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旅游产业集聚对旅游业碳排放效率的空间溢出效应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在碳中和、碳达峰的时代背景下,提高旅游业碳排放效率对实现旅游产业高质量发展具有重要的实践价值。基于2001—2018年中国省际(自治区、直辖市)面板数据,首先利用区位熵和Super-SBM模型分别测算中国省际旅游产业集聚水平和旅游业碳排放效率,并探究二者空间演变趋势和关联特征;其次,运用空间杜宾模型分析旅游产业集聚对旅游业碳排放效率的影响及其空间溢出效应。结果表明:(1)研究期内,中西部地区的旅游产业集聚水平明显提高,东部地区则无明显变化;除河北省、山西省、内蒙古自治区等地区外,其他省份的旅游业碳排放效率均无显著变化。整体上看,二者高水平地区的空间分布变化大致均呈现出以现有集聚区为中心向周边扩散的趋势。(2)旅游产业集聚能显著提高旅游业碳排放效率,并且具有正向空间溢出效应,而旅游业碳排放效率的负向空间溢出效应则会抑制其他地区旅游业碳排放效率的提高。(3)经济发展、产业结构、城镇化、对外开放、技术进步和环境规制均能不同程度促进旅游业碳排放效率,但城镇化作用效果不显著,旅游业产权结构则显著抑制旅游业碳排放效率,经济发展和城镇化均具有正向空间溢出效应,产业结构呈现出较强的负向空间溢出作用,技... 相似文献
自然环境胁迫对旱冬瓜Frankia菌基因多样性的影响 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
利用rep-PCR方法,研究云南鸡足山及无量山不同生境下旱冬瓜根瘤内Frankia菌基因多样性及其变化,以了解不同自然环境胁迫对Frankia菌基因多样性的影响。结果表明,多样性随地域、海拔和坡向不同而变化,鸡足山Frankia菌基因类型比无量山丰富。鸡足山旱冬瓜根瘤内的Frankia菌在山底2300m处,Shannon指数平均为0.90;山顶海拔2650m以上,Shannon指数随之上升到1.33。南坡Frankia菌多样性高于北坡,表明多样性指数与环境胁迫大小成正相关,自然环境胁迫是产生和保持Frankia菌基因多样性的重要因子之一。 相似文献
选择上海滨海地区湿地植被为研究对象,采用典型样地与标准样方相结合的调查方法,从属种和生物多样性角度分析不同旅游开发方式对滨海湿地植被的影响。结果如下:(1)根据滨海旅游区水域开放程度,可将开发类型分为封闭式、半封闭式以及开放式3种,不同旅游开发类型对滨海湿地植被影响程度不同;(2)研究区封闭式相比较半封闭式和开放式旅游开发类型,可以提高区域内物种数量,物种数量增加分别增多33和45种,但本地物种所占比例下降,从70%分别下降到26.26%和21.73%;(3)旅游开发封闭性越强,生物多样性越高,封闭式、半封闭式以及开放式旅游开发区域生物多样性Shanno-Winner指数分别为0.92、1.07和1.51,区域内均匀度指数随封闭性增加而有所降低,Shanno-Winner均匀度指数从最高0.71降到最低0.52;(4)滨海湿地植被对不同类型旅游开发响应不同,封闭度越高,区域内植被响应度越强,封闭式、半封闭式以及开放式植被响应指数分别为2.2、2.0和1.8。 相似文献
旅游干扰对青山湖风景区植物多样性的影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
2007年5月—2008年6月,研究了旅游干扰下浙江青山湖风景区植物群落的变化.结果表明:随着旅游干扰强度的增加,物种重要值主要集中于黄山松等少数种上,且乔灌木的重要值趋于减少,草本的重要值趋于增加,植物总个体数增加.丰富度指数(D)和多样性指数(H)均为:中度干扰>轻度干扰>重度干扰,均匀度指数(J)为:中度干扰>重度干扰>轻度干扰.在同一层次中,不同干扰间相同物种仅有香樟等,相似性指数(Ss)值均<0.500.轻度干扰对针叶林地的危害较大,D、H和J值都最低,平均值分别为1.188、1.056和0.697;重度干扰对阔叶林地和灌草地的危害较大,灌草地的D值(2.013)最低,阔叶林地的H值(1.286)和J值(0.807)最低;中度干扰则促进了植物多样性增加,有助于生态系统功能的正常发挥.本区植物群落各结构要素的生态安全受到一定的威胁,导致夏蜡梅等土著种减少和狗尾草等外来种侵入. 相似文献
半干旱生态条件下植物个体的综合生态效应的空间距离分布规律 总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9
通过对有关生态因子的空间距离变化规律的测定和引入相应的生态效应系数综合分析,得到在半干旱生态条件下植物个体的综合生态效应的空间距离分布规律为: E=α_1E_(1o)[1 (x/hc)~2]-3/2 (α_NE_(NO) α_WE_(WO))[1 (x/hr)~2]-3/2 (α_cE_(co) α_hE_(ho))[1 (x/hc)~2]-1/2由于具抑制效应的因子的生态效应随相对空间距离增加而减弱的速度大于其互惠效应的因子,在一定相对空间距离处(w/h=6.8)综合生态效应由干扰转变为互惠。定义了生态场的概念。 相似文献
旅游干扰对历山亚高山草甸植物多样性的影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
历山是国家级自然保护区,也是山西省自然保护区中面积最大、物种资源最丰富的自然保护区.运用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数,结合方差分析研究了旅游干扰对历山舜王坪亚高山草甸植物多样性的影响及其变化规律.结果表明:(1)随着距游径距离的增加,不同样带主要科、属、种的数量均有所上升,毛茛科所含种数增加幅度较大,菊科、蔷薇科、禾本科所含种数变化幅度较小.(2)不同样带植物主要优势种的相对盖度、相对密度、相对高度均发生了不同程度的变化(p〉0.05),距离游径越远,主要优势种的相对盖度、相对密度、相对高度越大;伴人植物则表现出相反的变化趋势,即距离游径越远,伴人植物的相对盖度、相对密度、相对高度越小,个别物种甚至消失(如扁蓄).(3)生活型功能群中,多年生草本植物的种数最多,占总种数的79.24%,1年生植物和灌木合占总种数的20.76%.随着旅游干扰强度的增加,1年生植物的比例略有增加,多年生草本植物的比例略有下降,灌木所占比例较为稳定.(4)随着远离游径,物种丰富度和物种多样性指数略有增加,而物种均匀度指数表现为先升后降的趋势,增减幅度经方差分析未达到显著水平(P〉O.05).鉴于目前旅游活动对历山舜王坪草甸植物多样性的干扰程度,建议保护区应在开展旅游的同时,加强资源的保护和可持续利用. 高度越小,个别物种甚至消失(如扁蓄).(3)生活型功能群中,多年生草本植物的种数最多,占总种数的79.24%,1年生植物和灌木合占总种数的20.76%.随着旅游干扰强度的增加,1年生植物的比例略有增加,多年生草本植物的比例略有下降,灌木所占比例较为稳定.(4)随着远离游径,物种丰富度和物种多样性指数略有增加,而物种均匀度指数表现为先升后降的趋势,增减幅度经方差分析未达到显著水平(P》O.05).鉴于目前旅游活动对历山舜王坪草甸 物多样性的干扰程度,建议保护区应在开展旅游的同时,加强资源的保护和可持续利用. 高度越小,个别物种甚至消失(如扁蓄).(3)生活型功能群中,多年生草本植物的种数最多,占总种数的79.24%,1年生植物和灌木合占总种数的20.76%.随着旅游干扰强度的增加,1年生植物的比例略有增加,多年生草本植物的比例略有下降,灌木所占比例较为稳定.(4)随着远离游径,物种丰富度和物种多样性指数略有增加,而物种均匀度指数表现为先升后降的趋势,增减幅度经方差分析未达到显著水平(P》O.05).鉴于目前旅游活动对历山舜王坪草甸 物多样性的干 相似文献
Restoration of damaged ecosystems has become an important tool to slow down biodiversity loss and to maintain ecosystem services. Peatland bird populations have shown a substantial decline during the recent decades in Northern Europe as a consequence of peatland drainage. We studied whether restoration of peatlands drained for forestry affects bird communities. We conducted bird surveys at 11 peatlands in Western Finland, where each of the restored and their pristine counterparts were surveyed before restoration and yearly after restoration during 2010–2018. We used linear mixed effect models to analyze whether restoration affected the number of species and territories of peatland specialist and non‐specialist species and permutational multivariate analysis of variance to analyze the change in community composition. Drained parts of the peatlands had higher number of territories of non‐specialist species before restoration, and restoration seemed to decrease these numbers towards the level of pristine parts. By contrast, restoration did not affect the number of peatland specialists and their territories, which was lower in drained than in pristine parts of the peatlands. Bird communities in restored parts remained different from pristine parts in terms of community composition after restoration. Thus, despite the effect of restoration on non‐specialists, a substantially long time may be required for a recovery of the peatland bird communities. Based on our results, it seems that long‐term monitoring of the restored and pristine peatlands is needed to determine whether restoration is effective in recovering the peatland specialist bird species and bird communities in general. 相似文献
五大连池药泉山大型土壤动物对旅游踩踏的响应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以黑龙江省五大连池世界地质公园的药泉山为研究对象,按照距离游道的远近分为重度踩踏区,轻度踩踏区和非踩踏区3种踩踏干扰强度,分析大型土壤动物数量,群落组成,多样性对旅游踩踏干扰的响应。研究结果表明不同干扰区之间大型土壤动物类群数量差异显著(P0.001),重度踩踏区显著低于轻度踩踏区和非踩踏区。不同干扰区大型土壤动物个体数差异明显(P0.001),其中轻度踩踏区个体密度最大(68头/m~2),重度踩踏区个体密度最小(10头/m~2)。不同踩踏强度干扰区H'指数差异明显(P0.05),轻度踩踏区及非踩踏区的多样性显著高于严重踩踏区。典型对应分析表明旅游踩踏主要通过改变土壤理化特性而影响大型土壤动物的组成及其多样性,重度踩踏区、轻度踩踏区和非踩踏区对大型土壤动物影响最显著的因子分别为土壤全氮含量,土壤含水率和土壤全磷含量。 相似文献
旅游景观生态系统理论 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对旅游业快速发展过程中旅游目的地人地关系日趋恶化的趋势,在景观生态学理论的基础上,较为系统地提出旅游景观生态系统的相关理论框架,借以辩明旅游地复杂的人地关系,为旅游地的可持续发展研究提供理论依据.在景观生态学中景观生态系统概念的基础上,探讨了旅游景观生态系统的概念框架,指出旅游景观生态系统是由旅游者、当地居民与其周围的自然环境,遵循相应的生态、经济与社会规律,相互作用相互影响所形成的,具有旅游功能的地域综合体.进而重点讨论了尺度、格局、功能与变化等旅游景观生态系统研究的基本问题,强调辨析旅游景观生态系统格局与功能变化的影响因素及其相互作用机制是研究的重点,是为制止或逆转系统的不良趋势以及制定适宜的优化途径的基础.阐述了格局-功能依存性与状态脆弱性等旅游景观生态系统的特性. 相似文献
Plant diversity is threatened in many agricultural landscapes. Our understanding of patterns of plant diversity in these landscapes is mainly based on small‐scale (<1000 m2) observations of species richness. However, such observations are insufficient for detecting the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation composition. In a case‐study farm on the North‐West Slopes of New South Wales, Australia, we observed species richness at four scales (quadrat, patch, land use and landscape) across five land uses (grazed and ungrazed woodlands, native pastures, roadsides and crops). We applied two landscape ecological models to assess the contribution of these land uses to landscape species richness: (i) additive partitioning of diversity at multiple spatial scales, and (ii) a measure of habitat specificity – the effective number of species that a patch contributes to landscape species richness. Native pastures had less variation between patches than grazed and ungrazed woodlands, and hence were less species‐rich at the landscape scale, despite having similar richness to woodlands at the quadrat and patch scale. Habitat specificity was significantly higher for ungrazed woodland patches than all other land uses. Our results showed that in this landscape, ungrazed woodland patches had a higher contribution than the grazed land uses to landscape species richness. These results have implications for the conservation management of this landscape, and highlighted the need for greater consensus on the influence of different land uses on landscape patterns of plant diversity. 相似文献
植物园发展的动向 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
对国内外植物园近十余年来发展的动向进行评述,列举了近年来一系列重要的植物园国际会议与重大活动,指出当前国际植物园工作的中心任务首先是物种保护。总结和分析我国植物园发展的历史和现状、存在问题以及在园貌建设上与国际先进植物园的差距。这些差距主要表现在:(1)植物的收集量;(2)活植物数据的积累;(3)罕见植物的引种;(4)现代技术的应用。作者最后提出,我国植物园发展应把握的几个主要问题是:(1)既是多功能全方位发展,又应各具特色;(2)生物多样性是植物园永恒的主题;(3)植物园应着重物种迁地保护的研究和实践;(4)植物园应重视栽培和利用植物并着重以药用植物为对象。 相似文献
The Afromontane region of South Africa is characterised by numerous small, remnant forests in a grassland matrix. The edges, or ecotones between forests and grasslands are usually sharp (typically just over a few metres) and are mainly maintained by both natural and, more recently, anthropogenic fires. We investigated epigaeic amphipod, carabid and ant distribution patterns across Afromontane forest/grassland ecotones and found little evidence to support the biological edge effect. Five of the fifty-two sampled species however, did increase significantly in abundance at the ecotone. Among these was a very distinct edge species, the amphipod Talistroides africana. Overall, carabids were more abundant and species rich in forests while for ants it was in the grasslands. Ants and carabids were both more abundant and species rich in spring and summer than in autumn and winter. More interestingly, the abundance and species richness patterns across the ecotone did not change with the passing of the seasons. We argue that a conservation strategy for the Afromontane forest patches must also incorporate the surrounding grassland. The grassland habitat is often perceived as less valuable than forest and, as a consequence, is subject to many anthropogenic disturbances such as fragmentation, cattle grazing and afforestation. Protecting grasslands around forest patches not only conserves the rich ant diversity, but also conserves the biota in the forests and at the edges, and would therefore be more meaningful in terms of the overall conservation of Afromontane biodiversity. 相似文献
旅游干扰对土壤生态系统的影响研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解旅游对土壤生态环境的影响,综述了近40年来有关旅游干扰对土壤环境因子、植物、土壤动物和土壤微生物影响的研究进展。旅游干扰致使土壤紧实度、容重、pH、重金属含量升高,氮(N)、磷(P)、水分、有机质含量降低;旅游干扰导致地表植物的高度、盖度、多样性、丰富度、均匀度下降,伴人种植物增多;游客活动区土壤动物的种类、数量、密度均小于缓冲区和背景区,土壤线虫、节肢动物对旅游干扰比较敏感;旅游干扰使土壤酶活性、微生物丰度与多样性显著下降。旅游干扰对土壤生态系统的上述影响与游道、步道等游客活动中心地带的距离呈负相关。将来可构建旅游地生态数据库,从个体、细胞、分子等微观水平深入探讨旅游干扰对土壤生态系统的胁迫机理,发展旅游与环境的和谐共生关系,实现旅游业的可持续发展。 相似文献
Cameron W. Barrows Edith B. Allen Matthew L. Brooks Michael F. Allen 《Biological invasions》2009,11(3):673-686
Given the abundance of non-native species invading wildland habitats, managers need to employ informed triage to focus control
efforts on weeds with the greatest potential for negative impacts. Our objective here was to determine the level of threat
Sahara mustard, Brassica tournefortii, represents to meeting regional goals for protecting biodiversity. Sahara mustard has spread throughout much of the Mojave
and lower Sonoran Deserts. It has occurred in southern California’s Coachella Valley for nearly 80 years, punctuated by years
of extremely high abundance following high rainfall. In those years the mustard has clear negative impacts on the native flora.
Using mustard removal experiments we identified reductions in native plant reproduction, shifting composition increasingly
toward Sahara mustard while decreasing the fraction of native species. High between-year variance in precipitation may be
a key to maintaining biodiversity as the mustard is less abundant in drier years. Sahara mustard impacts to the native fauna
were much less evident. Of the animal species evaluated, only the Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard, Uma inornata, demonstrated a negative response to mustard abundance; however the impacts were short-lived, lasting no more than a year
after the mustard’s dominance waned. Without control measures the long-term impacts to desert biodiversity may rest on the
changing climate. Wetter conditions or increased periodicity of high rainfall years will favor Sahara mustard and result in
reduced biodiversity, especially of native annual plants. Drier conditions will keep the mustard from becoming dominant but
may have other negative consequences on the native flora and fauna. 相似文献