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The seminal fluid proteins (SFPs) transferred to mating partners along with sperm often play crucial roles in mediating post‐mating sexual selection. One way in which sperm donors can maximize their own reproductive success is by modifying the partner's (sperm recipient's) post‐copulatory behaviour to prevent or delay re‐mating, thereby decreasing the likelihood or intensity of sperm competition. Here, we adopted a quantitative genetic approach combining gene expression and behavioural data to identify candidates that could mediate such a response in the simultaneously hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum lignano. We identified two putative SFPs—Mlig‐pro46 and Mlig‐pro63—linked to both mating frequency and ‘suck’ frequency, a distinctive behaviour, in which, upon ejaculate receipt, the worm places its pharynx over its female genital opening and apparently attempts to remove the received ejaculate. We, therefore, performed a manipulative experiment using RNA interference‐induced knockdown to ask how the loss of Mlig‐pro46 and Mlig‐pro63 expression, singly and in combination, affects mating frequency, partner suck propensity and sperm competitive ability. None of the knockdown treatments impacted strongly on the mating frequency or sperm competitive ability, but knockdown of Mlig‐pro63 resulted in a significantly decreased suck propensity of mating partners. This suggests that Mlig‐pro63 may normally act as a cue in the ejaculate to trigger recipient suck behaviour and—given that other proteins in the ejaculate have the opposite effect—could be one component of an ongoing arms race between donors and recipients over the control of ejaculate fate. However, the adaptive significance of Mlig‐pro46 and Mlig‐pro63 from a donor perspective remains enigmatic.  相似文献   

One of the various male strategies to prevent or impede female remating is the production of a mating plug that covers the female genital opening or remains inside of the female genital tract after mating. Such structures have been described for many species in many animal taxa; however, in most cases, we know little or nothing about their specific adaptive value. Our investigations demonstrate that females of the dwarf spider species Oedothorax retusus (Westring, 1851) (Linyphiidae, Erigoninae) exhibit a substance on one or both of her paired genital openings only after copulation. We performed double-mating trials and forced the second male to mate into the previously used or unused spermathecal duct of the female by amputating one of his paired male gonopods (pedipalps). Furthermore, to investigate whether the duration of the first mating has an effect on the size and efficiency of the mating plug, we interrupted first matings after either 1 or 3 min, categorized plug size and recorded mating behaviour of subsequent males. The amount of secretion transferred was larger in long compared to short copulations. A long first copulation successfully prevented subsequent males from mating into the used ducts, whereas mating success after short first matings was similar to matings into unused copulatory ducts of the females. The present study demonstrates that a male O. retusus can prevent a rival from transferring sperm into the same spermatheca by applying a mating plug, but only if he mates for long enough.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 574–583.  相似文献   

The morphology of the genital apparatus of two batrachoid species, Opsanus tau and Porichthys notatus , was studied. The anatomical organization of the female reproductive apparatus is similar in both species but differences are observed in the rhythm of gametogenesis with individual oocyte production asynchronous in O. tau and group synchronous in P. notatus. The male reproductive apparatus is similarly organized in the two species, with both showing enlongated testes with an efferent duct system, two main testicular ducts, a common sperm duct, and a pair of multi-channel accessory structures. The sperm transport system consisting of the efferent duct system, main testicular ducts, and sperm duct is more developed in P. notatus and only in this species does it secrete sialoglycoproteins. Male accessory organs also secrete sialoglycoprotein in both species, but they appear more developed in O. tau. Intraspecific variability in development of accessory structures and mucin secretion was also observed between the two male morphs of P. notatus. Type I males, which build nests and perform parental care to eggs and fry, have larger accessory organs and more abundant secretion than type II males, which adopt opportunistic spawning tactics. The possible role played by mucins as components of the seminal fluid, in both species, and their inter-and intraspecific variability are discussed in the light of the reproductive biology and the presence of alternative male mating tactics.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is a pervasive force. One adaptation is the male ability to displace the rivals' sperm that females have stored from previous copulations. In the damselfly, Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis asturica , males with wider aedeagi displace more spermathecal sperm. The present study documents that the same mechanism operates in another damselfly, Hetaerina americana . However, this genital width in both species decreases along the season, but late-emerging females have more sperm displaced than early-emerging females. Because territorial males mated more and were larger in body and genital size than nonterritorial males, late-season females mated with considerably larger males with respect to female size and this produced higher sperm displacement. Assuming female benefits from storing sperm but that such benefit does not prevail if males displace sperm, it is predicted that, along the season, females will mate less and male harassment (in terms of male mating attempts and oviposition duration) will increase. These predictions were corroborated. In H. americana , it was also tested whether spermathecal sperm became less viable along the season. The results obtained did not corroborate this. This is the first evidence indicating that season affects sperm displacement ability and female mating frequency due to changes in male body and genital size.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 815–829.  相似文献   

Mating plugs are male-derived structures that may impede female remating by physically obstructing the female genital tract. Although mating plugs exist in many taxa, the forces shaping their evolution are poorly understood. A male can clearly benefit if his mating plug secures his paternity. It is unclear, however, how plug efficacy can be maintained over evolutionary time in the face of counteracting selection on males' ability to remove any plugs placed by their rivals. Here, I present a game-theory model and a simulation model to address this problem. The models predict that evolutionarily stable levels of mating-plug efficacy should be high when (1) the number of mating attempts per female is low; (2) the sex ratio is male-biased, and (3) males are sperm-limited. I discuss these results in the light of empirical data.  相似文献   

Mating plugs occluding the female gonopore after mating are a widespread phenomenon. In scorpions, two main types of mating plugs are found: sclerotized mating plugs being parts of the spermatophore that break off during mating, and gel‐like mating plugs being gelatinous fluids that harden in the female genital tract. In this study, the gel‐like mating plug of Euscorpius italicus was investigated with respect to its composition, fine structure, and changes over time. Sperm forms the major component of the mating plug, a phenomenon previously unknown in arachnids. Three parts of the mating plug can be distinguished. The part facing the outside of the female (outer part) contains sperm packages containing inactive spermatozoa. In this state, sperm is transferred. In the median part, the sperm packages get uncoiled to single spermatozoa. In the inner part, free sperm is embedded in a large amount of secretions. Fresh mating plugs are soft gelatinous, later they harden from outside toward inside. This process is completed after 3‐5 days. Sperm from artificially triggered spermatophores could be activated by immersion in insect Ringer's solution indicating that the fluid condition in the females' genital tract or females' secretions causes sperm activation. Because of the male origin of the mating plug, it has likely evolved under sperm competition or sexual conflict. As females refused to remate irrespective of the presence or absence of a mating plug, females may have changed their mating behavior in the course of evolution from polyandry to monandry. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the seminal vesicle and reproductive accessory glands was investigated in Bittacidae of Mecoptera using light and transmission electron microscopy. The male reproductive system of Bittacidae mainly consists of a pair of testes, a pair of vasa deferentia, and an ejaculatory sac. The vas deferens is greatly expanded for its middle and medio-posterior parts to form a well-developed seminal vesicle. The seminal vesicle is composed of layers of developed muscles and a mono-layered epithelium surrounding the small central lumen. The epithelium is rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and secretes vesicles and granules into the central lumen by merocrine mechanisms. A pair of elongate mesodermal accessory glands opens into the lateral side of the seminal vesicles. The accessory glands are similar to the seminal vesicle in structure, also consisting of layers of muscle fibres and a mono-layered elongated epithelium, the cells of which contain numerous cisterns of rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and a few Golgi complexes. The epithelial cells of accessory glands extrude secretions via apocrine and merocrine processes. The seminal vesicles mainly serve the function of secretion rather than temporarily storing spermatozoa. The sperm instead are temporarily stored in the epididymis, the greatly coiled distal portion of the vas deferens.  相似文献   

Summary Testes of Lesuerigobius friesii and Gobius bucchichi were studied in adult reproductive fish. During the onset of spermatid development, a peculiar system of alternating rough (RER) and smooth (SER) endoplasmic reticular tubules form rings distally to the cell nucleus. The RER tubules are seen to possess up to 12 ribosomes in cross-section, whereas the SER are strongly electron-dense. Nanotubules connect these stacks of tubules to the developing head and tail of the sperm. With ripening of the sperm these tubules disintegrate within the excessive cytoplasm. It seems likely that these are special forms of Macro-Golgi System that possibly provide protamines for the developing sperm.  相似文献   

Competition between males creates potential for pre‐ and postcopulatory sexual selection and conflict. Theory predicts that males facing risk of sperm competition should evolve traits to secure their reproductive success. If those traits are costly to females, the evolution of such traits may also increase conflict between the sexes. Conversely, under the absence of sperm competition, one expectation is for selection on male competitive traits to relax thereby also relaxing sexual conflict. Experimental evolution studies are a powerful tool to test this expectation. Studies in multiple insect species have yielded mixed and partially conflicting results. In this study, we evaluated male competitive traits and male effects on female costs of mating in Drosophila melanogaster after replicate lines evolved for more than 50 generations either under enforced monogamy or sustained polygamy, thus manipulating the extent of intrasexual competition between males. We found that in a setting where males competed directly with a rival male for access to a female and fertilization of her ova polygamous males had superior reproductive success compared to monogamous males. When comparing reproductive success solely in double mating standard sperm competition assays, however, we found no difference in male sperm defense competitiveness between the different selection regimes. Instead, we found monogamous males to be inferior in precopulatory competition, which indicates that in our system, enforced monogamy relaxed selection on traits important in precopulatory rather than postcopulatory competition. We discuss our findings in the context of findings from previous experimental evolution studies in Drosophila ssp. and other invertebrate species.  相似文献   

We analysed evolutionary diversification and covariation in male genitalia and four mating traits related to sexual selection, i.e. testis size, spermatophore size, copulation duration and post-copulatory guarding duration, in Ohomopterus ground beetles using phylogenetically independent contrasts. Male genital size and mating duration have evolved more rapidly than body size and the other traits studied. Male genital size was negatively correlated with copulation duration, suggesting that elongated male genitalia may enable decreased time investment in a single copulation because it is more effective at facilitating spermatophore deposition. Male genital size was positively correlated with spermatophore size, suggesting coevolution between offensive and defensive male mating tactics because the elongated male genitalia may be advantageous in displacement of rivals' plug-like spermatophores, and decreased mating duration may intensify sperm competition. Thus, the remarkable diversity of male genitalia in Ohomopterus may have been facilitated by the interplay between inter- and intrasexual selection processes.  相似文献   

Zygopterans belonging to the genus Ischnura are unusual amongst damselflies because of the variety of mate guarding techniques employed by males of different species. The lack of post-copulatory guarding combined with lengthy copulations in one group of ischnuran species suggest that these males guard females in copula. An examination of the accessory penes of species in this group indicates that all but one species have considerable microspination on the distal end (the flagella) of their penes that can function in sperm displacement. The flagella of these species are long and thin compared to those of other ischnurans. This is likely an adaptation to gain access to the spermatheca of the female. Two species tandem guard their mates during ovipositing. These species are the only ischnurans missing a stout pair of basal spines on the penultimate segments of their penes. They have considerable microspination over much of their penes but their flagella are of only moderate length and stout. Ischnurans that do not mate guard have short, stout flagella and most species examined from this group (5 of 7) have litde microspination on their flagella tips. It is proposed that females of these species mate only once and therefore their males do not displace sperm.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that both ecological and social factors influence mountain gorilla habitat use. New data on habitat use by a male gorilla and by a group confirm that male mating competition influences short- and long-term habitat use patterns, and show that its influence can supersede that of ecological factors on a long-term basis. When solitary, the male regularly approached and sometimes followed groups. His monthly home range size and equitability of home range use were directly proportional to the number of such interactions per month. His relationships with other groups became more conservative after he gained females, and, contrary to expectations based on metabolic needs, he used a much smaller area. The group considered here gradually expanded its home range and shifted its areas of intensive use throughout a three-year period. It then made a complete home range shift after three dramatic interactions, during which it was temporarily fragmented and two females emigrated. The group shared its home range with many other social units; overlap with most of these decreased after the shift. The degree of overlap and the lack of site fidelity by males and their groups support the argument that transfer is not ecologically costly to mountain gorilla females.  相似文献   

The avoidance of familiar individuals as mates can act to maximizethe benefits of polyandry or might help to minimize inbreedingin small or highly philopatric populations. As previous matesare also familiar, the effects of familiarity and mating historycan often be confounded. Here, we disentangle these effectson mating decisions in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, and examinetheir influence on sexual selection. In 3 experiments, malesand females were 1) able to mate, 2) had visual and olfactorycontact, or 3) had visual contact only. Familiarity was successfullyacquired via visual cues, and females were in all cases morelikely to mate with unfamiliar than with familiar males, indicatingthat familiarity is a more important determinant of mating outcomethan mating history. Males did not court unfamiliar femalesany more than familiar females and did not differentially allocatesperm. Familiarity did not alter the strength of sexual selectionon male coloration: we found overall positive selection forbright, large males. Female preferences for unfamiliar malesand ornamental traits may therefore be largely independent.  相似文献   

Genetic mating systems are expected to vary among and within populations in response to environmental and demographic factors. Despite the fact that mating system variation theoretically can have profound effects on important evolutionary processes such as sexual selection, extensive intraspecific surveys of geographical variation in mating systems are rare. We used microsatellite markers to characterize genetic mating systems of dusky pipefish, Syngnathus floridae , from five populations distributed from the mid-Atlantic Coast to the Western Gulf of Mexico. We also measured a number of environmental and demographic variables to examine correlations between the ecological setting and mating behaviour. Our results show that dusky pipefish are polygynandrous throughout their USA distribution, but they exhibit a wide range of quantitative variation in male mating behaviour. In addition, these five populations varied substantially with respect to environmental and demographic variables, and some of these were significantly correlated with aspects of the genetic mating system. While causal relationships cannot be firmly diagnosed from this type of comparative study, our results do identify several ecological factors, such as water temperature, adult sex ratio, and seagrass biomass, which should be considered in future experimental and comparative work. Overall, this study confirms the expectation that geographical variation in mating systems is widespread and shows that the dusky pipefish is an excellent model for continued research into the factors affecting mating systems in nature.  相似文献   

The ground beetle Leptocarabus procerulus (Chaudoir) possesses seminal substances that have a physical function to form mating plugs and a physiological function to induce female refractory behaviour, which act together to hinder female remating. Little is known about the physiological properties of the substances inducing female refractory behaviour, especially with respect to their secretory organ, dose‐dependency, molecular characteristics and the effect of female maturity. By injecting male‐derived substances into females, substances that induce female refractory behaviour are shown to be produced in the male accessory gland but not in the testis. Injection of extracts from the accessory gland increases the female refractory period at moderate doses but not at lower or higher doses. By contrast, injection of extracts from the testis reduces the female refractory period at high doses. The lack of an effect of accessory gland substances at higher doses could be the result of an anomalous effect of unnaturally large doses of seminal products by direct injection, the toxicity of seminal substances that deter female responses, or counteraction by injected substances that promote female receptivity. The accessory gland substances lose their activity when heated, although the testis substances do not. Females without mature eggs tend to reject mating entirely, although variation in the number of mature eggs (one or more) is not associated with the female refractory period, indicating the limited effect of female reproductive maturity. These findings may help to clarify the physiological basis of the evolution of the elaborated male mating behaviour in L. procerulus.  相似文献   

During the spring emergence of red‐sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in Manitoba, Canada, the operational sex ratio is strongly skewed towards males, who scramble to locate and court newly emerged females. A high frequency of multiple paternity litters suggests that the females are promiscuous; the gelatinous copulatory plugs (CPs) deposited by males may confer fitness benefits via passive mate guarding. Because precopulatory female choice is limited in large mating aggregations, sexual conflict may place a premium on preventing females from ejecting male sperm. In snakes, sperm are produced in the testes and delivered through the ductus deferens, and the CP is thought to be produced by the renal sexual segment and conveyed through the ureter. We manipulated the delivery of the two fluids separately by surgically ligating the ducts. Ureter‐ligated males did not produce a CP, causing their sperm to leak out of the female's cloaca immediately after copulation. Contrary to previous suggestions, histology revealed sperm distributed throughout the CP. Thus, the CP may function as a spermatophore: the protein matrix contains the sperm, which are liberated gradually as the plug dissolves. The likelihood of a male depositing a CP fell significantly after his second mating, perhaps limiting his reproductive success. These results challenge the hypothesis that passive mate guarding is the primary function of the CP in T. sirtalis parietalis. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 893–907.  相似文献   

Evolution of male care is still poorly understood. Using phylogenetically matched-pairs comparisons we tested for effects of territoriality and mating system on male care evolution in fish. All origins of male care were found in pair-spawning species (with or without additional males such as sneakers) and none were found in group-spawning species. However, excluding group spawners, male care originated equally often in pair-spawning species with additional males as in strict pair-spawning species. Evolution of male care was also significantly related to territoriality. Yet, most pair-spawning taxa with male care are also territorial, making their relative influence difficult to separate. Furthermore, territoriality also occurs in group-spawning species. Hence, territoriality is not sufficient for male care to evolve. Rather, we argue that it is the combination of territoriality and pair spawning with sequential polygyny that favours the evolution of male care, and we discuss our results in relation to paternity assurance and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Gobiodon okinawae is a small-sized, obligate coral-dwelling goby. The majority of species in this Indo-Pacific genus exhibit an obligatory association with branching live corals and a number have been shown to be bi-directional hermaphrodites in which adults have the capacity to shift between male and female function. Gonadal histology in G. okinawae demonstrated that all individuals had either an ovotestis or an ovary. Some females had an ovary with vitellogenic oocytes, indicating adult female function. Hermaphrodites having an ovotestis were either functionally male, as evidenced by the presence of spermatozoa or, in one instance, functionally female so judged by the presence of vitellogenic oocytes. No individuals were found to have mature gametes of both sexes, although a number of hermaphrodites had an inactive ovotestis with no mature gametes of either sex. Based on size ranges for fish having different gonad morphologies, individuals in this species appear to develop first as a female. They then either mature and function solely as a female, or become hermaphroditic. Findings based on experimentally maintained individuals suggests that adult hermaphrodites can shift sexual function in either direction. Accessory gonadal structures (AGS) were found in both sexes. These consisted of two fully differentiated pairs of lobes, each compartmentalized internally by lumina and containing PAS+secretions. The secretions of the dorsally located AGS were colloidal while those of the ventrally located AGS were fibrillar and granular in nature. The presence of two sets of AGS among males appears to be characteristic of both Gobiodon and its putative sister genus, Paragobiodon. However, the occurrence of fully developed AGS in both females and males has not previously been reported and may be unique to G. okinawae.  相似文献   

An evolutionary conflict of interest exists between parents and their offspring over the partitioning of parental investment (PI) among siblings. When the direct fitness benefits to offspring of increased PI, outweigh the inclusive fitness costs from lost future sibling fitness, selection should favour the evolution of offspring selfishness over altruism. In theory, this conflict is heightened when females are not strictly monogamous, as current offspring should be less altruistic towards future half-siblings than they would be towards full-siblings. Using data collected on foetal growth rate (representing prenatal PI) in primates, I test the prediction from theory that the resolution of the parent-offspring conflict will be closer to the offspring's evolutionary optima in polyandrous species than in more monandrous species. Using phylogenetic comparative analysis, and controlling for allometry, I show that offspring are able to obtain more PI when the probability of future full-siblings decreases, and that this is most pronounced in taxa where there is the opportunity for direct foetal access to the maternal bloodstream. These results support the hypothesis that the resolution of prenatal PI conflict is influenced by both a species' mating system and by its placental structure.  相似文献   

昆虫性选择行为一直是行为生物学家和进化生物学家所关注的热点。早期对瓢虫性选择行为研究主要集中在非随机性交配模式,随着研究的深入,近些年对瓢虫性选择行为研究取得了许多新成果,包括多次交配的行为机制、性选择的识别机制、精子传送及竞争等。为全面地了解瓢虫性选择行为研究现状,本文总结了瓢虫非随机性交配模式,综述了近十余年对瓢虫性行为及进化的研究成果,同时对瓢虫性选择行为未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

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