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Notch和Wnt信号通路能够调控细胞的分化、增殖、迁移和粘附等多种行为,在胚胎发育、干细胞分化及肿瘤生长等方面发挥多样性的调控作用.血管形成过程中的典型事件包括尖端细胞(tipcell)和柄细胞(stalkcell)分化、柄细胞增殖、内皮细胞迁移和粘附、血管重塑以及动静脉分化等.本文对Notch和Wnt信号通路在血管形成不同阶段的功能作一综述,以期描述Notch和Wnt是怎样在分子水平上协同作用进而调控血管的形成.从两条信号通路的分子水平及复杂信号网络中众多成员协调作用的角度了解血管形成的机制,对于调整肿瘤等涉及血管形成的相关疾病的治疗策略具有一定意义.  相似文献   

心脏是脊椎动物的中心器官,其适当大小及功能在整个生命周期都是至关重要的。由于心肌损伤造成的心肌梗死、心力衰竭等疾病在全世界范围内的发病率和死亡率逐年上升,目前依然没有找到好的治疗方法。已经发现在新生哺乳动物以及低等脊椎动物中存在多种进化保守的心脏再生机制,然而不幸的是,成年哺乳动物的心脏再生能力极其有限。近年来人们对心肌再生的研究越来越多,有证据表明成年哺乳动物可以产生新的心肌细胞。了解心脏再生的能力,并且掌握其中的原理是心血管方向研究的重要目标。本文主要综述了心肌再生相关分子及信号通路,如转录因子GATA4、微小RNA(microRNA)、Hippo信号通路、ERBB2和Notch通路以及一些炎症因子等发挥的调控作用及其机制。  相似文献   

Notch是一个进化上十分保守的跨膜受体蛋白家族,对无脊椎动物和脊椎动物发育过程中的细胞命运决定起重要作用。一条重要的Notch信号途径涉及Notch的“三步蛋白质水解”活化。许多相关分子和体内生化过程参与Notch信号途径调控。调控发生在不同水平,包括Notch-配体互作、受体和配体的运输、泛素化降解等。现就Notch受体、Notch信号途径及其所受的不同水平的调控进行综述。  相似文献   

Edar信号通路最早发现于人少汗型外胚层发育不良综合征(hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia,HED)疾病患者,它是调控胚胎发育早期皮肤附属物——头发、指甲、牙齿、外分泌腺等的形态发生、发育过程的重要信号通路。与人类相同,小鼠皮肤内毛囊于胚胎期发生并发育成熟,出生后进入动态变化的毛囊周期性生长。小鼠模型的相关研究表明,Edar信号通路在早期初级毛囊的发生、成体毛囊周期性生长和被毛纤维直径等方面都发挥重要的调控作用。现综述Edar通路中重要信号分子的结构特点、转导途径及其在皮肤和毛囊早期形态发生中的作用;阐述Edar信号通路对毛囊生长周期的调控,对维持皮肤微环境稳态、促进皮肤损伤修复和表皮再生的作用,以及在临床治疗HED相关疾病方面的潜在应用前景。  相似文献   

Notch信号通路是一个在进化中高度保守的信号通道,具有调控细胞增殖、分化及凋亡的作用。近年来,随着研究的不断深入,发现Notch信号通路与生殖干细胞的增殖分化及干细胞微环境的作用机理密切关联,Notch信号通路在生殖系统发育及疾病治疗中的作用机制逐渐引起人们的广泛关注。该文综合论述了Notch信号通路的生理特性及功能,重点阐述Notch信号通路在精原干细胞、卵巢生殖干细胞及生殖干细胞微环境系统中的调控机制。  相似文献   

肠道具有营养吸收和不断更新的屏障保护双重优势,而肠道隐窝底部的干细胞是其实现多重生理功能的结构基础。本文总结当前对肠干细胞(intestinal stem cells,ISCs)的增殖分化影响的相关研究,罗列了Notch信号通路、BMP信号通路、Wnt信号通路、EGF信号通路及Hippo信号通路对ISCs增殖和分化的影响,其中Notch信号:维持ISCs并平衡分泌系祖细胞与吸收性祖细胞; BMP信号:调控ISCs分化并改变EEC细胞亚型分泌的激素谱系; Wnt信号:调控ISCs增殖; EGF信号:调控ISCs增殖速率; Hippo信号:调控ISCs增殖和分化,并且相关信号通路之间形成交叉互作网络,以协调ISCs增殖与分化,维持肠道的生理功能。  相似文献   

Notch信号通路是进化中高度保守的信号转导通路,其调控细胞增殖、分化和凋亡的功能涉及几乎所有组织和器官。血管损伤后,Notch信号通路分子表达改变,引起内皮细胞(endothelial cell,EC)和血管平滑肌细胞(vascular smooth muscle cell,VSMC)表型改变,其增殖、迁移、抗凋亡等能力也随之变化,从而参与血管的损伤修复。Notch信号通路能够促进EC和VSMC增殖以及VSMC迁移至内膜,并提高其存活能力,凶此能够促进新生内膜的形成。  相似文献   

两栖类有尾目动物蝾螈具有极强的再生能力,尤其在肢体受损被截断后能在较短时间内达到复原,而哺乳动物不具备肢体再生的能力.在肢体再生中,残肢处的终末分化细胞发生去分化是诱导再生芽基形成,启动断肢再生的重要始动步骤.现从蝾螈断肢再生的组织形态、细胞生物学、信号分子和神经免疫调控等方面对终末分化细胞去分化调控机制的进展进行综述...  相似文献   

成纤维细胞生长因子8 (fibroblast growth factor 8,FGF8)是成纤维细胞生长因子家族的成员之一,是一种组织发育过程中的重要分泌性调控信号分子,参与脊椎动物的多种组织器官的发生与发育.早期胚胎细胞通过表达FGF8在组织和器官发育、血管发生、血细胞生成、附肢发生和伤口愈合等方面发挥着重要作用.FGF8不但可以在细胞外通过胞内信号通路,而且也可以进入细胞内部发挥生物学功能.本文就FGF8在脊椎动物神经系统、内脏器官、肢体发育及不对称发育等组织、器官发育中的调控作用予以阐述.  相似文献   

Notch信号通路在血管新生过程中具有重要作用,是治疗病理性血管新生的关键靶标.Notch信号通路的激活与抑制均可阻抑血管新生,但由于体内长期抑制Notch信号通路会导致血管瘤等严重毒副反应,通过激活Notch信号抑制新生血管形成可能更具临床应用价值.然而,目前缺乏可在体内高效活化Notch信号通路的Notch配体.在众多的Notch配体中,Delta-like4(Dll4)特异性表达于血管内皮组织,对血管新生具有关键调控作用.本研究表达并纯化了新型可溶性人源Notch配体h D4R,其由人源Delta-Serrate-Lag-2片段和内皮细胞靶向的精氨酸-甘氨酸-天冬氨酸(RGD)基序组成.实验证实,h D4R可通过其RGD基序与内皮细胞结合,并可有效激活内皮细胞中的Notch信号.平面管腔形成实验和微球萌出实验显示,h D4R能在体外显著抑制血管新生.更为重要的是,h D4R能在体内有效抑制新生鼠视网膜血管新生和激光诱导的脉络膜新生血管形成.综上所述,本研究发明了一种能显著抑制体内外血管生成的可溶性Notch配体h D4R,为治疗过度血管新生性相关疾病提供了新的手段.  相似文献   

Administration of exogenous growth factors (GFs) to a damaged site has been investigated for skin tissue regeneration. Among the many types of GFs and cytokines, epidermal growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, and hepatocyte growth factor could be specifically used for stimulating molecules in wound healing as well as for recovery of damaged skin tissues. It is speculated that delivered GFs could stimulate various cellular functions, including proliferation, migration, deposition of extracellular matrix molecules, and remodeling of collagen synthesis. Although the physiological wound healing process is complex, engineering strategies for proper delivery of multiple therapeutic GFs could enhance the quality and quantity of regenerated skin tissues. As compared to single delivery of a GF, recent studies have proven that any combination of multiple GFs and/or therapeutic chemical factors synergistically facilitates the regeneration of damaged skin tissues. In order to maximize the stability, bioactivity, intrinsic therapeutic functionality, and efficiency of internal delivery of cargo GFs, it is essential to utilize tissueengineered biomaterials and related composites as implantable platforms. Successful fabrication and development of skin tissue engineering applications as well as subsequent surgical implantation of these platforms might provide clinical treatment for superior skin regeneration. Therefore, the present review summarizes the biological functions, related signaling mechanisms, and recent developments of tissue engineering applications for multiple GF delivery.  相似文献   

Involvement of notch signaling in wound healing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Notch signaling pathway is critically involved in cell fate decisions during development of many tissues and organs. In the present study we employed in vivo and cell culture models to elucidate the role of Notch signaling in wound healing. The healing of full-thickness dermal wounds was significantly delayed in Notch antisense transgenic mice and in normal mice treated with gamma-secretase inhibitors that block proteolytic cleavage and activation of Notch. In contrast, mice treated with a Notch ligand Jagged peptide showed significantly enhanced wound healing compared to controls. Activation or inhibition of Notch signaling altered the behaviors of cultured vascular endothelial cells, keratinocytes and fibroblasts in a scratch wound healing model in ways consistent with roles for Notch signaling in wound healing functions all three cell types. These results suggest that Notch signaling plays important roles in wound healing and tissue repair, and that targeting the Notch pathway might provide a novel strategy for treatment of wounds and for modulation of angiogenesis in other pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved Notch-mediated intercellular signaling pathway is essential for proper embryonic development of many tissues and organs. Recent data suggest that Notch receptors and their membrane-bound ligands Delta and Serrate are involved in both patterning and cell fate determination during odontogenesis. It remains, however, uncertain if Notch signaling is important for tooth homeostasis and regeneration. Here we report on the expression of Notch receptors and the Delta1 ligand in dental pulp of normal and injured adult rat teeth. Notch receptors were absent from normal adult dental tissues, whereas expression was upregulated after injury. In injured teeth, Notch2 was expressed in mesenchymal cells of the pulp both close to the site of injury (i.e., in the dental crown) and at a distance from it (i.e., in the dental roots), Notch3 expression was mainly associated with vascular structures, while Notch1 expression was restricted to few pulpal cells close to the lesion. None of them was expressed in odontoblasts. Expression of Delta1 was upregulated in odontoblasts of the injured teeth, as well as in vascular structures. These results demonstrate the reactivation of the Notch signaling pathway during wound healing and, furthermore, highlight the similarity between developmental and regenerative processes.  相似文献   

While urodele amphibians (newts and salamanders) can regenerate limbs as adults, other tetrapods (reptiles, birds and mammals) cannot and just undergo wound healing. In adult mammals such as mice and humans, the wound heals and a scar is formed after injury, while wound healing is completed without scarring in an embryonic mouse. Completion of regeneration and wound healing takes a long time in regenerative and non-regenerative limbs, respectively. However, it is the early steps that are critical for determining the extent of regenerative response after limb amputation, ranging from wound healing with scar formation, scar-free wound healing, hypomorphic limb regeneration to complete limb regeneration. In addition to the accumulation of information on gene expression during limb regeneration, functional analysis of signaling molecules has recently shown important roles of fibroblast growth factor (FGF), Wnt/beta-catenin and bone morphogenic protein (BMP)/Msx signaling. Here, the routine steps of wound healing/limb regeneration and signaling molecules specifically involved in limb regeneration are summarized. Regeneration of embryonic mouse digit tips and anuran amphibian (Xenopus) limbs shows intermediate regenerative responses between the two extremes, those of adult mammals (least regenerative) and urodele amphibians (more regenerative), providing a range of models to study the various abilities of limbs to regenerate.  相似文献   



Cutaneous wound repair in adult mammals does not regenerate the original epithelial architecture and results in altered skin function. We propose that lack of regeneration may be due to the absence of appropriate molecular signals to promote regeneration. In this study, we investigated the regulation of Wnt signaling during cutaneous wound healing and the consequence of activating either the beta-catenin-dependent or beta-catenin-independent Wnt signaling on epidermal architecture during wound repair.  相似文献   

创面愈合是由炎性细胞、细胞因子等多种因素共同参与,涉及组织修复、再生、重建的一个复杂有序的病理生理过程。皮肤慢性创面的愈合仍然是临床研究的重点与热点,随着分子生物学的发展,对皮肤创面愈合机制的认识也逐渐深入。Wnt信号通路是一条由Wnt蛋白及其受体、调节蛋白等组成的高度保守的信号通路,参与细胞增殖、凋亡、分化等多种生物学过程。Wnt信号通路作为参与皮肤愈合的信号通路之一,被认为具有调控皮肤及其附属器的发育、诱导皮肤附件的形态发生、调节毛囊的周期生长、促进创面血管新生及上皮重塑等多方面的功能。因此本文试从炎性细胞、成纤维细胞、干细胞、血管新生、表皮新生与毛囊新生等方面对Wnt信号通路与皮肤创面愈合的关系作一综述。  相似文献   

Skin wound healing involves Notch/Jagged1 signaling. However, little is known how Jag1 expression level in epidermal stem cells (ESCs) contributes to wound healing and scar formation. We applied multiple cellular and molecular techniques to examine how Jag1 expression in ESCs modulates ESCs differentiation to myofibroblasts (MFB) in vitro, interpret how Jag1 expression in ESCs is involved in wound healing and scar formation in mice, and evaluate the effects of porcine acellular dermal matrix (ADM) treatment on wound healing and scar formation. We found that Jag1, Notch1 and Hes1 expression was up-regulated in the wound tissue during the period of wound healing. Furthermore, Jag1 expression level in the ESCs was positively associated with the level of differentiation to MFB. ESC-specific knockout of Jag1 delayed wound healing and promoted scar formation in vivo. In addition, we reported that porcine ADM treatment after skin incision could accelerate wound closure and reduce scar formation in vivo. This effect was associated with decreased expression of MFB markers, including α-SMA Col-1 and Col-III in wound tissues. Finally, we confirmed that porcine ADM treatment could increase Jag1, Notch1 and Hesl expression in wound tissues. Taken together, our results suggested that ESC-specific Jag1 expression levels are critical for wound healing and scar formation, and porcine ADM treatment would be beneficial in promoting wound healing and preventing scar formation by enhancing Notch/Jagged1 signaling pathway in ESCs.  相似文献   

Efficient wound healing including clotting and subsequent reepithelization is essential for animals ranging from insects to mammals to recover from epithelial injury. It is likely that genes involved in wound healing are conserved through the phylogeny and therefore, Drosophila may be an useful in vivo model system to identify genes necessary during this process. Furthermore, epithelial movement during specific developmental processes, such as dorsal closure, ressembles of those seen in mammalian wound healing. As puckered (puc) gene is a target of the JUN N-terminal kinase signaling pathway during dorsal closure, we investigated puc gene expression during wound healing in Drosophila. We showed that puc gene expression is induced at the edge of the wound in epithelial cells and Jun kinase is phosphorylated in wounded epidermal tissues, suggesting that the JUN N-terminal kinase signaling pathway is activated by a signal produced by an epidermal wound. In the absence of the Drosophila c-Fos homologue, puc gene expression is no longer induced. Finally, impaired epithelial repair in JUN N-terminal kinase deficient flies demonstrates that the JUN N-terminal kinase signaling is required to initiate the cell shape change at the onset of the epithelial wound healing. We conclude that the embryonic JUN N-terminal kinase gene cassette is induced at the edge of the wound. In addition, Drosophila appears as a good in vivo model to study morphogenetic processes requiring epithelial regeneration such as wound healing in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Bone marrow (BM) derived vascular precursor cells (BM-PC, endothelial progenitors) are involved in normal and malignant angiogenesis, in ischemia and in wound healing. However, the mechanisms by which BM-PC stimulate the pre-existing endothelial cells at sites of vascular remodelling/recovery, and their contribution towards the formation of new blood vessels are still undisclosed. In the present report, we exploited the possibility that members of the Notch signalling pathway, expressed by BM-PC during endothelial differentiation, might regulate their pro-angiogenic or pro-wound healing properties. We demonstrate that Notch pathway modulates the adhesion of BM-PC to extracellular matrix (ECM) in vitro via regulation of integrin alpha3beta1; and that Notch pathway inhibition on BM-PC impairs their capacity to stimulate endothelial cell tube formation on matrigel and to promote endothelial monolayer recovery following wounding in vitro. Moreover, we show that activation of Notch pathway on BM-PC improved wound healing in vivo through angiogenesis induction. Conversely, inoculation of BM-PC pre-treated with a gamma secretase inhibitor (GSI) into wounded mice failed to induce angiogenesis at the wound site and did not promote wound healing, presumably due to a lower frequency of BM-PC at the wound area. Our data suggests that Notch pathway regulates BM-PC adhesion to ECM at sites of vascular repair and that it also regulates the capacity of BM-PC to stimulate angiogenesis and to promote wound healing. Drug targeting of the Notch pathway on BM-PC may thus represent a novel strategy to modulate neo-angiogenesis and vessel repair.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily conserved pathway that is critical for tissue morphogenesis during development, but is also involved in tissue maintenance and repair in the adult. In skeletal muscle, regulation of Notch signaling is involved in somitogenesis, muscle development, and the proliferation and cell fate determination of muscle stems cells during regeneration. During each of these processes, the spatial and temporal control of Notch signaling is essential for proper tissue formation. That control is mediated by a series of regulatory proteins and protein complexes that enhance or inhibit Notch signaling by regulating protein processing, localization, activity, and stability. In this review, we focus on the regulation of Notch signaling during postnatal muscle regeneration when muscle stem cells ("satellite cells") must activate, proliferate, progress along a myogenic lineage pathway, and ultimately differentiate to form new muscle. We review the regulators of Notch signaling, such as Numb and Deltex, that have documented roles in myogenesis as well as other regulators that may play a role in modulating Notch signaling during satellite cell activation and postnatal myogenesis.  相似文献   

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