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为探讨雷帕霉素对D-葡萄糖诱导的人肾小球足细胞增殖、迁移和上皮–间质转化(EMT)的影响及磷脂酰肌醇-3-激酶/丝氨酸–苏氨酸激酶(PI3K/AKT)信号通路的调控作用,该研究体外培养人肾小球足细胞HGPC细胞系,并将其分为对照组(5 mmol/L的D-葡萄糖)、高糖组(30 mmol/L的D-葡萄糖)、低/中/高浓度组(在30 mmol/L的D-葡萄糖的基础上加入2.5、5.0、10.0μmol/L雷帕霉素),用酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、细胞计数试剂盒8(CCK-8)测定炎症因子白细胞介素-8(IL-8)和肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)的表达水平及细胞活力,筛选出最适雷帕霉素后,又将细胞分为对照组、高糖组、雷帕霉素组、LY294002组(30 mmol/L的D-葡萄糖+10μmol/L PI3K/AKT通路抑制剂LY294002)、雷帕霉素+LY294002组(30 mmol/L的D-葡萄糖+10.0μmol/L雷帕霉素+10μmol/L PI3K/AKT通路抑制剂LY294002)和雷帕霉素+SC79组(30 mmol/L的D-葡萄糖+10.0μmol/L雷帕霉素+10μmo...  相似文献   

丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶(serine/threonine kinase,AKT)是真核细胞中参与细胞信号转导的关键分子。目前已经证实PI3K(phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase,PI3K)/AKT信号通路在人类肿瘤、代谢紊乱、肾脏疾病以及精神障碍等疾病中发挥着重要的作用。近年来的研究还发现PI3K/AKT信号通路的激活会对心肌细胞的生长、代谢以及凋亡等活动产生影响,且该通路及其中的很多受体、激酶被证实与心力衰竭关系密切,这使该信号通路在心力衰竭的发病机制、诊断及治疗等方面的研究日益受到重视。总结PI3K/AKT的结构特点、相关信号转导机制及其与心力衰竭的关系将有利于更好地理解心力衰竭的发病机制。  相似文献   

目的:研究甘草次酸对甲状腺癌细胞SW579凋亡的影响及其可能的机制。方法:甲状腺癌细胞SW579分成4组,每组设置5个复孔,对照组为含10%胎牛血清的DMEM培养基;低浓度甘草次酸组为含浓度50 μmol/L+ 10%胎牛血清的DMEM培养基;中浓度甘草次酸组为含浓度100 μmol/L+ 10%胎牛血清的DMEM培养基;高浓度甘草次酸组为含浓度200 μmol/L+ 10%胎牛血清的DMEM培养基;各组在5%的二氧化碳培养箱中孵育24 h和48 h后,通过Annexin V / PI双标记流式细胞术检测甲状腺癌细胞SW579的凋亡比例,蛋白质印迹法检测检PI3K、AKT1、p-AKT蛋白的表达。结果:与对照组比较,孵育24 h及48 h后,50 μmol/L甘草次酸组凋亡细胞比例有所升高,AKT1、p-AKT、PI3K蛋白的相对表达量变化不明显,均无显著性差异(P>0.05);100 μmol/L和200 μmol/L甘草次酸组的凋亡细胞比例均显著升高,AKT1、p-AKT蛋白的相对表达量均明显降低 (P<0.05)。结论:100 μmol/L和200 μmol/L的甘草次酸可通过抑制AKT蛋白的表达促进甲状腺癌细胞SW579 凋亡。  相似文献   

目的:探讨在脂多糖(LPS)所致细菌脓毒症免疫抑制中树突状细胞(DCs)程序性细胞死亡配体-1(PD-L1)的表达情况及其相关信号通路。方法:细菌脂多糖刺激骨髓来源树突状细胞诱导淋巴细胞免疫抑制模型,实验分为5组:对照组(Con)、脂多糖组(LPS)、2-(4-吗啉基)-8-苯基-4H-1-苯并吡喃-4-酮+脂多糖组(LY294002+LPS)、吡咯烷二硫代甲酸铵盐+脂多糖组(PDTC+LPS)和脂多糖+封闭PD-L1组(LPS+αPD-L1)。小鼠骨髓来源单核细胞用含粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(rmGM-CSF 10 ng/ml)和白介素4(rmIL-4 1 ng/ml)的10%胎牛血清1640培养基于CO2培养箱37℃静置培养4 d后,LPS(10 ng/ml)处理DCs静置12 h获得PD-L1高表达的DCs作为免疫抑制刺激细胞。通路抑制剂LY294002(10 μmol/L)、PDTC (20 μmol/L)作用1 h阻断PI3K和NF-κB信号。采用流式细胞分析、激光共聚焦显微成像检测LPS诱导树突状细胞PD-L1表达及磷脂酰肌醇3激酶/丝氨酸苏氨酸激酶B (PI3K/AKT) 信号通路活化情况;BrdU细胞增殖实验和γ-干扰素酶联免疫斑点实验检测LPS诱导树突状细胞PD-L1表达上调对抗原特异性T细胞增殖反应及细胞毒性T细胞杀伤作用的影响。结果:与对照组比较,LPS组DCs表面PD-L1阳性细胞百分比升高(P<0.01),PD-L1荧光信号强度增强,且主要分布于细胞表面和细胞质,DCs介导的T细胞增殖水平降低(P<0.01),γ-干扰素斑点形成细胞数下降(P<0.01)。与LPS组比较,LY294002+LPS组、PDTC+LPS组和LPS+αPD-L1组PD-L1荧光信号强度降低,T细胞增殖水平升高(P<0.01),γ-干扰素斑点形成细胞数上升(P<0.01),改善树突状细胞介导的T细胞免疫抑制现象。 结论:PD-L1是介导脂多糖所致细菌脓毒症免疫抑制的关键分子,PI3K信号、NF-κB信号也参与此免疫抑制过程。  相似文献   

目的幽门螺杆菌被认为是诱发胃癌的最强的风险因素。幽门螺旋杆菌的毒性成分是可以增加癌症危险的cag分泌系统,它可以使cagA和肽聚糖易位进入宿主细胞,进而激活信号转导通路。AKT是磷脂酰肌醇3。激酶(PI3K)的目的蛋白,并在胃癌中被激活,但PI3K-AKT和具有潜在致癌性的幽门螺旋杆菌诱导的细胞反应之间的关系尚不清楚。方法我们揭示了介导幽门螺旋杆菌刺激的AKT活化和胃上皮细胞的这些生物学结果之间的分子通路。结果幽门螺旋杆菌以Scr和表皮生长因子受体依赖性方式增加PI3K-AKT的信号,是幽门螺旋杆菌诱导的细胞迁移不可或缺的。结论这些结果表明,PI3K-AKT信号调节幽门螺旋杆菌诱发的病理生理反应,从而降低癌变门槛。  相似文献   




将54只SPF级小鼠随机分为对照组(CK组)、PTB组、低剂量ALC组(ALC-L组,2 mg/kg)、高剂量ALC组(ALC-H组,5 mg/kg)、阳性对照异烟肼组(INH组,5 mg/kg)和ALC-H+740 Y-P(PI3K激活剂)组(5 mg/kg+0.02 mg/kg),每组9只。除CK组外,其他组小鼠均通过尾静脉注射0.25 mL标准人型结核分枝杆菌菌株H37Rv悬液构建PTB模型,建模成功24 h后,进行给药处理,1次/d,持续30 d。分别在给药第1、15、30天时记录各组小鼠的体质量;计数肺组织中结核分枝杆菌数量;采用HE染色检测小鼠肺组织病理变化;采用ELISA法检测小鼠肺组织中炎症因子肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)及IL-10水平;采用流式细胞术检测小鼠外周血中T淋巴细胞亚群CD3+、CD4+、CD8+水平以及CD4+/CD8+比值;采用Western Blot检测p-PI3K、p-Akt及p-mTOR蛋白表达。


与CK组比较,PTB组小鼠体质量(给药第15、30天)减轻,结核分枝杆菌数量增多,肺组织病理损伤严重,TNF-α、IL-6、CD8+水平以及p-PI3K、p-Akt、p-mTOR蛋白表达升高,IL-10、CD3+、CD4+水平以及CD4+/CD8+比值降低(均P<0.05);与PTB组比较,ALC-L组、ALC-H组和INH组小鼠对应变化趋势与上述相反(均P<0.05);740 Y-P减弱了高剂量ALC对PTB小鼠炎症反应的抑制作用以及免疫功能的改善作用。




目的:明确P13K/Akt信号通路在缺血缺氧心肌细胞损害中的作用。方法:建立心肌细胞缺血缺氧模型,施加磷脂酰肌醇3激酶抑制剂LY294002干预,观察心肌细胞活力、培养液中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)含量及碘化丙啶(PI)染色阳性细胞比例的变化。结果:模拟缺血缺氧后细胞活力下降,LDH及PI染色阳性细胞比例显著增加。LY294002干预复合缺血缺氧后,细胞活力急剧下降,LDH含量及PI染色阳性细胞比例进一步显著增加(P<0.01)。结论:应用LY294002加重了缺血缺氧对心肌细胞的损伤效应,提示PI3K/Akt通路参与了缺血缺氧心肌细胞的内源性保护反应,减轻了缺血缺氧损害。  相似文献   

Zou W  Li ZY  Li CL  Cui ZC 《生理科学进展》2000,31(2):120-124
蛋白激酶B(PKB)是原癌基因c-akt的表达产物,它参与由生长因子激活的经磷脂磷肌醇3-激酶(PI3K)介导的信号转导过程。与许多蛋白激酶相似,PKB分子具有一特殊的AH/PH结构域(AH/PHdomain),后者能介导信号分子间的相互作用。PKB是PI3K直接的靶蛋白。PI3K产生的脂类第二信使PI-3,4,P2和PI-3,4,5-P3等均能与PKB和磷酸肌醇依赖性蛋白激酶(PDK)的AH/P  相似文献   

由磷脂酰肌醇3- 激酶(PI3K)、丝氨酸/ 苏氨酸蛋白激酶(Akt)和哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mTOR)组成的PI3K-Akt-mTOR通路是细胞内非常重要的信号转导途径,该通路的紊乱会引起一系列的疾病,包括癌症、神经病变、自身免疫性疾病和血液淋巴系统疾病。近年来,PI3K-Akt-mTOR 通路作为药物靶点备受关注。结合汤森路透数据库资源——Thomson Reuters Integrity 和Cortellis for Competitive Intelligence,对PI3K-Akt-mTOR 通路的机制、相关药物研究进展、适应证、研发公司、交易、专利、文献等情报进行了数据层面的分析。  相似文献   

含SH2结构域的肌醇磷酸酶(SHIP)属于5’磷酸酯酶家族成员。SHIP能将磷脂酰肌醇-3,4,5-三磷酸(PI-3,4,5-P3,PIP3)水解为磷脂酰肌醇-3,4-二磷酸(PI-3,4-P2),是主要表达于造血细胞的磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶(PI3K)信号抑制分子,通过参与调节PI3K途径而影响细胞增殖、存活及信号转导等诸多细胞活动,与白血病的发生发展密切相关。  相似文献   

CXCL5 (epithelial neutrophil activating peptide-78) which acts as a potent chemoattractant and activator of neutrophil function was reported to play a multifaceted role in tumorigenesis. To investigate the role of CXCL5 in bladder cancer progression, we examined the CXCL5 expression in bladder cancer tissues by real-time PCR and Western blot, additionally, we used shRNA-mediated silencing to generate stable CXCL5 silenced bladder cancer T24 cells and defined its biological functions. Our results demonstrated that mRNA and protein of CXCL5 is increased in human bladder tumor tissues and cell lines, down-regulation of CXCL5 in T24 cells resulted in significantly decreased cell proliferation, migration and increased cell apoptosis in vitro through Snail, PI3K-AKT and ERK1/2 signaling pathways. These data suggest that CXCL5 is critical for bladder tumor growth and progression, it may represent a potential application in cancer diagnosis and therapy.  相似文献   

Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related death all over the world. In spite of the great advances made in surgery and chemotherapy, the prognosis of lung cancer patients is poor. A substantial fraction of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) can regulate various cancers. A recent study has reported that lncRNA HOXB-AS3 plays a critical role in cancers. However, its biological function remains unclear in lung cancer progression. In the current research, we found HOXB-AS3 was obviously elevated in NSCLC tissues and cells. Functional assays showed that inhibition of HOXB-AS3 was able to repress A549 and H1975 cell proliferation, cell colony formation ability and meanwhile, triggered cell apoptosis. Furthermore, the lung cancer cell cycle was mostly blocked in the G1 phase whereas the cell ratio in the S phase was reduced. Also, A549 and H1975 cell migration and invasion capacity were significantly repressed by the loss of HOXB-AS3. The PI3K/AKT pathway has been implicated in the carcinogenesis of multiple cancers. Here, we displayed that inhibition of HOXB-AS3 suppressed lung cancer cell progression via inactivating the PI3K/AKT pathway. Subsequently, in vivo experiments were utilized in our study and it was demonstrated that HOXB-AS3 contributed to lung cancer tumor growth via modulating the PI3K/AKT pathway. Overall, we implied that HOXB-AS3 might provide a new perspective for lung cancer treatment via targeting PI3K/AKT.  相似文献   

This study investigated that dieckol (DKL), a natural drug, inhibits colon cancer cell proliferation and migration by inhibiting phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K), protein kinase B (AKT), and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) phosphorylation in HCT-116 cells. The cells were treated with DKL in various concentrations (32 and 50 μM) for 24 h and then analyzed for various experiments. MTT (tetrazolium bromide) and crystal violet assay investigated DKL-mediated cytotoxicity. Dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate staining was used to assess the reactive oxygen species (ROS) measurement, and apoptotic changes were studied by dual acridine orange and ethidium bromide staining. Protein expression of cell survival, cell cycle, proliferation, and apoptosis protein was evaluated by western blot analysis. Results indicated that DKL produces significant cytotoxicity in HCT-116, and the half-maximal inhibitory concentration was found to be 32 μM for 24-h incubation. Moreover, effective production of ROS and enhanced apoptotic signs were observed upon DKL treatment in HCT-116. DKL induces the expression of phosphorylated PI3K, AKT, and mToR-associated enhanced expression of cyclin-D1, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)-4, CDK-6, and Bcl-2 in HCT-116. In addition, proapoptotic proteins such as Bax, caspase-9, and caspase-3 were significantly enhanced by DKL treatment in HCT-116. Hence, DKL has been considered a chemotherapeutic drug by impeding the expression of PI3K-, AKT-, and mTOR-mediated inhibition of proliferation and cell cycle-regulating proteins.  相似文献   

While accumulating evidence demonstrates the existence of prostate cancer stem cells (PCSCs), PCSCs have not been isolated and thoroughly characterized. We report here the enrichment and characterization of sphere-propagating cells with stem-like properties from DU145 PC cells in a defined serum-free medium (SFM). Approximately 1.25% of monolayer DU145 cells formed spheres in SFM and 26% of sphere cells formed secondary spheres. Spheres are enriched for cells expressing prostate basal and luminal cytokeratins (34βE12 and CK18) and for cancer stem cell markers, including CD44, CD24, and integrin α2β1. Upon culturing spheres under differentiating media conditions in the presence of 10% serum, cells positive for CD44 and CD24 were substantially reduced. Furthermore, spheres could be generated from the sphere-derived adherent cell cultures and xenograft tumors, demonstrating the stemness of DU145 spheres. We have maintained spheres for more than 30 passages within 1.5 years without noticeable loss of their “stemness”. Sphere cells possess self-renewal capacity, display significant increases in proliferation potential, and initiate xenograft tumors with enhanced capacity compared to monolayer DU145 cells. While EGF promoted the generation and maintenance of these stem-like cells, bFGF inhibited these events. Sphere cells proliferate slowly with a significant reduction in the activation of the PI3K-AKT pathway compared to monolayer DU145 cells. While knockdown of PTEN enhanced AKT activation, this did not affect the generation of primary spheres and the propagation of secondary spheres. Consistent with this observation, we were able to demonstrate the generation and propagation of spheres without the addition of external growth factors. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 11th European Symposium on Calcium.  相似文献   

Plastin-3 plays a key role in cancer cell proliferation and invasion, but its prognostic value in pancreatic cancer (PACA) remains poorly defined. In this study, we show that PLS3 messenger RNA is overexpressed in PACA tissue compared with normal tissue. We accumulated 207 cases of PACA specimens to perform immunohistochemical analysis and demonstrated that PLS3 levels correlate with T-classification (p < .001) and pathology (p < .001). Furthermore, overall survival rates (p < .001) in tumors with high PLS3 expression were poor, as assessed through Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. PLS3 was found to be an independent prognostic factor for PACA through multivariate Cox regression analysis. Moreover, we found that PLS3 enhances the proliferation and invasion of tumor cells as assessed through Cell Counting Kit-8, wounding healing assays, and Transwell assays. The upregulation of PLS3 also led to enhanced phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/protein kinase B signaling in PACA cells. These data suggest that PLS3 is a biomarker to estimate PACA progression and represents a molecular target for PACA therapy.  相似文献   

Tumour inflammatory microenvironment is considered to play a role in the sensitivity of tumour cells to therapies and prognosis of patients with lung cancer. The expression of CCL20, one of the critical chemoattractants responsible for inflammation cells recruitment, has been shown overexpressed in variety of tumours. This study aimed at investigating potential mechanisms of CCL20 function and production in human non‐small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Expression of CCL20 gene and protein in lung tissues of patients with NSCLC and NSCLC cells (A549) were determined. The interleukin (IL)‐1β‐induced signal pathways in A549 and the effect of CCL20‐induced A549 cell migration and proliferation were determined using migration assays and cell‐alive monitoring system. Mechanisms of signal pathways involved in the migration of CCL20 were also studied. We initially found that NSCLC tumour tissues markedly overexpressed CCL20 in comparison with normal lung samples. In addition, IL‐1β could directly promote CCL20 production in lung cancer cells, which was inhibited by extracellular signal‐regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 inhibitor, p38 mitogen‐activated protein kinase (p38 MARP) inhibitor or PI3K inhibitors. CCL20 promoted lung cancer cells migration and proliferation in an autocrine manner via activation of ERK1/2‐MAPK and PI3K pathways. Our data indicated that IL‐1β could stimulate CCL20 production from lung cancer cells through the activation of MAPKs and PI3K signal pathways, and the auto‐secretion of CCL20 could promote lung cancer cell migration and proliferation through the activation of ERK and PI3K signal pathways. Our results may provide a novel evidence that CCL20 could be a new therapeutic target for lung cancer.  相似文献   

LIM and SH3 protein 2 (LASP2) belongs to nebulin family. It has been proven that LASP2 is involved in several cancers; however, its role in cervical cancer is unclear. Herein, we showed that LASP2 was highly expressed in cervical cancer tissues and cell lines. To knockdown LASP2 in cervical cancer cells, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting LASP2 (si-LASP2) were used. We found that cell proliferation, migration/invasion were markedly reduced after si-LASP2 transfection. A significant increase in E-cadherin expression, and decrease in N-cadherin and vimentin expressions were observed in si-LASP2 transfected cervical cancer cells. Knockdown of LASP2 caused significant inhibitory effect on the PI3K/Akt pathway. Treatment with the activator of the PI3K/Akt pathway, 740Y-P, abolished the effects of si-LASP2 transfection on cervical cancer cells. These findings suggested that LASP2 may be an oncogene through regulating the PI3K/Akt pathway in cervical cancer.  相似文献   

Application of a certain concentration of local anesthetics during tumor resection inhibits the progression of tumor. The effects of ropivacaine in bladder cancer (BC) have never been explored. We explored the effects of ropivacaine on the progression of BC in vitro and in vivo. CCK8 assay and EDU staining was conducted to examine cell proliferation. Flow cytometry and transwell assay were performed to evaluate apoptosis and invasion, respectively. Expression of light chain 3 (LC3) was observed through immunofluorescence. Furthermore, the xenograft tumor model of BC was built to detect the effects of ropivacaine in vivo. IHC and TUNEL assay were conducted to detect cell proliferation and apoptosis in vivo. Ropivacaine inhibited the proliferation of T24 and 5639 cells with the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 20.08 and 31.86 µM, respectively. Ropivacaine suppressed the invasion ability and induces the apoptosis of cells. Besides, ropivacaine triggers obvious autophagy in BC cells. Moreover, ropivacaine blocks the PI3K/AKT signal pathway in BC cells. The impact of ropivacaine on cell viability, motility, and autophagy was reversed by 740 Y-P, the activator of PI3K/AKT signal pathway. The in vivo experiments demonstrated that ropivacaine inhibited the proliferation and mobility of BC. Ropivacaine has anti-carcinoma effects in BC via inactivating PI3K/AKT pathway, providing a new theoretical reference for the use of local anesthetics in the treatment of BC.  相似文献   

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