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香根草和风车草人工湿地对猪场废水氮磷处理效果的研究   总被引:58,自引:5,他引:58  
分别以香根草 (Vetiveriazizanioides )和风车草 (Cyperusalternifolius)为植被 ,按 1.0m× 0 .5m×0 .8m建立人工湿地 ,通过四季测试研究其对猪场废水N、P的净化功能及其随季节、进水浓度及水力停留时间变化的规律 .结果表明 ,两湿地对NH3 N和S PO3 -4 去除率受污水停留时间和污水浓度影响较大 .香根草或风车草人工湿地在春季对NH3 N和S PO3 -4 有明显的去除效果 ;在秋季 ,则对去除废水TN均有效果 ,在去除TP上 ,香根草湿地效果明显 ,风车草湿地效果差 .秋春季人工湿地随水力停留时间 (t)延长 ,TP或S PO3 -4 (Y)的去除遵从指数方程Yt=Y0 ·e-kt规律 .冬季和夏季 ,进水浓度对湿地去除P影响较大 ;在相同停留时间内 ,冬夏季人工湿地随进水浓度变化 ,进出水S PO3 -4 遵从直线方程 y =a +bx规律  相似文献   

不同灌溉方式对水稻生物学特性与水分利用效率的影响   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
以杂交水稻两优培九为试验材料,利用测坑栽培条件,比较了4种灌溉方式下的水稻生物学特性与水分利用效率.结果表明,与淹水灌溉相比,间歇灌溉叶面积指数大,叶片光合速率高,蒸腾速率较低,叶片水分利用效率高;半干旱栽培叶片水分利用效率相对较高;干旱栽培叶面积指数小,叶片净光合速率和水分利用效率降低,且后期叶片早衰.间歇灌溉、半干旱栽培和干旱栽培比淹水灌溉分别节水8.75%、17.96%和29.69%;产量分别增产24.02%、减产5.07%和减产38.93%;水分利用效率以间歇灌溉最高,半干旱栽培次之,淹水灌溉和干旱栽培较低.间歇灌溉下稻粒的整精米率、精米率、粒长均高于其它处理,但垩白粒率和垩白度低于其它处理;随着稻田耗水量的减少,水稻的直链淀粉含量降低,而胶稠度和蛋白质含量提高.试验结果表明间歇灌溉为南方稻区较适宜的灌溉方式.  相似文献   

为研究风车草(Cyperus alternifolius)和香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides)迁移养分的能力,建立17.0m2风车草潜流式人工湿地和13.3 m2香根草潜流式人工湿地处理猪场废水,在四个季节末测定植物生物量和组织氮、磷、铜、锌含量.结果表明,香根草地下部生物量大于风车草,地上部生物量则是风车草大于香根草.风车草年地上部收获量为3406.47 g·m-2,比香根草的1483.88 g·m-2高2.3倍;风车草的氮含量为22.69 mg·g-1,比香根草的15.44 mg·g-1高7.25 mg·g-1;风车草的磷含量为6.09 mg·g-1,比香根草的5.47 mg·g-1高0.62 mg·g-1.植株含铜、锌量风车草略比香根草高.风车草每年迁移N 68.72 g·m-2和P18.49 g·m-2,香根草迁移N 8.93 g·m-2和P 3.69 g·m-2.风车草人工湿地每年由植物迁移的氮、磷、铜、锌比香根草高4~7倍.  相似文献   

风车草和香根草在人工湿地中迁移养分能力的比较研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
为研究风车草(Cyperus alternifolius)和香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides)迁移养分的能力,建立17.0 m2风车草潜流式人工湿地和13.3 m2香根草潜流式人工湿地处理猪场废水,在四个季节末测定植物生物量和组织氮、磷、铜、锌含量.结果表明,香根草地下部生物量大于风车草,地上部生物量则是风车草大于香根草.风车草年地上部收获量为3406.47 g·m-2,比香根草的1483.88 g·m-2高2.3倍;风车草的氮含量为22.69 mg·g-1,比香根草的15.44 mg·g-1高7.25 mg·g-1;风车草的磷含量为6.09 mg·g-1,比香根草的5.47 mg·g-1高0.62 mg·g-1.植株含铜、锌量风车草略比香根草高.风车草每年迁移N 68.72 g·m-2和P 18.49 g·m-2,香根草迁移N 8.93 g·m-2和P 3.69 g·m-2.风车草人工湿地每年由植物迁移的氮、磷、铜、锌比香根草高4~7倍.  相似文献   

迁安市农田重金属含量空间变异性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用地统计学和GIS相结合的方法,对河北省迁安市农田土壤耕层(0~20 cm)8种重金属含量的空间变异性进行了研究.结果表明,农田中8种重金属含量均值未超过土壤环境质量(GB15618-1995)二级标准,属于中等变异.Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr和As含量的变异函数理论模型符合指数模型,空间相关程度强;Hg和Cd含量的变异函数理论模型符合球状模型,空间相关程度中等;Pb含量具有纯块金效应,空间相关程度弱.在整个研究尺度上,Pb含量具有恒定的变异,其余7种重金属含量由空间自相关部分引起的空间变异性起主要作用,空间相关距离为11~20 km.用普通Kriging方法对Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr、Hg、As和Cd含量空间局部插值表明,北部山地重金属含量较高,而中部盆地重金属含量较低.  相似文献   

人工湿地处理炼油废水的生态效益研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
来自茂名石化公司的炼油废水含有较高浓度的污染物 ,超过广东省规定的排放标准 ,未经处理不能直接排放。 4种草本植物 ,香根草、芦苇、宽叶香蒲和蒲草被用来测试建植人工湿地的效果以及所建植的人工湿地处理炼油废水的效果。在为期 2个月的处理过程中 ,人工湿地在前期对炼油废水的净化效率很高 ,它们对第一批高浓度废水中氨氮、COD、BOD和油的去除率分别是 97.7%、78.2 %、91 .4%和 95 .3% ,对第一批低浓度污水分别是 97.1 %、71 .5 %、73.7%和 89.8%。但是 ,随着时间的推移 ,湿地的净化效果会有一定程度的下降 ,然后逐渐趋于稳定。湿地对氨氮、COD、BOD和油类的去除效率始终表现为氨氮 >油类 >BOD>COD,但植物对它们的净去除量却是 COD>BOD>氨氮和油类。湿地建植之初 ,植物的净化功能很弱 ,但随植物的生长和生物量的增加而逐渐增强。然而 ,不同植物种对废水的净化率很接近 ,基本上无显著性差异。被测试的 4种植物在污水湿地中的生长表现都好过在清水湿地中的 ,但香根草、芦苇和宽叶香蒲在高浓度废水的分蘖数比在低浓度的废水少些 ,而蒲草相反 ,表明高浓度污水相对于低浓度污水而言已经对前面 3个种产生了伤害 ,却仍促进蒲草生长。在清水培养阶段 ,香根草产生分蘖的速度是 4个种中最低的 ;进入污水培养阶  相似文献   

煤渣-草炭基质垂直流人工湿地系统对城市污水的净化效果   总被引:38,自引:3,他引:38  
垂直流人工湿地系统不但具有较高的水力负荷率(54—64cm.^-1),而且对有机物和N、P都具有较高的去除效果.其对化粪池出水中的COD、BOD5、NIA4^+-N和总P的去除率分别为76%--87%,88%--92%,75%--85%和77%--91%.处理出水中COD、BOD5、NH4^+-N和总P的平均浓度分别小于60、20、25和2.0mg.L^-1.植物种植试验结果表明,种植风车草可提高氨氮、总N和总P的去除率,分别为2%--3%、4%--6%、10%--14%.  相似文献   

刈割对人工湿地风车草生长及污水净化效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刈割对人工湿地植物的生长和净化作用的影响,国内外学者的意见存在分歧。实验于2010年7月至2011年1月在华南师范大学生物园进行。利用水池(2m×2m×0.6m)构建风车草人工湿地生活污水处理系统,研究了刈割对人工湿地风车草生长和污水净化效果的影响。结果表明,刈割组风车草在整个实验过程中均保持着良好的生长态势,而对照组在11月以后生长减缓。刈割组风车草2010年7月至2011年1月的累积地上生物量、累积地上氮磷含量以及新增分蘖数均大于对照组,表现为超补偿生长。刈割组风车草的叶绿素含量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔传导率均显著高于对照组。刈割组和对照组的TN、TP、NH4-N和NO3-N的平均去除率分别为77%、84%、64%、72%和65%、67%、55%、63%,前者显著大于后者。刈割组和对照组的CODcr和BOD5平均去除率分别为58%、79%和54%、76%,两者差异不显著。总之,刈割对人工湿地风车草的生长和污水净化效果有明显的促进作用,这可为风车草人工湿地的科学管理提供参考。  相似文献   

人工湿地处理重金属Pb,Cd污水的机理探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1 引言 人工湿地系统是70年代提出,80年代得到迅速发展的一种污水处理新技术,具有投资少,处理效果好,运转费用低和能耗少等优点,已用于污水处理,我们对人工湿地处理污水技术进行了初步研究,结果表明,该技术对氮、磷、BOD、COD和重金属Pb、Cd等均有良  相似文献   

复合人工湿地对水禽污染废水的净化效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在北京市野生动物救护中心构建表流湿地与潜流湿地相结合的人工湿地来处理富营养化的水体,研究该人工湿地对TP、TN、浊度和CODcr的去除作用。研究表明:表流湿地对TP、TN、浊度和CODcr的去除率可分别达到68%,31%,93%和55%,潜流湿地对TP、TN、浊度和CODcr的去除率可分别达到75%,67%,55%和50%,复合人工湿地对TP、TN、浊度和CODcr的去除率可分别达到80%,50%,95%和90%,人工湿地不同构建类型对TP、TN的去除量没有显著差异(P>0.05),对TP的去除率、浊度和CODcr的去除量及去除率之间存在显著性差异(P<0.05),而对TN的去除率没有显著性差别(P>0.05),通过拟合进出水中不同污染物的质量浓度关系发现,表流湿地、潜流湿地和复合人工湿地进出水中TP、TN及CODcr之间存在显著的线性相关关系(P<0.05),相关系数分别为0.948、0.994、0.952,0.948、0.995、0.958和0.963、0.990、0.927,人工湿地进出水中浊度符合多项式方程规律,相关系数为分别为-0.523(R2=0.451,P>0.05),0.854(R2=0.8756,P<0.05)和-0.086(R2=0.197,P>0.05)。  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理的应用现状及前景展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨琼  陈章和 《生态科学》2002,21(4):357-360
本文分析了人工湿地系统在污水处理中的作用,叙述了人工湿地在发展中国家的应用现状及所取得的效果。人工湿地的特点适合我国国情,特别适合广大农村、中小城市的污水处理,在我国具有极其广阔的应用前景。对湿地用于污水处理方面的不足,如缺乏污水对植物影响的研究(特别是对乡土植物的研究)、缺乏对重要工艺的理解、人工湿地占地面积大等也进行了分析。  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands are among the recently proven efficient technologies for wastewater treatment. Compared to conventional treatment systems, constructed wetlands are low cost, are easily operated and maintained, and have a strong potential for application in developing countries, particularly by small rural communities. However, these systems have not found widespread use, due to lack of awareness, and local expertise in developing the technology on a local basis. This paper summarizes information on current methods used for wastewater treatment in developing countries, and briefly gives basic information on wetlands. The paper further examines the potential of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and reuse in developing countries by looking at the results of current research initiatives towards implementation of the technology in these countries. Future considerations in choosing constructed wetlands as wastewater treating systems in developing countries are highlighted.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands hold considerable promise for providing water quality and wildlife habitat benefits. At the same time, constructed wetlands have been described as “mosquito-friendly habitats” and may raise potential conflicts with neighboring human populations. Conflicts arise because some design features, such as shallow water and emergent vegetation that are essential for optimizing water quality polishing, can result in undesirable increases in mosquito production. The attraction of large numbers of birds to constructed wetlands could also increase the risk of transmission of mosquito-borne viral infections to humans in the vicinity of the wetland. The potential for conflict is typically highest in arid regions where natural mosquito populations have limited abundance and are found near newly urbanizing areas.The creation of wildlife habitat is a significant goal of many treatment wetlands. Humans are also welcome in many treatment wetlands for recreational and educational activities. Risks of disease transmission to humans and livestock as well as the inconvenience of mosquitoes as pests must be offset by the economic savings of inexpensive water quality enhancement and the resulting reduction in pollution that also poses a risk to society’s health and well-being. Ecological risks associated with the use of mosquito control chemicals must be offset by the increased habitat benefits provided by these constructed wetlands. The right balance between these competing goals can be recognized by the design that provides the greatest net environmental and societal benefit. This paper describes these tradeoffs between mosquito control and the constructed wetland technology and provides a synthesis of information that can be used to optimize the benefits of these wetland systems. Basic research is recommended to better define the cost-effectiveness of the various design and management options.  相似文献   

Pilot-scale constructed wetlands (CW) were constructed and operated to treat pre-treated olive mill wastewater. Pilot-scale units comprising three identical series with four pilot-scale vertical flow CWs were operated for one harvest season in a Greek olive mill plant. The pilot-scale CWs were filled with various porous media (i.e., cobble, gravel, and sand) of different gradations. Two series of pilot-scale units were planted with common reeds and the third (control) was unplanted. Mean influent concentrations were 14,120 mg/L, 2841 mg/L, 95 mg/L, 123 mg/L and 506 mg/L for COD, phenols, ortho-phosphate, ammonia and TKN, respectively. Despite the rather high influent concentrations, the performance of the CW units was very effective since it achieved removals of about 70%, 70%, 75% and 87% for COD, phenols, TKN and ortho-phosphate, respectively. COD, phenol and TKN removal seems to be significantly higher in the planted series, while ortho-phosphate removal shows no significant differences among the three series. Temperature and pollutant surface load seem to affect the removal efficiency of all pollutants. Compared to previous studies, pollutant surface loads applied here were higher (by one or two orders of magnitude). Even though high removal efficiencies were achieved, effluent pollutant concentrations remained high, thus preventing their use for irrigation or immediate disposal into the environment.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years, the use of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment has been a topic of significant research culminating in a good data base from which simplistic equations have been derived to aid in the design of these facilities to meet long term water quality treatment performance criteria. Over the past decade, the use of treatment wetlands has extended to stormwater and combined sewer overflow (CSO) management applications. Designing constructed wetlands for stormwater and CSO applications have unique challenges stemming from the highly stochastic nature of the hydraulic and pollutant loading on a stormwater wetland compared with wastewater treatment systems. This paper explores the possibility of adapting the simplistic models for wastewater wetlands for interim use in developing design guidelines for stormwater wetland systems. A procedure that takes into account the unsteady intermittent nature of stormwater inflows to these wetlands has been incorporated into one of these simplistic models and a case study presented to demonstrate the application of the procedure.  相似文献   

Multiple regression models, clustering tree diagrams, regression trees (CHAID) and redundancy analysis (RDA) were applied to the study of the removal of organic matter and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) from urban wastewater by means of constructed wetlands (CWs). These four statistical analyses pointed out the importance of physico-chemical parameters, plant presence and chemical structure in the elimination of most pollutants. Temperature, pH values, dissolved oxygen concentration, redox potential and conductivity were related to the removal of the studied substances. Plant presence (Typha angustifolia and Phragmites australis) enhanced the removal of organic matter and some PPCPs. Multiple regression equations and CHAID trees provided numerical estimations of pollutant removal efficiencies in CWs. These models were validated and they could be a useful and interesting tool for the quick estimation of removal efficiencies in already working CWs and for the design of new systems which must fulfil certain quality requirements.  相似文献   

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