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张轶群  吴迪  李嘉珣  付晓  吴钢 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7417-7424
草原生态环境损害评估鉴定中,土壤基线是重要的评价标准。如何确定土壤基线,寻找适宜的基线判定方法,进而判定草原土壤的受损害程度,已成为草原生态系统损害评估鉴定、生态系统保护及修复工作中的关键。基于科学、务实、准确的原则,对内蒙古2个草原矿区土壤的总有机质(TOM)、N、P、K含量进行采样分析,采用历史数据法、参考点位法和统计点位法来判定土壤基线。结果表明,胜利矿区土壤养分均值与参考点位法基线值差异较小,采矿对胜利矿区土壤养分含量未见直接的影响。宝日希勒矿区土壤中TOM含量均值明显低于3种方法得出的基线值,N、K均值与参考点位法基线值相似,P均值位于3种基线值之间。可见采矿对宝日希勒矿区土壤中TOM的含量造成了直接影响,对N、P、K含量未见直接的影响。最适宜该地区的方法取决于样本质量和评估尺度,建议以参考点位法为主,历史数据法和统计点位法作为验证工具,3种方法共同使用。  相似文献   

李嘉珣  曹飞飞  汪铭一  吴钢 《生态学报》2019,39(19):6966-6973
生态环境损害基线的判定是环境损害鉴定与评估的基础与前提。参照点位法作为目前损害基线判定中使用最为广泛的方法之一,有效弥补了历史数据不完善的问题。在基线判断的过程中,参照点位选择的不同,会导致判定基线的参照状态不同,进而影响对人类干扰程度的判定和损害基线的基准值的设定。但目前缺乏统一的对草原生态系统参照状态的讨论与分析。提出了草原生态系统参照点位法的评价指标体系,对文献资料中的样点进行分类和筛选,形成4种参照状态,选择最优的参照状态对损害基线进行判定,并以内蒙古锡林郭勒盟锡林浩特典型草原区为案例进行实例分析。结果表明:对于自然保护区、草原实验站宜采用极小干扰状态和历史状态作为基线标准。对于实施了人为正向干扰的地区宜采用最佳可获得状态作为基线标准。对于草原的其他大部分地区,宜采用最低干扰状态作为基线标准。  相似文献   

李小辉  赵思琪  代嫣然  唐涛  余志晟  梁威 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7425-7431
近年来,污染事故引发的湖泊生态环境损害问题屡见不鲜,特别是氮磷营养盐富集导致的湖泊富营养化。因此,对湖泊生态环境损害程度进行科学合理评判,制定湖泊生态环境损害判定规范程序,形成湖泊生态环境损害判定技术势在必行。目前,国内外学者一致认为,确定切实合理的生态环境基线是对生态环境损害进行科学有效评估的关键技术环节和重要前提。基于相关国家标准以及文献调研,对湖泊生态环境基线判定的原则、判定程序以及判定方法进行系统梳理与总结。详细介绍了针对湖泊不同受体的模型推算法在生态环境损害基线判定中的应用,包括相应的判定方法、判定过程以及优缺点。此外,还针对国内外典型湖泊生态环境损害基线判定研究实例进行阐述。最后对湖泊生态环境基线判定工作的未来发展方向进行了展望,以期为形成统一、合理、有效且具有高度普适性的湖泊生态环境基线制定方法与流程提供依据。  相似文献   

李嘉珣  曹飞飞  吴钢 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6218-6226
生态环境损害鉴定评估是生态系统修复与保护管理工作的基础,而生态环境损害基线作为一个地区生态水平原始状态的表征,是鉴定评估生态环境损害的基准。森林土壤是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,是维系森林生态系统生物及化学循环的关键部分,同时也是森林生态系统是否受到损害及损害程度大小的重要表征指标。在已有的生态环境损害基线判定方法的基础上,针对森林土壤的特点,改进森林土壤损害基线的判定方法并用这些方法对吉林省长白山抚松县地区落叶阔叶混交林进行研究。运用的3种方法包括群体分布法、三分位法和回归模型法。计算结果显示,运用三分位法确定的基线值最高,运用群体分布法确定的基线值最低。从方法的适用范围考虑,群体分布法和三分位法计算简便,结果可比性强,适用于无明显人为干扰的地区;回归模型法灵活度高,应用性广,适用于有较强人为干扰的地区;在数据充足的情况下应首选回归模型法,在回归模型法无法确认基线时,另外两种方法作为补充。  相似文献   

生态环境损害鉴定评估是生态环境损害赔偿制度有效执行的关键。生态环境损害基线贯穿生态环境损害鉴定评估的整个过程,是生态环境损害确认与损害修复的重要依据与标准。历史数据法是损害基线确认的优先采用方法,以损害发生前3年平均值作为静态基线值,难以体现基线的动态性与不确定性,因此生态环境损害基线的动态研究尤为重要。选取净初级生产力(NPP)作为草地生态系统损害表征指标,以锡林浩特市巴彦宝力格矿区未开发建设前2000—2008年NPP历史数据为基础,运用灰色拓扑模型对矿区2009—2011年年均NPP基线值进行动态预测,并将其与静态基线值进行比较,探讨该方法的可行性。结果表明:灰色拓扑模型建模精度高,相对误差小,该模型预测平均相对误差为2.88%,且2009—2011年的拟合曲线与实际变化曲线相一致,将该模型预测结果作为动态基线值比静态基线值更能反映现实情况。构建的植被NPP基线动态预测方法为基线的确定提供一种解决思路,具有一定的应用价值与科学合理性。  相似文献   

海洋溢油生态环境损害因果关系判定方法与模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔冰  兰儒  李涛  陈明波  聂宁  石敬  任利利  段君雅  俞博凡 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5266-5278
海洋溢油对生态环境造成污染损害,构成了对海洋环境安全和人体健康的重大威胁,科学地评估溢油污染损害可以发挥为损害修复和赔偿仲裁提供依据的重要作用,为成就这一目标,亟待加强有关溢油污染损害的因果关系及其判定方法与准则的相关理论、技术方法和业务化应用的研究。为此,在对不同原油的各馏分占比和分类组分及含量进行统计分析的基础上,构建了溢油成分统计均值指标体系,基于WHO/IARC化学物质引起人类癌症危险性评价,揭示了不同种类溢油所造成的海洋生态环境损害类型和程度有所不同的因果关系,进而研究提出了基于溢油环境归宿和POPs毒性理论的损害机理分析方法,构建了包括事故发生、成分含量、分类后果、时空分布4类判定准则及其相应指标体系的海洋生态环境损害因果关系判定方法,提出了包括因果关系判定模型、多类型辅助评估模型、调查试验诊断评估方法及业务化流程、以及损害基线与程度判定准则及指标体系的海洋生态损害评估模型体系总体架构,设计阐述了多类型辅助评估模型、损害基线与程度判定准则及指标体系的构建方案。针对辅助评估模型中具有代表性的易受损因子--海水水质指标的损害因果关系判定和损害程度量化问题,构建了基于溢油风化缩比仿真试验的溢油风化水质影响评估模型,采用溢油事故引起海水水质超过不同等级水质标准的超标面积,以及事故发生前后实测的相关海域海水水质超过不同等级水质标准的超标面积发生变化以及出现峰值的状况,作为判定损害因果关系存在和评估损害程度的量化指标,通过开展"塔兹曼海"、大连"7.16"等发生于渤海和黄海的溢油及危化品事故案例调查,实施了判定方法与模型的应用研究,对模型参数进行了率定,模型和实测结果均显示,在具有连通性的渤海和黄海海域,不同时段超过不同等级海水水质标准的超标面积增量与该海域实际发生溢油事故的时间存在显著的关联响应关系。综合判断,溢油污染损害与污染事故发生的时间和位置、所处海域的连通性及扩散条件、入海溢油的总量及环境污染持久性呈密切相关的因果关系。  相似文献   

王博文  阎秀峰 《生态学报》2009,29(2):662-668
土壤质量退化指数是一种定量评价土壤质量的方法,以某一土壤类型为基准,计算其他土壤类型与基准土壤类型之间各土壤属性的差异,进而反应土壤质量退化或改善的程度.采用1999年的数据应用该方法评价土壤营养状况,计算土壤营养位,分析松嫩盐碱草地植被种群分布格局与土壤营养的关系,从而探讨应用土壤质量退化指数计算土壤营养位的可行性.应用土壤质量退化指数评价土壤营养位得到的结果与主成分分析法的基本一致,并且方法更为简便,更利于土壤营养位分析在生产实践中应用.  相似文献   

城市生态环境损害鉴定评估监测体系研究   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
李欢欢  张雪琦  张永霖  董仁才 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6469-6476
我国城市生态环境损害事件频发,不但造成大气、地表水、地下水、土壤等环境质量下降,也造成城市生态系统结构和功能的退化,推进生态环境损害赔偿制度势在必行。由于城市生态系统的复杂性和特殊性,确认环境损害行为、说清因果关系、判定损害程度和计算赔偿金额等环节难度均比较大,开展城市生态环境损害鉴定评估技术研究迫在眉睫。根据城市地理学和城市生态学相关理论,在分析城市生态环境损害概念和特征基础上,从城市生态系统完整性角度出发,结合实例构建了一套测度城市生态系统损害状态监测的样方体系,通过形成城市生态环境整体水平评估框架为综合判定城市生态环境基线奠定基础;进一步提出充分利用既有生态观测样方、环境监测站点和社会公众参与式数据共享策略,以提高现场勘察效率、降低鉴定评估成本和提高评估结果质量的方法。研究所形成的样方体系、监测策略和方法对我国城市生态环境损害鉴定评估工作业务化具有指导意义。  相似文献   

基准剂量下限作为风险评估的参考点,是剂量评估的重要参数.对美国环境保护暑开发的基准剂量软件BMDS的2.2版中采用的似然比法计算基准剂量下限进行了研究,以二分Logistic模型为例,详细剖析了这种计算方法的运行机制,并将计算结果和BMDS软件的计算结果进行比较,验证了本文介绍方法的正确性.采用这种计算方法设计开发了我国的二分型基准剂量模型评估软件.  相似文献   

治理草原退化是我国草原管理的重点和难点。我国目前关于草原退化判断、退化程度、原因及治理等系列问题的确定几乎皆以科学研究结果为依据,而忽视了牧户作为草原直接使用者和管理者的重要性。牧户对草原有自己的判断和认知,其与科学方法研究之间的矛盾已经影响到草原生态保护政策的有效实施。以内蒙古东部草甸草原牧户尺度草原为研究对象,借助牧户调研和野外调查相结合的方法,将牧户划分为高、中、低3个经济水平,并运用Condition-Vigor-Organization-Resilience (CVOR)指数评价法,分析评价草原生态系统健康状况。研究结果显示,牧户对草原健康状况的感知主要从植被、土壤、牲畜等方面,与科学方法评价指标选取具有相似性;牧户感知和CVOR指数法评价结果具有一致性,均判定草原生态系统呈现不同程度退化;统计检验显示牧户对植被、土壤、牲畜影响等指标变化感知方面均不存在显著差异(P0.05),CVOR指数法下不同经济水平牧户草场健康指数之间亦无显著差异(P0.05),两种方法均显示不同经济水平牧户草场退化程度无显著差异(P0.05)。研究证实了牧户感知在指标选取、评价结果方面具备用于准确评价草原健康状况的可行性和可信度。两种方法相互补充,将有利于更加准确、实时动态监测和评价牧户尺度草原生态健康状况,为调整优化畜牧业生产实践提供指导和草原生态保护和建设政策的有效实施提供保障。  相似文献   

Restoration ecologists use reference information to define restoration goals, determine the restoration potential of sites, and evaluate the success of restoration efforts. Basic to the selection and use of reference information is the need to understand temporal and spatial variation in nature. This is a challenging task: variation is likely to be scale dependent; ecosystems vary in complex ways at several spatial and temporal scales; and there is an important interaction between spatial and temporal variation. The two most common forms of reference information are historical data from the site to be restored and contemporary data from reference sites (sites chosen as good analogs of the site to be restored). Among the problems of historical data are unmeasured factors that confound the interpretation of historical changes observed. Among the problems of individual reference sites is the difficulty of finding or proving a close match in all relevant ecological dimensions. Approximating and understanding ecological variation will require multiple sources of information. Restoration, by its inherently experimental nature, can further the understanding of the distribution, causes, and functions of nature's variation.  相似文献   

A network of permanent plots established between 1909 and 1913 (the Woolsey plots) contains the oldest measured data in northern Arizona ponderosa pine forests. These forest inventory data offer a unique opportunity to reconstruct pre-settlement reference conditions, as well as detect and quantify changes in southwestern forest structure and composition. However, the selection of plot locations in the early 1900s followed a subjective nonrandom approach. To assess the applicability, or inference space, of results obtained from these historical plots, we compared their environmental characteristics (terrestrial ecosystem unit [TEU, based on a U.S. Forest Service (USFS) ecological classification system], site index, elevation, insolation index, and soil parent material) as well as contemporary forest structure (trees per hectare, basal area, and quadratic mean diameter) with two large inventory samples: USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis (FSFIA) and Arizona State Land Department Continuous Forest Inventory (AZCFI). Analytical methods included multivariate permutation tests, ratios of variance, and Kolmogorov–Smirnov two-sample tests. Results indicated that the Woolsey plots (1) were neither historically nor contemporarily representative of the entire study area because of environmental and current forest structural differences with respect to the FSFIA and AZCFI and (2) may be considered historically representative of their corresponding TEUs. Our study supports the use of TEUs for defining the applicability of information obtained from the Woolsey plots.  相似文献   

This study addressed the selection of the rhizospheric microbial community from the bulk soil reservoir under agricultural management of soybean in Amazon forest soils. We used a shotgun metagenomics approach to investigate the taxonomic and functional diversities of microbial communities in the bulk soil and in the rhizosphere of soybean plants and tested the validity of neutral and niche theories to explain the rhizosphere community assembly processes. Our results showed a clear selection at both taxonomic and functional levels operating in the assembly of the soybean rhizosphere community. The taxonomic analysis revealed that the rhizosphere community is a subset of the bulk soil community. Species abundance in rhizosphere fits the log-normal distribution model, which is an indicator of the occurrence of niche-based processes. In addition, the data indicate that the rhizosphere community is selected based on functional cores related to the metabolisms of nitrogen, iron, phosphorus and potassium, which are related to benefits to the plant, such as growth promotion and nutrition. The network analysis including bacterial groups and functions was less complex in rhizosphere, suggesting the specialization of some specific metabolic pathways. We conclude that the assembly of the microbial community in the rhizosphere is based on niche-based processes as a result of the selection power of the plant and other environmental factors.  相似文献   

The impact of mechanical site preparation (MSP) on soil biogeochemical structure in young larch plantations was investigated. Soil samples were collected in replicated plots comprising simple trenching, double trenching, mounding and inverting site preparation. Unlogged natural mixed forest areas were used as a reference. Analysis of soil nutrients, abundance of bacteria and gas exchanges unveiled no significant difference among the plots. However, inverting site preparation resulted in higher variations of gas exchanges when compared with trenching, mounding and unlogged natural forest. A combination of the biological and physicochemical variables was used to define a multifunctional classification of the soil samples into four distinct groups categorized as a function of their deviation from baseline ecological conditions. According to this classification model, simple trenching was the approach that represented the lowest ecological risk potential at the microsite level. No relationship was observed between MSP method and soil bacterial community structure as assessed by high‐throughput sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA gene; however, indicator genotypes were identified for each multifunctional soil class. This is the first identification of multifunctional molecular indicators for baseline and disturbed ecological conditions in soil, demonstrating the potential of applied microbial ecology to guide silvicultural practices and ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   

The evaluation of product alternatives in Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is a critical step on the basis of results as related to their impact category data. Decisions involving several environmental issues are hardly ever straightforward, since one alternative only seldom clearly dominates the others in all aspects. More often, one alternative scores better on some environmental issues and worse on others. A combination of impact data and preferences is then required for evaluation. This can be done using evaluation methods based on fixed societal preferences. However, by applying different evaluation methods to the same data, different “best” alternatives may be chosen. This reduces the credibility of LCA results. Instead of fixed societal preferences an approach has been developed which uses consensus-oriented ranges of societal values for specifying the ranking of the overall environmental attractiveness of alternatives. These ranges may indicate both the uncertainty of decision-makers and the shifting of societal values, e.g. as related to the dynamics of knowledge of environmental problem areas. In this article, an approach is proposed which combines environmental data and uncertain societal values to form a clear statement on alternatives regarding their overall damage. By using a full set of potentially relevant societal preferences, a merely coincidental selection of the best product alternative is ruled out. A step-by-step procedure, narrowing down the feasible range of societal preferences, has been developed. The approach is illustrated using a case study of TV-housing concepts and a survey.  相似文献   

Reference site selection associated with mining and resource development requires a comprehensive approach so that stakeholders can be confident that restoration efforts have appropriate target ecosystems. Here, we present our process to select reference sites, within a savanna ecosystem, which will be used to develop and assess closure criteria and restoration guidelines for Ranger Mine (Northern Territory, Australia). The selection of reference sites followed five steps involving desktop and field methods. We recommend that restoration projects consider inclusion criteria, randomly select sites from areas matching the chosen criteria, conduct preliminary data analysis, estimate and update sampling effort and precision at several points throughout the project, and invite stakeholder feedback and revision of the process as often as required. This detailed reference site approach appears to be the first to demonstrate how to use available data to reduce bias, address sampling effort and site selection quantitatively, involve stakeholders, and provide useful data, which can be used to calibrate ecological restoration outcomes for savanna ecosystems.  相似文献   

Conservation and restoration efforts are often hindered by a lack of historical baselines that pre-date intense anthropogenic environmental change. In this paper I document that natural accumulations of skeletal remains represent a potential source of high-quality data on the historical composition and structure of small-mammal communities. I do so by assessing the fidelity of modern, decadal and centennial-scale time-averaged samples of skeletal remains (concentrated by raptor predation) to the living small-mammal communities from which they are derived. To test the power of skeletal remains to reveal baseline shifts, I employ the design of a natural experiment, comparing two taphonomically similar Great Basin cave localities in areas where anthropogenic land-use practices have diverged within the last century. I find relative stasis at the undisturbed site, but document rapid restructuring of the small-mammal community at the site subjected to recent disturbance. I independently validate this result using historical trapping records to show that dead remains accurately capture both the magnitude and direction of this baseline shift. Surveys of skeletal remains therefore provide a simple, powerful and rapid alternative approach for gaining insight into the historical structure and dynamics of modern small-mammal communities.  相似文献   

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