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Summary The plasmid pUB307, a derivative of RP1, is a conjugative, broad-host-range plasmid. We have shown that this element mobilizes gonococcal resistance plasmids from Escherichia coli to Neisseria gonorrhoeae, thus providing evidence that extrachromosomal elements can efficiently enter gonococci by conjugation. Furthermore, pUB307 can also be used as a helper element to mobilize the cloning vector pLES2 into N. gonorrhoeae. This finding significantly increases the usefulness of pLES2 as a shuttle vector between E. coli and gonococcus.  相似文献   



Various typing methods have been developed for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, but none provide the combination of discrimination, reproducibility, portability, and genetic inference that allows the analysis of all aspects of the epidemiology of this pathogen from a single data set. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) has been used successfully to characterize the related organisms Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria lactamica. Here, the same seven locus Neisseria scheme was used to characterize a diverse collection of N. gonorrhoeae isolates to investigate whether this method would allow differentiation among isolates, and to distinguish these three species.  相似文献   

【背景】淋病是我国主要的性传播疾病之一,感染淋病奈瑟菌可促进人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)的传播和感染。目前我国淋病发病人数呈上升趋势,随着多重耐药菌株的出现,亟须研发保护性疫苗来防治淋病的传播和感染。【目的】分析淋病奈瑟菌(Neisseria gonorrhoeae, NG)肽基脯氨酰异构酶(peptidyl-prolyl isomerase, PPIase)蛋白的高级结构和表位,探讨其作为疫苗和分子诊断靶点的潜力。【方法】利用生物信息学软件分析PPIase蛋白的极性、亲水性、柔韧性、表面可及性、二级和三级结构,以及T、B细胞表位等;用pET32a(+)质粒构建PPIase蛋白的原核表达系统并纯化蛋白,用纯化的重组蛋白和超声波破碎的NG全菌抗原分别免疫BALB/c小鼠,收获免疫血清;制备NG全细胞抗原,分别以全细胞抗原酶联免疫吸附试验(enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA)和间接免疫荧光试验检测重组PPIase蛋白血清抗体与NG全细胞表面抗原的结合情况。【结果】生物信息学分析结果显示,...  相似文献   

Resistance to penicillin in non-β-lactamase-producing strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CMRNG strains) is mediated in part by the production of altered forms of penicillin-binding protein 2 (PBP 2) that have a decreased affinity for penicillin. The reduction in the affinity of PBP 2 is largely due to the insertion of an aspartic acid residue (Asp-345a) into the amino acid sequence of PBP 2. Truncated forms of N. gonorrhoeae PBP 2, which differed only by the insertion of Asp-345a, were constructed by placing the region of the penA genes encoding the periplasmic domain of PBP 2 (amino acids 42–581) into an ATG expression vector. When the recombinant PBP 2 molecules were over-expressed in Escherichia coli, insoluble PBP 2 inclusion bodies, which could be isolated by low-speed centrifugation of cell lysates, were formed. These insoluble aggregates were solubilized and the truncated PBP 2 polypeptides were partially purified by cation-exchange chromatography and gel filtration in the presence of denaturant prior to the refolding of the enzyme in vitro. After renaturation, gel filtration was used to separate monomeric soluble PBP 2 from improperly folded protein aggregates and other protein contaminants. A 4-liter culture of induced E. coli cells yielded 1.4 mg of soluble PBP 2 or PBP 2′ (PBP 2 containing the Asp-345a insertion), both of which were estimated to be 99% pure. The affinity of soluble PBP 2′ for [3H]penicillin G was decreased fourfold relative to that of soluble PBP 2, and their affinities were found to be identical to the affinities of the full-length PBP 2 enzymes that were previously determined in N. gonorrhoeae membranes. Furthermore, soluble PBP 2 displayed a rank order of affinity for several other β-lactam antibiotics that was consistent with the rank order of affinities previously reported for the native molecules. On the basis of these results, both of these soluble PBPs should be suitable for crystallization and X-ray crystallographic analysis.  相似文献   

The putative clindamycin resistance region of the Bacteroides fragilis R plasmid pBF4 was cloned in the vector R300B in Escherichia coli. This 3.8-kb EcoRI D fragment from pBF4 expressed noninducible tetracycline resistance in E. coli under aerobic but not anaerobic growth conditions. The fragment does not express tetracycline resistance in Bacteroides, a strict anaerobe. The separate tetracycline resistance transfer system in the Bacteroides host strain V479-1 has no homology to the cryptic determinant on pBF4. In addition, this aerobic tetracycline resistance determinant is not homologous to the three major plasmid mediated tetracycline resistance regions found in facultative gram-negative bacteria, represented by R100, RK2, and pBR322. A similar cryptic tetracycline resistance fragment was cloned from pCP1, a separate clindamycin resistance plasmid from Bacteroides that shares homology with the EcoRI D fragment of pBF4. This study identifies cryptic drug resistance determinants in Bacteroides that are expressed when inserted into an aerobically growing organism.  相似文献   

The outer membrane proteins of Neisseria gonorrhoeae are specifically labeled by use of 1,3,4,6-tetrachloro-3α,6α-diphenyl glycoluril (Iodo-Gen) and 125I under the conditions described in this report. Use of this procedure with whole cells of N. gonorrhoeae produces a clear labeling pattern which can be visualized by electrophoretic separation of the proteins, followed by autoradiography. Electrophoretograms reveal some 70 polypeptide bands, while autoradiograms reveal only 5 or 6 labeled bands. The labeled polypeptide bands correspond to isolated outer membrane proteins, the most intensely labeled of which is the principal outer membrane protein. The method described in this report is both specific and gentle, as well as rapid and convenient.  相似文献   



Organisms that are sensitive to nitrofurantoin express a nitroreductase. Since bacterial resistance to this compound results primarily from mutations in the gene encoding nitroreductase, the resulting loss of function of nitroreductase results in a selectable phenotype; resistance to nitrofurantoin. We exploited this direct selection for mutation to study the frequency at which spontaneous mutations arise (transitions and transversions, insertions and deletions).  相似文献   

Polypeptides encoded by the mer operon.   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
HgCl2-induced polypeptides synthesized by Escherichia coli minicells containing recombinant or natural HgR plasmids were labeled with [35S]methionine and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All plasmids examined encoded two heavily labeled, HgCl2-inducible polypeptides of 69,000 and 12,000 daltons. Most plasmids also encoded two additional HgCl2-inducible proteins in the 14,000- to 17,000-dalton range. Antiserum prepared against a purified mercuric ion reductase reacts with the 69,000-dalton polypeptide and a minor 66,000-dalton protein seen in several different HgR minicells. Recombinant plasmids constructed from portions of mer DNA from the IncFII plasmid NR1 were also analyzed in the minicell system. Five HgCl2-inducible polypeptides (69,000, 66,000, 15,100, 14,000, and 12,000 daltons) were synthesized in minicells carrying pRR130, a recombinant derivative containing the EcoRI-H and EcoRI-I restriction fragments of NR1. The EcoRI-H fragment of NR1 encodes the three small mer proteins of 15,100, 14,000, and 12,000 daltons and the amino-terminal 40,000 daltons of the mercuric ion reductase monomer.  相似文献   

A 960-bp ORF potentially encoding a site-specific recombinase has been cloned from Neisseria gonorrhoeae MS11-A. This ORF was designated pivNg on the basis of similarity of the deduced amino acid sequence to the Piv proteins of Moraxella spp. that are site-specific invertases. Southern hybridization and sequence analysis revealed that there were multiple copies of pivNg sequence within the genomes of N. gonorrhoeae strains tested, but not in several other neisserial species. Southern hybridization and sequence analysis further suggested that pivNg sequences may be associated with genomic rearrangements.  相似文献   

GNA1946, a conserved outer membrane lipoprotein from Neisseria meningitidis, has been identified as a candidate antigen for an urgently needed broad-spectrum meningococcal vaccine. It has been predicted to be a periplasmic receptor in the d-methionine uptake ABC transporter system. The crystal structure of GNA1946 was solved by the single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) method to a resolution of 2.25 Å, and it reveals a Venus flytrap-like structure. GNA1946 consists of two globular lobes connected by a hinge region. Surprisingly, the structure showed an l-methionine bound within the cleft between the lobes. A comparison of GNA1946 with two other outer membrane lipoproteins, the l-methionine-binding Tp32 from Treponema pallidum and the dipeptide GlyMet-binding protein Pg110 from Staphylococcus aureus, revealed that although these three proteins share low sequence similarities, there is a high degree of structural conservation and similar substrate-binding frameworks. Our results reveal that GNA1946 is an l-methionine binding lipoprotein in the outer membrane, and should function as an initial receptor for ABC transporters with high affinity and specificity. The GNA1946 structure reported here should provide a valuable starting point for the development of a broad-spectrum meningococcal vaccine.  相似文献   

A variety of bacterial functions are encoded on plasmids, extrachromosomal elements. Examples of plasmid-borne functions are antibiotic production and resistance, degradation of recalcitrant chemicals, virulence factors, and plant symbiotic properties. Several transport systems with diverse functions have recently been found to be carried on plasmids. These systems serve to either accumulate or extrude a compound from a cell. The focus of this review is to present a survey on several of these novel plasmid-borne transport systems emphasizing functions, components, and molecular genetics.  相似文献   

Amylosucrase (ASase, EC is a member of family 13 of the glycoside hydrolases that catalyze the synthesis of an α-(1→4)-linked glucan polymer from sucrose instead of an expensive activated sugar, such as ADP- or UDP-glucose. Transglycosylation reactions mediated by the ASases of Deinococcus geothermalis (DGAS) and Neisseria polysaccharea (NPAS) were applied to the synthesis of salicin glycosides with sucrose serving as the glucopyranosyl donor and salicin as the acceptor molecule. Two salicin glycoside transfer products were detected by TLC and HPLC analyses. The synthesis of salicin glycosides was very efficient with NPAS with a yield of over 90%. In contrast, DGAS specifically synthesized only one salicin transglycosylation product. The transglycosylation products were identified as α-d-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-salicin (glucosyl salicin) and α-d-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-α-d-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-salicin (maltosyl salicin) by NMR analysis. The ratio between donor and acceptor had a significant effect on the type of product that resulted from the transglycosylation reaction. With more acceptors present in the reaction, more glucosyl salicin and less maltosyl salicin were synthesized.  相似文献   

Three independently isolated clones of the obligate methylotrophic bacterium Methylomonas clara (ATCC 31226) were tested for their plasmid content. Strains B45-BE-2 and B45-BE-3 were shown to harbor one class of plasmid molecules each, with molecular sizes of 28 MDa (46 kb) and 10 MDa (16 kb), respectively. Strain B45-BE-1 does not contain extrachromosomal DNA. Restriction maps of plasmid pBE-2 from strain B45-BE-2 and of plasmid pBE-3 from strain B45-BE-3 were established and the smaller plasmid pBE-3 shown to be a linear deletion derivative of plasmid pBE-2. Two other deletions were characterized. When subcloned into the Escherichia coli vector pBR322, plasmid pBE-3 was unable to complement for the polymerase A dependence of the pBR322 replicon. Additional experiments indicate a general failure of the M. clara specific replicon to function in E. coli.  相似文献   






(1)观察组患者治疗总有效率显著高于对照组(98.11% vs 84.00%,P<0.05)。(2)观察组患者疾病总复发率(7.55%)、不良反应总发生率(5.66%)均显著低于对照组(32.00%、40.00%)(均P<0.05)。(3)治疗后,观察组患者IL-2、IFN-γ水平均显著高于对照组(均P<0.05)。(4)103例NG感染合并CA患者中低危型HPV感染率为57.28(59/103),高危型感染率为14.56%(15/103),中危型感染率为5.83%(6/103),混合感染率为22.33%(23/103);同时观察组患者治疗后HPV清除率为83.02%,显著高于对照组的52.00%(P<0.05)。(5)治疗前观察组患者LC数量较正常组显著偏少,胞体较正常组偏小,分布不规则,且多数LC结构不完整,不具备LC典型特征,部分皮损处表皮内无LC,但其真皮内可见到不典型的LC。(6)观察组患者皮损处治疗前LC数量较正常组显著偏少,治疗后LC数量即刻增加,治疗后7 d恢复至基线水平;同时正常组CD1a染色阳性细胞密度为6.48%,显著高于观察组患者治疗前后各时间点(均P<0.05)。




The gene coding for folylpoly-()-glutamate synthetase (FPGS)-dihydrofolate synthetase (DHFS) ofNeisseria gonorrhoeae (Ngo) has been cloned by functional complementation of anEscherichia coli folC mutant (SF4). The sequence encodes a 224-residue protein of 46.4 kDa. It shows 46% identity to theE. coli FPGS-DHFS and 29% identity to the PFGS ofLactobacillus casei. Sequence comparisons between the three genes reveal regions of high homology, including ATP binding sites required for bifunctionality, all of which may be important for FPGS activity. In contrast toL. casei FPGS, theE. coli andNgo enzymes share some additional regions which may be essential for DHFS activity. The products ofNgo folC and flanking genes were monitored by T7 promoter expression. Interestingly, deletion of the upstreamfolI gene, which encodes a 16.5 kDa protein, abolishes the capacity offolC to complementE. coli SF4 to the wild-type phenotype. The ability to complement can be restored byfolI providedin trans. UnlikefolC mutants, gonococcalfolI mutants are viable and display no apparent phenotype. Thus, in contrast toE. coli, Ngo folC is expressed at a sufficiently high level from its own promoter, in the absence of FolI. This study provides the first insights into the genetic complexity of one-carbon metabolism inNgo.  相似文献   

The gene coding for the 3-dehydroquinate synthetase (aroB) of Neisseria gonorrhoeae has been cloned by functional complementation of an Escherichia coli aroB mutant. The aroB gene isolated from a gonococcal plasmid library encodes a 359 amino acid protein with a molecular mass of 38.6 kDa. Alignment of different prokaryotic and eukaryotic aroB gene products reveals an overall identity ranging from 33 to 55%. An open reading frame coding for an aroK homologue is located immediately upstream of aroB. Downstream of aroB a region of inverted repeats and a gene showing high homology to yafJ of E. coli has been identified. Disruption of aroB generates a gonococcal mutant that is unable to grow in the absence of aromatic compounds. Complementation of the mutant with the intact aroB gene intrans indicates that the gene is responsible for the auxotrophic phenotype. In infection assays with AroB-deficient gonococcal strains, binding, entry and short-term survival in epithelial cells is not affected. The aroB gene might be useful as a selectable marker and target for attenuation of a gonococcal live vaccine strain or as a biosafe laboratory strain. Received: 23 September 1997 / Accepted: 19 November 1997  相似文献   

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