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利用精原干细胞法生产转基因动物的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了利用精原干细胞生产转基因动物的发展历程、方法以及最新研究进展.重点从精原干细胞移植法和曲细精管微注射法两个方面,系统分析了利用精原干细胞生产转基因动物的优缺点,以及当前存在的问题.  相似文献   

野生动物的保护手段主要包括就地保护、易地保护与离体保护。精原干细胞(SSCs)是雄性动物维持生殖能力的根本,既能通过自我更新产生新细胞,也能通过分化产生精子,在小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)离体保护方面具有广阔的应用前景。动物睾丸中精原干细胞数量极少,分离纯化与体外培养对于其研究和应用至关重要。本研究选择整合素α6(ITGA6)蛋白作为精原干细胞分子标记,采用免疫磁珠分选(MACS)技术富集了3月龄小熊猫睾丸中的ITGA6阳性细胞。流式细胞术检测发现分选后ITGA6阳性细胞纯度可达74.27% ± 8.73%,显著高于分选前(32.60% ± 3.06%)。将分选后的细胞接种到层粘连蛋白包被的细胞培养板中,用含胶质细胞源性神经营养因子(GDNF)、表皮细胞生长因子(EGF)与成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)的培养基进行体外培养。培养10 d后,在显微镜下可观察到典型的精原干细胞集落,结合逆转录PCR(RT-PCR)和细胞免疫荧光染色发现这些细胞集落特异性表达精原干细胞分子标记蛋白ITGA6、早幼粒细胞白血病锌指蛋白(PLZF)和胸腺细胞分化抗原1(THY1),同时也表达生殖细胞标记蛋白VASA和DAZL。本研究结果证实,ITGA6可作为小熊猫精原干细胞的分子标记用于细胞分选富集,同时初步建立的培养体系也为小熊猫精子发生机制与应用研究提供材料。  相似文献   

精原干细胞是动物体内的一种成体干细胞,在睾丸微环境中可以像胚胎干细胞一样具有增殖、分化潜能。近年来借助于各种细胞学技术,人们对精原干细胞在不同睾丸微环境中的分化和发育状况进行了深入研究,睾丸内不同种类细胞间的相互作用以及特定微环境对干细胞转分化的影响,已成为本领域的热点核心内容。将从精原干细胞生命历程的角度讨论该过程中所取得的研究成果和存在的问题。  相似文献   

精原干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells,SSCs)是指睾丸内位于曲精细管基膜上既能自我更新维持自身适量恒定,又能定向分化产生精母细胞的一类原始精原细胞。随着干细胞深入的研究,人们发现了一种控制着干细胞可塑性与命运的微环境,此微环境被称为干细胞niche,干细胞niche由niche细胞、细胞外基质、细胞因子等构成。精原干细胞niche是由黏附因子、生长因子、支持细胞、间质细胞以及小管周肌肉细胞组成。大量的研究表明支持细胞在睾丸中是主要的成体细胞,通过分泌可溶性的因子来影响精原干细胞niche的结构与功能,同时支持细胞还能够间接的影响其他的成体细胞。随着年龄的增长使得精原干细胞niche的功能下降。精原干细胞数量以及精原干细胞niche为我们研究组织特异性干细胞生物学以及保持再生组织平衡提供了很宝贵的线索,精原干细胞对于保持组织的自我更新具有很重要的作用,并且受到人们大量的关注,然而精原干细胞niche也起到很重要的作用,它为治疗一些疾病提供新途径.本文将综述精原干细胞niche及其变化对精原干细胞功能调节的相关研究进展。  相似文献   

目的 通过对4周龄昆明白小鼠腹腔内单次注射白消安来制作精原干细胞移植受体鼠模型。方法 将实验动物分为4组,A、B、C组注射白消安的剂量分别是30 mg/kg4、0 mg/kg5、0 mg/kg体重,D组为对照组。注射后每天记录小鼠的存活情况,注射白消安后的20 d3、0 d4、0 d称量睾丸重量、测定血常规、制作并观察睾丸组织学切片、统计曲细精管的中空率。结果 A、B、C、D组的死亡率分别是25.00%3、1.58%、80.00%、0.00%,注射白消安后30 d各组小鼠曲细精管中空率分别是45.25%、75.25%、1.50%、0.00%,白细胞、红细胞、血小板数量等血常规指标均恢复正常。结论 腹腔内单次注射30 mg/kg或40 mg/kg剂量的白消安,死亡率较低(25.00%、31.58%),30 d后曲细精管中空率较高(45.25%7、5.25%)、血常规指标恢复正常,适合做精原干细胞移植受体。  相似文献   

精原干细胞是精子发生的基础,是永久分化成精子的克隆源,它既可以自我更新维持体内干细胞的数量,又可以增殖分化形成各阶段的生精细胞直至成熟精子。本文以22~25日龄Wistar-Iamichi大鼠为研究对象,利用两步酶消化法分离得到睾丸曲细精管细胞悬液,根据精原干细胞与曲细精管细胞悬液中体细胞(支持细胞及少量的管周细胞)及各级分化的生精细胞贴壁能力及对细胞外基质粘附力的不同,将大鼠精原干细胞进行纯化。经纯化后,5只大鼠的睾丸可以得到约3×10~5个精原干细胞,该精原干细胞在体外培养可形成克隆,并且该克隆可表达精原干细胞特异的标记基因GFRα1和CDH1。本文所介绍的高效分离和纯化大鼠精原干细胞的方法,操作简便,且得到的精原干细胞具有很高的活力和增殖能力,该方法为今后大鼠精原干细胞的长期培养及操作研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

小鼠精原干细胞在三种培养基中的生长行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立小鼠精原干细胞(SSCs)的体外长期培养体系。方法:用分别添加了等量的胶质细胞源神经营养因子(GDNF)、可溶性GFRα1和hFGF的DMEM/F12、KSR和StemPro-34 SFM三种无血清培养基和MEF饲养层分别培养经差异贴壁分选富集的小鼠SSCs,通过形态观察、标志基因的RT-PCR和免疫细胞化学分析检测其SSCs本原。结果:DMEM/F12与KSR可支持小鼠SSCs在体外存活6-7d,而StemPro-34 SFM能能维持SSCs体外增值一个月。结论:StemPro-34 SFM支持小鼠SSCs的体外增殖。  相似文献   

小鼠精原干细胞冻存后体外培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究冷冻后精原干细胞体外培养时的生物学行为.方法:体外培养冻存后的6日龄小鼠生精上皮细胞,并利用碱性磷酸酶活性及细胞形态,检测其中的精原干细胞.结果:当有BRL饲养层时,冻存后的精原细胞在贴壁、存活及增殖等生物学行为方面与新分离的精原细胞均无明显不同.培养25~30 d,培养体系中仍保留有少量精原干细胞及其最初几代分化细胞.结论:冷冻保存后的精原干细胞能在BRL细胞饲养层上正常地贴壁、生长和分裂.  相似文献   

精原干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells,SSCs)是维持精子发生的一类干细胞,由于与人亲缘关系的相近性,使得开展非人灵长类动物SSCs研究具有重要的理论意义和比较医学价值。本文综述了非人灵长类动物SSCs的生物学特性、鉴定方法、冷冻保存、移植及生精细胞缺失模型建立等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis is a fundamental biological process that ensures the transition of a gene from one ganeration to another via male gametes. This process relies on a rare population of testicular cells called spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs), which self-renew throughout adult male life and differentiate into mature gametes. Despite the longstanding study of SSCs, their biological properties remain largely unknown, which is partly due to the very limited availability of these cells. Here, we show that cell adhesion protein E-cadherin is a highly specific surface marker of mouse SSCs that can be successfully used to enrich them.  相似文献   

精原干细胞自我更新和分化的调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精原干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells,SSCs)是体内自然状态下惟一能将遗传信息传至子代的成体干细胞,它们能通过维持自我更新和分化的稳定从而保证雄性生命过程中精子发生的持续进行。了解SSCs自我更新和分化的调节机制有助于阐明精子发生机理,并为探究其他组织中成体干细胞增殖分化的调节机制提供依据。然而目前对于SSCs自我更新和分化的调控机制所知甚少。SSCs的更新与分化遵循特定模式,受以睾丸支持细胞为主要成分的微环境及各种内分泌因素如胶质细胞源神经营养因子(GDNF)、维生素、Ets转录因子ERM/Etv5等的调控。本文评述了SSCs更新与分化的模式以及上述因素对其更新、分化的调控,探讨了其中可能涉及的信号通路,以期为本领域及其他成体干细胞相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

生精干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells,Sscs)是动物出生后保持分裂能力的生殖细胞,其通过自身复制从而终生存在,并不停地进行减数分裂而分化成精子。然而,最近的研究发现生精干细胞具有一定的多能性,在体外可被培养和诱导成多能性细胞,显示生精干细胞是再生医学和细胞治疗疾病的另一理想祖细胞来源。该综述将着重讨论生精干细胞的多能性研究情况和相关问题。  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of testicular tissue before cancer therapy for fertility preservation in prepubertal boys with cancer is of great interest in reproductive medicine. Isolation of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) from cryopreserved tissues would be a suitable cell source to re-establish spermatogenesis after cancer therapy. We herein establish optimized protocols for cryopreservation of human testicular tissue and isolation of SSCs from cryopreserved tissue. We developed a freezing protocol that provided high testicular cell viability and supported structural integrity and tubular epithelium coherence similar to fresh tissue. Then, we established a protocol that allowed efficient isolation of functional SSCs from cryopreserved tissues. Isolated cells were found on the testicular basement membrane after xenotransplantation. Our results demonstrated the preservation of testicular tissue structure and high cell viability with efficient isolation of SSCs after testicular cryopreservation, which is promising for future therapeutic applications in fertility preservation.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis is a complex and productive process that originates from stem cell spermatogonia and ultimately results in formation of mature spermatozoa. The stem cell undergoes self-renewal throughout life, but study of its biological characteristics has been difficult because a very small number (2 to 3 in 10(4) cells) exist in the testis and they can only be identified by function. Although the development of the spermatogonial transplantation technique has provided an assay system for stem cells, efficient methods to enrich stem cells have not been available. Here, we examined two infertile mouse models, Steel/Steel(Dickie)(Sl/Sl(d)) and experimental cryptorchid, as a source of testis cell populations enriched in stem cells. The Sl/Sl(d) testis showed little enrichment, which raises questions about how adult stem cell number is determined and about the currently accepted belief that adult stem cells are independent of Sl factor. The cells recovered from cryptorchid testes were enriched for stem cells 25-fold (colonies) or 50-fold (area) compared to wild-type testes. The cryptorchid condition does not affect stem cell activity, but eliminates almost all differentiated cells, and about 1 in 200 cells is a stem cell. Thus, cryptorchid testes provide an important approach for purification and characterization of spermatogonial stem cells.  相似文献   

The piwi family genes are highly conserved during evolution and play essential roles in stem cell self-renewal, gametogenesis, and RNA interference in diverse organisms ranging from Arabidopsis to human. Piwil2, known also as Mili gene, is one of three mouse homologues of piwi. Piwil2 was found in germ cells of adult testis, suggesting that this gene functions in spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal. In order to find molecular mechanisms underlying stem cell activity mediated by Piwil2 gene, an in vitro gain of function cell culture model was established. Messenger RNAs isolated from cells expressing Piwil2 and mRNAs isolated from cells without Piwil2 expression were compared using a stem cell array technique. It was shown that Piwil2 modulates expression of stem cell specific genes, including platelet-derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide (Pdgfrb), solute carrier family 2 member 1 (Slc2a1), gap junction membrane channel protein alpha 7 (Gja7), and spermatogonial cell surface markers Thy-1 (CD90), integrin alpha 6 (Itga6), CD9, and spermatogonia specific markers heat shock protein 90 alpha (Hsp90a), and stimulated by retinoic acid gene 8 (Stra8). These molecules play essential role in stem cells proliferation (Pdgfrb), energy metabolism (Slc2a1), cell adhesion, cell-cell interaction (Itga6, Gja7, Thy-1, and CD9), and germ cell differentiation (Stra8). The expression of these markers in spermatogonial stem cells and other nongerminal stem cells suggests that these cells share elements of common molecular machinery with stem cells in other tissues which are modulated by stem cell protein Piwil2.  相似文献   

Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are undifferentiated cells that are required to maintain spermatogenesis throughout the reproductive life of mammals. Although SSC transplantation and culture provide a powerful tool to identify the mechanisms regulating SSC function, the precise signalling mechanisms governing SSC self‐renewal and specific surface markers for purifying SSCs remain to be clearly determined. In the present study, we established a steady SSC culture according to the method described by Shinohara's lab. Fertile progeny was produced after transplantation of cultured SSCs into infertile mouse testis, and the red fluorescence exhibited by the culture cell membranes was stably and continuously transmitted to the offspring. Next, via advanced mass spectrometry and an optimized proteomics platform, we constructed the proteome profile, with 682 proteins expressed in SSCs. Furthermore bioinformatics analysis showed that the list contained several known molecules that are regulated in SSCs. Several nucleoproteins and membrane proteins were chosen for further exploration using immunofluorescence and RT‐PCR. The results showed that SALL1, EZH2, and RCOR2 are possibly involved in the self‐renewal mechanism of SSCs. Furthermore, the results of tissue‐specific expression analysis showed that Gpat2 and Pld6 were uniquely and highly expressed in mouse testes and cultured SSCs. The cellular localization of PLD6 was further explored and the results showed it was primarily expressed in the spermatogonial membrane of mouse testes and cultured SSCs. The proteins identified in this study form the basis for further exploring the molecular mechanism of self‐renewal in SSCs and for identifying specific surface markers of SSCs.  相似文献   

The highly efficient novel methods to produce transgenic chickens were established by directly in-jecting the recombinant plasmid containing green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene into the cock's testis termed as testis-medianted gene transfer (TMGT), and transplanting transfected spermatogonial stem cells (TTSSCs). For the TMGT approach,four dosages of pEGFP-N1 DNA/cationic polymer complex were injected intratesticularly. The results showed: (1) 48 h after the injection,the percentages of testis cells expressing GFP were 4.0%, 8.7%, 10.2% and 13.6% in the 50, 100, 150 and 200 μg/mL group, re-spectively. The difference from the four dosage groups was significant (P<0.05). On day 25 after the injection, a dosage-dependent and time-dependent increase in the number of transgenic sperm was observed. The percentages of gene expression reached the summit and became stable from day 70 to 160, being 12.7%, 12.8%, 15.9% and 19.1%, respectively. The difference from the four dosage groups was also significant (P<0.05). (2) 70 d after the injection, strong green fluorescent could be observed in the seminiferous tubules by whole-mount in-situ hybridization. (3) 70 d after the injection, the semen was collected and used to artificially inseminate wild-type females. The blastoderms of F1 and F2 transgenic chicken expressed GFP were 56.2% (254/452) and 53.2% (275/517), respectively. The detec-tion of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of F1 and F2 transgenic chicken blood genomic DNA showed that 56.5% (3/23) of F1 and 52.9% (9/17) of F2 were positive. Southern blot showed GFP DNA was in-serted in their genomic DNAs. (4) Frozen whole mount tissue sections of F1 and F2 transgenic chicken liver, heart, kidney and muscle showed that the rates of green fluorescent positive were between 50.0% and 66.7%. (5) With the TTSSCs method, SSCs ex vivo transfected with GFP were transplanted into recipient roosters whose endogenic SSCs had been resoluted. The donor SSCs settled and GFP ex-pression became readily detectable in the frozen whole mount tissue sections of recepient testes. Moreover, sperms carrying GFP could be produced normally. The results of artificially inseminating wild-type females with these sperms showed 12.5% (8/64) of offspring embryo expressed GFP and 11.1% (2/18) hatched chicks were tested transgenic. Our data therefore suggest TMGT and TTSSCs are the feasible methods for the generation of transgenic chickens.  相似文献   

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