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Arabidopsis, a useful weed   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
E M Meyerowitz 《Cell》1989,56(2):263-269

A new isochroman derivative named pseudodeflectusin was isolated from a culture broth of Aspergillus pseudodeflectus. The structure was determined by spectroscopic means as 9-hydroxy-7-methyl-2-(methylethylidine)-furano[3,2-H]isochroman-3-one. This compound exhibited cytotoxicity for several human cancer cell lines from the stomach (NUGC-3), cervix (HeLa-S3), and peripheral blood (HL-60), but did not affect those from the lung (A549) or colon (DLD-1). The LD50 value of this compound for HL-60 cells was 39 microM.  相似文献   

The sea urchin sperm nucleus rapidly loses its conoid morphology and becomes more voluminous and spherical upon its entry into the egg cytoplasm during fertilization. This investigation has attempted to determine what are the structural constraints placed upon the sperm nucleus, so that further investigations might determine the egg cytoplasmic factors that are responsible for modifying nuclear morphology. Isolated sperm nuclei were subjected to various extraction procedures in order to remove the majority of the proteins (histones) and also the DNA; subsequently, the residual structures were processed for and examined by electron microscopy. The data presented in this investigation demonstrate the removal of the sperm nuclear histones plus other nonhistone proteins has no effect on the conoid morphology of the sperm nucleus, yet this protein removal has a profound effect on the structure of the nuclear chromatin. It is also shown that removal of the majority of the nuclear DNA has no effect on the shape of the sperm nucleus. These results indicate that there are other components (possibly a nuclear matrix) associated with the sperm nucleus that are responsible for maintaining its conoid morphology.  相似文献   

C A Gabel  E M Eddy  B M Shapiro 《Cell》1979,18(1):207-215
Sea urchin and mouse sperm that are labeled on their surfaces with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC), tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate (TMRTC) or 125I-diiodofluorescein isothiocyanate (125IFC) remain viable and can fertilize eggs. When sea urchin eggs were fertilized with 125IFC-labeled sperm, the radioactivity from the sperm was quantitatively transferred to the egg (at a ratio of one sperm equivalent per egg) and persisted in the embryo as it developed to the pluteus larval state (5 days at 12 degrees C). The radioactivity was acid-precipitable and was associated with the particulate fraction of embryo homogenates. In addition, FITC-labeled sea urchin sperm were used to fertilize eggs, and the labeled components were followed by fluorescence microscopy. In the embryo, labeled sperm components were present as a discrete patch that was partitioned unequally during early cleavages. In experiments using mouse sperm labeled with TMRTC, the labeled sperm components were also transferred to the embryo as a discrete patch that was again distributed unequally after cleavage. This physiological cell fusion system therefore has distinctive characteristics: there is limited lateral mobility of surface components, which have a low turnover rate unlike that see in other systems. In this paper, we discussed the possible morphogenetic role of this unusual behavior.  相似文献   

The isolation of iodorganic compounds from the Black Sea red alga Phyllophora nervosa and its by-products obtained from industrial treatment was investigated. The algal biomass was pressed to remove alkali, subjected to 5-10 min treatment with 11-12% sodium hydrate, and drying at 125-130 degrees C and washed to yield 95% iodine and over 80% proteins. Iodine was found to be bound with protein of Phyllophora. Properties of the isolated iodine-peptide fractions were studied.  相似文献   


Pereskia aculeata Miller (Cactaceae) is an invasive alien shrub introduced into South Africa from Brazil. The leaf-feeding beetle, Phenrica guerini Bechyne (Chrysomelidae), was released as a biological control agent in South Africa in 1991 followed by the stem-wilting bug, Catorhintha schaffneri Brailovsky & Garcia (Coreidae), in 2014. This study investigated the interactions between the two agents under laboratory conditions. Potted plants were exposed to one of four treatments: control (no agents), P. guerini only, C. schaffneri only and both species together. Four densities, ranging from 2 to 12 insects per plant were used. Cathorhitha schaffneri alone at low to moderate densities resulted in the same reduction in number of leaves and shoot length as when combine with P. guerini. At the highest density, C. schaffneri reduced the number of leaves significantly more than any treatment. Mortality of P. guerini was significantly higher than C. schaffneri at the highest density when in combination. The antagonistic interaction between P. guerini and C. schaffneri suggests that these agents should not be released together because this would impact negatively on the overall biocontrol programme against P. aculeata. It is recommended that C. schaffneri should be released at sites where P. guerini is not present. Extrapolation of laboratory-based studies into the field is often challenging, so mass-rearing and releases of P. guerini should continue until there is convincing proof that C. schaffneri alone is more effective than P. guerini in the field.  相似文献   

Chapman H  Robson B  Pearson ML 《Heredity》2004,92(3):182-188
Understanding the breeding system and population genetic structure of invasive weed species is important for biocontrol, and contributes to our understanding of the evolutionary processes associated with invasions. Hieracium lepidulum is an invasive weed in New Zealand, colonising a diverse range of habitats including native Nothofagus forest, pine plantations, scrubland and tussock grassland. It is competing with native subalpine and alpine grassland and herbfield vegetation. H. lepidulum is a triploid, diplosporous apomict, so theoretically all seed is clonal, and there is limited potential for the creation of variation through recombination. We used intersimple sequence repeats (ISSRs) to determine the population genetic structure of New Zealand populations of H. lepidulum. ISSR analysis of five populations from two regions in the South Island demonstrated high intrapopulation genotypic diversity, and high interpopulation genetic structuring; PhiST = 0.54 over all five populations. No private alleles were found in any of the five populations, and allelic differentiation was correlated to geographic distance. Cladistic compatibility analysis indicated that both recombination and mutation were important in the creation of genotypic diversity. Our data will contribute to any biocontrol program developed for H. lepidulum. It will also be a baseline data set for future comparisons of genetic structure during the course of H. lepidulum invasions.  相似文献   

One sperm fusing with one egg is requisite for successful fertilization; additional sperm fusions are lethal to the embryo. Because sperm usually outnumber eggs, evolution has selected for mechanisms that prevent this polyspermy by immediately modifying the egg extracellular matrix. We focus here on the contribution of cortical granule contents in the sea urchin block to polyspermy to begin to understand how well this process is conserved. We identified each of the major constituents of the fertilization envelope in two species of seaurchins, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and Lytechinus variegatus, that diverged 30 to 50 million years ago. Our results show that the five major structural components of the fertilization envelope, derived from the egg cortical granules, are semiconserved. Most of these orthologs share sequence identity and encode multiple low-density lipoprotein receptor type A repeats or CUB domains but at least two contain radically different carboxy-terminal repeats. Using a new association assay, we also show that these major structural components are functionally conserved during fertilization envelope construction. Thus, it seems that this population of female reproductive proteins has retained functional motifs while gaining significant sequence diversity-two opposing paths that may reflect cooperativity among the proteins that compose the fertilization envelope.  相似文献   

Shahid Shaukat  S.  Siddiqui  Imran A.  Khan  Ghazala H.  Zaki  M.J. 《Plant and Soil》2002,245(2):239-247
Argemone mexicana L. (Papaveraceae), a tropical annual weed, is phytotoxic to many crop species. This study was designed to examine the allelochemical and nematicidal potential of A. mexicana and to better understand the role of this weed in the ecosystem. A methanol-soluble extract of the leaf material caused greater juvenile mortality of Meloidogyne javanica than did ethyl acetate or hexane extracts indicating the polar nature of the toxins. Decomposing tissues of A. mexicana in soil at 50 g kg–1 were highly deleterious causing 80% mortality of tomato plants. At 10 g kg–1 plant growth was enhanced, while at 30 g kg–1 plant growth was substantially retarded. M. javanica population densities in the rhizosphere and in roots, and gall formation were significantly suppressed when 10, 30 or 50 g kg–1 A. mexicana was allowed to decompose in the soil. To establish whether decomposition was necessary to produce phytotoxic symptoms, or whether the shoot extract alone could interfere with plant growth, an aqueous shoot extract was applied to soil. Whereas a 50% extract promoted plant growth, a 100% (100 g/500 mL distilled water) concentration significantly reduced plant height, and fresh weights of shoot and root. In general, decomposing plant material caused greater phytotoxicity compared to the aqueous extract. Addition of N as NH4NO3 partially alleviated the phytotoxic action of A. mexicana,and also reduced severity of root-knot disease. Adding Pseudomonas aeruginosa to soil amended with A. mexicana resulted in decreased density of M. javanicain the rhizosphere and in tomato roots, suppressed galling rates and enhanced plant growth.  相似文献   

  1. Growth of the floating aquatic weed, Salvinia, in sterile culture was exponential for at least 2 weeks under standardized conditions.
  2. Increase in light intensity or in CO2 resulted in increases in growth rate, but did not extend the exponential period of growth.
  3. This aquatic plant, like many others, discriminates against calcium relative to strontium.
  4. In culture Salvinia exhibited luxury consumption of N and P.
  5. Because of high C/N ratios, Salvinia may not be a favorable source of animal food, but might be useful in nutrient removal schemes.
  6. In sterile culture, S. molesta produced fewer leaves than S. minima, but maintained a significant increase in leaf area and dry weight. This may be correlated with the ability of the first species to rapidly spread over tropical waterways.

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of RNA from Paracentrotus lividus embryos has shown this material to contain five RNA components of small molecular weight. The components are synthesized early in sea urchin development, simultaneously with tRNA and heterodisperse RNA. After the blastula stage, when synthesis of ribosomal RNA is activated, the labeling incorporated into small molecular weight RNA components constitutes a relatively decreasing proportion of the total labeling in RNA. When labeling is performed prior to the blastula stage, three of the small molecular weight RNA components are labeled to a similar or greater extent than “5” S RNA and the 26-ass RNA. The gel electrophoretic mobilities of the small molecular weight RNA components have been compared with those in Ehrlich ascites cells and found to be different.  相似文献   

Sea urchin coelomocytes represent an excellent experimental model system for studying retrograde flow. Their extreme flatness allows for excellent microscopic visualization. Their discoid shape provides a radially symmetric geometry, which simplifies analysis of the flow pattern. Finally, the nonmotile nature of the cells allows for the retrograde flow to be analyzed in the absence of cell translocation. In this study we have begun an analysis of the retrograde flow mechanism by characterizing its kinetic and structural properties. The supramolecular organization of actin and myosin II was investigated using light and electron microscopic methods. Light microscopic immunolocalization was performed with anti-actin and anti-sea urchin egg myosin II antibodies, whereas transmission electron microscopy was performed on platinum replicas of critical point-dried and rotary-shadowed cytoskeletons. Coelomocytes contain a dense cortical actin network, which feeds into an extensive array of radial bundles in the interior. These actin bundles terminate in a perinuclear region, which contains a ring of myosin II bipolar minifilaments. Retrograde flow was arrested either by interfering with actin polymerization or by inhibiting myosin II function, but the pathway by which the flow was blocked was different for the two kinds of inhibitory treatments. Inhibition of actin polymerization with cytochalasin D caused the actin cytoskeleton to separate from the cell margin and undergo a finite retrograde retraction. In contrast, inhibition of myosin II function either with the wide-spectrum protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine or the myosin light chain kinase-specific inhibitor KT5926 stopped flow in the cell center, whereas normal retrograde flow continued at the cell periphery. These differential results suggest that the mechanism of retrograde flow has two, spatially segregated components. We propose a "push-pull" mechanism in which actin polymerization drives flow at the cell periphery, whereas myosin II provides the tension on the actin cytoskeleton necessary for flow in the cell interior.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the use of woven black polypropylene weed control mat in ecological restoration. At a 6.5‐ha area of fertile Vertosol soil ex‐farmland near Perth, Western Australia, concerted efforts to control weed using conventional methods such as herbicides, fire and cultivation proved ineffective. After 5 years, weeds still dominated the site, and native plant establishment was poor. Small‐scale preliminary trials of various weed suppression coverings were then undertaken, with plastic weed mat the most cost‐effective in overcoming the weed threshold, permitting native tree seedling establishment. In a larger‐scale trial of weed mat over the whole site, weeds were controlled and high levels of native plant establishment achieved, with a diverse range of understorey, midstorey and overstorey species providing 56% projected foliage cover. This ensured that completion criteria were finally satisfied. These results suggest that weed mat may be effective for weed control in large‐scale restoration where conventional methods have failed, as long as ultimate removal or decomposition and other issues are addressed.  相似文献   

X Qi  W Mao  Y Gao  Y Chen  Y Chen  C Zhao  N Li  C Wang  M Yan  C Lin  J Shan 《Carbohydrate polymers》2012,90(4):1804-1810
A sulfated polysaccharide FEP from marine green alga Enteromorpha clathrata was extracted with hot water and further purified by ion-exchange and size-exclusion chromatography. Results of chemical and spectroscopic analyses showed that FEP was a high arabinose-containing sulfated polysaccharide with sulfate ester of 31.0%, and its average molecular weight was about 511kDa. The backbone of FEP was mainly composed of (1→4)-linked β-l-arabinopyranose residues with partially sulfate groups at the C-3 position. In vitro anticoagulant assay indicated that FEP effectively prolonged the activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin time. The investigation demonstrated that FEP was a novel sulfated polysaccharide with different chemical characteristics from other sulfated polysaccharides from marine algae, and could be a potential source of anticoagulant.  相似文献   

Since the last glacial maximum (LGM), many plant and animal taxa have expanded their ranges by migration from glacial refugia. Weeds of cultivation may have followed this trend or spread globally following the expansion of agriculture or ruderal habitats associated with human‐mediated disturbance. We tested whether the range expansion of the weed Silene vulgaris across Europe fit the classical model of postglacial expansion from southern refugia, or followed known routes of the expansion of human agricultural practices. We used species distribution modeling to predict spatial patterns of postglacial expansion and contrasted these with the patterns of human agricultural expansion. A population genetic analysis using microsatellite loci was then used to test which scenario was better supported by spatial patterns of genetic diversity and structure. Genetic diversity was highest in southern Europe and declined with increasing latitude. Locations of ancestral demes from genetic cluster analysis were consistent with areas of predicted refugia. Species distribution models showed the most suitable habitat in the LGM on the southern coasts of Europe. These results support the typical postglacial northward colonization from southern refugia while refuting the east‐to‐west agricultural spread as the main mode of expansion for S. vulgaris. We know that S. vulgaris has recently colonized many regions (including North America and other continents) through human‐mediated dispersal, but there is no evidence for a direct link between the Neolithic expansion of agriculture and current patterns of genetic diversity of S. vulgaris in Europe. Therefore, the history of range expansion of S. vulgaris likely began with postglacial expansion after the LGM, followed by more recent global dispersal by humans.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean Sea (0.82% of the global oceanic surface) holds 4%-18% of all known marine species (~17,000), with a high proportion of endemism [1, 2]. This exceptional biodiversity is under severe threats [1] but benefits from a system of 100 marine protected areas (MPAs). Surprisingly, the spatial congruence of fish biodiversity hot spots with this MPA system and the areas of high fishing pressure has not been assessed. Moreover, evolutionary and functional breadth of species assemblages [3] has been largely overlooked in marine systems. Here we adopted a multifaceted approach to biodiversity by considering the species richness of total, endemic, and threatened coastal fish assemblages as well as their functional and phylogenetic diversity. We show that these fish biodiversity components are spatially mismatched. The MPA system covers a small surface of the Mediterranean (0.4%) and is spatially congruent with the hot spots of all taxonomic components of fish diversity. However, it misses hot spots of functional and phylogenetic diversity. In addition, hot spots of endemic species richness and phylogenetic diversity are spatially congruent with hot spots of fishery impact. Our results highlight that future conservation strategies and assessment efficiency of current reserve systems will need to be revisited after deconstructing the different components of biodiversity.  相似文献   

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