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新疆的郁金香属种质资源 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
郁金香是百合科郁金香属(Tulipa)植物的总称,是举世公认的名贵花卉,被誉为“花卉王国中的皇后”,深受人们的喜爱。新疆是世界郁金香属植物的自然分布区之一,也是中国的集中分布区,目前已知有该属植物13种,占世界种类的10%左右。近几年来,在国家自然科学基金的资助下,我们对新疆产郁金香进行了深入调查及引种栽培工作,建立了13种约80个居群的野生郁金香属植物种质资源圃,并对其生物学特性进行了系统全面的观察。在此仅对这13种郁金香的分布及园艺性状做一简介,供读者参考。新疆郁金香(T.sinkiangensis)特有种。… 相似文献
为研制具有自主知识产权的郁金香(Tulipa gesneriana)新种质, 本实验选择6种栽培郁金香品种为母本, 5种野生郁金香为父本进行杂交试验。结果显示, 平均受精率为(84.8±3.5)%, 母本受精率最高的是克斯奈丽斯, 平均为(94.0±2.3)%, 受精率最低的是蒙特卡罗, 平均为(71.0±3.8)%。果实发育1个月最高坐果率为100.0%, 平均为(75.2±4.1)%, 2个月最高坐果率为(90.0±3.6)%, 平均为(47.0±3.4)%; 杂交种子平均结实率为24.3%。研究结果表明, 母本与杂交组合对受精率、坐果率和结实率有显著影响, 父本则没有显著影响; 杂交组合小黑人×伊犁郁金香、小黑人×柔毛郁金香及小黑人×天山郁金香亲合性较
好, 其杂交种子结实率分别为78.2%、68.4%和57.5%。 相似文献
新疆野生郁金香与栽培品种的杂交性状 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为研制具有自主知识产权的郁金香(Tulipa gesneriana)新种质,本实验选择6种栽培郁金香品种为母本,5种野生郁金香为父本进行杂交试验。结果显示,平均受精率为(84.8±3.5)%,母本受精率最高的是克斯奈丽斯,平均为(94.0±2.3)%,受精率最低的是蒙特卡罗,平均为(71.0±3.8)%。果实发育1个月最高坐果率为100.0%,平均为(75.2±4.1)%,2个月最高坐果率为(90.0±3.6)%,平均为(47.0±3.4)%;杂交种子平均结实率为24.3%。研究结果表明,母本与杂交组合对受精率、坐果率和结实率有显著影响,父本则没有显著影响:杂交组合小黑人×伊犁郁金香、小黑人×柔毛郁金香及小黑人X天山郁金香亲合性较好,其杂交种子结实率分别为78.2%、68.4%和57.5%。 相似文献
为探究荒山绿化模式下对野生新疆郁金香Tulipa sinkiangensis传粉昆虫多样性的影响,选取乌鲁木齐市雅玛里克山设置长期绿化区、短期绿化区和自然生境3个环境梯度,采取样线和样方调查等方法进行新疆郁金香传粉昆虫多样性的研究。共收集传粉昆虫共316头,隶属17科23属36种,优势种为黑腹膝芒寄蝇Gonia picea。不同绿化梯度下物种丰富度指数相似,但随着荒山绿化进程的推进传粉昆虫多样性指数、均匀度指数呈下降趋势,自然生境最高(2.719;0.941),长期绿化区最低(1.299±0.311;0.553±0.076)。长期绿化区和短期绿化区之间物种组成极不相似;长期绿化区和自然生境以及短期绿化区和自然生境之间物种组成均为中等不相似。同时发现,树木胸径对传粉昆虫多样性具有显著负面影响(P=0.047)。研究表明,未来荒山绿化工程应提高生态异质性,避免大片纯林的单一种植模式。 相似文献
众所周知,植物也和动物一样具有性的差别,也就是有专门的性器官,甚至有严格的雌性 和雄性个体之分。古代中国人很早就认识到高等植物有性别之分。在1400多年前北魏时期的《齐民要术》《 种麻子》篇中,就有“既放勃,拔出雄,若未放勃去雄者,则不成子实”的名句。在欧洲, 人类对植物性别的科学认识,始于17世纪末和18世纪初。17世纪末,卡麻拉里斯(R.J.Came rarius)发现在雌性桑树生长环境里,若没有雄性植株存在时,雌株不能结实形成桑椹。后 来,他通过植株隔离实验,证实植物有性别的存在,在此基础上完成了《植物的性》的专著 … 相似文献
高等植物性别分化研究的某些进展 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
高等植物性别分化研究的某些进展邵宏波(四平师范学院生物工程研究室吉林四平136000)关键词高等植物,性别分化,基因表达SOMEADVANCESINTHESEXUALDIFFERENTIATIONRESEARCHOFHIGHERPLANTS¥Shao... 相似文献
生物的性别决定和性别分化及其在生产实践中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
生物的性别决定和性别分化既紧密联系、又有本质区别,通过事例进行解释和说明:在生产实践中,有些生物的性别需要调控,才能更好地服务于人类,并通过事例介绍了部分方法措施. 相似文献
哺乳动物的性腺由生殖细胞和体细胞共同形成,性别决定前的性腺具有双向分化的潜能,性腺中体细胞的分化决定其发育为睾丸或卵巢。这一分化过程受到多种因子的精细调控。其中SRY、SOX9、SOX3、SOX8、SOX10、FGF9/FGFR2、PGD2、AMH和DMRT1等参与睾丸的发育和分化,而FOXL2、CTNNB1、RSPO1、WNT4、Follistatin、ERα/β和BMP2则在卵巢发育过程中发挥关键作用。如果这些分子调控网络受到内源性或外源性因子的破坏,则会引起两性发育紊乱,甚至导致雄性向雌性或雌性向雄性的性别逆转。本文以小鼠模型为例,阐述了在性别决定过程中体细胞命运决定以及谱系分化的分子调控网络。 相似文献
苦瓜性别分化的特异蛋白质研究 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
对苦瓜(MomordicacharantiaL.)的两性期和雌、雄花早期发育过程中的3个时期花蕾,用毛细管电泳法进行可溶性蛋白质分析,发现了一些与性别分化有关的特异蛋白质。其中11kD的蛋白质从幼雌花时期开始出现后,在雌花发育的3个典型时期都存在,很可能是雌花分化程序表达中的一种“关键蛋白”。与之类似,30kD的蛋白质很可能是雄花程序表达中的一种“关键蛋白” 相似文献
新疆郁金香营养生长、个体大小和开花次序对繁殖分配的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
植物有性繁殖与资源分配的关系研究对于揭示植物生活史特征及繁育系统进化具有重要意义。新疆郁金香(Tulipa sinkiangensis)是新疆天山北坡荒漠带特有的一种多年生早春短命植物。在自然生境中,该物种仅以有性繁殖产生后代,每株能产生1-8朵花,且不同植株上的花数及果实数以及花序不同位置上的花与果实大小明显不同。本文通过对新疆郁金香有性繁殖与营养生长及植株大小的关系以及花序中不同位置花及果实间的资源分配研究,旨在揭示营养生长、个体大小及开花次序对其繁殖分配的影响。结果表明:在开花和果实成熟阶段,新疆郁金香植株分配给营养器官(鳞茎和地上营养器官)与繁殖器官的资源间均存在极显著的负相关关系(P<0.01),说明其植株的营养生长与生殖生长间存在权衡关系。多花是新疆郁金香的一个稳定性状,其植株上花数目、花生物量、果实生物量和种子数量与植株生物量间均呈极显著的正相关关系(P<0.01),说明新疆郁金香植株的繁殖分配存在大小依赖性。在具2-5朵花的新疆郁金香植株中,花序内各花的生物量、花粉数和胚珠数、结实率、果实生物量、结籽数、结籽率及种子百粒重按其开花顺序依次递减,说明花序内各花和果实的资源分配符合资源竞争假说。植株通过减少晚发育的花或果实获得的资源来保障早发育的花或果实获得较多的资源,从而达到繁殖成功。 相似文献
【目的】在植物的所有生活史特征中,交配格局可能是对宏观进化影响最大的因素。在不确定的传粉环境中,两性花植物常常具有潜在的自交能力,鉴于自交的交配代价,两种交配方式如何权衡,一直是深入理解交配系统演化的关键问题。【方法】为了探讨早春不稳定传粉环境中植物的自交策略,以早春短命植物新疆郁金香为研究对象,通过野外观测及人工控制实验对自然居群的开花习性、传粉者类群、散粉动态、自花粉传递模式和交配系统等进行研究。【结果】(1)新疆郁金香自然种群4月上旬或中旬开花,单花期5-6 d,白天开放晚上闭合,花粉的释放从外轮开始,由下到上呈拉链式次序呈现。(2)传粉者主要为蜂类和食蚜蝇,访花频率普遍较低,且在年份间存在较大差异,但结实率普遍较高。(3)控制授粉实验表明居群为异交为主,部分自交亲和的混合性交配系统类型。傍晚花闭合时雄蕊的自主运动促进了柱头的自花授粉,这一传粉模式促进了竞自交的发生,但大量自花粉的落置发生在开花后的第4 d,占自花粉总落置量的50.22%,为一种延迟自交的机制。【结论】在传粉受限的情况下,新疆郁金香的竞自交和延迟自交促进了柱头的花粉落置,这种集异交、竞自交和延迟自交为一体的交配策略灵活地应对了早春不稳定的传粉环境,是对早春低温度条件下不确定传粉服务的一种适应,也是早春短命植物的一种繁殖保证对策。 相似文献
Abstract Temporal variation in allele frequencies in a natural population of wild Vigna unguiculata was studied by making monthly collections of seeds over a two-year period. Using starch gel electrophoresis, four out of seven loci analysed were shown to be polymorphic (Enp, Fdh, Fle3 and Pgd2 ). These four loci showed significant variation in allele frequencies over time. Changes in population structure over time were analysed using F-statistic estimators. Although heterogeneity was evident between loci, the analysis showed significant differentiation among months within a year for all polymorphic loci. Fixation indexes were all positive and statistically different from zero, highlighting a significant departure from random mating. Using analysis of variance (ANOVA), the pattern of inbreeding (f) showed significant changes over time (season); among the polymorphic loci, Enp most strongly contributed to this significance. Significant correlations were found between allele frequencies at different loci. The monthly average gene diversity (He) and allele frequencies at the Enp locus were found to be significantly correlated with weather conditions (temperature and rainfall distribution). These allele frequency deviations over time can be attributed to changes in pollinator behaviour, and frequent genetic bottlenecks that are associated with changes in environmental conditions. 相似文献
M. RUOKONEN T. AARVAK R. K. CHESSER A.‐C. LUNDQVIST J. MERILÄ 《Molecular ecology》2010,19(12):2408-2417
In small and declining populations levels of genetic variability are expected to be reduced due to effects of inbreeding and random genetic drift. As a result, both individual fitness and populations’ adaptability can be compromised, and the probability of extinction increased. Therefore, maintenance of genetic variability is a crucial goal in conservation biology. Here we show that although the level of genetic variability in mtDNA of the endangered Fennoscandian lesser white‐fronted goose Anser erythropus population is currently lower than in the neigbouring populations, it has increased six‐fold during the past 140 years despite the precipitously declining population. The explanation for increased genetic diversity in Fennoscandia appears to be recent spontaneous increase in male immigration rate equalling 0.56 per generation. This inference is supported by data on nuclear microsatellite markers, the latter of which show that the current and the historical Fennoscandian populations are significantly differentiated (FST = 0.046, P = 0) due to changes in allele frequencies. The effect of male‐mediated gene flow is potentially dichotomous. On the one hand it may rescue the Fennoscandian lesser white‐fronted goose from loss of genetic variability, but on the other hand, it eradicates the original genetic characteristics of this population. 相似文献
Temporal variation in the drift of plant litter and propagules in a small boreal river 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
SUMMARY 1. Rivers are linear ecosystems across landscapes with an effective transport of organisms, sediment and organic matter. Dispersal is studied mostly during single events and for single species, and there is little knowledge on how the drift of plant litter and propagules varies within and between years for entire communities.
2. We used floating traps for collecting waterborne plant litter and propagules in a small boreal river over 2 years. We installed the traps at four different locations along the river, and emptied them at least once a week during the ice-free season. We analysed propagule content by sorting and identifying species and through germination tests on bare soil.
3. In total, we recorded at least 54 taxa in the samples, and the highest density recorded in one sample was 5000 propagules per 100 g litter (dry weight). Large temporal variations in litter and propagule transport were revealed, both within and between years.
4. The longitudinal pattern was consistent between years, with an increasing mass of litter and number of propagule taxa downstream. The results highlight the importance of the temporal and longitudinal dimensions in river management. 相似文献
2. We used floating traps for collecting waterborne plant litter and propagules in a small boreal river over 2 years. We installed the traps at four different locations along the river, and emptied them at least once a week during the ice-free season. We analysed propagule content by sorting and identifying species and through germination tests on bare soil.
3. In total, we recorded at least 54 taxa in the samples, and the highest density recorded in one sample was 5000 propagules per 100 g litter (dry weight). Large temporal variations in litter and propagule transport were revealed, both within and between years.
4. The longitudinal pattern was consistent between years, with an increasing mass of litter and number of propagule taxa downstream. The results highlight the importance of the temporal and longitudinal dimensions in river management. 相似文献
Among plants, pairs of selfing vs. outcrossing sister taxa provide interesting systems in which to test predictions concerning the magnitude and direction of temporal changes in sex allocation. Although resource availability typically declines towards the end of the growing season for annual taxa, temporal changes in mating opportunities depend on mating system and should change less in selfing taxa. Consequently, given that the pollen:ovule (P:O) ratio of flowers reflects the investment in (and potential fitness pay-off due to) male vs. female function, we predicted that the P:O ratio should also be less variable among and within selfers than in closely related outcrossers. To test these predictions, we measured temporal changes in sex allocation in multiple field populations of two pairs of sister taxa in the annual flowering plant genus Clarkia (Onagraceae). In the outcrossing Clarkia unguiculata and the selfing Clarkia exilis, ovule production declined similarly from early to late buds, whereas pollen production remained constant or increased in the outcrosser but remained constant or decreased in the selfer. Consequently, the P:O ratio increased within unguiculata populations but marginally increased or stayed constant in exilis populations. In all populations of the selfing Clarkia xantiana spp. parviflora and the outcrossing C. x. spp. xantiana, both ovule and pollen production per flower declined over time. The effects of these declines on the P:O ratio, however, differed between subspecies. In each xantiana population, the mean P:O ratio did not differ between early and late flowers, although individuals varied greatly in the direction and magnitude of phenotypic change. By contrast, parviflora populations differed in the mean direction of temporal change in the P:O ratio. We found little evidence to support our initial predictions that the P:O ratio of the selfing taxa will consistently vary less than in outcrossing taxa. 相似文献
Asexual species accumulate deleterious mutations through an irreversible process known as Muller's ratchet. Attempts to quantify the rate of the ratchet have ignored the role of temporal environmental heterogeneity even though it is common in nature and has the potential to affect overall ratchet rate. Here we examine Muller's ratchet in the context of conditional neutrality (i.e., mutations that are deleterious in some environmental conditions but neutral in others) as well as more subtle changes in the strength (but not sign) of selection. We find that temporal variation increases the rate of the ratchet (mutation accumulation) and the rate of fitness decline over that of populations experiencing constant selection of equivalent average strength. Temporal autocorrelation magnifies the effects of temporal heterogeneity and can allow the ratchet to operate at large population sizes in which it would be halted under constant selection. Classic studies of Muller's ratchet show that the rate of fitness decline is maximized when selection is of a low but intermediate strength. This relationship changes quantitatively with all forms of temporal heterogeneity studied and changes qualitatively when there is temporal autocorrelation in selection. In particular, the rate of fitness decline can increase indefinitely with the strength of selection with some forms of temporal heterogeneity. Our finding that temporal autocorrelation in selection dramatically increases ratchet rate and rate of fitness decline may help to explain the paucity of asexual taxa. 相似文献
Knowledge of the degree of temporal stability of population genetic structure and composition is important for understanding microevolutionary processes and addressing issues of human impact of natural populations. We know little about how representative single samples in time are to reflect population genetic constitution, and we explore the temporal genetic variability patterns over a 30-year period of annual sampling of a lake-resident brown trout (Salmo trutta) population, covering 37 consecutive cohorts and five generations. Levels of variation remain largely stable over this period, with no indication of substructuring within the lake. We detect genetic drift, however, and the genetically effective population size (N(e)) was assessed from allele-frequency shifts between consecutive cohorts using an unbiased estimator that accounts for the effect of overlapping generation. The overall mean N(e) is estimated as 74. We find indications that N(e) varies over time, but there is no obvious temporal trend. We also estimated N(e) using a one-sample approach based on linkage disequilibrium (LD) that does not account for the effect of overlapping generations. Combining one-sample estimates for all years gives an N(e) estimate of 76. This similarity between estimates may be coincidental or reflecting a general robustness of the LD approach to violations of the discrete generations assumption. In contrast to the observed genetic stability, body size and catch per effort have increased over the study period. Estimates of annual effective number of breeders (N(b)) correlated with catch per effort, suggesting that genetic monitoring can be used for detecting fluctuations in abundance. 相似文献
为研究间作系统的作物参数,于2005年在四川间作地区进行了作物高度、覆盖度和叶面积指数的时间变化研究.结果表明:作物的高度、覆盖度和叶面积指数随时间变化很大;玉米的最大高度是177 cm,最大覆盖度(86%)出现在花期,最大叶面积指数是1.96;红苕的最大和最小株高分别为22和12 cm,最大覆盖度(73%)出现在薯块膨大期,最大叶面积指数为1.79.与玉米间作时,红苕所有作物参数均受玉米影响.在玉米-红苕间作系统中,最危险的侵蚀期是玉米收获后至红苕覆盖度最大期. 相似文献
Causes and consequences of variation in plant population growth rate: a synthesis of matrix population models in a phylogenetic context 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Yvonne M. Buckley Satu Ramula Simon P. Blomberg Jean H. Burns Elizabeth E. Crone Johan Ehrlén Tiffany M. Knight Jean‐Baptiste Pichancourt Helen Quested Glenda M. Wardle 《Ecology letters》2010,13(9):1182-1197