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转座酶的人工改造与修饰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周倩倩  周明兵 《生物工程学报》2014,30(10):1504-1514
转座子是基因组中能发生移动和自主复制的DNA片段,随着人们在分子水平上对转座子结构和功能认识的不断深化,许多转座子已被改造为遗传分析的工具应用于基因功能分析、基因转化和基因治疗。然而,天然转座子的转座能力不高是转座子的开发和利用的主要障碍,近几年来,科学家们运用生物信息学和蛋白质工程相结合的方法来构建活性的转座酶,通过氨基酸优化的方法获得自然界不存在的超活性的转座酶,显著地提高了转座子的转座效率,应用于植物转基因和基因标签技术;另一方面,通过蛋白质融合技术构建转座酶嵌合体,改造转座子插入特性,实现其插入位点的人工调控,应用于基因治疗。  相似文献   

可转座因子是细菌遗传分析和分子操作十分有用的工具 ,它包括插入序列、转座子和转座噬菌体。细菌的可转座因子多数来自于革兰氏阴性菌 ,少数来自于革兰氏阳性菌。链霉菌是一类重要的革兰氏阳性菌 ,近年来 ,已发现了几种链霉菌的可转座因子 ,并对部分可转座因子的转座特征作了详细的研究。最早发现的链霉菌可转座因子是天蓝色链霉菌 (S .coelicolor)A3( 2 )中 1 6kb的插入片断IS1 1 0 [1 ] ,后来在白色链霉菌 (S .albus)中发现了IS1 1 2 [2 ] ,在带棒链霉菌 (S .clavuligerus)中发现了IS1 1 6[3] ,…  相似文献   

苏云金芽孢杆菌转座因子研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来的研究发现苏云金芽孢杆菌转座因子和许多毒力因子可能是紧密联系的。由于转座因子的特殊性质,使它们在现代农业生物技术中有着广泛的应用前景,科学家对苏云金芽孢杆菌转座因子的研究也在不断深入。本文主要针对苏云金芽孢杆菌转座因子的研究进展进行综述,并对发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

转座因子 (transposableelement ,TEs)是指在生物细胞中能从同一条染色体的一个位点转移到另一个位点或者从一条染色体转移到另一条染色体上的DNA序列。 1 947年美国冷泉港实验室的“玉米夫人”McClintock首先在玉米中发现并描述了转座因子。转座因子的发现 ,打破了传统遗传学上关于基因在染色体上固定排列及同源染色体交换的观念 ,揭示了基因的流动性 ,具有重要的意义。1 .转座因子的结构特点和分类到目前报道为止 ,至少在 32种植物上有转座因子存在 ,其中研究最多的是玉米、金鱼草、拟南芥等[1] 。其…  相似文献   

用水稻愈伤组织比较了Ac启动子、35S启动子与Ubi启动子控制下Ac转座酶基因(Ts)的表达对Ds因子切离频率的影响。结果表明Ubi启动子与Ac转座酶编码区嵌合基因(Ubipro-Ts)反式激活Ds因子的切离频率最高,达到了72.9%。通过杂交将Ubipro-Ts基因导入Ds因子转化植株,得到9株Ubipro-Ts基因与Ds因子共存的F1代杂交水稻植株,其中有8株Ds因子发生了切离。用Inverse-PCR的方法从其中一株杂交植株中克隆到Ds因子的旁邻序列,其DNA顺序与亲本中Ds因子原插入位点的序列不同,表明Ds因子转座到了新的基因组位点。  相似文献   

用水稻愈伤组织比较了Ac启动子、35S启动子与Ubi启动子控制下Ac转座酶基因(Ts)的表达对Ds因子切离频率的影响。结果表明Ubi启动子与Ac转座酶编码区嵌合基因(Ubipro-Ts)反式激活Ds因子的切离频率最高,达到了72.9%。通过杂交将Ubipro-Ts基因导入Ds因子转化植株,得到9株Ubipro-Ts基因与Ds因子共存的F1代杂交水稻植株,其中有8株Ds因子发生了切离。用Inverse-PCR的方法从其中一株杂交植株中克隆到Ds因子的旁邻序列,其DNA顺序与亲本中Ds因子原插入位点的序列不同,表明Ds因子转座到了新的基因组位点。  相似文献   

在五十年代前,人们一直认为每一基因组的 DNA是固定的,包括位置固定、数目固定。转座因子的发现修正了这一观念。现在人们认识到基因组中的某些成分的位置常常是不固定的,一种生物的基因组大小或基因的数目也并非绝对不变。这种位置不固定的成分乃是转座因子。转座因子(transpos-able element)是细胞中能够改变自身位置的一段 DNA 序列。转座因子改变位置的行为称转座(transposition),转座可以发生在同一染色体的不同位置之间,不同的  相似文献   

Xiao P  Li RH 《遗传》2011,33(6):654-660
二代测序技术及全基因组多样性比较是现代生物学及信息科学研究的热点,对基因组中转座元件(Transposable element)的分析已成为基因组比较分析的重要组成部分。目前对于转座元件的种类、数量和组成的挖掘和分析一般是基于完全拼接后的全基因组序列,对在此之前的海量短片段序列后期处理及拼接仍是目前基因组研究的盲点,以转座元件为主的重复序列在拼接过程中也存在着不可避免的拼接误差或丢失,给转座元件系统的分析带来不确定。文章旨在建立一套分析流程,对铜绿微囊藻NIES 843全基因组构建的罗氏(Roche)公司454测序随机模拟原始数据集的转座元件(主要类型为插入序列:Insert sequence,IS)组成进行分析,结果表明,采用对核酸探针扫描后备选序列分成3组,并分设氨基酸检测阈值的方案分析得到的结果较为可靠,结果显示铜绿微囊藻NIES843的蓝藻转座元件占基因组比例的10.38%,归属于14个IS家族,66个IS亚家族。与之前基于完整拼接基因组数据的两套不同分析流程得到的结果相比,在丰度及家族/亚家族组成上无显著差异,在转座元件序列水平上也显示了高比例的相似性序列重叠,证实了本研究流程在基于高通量测序原始数据的转座元件分析方面具可靠性及实用性。  相似文献   

染色质转座酶可及性测序研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴杰  全建平  叶勇  吴珍芳  杨杰  杨明  郑恩琴 《遗传》2020,(4):333-346
染色质转座酶可及性测序(assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with high-throughput sequencing,ATAC-seq)诞生于2013年,具有比脱氧核糖核酸酶I超敏感位点测序(deoxyribonuclease I hypersensitive site sequencing, DNase-seq)和微球菌核酸酶敏感位点测序(micrococcal nuclease sequencing, MNase-seq)更快速、灵敏、简便的优点,是目前分析全基因组范围染色质开放区域的热点技术。通过该技术能获得染色质开放区域的相关信息,从而映射出转录因子等调控蛋白的结合区域和核小体定位等信息,对于研究表观遗传分子机制具有重要意义。本文比较了5种获取染色质开放区域技术的优缺点,重点介绍了ATAC-seq的原理和主要流程,描述了利用ATAC-seq技术研究染色质开放区域的发展概况以及ATAC-seq的相关应用,期望对真核生物全基因组水平的染色质开放区域研究、顺式调控元件鉴定以及遗传调控网络的解析等提供借鉴。  相似文献   

转座子约占了人类基因组的45%,对基因组的结构与功能造成了重大的影响. 一部分转座子现在仍然具有活性,它们的转座能引发疾病. LINE-1(long interspersed element-1)是现今在人类基因组中发现的唯一具有活性并能自主转座的转座子,并能介导非自主转座的元件进行转座. 近年来LINE-1的研究有新的突破,本文简述了LINE-1的结构、转座机制及对基因组的影响,重点总结和分析宿主对LINE-1的限制机制. 由于LINE-1的生活周期与逆转录病毒有相似之处,也希望能够为宿主抗病毒的研究提供线索.  相似文献   

Bacterial insertion sequences (ISs) from the IS200/IS605 family encode the smallest known DNA transposases and mobilize through single-stranded DNA transposition. Transposition by one particular family member, ISDra2 from Deinococcus radiodurans, is dramatically stimulated upon massive γ irradiation. We have determined the crystal structures of four ISDra2 transposase/IS end complexes; combined with in vivo activity assays and fluorescence anisotropy binding measurements, these have revealed the molecular basis of strand discrimination and transposase action. The structures also show that previously established structural rules of target site recognition that allow different specific sequences to be targeted are only partially conserved among family members. Furthermore, we have captured a fully assembled active site including the scissile phosphate bound by a divalent metal ion cofactor (Cd2(+)) that supports DNA cleavage. Finally, the observed active site rearrangements when the transposase binds a metal ion in which it is inactive provide a clear rationale for metal ion specificity.  相似文献   

向太和  王利琳  王慧中 《遗传学报》2006,33(11):1047-1052
转座因子在生物体内广泛存在,它在研究基因的重组机理以及生物染色体的进化方面有着重要意义。IS10是细菌中的一种转座因子,它既能单独作为插入序列,也能作为Tn10的一部分进行转座。利用含sacB基因的质粒pXT3sacB,获得了由转座因子IS10插入而导致sacB基因失活的突变体。通过对插入突变体质粒DNA的序列测定(GenBank登记号为AY580883.1),结果表明IS10两端分别包括22bp倒置重复区CTGAGAGATCCCCTCATAATTT和AAATCATTAGGGGATTCATCAG,这与前人的报道一致;而IS10两端的插入靶位点序列为TGCTTGGTT,该9bp靶位点序列与前人报道的序列NGCTNAGCN不同。根据文献资料,本研究中的靶位点序列是首次报道。此外,通过Southern blot杂交分析,插入sacB基因中的IS10来源于宿主大肠杆菌DH5α染色体DNA,并且IS10在DH5α染色体中为两个拷贝。此外,本研究利用sacB基因捕获到转座因子IS10,该方法为研究其他插入序列提供了一个有益的体系。  相似文献   

AIMS: The characterization of a novel insertion sequence (IS) in vanB2-containing Enterococcus faecium was conducted. METHODS AND RESULTS: Direct PCR amplification of ORFC region of Tn5382 from DNA extracted from vanB2-containing E. faecium, and sequence analysis were performed. A novel IS was identified. It is 1418 bp in length and contains one putative open reading frame that is similar to transposase. There exists inverted terminal repeats of 12 bp, but direct repeats are not present. According to high similarity to putative transposases of IS3 members, such as, IS150, IS861, IS1077 and IS911, we designated it ISEnfa3. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF STUDY: Since ISEnfa3 was detected in all vanB2-containing strains examined so far, it could be used as a tool for epidemiological study.  相似文献   

Bacterial transposable elements (IS elements, transposons) represent an important determinant of genome structure and dynamics, and are a major force driving genome evolution. Here, we have tested whether bacterial insertion sequences (IS elements) can transpose in a prokaryotic compartment of the plant cell, the plastid (chloroplast). Using plastid transformation, we have integrated different versions of the Escherichia coli IS element IS 150 into the plastid genome of tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) plants. We show that IS 150 is faithfully mobilized inside the chloroplast, and that enormous quantities of transposition intermediates accumulate. As synthesis of the IS 150 transposase is dependent upon programmed ribosomal frame shifting, our data indicate that this process also occurs in chloroplasts. Interestingly, all insertion events detected affect a single site in the plastid genome, suggesting that the integration of IS 150 is highly sequence dependent. In contrast, the initiation of the transposition process was found to be independent of the sequence context. Finally, our data also demonstrate that plastids lack the capacity to repair double-strand breaks in their genomes by non-homologous end joining, a finding that has important implications for genome stability, and which may explain the peculiar immunity of the plastid to invading promiscuous DNA sequences of nuclear and mitochondrial origin.  相似文献   

利用本实验室构建的转Ac(AcTPase)及Ds(Dissociation)的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)转化群体,配置了Ac×Ds的杂交组合354个.检测了转基因植株的T-DNA插入位点右侧旁邻序列,研究了Ac/Ds转座系统在水稻转化群体中的转座活性.结果表明,有些转化植株T-DNA插入位点相同或相距很近,插入位点互不相同的占65.4%.检测到T-DNA可插入到编码蛋白的基因中.在Ac×Ds的F2代中,Ds因子的转座频率为22.7%.对Ac×Ds杂交子代中Ds因子旁侧序列的分析,进一步表明了Ds因子在水稻基因组中的转座活性,除了从原插入位点解离并转座到新的位点之外,还有复制--转座和不完全切离等现象.获得的旁侧序列中,有些序列与GenBank中的数据没有同源性,目前有2个DNA片段在GenBank登录.探讨了构建转座子水稻突变体库进行水稻功能基因组学研究的策略.  相似文献   

利用本实验室构建的转Ac(Ac TPase)及Ds(Dissociation)的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)转化群体,配置了Ae×Ds的杂交组合354个。检测了转基因植株的T-DNA插入位点右侧旁邻序列,研究了Ac/Ds转座系统在水稻转化群体中的转座活性。结果表明,有些转化植株T-DNA插入位点相同或相距很近,插入位点互不相同的占65.4%。检测到T-DNA可插入到编码蛋白的基因中。在Ac×Ds的F2代中,Ds因子的转座频率为22.7%。对Ac×Ds杂交子代中Ds因子旁侧序列的分析,进一步表明了Ds因子在水稻基因组中的转座活性,除了从原插入位点解离并转座到新的位点之外,还有复制——转座和小完全切离等现象。获得的旁侧序列中,有些序列与GenBank中的数据没有同源性,目前有2个DNA片段在GenBank登录。探讨了构建转座子水稻突变体库进行水稻功能基因组学研究的策略。  相似文献   

A new insertion sequence (IS), IS 1642 , was identified in a Mycobacterium avium strain isolated from a human patient. IS 1642 had a size of 1642 bp and contained a single ORF encoding a probable transposase of 503 amino acid residues homologous (79% identity) to that of IS 1549 found in Mycobacterium smegmatis . The IS 1642 included imperfect inverted repeats (5'-cctgacttttatca-3', 5'-tgataaaagtcggg-3') on its ends, and was flanked by direct repeats of variable length ranging from 5 to 161 bp. It was suggested that the IS 1642 was widely distributed in many M. avium strains of human patients, and the Southern blot profile of IS 1642 was very diverse among the strains examined. The transposition event of IS 1642 was observed by in vitro repeated passages, showing that the IS 1642 is actually a transposable element. In light of these characteristics, IS 1642 could be a new useful marker when genotyping with high discrimination is required.  相似文献   

Several new families of DNA transposons were identified by computer-assisted searches in a wide range of animal species that includes nematodes, flat worms, mosquitoes, sea squirt, zebrafish, and humans. Many of these elements have coding capacity for transposases, which are related to each other and to those encoded by the IS1016 group of bacterial insertion sequences. Although these transposases display a motif similar to the DDE motif found in many transposases and integrases, they cannot be directly allied to any of the previously described eukaryotic transposases. Other common features of the new eukaryotic and bacterial transposons include similarities in their terminal inverted repeats and 8-bp or 9-bp target-site duplications. Together, these data indicate that these elements belong to a new superfamily of DNA transposons, called Merlin/IS1016, which is common in many eubacterial and animal genomes. We also present evidence that these transposons have been recently active in several animal species. This evidence is particularly strong in the parasitic blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni, in which Merlin is also the first described DNA transposon family.  相似文献   

Tn10/IS10 transposition involves assembly of a synaptic complex (or transpososome) in which two transposon ends are paired, followed by four distinct chemical steps at each transposon end. The chemical steps are dependent on the presence of a suitable divalent metal cation (Me(2+)). Transpososome assembly and structure are also affected by Me(2+). To gain further insight into the mechanisms of Me(2+) action in Tn10/IS10 transposition we have investigated the effects of substituting Mn(2+) for Mg(2+), the physiologic Me(2+), in transposition. We have also investigated the significance of an Me(2+)-assisted conformational change in transpososome structure. We show that Mn(2+) has two previously unrecognized effects on the Tn10 donor cleavage reaction. It accelerates the rates of hairpin formation and hairpin resolution without significantly affecting the rate of the first chemical step, first strand nicking. Mn(2+) also relaxes the specificity of first strand nicking. We also show that Me(2+)-assisted transpososome unfolding coincides with a structural transition in the transposon-donor junction that may be necessary for hairpin formation. Possible mechanisms for these observations are considered.  相似文献   

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