size and condition, but experimental nestlings suffered less from blood parasites (Haemoproteus) and had fewer lymphocytes (a widely used measure of health status) than control nestlings, suggesting a negative effect of blood parasites or other pathogens on nestling growth.  相似文献   

The prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in wild animal and bird populations is largely unknown, with little consistency among the few published reports. We therefore examined intestinal bacteria from magpies ( Pica pica ) and rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) collected in rural west Wales. Escherichia coli isolates resistant to multiple antibiotics were grown from eight of 20 magpies trapped in spring, 1999 and one of 17 in spring, 2000; the most prevalent resistance trait among these isolates was to tetracycline, but resistances to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, kanamycin, sulphonamide, tetracycline and trimethoprim were also found. Tetracycline-resistant Enterococcus spp. were found in one of 20 magpies in 1999 and three of 17 in 2000. Only one resistant E. coli isolate was detected among gut bacteria from 13 rabbits, and this strain was resistant only to tetracycline. Differences in the prevalence of resistance between bacteria from rabbits and magpies may reflect differences in diet: rabbits graze field edges, whereas magpies are omnivorous and opportunistic. The resistance genes found in E. coli isolates from magpies mostly corresponded to those common among human isolates, but those conferring tetracycline resistance were unique.  相似文献   

Paul Tatner 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):227-234
Urban Magpie distribution was compared against various habitat characteristics, and found to correlate best with numbers and variety of trees available. Urban tree planting is thought to have aided colonisation, though the Magpie's unspecialised diet and relative freedom from persecution must also have been important factors.  相似文献   

Nest size has been suggested to be a sexually selected traitindicating parental ability of both males and females. To testwhether a female's reproductive decisions (e.g., clutch sizeand starting incubation) change in relation to experimentalmanipulation of nest size, as would be predicted if nest sizeis a sexually selected signal reflecting the male's parental quality, we manipulated nest size in a population of monogamousmagpies before laying by adding or removing about 20 cm oflarge sticks in the roof of magpie nests. On the one hand,we found that clutch size of reduced nests was smaller thanthat of control or enlarged nests. Moreover, clutch size was significantly related to nest size after manipulation, whichindicates that females adjust clutch size to the final sizeof the nest, nest size thereby being a good candidate for asexually selected trait. On the other hand, number of eggshatched during the first day is hypothesized to be related to the expected available resources during nestling growth, andsubsequent nestlings hatched are likely to die due to broodreduction if resources are not sufficient to raise well-developednestlings. Nest size is hypothesized to inform females abouta male's willingness to invest in reproduction, and we foundthat in broods of experimentally reduced nests, females startedto incubate earlier in the laying sequence than they did inbroods of control or enlarged nests. Moreover, in experimentallyreduced nests, fewer nestlings hatched during the first day,and the difference in body mass between the first and the fourthnestling hatched increased. This result is in accordance withthe hypothesis that the female's decision of when to start incubationin the laying sequence is mediated by nest size, a sexuallyselected trait signaling parental quality. We discuss alternativeexplanations for the results such as the possibility that nestsof different treatments may differ in their thermoregulationproperties or in their protection against predators.  相似文献   

Comparative studies suggest that at least some bird species have evolved mental skills similar to those found in humans and apes. This is indicated by feats such as tool use, episodic-like memory, and the ability to use one's own experience in predicting the behavior of conspecifics. It is, however, not yet clear whether these skills are accompanied by an understanding of the self. In apes, self-directed behavior in response to a mirror has been taken as evidence of self-recognition. We investigated mirror-induced behavior in the magpie, a songbird species from the crow family. As in apes, some individuals behaved in front of the mirror as if they were testing behavioral contingencies. When provided with a mark, magpies showed spontaneous mark-directed behavior. Our findings provide the first evidence of mirror self-recognition in a non-mammalian species. They suggest that essential components of human self-recognition have evolved independently in different vertebrate classes with a separate evolutionary history.  相似文献   

We studied how the ratio K of the internal to external diameter of gas- and marrow-filled avian long bones follows the biomechanical optima derived for tubular bones with minimum mass designed to fulfil various mechanical requirements. We evaluated radiographs of numerous humeri, femora and tibiotarsi in Corvus corone cornix and Pica pica. The K-values of the gas-filled humerus (K=0.78+/-0.03) and the marrow-filled femur (K=0.79+/-0.02) in Corvus are practically the same, while K of the marrow-filled tibiotarsus (K=0.71+/-0.04) is significantly smaller. The same is true for the gas-filled humerus (K=0.78+/-0.02) and the marrow-filled femur (K=0.77+/-0.02) and tibiotarsus (K=0.67+/-0.05) in Pica. K in Corvus is slightly larger than K in Pica, but the differences are statistically not significant. The standard deviation DeltaK of the tibiotarsi (DeltaK=0.04-0.05) is approximately two times as large as that of the humeri (DeltaK=0.02-0.03) and femora (DeltaK=0.02) in both species. Accepting the assumption of earlier authors that the ratio Q of the marrow to bone density is 0.5, our data show that the marrow-filled tibiotarsi of Corvus and Pica are optimized for stiffness, while the marrow-filled femora are far from any optimum. The relative wall thickness W=1-K of the gas-filled avian humeri studied is much larger than the theoretical optimum W*=1-K*=0.07, and thus these bones are thicker-walled than the optimal gas-filled tubular bone with minimum mass.  相似文献   

The control of primary sex-ratio by vertebrates has become a major focus in biology in recent years. Evolutionary theory predicts that a differential effect of maternal characteristics on the fitness of sons and daughters is an important route, whereby selection is expected to favour a bias towards the production of one sex. However, despite experimental evidence for adaptive brood sex-ratio manipulation, support for this prediction remains a major challenge in vertebrates where inconsistencies between correlative studies are frequently reported. Here, we used a large dataset (2215 nestlings over 3 years) from a wild population of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) and show that variations in breeding conditions affect female sex allocation in this species. Our results also suggest that such variation in sex allocation, owing to breeding season heterogeneity, modifies the relationships between maternal characteristics and maternal investment. Indeed, we detect a positive effect of maternal age on brood sex-ratio when age also affects offspring condition (in a low-quality breeding season). Our results indicate that including measures of both breeding season quality and maternal investment will help to better understand sex allocation patterns.  相似文献   

The colouration of some traits in nestlings of altricial birds may influence parental food allocation as it may reflect physical condition or hunger. There is increasing evidence of the relationship between colouration of begging traits and nestling performance. However, evidence of the influence of hunger level on nestling colouration is scarce, mainly because of difficulty of distinguishing between the effects of physical condition and hunger levels. Here, we used the appetite stimulant cyproheptadine hydrochloride to increase the sensation of hunger of magpie Pica pica nestlings for eight days and assessed the effect on the colouration of rictal flanges, mouth and body skin. We found that nestlings administered with cyproheptadine had flanges more conspicuous (chromatic visual contrast), more UV coloured and less yellow coloured than their control nestmates. Conversely, mouths of experimental nestlings were more yellow coloured and less UV coloured than controls. Our pharmacological experiment affected the strength of the relationship between body mass and some colour components of body skin (chromatic and achromatic visual contrasts, UV–chroma and yellow–chroma) and of rictal flanges (chromatic visual contrasts, UV–chroma and yellow–chroma), but not for mouth colouration. These results taken together suggest that the effect of the cyproheptadine on nestling colourations is probably mediated by an increase in hunger levels of nestlings for rictal flanges and body skin colourations, and by an increase in physical condition in the case of mouth coloration.  相似文献   

Summary Two previously published field studies of threespine sticklebacks conducted to test predictions of parental investment (PI) theory yielded different conclusions about how males invest in their young. Males of a freshwater population invested more in older/larger broods whereas environmental factors played no role in PI decisions. In contrast, males of an anadromous population adjusted levels of PI in response to environmental factors rather than brood characteristics. The current laboratory study attempts to determine possible reasons for the discrepancy between these two studies. We addressed the following questions. Do males invest more in larger/older broods? Do environmental factors affect levels of parental investment? Males were more aggressive (a measure of PI) in defending eggs than empty nests and free-swimming fry. However, aggression was similar for different-aged eggs and different-aged fry. Moreover, when we manipulated brood sizes (fry), males did not change their level of investment. Males increased their level of aggressive defence in response to a rise in water level, indicating that they can adjust their level of investment in response to changes in environmental conditions that affect brood survival.  相似文献   

Individuals of different quality may have different investment strategies, shaping responses to experimental manipulations, thereby rendering the detection of such patterns difficult. However, previous clutch-size manipulation studies have infrequently incorporated individual differences in quality. To examine costs of incubation and reproductive investment in relation to changes in clutch size, we enlarged and reduced natural clutch sizes of four and five eggs by one egg early in the incubation period in female common eiders (Somateria mollissima), a sea duck with an anorectic incubation period. Females that had produced four eggs (lower quality) responded to clutch reductions by deserting the nest more frequently but did not increase incubation effort in response to clutch enlargement, at the cost of reduced hatch success of eggs. Among birds with an original clutch size of five (higher quality), reducing and enlarging clutch size reduced and increased relative body mass loss respectively without affecting hatch success. In common eiders many females abandon their own ducklings to the care of other females. Enlarging five-egg clutches led to increased brood care rate despite the higher effort spent incubating these clutches, indicating that the higher fitness value of a large brood is increasing adult brood investment. This study shows that the ability to respond to clutch-size manipulations depends on original clutch size, reflecting differences in female quality. Females of low quality were reluctant to increase investment at the cost of lower hatch success, whereas females of higher quality apparently have a larger capacity both to increase incubation effort and brood care investment.  相似文献   

To study whether offspring sex is related to the amount of resources invested in eggs we performed an experiment on zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata. By manipulating their food supply, we forced two groups of females either to increase or to decrease investment in subsequent eggs. Since zebra finches are sexually dimorphic and the reproductive value of the sexes may vary with maternal nutritional status, we predicted that females would adjust the sex of their offspring to egg quality. Females that received poor-quality food for 7 weeks before egg laying, then food supplemented with proteins after they laid the first egg, significantly increased the mass of subsequent eggs. An increase of egg mass with laying sequence was less pronounced in females that received high-quality food before laying and experienced food deterioration after starting to lay. The proportion of sons in subsequent eggs tended to increase in the latter group (although this was marginally significant) but was not related to laying sequence in the other group: these patterns differed significantly between the groups. Offspring sex was not related to egg mass, but newly hatched male chicks were heavier than female chicks. Furthermore, the hatching success of male eggs was lower than that of female eggs. We suggest that differential hatching success of the sexes and sex differences in mass at hatching may constitute important factors shaping brood sex ratios. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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