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Four pigeons responded in a concurrent-schedule procedure in which reinforcer rates and magnitudes changed unpredictably across sessions according to independent random series. Programmed relative reinforcement rates and magnitudes were always either 2:1 or 1:2. Pigeons' response allocation tended to stabilize within sessions and multiple regression analyses showed that it was determined by rates and magnitudes from the current session. Sensitivity coefficients were positive and statistically significant for current-session reinforcement and magnitude ratios. Although there were individual differences in sensitivity to rate and magnitude, their interaction was not significant across subjects. Rate and magnitude both controlled responding in single sessions and individual interreinforcer intervals. Analyses of responding within sessions showed that preference was more extreme when the richer rate and larger magnitude were associated with the same alternative than when they were associated with different alternatives. Overall, results support the concatenated generalized matching law's assumptions of additivity and independence as applied to choice in transition.  相似文献   

Explaining unconditional cooperation, such as donations to charities or contributions to public goods, continues to present a problem. One possibility is that cooperation can pay through developing a reputation that makes one more likely to be chosen for a profitable cooperative partnership, a process termed competitive altruism (CA) or reputation-based partner choice. Here, we show, to our knowledge, for the first time, that investing in a cooperative reputation can bring net benefits through access to more cooperative partners. Participants played a public goods game (PGG) followed by an opportunity to select a partner for a second cooperative game. We found that those who gave more in the PGG were more often selected as desired partners and received more in the paired cooperative game. Reputational competition was even stronger when it was possible for participants to receive a higher payoff from partner choice. The benefits of being selected by a more cooperative partner outweighed the costs of cooperation in the reputation building phase. CA therefore provides an alternative to indirect reciprocity as an explanation for reputation-building behaviour. Furthermore, while indirect reciprocity depends upon individuals giving preference to those of good standing, CA can explain unconditional cooperation.  相似文献   

Voluntary participation in public goods games (PGGs) has turned out to be a simple but effective mechanism for promoting cooperation under full anonymity. Voluntary participation allows individuals to adopt a risk-aversion strategy, termed loner. A loner refuses to participate in unpromising public enterprises and instead relies on a small but fixed pay-off. This system leads to a cyclic dominance of three pure strategies, cooperators, defectors and loners, but at the same time, there remain two considerable restrictions: the addition of loners cannot stabilize the dynamics and the time average pay-off for each strategy remains equal to the pay-off of loners. Here, we introduce probabilistic participation in PGGs from the standpoint of diversification of risk, namely simple mixed strategies with loners, and prove the existence of a dynamical regime in which the restrictions ono longer hold. Considering two kinds of mixed strategies associated with participants (cooperators or defectors) and non-participants (loners), we can recover all basic evolutionary dynamics of the two strategies: dominance; coexistence; bistability; and neutrality, as special cases depending on pairs of probabilities. Of special interest is that the expected pay-off of each mixed strategy exceeds the pay-off of loners at some interior equilibrium in the coexistence region.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that subtle cues of observation affect cooperation even when anonymity is explicitly assured. For instance, recent studies have shown that the presence of eyes increases cooperation on social economic tasks. Here, we tested the effects of cues of observation on trusting behavior in a two-player Trust game and the extent to which these effects are qualified by participants' own attractiveness. Although explicit cues of being observed (i.e., when participants were informed that the other player would see their face) tended to increase trusting behavior, this effect was qualified by the participants' other-rated attractiveness (estimated from third-party ratings of face photographs). Participants' own physical attractiveness was positively correlated with the extent to which they trusted others more when they believed they could be seen than when they believed they could not be seen. This interaction between cues of observation and own attractiveness suggests context dependence of trusting behavior that is sensitive to whether and how others react to one's physical appearance.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of two different formats of small-sided games (SSGs; 2 vs. 2 and 3 vs. 3) on physiological parameters in youth volleyball players. Twelve youth volleyball players (17.2 ± 7.44 years, 1.89 ± 0.6 m, 72.83 ± 8.57 kg) completed three different games formats (regular game (RG): 6 vs. 6, SSG3: 3 vs. 3 and SSG2: 2 vs. 2). associated with two pitch dimensions (i.e., 2 vs. 2 and 3 vs. 3 on 18 × 4.5 m; 6 vs. 6 on 18 × 9 m). Each player performed 4 × 5 min SSG with a recovery period of 1 min between bouts. All players were members of the same youth team and played in a professional league. They had at least 6 years of volleyball training and no current injuries. This study was carried out during the competitive period. Heart rate (HR), blood lactate ([La]), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured. Compared to RG, physiological (i.e., HR and [La]) and RPE responses were significantly higher during SSG3 and SSG2 (all p < 0.05; ƞp2 = 0.77, ƞp2 = 0.65, ƞp2 = 0.30, respectively). Moreover, HR and RPE were significantly higher in SSG2 compared to SSG3. In contrast, no significant differences were observed in [La] between SSG2 and SSG3. These results suggest that the number of players influences the exercise intensity in small-sided volleyball games in youth players. Therefore, coaches could benefit from incorporating SSGs to manipulate the exercise intensity in youth volleyball players.  相似文献   

The problem of density dependence appears in all approaches to the modelling of population dynamics. It is pertinent to classic models (i.e., Lotka-Volterra's), and also population genetics and game theoretical models related to the replicator dynamics. There is no density dependence in the classic formulation of replicator dynamics, which means that population size may grow to infinity. Therefore the question arises: How is unlimited population growth suppressed in frequency-dependent models? Two categories of solutions can be found in the literature. In the first, replicator dynamics is independent of background fitness. In the second type of solution, a multiplicative suppression coefficient is used, as in a logistic equation. Both approaches have disadvantages. The first one is incompatible with the methods of life history theory and basic probabilistic intuitions. The logistic type of suppression of per capita growth rate stops trajectories of selection when population size reaches the maximal value (carrying capacity); hence this method does not satisfy selective neutrality. To overcome these difficulties, we must explicitly consider turn-over of individuals dependent on mortality rate. This new approach leads to two interesting predictions. First, the equilibrium value of population size is lower than carrying capacity and depends on the mortality rate. Second, although the phase portrait of selection trajectories is the same as in density-independent replicator dynamics, pace of selection slows down when population size approaches equilibrium, and then remains constant and dependent on the rate of turn-over of individuals.  相似文献   

Nutrient conservation in plants and soil fertility may be intricately linked. We studied nitrogen conservation in small Scots pine (Pinus sylvestrisL.) trees growing in stands on organogenic Dystric Histosols and on mineral Podzols. Nitrogen-resorption efficiency (NRE) and proficiency (NRP) of senescent needles, and mean residence time of nitrogen (MRT) were studied in relation to needle surface area, needle longevity, and leaf mass per area (LMA). Trees on Podzols had higher nitrogen concentration in green needles than the trees on Dystric Histosols, but the nitrogen concentration of yellowing needles was similar for trees on both soil types. NRE averaged 65±3.5% (mean±SD) and 56±7.2% for the trees on Podzols and Dystric Histosols, respectively. Neither NRP (0.44±0.05% and 0.35±0.07%, respectively) nor MRT (8.4±2.3 and 6.1±1.2 years) differed significantly between the stands on the two soil types. Mean needle surface area was significantly smaller in trees on Dystric Histosols (76±29 mm2) than on Podzols (131±38 mm2), whereas needle longevity varied between 2 and 4 years independently of the soil type. Trees invested, on average, the same amount of dry matter per unit of needle area on both soil types. Growth of trees, measured as increment of shoot length, was more restricted on Dystric Histosols (55±18 mm yr–1) than on Podzols (184±44 mm yr–1). The results of the correlation analysis applied to pooled data were inconsistent with the relations between traits of stress resistance syndrome observed in inter-specific comparisons. The study indicated that Scots pine trees relocated nitrogen from senescent foliage more efficiently on mineral Podzols than on organogenic Dystric Histosols, but the minimum nitrogen concentration of needles appeared to be similar on both soil types.  相似文献   

为了减少或避免在农林业生产中因土壤、气候不适宜造成的冻害或其它自然灾害造成的不必要的损失,最大限度地利用洞庭湖水系(湖南地区)区域内的气候资源、水热资源以及土壤资源,本文依据洞庭湖水系(湖南地区)区域内89个样本县(市)气象台(站)30年的气候资料及其地貌、土壤等生态环境特性值,采用主分量(PCA)分析的方法,并结合定性分桥,对洞庭湖水系(湖南地区)进行了生态类型区划分的研究,其结果将该区域划分成5个生态类型区,并结合26个主要经济树种草种分布的气候、水热条件、地貌和土壤等生态环境的差异性,对26个树种草种进行了最适宜、适宜、较适宜栽培的生态类型区的选择研究,相应地对各生态类型区进行了主栽树种和辅栽树种的分析。  相似文献   

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