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微生物对低温极端环境适应性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嗜冷微生物是地球寒冷环境中最主要的生物类群,并且是驱动全球生物地球化学循环的关键环节。嗜冷微生物在适应策略上显示出应对多种极端环境因素的巨大潜力,研究其适应和进化机制有助于更好地理解微生物与环境之间相互作用过程,并有效利用极端环境微生物资源。近年来,随着分子生物学和基因组学技术的高速发展,对微生物适应寒冷环境的机制及嗜冷微生物在指示气候变化和工农业应用方面均有一系列的突破。在此,本文将从基因组的GC含量、蛋白质稳定性、转录翻译调控、细胞膜流动性、渗透压调节、抗氧化损失和基因组适应性进化等方面总结当前在微生物适应低温环境机制上所取得的进展,并展望低温环境微生物在指示气候变化和工农业应用中的前景。  相似文献   

元宝山南方红豆杉的解剖结构及其环境适应性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李凤英  梁士楚 《广西植物》2013,33(2):219-224
以分布于广西北部元宝山自然保护区的南方红豆杉为研究对象,利用石蜡切片方法和光学显微技术,对其茎和叶的解剖结构及其对环境的适应性进行了研究和探讨。结果表明:(1)茎和叶的表皮细胞均较小,外壁角质层发达,胞内富含单宁类物质;(2)1~2年生茎无周皮,皮层基本薄壁组织分成5瓣,茎横切面呈"梅花"形,3年生茎具周皮,次生韧皮部薄壁组织发达、细胞内含物丰富;(3)叶片下表皮气孔带和中脉带均有角质层乳状突起分布,乳突大而密集,气孔仅分布于下表皮,气孔器为双环型,叶肉海绵组织发达,约占叶肉厚度的3/4。进一步分析显示,元宝山南方红豆杉茎和叶的解剖结构与元宝山的中亚热带山地气候和阴生环境相适应;与前人研究结果不同,本研究发现叶片角质层乳状突起遍布下表皮,这可能与元宝山南方红豆杉的分布区海拔高且环境温度低有关。  相似文献   

为探究急性低温胁迫对四指马鲅Eleutheronema tetradactylum 幼鱼肝脏、肌肉以及鳃组织结构的影响。该研 究设置了常温(27±0.5 ℃)组、20 ℃组以及15 ℃组共三个温度梯度进行试验, 以常温组作为对照,在试验进行的2 h、6 h 以及12 h 分别采集肝脏、肌肉以及鳃样品进行观察和测定。结果显示: 随着低温处理时间的延长, 20℃组的肝脏细胞空泡结构呈增多, 细胞核偏离, 染色变浅趋势; 肌纤维出现弯曲现象, 肌纤维之间与内部均出现较大间隙; 线粒体丰富细胞数目增多, 鳃小片末端轻微的膨大到鳃小片整体水肿且严重弯曲, 血管以及血窦内出现大量的红细胞, 部分鳃小片因红细胞过多而涨破; 同时, 15 ℃组肝脏细胞排列混乱, 肝板结构不清晰, 细胞核溶解, 肝脏整体失去固有形态。肌纤维间隙增大, 部分断裂直至肌纤维之间与内部均严重开裂, 部分肌纤维溶解并暴露出细胞核。鳃小片表皮出现轻微的脱落, 少部分鳃小片胀大到其吸水涨破, 鳃小片基本形态不可见。该研究结果为优化四指马鲅养殖生产温控管理措施, 提高越冬成活率提供参考资料。  相似文献   

王颖  孙长虹  张伟 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5623-5631
被毛在哺乳动物适应性进化过程中执行保温和保护两个重要功能,其形态结构上存在的功能适应性特征因所处的部位不同而表现出适应性分化现象,由动物体躯干至四肢末端呈显著的梯度变化。以黑龙江省通河林区黄鼬东北亚种(Mustela sibirica manchurica)冬季雌雄成体各10只完整毛皮对象,研究了背中部、腹中部和后肢下部3个部位的直针毛、披针毛、绒针毛、绒毛,以及后趾部硬毛的被毛性状因子,统计分析表明:通河林区黄鼬相同身体部位4种类型毛的长度和细度指标均为直针毛披针毛绒针毛绒毛,相同部位4种类型毛长度的相关性极显著,直针毛细度与披针毛细度相关性极显著(P0.01),绒针毛细度与绒毛细度相关性极显著(P0.01),这种特征使得被毛在整体结构上为实施保温和保护功能奠定基础;同时,黄鼬被毛各性状的保温功能从背部向后趾部呈递减趋势,而保护功能则呈现递增趋势,被毛形态结构性状上的分化与动物机体异温性充分结合,对于黄鼬适应寒冷的森林生态环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

低温胁迫下甘肃黄花烟草愈伤组织的抗氰呼吸   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
继代培养的icotiono rusitoa L.cv.Gansu Yellow Flower)愈伤组织经低温(4℃)处理后,交替途径容量9Valt)和实际运行量(ρVah)均被显著地诱导,同时其电子传递途径也在发生交替变化。低温胁迫开始时以细胞色素途径为主,至第2天时则以交替途径为主,并一直持续到第5天,以后则又转为经细胞色素途径为主,而对照却始终以细胞色素途径为主。经放红菌酮或氯霉素处理后,受低  相似文献   

新疆野苹果(Malus sieversii)属国家二级保护植物, 是栽培苹果的主要祖先之一。它呈片段化残遗分布于亚洲中部干旱区山地。为了探究影响该物种种群遗传变异的主要环境因子及其适应机制, 该研究选取中国新疆伊犁地区、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦分布的10个种群为研究对象, 通过SLAF-seq简化基因组测序获取单核苷酸多态性(SNP)数据。利用ADMIXTURE软件和主成分分析对种群遗传结构进行分型; 利用梯度森林分析和冗余分析评估影响种群遗传变异的主要环境因子; 运用潜在因素混合模型来检测新疆野苹果种群适应局部环境的基因组位点。结果显示: 10个种群可以区分出2个遗传谱系; 谱系A主导东部种群, 谱系B主导西部种群, 而中部种群则出现了两个谱系的交汇; 种群空间遗传结构呈现出沿经度方向上的地理替代格局。气温年较差(bio 07)和气温季节性变化(bio 04)是影响新疆野苹果种群等位基因频率变化的两个最重要环境因子。经注释发现15个环境关联基因位点与植物响应干旱、高盐、冷热等非生物胁迫的很多生理过程相关。综上所述, 新疆野苹果对环境适应的主要压力来自气温条件的变化, 生理适应可能是其响应环境胁迫的主要机制。  相似文献   

低温酶冷适应的分子机制及其在生物技术中的应用   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
低温酶 (cold adaptedenzymes)是指在低温条件下能有效催化生化反应的一类酶。低温酶与中温酶相比有以下特点 :1 .酶的最适反应温度较同功能的中温酶低 0℃~ 3 0℃ ;2 .在较低温度下 (<40℃ ) ,酶的转换数 (Kcat)或生理系数 (Kcat Km)高于来自中温菌中的同类酶 ;3 .低温酶的热稳定性差 ,低温酶主要是由低温微生物 (cold adaptedmicroorganisms)产生的。由于地球表面上存在大量的低温环境使低温微生物分布极为广泛 ,其在生态系统中起着重要作用 ;对低温微生物及其产生的低温酶的冷适…  相似文献   

低温环境下施氏鲟的人工繁殖研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
尹家胜  潘为志  孙大江 《生态学报》2001,21(10):1741-1744
施氏鲟天然繁殖水温为16-19℃,在8-14℃水温中进行人工繁殖,获得成功,催产率85%,在低温环境(8-14℃)中催产,效应时间内水温基本稳定或升高是催产成功的关键,而温度高低与催化成功率没有明显关系。在低温环境中,催产的效应时间大幅度延长,卵母细胞游离速度十分缓慢,应多次少量注射激素,催产才能完全成功,催产激素剂量以怀卵量计算效果较佳;卵化积温非常数。神经胚期胚胎在水温低于11时畸形死亡,孵出期胚胎在水温达13℃才能正常破膜,其它时期胚胎在8.5℃水温中能正常发育。  相似文献   

以BTAM428(高抗)和ICS-12B(高感)及二者杂交的F2代为试材,对其形态及组织结构进行研究。结果表明:抗感品种形态及组织结构上均有差异。在抗蚜高粱品系的气孔数目多于感蚜品系;其下表皮的表皮蜡质比感蚜的致密;维管束的直径则小于感性的。  相似文献   

黄羊消化道形态和结构的特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
研究了51副黄羊消化道的形态结构特征。腮腺(g)占体重(kg)的比率为1.035,整个胃组织重占体重的比率为2.74%~2.89% , 瘤胃最大,占整个胃组织重量的72%~76%,其次是网胃(9%~10%)、皱胃(8%~10%)和瓣胃(5%~6%),除瘤胃与体重呈线性正相关外,其它3个分胃与体重呈线性负相关,瘤胃表面扩张系数(SEF)值为8.52,瘤胃粘膜乳突密度为89,整个肠道长度是体长的17.8倍,肠重占体重的比率为4.96%,从消化道的形态结构特征分析,黄羊属于混饲者。  相似文献   

采用解剖及石蜡切片显微技术,观察研究了光唇鱼消化道的形态结构特征。消化道由口咽腔、食道、肠构成。口下位、马蹄形,无颌齿,具咽齿,齿式为4/4。舌较小,前端游离,舌粘膜表层为复层鳞状上皮,有较多的杯状细胞和味蕾。食道及肠均由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层及外膜构成。食道内皱襞发达,粘膜层有大量杯状细胞。肠道盘曲,由前、中、后肠组成,肠长/体长为1.84±0.24;前肠管腔较大,中、后肠管腔渐变小;前、中肠皱襞及纹状缘比后肠发达;前肠及后肠杯状细胞较少,中肠杯状细胞较多。光唇鱼消化道的形态结构特征与其食性相适应。  相似文献   


Morphological and histological features of the integument of 2 Hooker’s sea lions, obtained dead in February, were examined. In a 3- week-old pup there were 7 rows of mystacial vibrissae, comprising 40 on the left side of the muzzle and 38 on the right. In the skin of the torso the guard hairs were in the quiescent phase of their growth cycle. In a 2½-year-old specimen a moult was imminent; guard hairs in quiescent follicles were about to be displaced by fibres in developing follicles. Histological features of the older sea lion, which may have been age-related, were coarser collagen bundles in the reticular layer of the dermis and a greater number of secondary follicles. In guard hair follicles of both animals the sweat gland duct opened above the sebaceous gland duct.  相似文献   

Identifying mechanisms of adaptation to variable environments is essential in developing a comprehensive understanding of evolutionary dynamics in natural populations. Phenotypic plasticity allows for phenotypic change in response to changes in the environment, and as such may play a major role in adaptation to environmental heterogeneity. Here, the plasticity of stress response in Drosophila melanogaster originating from two distinct geographic regions and ecological habitats was examined. Adults were given a short‐term, 5‐day exposure to combinations of temperature and photoperiod to elicit a plastic response for three fundamental aspects of stress tolerance that vary adaptively with geography. This was replicated both in the laboratory and in outdoor enclosures in the field. In the laboratory, geographic origin was the primary determinant of the stress response. Temperature and the interaction between temperature and photoperiod also significantly affected stress resistance. In the outdoor enclosures, plasticity was distinct among traits and between geographic regions. These results demonstrate that short‐term exposure of adults to ecologically relevant environmental cues results in predictable effects on multiple aspects of fitness. These patterns of plasticity vary among traits and are highly distinct between the two examined geographic regions, consistent with patterns of local adaptation to climate and associated environmental parameters.  相似文献   

Morphological plasticity in scleractinian corals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
When describing coral shape and form the term phenotypic plasticity, i.e. environment-induced changes in morphology, is often used synonymously with intraspecific variation. Variation, however, may simply be due to genetic differentiation (polymorphism). Of the 1314 extant scleractinian coral species, less than 20 have been tested for plastic responses. Morphological plasticity has important implications for coral identification, as skeletal features used in coral systematics are directly affected by environment. Furthermore, plastic changes can indicate how corals acclimatise to environmental change. The studies that have examined phenotypic plasticity in corals experimentally can be divided into two groups, i.e. 'non-clonal'—those that have transplanted whole colonies or fragments of colonies (but not treated the fragments as clones) to new environments, and 'clonal'—those that have transplanted colony fragments and used them as clone-mates. The use of clone-mates is preferable as it facilitates the identification of among-genotype variation for plasticity. The heterogeneous nature of the reef environment makes identifying the parameters that affect coral morphology difficult in the field, but there are also many problems conducting suitable aquarium experiments. Nevertheless, evidence to date suggests light and water movement are the most important variables inducing change. As these factors are known to be axiomatic to coral growth, it is possible that associated plastic changes in corals are adaptive; however, this hypothesis is yet to be tested rigorously.  相似文献   

本文比较了不同发育阶段黑水虻Hermetia illucens消化道的形态学差异,掌握了幼虫消化系统的组织学特征。利用体视镜观察黑水虻5龄幼虫、预蛹及成虫的消化道形态,利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察幼虫消化道各段(前肠、中肠、后肠)的显微及超微结构。结果表明:黑水虻幼虫及预蛹的消化道均由前肠(食道和前胃)、中肠及后肠组成,从幼虫到成虫,消化道的长度不断缩短。与幼虫和预蛹相比,成虫消化道形态变化明显,前胃消失,出现了嗉囊及胃盲囊,中肠进一步缩短,后肠分化为回肠、结肠和直肠。组织学观察结果显示,幼虫的唾液腺开口于口腔,由膨大的管状腺体和腺管组成。食道由特化为角质刺突的内膜层及发达的肌层组成,其末端延伸至前胃。前胃膨大为球状,包括三层组织结构。根据上皮细胞形态的差异,中肠可分为四个区段。后肠薄,肠腔内褶丰富,肠壁可见数量较多的杆状细菌。马氏管开口于中、后肠交界处,包括4支盲管,管内壁密布微绒毛。黑水虻消化道形态随发育阶段的变化,反映了各阶段摄食及消化生理的差异。幼虫消化道各段具有各自典型的组织学特征,其前、中、后肠可能分别承担了食物接纳与初步消化、消化与吸收以及重吸收功能。本研究结果为进一步了...  相似文献   

We investigated morphological adaptations to aquatic life within animals that exhibit a structurally simple, elongate body form, i.e., snakes. This linear body plan should impose different biomechanical constraints than the classical streamlined body shape associated with propulsion by fins, feet, or wings. Our measurements of general body shape of terrestrial, amphibious, and marine snakes (all from the same phylogenetic lineage, the Elapidae) show that seasnakes display specialized morphological attributes for life in water. Most notably, the cross‐sectional body shape is circular in terrestrial snakes but dorso‐ventrally elongated in seasnakes (due to a prominent ventral keel); amphibious species (sea kraits) exhibit an intermediate shape. The tail of amphibious and marine species (a major propulsive structure during swimming) is higher and thinner than in terrestrial snakes (i.e., paddle‐shaped) but shorter relative to body length. The evolution of a laterally compressed shape has been achieved by an increase in body height rather than a decrease in body width, possibly reflecting selection for more effective propulsive thrust, and for an ability to maintain hydrodynamic efficiency despite the minor bodily distension inevitably caused by prey items and developing offspring. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc  相似文献   

对东方蝾螈Synops orientalis的肝脏进行了组织学观察.结果 如下:东方蝾螈肝脏分为5叶,每叶由许多肝小叶组成.中央静脉位于小叶中央,肝细胞排列成肝细胞索(肝板),以中央静脉为中心向周围呈放射状排列.肝细胞索或肝细胞团之间的间隙为形状不规则、大小不等的肝血窦,窦壁由一层内皮细胞构成,间有枯否氏细胞,其核为细长状,有数目不等突起.肝细胞间有狄氏间隙,肝细胞呈多边形,胞核为圆形或卵圆形.肝实质内有大量色素沉着.并将东方蝾螈肝脏和其他动物肝脏进行了比较.  相似文献   

Batoids differ from other elasmobranch fishes in that they possess dorsoventrally flattened bodies with enlarged muscled pectoral fins. Most batoids also swim using either of two modes of locomotion: undulation or oscillation of the pectoral fins. In other elasmobranchs (e.g., sharks), the main locomotory muscle is located in the axial myotome; in contrast, the main locomotory muscle in batoids is found in the enlarged pectoral fins. The pectoral fin muscles of sharks have a simple structure, confined to the base of the fin; however, little to no data are available on the more complex musculature within the pectoral fins of batoids. Understanding the types of fibers and their arrangement within the pectoral fins may elucidate how batoid fishes are able to utilize such unique swimming modes. In the present study, histochemical methods including succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and immunofluoresence were used to determine the different fiber types comprising these muscles in three batoid species: Atlantic stingray (Dasyatis sabina), ocellate river stingray (Potamotrygon motoro) and cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus). All three species had muscles comprised of two muscle fiber types (slow-red and fast-white). The undulatory species, D. sabina and P. motoro, had a larger proportion of fast-white muscle fibers compared to the oscillatory species, R. bonasus. The muscle fiber sizes were similar between each species, though generally smaller compared to the axial musculature in other elasmobranch fishes. These results suggest that batoid locomotion can be distinguished using muscle fiber type proportions. Undulatory species are more benthic with fast-white fibers allowing them to contract their muscles quickly, as a possible means of escape from potential predators. Oscillatory species are pelagic and are known to migrate long distances with muscles using slow-red fibers to aid in sustained swimming.  相似文献   

Gentamicin is an antibiotic used worldwide for treating Gram-negative bacterial infections. Gentamicin causes nephrotoxicity in up to 25% of therapeutic cases owing to increased production of free radicals. Kiwifruit are nutrient-dense fruits that have proven effective for ameliorating many pathological conditions caused by oxidative stress. We investigated the possible prophylactic and therapeutic effects of kiwifruit on the changes in renal histology and histochemistry caused by gentamicin. Intramuscular injection of mice with gentamicin for 10 consecutive days was nephrotoxic as indicated by epithelial vacuolization, glomerular atrophy and tubular necrosis. Necrotic tubule cells lost most of their polysaccharides and structural proteins. Co-administration of kiwifruit with gentamicin prevented nephrotoxic changes to a modest degree. When administered subsequent to gentamicin intoxication, kiwifruit ameliorated significantly the histological and histochemical alterations caused by gentamicin. Our findings support the use of kiwifruit in cases of acute renal injury due to gentamicin.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic development of the gut and accessory organs in large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea was investigated using light microscopy from hatching up to the juvenile stage (40 days post hatch, dph). At 3 dph (mean ±  s . d ., 4·1 ± 0·1 mm total length, L T), coinciding with the buccopharynx opening, larvae started to feed exogenously, and the gut consisted of a well‐developed buccopharynx, a partially‐differentiated oesophagus and an intestine divided in three regions (anterior intestine, intermediate intestine and rectum). Yolk reserves were not completely depleted at the onset of exogenous feeding, and a period of mixed nutrition was observed up to 6 dph (4·3 ± 0·1 mm L T), when yolk was definitively exhausted. Important morphological changes occurred at the end of the larval period, coinciding with metamorphosis. At 17 dph (6·8 ± 0·6 mm L T), pyloric caeca differentiated at the junction of the pyloric stomach and the anterior intestine. Gastric glands were first observed at 21 dph (9·2 ± 1·2 mm L T), coinciding with the morphological development of the stomach in three different regions (cardiac, fundic and pyloric) according to the histological characteristics of their mucosa. At this age, large longitudinal folds appeared in the median and posterior oesophageal mucosa. These morphological and histological features suggested the achievement of a digestive system characteristic of large yellow croaker juveniles and adults.  相似文献   

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