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城市化鸟类群落变化及其与城市植被的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
持续而快速的城市化进程正在助长全球生物多样性的丧失,其中鸟类是城市生态系统的重要环节和城市生物多样性保护的重点目标,同时也是研究的热点内容。从城市环境变化压力下,鸟类群落组成与结构、空间分布和繁殖营巢方式的改变分析,重点介绍了支持城市地区鸟类多样性的植物环境因素与影响机制的最新研究成果。结果表明:1)城市中的植被和绿色空间为城市鸟类提供生存空间和食物资源,是城市鸟类最主要的栖息地。2)保留原生乡土植物和大型树木的地区能支持更丰富的鸟类物种。3)植被的结构和盖度对鸟类群落有显著影响。林冠覆盖率增加,复杂的垂直空间和多样的植物种类的组合产生各种不同类型的植物空间和栖息地类型,吸引不同的鸟类物种,相应地也会导致更丰富的鸟类群落。总之,保持和加强城市中植物环境良好和稳定是保护城市生物多样性的有效手段。据此,提出城市环境与鸟类群落关系研究的未来发展方向,指出了其在鸟类多样性保护和城市可持续发展等领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

鸟类群落研究进展   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:28  
崔鹏  邓文洪 《动物学杂志》2007,42(4):149-158
鸟类群落的研究一直是鸟类生态学研究的重要领域,研究内容主要集中在以下几个方面:群落的组成结构、集团结构、生态位与种间关系、动态与演替、群落与栖息地关系以及城市化对鸟类群落影响。群落的组成与结构、动态与演替以及群落与栖息地关系的研究是过去20年间的研究热点,但有关城市化对鸟类群落影响的研究还比较少。本文在总结国内外鸟类群落生态学研究的基础上,重点讨论了目前的研究热点和今后的发展趋势,以期促进我国鸟类群落生态学的研究。  相似文献   

城市鸟类群落生态学研究展望   总被引:54,自引:1,他引:53  
城市鸟类群落生态学是一个重要的但未引起足够重视的研究领域。城市化的后果和城市栖息地的特征已引起了部分生态学家的关注,同时也决定了它在研究内容和方法上的特殊性。城市化对野生动物的泛化影响以及城市鸟类群落生态学研究的潜在理论价值应该引起足够的重视。本文在总结国内外城市鸟类群落生态学研究现状的基础上,重点论述和探讨了目前的研究热点和今后的发展趋势,介绍了一些国外新的理论和方法在此领域研究上的应用状况,这  相似文献   

为了解中国鸟类学研究的状况和发展趋势,我们利用在线文献数据库(Web of Science)检索了1991-2010年间发表的与鸟类有关的文献,对中国和其他国家的鸟类学研究论文、研究领域、研究机构等进行了分析和比较。结果发现,中国鸟类学研究发展很快,专业研究人员数量在1991-2010年间增长了近四倍,在国际上发表的研究论文的数量近几年年均增长25%;论文数量占世界的比例已经由1991-2000年的0.46%上升到了2001-2010年期间的1.53%,世界排名由第27位上升至第16位,并且研究领域更加多元化,论文水平不断提高。在鸟类系统发育与演化、合作繁殖和婚配、禽流感、巢寄生等领域的许多成果开始在国际相关领域的高水平刊物上发表,在古鸟类以及雉类和鹤类等濒危鸟类的保护研究方面位居世界前列。但从整体而言,中国鸟类学研究与世界上一些发达国家相比还有很大差距。为此我们对中国鸟类学未来的发展提出了一些建议,包括需要更加关注鸟类的生活史对策、气候变化和城市化对鸟类的影响、鸟类迁徙、濒危物种保护生物学等领域的研究,进一步加强国际交流与合作,规范鸟类研究及数据保存和处理的方法,采取更有效措施加大对青年研究人员的支持力度等。  相似文献   

繁殖期筑巢是鸟类生活史的重要阶段, 是鸟类繁殖成功的关键保障。全球范围的城市化加速推进, 使城市中筑巢繁殖的鸟类面临挑战的同时又为其提供了特殊机遇。本文通过搜索现有文献, 利用Biblioshiny程序提取并整合关键词, 得到城市鸟类生态研究的热点领域, 分析了城市气候、食物资源、巢址资源、捕食压力、污染和人为干扰对鸟类筑巢的影响, 并对今后城市化对鸟类筑巢影响研究中亟需解决的问题进行了展望。城市化对鸟类筑巢期、巢址选择及巢材选择产生显著影响, 与栖息在村镇生境的鸟类相比, 在城市中繁殖的鸟类在筑巢时间、空间和巢材使用上出现变化。在城市中筑巢的鸟类到底是通过调整行为策略作出积极适应, 还是被动接受城市环境中的诸多负面干扰, 需要针对研究对象和特定的城市栖息生境进行及时评估, 而非泛泛之谈。要在研究结论基础上, 深入思考并提出城市化建设过程中有利于鸟类种群和群落保护的具体措施, 高效发挥公民科学作用以解决城市中的鸟类保护实践问题。  相似文献   

在北京分布的受胁鸟类主要分布在平原区,而平原区为城市发展的主要区域,因此,在城市管理中融入受胁鸟类保护的内容十分必要。以北京市平原区分布的24种受胁鸟类为研究对象,以鸟类对栖息地的需求为分类依据,结合国家土地利用分类标准,采用人工目视解译法,在北京市平原区的高清卫星影像图上识别出5类一级鸟类栖息地和17类二级鸟类栖息地,得到北京市平原区鸟类栖息地分布图。使用24种受胁鸟类的空间分布模型掩膜鸟类栖息地分布,得到24种受胁鸟类的预测空间分布,叠加之后获得受胁鸟类丰富度分布格局,结果显示,水域是受胁鸟类丰富度最高的栖息地。将受胁鸟类丰富度分布格局与北京市国家级和市级自然保护区分布叠加进行空缺分析,结果显示:1)北京市的自然保护区多分布在山区,不能有效保护受胁鸟类;2)受胁鸟类的保护与平原区的城市建设、绿地管理关系密切。采用分区统计方法,计算各类栖息地中分布的平均鸟类种类数,作为栖息地保护行动优先级指标,得出湖泊、水库、坑塘、滩地、沼泽地等湿地区域是具有最高保护优先级的栖息地类型,在保护实践资源充足的情况下,应对各类栖息地开展综合保护。该研究首次为北京城市区域受胁鸟类保护提出空间参考和管理建议。  相似文献   

世界范围急剧的城市化进程所带来的生态问题,尤其是城市化对鸟类的影响引起了生态学家越来越多的关注。关注点从最初的群落水平,逐渐向种群水平和个体水平深入。在群落水平上,现有的研究展示了城市化对鸟类群落组成、物种的丰富度、多度、生物量和多样性等多方面存在的不同程度的影响;而物种水平的研究探讨了城市化影响鸟类群落格局的内在原因:不同的鸟类物种对城市化具有不同的反应;而个体水平的研究,更是进一步从鸟类行为、生活史特征等方面揭示城市化压力和鸟类的适应对策。大量的证据说明,城市化所带来的土地使用的改变、人为干扰、热岛效应、食物资源改变、巢捕食、夜间灯光等,不同程度地对城市鸟类产生了影响。  相似文献   

麻雀是城市和乡村均有分布的鸟类物种.快速的城市化正在使城市麻雀的栖息地和食物资源大量减少.以北京市为例,研究了麻雀的体质水平沿城市化梯度的变化,以期为我国城市化过程中的鸟类保护提供参考.研究结果表明城市高层楼房居民区、低层楼房居民区以及大学校园中麻雀的体质指数显著低于郊区环境,而城市公园和平房居民区麻雀的体质水平则与郊区环境的差异较小.随采样点城市化水平的增加,麻雀的体质水平呈下降趋势,高度城市化的环境导致麻雀的体质水平下降.在城市化过程中,增加城市公园的数量及居民区的植被覆盖量可为麻雀等鸟类提供必要的生活资源,从而实现城市化过程中的生物多样性保护.  相似文献   

北京南海子麋鹿苑鸟类多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市公园及城市其他自然保护地是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,是城市鸟类最主要的栖息场所。城市化进程对城市的自然景观和生态系统造成很大影响,鸟类生存空间不断缩小,其群落结构受到影响。南海子麋鹿苑周边正在经历快速城市化,为了摸清该地区鸟类群落组成及多样性,自2014年10月起对研究区野生鸟类种类、数量和分布特点进行连续调查,共记录鸟类18目、49科、156种;其中,国家II级重点保护鸟类16种。鸟类优势种随年份变化和季节变化不一,总体来看,绿头鸭、灰喜鹊、喜鹊、[树]麻雀等留鸟为研究区优势种。研究区鸟类Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀性指数呈现2018年2017年2016年2015年的变化规律;鸟类Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀性指数呈现秋季夏季春季冬季的变化规律。同时,探讨了影响鸟类多样性的因素,提出连通城市绿地,打通动物迁徙通道;坚持山水林田湖草理念,创造多样的景观;对野生动物重点保护区域限制人类活动,保护野生鸟类生境等建议。  相似文献   

中国鸟类生态学的发展现现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丁平 《动物学杂志》2002,37(3):71-78
中国鸟类生态学的发展可分三个阶段;20世纪30年代至50年代末的萌芽期;60年代初至70年代末的成长期;80年代以来的蓬勃发展期。1990年以来,繁殖是我国鸟类生态学的最主要研究内容,论文数量比例占23.53%;行为,栖息地,群落和迁徙等方面的研究有明显增长;鸟类食性研究的关注程度下降,本文对繁殖,行为,栖息地,种群和群落内容研究现状进行详细分析。并提出了今后中国鸟类生态学研究与发展予以关注的问题。  相似文献   

In the past 70 years radar technology has been increasingly applied in ornithological research in various geographical areas worldwide and has contributed greatly to a better understanding of bird migration. Many different radar types have been used, such as tracking, ship or weather radars. However, radar wind profilers (RWPs) have been largely neglected in avian research. RWPs continuously measure three‐dimensional winds and, despite the low frequency range at which these systems operate, available literature provides evidence that birds are recorded at many sites. So far the potential of RWPs in ornithological research has not been fully explored and studies deal predominantly with birds in the context of clutter removal. However, based on their broad implementation in networks (e.g. E‐PROFILE in Europe) situated in areas that are strategically important for bird migration, they could offer a valuable complement to already established or planned large‐scale bird monitoring schemes by radar. The objective of this paper is to serve as a reference for those who wish to consider RWP data in a biological context. To that end, we provide an overview of the evolution and establishment of operational RWPs as well as of their mode of operation, in order to depict their role in meteorology and to evaluate their potential in ornithology. The assessment is based on available literature on RWPs and radar ornithology outlining the past, present and potential future role of wind profilers. In the past, birds were discarded as contamination and eliminated as far as possible from the meteorological data. Only recently have the echo signatures of biological targets been scrutinized thoroughly in raw data and used successfully for ornithological investigation. On this basis it is possible to consider the potential future utility of this promising data source as a complement to other remote‐sensing instruments and other sampling techniques used in avian research. Weather independence of ornithological information was found to be a particular benefit. However, as the development of the bird‐specific method is only in an early stage, more detailed studies are necessary in the future to fully assess the potential of this type of radar.  相似文献   

John M. Marzluff 《Ibis》2017,159(1):1-13
The study of urban birds has increased exponentially in the last century. A prior review of the scientific literature up to the year 2000 found 100 research articles on urban birds, but in the past decade alone, over 1000 have been published. Here I review the studies from 2006–2015 to characterize their approach, location, general findings and recent obsessions, with an eye toward suggesting important future directions. Urban ornithology remains centred in the northern hemisphere, although there is a rapid increase in studies from southern, tropical and biodiverse settings. Studies in the north have changed from documentation of the composition of urban avifaunas to include many studies of the demographic response to aspects of urban environments. Studies of pattern remain most common in Latin America, Asia, Africa, New Zealand and the Middle East. Across the world, ornithologists are revealing the rapid evolution of behavioural and morphological adaptations by birds to the urban environment, much of which is due to phenotypic plasticity. The relationship of humans to nature generally and birds specifically has been increasingly studied as a driver of avifaunal change as well as a factor affecting human ethics. Urban ornithology remains rarely experimental, but it has matured to the point of supporting synthetic reviews and meta‐analyses that quantify the loss of avian diversity from city centres, characterize successful urban birds, discuss the role of amount and arrangement of vegetation on bird life, and explore the complex relationships between the subsidies and hazards of urban life and the survival and reproduction of birds. Yet much remains to be learned, including how some species thrive in cities with abundant predators; how city form and location affect the peak in avian richness that occurs typically at intermediate levels of urbanization; the significance of functional biotic homogenization; and the ways in which engaging citizens in urban bird life informs their broader environmental land ethic.  相似文献   

刘阳  张正旺 《生态学报》2008,28(4):1354-1365
扩散是生物个体之间相互远离的单线性运动,是生物的基本特征之一,对种群的分布、动态及遗传结构等方面均有重要影响.扩散有出生扩散和繁殖扩散等主要形式.动物发生扩散的主要原因包括:避免近亲繁殖、减少竞争、改变繁殖地点等.近年来,扩散已经成为鸟类学研究的前沿领域.评述了鸟类扩散行为的性别差异、体质对于扩散的影响,阐述了扩散的基本过程及栖息地选择、长距离扩散等内容,同时介绍了环志标记、无线电遥测、分子生物学等研究鸟类扩散的主要方法.展望了鸟类扩散研究的发展趋势,认为新技术和新方法的应用将成为扩散生态学家关注的重要问题,未来研究将更加重视对鸟类扩散理论问题的探讨,而对鸟类扩散行为的研究成果也会更广泛地应用于濒危物种及其栖息地的保护工作中.  相似文献   

Wildlife conservation in urban habitats is increasingly important due to current urbanization trends. We review the different approaches to studying birds in urban landscapes, and point out the importance of the habitat island ecological theory as a research framework for the management and conservation of urban birds. Based on two comprehensive research projects conducted at urban parks in Spain (Madrid) and Finland (Oulu and Rovaniemi), several different issues related to bird conservation in cities are discussed, main findings of these projects are presented, and future research needs are suggested. Urban parks are important biodiversity hotspots in cities. Fragmentation conditions have the same deleterious effects to urban birds as in other fragmented landscapes. Park size accounts for species accumulation in urban parks; this pattern being highly nested. Urban parks of 10–35 ha would contain most of the species recorded in cities, but other indicators related to the probabilities of persistence of the target species should be obtained. Wooded streets can increase urban landscape connectivity by providing alternative habitat for feeding and nesting during the breeding season. Because increasing the size of parks is difficult in cities, enhancement of habitat diversity and resource availability for birds within parks (e.g. nest boxes, winter feeding tables, etc.) appears to be a straightforward way of increasing urban bird diversity. However, human disturbance (pedestrians) should be controlled since it can negatively influence many urban birds. We present a conceptual model for urban bird conservation, which includes three aspects (management, environmental education and research) and new alternatives to promote the involvement of different sectors of the society.  相似文献   

Fred Cooke 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):211-222
Capsule A comparison between North American and European ornithology shows many differences between the two.

While local knowledge was developed over millennia in Europe, in North America much was originally learned from the indigenous people. Knowing the food value of wild game was essential to survival and led to a strong tradition of wildlife management in North America. However, there was also systematic exploration of the local avifauna by museum-based collectors. This dual origin of ornithology is still detectable today. North American ornithology, particularly through the introduction of the Migratory Birds Convention Act of 1917, is strongly influenced by federal, state and provincial governments who have a statutory responsibility for the protection of wild birds. Because the USA and Canada, and more recently Mexico, are responsible for the administration of the Act, many initiatives in bird conservation involve international co-operation, starting initially with the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, but now extended to all species of birds. Many partnerships involving government, professional and amateur ornithologists (e.g. Bird Studies Canada) have resulted in monitoring of bird populations similar to that done by the BTO. However, there still seems to be a paucity of population studies and survey information in the mainstream ornithological journals in North America.  相似文献   

Urbanization and habitat fragmentation have the potential to influence bird communities. In addition, these phenomena, as well as ongoing lethal control measures, have also greatly reduced the range of the black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) since the beginning of the 20th century. Although prairie dogs are highly interactive species that can influence avian communities, few studies have investigated whether these interactions persist in urban settings. Our goal was to investigate the relative impacts of habitat fragmentation and prairie dogs on bird communities within an urban matrix. We performed bird surveys on 20 habitat fragments (10 colonized by prairie dogs, 10 uncolonized by prairie dogs) distributed throughout the Denver metropolitan area, and calculated Shannon–Weiner diversity and richness of all birds and native species, as well as total counts of grassland birds and raptors. Diversity, richness, and counts of many species increased with increasing fragment connectivity, and decreased on fragments isolated for longer periods of time. Avian diversity and richness did not differ between fragments with and without prairie dogs, suggesting that this element of the ecological role of prairie dogs is not fully retained in urban habitat. Future studies of the role of prairie dogs as keystone species in urban systems should include other taxa as well as consider the influence of the urban matrix surrounding prairie dog habitat. Our results emphasize that conservation of urban avian diversity should focus on landscape connectivity as well as local habitat features.  相似文献   

城市公园绿地作为城市生态系统的重要自然组成部分,是鸟类及其他动物的重要生境和载体.快速城市化导致城市公园绿地空间格局剧烈变化,公园绿地因在城市中呈斑块状分布而具有许多岛屿栖息地的特性,对鸟类群落产生了明显的影响.为了摸清娄底市城区的鸟类群落组成及物种多样性,为制定鸟类保护措施提供依据, 2010年11月至 2012年1月采用样带和样方法对城区内7个公园绿地中鸟类物种的分布及其生境进行调查,共记录到鸟类56种,隶属于11目27科.其中留鸟为32种,占57.2%;夏候鸟、冬候鸟各12种,分别占21.4%.东洋界27种,占48.2%;古北界14种,占25.0%;广布种15种,占26.8%.国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生鸟类7种,占物种总数的12.5%.娄底市城区公园绿地鸟类群落物种Shannon指数、Pielou指数、G-F指数分别为1.49、0.85、0.62.珠山公园的物种数(42)、Shannon指数(1.41)、G指数(3.46)、F指数(6.12)、G-F指数(0.43)均最高,而月琴山公园的Pielou指数最高(0.92).对娄底市绿地鸟类资源较为贫乏的主要原因进行了分析,并提出了合理的保护建议.  相似文献   

Private gardens provide habitat and resources for many birds living in human-dominated landscapes. While wild bird feeding is recognised as one of the most popular forms of human-wildlife interaction, almost nothing is known about the use of bird baths. This citizen science initiative explores avian assemblages at bird baths in private gardens in south-eastern Australia and how this differs with respect to levels of urbanisation and bioregion. Overall, 992 citizen scientists collected data over two, four-week survey periods during winter 2014 and summer 2015 (43% participated in both years). Avian assemblages at urban and rural bird baths differed between bioregions with aggressive nectar-eating species influenced the avian assemblages visiting urban bird baths in South Eastern Queensland, NSW North Coast and Sydney Basin while introduced birds contributed to differences in South Western Slopes, Southern Volcanic Plains and Victorian Midlands. Small honeyeaters and other small native birds occurred less often at urban bird baths compared to rural bird baths. Our results suggest that differences between urban versus rural areas, as well as bioregion, significantly influence the composition of avian assemblages visiting bird baths in private gardens. We also demonstrate that citizen science monitoring of fixed survey sites such as bird baths is a useful tool in understanding large-scale patterns in avian assemblages which requires a vast amount of data to be collected across broad areas.  相似文献   

中国大陆鸟类栖息地选择研究十年   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
蒋爱伍  周放  覃玥  刘迺发 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5918-5923
栖息地选择研究一直是鸟类生态学研究的重要内容之一。通过对2001年1月至2010年12月10年期间中国大陆鸟类学家在国内外期刊上发表的鸟类栖息地选择研究的论文进行分析,对我国鸟类栖息地选择研究提出展望。10年间,我国鸟类学家共发表有关鸟类栖息地选择或利用的论文170篇,共涉及到鸟类10目31科73种。在这10年里,中国大陆有关鸟类栖息地选择或利用的文章持续增长。然而,我国鸟类栖息地选择的研究也存在着如下问题:(1)存在栖息地选择和栖息地利用误用的现象,这种现象在10年内并无明显改善;(2)在选择研究方法时,很少考虑个体的可获得性、种群密度及抽样尺度对栖息地选择的影响;(3)大多数的栖息地选择的论文没有对鸟类的栖息地选择行为进行研究,也缺乏对其选择的适合度背景去进行研究。根据这些问题,对我国未来的鸟类栖息地选择研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

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