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The black-tailed tree rat, Thallomys nigricauda, is one of the few arboreal rodents inhabiting the southern African savannahs. During three field campaigns in 2001 and 2002 we collected data on the biology and ecology of T. nigricauda in the Thornveld savannah of the Molopo Nature Reserve (NW Province, South Africa). T. nigricauda lives a solitarily lifestyle in the Molopo Nature Reserve. Diet analyses shows that they are folivorous, specializing on leaves of Acacia mellifera and Acacia luederitzii. Male and female animals have a similar body size (≈80 g). Mean age at weaning was 30 days and mean litter size at this age was 1.8. Monthly survival rates varied between 0.25 and 0.86. Density was estimated to be 0.5–1 individual ha−1. Overall, our results show that the basic ecological characteristics of this arboreal rodent are fairly similar to other rodent species.  相似文献   

Non-geographic morphometric variation, particularly at the level of sexual dimorphism and ontogenetic (age-related) variation, has been documented in rodents, and useful for establishing whether to analyse sexes separately or together, and for selecting adult specimens for subsequent data recording and analysis. However, such studies have largely been based on traditional morphometric analyses of linear measurements that mainly focus on overall size, rather than shape-related morphometric variation. Unit-free, landmark/outline-based geometric morphometric analyses are considered to offer a more appropriate tool for assessing shape-related morphometric variation. In this study, we used geometric cranial morphometric analysis to assess the nature and extent of sexual dimorphism and age variation within the Tete veld rat, Aethomys ineptus (Thomas and Wroughton, 1908) from southern Africa and the African Nile rat, Arvicanthis niloticus (Desmarest, 1822) from Sudan. The results obtained were in turn compared with previously published results based on independent geometric and traditional cranial morphometric data from the same sampled populations examined in the present study. While our geometric morphometric results detected statistically significant sexual dimorphism in cranial shape within Ar. niloticus only, previously published results based on traditional morphometric data failed to detect significant sexual dimorphism within this species. However, similar to previously published traditional morphometric data, our geometric morphometric results detected statistically significant age-related variation in cranial shape and size within both Ae. ineptus and Ar. niloticus, with individuals of age classes 5 and 6 being considered to represent adult specimens. Our results highlight the importance of carefully evaluating both size- and shape-related non-geographic morphometric variation prior to the analysis of geographic variation and the delineation of species. Erroneous conclusions of non-geographic variation may have implications in the interpretation of geographic and evolutionary processes that may be responsible for morphological differences at both the inter- and intra-specific levels.  相似文献   

A new species Aspalathus abbottii C.H. Stirt. & Muasya, is described. The species is known only from Oribi Flats, KwaZulu-Natal, where it grows in grassland vegetation. The new species is characterised by its rigid spreading habit, densely and shortly villous branches, glabrous bracts and bracteoles, and 1(2) bright yellow flowers borne on short lateral shoots. It is most similar to other grassland species, A. frankenioides DC. and A. gerrardii H. Bol., all from the summer rainfall area of South Africa but differs in its rigid spreading habit, few bright yellow flowers per flowering branchlet, glabrous bracts and bracteoles, villous yellowish-green seasonal shoots, and its pale brown to tan over-seasonal branches with a blackish lattice of peeled bark.  相似文献   

A new species of fossil Mus (Rodentia, Mammalia) is reported from the Late Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine deposits of the Kumaun sector of Indian Himalaya. The fossiliferous horizon, medium-coarse grained sand lenses embedded in the massive carbonaceous mud, is exposed at locality Dulam and is Late Pleistocene (ca. 30 ka) in age. A new species, Mus dulamensis n. sp., is proposed. Characterized by strongly distorted and moderately elongated M1 (about 170% of M2 length) with prominent conules in front of the t2, higher magnitude of stephanodonty (between the t1 and t4 and between the t3 and t6), moderately reduced M3 (about 56% of M2 length) and stronger connection between the cusps, this species is distinct from all other species of the genus and is included in the “booduga group”. I suggest that M. dulamensis n. sp. is comparatively more derived than M. auctor, M. flynni, M. jacobsi and Mus sp. and it may have given rise to M. booduga or M. dunni. It is further suggested that presently living M. booduga and M. dunni are more specialized than Mus dulamensis n. sp.  相似文献   

The chromosome cytology of Hyacinthaceae subfamily Ornithogaloideae is reviewed within the framework of a recent molecular-based classification, with particular emphasis on its center of diversity in sub-Saharan Africa. We also provide new chromosome counts for sections that are unknown or poorly known cytologically. Albuca subgen. Namibiogalum (9 spp.) probably has an ancestral base number of x = 10 but subgen. Albuca (± 70 spp), subgen. Monarchos (9 spp.) and subgen. Osmyne (36 spp.) have x = 9. The pattern in subgen. Urophyllon (3 spp.) is remarkable: although x = 6 is likely, the species in the section exhibit a range of 2n = 12, 10, 8, 6 and 4 (exclusive of polyploidy). All karyotypes have three large chromosome pairs and a variable number of small chromosomes. Pseudogaltonia (2 spp.) has x = 9 and Dipcadi (26 spp.) possibly x = 9 in series Uropetalum and x = 6 in series Dipcadi, which exhibits a pattern of descending dysploidy leading to n = 3 in D. marlothii. In Ornithogalum (± 130 spp.) chromosome numbers are known for only 24 of the ± 84 sub-Saharan species, mostly from subgen. Aspasia and subgen. Ornithogalum sect. Linaspasia, both of which have x = 6, and from subgen. Galtonia, which has x = 8. In contrast, x = 7 is basic for the Eurasian sects. Honorius and Melophis, and x = 18 seems likely for sect. Cathissa. Sect. Ornithogalum, the cytology of which we does not examine in detail, may have x = 9. Polyploidy is apparently rare in the sub-Saharan African ornithogaloids, in marked contrast to the high frequency of polyploidy among Eurasian species. In Albuca just 3 or possibly 4 sub-Saharan species (9% or 13% of those counted) are exclusively polyploid and 5 more have diploid and polyploid races; and in sub-Saharan Ornithogalum, only the tropical O. gracillimum is exclusively polyploid, and the western southern African O. hispidum has diploid and polyploid races.  相似文献   

Despite extensive zoogeographical and taxonomical studies in the subgenus Mus, several issues still remain unresolved. In this context, the distribution area of the mound-building mouse, Mus spicilegus, remains undetermined at the southernmost parts of the species’ range, possibly due to low population densities and seasonal character of mound building. The new records from Greece, presented here, significantly expand the knowledge on Mus spicilegus distribution but also reveal eastern Greek populations which are genetically differentiated from all the other Greek and European ones. These results support an additional colonization route to eastern Greece as part of the migration and expansion process of the mound building mouse in Europe.  相似文献   

Species ofProsopis(Mimosaceae), or mesquites, are invasive rangeland weeds in South Africa's Western Cape and Northern Cape Provinces. Two bruchid seed-weevil species,Algarobius prosopis(Le Conte) andA. bottimeriKingsolver, were released for biological control in 1987 and 1990, respectively. Seed-feeding biocontrol agents were selected because mesquite pods are valued as livestock fodder. Livestock grazing of bruchid larvae developing in mesquite seeds, however, limits the effectiveness of these agents. Livestock grazing also exacerbates mesquite infestations because scarified seeds are dispersed widely in vertebrate dung. In response to the livestock grazing problem,Neltumius arizonensis(Schaeffer), a bruchid reputed to be capable of ovipositing on immature, tree-borne pods, was released at three sites in Western Cape Province in 1993 and 1994. Small populations ofN. arizonensishave become established at the release sites. Overall,N. arizonensiswas 18 times less abundant thanA. prosopis.In some monthsN. arizonensiseggs were heavily parasitized byUscanasp. (Trichogrammatidae), but the effect of this onN. arizonensispopulation dynamics is uncertain. Western CapeN. arizonensispopulations need more time to increase in size. The introduction of other, more injurious biocontrol agents such as the cecidomyiid bud feederAsphondylia prosopidisCockerell should be considered.  相似文献   

Control of the invasive wasp, Sirex noctilio Fabricius using the parasitic nematode Deladenus siricidicola Bedding is a well known example of a successful classical biological control program. Despite its wide-scale success, this control method has recently had poor success in the summer rainfall areas of South Africa. Data from previous studies showed variation in nematode parasitism from inoculated trees (inoculation success) between different tree sections and among inoculation times. They also pointed to moisture content of the wood or virulence of the nematode as the most likely underlying factors influencing variations in inoculation success. The results from our study showed that the highest levels of parasitism was obtained from early inoculations and from the bottom sections of trees, where moisture content of the wood was highest, supporting the hypothesis that moisture content influences parasitism. However, even when moisture content was adequate, average inoculation success remained below 25% and was often 0%, suggesting that there are other barriers to inoculation success. Different sources from which the nematodes were produced did not influence inoculation success, indicating that nematode virulence is most likely not the cause of the low success. Another interesting finding was that parasitized wasps were larger than unparasitized wasps. Background parasitism was present despite the poor success with past inoculations, but the data also suggest that the natural build-up of this population could be constrained by the same factors that influence inoculations.  相似文献   

Toxic algal blooms are common world-wide and pose a serious problem to the aquaculture and fishing industries. Dinoflagellate species such as Karenia brevis, Karenia mikimotoi, Heterosigma akashiwo and Chatonella cf. antiqua are recognised toxic species implicated in various faunal mortalities. Toxic blooms of Karenia cristata were observed on the south coast of South Africa for the first time in 1988 and were responsible for mortalities of wild and farmed abalone. K. cristata and various other dinoflagellate species common along the South African coast, as well as K. mikimotoi (Isolation site: Norway, Univ. of Copenhagen) and K. brevis (Isolation site: Florida, BIGELOW), were tested for toxicity by means of a bioassay involving Artemia larvae as well as abalone larvae and spat. K. cristata, like K. brevis, contains an aerosol toxin; however, the toxin present in K. cristata has not yet been isolated and remains unknown. K. brevis was, therefore, used to determine which developmental phase of the bloom would affect abalone farms most, and whether ozone could be used as an effective mitigating agent. Of the 17 dinoflagellate species tested, K. cristata, Akashiwo sanguinea, K. mikimotoi and K. brevis pose the greatest threat to the abalone mariculture industry. K. brevis was most toxic during its exponential and stationary phases. Results suggest that ozone is an effective mitigation agent but its economic viability for use on abalone farms must still be investigated.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a landscape‐scale survey for insect floral visitors in the Skukuza Ranger District, Kruger National Park, South Africa. Floral visitors were sampled from flowering trees and shrubs along linear transects spanning the entire district. Six plant species were sampled in the late dry season (Acacia grandicornuta Gerstner, A. nigrescens Oliver, Cassia abbreviata Oliver, Combretum hereroense Schinz, Combretum zeyheri Sonder, Euclea divonorum Hiern), and eleven plant species were sampled during the rainy season (Acacia exuvialis Verdcourt, A. grandicornuta Gerstner, A. nilotica (L.) Willdenow, A. tortilis (Forsskal) Hayne, Dichrostachys cinerea Miquel, Flueggea virosa (Roxburgh) Baillon, Grewia bicolor Jussieu, G. flava De Candolle, G. flavescens Jussieu, G. monticola Sonder, and Peltophorum africanum Sonder). Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera comprised the majority of floral visitors, while species of Blattodea, Diptera, Hemiptera and Neuroptera also occurred on flowers. Known or likely pollinators include bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Halictidae and Megachilidae) and scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). These plant species appear to have generalist pollination systems, with the exception of species of Grewia L., which appear to be pollinated primarily by bees. A provisional plant–pollinator food web is presented for the eleven species of trees and shrubs which flower during the rainy season.  相似文献   

通过野外调查、标本查阅及文献考证,订正了华南吊灯花属(Ceropegia Linn.)植物,将狭瓣吊灯花(C. angustilimba Merr.)从吊灯花(C. trichantha Hemsl.)的异名中予以恢复,提供了二者的形态描述,确认华南地区记录的柳叶吊灯花(C. salicifolia H. Huber)实为剑叶吊灯花(C. dolichophylla Schltr.)的错误鉴定,并提供了后者的形态描述。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that skull shape within the genus Mus may vary with geographic location by assessing the extent and spatial distribution of phenotypic skull variation within and among two wild mouse species, M. macedonicus and M. cypriacus, using traditional and geometric morphometrics including a rather novel application of sliding semilandmarks. Shape was shown to be significantly correlated both with longitude and latitude in M. macedonicus, yet the correlation between morphometric and geographic distances was not significant, and morphometric differences between Asian and European populations were not higher than those within the particular continents. The phylogenetic signal was found to be stronger in dental characters than in cranial ones, however, overall concordance between the pattern of morphometric variation and the presumed history of M. macedonicus was rather weak. In both species, the dorsal and ventral sides of the skull were shown to covary in many aspects though there were also some differences between them, making the functional interpretation of these differences difficult. Discrimination between M. cypriacus and M. macedonicus as well as discrimination between two M. macedonicus subspecies was highly reliable using both traditional and geometric morphometric tools to analyze skull measurements.  相似文献   

Two species of small rodents, Mastacomys fuscus and Rattus fuscipes, and one small dasyurid marsupial Antechinus swainsonii live sympatrically in the subalpine habitat of SE Australia. This paper describes the reproductive characteristics and ontogeny of M. fuscus, and shows that the three species have different reproductive strategies that, in part, are a reflection of their different phylogenies. Cold and snow in winter, and a short summer season, limit the length of time available for reproduction and development. The rodent species exhibit similar reproductive characteristics to those in alpine regions of Europe, North America and South Africa.  相似文献   

Plumstead (1958) established Hirsutum intermittens for glossopterid fructifications with a putative bi-sporangiate, bi-valved architecture but later workers reinterpreted the fossils predominantly as ovuliferous, dorsiventrally flattened, bilaterally symmetrical organs, with a central seed-bearing receptacle and a single finely striate peripheral wing. The wing morphology is central to both the generic and specific diagnoses. New analysis of many South African impressions reveals the presence of two superposed wings flanking the flattened receptacle of H. intermittens. One wing is radially fluted and striated with rounded basal lobes, whereas the other has distinctive distally arched striations and an extended apex. The double-winged structure is unlike that of other glossopterid fertile organs and probably accounts for Plumstead's misinterpretation of the fructification as bivalvate. The specimens are assigned to Bifariala intermittens (Plumstead, 1958) comb. nov., emend. Prevec because Hirsutum is unacceptable according to ICBN rules. Revelation of novel architectural details highlights the value of impression fossils for resolving the gross structure of gymnosperm fertile organs. The newly defined second wing provides an additional character to be considered in the search for homologies of the ovule outer integument or cupules in derived seed-plants.  相似文献   

Doxomysis algoaensis sp.nov. is described from Algoa Bay, South Africa where it is common in nearshore marine waters just beyond the breaker line. D. algoaensis sp.nov. is morphologically similar to D. australiensis, but can readily be distinguished by the shape and armature of the telson and the length of the exopod of the fourth male pleopod. The apical cleft is one fifth the telson length in the former species and one third the length in D. australiensis. The telson apex on each side of the cleft is also armed with five and four stout spines in the two species, respectively. In D. australiensis, the exopod of the fourth male pleopod is almost three times the length of the endopod; in D. algoaensis sp.nov., the exopod is only slightly longer than the endopod. Other distinctive features of D. algoaensis sp.nov. include the maxillary palp, which is only slightly broader than long and the greater number of spines on the endopod of the uropod.  相似文献   

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