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[目的]将解脂耶氏酵母胞外脂肪酶Lip2展示在酿酒酵母表面,构建全细胞催化剂.[方法]采用PCR方法扩增得到解脂耶氏酵母胞外脂肪酶Lip2成熟肽编码基因LIP2,将其连接到AGA2基因的下游构建表面展示载体pCTLIP2.分别以橄榄油、三丁酸甘油酯和对硝基苯酚棕榈酸酯(pNPP)为底物检测展示的脂肪酶酶活.在此基础上,对野生菌及工程菌的酶学性质进行比较.[结果]展示Lip2的酿酒酵母重组菌株在半乳糖的诱导下,表现出水解橄榄油、三丁酸甘油脂以及pNPP的活性,20℃诱导72h时酶活达到最高,为182 U/g干细胞.对展示的Lip2的酶学性质研究表明,其最适温度为40℃,最适pH为8.0,温度稳定性比自由酶有所提高,50℃温浴4 h后残余酶活为其最大酶活的23.2%.以不同碳链长度的对硝基苯酚酯为底物检测其底物特异性,结果显示其水解C8,C12,C16对硝基苯酚酯活性相近,均远高于对硝基苯酚丁酸酯(C4)的水解酶活.[结论]对于Lip2,a凝集素系统是一个有效的展示系统,利用该系统成功将Lip2展示在酿酒酵母表面,从而构建了酿酒酵母全细胞催化剂,该全细胞催化剂具有良好的潜在应用前景.  相似文献   

【背景】蔗糖异构酶(PalI)生物转化蔗糖是目前生产异麦芽酮糖的主要方法,但在生产过程中存在的蔗糖异构酶转化蔗糖副产物比例较高、游离酶需要分离纯化等问题限制了异麦芽酮糖工业生产的应用。【目的】构建蔗糖异构酶PalI在解脂耶氏酵母(Yarrowia lipolytica) Po1g中的表面展示菌株,以降低蔗糖异构酶转化蔗糖的副产物比例及其纯化成本。【方法】为获得具有生产PalI能力的Y.lipolytica Po1g表面展示菌株,通过重叠延伸PCR将克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella singaporensis)LX3的PalI的编码基因PalI与全基因合成的来自Y.lipolytica细胞壁的锚定蛋白Pir1融合,转入Y.lipolytica Po1g中构建表面展示菌株。利用3,5-二硝基水杨酸(3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid,DNS)比色定糖法测定表面展示的PalI酶活力并对其酶学性质进行探究,通过高效液相色谱法分析其转化蔗糖的产物。【结果】构建了蔗糖异构酶表面展示菌株Pir1-PalI/Po1g,经DNS法测得展示在Y. lipolytica Po1g表面的Pal...  相似文献   

表面展示酶作为全细胞催化剂具备诸如能提高酶的稳定性、省去纯化过程、节约成本等优点。脂肪酶是应用最为广泛的工业酶之一。本研究利用酿酒酵母细胞壁蛋白Cwp2作为锚定蛋白,将解脂耶氏酵母脂肪酶Lip2展示在酿酒酵母细胞表面,以制备脂肪酶全细胞催化剂。Lip2被融合到Cwp2的N端,Cwp2通过其C端的GPI锚定信号共价结合到细胞壁上。表面展示的Lip2可以水解三丁酸甘油酯及对硝基苯酚辛酸酯(pNPC),其pNPC水解酶活达到4.6U/g干细胞。作为全细胞催化剂,表面展示的Lip2具备良好的催化特征,其最适温度为40°C,最适pH为8.0,同时还具备良好的有机溶剂稳定性。  相似文献   

低聚异麦芽糖(IMO)所具有的良好理化性质和生理功能,使得其在食品、医药、饲料、化妆品等领域得到广泛应用。但目前工业上采用多酶协同法由淀粉合成低聚异麦芽糖,步骤繁琐、成本较高。因此开发出更加经济简便的方法生产低聚异麦芽糖具有重要的应用价值。通过将β-淀粉酶(βa)和耐热α-葡萄糖转苷酶(GT)以不同的方式进行融合,并利用表面展示系统固定在食品安全微生物解脂耶氏酵母细胞表面,实现自我表达与固定。筛选得到高产菌株Yβa-GT29。大量培养获得细胞,转化液化的淀粉可实现一步法合成IMO,50℃转化20h即可得到纯度为75.3%的低聚异麦芽糖,方便了低聚异麦芽糖的生产。  相似文献   

解脂耶氏酵母(Yarrowia lipolytica)是非常规酵母中具代表性的一种,它底物广泛,尤其能利用有机酸(柠檬酸、异柠檬酸),蛋白类(蛋白酶、脂肪酸、酯酶、磷酸酶、α-甘露糖苷酶、RNase)。烷烃类廉价物质作为底物分泌大量的代谢产物,自上世纪40年代被发现以来,越来越受到研究者的重视,并于上世纪90年代被开发成为一种新的酵母表达系统,用于42种异源蛋白的高效表达。综述了解脂耶氏酵母表达系统及其特点,有利于研究者从转录和翻译的水平研究异源蛋白在此菌中的表达分泌路径以及寻找到调控型启动子。  相似文献   

将解脂耶氏酵母与蛋白质分泌有关的TSR1基因编码区部分缺失的DNA片段转化一株解脂耶氏酵母,通过体内同源重组,部分缺失的外源tsr1片段取代了酵母染色体上的正常的TSR1基因,从而获得tsr1的转化子。Southern杂交结果表明,用该法成功地构建了tsr1突变体,这为进一步研究解脂耶氏酵母TSR1基因的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

对解脂耶氏酵母与蛋白质分泌有关的TSR1基因进行寡核苷酸介导的定点诱变,限制性内切酶切割的拼接,得到了该基因的一系列缺失突变体。这为进一步研究TSR1基因不同结构域的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

解脂耶氏酵母是一种具有独特生理代谢特征的非常规酵母.它具有可以利用多种廉价碳源、低pH值耐受性好、分泌能力强等优点,因此非常适合用于各种工业产品的微生物发酵.目前,解脂耶氏酵母已被证实具有高效生产多种(同源或异源)有机羧酸的能力.本文对近年来利用代谢工程及合成生物学技术改造解脂耶氏酵母生产羧酸的实例进行了总结,并重点介...  相似文献   

对具有发酵产α-酮戊二酸能力的解脂耶氏酵母(Yarrowia Lipolytica)ZY-4进行了紫外诱变和NTG诱变育种,筛选得到产量提高的突变株,并对突变株的发酵培养基进行了优化,结果表明,紫外诱变和NTG诱变后筛选到的突变株分别比原始出发菌株产量提高了67.8%和110%。优化后发酵培养基成分为甘油8%,氯化铵5.0 g/L,硫胺素1.0μg/L,磷酸二氢钾1.0 g/L,七水硫酸镁0.5 g/L,培养基优化后α-酮戊二酸产量比原始出发菌株提高了232.4%。  相似文献   

萜类化合物是一类广泛存在于植物中的天然产物,其在食品、药品和化工等多个领域中均有广泛的用途,市场潜力巨大.因此,开发生产萜类化合物等植物天然产物可再生的微生物资源来补充甚至代替原有稀少和珍贵的植物资源,具有重要的理论意义和潜在的应用价值.解脂耶氏酵母是目前使用最广泛的非常规酵母底盘细胞之一.近年来,利用代谢工程及合成生...  相似文献   

解脂耶氏酵母具有遗传背景清晰、分子操作体系较为成熟、抗逆性强、底物谱广、有机酸和蛋白质分泌能力强等优点,在微生物发酵生产化学品领域极具应用潜力。木质纤维素是丰富的可再生生物质资源,以木质纤维素原料替代化石原料生产化学品对于缓解全球能源危机、保障粮食安全等意义重大。解脂耶氏酵母可以天然代谢木质纤维素水解产生的葡萄糖,但对其他水解产物(如木糖)的利用效率极低。综述解脂耶氏酵母利用木质纤维素原料的代谢途径及改造策略,以木质纤维素原料生产化学品为例,重点讨论该过程中的主要瓶颈问题及解决办法,为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Casein kinase II from the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica is a heterotetramer of the form αα′β2. We report on the cloning and sequencing of a partial cDNA and of the complete genomic DNA coding for the catalytic α subunit of the casein kinase II from this yeast species. The sequence of the gene coding for this enzyme has been analyzed. No intron was found in the gene, which is present in a single copy. The deduced amino acid sequence of the gene shows high similarity with those of α subunit described in other species, although, uniquely, Y. lipolytica CKIIα lacks cysteines. We find that the α subunit sequence of Y. lipolytica CKII is shown greater homology with the corresponding protein from S. pombe than with that from S. cerevisiae. We have analyzed CKIIα expression and CKIIα activity. We show that expression of this enzyme is regulated. The catalytic subunit is translated from a single mRNA, and the enzyme is present at a very low level in Y. lipolytica, as in other yeasts. Received: 20 December1997 / Accepted: 19 June 1997  相似文献   

The yeast Yarrowia lipolytica has developed very efficient mechanisms for breaking down and using hydrophobic substrates. It is considered an oleaginous yeast, based on its ability to accumulate large amounts of lipids. Completion of the sequencing of the Y. lipolytica genome and the existence of suitable tools for genetic manipulation have made it possible to use the metabolic function of this species for biotechnological applications. In this review, we describe the coordinated pathways of lipid metabolism, storage and mobilization in this yeast, focusing in particular on the roles and regulation of the various enzymes and organelles involved in these processes. The physiological responses of Y. lipolytica to hydrophobic substrates include surface-mediated and direct interfacial transport processes, the production of biosurfactants, hydrophobization of the cytoplasmic membrane and the formation of protrusions. We also discuss culture conditions, including the mode of culture control and the culture medium, as these conditions can be modified to enhance the accumulation of lipids with a specific composition and to identify links between various biological processes occurring in the cells of this yeast. Examples are presented demonstrating the potential use of Y. lipolytica in fatty-acid bioconversion, substrate valorization and single-cell oil production. Finally, this review also discusses recent progress in our understanding of the metabolic fate of hydrophobic compounds within the cell: their terminal oxidation, further degradation or accumulation in the form of intracellular lipid bodies.  相似文献   

解脂耶氏酵母(Yarrowia lipolytica)进行出芽繁殖时,决定未来分裂平面的出芽位点不是随机选取的,而是选择在前一次细胞分裂位置的对侧出芽,即进行双极出芽。目前对解脂耶氏酵母双极出芽的分子调控机制并不清楚。通过观察蛋白定位及过量表达的方法研究了解脂耶氏酵母中囊泡蛋白YlSec15的功能。结果表明:YlSec15在细胞中有明显的极性定位,在细胞的小芽内以及大中芽的芽颈处富集,过量表达YlSec15抑制了菌丝的形成并使得部分细胞的出芽位点选择方式由双极出芽转变为随机出芽,而引起这一变化的原因可能是由于过量的YlSec15在细胞中不能进行正常的极性定位。此外,YlSec15可能是通过YlRas2介导的信号通路参与调控细胞的菌丝形成及双极出芽。这一发现丰富了解脂耶氏酵母中双极出芽的分子调控机制,也证明了极性生长与囊泡运输之间是相互影响的。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of redox potential (Eh) on the growth of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica in both oxidizing (Eh = +350 mV) and reducing (Eh = −150 mV) media and its effect on the expression and activity of hydroperoxide lyase (HPL). HPL activity was assayed in media with Eh values ranging from −250 to +720 mV. In order to change the Eh value of the media, reducing agents including dithiotreitol (1 g/L) and hydrogen (4%) as well as oxidants such as potassium ferricyanide (1 g/L) and oxygen (100%), were used. The experimental findings showed that oxidizing conditions, with Eh of +350 mV, were favorable for the growth of the yeast, whereas reducing conditions, with Eh values of −150 mV, resulted in a higher expression of HPL. In addition, the results showed that the enzymatic activity of the purified HPL was enhanced in the presence of 0.5 mM dithiotreitol but decreased with 1 mM potassium ferricyanide and bubbling O2. However, HPL activity increased 1.5 times in the presence of 4% hydrogen with an Eh value of −170 mV.  相似文献   

In this study we used tightly-coupled mitochondria from Yarrowia lipolytica and Dipodascus (Endomyces) magnusii yeasts, possessing a respiratory chain with the usual three points of energy conservation. High-amplitude swelling and collapse of the membrane potential were used as parameters for demonstrating induction of the mitochondrial permeability transition due to opening of a pore (mPTP). Mitochondria from Y. lipolytica, lacking a natural mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake pathway, and from D. magnusii, harboring a high-capacitive, regulated mitochondrial Ca2+ transport system (Bazhenova et al. J Biol Chem 273:4372–4377, 1998a; Bazhenova et al. Biochim Biophys Acta 1371:96–100, 1998b; Deryabina and Zvyagilskaya Biochemistry (Moscow) 65:1352–1356, 2000; Deryabina et al. J Biol Chem 276:47801–47806, 2001) were very resistant to Ca2+ overload. However, exposure of yeast mitochondria to 50–100 μM Ca2+ in the presence of the Ca2+ ionophore ETH129 induced collapse of the membrane potential, possibly due to activation of the fatty acid-dependent Ca2+/nH+-antiporter, with no classical mPTP induction. The absence of response in yeast mitochondria was not simply due to structural limitations, since large-amplitude swelling occurred in the presence of alamethicin, a hydrophobic, helical peptide, forming voltage-sensitive ion channels in lipid membranes. Ca2+- ETH129-induced activation of the Ca2+/H+-antiport system was inhibited and prevented by bovine serum albumin, and partially by inorganic phosphate and ATP. We subjected yeast mitochondria to other conditions known to induce the permeability transition in animal mitochondria, i.e., Ca2+ overload (in the presence of ETH129) combined with palmitic acid (Mironova et al. J Bioenerg Biomembr 33:319–331, 2001; Sultan and Sokolove Arch Biochem Biophys 386:37–51, 2001), SH-reagents, carboxyatractyloside (an inhibitor of the ADP/ATP translocator), depletion of intramitochondrial adenine nucleotide pools, deenergization of mitochondria, and shifting to acidic pH values in the presence of high phosphate concentrations. None of the above-mentioned substances or conditions induced a mPTP-like pore. It is thus evident that the permeability transition in yeast mitochondria is not coupled with Ca2+ uptake and is differently regulated compared to the mPTP of animal mitochondria.  相似文献   

The ICL1 gene encoding isocitrate lyase was cloned from the dimorphic fungus Yarrowia lipolytica by complementation of a mutation (acuA3) in the structural gene of isocitrate lyase of Escherichia coli. The open reading frame of ICL1 is 1668 by long and contains no introns in contrast to currently sequenced genes from other filamentous fungi. The ICL1 gene encodes a deduced protein of 555 amino acids with a molecular weight of 62 kDa, which fits the observed size of the purified monomer of isocitrate lyase from Y. lipolytica. Comparison of the protein sequence with those of known pro- and eukaryotic isocitrate lyases revealed a high degree of homology among these enzymes. The isocitrate lyase of Y. lipolytica is more similar to those from Candida tropicalis and filamentous fungi than to Sacharomyces cerevisiae. This enzyme of Y. lipolytica has the putative glyoxysomal targeting signal S-K-L at the carboxy-terminus. It contains a partial repeat which is typical for eukaryotic isocitrate lyases but which is absent from the E. coli enzyme. Surprisingly, deletion of the ICL1 gene from the genome not only inhibits the utilization of acetate, ethanol, and fatty acids, but also reduces the growth rate on glucose.  相似文献   

Surfactants play a key role in the biotechnological degradation of hydrophobic substrates, however this role is often misunderstood. During the biotransformation of methyl ricinoleate into the aroma compound γ-decalactone by the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, a direct contact occurs between the surface of the cells and the small droplets of substrate. The impact of a series of surfactants on this process was investigated. Both ionic surfactants tested were toxic towards the yeast. This effect may be linked to a decrease in the cell membrane integrity. The interfacial area of the emulsion varied according to the non-ionic surfactant used, and this factor was correlated with the productivity of the biotransformation. By evaluating the effect of surfactants on the capacity of the cells to adhere to decane (MATH test), it was shown that the adhesion of methyl ricinoleate on yeast surface is not a rate-limiting point for the process.  相似文献   

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