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Transgenic Nicotiana tabacum (cv Petit Havana SR1) containing high levels of mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX) protein due to the introduction of a sense transgene(s) of Aox1, the nuclear gene encoding AOX, were used to investigate mechanisms regulating AOX activity. After purification of leaf mitochondria, a large proportion of the AOX protein was present as the oxidized (covalently associated and less active) dimer. High AOX activity in these mitochondria was dependent on both reduction of the protein by DTT (to the noncovalently associated and more active dimer) and its subsequent activation by certain [alpha]-keto acids, particularly pyruvate. Reduction of AOX to its more active form could also be mediated by intramitochondrial reducing power generated by the oxidation of certain tricarboxylic acid cycle substrates, most notably isocitrate and malate. Our evidence suggests that NADPH may be specifically required for AOX reduction. All of the above regulatory mechanisms applied to AOX in wild-type mitochondria as well. Transgenic leaves lacking AOX due to the introduction of an Aox1 antisense transgene or multiple sense transgenes were used to investigate the potential physiological significance of the AOX-regulatory mechanisms. Under conditions in which respiratory carbon metabolism is restricted by the capacity of mitochondrial electron transport, feed-forward activation of AOX by mitochondrial reducing power and pyruvate may act to prevent redirection of carbon metabolism, such as to fermentative pathways.  相似文献   

Capacity of alternative pathway mediated, CN-resistant respirationwas measured in mitochondria isolated from three plant species:Iris bulbs, potato tuber callus and Petunia cells, grown insuspension culture. Succinate, NADH or a combination of succinateand NADH were used as respiratory substrates. In all three plantspecies electrons from exogenous NADH appeared to have no accessto the alternative pathway connected with succinate mediatedrespiration and vice versa. Therefore, besides a (functional)compartmentation of Q-pools a compartmentation of alternativepathways in plant mitochondria is proposed as well. (Received October 19, 1985; Accepted January 29, 1986)  相似文献   

In Arum and soybean (Glycine max L.) mitochondria, the dependence of the alternative oxidase activity on the redox level of ubiquinone, with NADH and succinate as substrates, was studied, using a voltametric procedure to measure the ubiquinone redox poise in the mitochondrial membrane. The results showed that when the enzyme was activated by pyruvate the relationship between the alternative oxidase rate and the redox state of the ubiquinone pool was the same for both NADH and succinate oxidations. In the absence of pyruvate the alternative oxidase had an apparent lower affinity for ubiquinol. This was more marked with NADH than with succinate and was possibly due to pyruvate production during succinate oxidation or to an activation of the alternative oxidase by succinate itself. In Arum spadix (unlike soybean cotyledon) mitochondria, succinate oxidation via the alternative oxidase maintained the ubiquinone pool in a partially reduced state (60%), whereas NADH oxidation kept it almost completely reduced. Previous data comparing mitochondria from thermogenic and nonthermogenic tissues have not examined the full range of ubiquinone redox levels in both tissues, leading to the suggestion that the activity of alternative oxidase for Arum was different from nonthermogenic tissues. When the complete range of redox states of ubiquinone is used and the oxidase is fully activated, the alternative oxidase from thermogenic tissue (Arum) behaves similarly to that of nonthermogenic tissue (soybean).  相似文献   

We have investigated the influence of stress conditions such as incubation at 4°C and incubation in hyperoxygen atmosphere, on plant tissues. The ubiquinone (Q) content and respiratory activity of purified mitochondria was studied. The rate of respiration of mitochondria isolated from cold-treated green bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L) exceeds that of controls, but this is not so for mitochondria isolated from cold-treated cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L). Treatment with high oxygen does not alter respiration rates of cauliflower mitochondria. Analysis of kinetic data relating oxygen uptake with Q reduction in mitochondria isolated from tissue incubated at 4°C (bell peppers and cauliflowers) and at high oxygen levels (cauliflowers) reveals an increase in the total amount of Q and in the percentage of inoxidizable QH2. The effects are not invariably accompanied by an induction of the alternative oxidase (AOX). In those mitochondria where the AOX is induced (cold-treated bell pepper and cauliflower treated with high oxygen) superoxide production is lower than in the control. The role of reduced Q accumulation and AOX induction in the defense against oxidative damage is discussed.  相似文献   

Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity (PDHC) measured by CO2 release isotopic assay has generally been much lower than activity measured by the spectrophotometric arylamine acetyltransferase assay (ArAT). Decarboxylation of [1-14C]pyruvate was measured in osmotically shocked rat brain cortical mitochondria. Activity is dependent on the concentration of the substrate pyruvate. Activity of 74.6 units +/- 12.3 SD (n = 22) was observed at 4 mM pyruvate (1 unit = 1 nmol pyruvate decarboxylated/min/mg protein). Activity was dependent on added NAD, CoA, and thiamine pyrophosphate, implying increased mitochondrial permeability after osmotic shock. Freeze/thaw with sonication of the mitochondrial preparation reduced PDHC activity to 11.5 units +/- 3.0 SD (n = 4). Oxaloacetate produced a marked stimulation of activity. The optimal assay contained 3 mM oxaloacetate, and without oxaloacetate activity fell to 15.4 units +/- 9.9 SD (n = 8). These studies highlight the importance of optimal substrate concentrations in the CO2 release isotopic PDHC method. Higher PDHC activity is found with intact mitochondria and thus activity values should be interpreted in the light of the presence or absence of intact mitochondria in individual preparations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Changes in the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase [pyruvate: lipoamide oxidoreductase (decarboxylating and acceptor-acetylating), EC, PDH], elicited by inhibition of the phosphorylation of its 40,000 Mrα-subunit, were compared with changes in pyruvate-supported calcium accumulation by rat brain mitochondria. Dichloroacetate (DCA) produces concentration-dependent inhibition of the phosphorylation of intramitochondrial PDH a-subunit, which is accompanied by stimulation of PDH activity and calcium accumulation. DCA did not affect succinate- or ATP-supported mitochondrial calcium accumulation. The concentration of DCA giving half-maximal inhibition of the phosphorylation was almost identical to that giving half-maximal stimulation of PDH activity and calcium accumulation. PDH activity and pyruvate-supported calcium accumulation showed similar dependence on pyruvate concentration with respective apparent affinities for pyruvate of 40 μ m and 30 μ m , and both activities exhibited positive cooperativity. DCA modified only the maximal activity of PDH or the maximal calcium accumulation without changing either the apparent affinities for pyruvate or calcium or the Hill coefficients. These data provide evidence that calcium accumulation by mitochondria is tightly linked to PDH activity and that changes in the phosphorylation of the PDH α-subunit can be reflected in changes in the calcium-buffering ability of mitochondria. This suggests a possible mechanism by which a variety of manipulations, such as repetitive synaptic stimulation, can alter the regulation of internal calcium levels.  相似文献   

The claim that succinate and malate can directly stimulate the activity of the alternative oxidase in plant mitochondria (A.M. Wagner, C.W.M. van den Bergen, H. Wincencjusz [1995] Plant Physiol 108: 1035-1042) was reinvestigated using sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) mitochondria. In whole mitochondria, succinate (in the presence of malonate) and both L- and D-malate stimulated respiration via alternative oxidase in a pH- (and NAD+)-dependent manner. Solubilized malic enzyme catalyzed the oxidation of both L- and D-malate, although the latter at only a low rate and only at acid pH. In submitochondrial particle preparations with negligible malic enzyme activity, neither L- nor D-malate stimulated alternative oxidase activity. However, even in the presence of high malonate concentrations, some succinate oxidation was observed via the alternative oxidase, giving the impression of stimulation of the oxidase. Neither L-malate nor succinate (in the presence of malonate) changed the dependence of alternative oxidase activity on ubiquinone reduction state in submitochondrial particles. In contrast, a large change in this dependence was observed upon addition of pyruvate. Half-maximal stimulation of alternative oxidase by pyruvate occurred at less than 5 [mu]M in submitochondrial particles, one-twentieth of that reported for whole mitochondria, suggesting that pyruvate acts on the inside of the mitochondrion. We suggest that malate and succinate do not directly stimulate alternative oxidase, and that reports to the contrary reflect intra-mitochondrial generation of pyruvate via malic enzyme.  相似文献   

The regulation of electron partitioning between the cytochrome (Cyt) and alternative pathways in soybean (Glycine max L. cv Ransom) mitochondria in the absence of added inhibitors has been studied using the oxygen isotope fractionation technique. This regulation can depend on several factors, including the amount of alternative oxidase protein, the redox status of the alternative oxidase regulatory sulfhydryl-disulfide system, the degree of activation by [alpha]-keto acids, and the concentration and redox state of the ubiquinone pool. We studied electron partitioning onto the alternative pathway in mitochondria isolated from etiolated and light-grown cotyledons and roots to ascertain how these factors interact in different tissues. In light-grown cotyledon mitochondria there is some partitioning to the alternative pathway in state 4, which is increased dramatically by either pyruvate or dithiothreitol. In etiolated cotyledon mitochondria, the alternative pathway shows little ability to compete for electrons with the Cyt pathway under any circumstances. In root mitochondria, control of alternative pathway activity is exercised by both the ubiquinone pool and the regulatory sulfhydryl-disulfide system. In addition, oxygen isotope fractionation by the Cyt and alternative pathways in mitochondria were identical to the fractionation for the respective pathways seen in intact tissue, suggesting that residual respiration is not present in the absence of inhibitors.  相似文献   

Moore AL  Gemel J  Randall DD 《Plant physiology》1993,103(4):1431-1435
The regulation of the pea (Pisum sativum) leaf mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex by respiratory rate and oxidative phosphorylation has been investigated by measuring the respiratory activity, the redox poise of the quinone pool (Q-pool), and mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase (mtPDC) activity under various metabolic conditions. It was found that, under state 4 conditions, mtPDC activity was unaffected by either the addition of succinate, 2-oxoglutarate, or glycine or the overall respiratory rate and redox poise of the Q-pool but was partially inhibited by NADH due to product inhibition. In the presence of ADP significant inactivation of PDC, which was sensitive to oligomycin, was observed with all substrates, apart from pyruvate, suggesting that inactivation was due to ATP formation. Inactivation of PDC by ADP addition was observed even in the presence of carboxyatractyloside, an inhibitor of the ATP/ADP translocator, suggesting that other mechanisms to facilitate the entry of adenylates, in addition to the adenylate carrier, must exist in plant mitochondria.  相似文献   

In soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) axis tissue and light- anddark-grown cotyledons 3 to 9 days of age, increasing amountof alternative oxidase corresponded with the increasing alternativepathway capacity of isolated mitochondria from these tissues.From 9 to 12 days of age, however, little or no change in amountof alternative oxidase occurred in cotyledons even though therewere substantial changes in capacity. This suggests that, whereasalternative oxidase content may be important in determiningthe capacity of the alternative pathway in young cotyledonsand in axis tissue, other factors regulate capacity in oldercotyledons. Both the presence or absence of light and tissuetype (cotyledon or axis) were found to influence the observedpattern on immunoblots of proteins believed to constitute thealternative oxidase. 3Present address: Sandoz Ltd., Agrobiological Research Station,41098 Witterswil, Switzerland (Received March 5, 1990; Accepted July 2, 1990)  相似文献   

The Alternative Oxidase: in vivo Regulation and Function   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract: This review focuses on the biochemical regulation and function of the alternative oxidase in vivo. About 10 years ago, two activation mechanisms were discovered in isolated mitochondria, namely activation by reducing sulfur bonds in the protein and activation by an allosteric effect of pyruvate. It was proposed that plants would have a regulatory mechanism to modify alternative oxidase activity in vivo. However, more recent studies have shown that these two activation mechanisms may not play such an important role in regulation of alternative oxidase activity in vivo after all. Pyruvate and reduction of the sulfide bonds in the protein are definitely required for alternative oxidase activity, but they do not appear to be regulating the activity in vivo.
Despite the energy wasting nature of the alternative oxidase, there was no obvious physiological function for the pathway for many years. It is now more clear that the alternative oxidase can prevent the production of excess reactive oxygen species radicals by stabilizing the redox state of the mitochondrial ubiquinone pool, while allowing continued activity of the citric acid cycle. This may be important under conditions when the NADH supply is relatively high (reductant overflow), or when the cytochrome pathway is restrained. The cytochrome pathway might be inhibited by naturally occurring cyanide, nitric oxide, sulfide, high concentrations of CO2, low temperatures, or by limited phosphate supply.  相似文献   

The kinetics of alternative oxidase (AOX) of Arum italicum spadices and soybean (Glycine max L.) cotyledons were studied both with intact mitochondria and with a solubilized, partially purified enzyme. Ubiquinone analogs were screened for their suitability as substrates and ubiquinol-1 was found to be most suitable. The kinetics of ubiquinol-1 oxidation via AOX in both systems followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, suggesting that the reaction is limited by a single-step substrate reaction. The kinetics are quite different from those previously described, in which the redox state of ubiquinone-10 was monitored and an increase in substrate was accompanied by a decrease in product. The difference between the systems is discussed. Pyruvate is a potent activator of the enzyme and its presence is essential for maximum activity. The addition of pyruvate to the solubilized enzyme increased the maximum initial velocity from 6.2 [plus or minus] 1.3 to 16.9 [plus or minus] 2.8 [mu]mol O2 mg-1 protein min-1 but had little effect on the Michaelis constant for ubiquinol-1, an analog of ubiquinol, which changed from 116 [plus or minus] 73 to 157 [plus or minus] 68 [mu]M. It is concluded that pyruvate (and presumably other keto acids) increases the activity of AOX but does not increase its affinity for its substrate. In agreement with this is the finding that removal of pyruvate (using lactate dehydrogenase and NADH) leads to an 80 to 90% decrease in the reaction rate, suggesting that pyruvate is important in the mechanism of reaction of AOX. The removal of pyruvate from the enzyme required turnover, suggesting that pyruvate is bound to the enzyme and is released during turnover.  相似文献   

Evidence for a mixed population of covalently and noncovalently associated dimers of the cyanide-resistant alternative oxidase protein in plant mitochondria is presented. High molecular mass (oxidized) species of the alternative oxidase protein, having masses predicted for homodimers, appeared on immunoblots when the sulfhydryl reductant, dithiothreitol (DTT), was omitted from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel sample buffer. These oxidized species were observed in mitochondria from soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Ransom), Sauromatum guttatum Schott, and mung bean (Vigna radiata [L.] R. Wilcz). Reduced species of the alternative oxidase were also present in the same mitochondrial samples. The reduced and oxidized species in isolated soybean cotyledon mitochondria could be interconverted by incubation with the sulfhydryl reagents DTT and azodicarboxylic acid bis(dimethylamide) (diamide). Treatment with chemical cross-linkers resulted in cross-linking of the reduced species, indicating a noncovalent dimeric association among the reduced alternative oxidase molecules. Alternative pathway activity of soybean mitochondria increased following reduction of the alternative oxidase protein with DTT and decreased following oxidation with diamide, indicating that electron flow through the alternative pathway is sensitive to the sulfhydryl/disulfide redox poise. In mitochondria from S. guttatum floral appendix tissue, the proportion of the reduced species increased as development progressed through thermogenesis.  相似文献   

The effect of ammonia and calcium on the activity of monoamine oxidase (MAO) was studied. The enzyme activity in nonsynaptic brain mitochondria isolated from the rats treated with ammonium acetate was estimated from the release of H2O2using spectrophotometry. The effect of calcium on MAO was assayed directly after adding Ca2+to the nonsynaptic mitochondria isolated from the forebrain of control rats. Both ammonium acetate injectionin vivoand Ca2+additionin vitrostimulated the activity of MAO A but not that of MAO B in mitochondria. This is the first evidence for ammonia and Ca2+regulation of MAO A in the forebrain nonsynaptic mitochondria and for their contribution to oxidative stress in the neurons via MAO A activation.  相似文献   

植物线粒体不仅含有细胞色素C呼吸途径相关蛋白,也包括交替氧化酶(抗氰交替途径)和解偶联蛋白(解偶联途径),这些途径中的蛋白都直接影响植物线粒体能量代谢。本文介绍了交替氧化酶和解偶联蛋白在植物线粒体能量代谢中的作用及其相互关系的研究进展。  相似文献   

The steady-state activity of the two quinol-oxidizing pathways of Acanthamoeba castellanii mitochondria, the phosphorylating cytochrome pathway (i.e. the benzohydroxamate(BHAM)-resistant respiration in state 3) and the alternative oxidase (i.e. the KCN-resistant respiration), is shown to be fixed by ubiquinone (Q) pool redox state independently of the reducing substrate (succinate or exogenous reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)), indicating that the active Q pool is homogenous. For both pathways, activity increases with the Q reduction level (up to 80%). However, the cytochrome pathway respiration partially inhibited (about 50%) by myxothiazol decreases when the Q reduction level increases above 80%. The decrease can be explained by the Q cycle mechanism of complex III. It is also shown that BHAM has an influence on the relationship between the rate of ADP phosphorylation and the Q reduction level when alternative oxidase is active, and that KCN has an influence on the relationship between the alternative oxidase activity and the Q reduction level. These unexpected effects of BHAM and KCN observed at a given Q reduction level are likely due to functional connections between the two pathways activities or to protein–protein interaction.  相似文献   

Suspension cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Bright Yellow) were used to investigate signals regulating the expression of the nuclear gene Aox1 encoding the mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX) protein responsible for cyanide-resistant respiration in plants. We found that an increase in the tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediate citrate (either after its exogenous supply to cells or after inhibition of aconitase by monofluoroacetate) caused a rapid and dramatic increase in the steady-state level of Aox1 mRNA and AOX protein. This led to a large increase in the capacity for AOX respiration, defined as the amount of salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive O2 uptake by cells in the presence of potassium cyanide. The results indicate that citrate may be an important signal metabolite regulating Aox1 gene expression. A number of other treatments were also identified that rapidly induced the level of Aox1 mRNA and AOX capacity. These included short-term incubation of cells with 10 mM acetate, 2 [mu]M antimycin A, 5 mM H2O2, or 1 mM cysteine. For some of these treatments, induction of AOX occurred without an increase in cellular citrate level, indicating that other signals (possibly related to oxidative stress conditions) are also important in regulating Aox1 gene expression. The signals influencing Aox1 gene expression are discussed with regard to the potential function(s) of AOX to modulate tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolism and/or to prevent the generation of active oxygen species by the mitochondrial electron transport chain.  相似文献   

External NADH and succinate were oxidized at similar rates by soybean (Glycine max) cotyledon and leaf mitochondria when the cytochrome chain was operating, but the rate of NADH oxidation via the alternative oxidase was only half that of succinate. However, measurements of the redox poise of the endogenous quinone pool and reduction of added quinones revealed that external NADH reduced them to the same, or greater, extent than did succinate. A kinetic analysis of the relationship between alternative oxidase activity and the redox state of ubiquinone indicated that the degree of ubiquinone reduction during external NADH oxidation was sufficient to fully engage the alternative oxidase. Measurements of NADH oxidation in the presence of succinate showed that the two substrates competed for cytochrome chain activity but not for alternative oxidase activity. Both reduced Q-1 and duroquinone were readily oxidized by the cytochrome oxidase pathway but only slowly by the alternative oxidase pathway in soybean mitochondria. In mitochondria isolated from the thermogenic spadix of Philodendron selloum, on the other hand, quinol oxidation via the alternative oxidase was relatively rapid; in these mitochondria, external NADH was also oxidized readily by the alternative oxidase. Antibodies raised against alternative oxidase proteins from Sauromatum guttatum cross-reacted with proteins of similar molecular size from soybean mitochondria, indicating similarities between the two alternative oxidases. However, it appears that the organization of the respiratory chain in soybean is different, and we suggest that some segregation of electron transport chain components may exist in mitochondria from nonthermogenic plant tissues.  相似文献   

After isolation of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaf mitochondria, alternative oxidase (AOX) is predominantly present as the disulfide-linked, less-active “oxidized” form. In an in organello assay, significant AOX activity was dependent upon both the reduction of the regulatory disulfide bond (such as occurs by dithiothreitol) and upon the presence of the activator pyruvate. However, AOX activity in these assays was substantially affected when mitochondria were isolated in the presence of pyruvate. First, pyruvate protects against the oxidation of the regulatory sulfhydryl during isolation, such that subsequent in organello AOX activity is not dependent upon dithiothreitol. Second, pyruvate stabilizes AOX activity, such that mitochondria kept in the presence of pyruvate have higher maximum rates of AOX activity than mitochondria kept for some time in the absence of pyruvate. The ability of pyruvate to protect against AOX oxidation was exploited to assess the in vivo status of the regulatory sulfhydryl/disulfide system. In both tobacco suspension cells and tobacco leaves with high levels of AOX protein, the protein is predominantly present as the “reduced” active form in vivo under a range of respiratory conditions. Experiments also indicate that, while the presence of reduced protein may be a necessary prerequisite for significant AOX activity, it is not sufficient for activity and other factors must also be critical.  相似文献   

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