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海绵城市研究进展综述:从水文过程到生态恢复 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在我国快速城市化进程中,不合理的规划建设加剧了城市洪涝、城市缺水、生态功能降低等诸多问题,受国外低影响开发理念启发,国内学者提出了与城市水文过程紧密结合的解决之道——"海绵城市"。在梳理海绵城市概念、内涵和发展现状的基础上,讨论了海绵城市建设与城市水文过程之间的作用关系,指出海绵城市研究涵盖水环境、水资源、水安全和水生态等众多领域且不断融合拓展。归纳了海绵城市的发展趋势,强调应更加遵循因地制宜原则,积极响应多尺度气候变化,科学认知城市水文过程并完善城市生态系统构建。提出了海绵城市建设优化框架,在理论上从单纯地关注水文过程转变到全方位倡导生态水文修复,在技术方法上重点融合生态水文途径改善城市水文空间体系,将生态恢复作为重要建设方式来提升城市应对灾害的弹性。 相似文献
城市生态规划的回顾与展望 总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18
回顾了城市生态规划的发展情况,对其发展前景进行了展望。从19世纪末至今,从Howard的“田园城市”到MacHarg的土地利用生态规划方法,再到基于生态系统理论的城市生态对策规划,城市生态规划的理论和方法在实践中不断完善。全球城市化进程的加快带来了一系列的生态环境问题。城市生态规划作为实现城市可持续发展的途径之一,越来越受到人们的关注,为生态城市建设服务是城市生态规划的发展方向。 相似文献
城市森林生态学是一门崭新的边缘交叉学科 ,它是随着城市化的发展 ,城市环境质量日益恶化背景下产生的 .196 2年美国政府在户外娱乐资源调查报告中 ,首次提出“城市森林”(urbanforest)概念 ,196 5年编制城市森林发展规划 ,1972年国会通过了“城市森林法” .嗣后引起世界各国科学家的关注 .我国城市森林研究起步较晚 ,2 0 0 2年由我国城市森林生态学家何兴元研究员和美国南方大学城市森林系宁祝华教授主编了我国第一部城市森林生态学专著———《城市森林生态研究进展》 ,它是我国城市森林生态学理论研究基础和实践精华 .已于 2 0 0 2年由中… 相似文献
城市森林生态学是一门崭新的边缘交叉学科,它是随着城市化的发展,城市环境质量日益恶化背景下产生的.1962年美国政府在户外娱乐资源调查报告中,首次提出“城市森林”(urban forest)概念,1965年编制城市森林发展规划,1972年国会通过了“城市森林法”.嗣后引起世界各国科学家的关注.我国城市森林研究起步较晚, 相似文献
城市森林生态学是一门崭新的边缘交叉学科,它是随着城市化的发展,城市环境质量日益恶化背景下产生的.1962年美国政府在户外娱乐资源调查报告中,首次提出“城市森林”(urban forest)概念,1965年编制城市森林发展规划,1972年国会通过了“城市森林法”.嗣后引起世界各国科学家的关注.我国城市森林研究起步较晚, 相似文献
厘清城市洪涝韧性与生态系统服务之间耦合协调关系,可为城市防洪减灾和生态文明建设提供重要决策参考。综合运用基于麻雀算法的投影寻踪模型、InVEST模型和耦合协调度模型,在分析2000-2020年长三角城市群的城市洪涝韧性与水源涵养、水质净化、土壤保持和气候调节四种生态系统服务时空格局基础上,尝试探索两者耦合协调关系及其时空演变特征。研究发现:(1)长三角城市群的城市洪涝韧性水平呈现"N"型增加趋势,并呈现"上海>江苏>浙江>安徽"的空间格局,表明经济水平越高的城市展现出更强的洪涝韧性,经济是影响城市洪涝韧性波动的主要因素,而自然韧性成为城市洪涝韧性提升的关键短板;(2)生态系统服务存在显著的空间异质性,高植被覆盖的南部地区提供了更高的生态系统服务,从时间维度看其空间分布是稳定的,水源涵养和水质净化服务总体呈向好趋势,土壤保持服务整体呈现倒"N"型增加,气候调节服务呈现微弱的下降趋势;(3)城市洪涝韧性与生态系统服务的耦合协调度在研究期内较为稳定,且与生态系统服务的时空变化趋于一致,呈现"南高北低、由西南向东北逐渐减弱"的趋势,生态系统服务较高的城市,表现出更好的耦合协调性,且随着生态系统服务的增加而改善。因此,长三角城市群有必要从提高生态系统服务功能的角度出发,因地制宜、分类施策,促进城市洪涝韧性与生态系统服务的协调发展。 相似文献
脆弱性研究进展:从理论研究到综合实践 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
从20世纪60年代脆弱性概念提出到21世纪脆弱性逐渐成为一门独立的新科学,脆弱性已成为评价地区发展状况的依据以及衡量未来发展规划的判据。基于国内外脆弱性研究文献的回顾和总结,回顾了脆弱性概念起源与发展,梳理了脆弱性评价的定性和定量方法,科学评述了21世纪以来脆弱性研究的新进展:评价方法创新、多尺度精细评价、多源数据挖掘、关键要素阈值界定、人为活动影响和脆弱性演化机理综合研究。研究发现21世纪以来脆弱性进展迅速,主要特点为多元化、多角度、精细化和综合化,表现为评价数据和方法的多元化;横向空间对比和纵向时间序列的多角度分析;多尺度精细评价;关键要素阈值与演化机理综合研究。未来,脆弱性研究应完善脆弱性概念框架和理论体系,关注耦合系统脆弱性过程与机制,探究脆弱性驱动因素和演化机理,科学界定脆弱性关键要素阈值,挖掘和提取多源遥感数据信息,开展系统脆弱性动态评价和时空分析,实现脆弱性定量评价与综合实践,最终满足国家和地区可持续发展战略的需要。 相似文献
交通是城市绿色低碳转型中最受关注的领域之一,也是数字化渗透及数字平台最为活跃的领域。出行即服务(Mobility as a Service, MaaS)系统是绿色交通的典型代表,是一种新型交通组织和供给方式,反映了当前出行需求的深刻变化和城市交通组织范式转变的耦合。全球范围内已出现了上百个大小规模不等和模式各异的MaaS实践创新,北京MaaS是中国持续至今、影响最大的MaaS实践。目前MaaS实践提出的理论和方法主要基于欧美发达国家,无法充分描述和分析中国实践。在文献研究的基础上,延伸纳入了中国经验,提出了具有全球普适性的一个MaaS系统分析框架,强调辨析全球范围内的MaaS异同均可以从三个维度展开,即嵌入的社会背景、发展目标和产生的社会经济环境影响;并应用此框架对国内外五个典型MaaS进行了比较研究,重点解码了北京MaaS的激励机制、商业模式和商业生态。本文旨在推动MaaS理论和研究方法的全球发展,重点提出了四个方面的关注:(1)MaaS系统的发展再次考验着城市交通如何回归其公共属性;(2)MaaS实践嵌入在城市社会背景中,具有明显的差异性。模式选择是对城市既有社会背景和交通格局的继承,但也可能就此发生转向。MaaS打开了一次城市交通转型的机会窗口;(3)MaaS系统的可持续运营依然面临挑战;(4)数字技术带来数据产权、数据隐私和安全等亟待解决的新问题。所有研究案例表明,数字技术的快速发展需要匹配治理模式创新,MaaS生态的协同进化至关重要。 相似文献
城市与区域生态关联研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
城市及其周边区域正在面临日益严峻的环境污染、生态恶化、资源短缺等问题。这些问题的出现,与长期以来城市发展过程中忽视城市与区域的生态关联密切相关。研究城市与区域的生态关联,对于解决城市与区域的生态环境问题、指导新型城镇化建设具有重要的理论意义与实践价值。主要从以下3个方面系统总结了城市与区域生态关联的研究进展:(1)城市发展对周边区域的生态环境影响,包括直接的胁迫和间接的影响;(2)区域对城市发展的生态支撑;(3)城市与周边区域社会、经济、生态关联的相互作用机制。指出了当前城市与区域生态关联研究中存在的问题和不足:1)城市对周边区域生态环境直接影响的研究较多,且多侧重城市对周边区域的负面影响,对其间接影响的研究较为缺乏;2)周边区域对城市发展生态支撑作用的研究相对缺乏、认识不够深入;3)对城市与周边区域生态关联作用机制的研究较为缺乏。未来的研究要将城市和区域作为统一整体,进一步完善城市与区域生态关联的理论框架,耦合社会经济的相互作用,定量解析城市与区域的生态关联,为城市与区域的可持续发展提供科学依据。 相似文献
在全球气候变化与持续城市化的背景下,增强城市韧性是提升城市应急管理能力,实现城市系统可持续发展的重要途径。明确城市韧性的内涵、核心要素及相互作用机理,开展城市系统韧性测度与城市系统模拟,对提升变化环境下城市系统恢复力与韧性水平,缓解变化环境对城市系统运行稳定性冲击压力具有重要意义。基于文献与资料分析,全面解析韧性城市核心概念与各国韧性城市建设、管理与研究实践。此外,研究从城市复杂系统视角探究变化环境对城市系统影响机制、测度方法与系统模拟路径。研究为韧性城市理论、方法与实证研究提供了参考,并为我国韧性城市建设实践提供决策依据与政策建议。 相似文献
Urban areas face mounting risks from many sources. Cities pursue myriad tactics to resist, recover from and adapt to shocks and stresses, but little is known about how these approaches relate across the scales of a city nor how cities compare in their abilities. Part of the challenge in addressing these gaps is that the risk to cities is typically studied with an emphasis on one or a few hazards or through the lens of a singular sector. This paper proposes a framework, dubbed the Urban Immune System (UIS) to coalesce and expand industrial ecology research on urban risk management. In the same way that Urban Metabolism (UM) is a unifying framework for urban environmental sustainability, UIS can be a unifying framework for urban resilience, especially related to climate change. Herein, UIS is defined, its many capabilities are dissected and linked to disparate studies; and opportunities for application of the concept are provided. The paper concludes by examining the relationship between UIS and climate change and by identifying those attributes of the UIS that are expected to be of increasing importance under climate change. 相似文献
Youth experience adversity that increases their risk for immediate and long-term health consequences. Resilience has traditionally been conceptualized as an internal disposition or trait that supports youth to overcome that risk and avoid the negative impact on their health and wellbeing. However, this model of resilience overemphasizes the role of the individual and their capacity to control their environment, while minimizing the integral role of relational, social, structural, and cultural contexts in which they live. Instead, social ecological resilience (SER) emphasizes the influence of social and environmental factors on individual processes and outcomes and offers different pathways for preventive interventions to promote youth health and wellbeing. Within preventive medicine, it is important for researchers and practitioners to understand the processes that support or impede SER, particularly in youth when adversity can impact health throughout the lifespan. The purpose of this review was to examine the contributions and scope of the SER model in research on youth, with the goal of advancing SER-informed research and interventions within preventive medicine. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) approach as a guiding framework, we conducted a narrative review of the literature. The review characterizes 37 existing studies across the fields of education, psychology, and social work in terms of topic, focal population, methods, use of SER, and implications. We conclude with recommendations for future applications of SER to promote the health and wellbeing of youth. 相似文献
The integration of the social sciences into long-term ecological research is an urgent priority. To address this need, a group of social, earth, and life scientists associated with the National Science Foundations (NSF) Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network have articulated a conceptual framework for understanding the human dimensions of ecological change for the LTER Network. This framework explicitly advocates that what is often divided into natural and human systems be considered a single, complex social-ecological system (SES). In this paper, we propose a list of core social science research areas, concepts, and questions; identify the need for multiscale investigatory frameworks crucial for implementing integrated research; and suggest practical approaches for integration. In sum, this paper is a general outline for empirical and cross-site research projects where investigators agree that bringing together social, biological, and earth scientists can lead to synthetic approaches and a unified understanding of the mechanisms regulating SES. Although the motivation for this goal is specific to the LTER Network and similar projects, we believe that the issues and ideas presented here are widely applicable to other interdisciplinary SES studies. 相似文献
African Urbanization: Assimilating Urban Metabolism into Sustainability Discourse and Practice 下载免费PDF全文
Shaping sustainable, equitable African cities requires strengthened investigations into the cities’ current resource flows, infrastructure systems, and future resource requirements. The field of urban metabolism (UM) offers multiple forms of analysis with which to map, analyse, and visualize urban resource profiles. Challenges in assessing UM in African cities include data scarcity at the city level, difficulty in tracking informal flows, lack of standardized methods, and the open nature of cities. However, such analyses are needed at the local level, given that city practitioners cannot rely purely on urban planning traditions of the global North or the typically broad studies about urban Africa, for supporting strategies toward sustainable urban development. This article aims to draw together the concepts of sustainable development and UM and explore their application in the African context. Further, the article estimated resource profiles for 120 African cities, including consumption of biomass, fossil fuels, electricity, construction materials, and water, as well as emissions of carbon dioxide. These resource profiles serve as a baseline from which to begin assessing the current and future resource intensity of these cities. It also provides insights into the cities’ relative resource impact, future consumption trends, and potential options for sustainability interventions. 相似文献
Products and Ecological Models: A Population Ecology Perspective 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Stephen H. Levine 《Journal of Industrial Ecology》1999,3(2-3):47-62
Industrial ecology has used the systems ecology model, with its emphasis on the flows of energy and nutrients, as a tool to find ways to minimize the adverse environmental effects of industrial activity. A second ecosystem model, the population ecology model, emphasizes intra-and inter-specific interactions of many types. When applied to industrial systems, it suggests an increased focus on products. It therefore can provide a useful complement to the systems ecology approach. If industrial processes that are less harmful to the environment are to be successfully implemented, they will have to produce products that can successfully penetrate the marketplace. A number of historical examples are used to illustrate the many product interactions discussed. 相似文献
《Basic and Applied Ecology》2014,15(3):187-193
We outline a pragmatic approach through which ecologists, by participating in interdisciplinary research, can engage with sustainable development. The approach is based on three points of intersection that facilitate the integration of ecological insights with insights from other disciplines and stakeholders. The first point of intersection, place, emphasizes the value of carefully choosing where to conduct an interdisciplinary research project. We argue that, from a sustainability perspective, research will be of most applied value if it takes place in locations that actually face urgent sustainability problems (including biodiversity decline). The second point of intersection, case, suggests that integration among different disciplines can be facilitated by choosing common study cases or units of analysis. For example, ecologists and scientists from other disciplines can focus on the same farms, villages or landscapes in their work. Sharing cases helps to create comparable data for integration, but also facilitates communication across disciplinary boundaries because it creates shared experiences in the field. The third point of intersection, process, relates to operational features of team research that improve integration across disciplines and communication with stakeholders. Key process-related features are working in a small, co-located team, planning for independent as well as joint project activities, involving some key stakeholders early on in the research process, and carefully targeting communication at different relevant audiences. In combination, an approach centred around place, case and process provides a tangible and pragmatic way for ecologists to meaningfully engage with real-world sustainability problems. 相似文献
Epilogue: Toward a Transdisciplinary Science of Ecological and Cultural Landscape Restoration 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Z.Naveh 《Restoration Ecology》2005,13(1):228-234
To bridge the gaps between restoration as a science and as a practice, restoration ecology has to broaden its scope toward transdisciplinarity in close cooperation with landscape ecologists and other holistic environmentally oriented scientists, professionals, practitioners, and stakeholders. For restoration, the ongoing transdisciplinary scientific revolution has opened new insights to cope with the complex bio‐hydro‐ and human‐ecological network relations. The Total Human Ecosystem (THE), integrating humans with all other organisms and their total environment at the highest level of the global hierarchy, should become the unifying holistic paradigm for all synthetic “eco‐disciplines.” These should link ecological knowledge, wisdom, and ethics with their scientific and professional expertise from the natural and social sciences and the humanities. As the tangible matrix for all organisms, including humans, our industrial Total Human Landscape is the concrete spatial and functional system of the THE. It forms a closely interlaced network of solar energy–powered natural and seminatural biosphere landscapes and fossil energy–powered urban and agro‐industrial technosphere landscapes. The self‐organizing and self‐creative restoration capacities of biosphere landscapes are driven by mutually amplifying auto‐ and cross‐catalytic feedback loops, but the rapidly expanding technosphere landscapes are driven by destabilizing “run‐away” feedback loops. To prevent a global breakdown and to ensure the sustainable future for both humankind and nature, these positive feedbacks have to be counteracted by restraining, cultural feedbacks of environmental planning and management, conservation, and restoration. As the theme of this special issue alludes to, this template should become an integral part of an urgently needed sustainability revolution, to which the transdisciplinary landscape restoration could contribute its important share. 相似文献
城市扩张所导致的绿地减少、生态环境退化等问题,影响碳达峰、碳中和(简称"双碳")目标的实现。"城市双修"通过对被破坏的城市自然生态系统的恢复与重建,有效发挥森林、草原、湿地和土壤的固碳作用,以及优化城市及社区更新方式,改变居民出行和生活方式,有助于城市碳汇能力提升和碳排放的降低。基于2005-2021年我国287个地级市的非平衡面板数据,运用交错双重差分模型 评估"生态修复、城市修补"(简称"城市双修")政策的碳减排效应。研究发现:(1)"城市双修"政策使城市碳排放显著降低了5.6%,但该效应有3年的滞后期;(2)机制分析揭示了城市绿地的增加是"城市双修"政策实现"双碳"目标的重要途径,绿地面积每增加1000hm2,城市碳排放降低1.5%;(3)异质性分析表明"城市双修"政策会扩大碳排放最高和最低城市之间的碳排放差距,城市的生态基础、财政基础以及政策执行力度会影响"城市双修"政策的碳减排效力,并对位于经济发达的东部地区的城市的碳减排助推作用更强。研究据此提出了充分总结推广试点经验、系统推进城市低碳转型、因地制宜开展"城市双修"工作等对策建议。 相似文献
Robert J. Cabin Andre Clewell Mrill Ingram Tein McDonald Vicky Temperton 《Restoration Ecology》2010,18(6):783-788
Developing and strengthening a more mutualistic relationship between the science of restoration ecology and the practice of ecological restoration has been a central but elusive goal of SERI since its inaugural meeting in 1989. We surveyed the delegates to the 2009 SERI World Conference to learn more about their perceptions of and ideas for improving restoration science, practice, and scientist/practitioner relationships. The respondents' assessments of restoration practice were less optimistic than their assessments of restoration science. Only 26% believed that scientist/practitioner relationships were “generally mutually beneficial and supportive of each other,” and the “science–practice gap” was the second and third most frequently cited category of factors limiting the science and practice of restoration, respectively (“insufficient funding” was first in both cases). Although few faulted practitioners for ignoring available science, many criticized scientists for ignoring the pressing needs of practitioners and/or failing to effectively communicate their work to nonscientists. Most of the suggestions for bridging the gap between restoration science and practice focused on (1) developing the necessary political support for more funding of restoration science, practice, and outreach; and (2) creating alternative research paradigms to both facilitate on‐the‐ground projects and promote more mutualistic exchanges between scientists and practitioners. We suggest that one way to implement these recommendations is to create a “Restoration Extension Service” modeled after the United States Department of Agriculture's Cooperative Extension Service. We also recommend more events that bring together a fuller spectrum of restoration scientists, practitioners, and relevant stakeholders. 相似文献